
  1. WW1 Royals: Did they have rationing?

    This is a weird question that I had, and might be too low-effort, but, here goes... I know that during WW1 and WW2, when rationing was introduced, the British Royal Family received ration cards, and followed rationing just like everyone else (nominally, at least, I've seen anecdotes about food...
  2. Glory For The Homeland - An Alternate History Of The 20th Century From 1914 And Beyond
    Threadmarks: Shots That Would Change The World

    Glory For The Homeland An Alternate History Of The 20th Century From 1914 And Beyond Introduction While officially beginning on January 1st 1901, the 20th Century truly began with the assassination attempt on Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28th 1914. Tensions had already been high between the...
  3. KMT_Enjoyer

    Firestorm of Vienna - 1913

    Firestorm of Vienna - 1913 On an unusually warm day of winter, 1913, in a slum in northern Vienna, a lamp was dropped onto the floor by a strong wind, instantly setting fire to the wooden floor of the men’s dormitory. The window was left opened by a small time Austrian painter, too tired to...
  4. TheDoofusUser

    If the Republicans won in 1916...?

    If the Republicans in 1916, either under Teddy Roosevelt, Charles Evans Hughes, or some third unknown candidate, had won the Presidential Election, what would the 1920s of our timeline look like? I do think that Woodrow Wilson beats Hughes as President before dying in 1921 of a stroke, though I...
  5. Entente Victory in a Central Powers victorious world

    In a scenario where the Central Powers won WW1, how and what will the world think of an Entente victory? Will the world think of an Entente victory as impossible as the Central Power and Axis victory threads criticized as impossible here or something which is possible? Does it matter if the...
  6. [1917] The Arab Counter-Revolt

    Hi all, I have an AH scenario regarding the Middle Eastern theatre of WW1 but need some help fleshing it out. Here is the basis of what I have so far, in a Wikipedia article style...
  7. WW2 with independent Ukraine,Belarus,Caucasus

    After WW1 Ukraine and Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia became independent along with Finland and Baltic states but got conquered by the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war and incorporated into the Soviet Union which invaded by Nazi Germany in WW2 but what if Ukraine and Belarus and...
  8. WI: Outcomes of Britain joining the Central Powers in WW1 in a losing scenario?

    Planning to start a personal Alt-history scenario which includes Britain as a central power, and just wanted some thoughts on what might happen if they ended up losing, as almost every UK central power scenario or discussion entails them winning. So, in a WW1 scenario in which the ending...
  9. The Brotherly War 1917-1918

    I just finished reading a book on Charles I of Austria Hungary and Croatia-Slovenia. I just found out that after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Austria Hungary want to make a separate peace with France. When Germany found out the German General Staff wanted to declare war on Austro-Hungary but...
  10. WI The Imperial Regiment of Foot guards

    The British Army's regiments of Foot guards are perhaps the most famous military units in the world. Instantly identifiable by their red tunics and bearskin hats the five regiments of guards are famous for both for their ceremonial roles in London and for their legendary battlefield successes...
  11. PC: (Russian) February & (German) November Revolutions spiral into civil war?

    Before someone mentions it, I know that both of these revolutions did eventually spiral into civil war, Russia's with dual power and eventually Red October, and Germany's quasi-civil war with constant Communist uprisings, military coups, and general strikes for the first couple years after WWI...
  12. French Defeat but Russian Victory in WW1.

    As we all know in WW1 Russia fell to revolution and soon signed a peace treaty with Germany while France endured to the end, but how plausible is, for a timeline I might write, a reversed scenario in which France surrenders at any point of the war, and possibly falls to some kind of socialist...
  13. What happens to Serbia and Montenegro after a Central Powers victory?

    It is rather unclear what exactly Austria-Hungary intended to do with Serbia and Montenegro after the Central Powers would have won the 'Great War'. The southern part of Serbia will have been annexed by Bulgaria. But what to do with the northern part? Reading about the Kriegsziele of...
  14. Public video of affair of Rasputin,Tsarina,daughters get pregnant

    Rasputin used to go to Olga,Tatiana's beds and grope them. This was reported by the Tsar's sister Xenia to him. So what if he got Tsarina and her daughters pregnant while someone took video of this and made it public in 1913 ? how would this effect Tsar Nicholas II, his reign, his...
  15. Nell_Lucifer

    WI: USA enters WW1 in 1914, Britain in 1917?

    I am not sure how to put it exactly into words but, from what I've read, and what has been discussed in the past on this forum, the rise of the US as a Great Power above the British Empire (and the French one) was pointed at the late involvement of the US in the Great War, while Britain had to...
  16. AHC: Independent Central Asia after WW1

    How could all of Central Asia become and stayed independent in the direct aftermath of WW1 in either ally or central power victory scenario?
  17. WI:Brusilov offensive gets more support

    what if Brusilov gets support, say in a timeline were the northern Russian generals evert and kuropatkin decide to attack at the same time pinning down the germans to the north + Romania enters the war during the offensive in June, would one of these let alone both would have been enough to...
  18. The Legacy of Liege: A Great War TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: The Shots Heard Round the World

    The Shots Heard Round the World Opening narration from Apocalypse: The Great War, voiced by David Attenborough When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrelo Princep in Sarajevo in the year 1914, his death sparked one of the greatest bloodletting's in human history. The...
  19. Grand Duchess Olga Marries Edsel Ford

    what if Grand Duchess Olga Married Edsel Ford ? After Nicholas II wins WW1. Grand Duchess Olga met Edsel Ford while she accompanied her father to Paris when he came to negotiate at versailles and Edsel Ford came gain experience in international relations necessary to expand his father's...
  20. the Israeli Stalin

    What if the German attack in May 1918 was successful?
    Threadmarks: Part 1- war continues

    The German offensive in May 1918 is successful. After four years of fighting, the Germans manage to reach the suburbs of Paris. France and Great Britain are forced to recruit more fighters in order to repel the attack and restabilize the front which is claiming thousands of lives every day...