sharon tate

  1. markedward

    Sam Westwood's Hollywood
    Threadmarks: Beginnings

    Sam Westwood's Hollywood A Timeline by markedward (Based on my prior timeline It Girls, Boys Next Door, Scream Queens, and Dorothy) From the documentary film Sam Westwood's Hollywood (2016) Disclaimer From the time he made his screen debut in the mid-1960's until 1983, there was an actor who...
  2. markedward

    It Girls, Boys Next Door, Scream Queens, & Dorothy: An Alternate Pop Culture Timeline
    Threadmarks: Intro

    A&E BIOGRAPHY, EPISODE "SHARON TATE" (1998) “Sharon Tate started out as a 1960’s “It Girl” in Eye Of The Devil. Despite a few bumps along the way, she became one of the brightest stars of her era…” FROM THE DOCUMENTARY FILM SAM WESTWOOD'S HOLLYWOOD (2016) DISCLAIMER: Between 1965 to 1983...