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  1. Interesting Find

    Is it bad that whenever I hear/read that I immediately start playing the Danny Elfman theme music in my head? It's like a Pavlovian response...
  2. Interesting Find

    Not a bot? If that's your curiosity?
  3. Interesting Find

    Bump for another update in a similar vein. This one has Batman!
  4. Why no love for Japan?

    It's been quite a while since I've segued into one of these discussions, but based on what I've seen so far I'll throw a couple things out there. There's been a good deal of discussion regarding the roots and evolution of militarism in Japan, but less discussion of the roots and evolution of...
  5. Interesting Find

    IIRC, Lucas at one pointed wanted Welles for the part, but either couldn't get him or changed his mind about it. I think the same thing was true of Toshiro Mifune.
  6. Interesting Find

    Greetings all! I was meandering about the internet and stumbled across the below link. It reminded me of this place and I felt behooved to drop it by for your perusal. Now I'm all nostalgic. Might have to get back in the old AH game.
  7. A World Of Laughter, A World Of Tears

    I think that either Stat or someone else if he can't do it should collect all the updates into a single narrative, so we don't have to sift through all the pages to get to them individually.
  8. No Sakoku Policy...a Catholic Japan

    Back on topic. I've noticed a number of people citing the propensity for Catholicism to appropriate indigenous cultural elements and religious traditions as tools for promoting conversion. This is true and untrue. Yes, there is precedent for this occurring, however most of the examples one will...
  9. Alternate Roles for Well Known People.

    All of my contributions to date: Christopher Latore Wallace - Bestselling American author, known for his gritty, hard-hitting portrayals of growing up and living in inner-city New York in his semi-autobiographical novels The Cocaine Diaries and the Pulitzer-winning Notorious. A collection of...
  10. DBWI: Nixon elected POTUS in 1968

    He certainly had an excellent chance of taking the GoP nomination and the Presidency. I'm not sure where you're getting the idea of him ending the war, though. Nixon the anti-communist bulldog? There's no way he'd just let the NVA walk over SE Asia. No, I think that under a Nixon presidency...
  11. DBWI: US presidential election, 1968

    I have to say, while I'm not completely comfortable with Kennedy's more radical leanings, I can't in good conscience vote for Reagan. Not when I have two uncles in Vietnam. One was already wounded, and I just don't think my mother could take it if anything else were to happen. I'm not one of...
  12. Compromise Peace to End Sino-Japanese War?

    "Collapse" is a very relative term. At this time there were three different governments all laying claim to being the "legitimate" one. There was collaborationist government set up by the Japanese in occupied Beijing under KMT-defector Wang Jingwei, the KMT government-in-exile operating out of...
  13. Compromise Peace to End Sino-Japanese War?

    Hendryk really hits on the key point, there isn't just one China that Japan has to make peace with, its two. On the one hand, it would benefit Chiang to just get the Japanese off his back so he could deal with Mao. Worthy of note is that he largely ignored Japanese encroachments into Manchuria...
  14. A World Of Laughter, A World Of Tears

    Thank you so much :p I return from long absence and this is what I am greeted with.
  15. WI Nixon forgoes '68 run?

    We discussed this upthread...
  16. WI Nixon forgoes '68 run?

    I'm sorry if I came off as pedantic, but I've found in my years of posting here that you can't always assume that people are familiar with the background beyond a cursory level; I've seen a lot of misconceptions bandied about based on applying contemporary sensibilities to a historical scenario...
  17. WI Nixon forgoes '68 run?

    It was not my intent to do so. Not really sure where you're getting that from. If your own expertise is so respected, however, then there is clearly no need of me here.
  18. WI Nixon forgoes '68 run?

    A number of points to address. First, how does Kennedy survive? Simply quoting "the butterfly effect" is insufficient, but there are ways to accomplish this. Given the altered playing field of the election campaign, it is inevitable that changes will be made in the stump schedules for the...
  19. A World Of Laughter, A World Of Tears

    And a very happy birthday to President Walter Elias Disney! Pity we probably won't get to find out how it ends.
  20. April 1961.Consequences of US Cuba invasion.

    A number of points to be addressed on this topic. I must concur with the position that a U.S. invasion of Cuba in '61 (an important distinction compared to the next year, when the dynamics of the situation are dramatically different), being as it was squarely in the U.S. sphere of influence and...