
  1. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The House of Li and the House Yamato merged? (Tang-Yamato Japanese Conquest/Reconquest of China?)

    What if the House of Li escaped to Japan and intermarried/merged with with the House of Yamato? How would this affect the history of East Asia and is it possible that this could lead to a Japanese conquest of Korea and China?
  2. BigBoy88

    -Project National Glory- Taiwan's reinvasion of the mainland and constructing a feasable timeline

    Hello everyone, I'm new to posting here. And I've been developing a timeline that involves a major event, a North-South China divide/continuation of the Chinese Civil war. From what I've got the TL has some significant key-events changed a few years before in the 40s and 50s, that lead to a...
  3. WI: China ships 10 million women to the US in 1973 So, what if Kissinger takes this as comedy and jokingly accepts, yet to his surprise shiploads of Chinese refugees begin swarming the west coast in the following months? How would the US respond? China wouldn't accept them...
  4. Caloricum

    What if the rebellion of Hou Jing after 548 AD was successful?

    The Liang dynasty was one of the Southern Dynasties, established by Xiao Yan, also known as Emperor Wu of the Liang (r. 502-549). He was a dynamic ruler whose reign was marked by unprecedented cultural and military advancements; the capital, Jiankang (modern Nanjing), became the world's most...
  5. Onedotman

    TLIAW: Beijing Blues - China without Tiananmen
    Threadmarks: Gate of Heavenly Peace

    Most, if not all Tiananmen Square AHs feature China transitioning into either a fledgling liberal democracy or a Russia-like kleptocracy. This time, I would like to try a whole different approach to this PoD...
  6. Dyl7atalthist

    What if the Song dynasty was an overseas colonial power?

    It's somewhat common to see Chinese colonial power timelines but it's almost always during the Ming which due to the culture and society at the time, had no desire to actually turn them into colonies, they just wanted to show off China as a superior power. But the Song had a large population...
  7. WI: Operation Downfall Succeeded

    Would have South Japan and North Japan Divided instead West Germany and East Germany? Would have Anime, Manga and Light Novel Never Exist? Would Have South and North Japan Reunification instead West Germany and East Germany Reunification 1990? Would Have Soviet Invaded Korea? Would Kuomintang...
  8. WI: Cixi Died during the Boxer Rebellion (1900)

    When the army of the Eight Nations Alliance captured Peking in 1900, Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu disguised themselves as peasants and fled to Xi'an. A random thought occurred to me -- what if Cixi had killed herself like the Chongzhen Emperor of Ming when the city fell? (European soldiers...
  9. Chinese Alternate Stories - Are land consolidation the cause of the fall of dynasties?

    Hello everyone, I have been a fan of alternate history stories, and therefore one reason why I have stumbled upon this site. I also love reading chinese alternate history/self insert stories, and I have noticed that most if not all follow a general trend. Land has been increasingly controlled...
  10. jhuro

    WI: A socialist Republic of China in the 1920s?

    Is it possible for the left wing of the Kuomintang to become the dominant player in China during the early warlord period? Perhaps it could end up being a reversal of the OTL Chinese Civil War, with a right-KMT government waging a guerilla war in the countryside. I know Stalin initially...
  11. China WI: Xiong Xianghui gets caught?

    Xiong Xianghui was a CCP spy who worked as a secretary to Hu Zongnan, one of the Nationalists' top generals, sending all sorts of important information regarding KMT moves to the Communist leadership. His biggest contribution to the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War happened in early...
  12. Charles became the Governor of Hong Kong in 1986, ASB or not?

    I came across a book titled "Ever the Diplomat: Confessions of a Foreign Office Mandarin" written by Sherard Cowper-Coles and printed in 2012. He had been the British ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Afghanistan in the 2000s, and most relevant to this discussion, the head of the Hong Kong...
  13. WI: Deng died in 1990/91, before the 1992 'Southern Tour'?

    Let's take a detour from European history and look at some PoDs and possibilities in Asia. Many had theorised about modern Chinese history without Deng, most notably had the Maoist Gang of Four or Hua Guofeng prevailed over the reformists. That is not our main point of discussion today, however...
  14. PC: China becoming first communist nation

    Is it plausible for China to become communist before Russia or in a timeline where the Bolshevik revolution in Russia fails or never happens, or is this ASB territory? China seems to have the ingredients to go communist post 1911 revolution, with alot of poor and oppressed peasants, political...
  15. Ana Luciana II

    AHC: Maximise Chinese Army for Second Sino-Japanese War

    A great deal of ink has been expended regarding the unpreparedness and inefficiency of the Nationalist Chinese Revolutionary Army in the years leading up to 1937. So with as late a POD as possible let’s maximise the Chinese Revolutionary Army in the run-up to WW2. Of course a lot of why the...
  16. Eucalyptus

    What total number of Han settlers could Siberia and Central Asia support?

    If China somehow managed to hold Siberia indefinitely, let's say up to the Yenisey River, and the part of Central Asia that the Qing lost in our reality in the 1870s, I think it would be possible to overwhelm these regions with Han settlers without using ASB. You could already stack up 20...

    The Pacific War if the Munich Agreement Never Happened

    How would the Pacific War change if France never fell to the Nazis and Britain didn't have their hands tied in the Battle of Britain - because both were butterflied by an alternate War in Europe caused by Germany invading Czechoslovakia without the Munich Agreement? For a POD, let's say that...
  18. Could China become a democracy in the 1910s? Shortly after the Xinhai Revolution, mainland China had what was probably the most democratic election in its history, with multiple parties taking part in it, even if only a very small percentage of the population was...
  19. capteuan

    Nine Heavens, Four Seas: An East Asia Timeline
    Threadmarks: Prelude: The Fated Night

    序章 Prelude: The Fated Night It was the night of December 23th, 1673 when the Forbidden City burned. During the Qing conquest of China, many Ming generals defected to Great Qing due to various reasons. These defecting generals, called Xiangjiang(降將), were treated with high respect and...
  20. Timeline for a stronger and more unified Asia

    Pan-Asianist (Minus most of the imperialism) fever dream, basically The way I see this timeline playing out: 1. More successful Freedom & People's Rights Movement ----------------------------------------------------- 2. Industrialized, independent Korea via successful Gapsin Coup...