
  1. captain-wacky

    Timeline-85: REDUX | An alternate rendition of Warner Bros. and pop culture as a whole

    Timeline-85: REDUX well, some of you here are familiar with my old timeline regrading Warner Bros. but this here is a revamped version as I felt the original wasn't fundamentally good enough. if you're unfamiliar with my timeline, let's get you up to speed: - Warner Bros. here keeps MTV and...
  2. captain-wacky

    TL85: What if Warner didn't lose its cable networks?
    Threadmarks: mainline-events

    "ah sweet, another Warner Bros. AU, as if FoxWarner wasn't enough..." well, let me tell you something… ...this AU is completely different from that one. So... Atari just so happened to get nuked thanks to the video game crash and its licensed E.T. video game IRL. and not only did that crash...
  3. AHC: MTV stays focused on music

    Starting out as a channel that showed music-related content in general and music videos in particular, MTV has slowly but surely abandoned its original premise. Granted, some of the non-music programming was and is genuinely good, but that doesn't stop people from waxing nostalgic about the time...
  4. AHC: MTV stays focused on music

    Nowadays, a common refrain among Gen-Xers and Millennials is "remember when MTV used to show music videos"? While far from the only network to stray from its original purpose, MTV is right up there with the History Channel when it comes to infamous cases. Your challenge is to keep MTV primarily...