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  1. Peshawar Lancers Redux: North Africa and the Middle East

    The French were considering invading Libya but only some problems that they were having with native tribes in the areas currently under French control caused a delay. The Italians then decided to act so as to secure control of Libya. Needless to say the Italian invasion proved to be...
  2. Peshawar Lancers Redux: North Africa and the Middle East

    The force of the German -Austro-Hungarian Empire managed to smash their way into Istanbul which was once again renamed Constantinople. The Imperial forces had smashed the Ottoman army leaving the shattered remains trying to flee across the straits. The Generals had gained larger and...
  3. Peshawar Lancers Redux: North Africa and the Middle East

    The Fall would have a major impact on the entire North African-Middle East Region Britain and France had been involved in Egypt especially with the construction of the Suez Canal. The Ottoman Emprie's control over North Africa had been slipping away for decades and France had control over...
  4. Peshawar Lancers Redux: North America

    With the signing of the agreement work began on improvements to the Americas Canal. The project would provide the Central American Republic with 20,000 new job.Hawaii had 2 battalions of Military engineers working on the project and three Hawaiian and 3 American Companies were involved in the...
  5. Peshawar Lancers Redux: North America

    Talks between the three countries continued. The stumbling block was both the cost and the amount of improvements that were to be carried out. The Government of the Central American Republic also desired an increase in the revenue it received. It wanted 25% of the revenue but Hawaii said...
  6. Peshawar Lancers Redux: North America

    The US,Hawaii and the Central American Republic were now holding talks regarding improvements to what was called The America Canal. Since Hawaii had built the Canal it had a big say regarding the Canal. What was going to be needed was Money as the improvements could end up being costly...
  7. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    The Czech's assured the Austrian Imperial Army that 30 T-39B2 tanks would arrive in Austria from the Factory by June 6,1940. The first 30 of the Hertzer Tank destroyers would arrive by the end of June and 15 more per month for the rest of the year. The tank destroyers would be the first...
  8. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    Technology was moving forward but slowly.The Intelligence Agencies were attempting to find out what was going to happen before it did. Austria had a very good intelligence service but it was finding that to keep up with what the Italians and Russians were up to it would either have to...
  9. Peshawar Lancers Redux: North America

    President Moseby was attempting to rebuilt America's influence in the world. First he wanted to make sure that to fire was out in Mexico and that there would be no further conflict between the various players. He also wanted to insure that the Canal in the Central American Republic was...
  10. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    As work began on the T=25 tank the Czech engineers were not exactly hopeful that the tank would be ready for production before 1942. It was a massive undertaking and some of the ideas were quite revolutionary like an auto-loader. The result was that Austria ordered some improved T-39s and 90...
  11. Peshawar Lancers Redux :Japanese Empire and China

    In 1878 the British Government now located in India ordered a major reinforcement of the Hong Kong Garrison with the sending of 2 Brigades of the Indian Army to the Royal Crown Colony. The Force would consist of 4 Indian Battalions and 3 British Battalions of Infantry, 1 Indian Army Field...
  12. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    Czech engineers were proposing to modify the T-39 tank body and turn it into a tank destroyer with a 75mm gun and had also proposed developing an APC using the tank body. Germany had been offering the Austrians the sdkfz251 half track but there were those in Austria that prefer-ed to...
  13. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    The Czech engineers were working with their Austrian counterparts to design the new tank. The tank was designed the T-25 Medium tank and would be a giant step forward for the Czechs. It would be equipped with a Skoda 75mm gun and would have an auto loader. This would give the tank to rapidly...
  14. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    Austria and Czechoslovkia were now working on a new joint project for a new tank to replace both the T-38 and the T-39. This would be a medium tank armed with a 75mm gun
  15. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    Needless to say Austrian Imperial Intelligence had picked up some of the information about arms sales by Russia and Italy. It contacted the Abwehr and Britains MI-6. Sharing what had been learned and in turn finding out more from the Germans and the British.
  16. Crown Prince Rupprecht for President in 1932

    Germany proposed a treaty that would guarantee the independence of the Ukraine and its borders. It proposed that Germany, Britain <France Poland,Austria,Romania and Russia sign the treaty. Should any party violate the agreement the others would come to the aide of the Ukraine. The Chancellor...
  17. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    The Russians were offering to sell the Italian military more T-34s plus tank destroyers in return the Italians would assist them with the construction of another 2 battleships plus several cruisers and destroyers. It would be a win win situation for both countries. Russia would sell Italy...
  18. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    The Italian Army was divided into two camps those that were impressed by the Russian equipment and those that disliked it. Unfortunately for the latter group the Italian Prime Minister was impressed with the Russian tanks ability to function. Both sides agreed that the Russian tanks gun was...
  19. Rump Austrian Empire after World War I Revised

    Italy purchased a dozen T-34 for testing. The Russians were really hoping that they could get the Italians to buy the tank. No sooner had the Italians purchased the tanks than the British and French began to apply pressure. The result was Balboa signed an agreement to buy 245 more.
  20. Peshwar Lancers Redux: India

    Records showed that the War Office had ordered the delivery of 9 machine guns and 90,000 rounds of ammunition and 3,000 new rifles and 500,000 rounds of ammo for them to be shipped from the Armory in India to Hong Kong along with other supplies.