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  1. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI: Jack Grimm discovers the wreck of the Titanic

    For some background, in 1981, 82, and 83 oil tycoon Jack Grimm funded multiple expeditions to find the wreck of the RMS Titanic. While the expeditions did not bear fruit at the time, due to technical problems and poor weather, with what we now know about the wreck site, we know that his search...
  2. Crunch Buttsteak

    What would the Apollo program’s “K missions” have entailed?

    ...of Apollo 15, 16, and 17, which featured longer stays on the surface and more complex surface operations than the previous H missions (12, 13*, & 14). So in a situation where the Apollo program continues for at least another 3 missions, what would a mission profile for a “K mission” be like?
  3. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI: RMS Titanic collides with SS New York during departure.

    When Titanic was leaving Southampton, her displacement was enough to pull the New York and Oceanic free from their moorings and New York almost collided with the Titanic had it not been for the quick intervention of a tugboat to prevent a collision. What would have happened if Titanic and New...
  4. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI: Apollo 13 service module SM-109 blows up before launch

    Pretty much what it says, during preflight testing of SM-109 oxygen tank 2 ruptures in either the Operations and Checkout Building, VAB, or on the pad. How long does this delay the flight of Apollo 13, what knock on effects does this have on the rest of the Apollo program?
  5. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    You could always have the meltdown Chernobyl would have had happen to a different RBMK reactor like Ignalina or Leningrad. The design flaws meant that an RBMK reactor going into a low power state could explode like OTL Chernobyl did, it was only a matter of time.
  6. Crunch Buttsteak

    AHC: Skylab reboost mission between 1974 and 1979

    What would it take for NASA to launch a mission to Skylab to reboost it into a higher (but still accessible by the shuttle) orbit sometime between the end of Skylab 4 and when it’s orbit decayed and it reentered the earth’s atmosphere in 1979? Would the reboost mission have to be manned? Does...
  7. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    Any chance of David Gerrold’s Blood and Fire script for TNG making it off the ground ITTL?
  8. Crunch Buttsteak

    DBWI: The Los Angeles River fully channelized

    Back in 1938 there had been a massive push after the flooding of the LA River to encase the river in concrete in order to prevent future floods. This never came to fruition but it did produce some fascinating concept drawings of a fully concrete river, as opposed to the concrete floodwalls we...
  9. Crunch Buttsteak

    DBWI: Avengers Endgame not delayed into 2020

    Pretty much what it says, what would have happened if Avengers Endgame didn’t get delayed and managed to be released in 2019, before the COVID pandemic? How would that have affected the film industry?
  10. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI the Germans in WW2 used the V1 weapons against the D-Day landing sites/fleet?

    The V-1 had a CEP of 31 km in the early war and 11 km by the end. The guidance system was extremely crude and couldn’t account for targets that move. all this really adds is a bunch of loud, sporadic, and inaccurate buzz-bombs that might or might not hit something. plus the allied landing...
  11. Crunch Buttsteak

    DBAHC: Russian-controlled Königsberg

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Can you work out a scenario where the city of Königsberg is in undisputedly within Russian territory by the end of the 20th century?
  12. Crunch Buttsteak

    DBWI: Taft-Hartley veto is overridden

    Looking back, the attempt to pass Taft-Hartley Act is considered the ur-example of anti-union overreach, by passing a bill that would have severely undercut the hard-won power of unions in an attempt to restore the pre-depression status quo. How would history have turned out if that Congress...
  13. Crunch Buttsteak

    The Internet Wars TL

    Fun fact, on the disc for Pikmin is a Windows executable that runs a debug version of the game. Though in that case the executable is running in OpenGL mode and not DirectX.
  14. Crunch Buttsteak

    DBWI: Rosa Luxemburg assassinated

    Exactly what it says on the tin, how would history have played out if Friedrich Ebert’s collaborationist plot to have the far right freikorps kill Rosa Luxemburg in 1919 had succeeded? Would the SPD have had a greater success electorally if they had successfully killed the KPD’s rising star...
  15. Crunch Buttsteak

    DBWI: What if the Kronstadt Rebellion failed?

    Who’s Stalin? *furiously searches* Dzejughashvili?! Were you just trying to find the most obscure figure from the old Bolsheviks to go with? The Red Navy would still be a huge part, if only to prevent the Baltic or Bosporus from being blockaded by reactionary states.
  16. Crunch Buttsteak

    DBWI: What if the Kronstadt Rebellion failed?

    Who would lead the Soviet Union in this timeline? Trotsky? Bukarin? Molotov? I shudder to think of what the USSR would be like without Petrichenko at the helm. OOC: Good luck OP, a lot of people on here are functionally unable to imagine the USSR without the usual trappings of authoritarian...
  17. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI: Japan Joins the Non-Aligned Movement after Castle Bravo Incident

    Again, Castle Bravo and the Lucky Dragon No. 5 incident was a huge deal in Japan, with people calling it a second Hiroshima. It’s why Godzilla was made. I got the idea for this WI after watching this documentary: What I’m asking is what if the political fallout if that test permanently...
  18. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI: Japan Joins the Non-Aligned Movement after Castle Bravo Incident

    The actual non-aligned movement hasn’t actually been founded yet by this point, so Japan would have a very clear hand in shaping what the NAM could actually be. So rather than just dismissing the premise out of hand, how would the latter half of the 20th century be shaped by a major power...
  19. Crunch Buttsteak

    WI: Japan Joins the Non-Aligned Movement after Castle Bravo Incident

    The US “Castle Bravo” nuclear test in 1954 was a disaster due to a shifted wind pattern that day and an unexpectedly high yield. As a result, the inhabitants from several nearby islands had high incidences of cancer and radiation sickness from the fallout. Also caught in the fallout was a...
  20. Crunch Buttsteak

    Black Gemini: Two Stories of the Secret Second Life of America's Second Capsule

    Just because her reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside doesn’t mean that she can’t handle what the other astrospies can.