Recent content by jackson3

  1. jackson3

    A Difference Of Fate: A Late Roman Timeline

    Why are you so desperate for paganism to survive? :confused:
  2. jackson3

    A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia

    Yet somehow, the people on this site always want to butterfly Jesus at the same time.
  3. jackson3

    Impact of Surviving WRE instead of ERE

    You mean sponsoring learning and making records and preserving roman knowledge? Later building the first universities and encouraging experimentation, developements in mathematics and linguistics? The so called Dark Ages were called such because we have a derth of written material from the...
  4. jackson3

    A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia

    There is a reason why, when the Gospel of John was translated to Chinese; John 1:1 was translated as "In the beginning was the Dao. And the Dao was with God. And the Dao was God."
  5. jackson3

    A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia

    Lao Tzu definitely. He's considered by a fair few to have been the closest any man came to God through his philosophy, without divine revelation . Of course by that they mean his original philosophy as written, not the many cults and immortality claimants that came later. Confucious I have a...
  6. jackson3

    Alternate History: Explain the historical event

    A distinctly odd legal debacle when a descendent of Joseph Smith took over leadership of the Mormon Church. Nicknamed Hamurabi for his insane legalism. He became delusional and renamed the Utah branch to the Holy Kingdom before suing the State for the right to build a Palace of Law on Public...
  7. jackson3

    A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia

    It was only popular because the Sassanids promoted it as a way to split the Native church off from their Roman counterparts, it would be highly unlikely to be as popular a Christological doctrine ittl.
  8. jackson3

    An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    You mean the word that was originally used to describe the sport before the name was arbitrarily changed out of spite? :openedeyewink:
  9. jackson3

    The Eternal Empire

    You seem to have an issue of referring to roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy as if the great Schism had already happened. By this point bboth were the same church only differing by liturgical practice. Not even the major early point of contention in the filioque had happened yet. And with the...
  10. jackson3

    A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia

    Because greek was the Ligua Franca of the Near and Middle East for Centuries at this point. Heck it was even used with some regularity even in the Persian Empire for some time.
  11. jackson3

    The Eternal Empire

    Ooh, I've been waiting for a thread like this for a long time. Justinian with a direct heir who is raised competent should definitely help with keeping the empire away from the instability that followed from Justin and the death of Maurice.
  12. jackson3

    An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    Seriously? A starwars quote? I thought you were stopping with that kind of thing after the whole Lord of the Rings thing during the war with Timur.
  13. jackson3

    Roma Renovata est: A Roman TL

    All of you stop spamming up the damn thread
  14. jackson3

    A Difference Of Fate: A Late Roman Timeline

    Would it be possible to have map of recent progress for this. I'm starting to lose focus on who controls what right now.
  15. jackson3

    The Justiniad --- A Heraclian Timeline

    One must remember that the wine is the blood of Christ poured out for mankind. To water it down is to water down Christ's blood ie his very nature. Which has implications of monophysitism which was not looked kindly upon by the Chalcedonian Church. Everything it Christianity in it's own way...