As Dreamers Do Part Deux

UPN and Fox both still have after-school blocks. But right now Fox's after-school block consists of syndicated reruns of non-Disney and non-Fox material.

Paramount is still very thin on family properties outside of Charlotte's Web, Ghostbusters, Arthur, the old Quality Comics superheroes, the Sega characters and some BBC franchises. So UPN might still feel a need to license stuff from its rivals.
Parmount may also own the tunder cats which was coproudction of rankin bass and a company call lesuire compacts ( Lesuires compants latter branched out into ainme dubbing and renamed four kids enterment) If parmount owns thunder cats i hope hope they won't cancell the promsing thunder cats 2011 version after one season. Due you think that parmount lack of childerns ips may lead them to creat the seond thunder cats show a few years efore 2011. Is have the 2011 elven thundercats reboot comeout in 2008 plausable. Also heard of a rank bass show called sliver hawks. IT was less succesful then thunder cats but a reboot was annocned in 2021 otl . Here's a link to the sliver hawk page
DOA: Dead or Alive will be coming out in theatres. Could that film be salvagable or is it just complete trash?
Well DOA began life as an actual fighting game series but then became mostly a TNA series focused on sex appeal. I’d say make it an action movie about ninjas and a joint American Chinese and Japanese production that has maybe one memorable scene of the cast playing volleyball that turns intense when they use their fighting skills like that scene in top gun. Also treat Ryu Hayabusa with a little more respect. Maybe he’s the epitome of a cool ninja and you only see his eyes. I say this in case someone wants to make a Ninja Gaiden movie.
I am another guy who wants to move on from potty humor (since, come on, this isn’t a place for an 8 year old to visit.) And it happened 6 years ago ITTL. 6 years is a long time not to move on from something.
Today IOTL, Kevin Conroy and Leo Gallagher have both passed away.

ITTL, Conroy has been the voice of Batman in most animated iterations since 1992 and will reprise his role in The Batman for CBS this fall.

Gallagher ITTL is still doing stand up as of 2007.
Any ideas on who you want to star in Prime 2? And a storyline?
The cast continues from Carolco's 2005 Tim Story hit Prime. Mark Wahlberg continues to star, joined by Doug Jones as the Firearm.
The storyline is that the Prime crew prepared whereas Firearm joined in the team as we approached the city and decided to escape the town as Firearm decided to make in the way to the rescue.
Tmy Story is directing from a script by Don Payne and Mark Frost.
Today IOTL, Kevin Conroy and Leo Gallagher have both passed away.

ITTL, Conroy has been the voice of Batman in most animated iterations since 1992 and will reprise his role in The Batman for CBS this fall.

Gallagher ITTL is still doing stand up as of 2007.
Rest In Paradise to both of them.

Treehouse of Horror XVII
First aired on Fox on October 5, 2006

This year's Amusing Tombstones: The Weinstein Administration, The Jacksonville Jaguars, MyNetworkTV, The Virginia Rhinos, Saturday Night Live, KMFDM

On October 8 during halftime of Fox's Sunday Night game between the Los Angeles Rams and Las Vegas Raiders, aka Brady vs. Belichick, viewers got to see an early teaser for The Simpsons Movie, which comes out in the summer of 2007.​

Quick question. Are the Treehouse of Horror episodes like this one mostly the same as IOTL or did they have different segments parodying various movies/TV shows featured here thus far?
Quick question. Are the Treehouse of Horror episodes like this one mostly the same as IOTL or did they have different segments parodying various movies/TV shows featured here thus far?
Most TOH episodes are the same but there are a few segments that do comment on events that happened ITTL. In 2000, there was a TOH segment that aired a month before the Presidential election which predicted the disaster that awaited America's women under a Harvey Weinstein presidency. Since then, Harvey was elected twice to the White House and resigned halfway into his second term. Because of that, that segment in particular has yet to reair in syndicated reruns.
Most TOH episodes are the same but there are a few segments that do comment on events that happened ITTL. In 2000, there was a TOH segment that aired a month before the Presidential election which predicted the disaster that awaited America's women under a Harvey Weinstein presidency. Since then, Harvey was elected twice to the White House and resigned halfway into his second term. Because of that, that segment in particular has yet to reair in syndicated reruns.
Harvey... Weinstein...?

Yeah, ITTL he was elected president in 2000. I actually forgot he had resigned, but I think it had something to do with Hurricane Katrina.

Come to think of it, who’s the current president of the U.S. now?
Yeah the Katrina fallout prompted his resignation.

The current President and the 44th is Nancy D'Alesandro (known as Nancy Pelosi IOTL).