
  1. Logothete of Cuisine

    No Twenty Years’ Anarchy: A Byzantine TL

    Click here for the first chapter In 695, Justinian II was deposed and the ERE entered a twenty-year long period of instability. Now my question is, how to prevent that? I have thought of several possibilities, including - Justinian II being more lenient with his taxes, eliminating the primary...
  2. PC: Alternate schemes to repay the Fourth Crusade

    So shortly before Constantinople was sacked over Alexios IV's inability to pay the Crusaders what he had promised them, the emperor the Crusaders were hired to overthrow, Alexios III, was contesting his nephew's counter-coup from his power base in Thrace, and at the same time Leo Sgouros was in...
  3. Averious

    Our Fractured Crown: An Eastern Roman Timeline
    Threadmarks: An Author's Starting Word

    "It is easier to find men whom are willing to volunteer themselves unto death, than those whom are willing to endure pain with patience," - Gaius Julius Caesar -- No, your eyes do not deceive you. Yes, I have returned, and yes this is an entirely new thread with the same name as the previous...
  4. Averious

    The Eagle of the East, Rhomania: An Eastern Roman Timeline (1196 - 1245)
    Threadmarks: Part 1; 1196-1198 - The Grypads Rise

    "Let none say that God's Chosen People have not struggled; yet in His Wisdom, we endure through greatness held aloft by our Basileus," - Attributed to Mathew I Psenas, Patriarch of Constantinople, successor of George II, 1204. -- Hello everyone! I've had a timeline of this sort swirling around...
  5. Whiteshore

    No 4th Crusade: How does Byzantium/Rhomania develop?

    In a scenario where either the 4th Crusade was never launched or went to Egypt as originally planned, how would the Byzantine/Rhomanian Empire develop? What are the long-term prospects of their survival without the Fourth Crusade breaking the empire's back? How long does the Angeloi rule over...
  6. Whiteshore

    DBWI: The Battle of Manzikert was a Rhomanian defeat?

    As we all know, Rhomania beat back the Seljuk Turks in the Battle of Manzikert, which led to the Seljuks invading and conquering Egypt, but what if the Rhomanians had been defeated at Manzikert? Would Anatolia have fallen to the Seljuks or would it have merely been another defeat the Rhomanian...
  7. Stolengood

    [POLL] Is the Byzantine Empire a continuation of the Roman Empire?

    Because that topic's gotten just so gosh-darned popular, nowadays...