America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

Winter 2001- A Cyberspace Odyssey
  • Winter 2001- A Cyberspace Odyssey


    The Seattle Monolith

    January would see Bill Clinton go and be sworn in as the 43rd President of the United States of America. Coming in, it would be a relatively peaceful time for Bill Clinton to come in yet he brought with him a form of energy and excitement. After all, he was the first president who was neither Democrat or Republican since President Fillmore and more of one who wasn't of the two major parties since arguably Washington. A breaker of trends, perfect for this new era of the new millenium. Clinton would not rush with dynamism, going over to look over everything on what his predecessor had done. Plans were underway to take the outline for the public ISP created under the Specter Administration and expand upon them with the hopes of finalizing drafts for the plan and beginning its implementation within the first term. At the same time, Al Gore would also take the lead with the initiative of discussing important matters with many prominent tech companies. From the concerns of AOL and Prodigy over the future of their buisnesses and concerns of cable to the questions over Microsoft and its competitors and the like, it's been quite a busy first weeks. And this would not be the only interesting bit of news regarding computer technology to come out. NeXT Inc would announce the release of NeXTunes. NeXTunes was the result of NeXT Inc purchasing SoundJam Inc as they wanted to implement MP3 player software for computers running on NeXT OS and would acquire SoundJam Inc, renaming it. [1] This continued NeXT Inc's focus on software over hardware and expanding their selection to stay in business. Meanwhile, former SoundJam rival in Audion would also be looking over to maintaining in business, with some speculating that Apple would be looking into purchasing Audion in the future. Outside of music, the winter of 2001 would see the release of what many will consider one of the most important websites of all time: Wikipedia. [2]

    Despite all of the rush of the news, it was still quite a slow and peaceful first few months. There was not that much going on in terms of anything majorly concerning, at least for the time being. While there was some concerning reports, such as from the Middle East on the growing conflicts in Saudi Arabia, it was not exactly much of the US's problem right now. It helped that their neighbors were monitoring matters and helping with reports. One humorous bit of news was the installation of a certain piece over in Kite Hill in Magnuson Park of Seattle: a replica of the Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. [3]While quite fitting for the coming of the New Year, it also helped spark the imagination given the growing increase in space exploration by the international community. Another matter regarding the installation of various projects would be the completion of the Oklahoma City National Memorial. The creation of the memorial was authorized by former President Specter to honor the victims, survivors, rescuers, and all who were affected by the Oklahoma City bombing back in 1995 during the administration of President Askew. [4] It would drawn in plenty of visitors and would also be noted for its informal connection to another memorial, that of the Tulsa massacre from decades prior and who had their own rememberance in 1996 and it being nearly 5 years since then. Beyond the shared history of violence, it also served as a reminder of the dangers of extremism and reactionary thought.

    Of course, not everything was necessarily being hunky-dory. Over in England, a concerning epidemic would begin breaking out. [5] That of what was known as "foot-and-mouth disease." An infectious disease that can be fatal, the virus that transmits the disease affects cloven-hoofed animals, including domestic and wild bovids. Symptoms include a high fever lasting two to six days, followed by blisters inside the mouth and on the feet (hence the name)that may rupture and cause lameness. Given that FMD is highly infectious and can be spread by infected animals comparatively easily through contact with contaminated farming equipment, vehicles, clothing, and feed or even with wild or domesticated predators, the disease is a potent hazard for animal farming and thus containment is vital and demanding.[6] The last outbreak was over back in 1967 and alot has changed since then to say the least. Detected over in late Febuary, the growing spread of the viral disease across various parts of England would have some large scale rammifications due to a domino effect regarding tourism and the like as a result. [5] Additionally, given how this occurred back in the past, this would be seen as an important test for the Labour-LibDem government to do their best to manage and try to deal with the virus and avoid the mistakes of the past and something that Prime Minister John Smith would hopefully be able to capitalize on, especially with upcoming elections.


    [1]- Informaton and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Informaton and phrasing from here:
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    [6]- Informaton and phrasing from here:
    Spring 2001- Elephant's Endgame
  • Spring 2001- Elephant's Endgame


    New flag of Mississippi

    As 2001 entered Spring, the economy was slowing down, unsurprisingly given the boom that had been occurring a few years prior and such, the patterns of capitalism would see a slowdown. That said, it would be debatable if such a period could be considered a recession remained unknown to various economists and it would depend on what would be coming. Some have wondered if this slowdown was associated with what was going on in the tech industry, such as with Microsoft's appeal looking more unlikely known to succeed. Though at the same time there was alot to be happy about as NeXT Inc would release their brand new operating system in NeXOS, the successor to NeXTSTEP, now with a heavy redesign to appeal to the new modern aesthetic. With the progress being made with NeXT Inc, it was definitely doing better over than Apple as their merger with Be Inc with BeOS was not yielding as much success as they were desiring, though many were noting that much of this was due to the leadership issues going on. Indeed, the sluggish sales was making it increasingly clear that Apple would be in need of some dire changes to their business strategies, especially given the lack of future plans on moving forward with innovation in future products and the like. As such, the rumors of NeXT Inc possibly buying Apple began to swirl.

    Meanwhile, two major events would be happening in the world, both of them leaving the ground and raising stakes to the stars, but both for very different reasons. The first one was definitely a literal example; the first tourist in space. Dennis Tito. An engineer turned entrepeneur, he would fund his own trip to space, going in the Soyuz TM-32 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. He would spend around a week over in the ISS before returning in the Soyuz TM-31, leaving Soyuz TM-32 over as a lifeboat over on the ISS. [1]The idea of space travel and space tourism helped sparked private interest over in space, which was part of a growing trend of interest in the cosmos' economic prospects. The other major event was metaphorical in terms of the astronomical heights reached, but it was no less vital. Over in the Netherlands, the Act on the Opening up of Marriage goes into effect. In doing so, the Dutch have become the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. This milestone was celeberated by SATMIN folk and their allies across the world and it opened Pandora's box on such questions over in various parts of the world, primarily in Europe and North America. Of course, for the more reserved nations, they knew it was a matter of time before the inertia may come over to them. [1] This would be especially the case in the United States though the questions would start over on the state levels at first. Given the release of last year's Story of Seadogs, it seemed quite appropriate and in fact, rumors began circulating that the film may lead to the Netherlands getting a spot on the EPCOT World Pavilion, the first to be added in a long time.

    Of course, there was various other bits of news as well. The deorbiting of the Russian space station Mir due to it reaching its technological limitations. [1] Mississippi holding a referendum to decide their new flag and after a close race, 55% of people would choose the new flag over the old one, finally replacing the old one, which maintained an aspect of the Confederate flag. [2] Sentiments guiding this decision included what was called "New Millenium Fever", a phenomenon in which people became more open to change and taking changes out of a sense of euphroia influenced by entering the year 2000, though this trend would last for a couple of years past 2000 itself. Moreover, this trend would cause a domino effect regarding long-term choice on the larger scale, influncing economics and politics. A major example would be the creation of a new party, consisting primarily of younger Republicans with support of some retired Republicans and moreover, various independents that had right-wing leanings. This shocking development was initially seen as a breakaway of the party, but it would become clear that it was something far more impactful. It was the beginning of the end for the Republican Party. And yet, the seeds sown for this phenomenon could be traced back years further. Some said this begin with the death of Russel Kirk, a prolific modern figure in American conservatism, defining it after WW2. Others would go even further and said it started with the election of Reagan, what many called the New Right's "Final Folly". Regardless of when, the seeming dying of the Republican Party and the rise of a new party coincided with a new philosophy that was in many ways the old. One touched up for the modern era and forced to confront not just mistakes of the past, but the bigger picture of existence.

    This would be the rise of what the Anglosphere would call neoclassical or neotraditional conservatism. And its first torchbearer, who would already be a distinct example of it... the second Federalist Party.


    [1]- Informaton and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Informaton and phrasing from here:
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    2001- Neoclassical Conservatism
  • 2001- Neoclassical Conservatism

    Neoclassical conservatism, also called neotraditional conservatism, is a social and political ideology that is built on the ideal of keeping society in harmony with the dualistic nature of transcendent moral principles and “natural laws” coexisting in a world of constant change and development. While rooted in traditional conservatism and considered its successor, it also shares many commonalities with progressive conservatism and paternalistic conservatism. It also parallels other certain ideologies such as Christian democracy though with some distinct differences.

    Neoclassical conservatism maintain plenty of stances as their traditional predecessors. They value social ties and the preservation of ancestral institutions above “excessive individualism”. They also value practical reason over theoretical reason, and even emphasize that the former must be used to deal with the changing world. Leadership, authority, and hierarchy are seen as natural to hunanity and the aspects to maintain societal order and to respond in adapting to the changing world. [1] Lastly, they view the state similarly to the traditionalists: a social endeavor with spiritual and organic characteristics.

    However, they also branch off in various aspects to the original traditional conservatives. Convention and tradition are more open to interpretation and even scrutiny. They also view change as a result of the changing world and the perspectives on traditions, citing that the community’s traditions falter when they are viewed as insufficient to deal with societal change or acknowledging failures. They cite a need to adapt as just as important to maintaining traditions and customs and view practical reason as the tool that necessitates adapting to the changing world to maintain a stable society.

    Neoclassical conservatism arose in the early 21st century, primarily as a reaction to what it saw as the failures of fiscal and social conservatism along as an evolution to traditionalism to include the various social reforms and movements that were born in the latter half of the 20th century.

    The ideology would have its roots over in the United States, but would grow to spread out. The ideology is predominant in the greater Anglosphere (and sometimes even called the Protestant counterpart to Christian democracy) along with having notable influence in the Middle East.

    Key Principles
    Neoclassical conservatism is founded on the following major principles. [1] They serve as one of the simplest ways of understanding what the ideology stands for. While many of them are adopted from traditional conservatism, they have been modified along with the inclusion of new principles:

    Natural Law/Religious Faith: The idea of natural law is maintained from traditional conservatism, if not adhered to as rigorously. In fact, it has grown more inclusive to account for the various social changes and acknowledgments of past mistakes. Natural law also serves as a form of secular guidelines to coincide with religious faith. While usually focusing on Christianity due to it background, it can be replaced with other faiths such as Judaism or even Islam or Sikhism. This more open approach was likely the result of the neoclassic conservatism being adopted in various parts of the greater Anglosphere.

    Tradition & Custom: They maintain the belief of ancestors passing down wisdom in the means of traditions and customs into the new generation, but at the same time, this has also meant analyzing what formed those traditions and customs. Not everything passed down is worthy of continuing, as not all traditions or customs were created equal. There is also the understanding that new movements and beliefs may become tradition in the future as all traditions started at some point or another.

    Hierarchy & Organic Unity: They mantain the same beliefs on the importance and natural reoccurence of hierarchy and the importance of structure for leadership and order. At the same time, it is done for the sake of the whole and hierarchies that protect one in the expense of the other have become further targets of critique. There is also on what organized hierarchy, emphasizing the need of accountability and meritocracy.

    Agrarianism: Another principle maintained relatively untouched was agrarianism and maintaining the romantic ideals of the countryside and wilderness. It has been tempered with newer considerations of land and wilderness conservation. The stewardship of the land would be viewed as a duty granted by natural law along with restoring a sense of self.

    Classic Culture: Classic aspects of civilization and romanticizing of the classics also remain part of neoclassical conservatism. While remaining classicists revering high culture, they have become more open on creating new classics, using the new tools to follow in the path of the old. They have also focused on promoting high culture through all mediums, especially with the new possibilities presented in them.

    Local Patriotism: Like their predecessors, the neoclassical conservatives tout the values of patriotism and being devoted to the homeland, while emphasizing the difference between it and nationalism and the associations with it. Loyalty to home and local community remains a high priority. That said, such as guided with practical reason, the need for critique remains importance. After all, a good home requires solid maintanance and fixing, especially with rotten foundations or buried skeletons to be handled.

    Adaptation: Neoclassical conservatives noted that conservatism's past failings have been assuming the world was static. How can conservatism actually exist in a world that keeps changing and with changing people? To the neotrads though, they viewed history as changing in certain paces and for conservatism to truly exist, it must match that pace to maintain the equilibrium and balance. See the world through practical reason and adapt to new circumstances, using the natural laws as guidelines.

    Equity: Born from the recognition of hierarchy as a natural state of being, they acknowledge the different needs of everyone in the hierarchy and thus are granted what is needed to maintain a sense of order for the whole of the hierarchy to function. This has led to them becoming more inclusive for minorities, including SATMIN+ folk along with racial and ethnic minorities.

    Neoclassical conservatism is said to have been born over in the 1990s, with many citing 1994 as the starting point. Many have chosen this point as it was the passing of prominent traditional conservative political theorist Russel Kirk. Kirk's The Conservative Mind is considered as having been the framework for conservatism after World War II for various nations and considered its chief proponent. However, the losses of conservatives throughout American leadership along with his own growing disenchantments would lead to the the decline of the philosophy. Fiscal and social conservatism were examples of new philophies rising up to fill the vacuum, especially as the New Right sought to flock around new figures, such as Ronald Reagan. [2]

    However, fiscal and social conservatism would lose plenty of popularity due to some prominent association with various losses in the Republican Party along with later being viewed as too focused on one issue. Conservative political theory stagnated during the 1980s and early 1990s. As newer minds began writing and rebuilding, that a new guiding philosophy would be. Kirk himself would note this in an RNC award speech months prior to his death, noting how it would be up to the new minds to continue on and he hoped his work could still be relevant. Many neotraditional conservatives or neotrads for short, would look back not just to Kirk, but also to his sources and trying to recouncile it in the contemporary time period, especially with the victory of Arlen Specter, becoming the first Republican president in a while.

    During the development of the philosophy, talks yielded that the faults laid in the perspective over how the world actually is. Here are some various quotes and thoughts associated with the movement:
    > "It is the duty of the government to aid cultivating a good life for the inhabitants of the state. This requires an understanding of duty and hierarchy, without needless sacrifice of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
    > "Tradition and customs did not arise from nothing, but from the trial and error of our forefathers. And when we looked how they came, we saw how different the world of yesterday was to that of today and what will be tomorrow. We can conserve the pillar of society in this changing world, but the pillars' timelessness comes from faith in them. And the loss of faith has been from the failure of upkeeping."
    > "Hierarchy is the social framework for order and stability in a society. Yet, much like any structure, it requires regular maintanace to survive and the neglect of one facet will spread to all. For society to maintain the hierarchy, all facets must be content with the status quo. Ignoring or maintaining the inadequacies will lead to the inevitable fall of this structure."
    > "If you want to conserve and maintain tradition, find out which ones can be maintained and which ones are detrimental to society. Discrimination breeds resentment and leads to the rotting of a structure. It is unbecoming of a true civilized state and people."
    > "Conservatism is a state of mind. A mentality of maintaining dignity within a stucture. It's in the name: to conserve. And as new challenges come, new means of maintanace must be accounted for along with reinforcement along with getting rid of what is no longer needed.
    > "Fiscal conservatism failed because it focused too much on the purse strings and led an unwillingness to invest in long term stability. Social conservatism failed because it tried to force stagnancy on a changing world. The old ways worked best; hence the return to classical conservatism, yet with more wisdom gained from failures.
    Neoclassical conservatism began growing in the early 2000s, with its introduction into the mainstream starting over in the United States. This is seen through the second iteration of the Federalist Party, having been created to serve as a new rightwing party, taking the place of the Republican Party. Neoclassical conservatism would spread over to the Tories of the United Kingdom and the conservatives of Canada first and later Australia. It would also see a rise of interest in certain parts of the extended Anglosphere such as Khalistan and India, both who have variants of neoclassical conservatism shaped by differing faiths and historical contexts.It would also influence parts of the Middle East such as in Iran, seen by some as a respond to the rise of the Neo-Baathist movement that started in the late 1990s.

    In the United States
    Despite being considered the founding location of neoclassical conservatism, the American school remains quite distinct when compared to that of the United Kingdom, Canada or even Australia. Many have attiributed due to the unique history of the US that led to it along with the circumstances. American neoclassical conservatism borrows plenty of inspiration from Christian democracy along with more domestic influences, such as the Southern Agrarians. Prominent figures from America's founding are held in high esteem, notably John Adams (especially for him having never owned slaves) along with Alexander Hamilton, who's influence with the American School of economics along with his beliefs with the Federalist Party was what would help launch the first neoclassical conservative party. Other figures associated would be lauded and noted, such as Henry Clay and Robert Penn Warren would be counted on the ranks for inspiration in philosophy and approach to politics. [2]

    Despite what some considered the lofty ambitions and ideals, the day to day influences were felt and resonated with plenty of conservatives regarding tradition, respect, courtesy and community. Modern leaders like Arlen Specter would be considered stand out examples to imitate and carried the sort of tradition and beliefs over for neoclassical conservatives. One notable difference between the American school and the other schools of neoclassical conservatism would be in faith. While starting out with mainline Protestantism, the Catholic influence of Christian democracy seeped in along with various other faiths and traditions, all due to the massive size and varied cultures of the US. This acceptance and mixing would help win many people over, especially immigrants.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
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    Summer 2001- Violence in Nepal
  • Summer 2001- Violence in Nepal


    Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, King of Nepal (1945-2001)

    The summer of 2001 would be memorable, albeit not for all the best reasons. The world would be stunned over by what would occur over in Nepal, that of what would be called the Nepalese royal massacre. Crown Prince Dipendra of Nepal would kill his father, the king, along with his mother, younger sister and brother, and various other members of the royal family with an assault rifle and then shoots himself. [1] While he briefly survives his suicide attempt, he dies days later. The weeks following up would also be quite a controversial one given the numerous questions going unanswered. This included but were not limited to: the apparent lack of security at the event, the absence of Prince Gyanendra, Dipendra's uncle, from the party (along with the relatively minor injuries for Gyanendra's wife and son); the fact that, despite being right-handed, Dipendra's self-inflicted head-wound was located at his left temple; and finally that the subsequent investigation lasted for only two weeks and did not involve any major forensic analysis. [2] The fact that they declined assistance from Scotland Yard for it added further confusion to it All of this added more concern and instability to the nation given the Nepalese Civil War going on between the monarchy and differing Communist parties of Nepal. These differing branches were the result of disagreements regarding whether to go into electoral politics or not back in 1994. [3] However, things have changed the past 7 years; China has grow more confident and has begun pushing the various communist parties to come together cohesively, even trying to help push for an underlying opportunity. It was a slow process unsurprisingly, especially given the frustration of sectarian decisions. However, with Gyanendra ascending to the throne in chaos, the opportunity was seen. As such, moe and more were the Nepalese communists coming together, and China would try and get the SUSR to help to potentially deal with ideas. All while the world was shocked at the massacre and wondered what laid for Nepal, especially with the political troubles and potential opportunites that laid there.

    While discussions kept being held over the matter, other political movements were occurring. The Labour-LibDem coalition would win reelection over in the United Kingdom though the LibDems would pick up a few more seats and they were having the hope of recreating the success that the American party UCP did with having a centralist party victory. Whether that would be possible is highly debatable as while the United Kingdom may have a new voting system, voting traditions and sentimentalities would take longer to change, especially in jolly ol' England. Despite that, the coalition between the two parties continued, even with the growing disagreements. The Labour Party was trying to find its new identity, especially since the question over the European Union was fading more and more into the background while the LibDems kept trying to entice younger voters and those looking for change. In some additional positive news, the International Olympic Committee would award the right to hoose the 2008 Summer Olympics over to Toronto, making it the second time Canada would host the Olympics, with the last time being in Montrael. Many people were wondering what future cities would host the Olympics after Athens and now Toronto.

    All the while, the Clinton Administration would be hard at work with various changes and organization efforts. Despite the rumors of potential backing down, it would seem that the Clinton Justice Department would follow through and seek the break-up over on Microsoft over in the fall. Many were wondering what would be coming over as a result and if there would be any last minute changes. However, to try and help curb potential concerns regarding the gowing info secor, the Clinton Administration would also be planning to give potential investments, loans or the like with current ISPs such as Prodigy, AOL and the like, especially to coincide with their current development. Meanwhile, the first outlines for the APISP or the American Public Internet Service Providence project was underway with the gathering of information of infratstuctural developments and plannings for it. The idea would be the APISP would be the public option while the private options would be given help to grow and develop, with some speculating that it would be through wireless broadband, but alot of the speculation remained in the air. Beyond that, some other potential plans included mild tax cuts and further inquiries for big tech and other economic involvements down the line. The hope was to try and balance matters and hope nothing disrupts international matters. All the while, new developments would keep on coming. Regarding tech, the rumors of NeXT Inc buying Apple have evolved beyond such and open discussions were occuring. Many believed that this is in response to Microsoft's weakness and the opportunity was present. It was also out of the note that Apple would be approaching more serious trouble soon and that drastic action would be needed. Questions remained on the deal and what would be kept and what would be axed, primarily the BeOS. In further news, the world's first self-contained artificial heart is implanted in an American man named Robert Tools and the hope with this furthering research that more could be done to help people. [1]

    [1]- Information and phrasing:
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    Autumn 2001: The NeXT Age

  • Autumn of 2001 would see a growing amount of developments going on at the time with one of the big focuses being on computers. One of the first would be the public announcement of the development of the American Public Internet Service Providence project or APISP, which would see the government expand on public infrastructure and creating a public broadband internet service for people to use. Vice President Gore touted as especially important as more and more people were using the Internet and thus people should have good access to it without concern for their financial status while also trying to create an enviroment of neutrality to avoid sway or influence by private entities. That said, the private ISPs would not be left out over in the cold. As part of the growing economic investments over into them, the Clinton administration would okay the provision of various grants to ISP companies like Prodigy and AOL to remain viable and with the grants to be used to develop wireless broadband internet, especially given how they liked the advantage of preexisting cable. Certain cable companies felt someone discouraged from entering the field, even with Qwest's assets up for sale due to the various problems with the company including some fruad attempts. Other major technological news would be the finalization of the acquisition of Apple over by NeXT Inc, with Steve Jobs returning to his old position as a conqueror, though the merged companies would be folded over under NeXT Inc. It has been confirmed that this signals NeXT Inc's return to the hardware sector, but did clarify that various NeXT-developed software programs would be applicable across various operating systems, handled by a new subsidary company NeXTernal Software (a play on NeXT and external, referring to these programs needing to also have compatability external of NeXOS). These programs included WebObjects, NeXTunes, and the Macromedia software line acquired from years prior.

    As Apple was being incorporated into NeXT Inc, one massive questioned remained: BeOS and their developers. After all, it has grow a prominent userbase and development and axing it would be viewed as cutting out a competitor so talks were being held on spinning off BeOS into its own subsidary and then selling said subsidary to another company. In the meanwhile though, NeXT Inc's biggest competitor in Microsoft would finally get down to size, with the company being broken up into two companies. The original Microsoft maintaining the development of the Windows OS along with other developments while a seperate unit would be made to handle the development of other software such as Internet Explorer and MSN, with the latter becoming the name for the new company, MSN Software. Despite this, there was nothing stopping the two companies from working together. Additionally, after plenty of pleading and concerns, Microsoft would be able to maintain the exclusivity of Microsoft Office for Windows. That said, rumors have begun that MSN Software may develop a cross-platform equivalent of Microsoft Office. Despite the news that would see Microsoft be divided into two different companies, this would not hinder Microsoft, especially with the release of their newest creation: The Abox. Born from their Atari subsidary, it would see Microsoft enter the video game console market with the Atari name heralding it. The launch titles would be classic Atari games turned into franchises by incorporating new game ideas and approaches, such as Crystal Castles (with Bently Bear becoming the company mascot) focused on platforming and collecting, Swordquest being relaunched with the 4 planned games being remastered and inspired by games like Legend of Hyrule: Ocarina of Time and even Yars' Revenge getting a spiritual sequel series known as Yars Wars, who's gameplay has been compared to Nintendo's Star Fox. This along with the Abox looking for fresh hot talent means that the Console Wars will be heating up, especially with the Abox's secret weapon: Built-in online play. Planned to be launched in the next year, Abox Live would only be the second online network for games, just after SEGA and the Dreamcast's online capabilities, but given it was Microsoft, no doubt trying to establish the benchmark.

    Besides these large developments in the tech industry, alot of news was going on in the world. Though one of them was indirectly with the tech industry, that of the Convention of Cybercrime being signed over in Budapest, Hungary. [1] It served as the first international treaty seeking to address Internet and computer crime (cybercrime) by harmonizing national laws, improving investigative techniques, and increasing cooperation among nations. While various prominent nations such as the SUSR would sign up and were prominent in drafting it, others such as Brazil and India declined to adopt the Convention on the grounds that they did not participate in its drafting. [2] This has led some to speculate of a future drafting down the line as the Internet gains a more tangible shape. Australian politics would keep seeing the system changing and the new status quo coming. In more concerning news, Cuba would be hit hard with Hurricane Michelle, which would see plenty of damage and destruction over to the island nation. [1] A silver lining over from the painful storm would be the cooperation between various nations such as the United States and Russia alongside the other members of the Sovereign Union to lend plenty of aid and assistance over in rebuilding Cuba, which would be seen as a positive sign of international relations moving forward. It seemed that things were finally quieting down...


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:




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    2001: Uprising in Saudi Arabia
  • 2001: Uprising in Saudi Arabia

    November 9, 2001. A date to remember. Over the past several years, most of the world has been absence of tension for the most part. They have finished concluding with large affairs or in the process of doing so, even with nations like North Korea. As such, it seemed that there could be global peace finally being brought about over in the world. However, history does not truly end and some parts of the world remain potential hotspots of conflict. And one of those locales would be none other than Saudi Arabia. Once a prominent ally of the first world during the Cold War, their relevancy would diminish in the face of the growing transition away from fossil fuels, the end of the Cold War and the growing social liberalization which clashes with their particular brand of Islam. Additionally, the loss of Pakistan was also an indirect blow to Saudi Arabia as it would seem to permanantly damage the idea of a nation so dominant in its faith. However, the primary cause of tensions within the nation would be the growing inflexibility of the House of Saud in the face of how they rule. From the concentration of their wealth to the royal family to the dominance of the absolute monarchy over their subjects, the people had alot to be frustrated about, especially as their neighbors were undergoing their own changes. Not only that, but said changes were granting them new opportunities in the post-Cold War world and new acceptance as well.

    And their neighbors were paying close attention.

    Ever since their return, the Neo-Baathists have longed to continue forward with their plans of reform. From their success in working with the prince in Qatar and transitioning into a republic to reaching out to ally with Afghanistan and even their success in Syria, they have been growing their prominence in the region. However, Saudi Arabia remained the grandest prize for them to take. Even if the hope of uniting most of the Arabian peninsula remained outside of their grasp, the desire to still topple the House of Saud remained strong and they helped to contact potential rebellious forces. A growing number of allies would come in to support them and perhaps one of the biggest would be Osama Bin Laden. A prominent son of the very wealthy Bin Laden family, he was once known for having been briefly involved in the Pakistani conflict, only to come out of it heavily disheartned. While a heavily religious man who was drawn in by the "Islamist" beliefs over of the former Pakistan, the violence of the war, the corruption of the leadership and of the faith would break him of that. As he would put it, the witness of intense corruption and violence shocked and disgusted him. While he remained pious, he would end up embracing the idea of secular leadership and the importance of the seperation of religion and politics.

    His beliefs would be further influenced as he would spend time traveling across the Middle East as part of buisness endeavors for his family's company, the Saudi Binladin Group, a powerful construction conglomerate. The successes of Iran and Afghanistan as nationstates would leave an impact on him, especially in talking to some of the people and despite having embraced secular politics and even some Western ideals, they remain close to their faith. Some go further and note that many felt more comfortable abiding by their faith in a secular government since there was a lack of pressure. Even with some of the growing global trends, they felt they could reconcile it on their own terms along with admitting the times the Westerners having a point. Beyond traveling to the Middle East, Bin Laden would go even further and go across Europe and North America, which further had an impact, especially when face-to-face with the experiences of others. Perhaps most of all would be going over to Qater and getting to talk with the Neo-Baathists and their own ambitions. While not in total agreement with them, he came to admire their dedication to reform and their points on the need for people to change and evolve to continue to prosper.

    And it would be in there that the middle-aged man would begin to align gradually with their goals. Some of his family commented on this, noting a certain mellowing out of his ideals while others would joke of him having a midlife crisis of sorts. Regardless, with this, some of the Bin Laden family began heading toward these various reformist groups. The family was divided on the decision, given their ties over with the House of Saud, but on the other hand, the tensions were already there and if nothing else, if things do heat up, they would have an opportunity to go and remain in a position of power regardless of the outcome. As such, the family would reluctantly accept the funds going over toward this endeavor.

    Unsurprisingly, as the new millenium came and the pressures were mounting, the House of Saud would crack down harder, trying to maintain their lingering prestige, but in the face of their declining prominence in world stage and value to their allies, it was difficult to say the least. However, everything would change over in Novemember 9th where the Arabian Liberation Front would be held as thousands of Arabs would flock to join the formal group with the hopes of reformation and bringing change. While there was the hope of transitioning into a consititutional monarchy, the growing contempt against the House of Saud itself made that a very small possibility and it was growing more likely it would be a transition into a republic, with some noting it may resemble more what Iran or even Afghanistan has. The Novemember 9th Revolt would be remembered for the large number of people showing up and the violent response of the Saudi monarchy in trying to deal with them.

    The tensions have boiled over and violence would become the norm. Many would note November 9th 2001 would be the beginning of the Arabian Civil War.
    2001 Overview
  • 2001 Overview

    The 2000s truly began in this time, with plenty of changes being brought on. As President Clinton was signed in, it truly heralded the beginning of a great change over in American politics. It would seem like anything was possible now and it would reinvigorate people to go into politics or groups to go forward with political endeavors. One major change would be the rise of the second Federalist Party, a center-right party that positioned itself as a replacement over for the Republican Party. Being party of a political movement related to a new form of conservatism known as neoclassical conservatism, it promised on being a worthy and honorable politicla party encapsulating the best aspects of America from its beginnings and a return to the roots while maintaining the important milestones achieved in societal reformation. Already various Republican voters and even some politicians began the switch over from the Republican Party to the Federalist Party, especially the younger politicians who believed that they would possess a greater chance of forwarding their careers and having an impact with a brand new political party. While it would still need to work on expressing their driving philosophy and cementing their political positions, it was already drawing in plenty of positive attenton. Many wondered how long something similar may happen to the Democrats, though the Democrats have lacked the same sort of volatile problems as the GOP had. All the while, the United Central Party celeberated their victory and being considered an official major party and the Clinton Administration beginning their work. For the most part, it was a focus on the technological such as infrastructure development and finishing up on some leftover stuff from the previous administration. It was unknown what further plans the Clinton Administration would be having, but it seemed for the most part on economic development and some modest liberal policies.

    This would also be seen in parts of the Anglosphere as some conservatives over in the United Kingdom and Australia along with Canada to a lesser extent would learn from and adopt neoclassical conservatism. For many of them though, it was actually quite simpler since it would be viewed as polishing familiar ideas already present such as Canada with Red Toryism becoming the norm while the UK would see it as the returning prominence of the ideals of the High Tories as well as Tory democracy, though with some concessions made to deal with the new paradigm estabished. Some saw this rising prominence as a reaction to the electoral victories going on, such as the maintanance of the Labour/LibDem alliance in the UK or the victory of the left in Australia once more. Beyond this, international politics had been calm for the most part though the massacre in Nepal was quite shocking and the beginnings of civil war in Saudi Arabia left governments preparing to deal with the inevitable spike in petrol prices that would no doubt be coming from this. While more and more nations have begun the transition away from fossil fuel dependency in their infrastructure, the chaotic prices that would come from the conflicts in Saudi Arabia would no doubt be the kick in the pants for the stragglers to push forward to catch up while those further ahead can test if their preparations were adequate enough. Beyond this though, there was still a large scale sense of hope for peace to win out in the world. People came together to help out Cuba and there was a lessening of international tensions, with people focusing over on economic growth and societal progress. Special focus is going into China and North Korea in their endeavors. General Secretary Zhao Ziyang mainains his position in promoting democratic reforms in the nation, even if weakening the CCP and ending the one-party nation rule while North Korea would nearly be approaching the second phase of their unification efforts with South Korea. Kim Yong-ju would be approaching the end of his tenure of five years, having led the efforts of de-Kimification in the nation, something to be continued by his future successor, Kim Pyong-il.

    Film in 2001 would be quite a motherload of plenty of good films, with the biggest memorable ones being not one, but two Star Wars films. The circumstances behind these films was a bit unorthodox, but it was George Lucas being torn between whether to make a sequel to the original trilogy or a prequel. While the latter was in development longer, the former would be considered too enticing to pass up and the concern should anything happen to the main cast. However, in trying to make both films at once, George Lucas would be forced to delegate alot of the work, which many believed contributed to the success of both films. That said, both weren't meant to come out in the same year, having only done so because one was delayed in release. The first one to come out would be Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Having been delayed by a year and a half, this would mark the start of a trilogy serving as the background for Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, the man who would become Darth Vader. The delays were due to script-writing and trying to settle the direction of the film, especially with the concerns on pacing. The film would see a young Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and his Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) stumble upon the beginnings of a conspiracy that makes them realize that after a thousand years of peace, the Sith may be returning. Circumstances would lead them to a harsh desert world and meeting Anakin Skywalker, the son of a slave with a strong connection to the Force. While he would impress the Council with his potential, the harsh background he had as a slave along with having to leave behind his mother hint at the fertile ground of the Dark Side. All the while, the two would meet up with other important characters, including a young political figure in Padme Amidala and Jar Jar Binks, an eccentric and seemingly goofy member of the Gungans, a race of amphibious aliens of Naboo. While initially planned as comic relief with hints of a greater role, his lines and direction were rewritten so that his more secretive and suspicious side was notable for the audience, especially when left alone or with the droids. Even lines were rerecorded, such as his banishment being by an accident sounding more like a dodgy answer. All the while, the Sith moved in the background. The film would also have fan favorite Darth Maul come and antagonize the group, even killing Qui-Gonn Jinn at seemingly the cost of his own life, though he was never shown to have died onscreen. The film would do fairly well as people were impressed with the world-building in the setting and new characters such as Darth Maul, Qui-Gon and so on. The effects were also applauded as Yoda would be portrayed with a mix of animatronics and CGI to make him look realer than the original films along with being able to do more subtle facial cues. There was some faults, with some noting that Anakin's actor was not wholly utilized the best, though this was attributed to the writing team and Jar Jar was seen as divisive initially, only for the fanbase to realize that this was intentional, serving more that he was not what he seemed. Additionally, the film would be accompanied with the news of a potential Star Wars television series in the works, but little was known about it, outside of it focusing over Anakin and Obi-Wan. Not even the medium was known for right now.

    The second Star Wars film would be Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. The film would borrow heavily from the famous Thrawn trilogy written by Timothy Zahn though having to be changed with setting. Set 15 years after the events of Episode VI, it would see the New Republic try and rise from the ashes while warring against the remnants of the Empire, known as the Imperial Front, led by Grand Admiral Thrawn, a ruthless military tactician. After a cold war, the conflicts would rise up when both sides learn of a secret base far-off created by Emperor Palpatine containing a secret cache of information, with both sides racing for it along with the underlying mystery and the reflection of the time past. It would also explore how the characters have grown, from Leia handling being a politician back to military commander, her and Han Solo's complex relationship, Luke struggling with rebuilding the Jedi Order and the introduction of Mara Jade. A Force sensitive assassin, she serves as a foil over Leia and a prominent character in her right, struggling with her past being tainted in serving as the Hand of the Emperor along with her with relationship with Luke. Writers wanted to have the two meet up, but noted that with the ages of the cast now, it would be difficult to justify it. That said, her actress did a phenomenonal job of selling the character and making it seem like a natrual fit, along with her and Mark Hamil getting good chemistry. Many noted that despite the film's rough patches, it possessed plenty of charm in seeing the cast reunite and set up plenty of seeds for future stories. In fact, given how there was an overarching mystery throughout the film, the lack of details and time used to catch up served as a surprisingly good hook. Both the protagonists and the audience have to refamiliarize themselves and get used to the new status quo. Fascinatingly enough, one of the questions left unanswered was on if any of the main characters have become parents, something which the writers have dodged and left the fans speculating. Some even believe this was intentional so the writers could guage whether or not to introduce the potential children as characters. Regardless, the film would be see as a fun returning to form and setting the background for a new status quo in the galaxy.

    Besides the massive bombshell of having two different Star Wars films, there were plenty of standout hits to be enjoyed. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring would manage to be in the top three with both Star Wars films for the highest grossing films. Provoking classics like A Beautiful Mind and Memento would dazzle and intrigue audiences alongside more flashly and exciting films like Ocean's Eleven. However, beyond fantasy and science fiction ruling the box office, animation would also reign well over in the theater. Disney would release Monsters Inc over with Pixar and then also switch directions to a more action-oriented film in Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Propped up as a change of pace, it would be fun and thrilling adventure with gorgeous animation and promoted pretty heavily thanks to enthusiasm on the creative side. In one creative move, the Atlanteans would have their own unique language, created by the same man who made Klingon. Disney being Disney, would go further and add two songs within the film, one being an Atlantean lullaby sung by Kida and the second a requiem for the emperor. There was some controversy due to back-stage politicking that has been resolved though led to approx 30 minutes being cut from the film, including a cut third song meant to be a more joyus song of celeberation. However, Dreamworks would also show them up over with Shrek. A satrical fairy tale starring the ogre of the titular name, it was meant as a jab over at Disney's classic affairs with the antagonist in Lord Farquad being supposedly a cariacature of Katzenberg'sformer boss in Eisner. Not much is known though some have noted that Eisner has decided to increase more over for the film's animation budgets, seemingly determined to show him up. Shrek would become a beloved classic along with popularizing "All Star" by Smash Mouth. Betwixt Sun and Moon would also be released near the end of the year. An adaptation of the Norwegian fairy tale "East of the Sun and West of the Moon", it would focus on a young woman who goes on a journey to rescue her beloved, who was cursed to become a polar bear, from being engaged to a troll princess. The film would be applauded as a wonderful return to form for traditional Bluth films with a healthy budget and going for a more obscure fairy tale. The creative use of of CGI for the spirits of wind and other effects was applauded. The film also had a trailer for the upcoming Bluth Dreamworks film, Satyrday, which would lead to growing calls for more copies of the book.

    Television would keep growing with new shows and ideas. Cartoon Network would push further for adult animation with the block [adult swim] being released over this year. Shows like Scrubs, Band of Brothers, Reba and Degrassi: The Next Generation would become stand out hits while Disney would seem to make a potental return for teen drams with Lizzie Mcguire though with special care regarding the well-being of the actors and actresses. Animation would also be doing quite well with a slew of new shows. With the success over Wonder Woman: The Animated Series, a Justice League show would be made, borrowing from the legendary Grant Morrison run of JLA. Besides starring the big three of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, the League would consist of Barry Allen as the Flash, John Stewart and Hal Jordan as the Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Enrichetta Negrini as the Atom. The show would quickly rise to popularity with the dynamics of the team balancing out, especially with the Season 1 finale, "Lightfall." Released at the same time as the final issue of the Green Lantern comic run, it would be quite a shocking development as it would show the heroic sacrifice of Hal Jordan, both in the comics and in the episode, bringing tears to the eyes of many. It would also fully cement John Stewart's place as the Green Lantern of Earth (as plans to write off Hal Jordan were in the works for years) and in the comics, also fully promoting more Kimiyo Hoshi as the next Green Lantern. Other shows included Samurai Jack and Time Squad over on Cartoon Network while the Toonami bloc would get some new shows, notably Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop, both of whom would become such standout hits they would remain consistent reruns on the bloc. This would coincide with Toonami being shifted regading their timeslot, going in the evenings, but before [Adult Swim]. Nickelodeon would introduce some breakout hits with Fairly Oddparents along with Invader Zim. Overall, not much was going about though there was one big bit of news. Over in the United Kingdom, the BBC would be airing the long-awaited television adaptation of J.K. Rowling's popular children's book series, Hermione the Witch*, with Season 1 focusing on the first book, Hermione the Witch and the Philosopher's Stone. Created during her poorer years, the book starred a girl named Hermione who would discover her magical lineage and go to Hogwarts, a school for wizardry and witchcraft. A boarding school mystery series with elements of magic, it would become popular for the premise and cast of characters, including her two closest friends, bookish Harry Potter, who had Wizarding parents, but was orphaned along with Ron Weasley, who comes from old wizarding family, but of working class. The book series became quite popular in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, but would get relatively little fanfare over in the United States, a combination of the paperwork and poor advertising.

    As for video games, well, there was alot to go around. The Dreamcast would get its major challengers so far in with the Abox and the Playstation 2 both finally come out to growing acclaim. Besides their inhouse franchises being reborn and modernized, the Abox would have a strong line of games from other developers such as Halo: Combat Evolved, Max Payne and some sports simulator games over from EA. The Playstation 2 meanwhile would also go in guns blazing with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy X (exclusive over to the PS2, much to Nintendo's chagrin), Jak and Daxter and most of all, Silent Hill 2. Nintendo meanwhile was winding down as they were preparing for their big releases in the next year, but had some fun stuff left for the Nintendo Ultra 64, such as the unusual Conker's Bad Fur Day and with the GamePal Color, the Legend of Hyrule: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. With it though came the announcement of Nintendo's next console, the Nintendo Gamecube and the GamePal's successor in the Super GamePal, which promised greater graphics, sound and control.


    *=TTL's version of Harry Potter, though with Hermione as the main character and moderately less violence. Would be pretty popular, but mainly in the UK and parts of British influence such as Canada, Australia and others to a lesser degree. As such, instead of movies, gets a BBC television series though I reckon most of the actors are the same.
    Political Info: The United Central Party
  • Political Info: The United Central Party

    United Central Party Icon.png

    United Central Party icon (2000 - present), Source here

    Abbreviation: The UCP
    Founded: 1990
    Governing Body: The Unizen National Committee
    Student Wing: College Unizens of America
    Youth Wing: Young Unizens of America
    Women's Wing: The Union of Women Central
    Overseas Wing: International Unizens
    Ideology: Radical centrism, social liberalism
    Political position: Centre
    International affiliation: Liberal International
    Colors: Purple

    Party Facts:
    • The United Central Party was formally called the United Citizens Party for the first decade it was around. The name change was partially out of respect for a state party who had the name earlier and also to symbolize their victory in achieving the presidency and formalizing on a political stance, showing it can survive its founder in Ross Perot.
    • The party was founded to serve as a third choice between the Democrats, who have maintained dominance of the White House and Congress thanks to President Reubin Askew and the Republicans, who suffered a brutal loss in 1988, not only to Askew, but former Republican turned independent John B Anderson due to backfiring of certain strategies. The party in turn was made to serve as a more "moderate" choice for those not wanting to vote Democrat, but felt disappointment by the Republican Party.
    • The mascot of the UCP is a goat. This came about on how the previous icon of the party vaguley resembled a goat or bighorn sheep. This caught in the political pundit sphere and the party embraced it. They tout it as a symbol of steadfastness, reliability, and determination. It is usually a mountain goat, but sometimes a bighorn sheep is used instead.
    • The party's growth in the mid-1990s was the result of the increasing interest of the neoliberal wing of the Democrats, who found themselves politically chafed in their ambitions and sought to revitalize their careers by switching to the growing party.
    • While factionalism has become less present in US parties, the UCP does maintain two somewhat notable camps, those preferring more neoliberal free-market solutions and those more squarely in protectionist economic practices.
    • Their popularity early on was a result of dark horse and underdog status and now have been focusing over on cementing their hold through being presented as the middle ground and continuation of good times along with partially courting younger voters through supporting Big Tech.
    • UCP tends to be more associated with things like The New York Times and CNN regarding news outlets, at least among baby boomers. Brightbangers of UCP are more to drawn to MetroCen News.
    • They tend to favor lesser government involvement in business affairs though not to the extent of undoing any preexisting regulations.
    • The UCP still remains the biggest party for electoral reform with one semi-prominent issue is on potentially reforming the House. They are also leading the charge for expanding the number of states, including DC and Puerto Rico.
    • The party targets primarily suburbanites, middle class urbanites and to a lesser extent, more affulent rural folk.
    • Foreign policy is focused primarily on economic concerns and tends to favor more pacifistic approaches in potential military conflict.
    • Favored pretty well with minorities though considered a bit slow in enacting change.
    • Considered the default party at times thanks to their approach at being the medium choice.
    • Prominent politicians in the party include: Bill Clinton, Albert Gore, Jesse Ventura, Barack Obama
    Last edited:
    Winter 2002: Tension, Growth and Eruption
  • Winter 2002: Tension, Growth and Eruption


    Goma after the 2002 Eruption of Nyiragongo

    After years of tension, the Arabian Civil War broke out over in Saudi Arabia, officially beginning over in early of 2002. The House of Saud and their loyal military factions against what would be called the New Arab Coalition, filled with various liberals, leftists, Neo-Baathists and other groups, with a mix of prominent individuals such as Osama Bin Laden. The major powers agreed not to get involved into the affairs outside of just sending forces to assist civilians medically. However, this did not include some of Saudi Arabia's neighbors. Unsurpisingly, the Republic of Qatar as well as Syria have pledged assistance to the New Arab Coalition, given the shared ties of Neo-Baathism in those nations and in fact Neo-Baathists being the single most prominent force in the Coalition. Many have compared the conflict to that of Nepalese Civil War regarding the scope and levels of conflict. For the NAC, it was not just about overthrowing the House of Saud, but also bringing change over to the Arab peninsula. For some, it meant ending the monarchy and putting a republic. For others, it was something more radical. Of course, the coalition wasn't completely united. After all, a couple faction looked down at the House of Saud for not being sufficiently devout enough while others did it because they viewed Wahhabism and similar practices as heretical and impractical. For the civilian, they were still trying to live their lives as best they could and were grateful for international aid, especially as some began leaving the nation for neighbors. Omar and Yemen meanwhile found themselves gravitating toward more prominent neighbors, such as Omar getting closer to Iran or Yemen with Ethiopia. While it has been a messy war with plenty of guerilla fighting, no clear victor has been and many wonder how long the House of Saud can stand against this... and if they will survive the onslaught.

    Back at home, the tech boom continues to grow with the continuing changes. As NeXT Inc absorbs Apple and Steve Jobs taking back his old kingdom under his new empire, the question remained over Be Inc, BeOS and its assets. Discontinuing it would likely land them into trouble and be seen as a slap in the face to the workers. Additionally, spinning t off and selling it would help NeXT Inc gain the funds needed to continue growing so they began looking for potential buyers. What helped was the Clinton administration helping out various companies from the effects of a stock drop (though it was not a "dotcom bubble" or crash as some feared). Before long, NeXT Inc would announce they were in negotiations with Sun Microsystems over for Sun acquire Be Inc and their assets. With Microsoft's division, companies saw a potential chance to try and grow once more and they were gonna take their chance. Sun Microsystems began talks after securing some government bailout from stock troubles, having done so to ensure they would not have to close many of their hardware facilities. While there were some other potential buyers, Sun Microsystems was the current big name talking and people were wondering if this would mean a greater focus of Sun Microsystems selling personal computers to the general public. Akashica was another company that kept growing. Going from just an online bookstore, it expanded to include media such as music, film and television. While some plans were considered for greater expansion for general items, Bezos rejected it on a number of grounds, such as customers' buying habits of most items becoming more localized since the 1980s and likely a shifting focus for services and the like. Others noted it was also perhaps out of concern for ending up like Microsoft while some even speculated it was due to Bezos' own ambitions shifting to further places. That said, Akashica had quite the impact so far, both in financial success and culturally, as the website who launch a "Graphic Novel Renaissance", thanks to being able to introduce an increasingly large audience to a wider assortment along with donating excess product to public libraries, which would foster growing interest and expand the consumer base.

    On a more mixed news came the court case decisions over with A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc, though the plaintiff consisted of various more groups. The plaintiffs attempted to go after Napster for copyright infringment regarding the users sharing music files and causing financial loss to the industry. Various defenses were propped up, a more unusual one being that it actually helped sales in the long run by serving as a promotional tool with various musicians suc as Chuck D from Private Enemy supporting Napster while English rock band Radiohead noted their album Kid A had been downloaded alot prior to the release and that, isolated from other variables that could be attributed to it, Napster helped the album become more popular than it other would've been. [1] Another note was on the note by prominent copyright lawyer and founder of Creative Commons, Lawence Lessig. He noted that when Napster told the district court that it had developed a technology to block the transfer of 99.4 percent of identified infringing material, the district court told counsel for Napster 99.4 percent was not good enough. Napster had to push the infringements 'down to zero.' He believed that this argument framed the whole thing as a war on file-sharing technologies, not a war on copyright infringement. [1] The court noted on if it was actually practical to get it to zero for that matter. While Napster would avoid having to pay any fees for it, the site was still in danger of shutting down regarding potential other penalities and actions they may have to do. It also drove a notable wedge in the music industry. Chuck D's endorsement caught the attenton of various other musicians and groups on the possibility of promoting content through Napster, especially with Napster's genuine attempts on fixing problems. While some of the major music artists and so on were sour on the exchange and bitter for the potential loss of money, other artists, notably independent artists, viewed it as valuable. Napster users would take note on who supported and who was against them. One group in particular would approach Napster as the smoke was clearing for potential collaboration: Artistshare. Recognized as the first commercial cowdfunding website along with serving as a record label and business model for artists, Artistshare enables artists to fund their projects by allowing the general public to directly finance, watch the creative process, and in most cases gain access to extra material from an artist. [2] Napster and Artistshare saw alot of promise in the potential for collaboration; Napster could be kept afloat and not have to worry much while Artistshare could get a large network already to introduce new artists to and have them grow. And this would not be the only interest, as more groups were coming in. Overall, this was seen as the beginnings of conflict as technology kept evolving on various fronts and some people not wanting to embrace it, while others saw it as a way of the future.

    Besides technology growth and global conflicts, there was plenty of other events over on the news to note. Besides the Arabian Civil War, Zaire would become the recipient of various assistant programs, especially by the Soveriegn Union, when hundreds of thousands of people would be displaced with the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo. Beyond assisting the displaced people and rebuilding, there was also the increased need to monitor the volcano. On more pleasant news, Queen Elizabeth II of the Commonwealth realms celebrates her Golden Jubilee, marking 50 years since her accession to the thrones of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. [3] Many found a sort of nostalgic constant that Queen Elizabeth remained on the throne and an impressive legacy of the time she came from and how far they came. Though speaking of European news, the beginning of the year would see the Euro being officially introduced in the Eurozone countries. The former currencies of all the countries that use the Euro ceased to be legal tender on February 28. [3]


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Spring 2002- Springing into Space
  • Spring 2002- Springing into Space


    Flag of East Timor

    Spring 2002 would see the rise of more than a few space-based endeavors, showing that there is a renewed interest in going to the stars, and not just tied to the friendly competition of geopolitics done as a more human alternative to conflict regarding methods for country to flex their muscles at one another. At the same time, it was also done as a means to work together for a greater endgoal, especially as space exploration would hold answers to various practical problems, such as acquiring raw materials and resources for industry along with other potential. One of the first bits of news here would be the launching of the Envisat environmental satellite. [1] The largest civilian satellite made to observe Earth, it was launched by the European Space Agency to further keep an eye on potential climate change phenomena. While the efforts on the national and international levels have been well-invested and yielded plenty of results, more work was to be done while celeberating the current accomplishments. Coal usage in both the US and the SUSR has gone down dramatically with only a scant few remaining and other parts of the world was adjusting. Automobile ownership has been decreasing notably and usage even more so. More work was to be done though, especially with increasing investment over into space. This also including updating preexisting technology given how a storm would injure the Buran, the Russian counterpart to the Space Shuttle. [1] While still salvagable, plans for creating a Buran II are considered with the Americans considering the same for their Shuttle given the age and the concerns over feasibility. Additionally, there was the environment concerns with using traditional rocketry given the pollution created. All of these problems to be faced yet also came with new opportunities for research and development.

    However, it wasn't just limited to them the growing space race. South Africa of all places would be see in the news regarding the contribution over into thoughts of space. The first would be on the first African tourist in space. Specifically, that of Mark Shuttleworth blasting off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on the Soyuz TM-34. [1] While currently the interest of the wealthy, space tourism remained something of a novel idea to help get funding increased into the sector. The second bit of news would be the launching of the SpaceX company of South African buisness magnate, Elon Musk. Coming off from money made from when eBay puchased Paypal (thanks to his stock in te company), he created SpaceX for the purpose of greater space exploration, reduce the costs of transporation and other ambitions. The company was formed after Musk's failures in getting his hands on Dnepr ICBM due to the Russians reorganizing their space program and not wanting to sell any assets. According to Musk, he believed SpaceX could cut the princes of launches significantly by applying vertical integration, using cheaper commercial off-the-shelf components when possible, and adopting the modular approach of modern software engineering. [2] This definitely garnered some interest from various people, most notably Jeff Bezos. Bezos noted an interest in space exploration, even planning on launching his own sort of private company known as Blue Origin, but the project became stillborn due to concerns of a lack of itnerest and capital. As such, Bezos saw SpaceX as a second chance for that and thus would succeed in becoming a partner over with Musk in SpaceX. Time would tell on the ambition of these individuals along with the others in the future of space tech. Questions remained such as alternates to rocket launches, the concerns of space debris in orbit making travel more difficult and thus needing to be solved and the like.

    While eyes were over on the stars, other events were ongoing. The Arabian Civil War was ongoing with modest gains over by the Coalition, though noted that as Syria and Qatar were fully getting in gear to support them. They were even going over to contact Afghanistan for additional support over in the conflict against the House of Saud. North Korea's leader in General Secretary of the WPK, Kim Yung-Ju, would retire from the position as agreed with the new leader being Kim Pyong-il. Yung-Ju oversaw the first stage of "de-Kimification" along with reorient the party into more traditional socialist ideals though it included adopted NEP 2.0 styled programs as part of assistance from the Soveriegn Union. While Pyong-il would continue the work of his predecessor to a degree, he also promised further cooperation with South Korea and would begin limited efforts in opening up the country along with letting certain South Korea companies set up shop as part of further unification goals. Meanwhile, East Timor regains its independence after 2-and-a-half years of United Nations administration and 26 years of occupation by Indonesia since 1975. [1] All the while, tech continued to also occupy the news when Sun Microsystems would confirm that it would be acquiring Be Inc and all of its assets, notably BeOS, over from NeXT Inc, allowing the operating system to continue on, though in Sun Microsystems hardware. Already some of the preexisting software of Sun Microsystems such as StarOffice was being prepared to be able to operate on BeOS. However, given Sun Microsystems's devotion to open systems and open source software, as seen in the release of the free open source office suite in OpenOffice, based on StarOffice, one wonders if Sun Microsystems would be willing to do the same with BeOS. It also codifies the company as a third player over next to NeXT and Microsoft. In fact, Sun Microsystems has begun focusing especially in Asia, thanks to the surprising popularity of BeOS in Japan, likely due to the legacy of the Hitachi Flora Prius.

    Meanwhile, Napster has finished dealing with the various legal problems and officially no longer in danger of closing down, as it would likely be merging with ArtistShare for the latter to take advantage of the former's growing network of users and even with the upcoming rule changes and the like to not run afoul, the promise of freely supporting new artists and rising talent without having to deal with record companies and the like attracted new artists and intrigued fans of music. It also got the attention of various other growing websites on the possibility of implementing crowdfunding capabilities, so users can help provide a consistent stream of money to keep the website ongoing and allow it to grow. All the while, newer Congress folk have been looking into how to best keep up with the new tech coming in and the decisions need to be made, to where Vice President Gore has suggested to President Clinton on the creation of a department or bureau to best handle the new digital frontier, to achieve a balance between letting it grow naturally, reining it in when need be and updating the laws to balance the interests of all parties. This would be part of President Clinton's broader attempts of trying to shake up and update current structures. One of which was the creation of a Department of Internal Security* (functioning much like the interior ministers of other nations) and reorganizing the Department of the Interior, including potentially renaming it back to the Department of Conservation. All the while, primary season was happening for American elections, as more and more formall smaller parties were picking up steam and new candidates for the rising Federalist Party were being examined.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:

    *= Basically the rough equivalent of OTL's Department of Homeland Security. Department of the Interior... looking for ideas there, like maybe back to Department of Conservation and also things regarding native american affais and the like.
    Summer 2002- Summits and Storms
  • Summer 2002- Summits and Storms

    Super Game Pal.jpg

    Nintendo Super Game Pal; Retro coloration [edited from this]

    Much like how the temperature was heating up for those entering summer, the Arabian Civil War would be heating up as Qatar and Syria would officially join the conflict with their forces supporting the New Arab Coalition. While the forces of Saudi Arabia were formidable, the cracks were beginning to show regarding the problems with the royal family and the military. Rumors were already circulating of a growing number of infilitrators and espionage going on in the nation's military, with the House of Saud trying to reesolve who is loyal and who isn't. The lackluster support of the outside world was also a big factor; with petroleum becoming less influential if out of long-term necessity, this weakened the diplomatic position of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, their foot-dragging on democratic reforms have also soured relations among their major allies. While the House of Saud tries to scramble to repair said relations, they are also beginning to tear one another apart through family infighting or a few even taking some funds and fleeing the nation, seeking shelter elsewhere. All the while, the economy was in for a bumpy ride as a result of all this. That said, with the economic framing this as a result of the continued prominence of petroleum, it was used to further push certain policies such as increased growth on domestic products, renewable energy and other associated goals with it. Other nations that did have petroleum would help fill in the void, such as Iran and Venezuela, both of whom also saw this as a reminder of the importrance of diversifying their economy and not rely on a singular resource for exportation.

    Beyond that conflict, tensions have been relatively low across the world though. Various other major powers continued to work on trying to improve their economy to varying degrees. While benefitting from some liberal policies to deal with the remains of the License Raj, India was still having a ways to go. That said, matters were still improving, especially thanks to aid from the Sovereign Union. Khalistan meanwhile was doing far better than the decade prior and mostly recovered well, focusing on growing service and data industry and growing closer ties with the US. Despite the lingering tension between the two, relations were increasingly cordial and the two were working together more often. The same was with the two Koreas, especially with the change in leadership. North Koerean leader Kim Pyong-il would begin the process of liberalization along further "de-Kimification" of North Korea, hoping to further ease the gaps for future unification. And this would be best seen when the Koreas would be struck by Typhoon Rusa. [1] The most powerful typhoon to strike South Korea in 43 years, it would cause quite the extensive damage. However, through such chaos there was also opportunity. North and South Koreas helping out one another while governments were coordinating and sending aid. While the Sovereign Union helped send aid over for North Korea damaged by the heavy rainfall, South Korea would get plenty of aid and volunteers from their northern neighbors in rescue, cleaning up and rebuilding. Other nations lent in their aid, such as Japan (who was struck earlir by the Typhoon) along with the United States' presence there. Other organizations would come in to help however they can, leaving their impact. One such would be some of the various Chrisitan churches, mainly the Eastern Orthodox Church and mainline Protestant churches. Having rescinded the anti-Christian policies months prior, North Korea would see plenty of Christian aid, both from Korea and other parts, including Americans and thus the faith would begin growing anew over in Korea. This would have some interesting effects, especially with the growing call among some Christian Korean activists for the official formal declaration of a patriarchate over in Korea. Despite the lives lost and damage dealt by the typhoon, it would help to strengthen the bonds for the two Koreas and further ease in the promise of Korean reunification.

    Various other instances of global unity and inteaction would be seen over in this time. One would be the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 being held over in Johannesburg, South Africa. The purpose was for the United Nations to come together and discuss plans and strategies for sustainable development. [1] And weeks earlier, the world would see the Organisation of African Unity being disbanded and replaced by the African Union for the purpose to better serve the goals now in the 21st century. And weeks prior to that, it is when the Rome Statute comes into force, thereby establishing the International Criminal Court. [1] Despite the various troubles, people were coming together to come and deal with them and there was plenty to be hopeful about. The interest in space travel, the growing developments in music industry and so much more. One such bit of news in the entertainment industry would be the release of the Nintendo Super GamePal*. The successor to the original GamePal, it boasts mightier graphics, more buttons for more control opportunities and overall greater performance. Various games such as NES and GamePal classics would be seen to be planned or already release as remasters over for the new handheld console. Additionally, plans were also released for the Super GamePal to be able to be connected with the upcoming Nintendo GameCube, much like how the Transfer Pak enabled data transfer between the GamePal and Nintendo Ultra 64 and potentially let one play SGP games on the GameCube, like how the SNES GamePal Player** allowed for GamePal games to be played on the SNES. Overall, there was alot to be uplifted about over this summer.

    [1]-Information and phrasing from here:

    *= Yes, this is meant to be TTL's Game Boy Advance. Given how it was given an extra year or so of development, I reckoned it would look a bit like the Nintendo DS, especially given how the DS came out in 2004. Definitely better than TTL's GBA given the extra development and tech.

    **= SNES GamePal Player is TTL name given to this:
    Autumn 2002- War and Peace and SARS
  • Autumn 2002- War and Peace and SARS


    Poster from the campaigning regarding Gibraltar vote

    The Arabian Civil War rages on, almost at a year now. The House of Saud has been showing a growing number of cracks, especially with the increasing number of disappearances or fleeing from the country regarding members of the royal family or government. More and more it was growing likely that members of the military would turn against the House of Saud, not to mention the growing factionalism between the groups and tribalism in the population. While the Coalition has remain pretty unified fo the most party, tensions between the groups have been forming, especially in the direction of the nation. For others, it was more the concern of feeling eclipsed by the growing dominance of the Neo-Baathists thanks to their major contributions regarding logistical support and weaponry in the group. And that was not even the question of who would end up ruling Arabia should they win, especially as not many prominent figures were there that the people could rally around. While looking for a republic, one persistent rumor would be a Hashemite could serve as a figurehead for a constitutional monarchy. Regardless, these questions will remain unanswered until a victor arises from the sands. And what comes after, no one knows. Would this new Arabia seek to take the rest of its neighbors in for the sake of pan-Arab unity? Or would it focus on some and ignore others? Overall, the war keeps raging with the rest of the world watching at all past tension explode out and waiting for some major moves to happen. For the neighboring states, it was taking people fleeing from it along with making sure the violence didn't spread. That said, the actual battles were scattered and did not resemble a conventional war. It was compared more to Nepal's civil war, which was approaching its own end, or to a more bloody version of the Troubles.

    Contrasting to the state of Arabia and some of the other nations, such as the growing tensions in the Ivory Coast, internationally, things were looking good. Switzerland would officially join the United Nations, followed up by East Timor as the newest member states. [1] The last member states to join were Khalistan (taking Pakistan's place), Kurdistan and the Sovereign Union, with the constinuent nations there. Meanwhile, a sovereignty referendum is held in Gibraltar with the people rejecting Spanish sovereignty. [1] The Koreas continue to rebuild and help one another after the typhoon, resulting in greater unity. And of course, more political events kept on happening. President Clinton would finalize his plans to introduce some legislation to reorganize some of the executive departments while looking on some other potential changes that could be made. The legislation would create the Department of Internal Security, rename the Department of the Interior along with a couple of other suggestions. According to President Clinton, the creation of Internal Security was rooted from the concern and shock he felt during the Oklahoma Bombing and the concern to manage domestic concerns at home. Zhao Ziyang kept pushing over for further democratic reforms, which many noted he would be on the verge of doing so. Elections over on the community and township levels have proven successfuly back in the early 1990s and he was able to push for county elections over in the late 1990s and with the help of public support, prefecture level popular elections were on the discussing table now. For Zhao however, he was not done. For him, it was also for the province and ulimately the whole nation and more and more, the other parties along with some of the new blood of the CCP were on board with this. Some believe this was due to Zhao's time as General Secretary of the CCP and paramount leader coming to an end, either by retirement or a failure of his health. As such, he wanted to leave it in place before his leave, as it wasn't sure if his successor, whoever that may be would show as much passion for his reformatory endeavors.

    Though speaking of China, Ziyang would have to focus on some more immediate action needed. Over in the middle of November, a case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a zoonosis caused by a coronavirus, is recorded in Guangdong province of southern China. This would become prominent as the government became concerned that this could lead to an epidemic. Citizens were advised to remain calm and be cautious and when China became certain this was not an isolated incident, they would notify the World Health Orgnaization. China's urgency in alerting international organization would earn him some good points abroad and within with the people, though it would also put some further tension over between him and those who were not in his direct sphere of influence. Some within the Chinese government attempted to discouraged its press from reporting on SARS, suggesting on delaying reporting to WHO, and initially did not provide information to Chinese outside Guangdong province, where the disease is believed to have originated from. [2] These actions did not reflect well on those who did it and indeed, that last bit provided Ziyang with more incentive to push for his electoral reforms. Additionally, when the Chinese people found out, they weren't too happy over at the factions trying to suppress it, providing yet more fuel to the fire for Ziyang to keep pushing and gaining popular support. While the CCP wasn't unopopular, the fact that these changes were more based on Ziyang and his faction rather than the stance of the party as a whole was pretty well-known. That along with the CCP's foot-dragging on the major level along with some aspects and cronyism remaining was still of concern. All the while, the world was making preparations fo potential touble coming from the infection, though China's quickness in alerting them helped out alot to prepare. Fortunately, there were little deaths and the situation was controlled. That said, the first few days did lead to a media scare in the US, which led to a bit of a panic and then a dissatisfication over at some of the major media outlets for exaggerating details in the upcoming months. Overall though, everything would be handled well and while little death came from it, it still set off a domino effect. Clinton's Internal Security bill got more traction as epidemics and healthscares would be something the department would handle while the hiccup from the media has led to increased scrutiny on portrayal, especially since misleading information could lead to worse trouble than what would've been otherwise.


    [1]- Information and phrasing:
    [2]- Information and phrasing:–2004_SARS_outbreak
    2002 Overview
  • 2002 Overview

    For the United States, 2002 would see the continuation of the political shake-ups that started in 2000. The Republican Party has saw more than half of their holdings go to the Federalist Party, especially to fresh faces in the political sector. Other Republicans switched parties to try and maintain some relevancy in their careers while others did it because they saw it as what is gonna be happening in the future, so why stay on a sinking ship? As such, many predict that the Grand Old Party would not last over to 2004 for a presidential election. Their counterparts in the Democrats have held well, with some shining stars like Senators Paul Wellstone (who, approaching the end of his term of Senate, has considered running for governor) and Russ Feingold, but it was unknown if they would have anyone approaching presidential material. Additionally, there was also the same questions over relevancy being asked about the Democrats as with the GOP prior, albeit at a slower rate. For the United Central Party though, they would be adding a bit more and cementing their hold over though the rise of other parties, including some House victories for the Greens, would be quite fascinating. For the most part, President Clinton has been doing well, focusing more on keeping the economy growing with the tech sector and balancing out some bumps along with enforcing the rules given the concerns over of accounting fruads and white collar crime. Tech continued to grow and setting the scene for what was to come. Sun Microsystems would purchase Be Inc and their assets from NeXT Inc, resulting in Sun Microsytems getting attention in potentially becoming another big player, especially with Microsoft's division. Meanwhile, NeXT could focus over on incorporating their software into the revitalized hardware, with NeXT announcing their own MP3 player in the form of the NexPlei*. Perefectly compatible with the NeXTunes software, the NexPlei would be NeXT Inc's first piece of hardware in a while, along with the rumors of an upcoming new Mac computer, showing the Mac would live on through NeXT Inc. The NexPlei would quickly rise to become one of the most popular MP3 players thanks to its intuitive design and the preparation of support behind it. Meanwhile, space would become the focus for a growing number of nations, especially with the creation of the SpaceX company by Elon Musk for private space faring operations. Powered by the hopes of streamlining the production and launch of rockets, various people were drawn to that vision, most notably founder and head of Akashica, Jeff Bezos. 2002 would be seen as the beginning of a new wave of growing technology and its influence, especially with other news like Napster surviving and aligning with a new website in ArtistShare, pioneering a new way to enjoy music in support and distrubution, and opening some new flood gates for the potentially of the Internet.

    2002 would see the first year of the Arabian Civil War and with Saudi Arabia launched into a period of conflict and troubles, the global economic would take quite a jolt from the petroleum shake-ups. It poured fresh fuel to the ongoing fire of moving away further from petrol usage. Coal was already phased out rather heavily and in other places, stll in the process, but progress was progress. Politically, it was also seeing another one of the remnants of the Cold War battling for its relevancy and what the path will be for the region as well as ideology. Many also hoped that with this, the Middle East could finally begin going forward in a path of peace. At the same time, there was concern about the future leadership, especially with the Neo-Baathists and what they would do. That said, they have been doing well to cultivate a strong positive image in wanting to reform and modernize the region while also transitioning from fossil fuels regarding economic dependence, diversifying their economy and moving forward from there. Other places saw peaceful developments, such as the Koreas coming together to rebuild and cooperate after the dangerous typhoon, Ziyang and his growing ambition over in bringing democratizing reforms over to China during the last years of his reign or the growing number of trade blocs and the like going in the world. Overall, it was a continued display of growing global peace and unity. At the same time, it was a fascinating time of change. Newer political parties were seeing themselves get into power thanks to the growing desire for change along with the prosprity brought about by the post-Cold War social democratic order. Additionally, there was the need for the generational gap. While the baby boomers and the like settled nicely into power, they were also be joined up by the more raucous brightbangers.

    Film would see plenty of fun and potent releases in the year. The big hit would be The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the second of the Peter Jackson trilogy that would continue to be a spectacle for audiences and help push epic and heroic fantasy to the forefront while the other big film in terms of ratings and adored by critics would be Chicago. Science fiction would see a continued presence such as with the standout hit with Minority Report while Men In Black II would see the action continue there and of course Bond would continue on with Die Another Day. M. Night Shyamalan would release Signs as part of the trend of strangeness. Animation meanwhile would not be left behind ove in the lurch either. Disney would release not one, but two different films, also being themed in space, showing how much the astronomical influence was present. One would be the found family story over in Lilo & Stitch, which would be quite unlike anything seen before and would delight audiences. The other would be the more adventurous Treasure Planet, a sci-fi reimagining of "Treasure Island" and perform quite well thanks to a good marketing team. Of course, Dreamworks wouldn't be left out of the running as Bluth and Katzenberg would release the animated film Satyrday, which was an animated adaptation of a book of the same name. And most of all was a reminder of the growing influence of Japanese animation with the legendary Spirited Away, which helped further cement what America's friend across the sea could do and what animation could really me like. Other films include Austin Powers: Goldmember which would see the trilogy end with the reveal of a third Austin as part of a legacy of Austins Powers (which many believed was a affectionate parodical shoutout to Dr. Who and James Bond) and the like. Overall, it was a wonderful time to go to theaters while rumors sprend of upcoming films. Titan A.E. would get a preview over and many were wondering what laid ahead with Disney, with some saying a sequel to Atlantis 2 while others were wondering of other fairy tales or even something unique. One speculation was linked to a planned Spider-Man film in the works over by Paramount, though little was known, including whether or not it would be live action or animated.

    Television would come with its fair share of surprises. The big news would be the final season of The Simpsons airing this year. Many attributed this to a decline in quality in the last few seasons, due to a change in writing staff along with the increased focused over on Futurama and even Groening noting how the America that the Simpsons was made in no longer matches now, hence why the call for ending the show. But it went with a bang with the reunion of the writing staff, various revelations and tying up character ends and even having the series finale have the family save the town on Bart's 11th birthday. Beyond that, various other prominent television shows would be ending such as The Ellen Show, Daria and X-Files, all of whom prominent shows with noteworthy influences. But at the same time, new shows would come in to fill the void. Shows such as space western Firefly, Latino sitcom The George Lopez Show, historic crime drama in The Wire, a more esoteric crime show starting the eccentric Monk and various others. Cartoons and other youth's programming were not exempt from this as well, given the release of Power Rangers Wild Force, Chalkzone, Jimmy Neutron- Boy Genius, Whatever Happened to Robot Jones and Mucha Lucha! The most predominant one would be What's New Scooby Doo, which would reinvent the Scooby gang over to the modern day, taking inspiration from the DTV films, from giving Daphne major chops with her athleticism and martial arts while fleshing out Fred's leadership skills and his motivation for it. Meanwhile, Disney would also launch the first of a new era of animated series with Kim Possible, the teenage girl superspy. Contrary to rumors, it was not based on Nick's Constant Payne (who was also differentiated by their different setting and tones, with Disney being more comical). Kim Possible would also gain a fair bit of attention with Monique, a prominent supporting character who was samgen (as a result of her voice actress Raven being the same) and being Kim and Ron's 'normal' friend. Raven viewed it as a important to inspire kids there were people like them and that it was not a big deal along with fostering friendships (such as how Monique's relationship with Kim is completely platonic , her even joking that Ron would be more her type if Ron was a girl).Overall, the cartoon scene was changing as they were settling on new patterns, what with Kids WB, Cartoon Network, the Disney channels, the Nick channels and MetroKids. It would be unknown what would happen due to the flux of these channels, especially as the release of the Justice League animated series was renewing interesting in superheroes. Nick would be no doubt focused on making cartoons based on Marvel properties while other productions would look to see what to make. After all, Dark Horse with Wildstorm were still around and Disney may be planning their own thing, but are secretive as always.

    Video games would also get alot of attention. The holiday release of the Nintendo GameCube and its strong launch games let it overcome it being the last of the consoles of the generation to come out. From Super Smash Champs Melee being a phenomenal sequel, to a new franchise over in Pikmin where one plays an astronaut guiding plant aliens to recover ship parts to even bold and new introductions to current franchises, such as Super Mario Sunshine adding FLUDD, Metroid Prime revitalizing Metroid with it being first person and then the intrigue of the upcoming Legend of Hyrule: Wind Waker, with its unique cell-shading and more cartoony style. Overall, it was looking to show it had not run out of charm. The same was said of the Super Game Pal and its own successful titles. While it would have some fun in remaking NES and SNES titles over onto the SGP such as various Mario and Hyrule games, unique titles also were coming out. Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire saw the franchise take another leap graphically and with gameplay with the introduction of new mechanics while Metroid Fusion also evolved the franchise with its darkest iteration yet and moving the story in a fascinating new direction. Wario Land 4 would do quite well as a launch title and show that classic charm in playing as Mario's counterpart. Of course, the other consoles were doing impressive as well. Playstation 2 kept moving forward in diversifying their content and would become quite memorable for one of the big surprising hits: Kingdom Hearts. The result of a chance meeting between Squaresoft and Disney heads, the result would be a mysterious JRPG set in the worlds of Disney films and starring a young man named Sora with a keyblade in hand and to stop the oncoming darkness. While not completely surprising given how Disney and the Japanese have a close working relationship, this was another step in that would be causing the gears to turn in the heads of some Disney execs down the line. Beyond the various sports simulators, including the still-in Tony Hawk Pro Skater series, new attention would be seen with the rise of Ratchet and Clank. The Abox was also stll going strong as it would find its footing with its own titles. From Crystal Castles Chronicles being a twist on the platforming collect-a-thons of old by incorporating RPG elements for Bentely Bear to power up and gain magic to the rebirth of Swordquest as a franchise with "Swordquest Neo", with the release of the first title Swordquest Neo: Epic of Earthworld, combining aspects of games like Ocarina of Time with more problem solving skills with the mind and occult themes. All while having similar titles in sports such as the Playstation 2 did. Lastly, the Dreamquest is the underdog with plenty of SEGA favorites such as Jet Set Radio and Panzer Dragoon Orta, it was clear that despite it and the headstart of internet connectivity, it was a losing battle. PS2 was beating it heavily in terms of competition and the Abox was superior when it would get its internet network up. They were not giving up yet though and would compromise with the reveal of not just porting Sonic games onto the Nintendo GameCube, but also making exclusives for the Super Gamepal. Meanwhile, computer games still saw prominence with Elderscrolls III Morrowind, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Neverwinter Nights and so much more.
    The Brass Age of Comic Books Overview Pt. 2: 1994-2002
  • The Brass Age of Comic Books Overview Pt. 2: 1994-2002

    The Latter Half
    The Brass Age represented a sort of rebirth over for the comics industry, seen as the two big publishers would start relatively fresh regarding the continuity of their universes along with the rise of new talent over with independent comics. However, the scope of this rebirth would not become fully seen until the mid-1990s when two big changes would occur. First, would be the reshuffling of the comics department of Disney of all people. During their growing cooperation with dubbing animated films of Miyazaki, they would be exposed to certain pop culture phenomenon and one that caught their attention was the magazine Shonen Jump. A Japanese manga anthology magazine, the magazine would have the latest chapters of various shonen manga, with various chapters being collected into books and then later sold. To a few creatives and financial folk, this seemed like a fascinating opportunity. They could introduce a smorgasboard of ideas and stories to readers, keeping them hooked to the subscription and they in turn would likely buy the compliation books later on to read them more directly, or updated versions if there were some potential troubles. As such, the DisneyZone Magazine was created for the youth of all ages to enjoy, showcasing all sorts of creative talent, often using it for the superheroes that Disney acquired from Harvey and licensed from Archie, with Bee-Man and Bob Phantom becoming the biggest hits. At the same time, the more traditional characters were not ignored. They were retooled into small digest books much like Archie had some, available at various supermarkets and the like, allowing for the Disney comic scene in the US to begin growing, especially with the sort of reboots of the series, if enough to allow new readers to get on board. However, the big focus here was on the new way of readers to get into comics; they could remain subscribed over to DisneyZone magazine to get their comic fix from where magazines are sold and then buy the collected volumes in places like official Disney stores, some bookstores and even online, something they were among the first to get to thanks to talks between them and Akashica. Other companies watched, some with bemusement and others with skepticism. Howeverm the whole point showed that comics did not have to be limited in publishing models

    Though speaking of Akashica, they were the other great factor. Comic books and also graphic novels available to the public and would spread like wildfire in interest, especially since it felt more accessible than comic book shops or other niche stores. Bezos even encouraged donatons to small town libraries and the like, believing that with the spread of the American public ISP, it would allow access to Akashica and the people could get it more after sampling from libraries. Additionally, it introduced the mainstream media to the secret world of graphic novels. Various masterpieces like Maus and the like would find their hands to many fascinated and new readers, becoming inspired and awe. Through the use of image and word combined, mature and complicated stories could be told, not scrutinized nor made light of, especially with some of these stories being memoirs. While some folk were certainly surprised or put off, the growing number of graphic novel readers led to a large boom of it with authors and artists getting onboard with the concept. Graphic novels also began appearing over in bookstores thanks to this notoriety and no doubt also for them to try and keep up with Akaschia, who was muscling in more with them in competition. Comic books and graphic novels were booming in the mainstream and exposed to a new level of influence and variety than ever before. Old genres that have not been seen in decades such as war comics or horror comics would be making their revivals bit by bit with graphic novels. Underground comic began thriving even more and spreading, especially with the rise of internet usage thanks to the public American ISP increasing word of mouth and the like. The latter half of the Brass Age would see comics moving beyond their shiny new start, beginning to move and evolve in brand new ways regarding plot, characterization and long-term planning. So much so that after a certain point, if woudl cease being the Brass Age. Various comic book historians and other cultural analytical hobbyists typically put 2002 as the end of the Brass Age of Comic Books, marked by the general trends, including a few prominent events from this year and the one prior.

    DC Comics
    DC comics continued to develop pretty well throughout the 1990s, focusing on further fleshing out what it had done since the mid-1980s. While it would need to do some clarification to explain the differences in their new continuity (which was done through their Zero Time crisis event), it would be an overall modern start over for DC comics as they would work to establish everything as cohesively and unified as they could while maintaining the potential for creativity. There was a focus on not just updating the basics of each hero while remaining core with their characterizations, but doing more, especially with their supporting cast. Superman returned to being a reporter over for the Daily Planet and explored of his humanity, especially with his supporting cast like Lois Lane being fleshed out. The importance would be seen in the arc "The Death of Clark Kent?" in which Superman survives a dangerous attack while as Clark Kent, but is in recovery. As Superman heals and reconciles how important being Clark is, it also introduced some new supporting members, including the mysterious Superboy/Connor Kent, a modifed clone of Superman and Steel, a hero named John Henry Irons wielding a strong suit of power armor and showing the legacy of Superman, especially as they aided him. Additionally, new villains were introduced to challenge the Man of Steel, including some coming from the animated television show such as Luminous and Volcana, older ones such as Morgol (a renamed Mongul) becoming much more prominen. One notable addition was from the "The Death of Clark Kent" being the powerful telekinetic Chester Black aka Elite, a pragmatic and ruthless individual who wants to be heroic, but who's means and issues make him a villain, along with serving as a warning against the ideal of "ends justifying the means", namely when the means render the ends moot or impractical. Batman would also see this growth; with the retirement of Jason Todd (after his aggressive behavior nearly got him killed by the Joker and thus he left), a third Robin would appear in Tim Drake, serving as a new force of light and perhaps a greater heir in terms of "world's greatest detective." Tim interacted well with the Batfamily, serving as a younger brother for Dick and would become known for being a rising SATMIN icon for being multi, though with his prominent love interest being Stephanie Brown/Spoiler. As for Batman himself, besides his and Catwoman's relationship becoming more serious (and in turn, analyzing Selina outside her bond with Bruce and analyzing what her motivation would be and the future of it), a new villain would be introduced: the Court of Raptors. This mysterious order of financial elites, they have been present since the days of the Thirteen Colonies and running Gotham from the shadows for that long, having been hinted at in the Batman: No Mans' Land story, which saw Gotham isolated from a disaster caused by a comet strike. For DC, this was their answer to the necessity of Batman and would become appreciated for how clever it was. Why else would Gotham's system remain corupt and unable to handle supervillains? Why did the mob remain in power longer there than anyone else? The Court of Raptors, using the mob and later supervillains as unknowing fronts while they remain in the background, with Bruce beginning his ultimate case against them for the soul of Gotham's future.

    Wonder Woman meanwhile saw an intense growth of interest as they continued to have her face challenges and grow stronger. From her exile from her island forcing her to better adapt to the modern world and fully find her independence and sense of self, to the growing cast of supporting characters and villains. All while exploring various facets of Greek mythology and other strange villains. Some were modernized takes on Greek stories while others were her handling her personal life mixing in with her life as a heroine, especially as Circe would start becoming a top contender as her archfoe. Her "sister" in Donna Troy would have her backstory be simplified from Troy gaining powers after a blood transfusion from Diana and someone else (revealed to be Hercules, who explained to Diana it was to stabilize the presence of ichor, the blood of the gods, in Donna, which proceded to give her superpowers). Diana would find purpose over as a librarian, setting a motif of archiving along with past and future. She would even get a second sidekick of the same generation of Tim and Connor in Cassie Sandsmark, who's mother is an antiquarian and exposure to one gives the outgoing nerdy Cassie powers of her own. The late 1990s also saw the offical return of the Justice League under Grant Morrison's pen, introducing arguably the most famous iteration of the team and used in the animated series. The Flash would further flesh out Barry Allen and Wally West while shifting away from the time travel usage due to concerns of continuity. Martian Manhunter would become more popular as the character did, focusing on a mix of melancholic beauty, cerebral writing and humanity through the eyes of J'onn Jones, the heart of the Justice League. The Atom would see a resurgence in popularity in the scientific escapades of Enrichetta Negrini, the third Atom with showing how her abilities would be quite helpful along with her mind and outsmarting her foes. Of course, Green Lantern would reach the big hit with "The Death of Hal Jordan" arc, seeing John Stewart becoming the full Green Lantern of Earth along with the rise of Kimiyo Hoshi in her own right as the 4th Green Lantern. Hal's death was such a turning point that it would be viewed as one of the things that signaled the end of the Brass Age of Comics. Aquaman continued to grow in surprising prominence as it embraced more fantasy and medieval setting (it is a kingdom ruled by Arthur after all) and thus combining it with some amazing underwater artwork and exploring the possibility of antediluvian works.

    Other heroes and villains were given time and attention, with some from the television shows making their way in, such as the Joker's suprisingly sympathetic moll in Harley Quinn. New teams such as Young Justice formed from the aforementioned three new heroes along with the mysterious Bart Allen, a young whom claimed he is Barry's grandson from the future. Of course, some of these changes left things up in the air, such as on the Legion of Superheroes, though it was confirmed that they and the Justice Society are in continiuty, and just being sorted out, as seen with some new Justice Society material coming out along with rumors of new Legion materal. And this did not even include the events from Vertigo or Milestone Comics, both who kept on growing in prominence and representation of characters. Their biggest achievement would be on Static getting his own television show, even if not necessarily party of the so-called DCAU (though he did crossover into there via a universe-hopping criminal he was chasing). Vertigo meanwhile would keep up well with the growing graphic novel demand and introduce many to strange and new ideas along with inspiring various peoples.

    Marvel Comics
    Marvel would have their own sort of fresh start in the late 1980s and early 1990s, coinciding their acquisition by Paramount. While there some controversey behind the move, especially in seperating the X-Men franchise from the rest of the Marvel universe and into its own continuity (or rather merging it with the New Universe), it would be considered ultimately for the best. Marvel would be able to take a good long look at some of the various aspects of their property and begin considerable efforts in cleaning up the whole thing, working to create a cohesive order of events. Additionally, it would allow them to make changes and updates to concepts, plotlines and ideas that did not age well or would no longer be viable over in this more modernized time. Captain America maintained his timelessness with him being unthawed into the new world around 1995 and would still be fighting historical enemies. While Soviet era enemies would be retired or become heroic, other foes like Nazis and the Red Skull would remain as prominent foes. All the while trying to find his place in the modern world and dealing with counterparts and rivals, such as John Walker aka U.S. Agent. For Iron Man, it was showing Tony Stark getting some changes on portrayal, as an innovator wanting to give the world plenty of clean energy, but wrestling with his family's past in arms manufacturing and his own work being weaponized, which is what has him don on the suit, all while exploring themes of misuing technology and greed. Hulk meanwhile become one of the psychological studies and to take disassociative identity disorder serious in writing Bruce Banner, a victim of child abuse and having to deal with his inner truama, but also the mighty power that he has contained within himself as the Hulk, as the strongest one there is. Another example was in exploring bipolar disorder over in with Dr. Hank Pym/Antman and how that impacts relationships as seen with his wife Janet and their ups and downs (including mocking the supposed him hitting her, which was done with him accidentally smacking her when he was flailing his arms after she pranked him by messing with his helmet, with him apologetic and she laughing it off because it was an accident). The Avengers were becoming more prominent once more and lesser known heroes getting the spotlight.

    Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel would be one such case, with her having become the premire cosmic hero in her protecting the world from galactic threats along with her trying to find her own place in the world beyond the military. She was also increasingly tied more over with the Kree, who along with the Skrulls, were having a bit more and more prominent development, with some rumors of potentially even crossing Carol over with the old Inhumans story. She was differentiated over from Richard Rider/Nova as she stuck closer to home and also became more involved in NASA. Her rising popularity was a result of Marvel's invested changes in her paying off, especially as they tweaked and refined her to stand out in her own right. Another hero that was tweaked would be Namor of all characters. Despite being the first "mutant" of Marvel, he wasn't necessarily aligned with the X-Men and his age meant he was grandfathered into remaining with everyone else. One large change however was making him more and more different than Aquaman, which included changing where he came from or at least clarifying it... instead, they would claim Namor is from Lemuria, the sunken continent said to lie in the Indian ocean and would even begin taking some mild inspiration from some of the lore and even the region for fleshing our Namor and making him different, including him making him tanner than how he was (though this was noted in-universe as having stayed in places with not much sunlight often). Spider-Man would also be affected his stoies were retold with a fresher perspective of growing up and coming in age though there was some rumors of some long-time writers still not happy of Peter ending up with Mary Jane Watson over Gwen Stacy, who's characterization was fleshed out a bit more here. He was still a prominent and popular hero though also trying to figure out where to take him after college and so on though the upcoming wave of new and young authors provided some sense of hope, especially with a new author coming for Peter in J. Michael Straczynski in 2001. Other new changes would see Spidey reform a few of his villains, notable Sandman, who would end up even becoming a reserve member of the Avengers. Black Panther was also increasing in prominence as they would take note of history and try to push T'Challa to a greater focus on the world stage along with that of Wakanda. The Fantastic Four kept serving on the forefront in exploring the cosmos and what laid beyond along with getting a bit of input from Stan Lee. They would expand with a few more family members such as Franklin Richards, the son of Reed and Susan, or Lyja, a Skrull woman who tried to infiltrate the FF, only to fall in love over with Johnny Storm and her joining the team. More and newer characters were coming in and given fresh coats such as the New Warriors and the like. Overall, Marvel's main universe was trying to find their footing on what would be coming and how to move forward. That said, many do believe that one growing sign of change was them foreshadowing a new group known as the Young Avengers...

    Meanwhile, Marvel's other imprints have been growing as well. Epic Comics remains an underdog to DC's Vertigo, but they have not yet stopped trying to compete, especially with the rising new talent. Neoversal meanwhile would be delayed by a few years, but would come out and amaze as the X-Men are refitted over in the world of the New Universe. Dates are tracked and the age of human mutants begin when the White Event awakens their superpowers, all the while the various other groups appear and are reimagined for this new interpretation such as Psi-Force, DP7 and the Starbrand alongside things like the Phoenix Force. The X-Men under Charles Xavier working together to make the world a better place while Magneto's own truama has him create his own group in leading with the White Event. All the while, new mysteries are brought and discovered, such as Apolcalpyse and his kin being created from a previous White Event and that those individuals were mistaken as various gods across the world. All while other organizations ty to control, exploit or handle the situation such as the Troubleshooters and the like, along with some of the traditional X-Men villains that also appear. "Anti-mutantism" was removed of any allegorical meaning given the realism angles, but still framing it as overreach by larger and oppressive groups though it did force writers to explain matters. This did include things like how even the Sentinels were pretty damn implausible over in the setting (at least in their original . While there is a bit of tension behind the scenes due to the micro-mangaging required to adhere to events properly along with having to scale the powers in a certain way, various writers find it worth it to be able to write for some of their favortie characters and the new status quo for mutants being seperated from the rest of Marvel was largely accepted. Of course, they still crossed over in largely noncanonical one-panel or one page gags, one of being a continous saga of Kitty Pryde trying to find a boyfriend that won't be chased off by the writers and deciding to date Peter Parker/Spider-Man, who faced similar troubles regarding girlfriends. While the whole thing was played for laughs and a potshot at some of the unprofessionalism of some of the older writers, most did find them as a pretty cute couple, including some of the aforementioned writers. While Marvel was still trying to figure out the direction of their properties, there was still the essence of change and driving the company forward. Another trend noticed was Marvel taking a page from their "Distinguished Competition" in how they portray their characters. Mainly, how DC had more "main characters" than Marvel did, namely because of the differing focuses of world-building. As such, Marvel has been focusing on having some of their properties spread out rather than all centered over on New York City. This meant focusing characters on certain regions and the like to have them grow, even if many of the big names still focus on New York City.

    Other Big Names and Independents
    Image continued trucking along, even as they were having to go and do a balancing act with their various works and projects. It was even some growth over when Image began expanding outside of the traditional framework of superhero comics and the like. Horror comics and war comics were among the new types that were returning, especially with the rise of graphic novels coming out through the latter half of the era. One rising name was Garth Ennis, a noted critic of the dominance of superheroes in the medium of comic books. As such, he gravitated toward the return of variety, especially with war comics. While he would became famous for Preacher, an Image comic series that served as a scathing condemnation of religion (or more accurately, Christianity), he would lean toward making war comics after the end of the run of Preacher, focusing over on World War II times and going from there. Ennis seemed to fit well with Image, even with some of the controversy he brings (from his mockery of Captain American earning him ire to some of the direction of his war comics being questioned). Sineater by Todd McFarlane was still doing quite well and would even draw on a growing impact on the pop culture sphere as they were being pushed to diversify in mediums. Meanwhile, the Wildstorm Universe under the holding company of Aegis Entertainment would depart Image ansd find a new home in Dark Horse Comics for the sake of financial security. While a new kid on the block, Dark Horse has been able to keep themselves afloat through comic book adaptation of various works and their growing ties to television and film (especially MetroCentury), has led to providing the financial security needed. The Wildstorm Universe would be able to keep up with their superhero verse and their teams such Stormwatch and WildCATS along with their own independent works and imprints, such as America's Best Comics, with Alan Moore creating Tom Strong. Valiant Comics remained the underdog though their works and especially the Ultraverse was having enough appeal to remain afloat and profitable for the time being. Overall, the newcomers were doing pretty well for themselves and taking advantage of the new open field.

    The older and more quiet companies were a bit mixed. Archie Comics were having to face more and more the problems of not doing enough with Archie and the gang regarding the appeal of their work, being viewed as too safe or inflexible. At the same time, they were not wanting to just follow shallow trends or whatnot as they wanted to try and maintain a sake of timelessness for their work. That said, even they were looking into possibly revamping some of their work or at least diversifying their approach. After all, the last time they made headlines was the introduction of the first SATMIN character, samgen man Kevin Keller (barring the ace suspicions of Jughead). Meanwhile, Disney's gamble regarding the experimental new way of promoting their comics would work. They were able to quickly grow and attract attention to this new format, relying on their branding to appeal to parents to get it for their kids and thus provide the necessary spport and clout for it. Magazines released every two weeks were collected by eager children and Disney afficionados who ready it for the stories along with a few other articles in between, such as news about other Disney products such as television shows, films and even video games. And this in turn, created a feedback loop. One successful that Disney began debating introducing the Italian "Paperinik" comics, namely the PKNA run or a project known as X-Mickey to the US as well through Disneyzone or their own stories. They even used the magazine to guage interest, which would allow for Americans and others to see the "New Adventures" of Phantom Duck in its own release along with other stories such as the Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine, a noirish Mickey comic set in black and white. Already this would be having some influence such as how in the video game Kingdom Hearts, Captain of the Royal Guard Donald Duck would have wield a shield gauntlet very much like his portrayal in PKNA, albeit simpler and being magic-based instead of supertech.

    The Coming Age

    The new age of comic books is coming, being marked by major changes. DC killing off Hal Jordan, Marvel dipping its feet more into young heroes and setting up a chain of legacy, they along with Image riding the wave of comic books being freed from the limitations of the superhero story and the expansion of what superheroes could be. And then there is Disney and Akashica expanding the distribution possibilities over of comic books. Graphic novels meanwhile provided a new frontier over topics and stories that can be told, giving them room to start being taken more seriously. And that did not include the new paradigm online with webcomics and the like.

    It was not known how this age would look like, but it did seem to be one of further refinement and growth. And it would reflect the growing technological advancement of the modern world, the shift of relative realism and the like. The Iron Age of Comic Books would soon begin...
    A Look Back: 10 Years After Mo Udall's Passing
  • A Look Back: 10 Years After Mo Udall's Passing

    2002 marked 10 years since the passing of former President Mo Udall. His hometown of St. Johns, Arizona would see the Mo Udall Presidential Library hold a memorial celeberation in honor of the former president. The Presidential Library in question was designed with a bit of his feedback, namely he wanted the library to be designed in a way to not disupt the landscape too much as well as not disturb the people of the town, especially the Native Americans. As such, the Mo Udall Presidential Library was relatively vertical in its design though it would also borrow a bit from the "Earthship" architecture movement from around the time period. Additionally, the Library was the first Presidential Library to utilize various ecofriendy modern infrastructure, such as ground-coupled heat exchangers and related technologies, light tubes, and green roofing, along with installation of solar panels for power. Subsequent presidential libraries would take on similar assets as part of the nomalization of such infrastucture features across the US, but the Udall library was still the most prominent example of it. Many saw this as a reflection for the various developments that would be orchestrated under the Udall Administraton. Indeed, news anchors and pundits couldn't help but look back and reflect just how much changed under him, being more than 20 years since he was elected President. After all, the 1980s were considered quite a prominent decade for a multitude of reasons and overseeing the whole thing was President Mo Udall. And as such, people were looking back...

    When one thinks of President Mo Udall's administration, the economy is the first major thing that comes into mind. It wouldn't be surprising; after all, the 1980s were a pivotal period of economic activity, seeing the end of staflation during the 1970s. The economic recovery would be lauded and celeberated ove by the American public and one of the major reasons why he is so fondly remembered, especially with some of his bold actions. One of them was just giving the American people money as part of an economic stimulus package, bringing back ideals of UBI and similar trains of thought from the 1960s. With the people having income, they felt confident in being able to use it for the necessities and begin to cause the gears of the economy to start spinning again. He would also work with the unions to ensure fair deals and despite the concerns they had for him, he would put those fears to rest and the unions would be able to retain most of their power in the 1980s, even while having to face the need to change to grow and evolve. And of course, with the rise of the new computer industries, stock trading and so on, Udall would put in new reforms and regulations regarding things like taxes on capital gains, removing the cap on payroll taxes for incomes above $128,400 for social security and so on. With the economy growing, it would be beneficial for the government to get more income, especially since the rush of money would be invested back in the American people such as the establishment of the National Bureau of Healthcare for single-payer universal healthcare for all and the establishment of heavily subsidized community college and trade school along with some other fields such as the medical and legal fields, making it easier for people of any and all wealth classes to go and get a higher education, especially in growing fields that would need young minds to provide for the people of tomorrow.

    Another aspect regarding the Udall Administration and economics would be the increased role of the government in intervention in the affairs of companies. The Supreme Court cases that saw the tobacco industry be held accountable for the damage their products did along with their decades long misinformation campaign would just be the start of it. The case of the following year would see fossil fuel companies in the spotlight for planning a similar campaign regarding the climate changing effects of burning fossil fuels, resulting in consumer outrage at this planned deception along with shock at the scope of the danger and the willingness of such companies to sink to such levels. With this would come a wave of regulations, such as the end of fossil fuel subsidies, taxes on those companies and so on. But moreover, it created a precedent in the modern time for the government to take action against large corporations who's actions and or inactions jeopardize the lives of people. Additionally, the targeting of the fossil fuel companies would lead to a domino effect of action. Coal would be phased out by nuclear power is the classic example, but petrol is far larger and more widespread. Besides how petrol prices would lead to further fuel efficiency in automakers and then just the reexpansion of the public transportation network to compensate, the products that petrol has a use in, mainly plastics, would also be effected. With the debates of plastic recycling viability not going well along with other revelations (such as how various cleaning supplies are mainly water), plastic would become more tightly regulated. Specifically, the usage and distrubtion of plastic for "disposable" or "single use" products. While more durable and tougher plastics would maintain their usage for the time being, the others not so much. Various food stuffs, hygiene products, cleaning supplies and other items that use plastic wrapping or packaging would be forced to adapt to new standards and regulations. Some were easier than others, such as the increased in soda cans, the return of cardboard and so on. Others were more difficult and required more creative solution, such as a method to reuse plastic containers that held cleaning liquids, especially if they can be collected and refilled. Despite the initial inconvienences, the people adapted as things were becoming the new norm and young innovators sought out solutions to make it easier, such as shampoo bars or toothpaste tablets. Other times, people would learn to make these things themselves, a phenomenon that would grow over time. This would be best seen in the first boom of the "Do-It-Yourself" econimic trend that would become more popular years later, especially among older folk who were dealing wth midlife crisises and saw DIY as a way to regain some autonomy and a sense of direction in their lives.

    The economy legacy of the Udall Administration would continue on past him, as his successors tweaked his reforms to varying degrees and let them continue on, finalizing the changes of the status quo along with other matters such as minimum wage increases. Other companies and financial groups would be held accountable or would tow the line out of fear of potential retaliation and these would continue on with the presidents that came after Udall, such as the increasing standards of food. One example was the growing enforcement of fair trade foods such as chocolate and would lead to growing tensions between Americans and the Swiss company Nestle for some of their actions, which led to a knock-on effect for both in Hershey's chocolate products being preferred if with the growing standardization of fair trade. Car companies were facing some more serious problems in the future as trends were showing a noticeable decrease in interest of car ownership due to the high petrol prices and subsequent legislation to combat that which led to less people needing to use cars, but have been able to try and utilize car rental places as a way for money. Overall, much of the modern American economy would have its foundations in the Udall administration. The young economists and business folk growing up during the time would come to value long-term viability over short-term gains. They would have to manage a careful balancing game between long-term safety and short-term risks, learning from their mistakes as well as calling more and more experts for consulting onto the field across different angles. From the talks with scientists and engineers of the viability of renewable fuels to those in the entertainment industry studying to ensure a level playing field with the artists, these future entrepeneurs work to ensure to gain the most over a long period of time and remain flexible to keep doing so. All the while with the government looming over as a prominent and necessary force. From providing subsidies to assist in local rural renewal projectsdto the greater infrastructure challenges of weaning off petrol, finding its replacement (the likely candidate being hydrogen) and what they can do to deal with expenses in the transition. Overall, while the economic practices were modernized versions of what was used in the New Deal, the economy looks different now and a return to prosperity and growth.

    Politically, the Udall Administration was not too radical, at least compared to their successors. It did shift a return to more political intervention over on various fronts of the nation. When the Udall Administration came into power, the economy was suffering from a combination of the lingering effects of stagflation, President Reagan's tax cuts not helping matters, the Reagan Administration's mishandling of the Panama Canal Crisis and the 1979 oil crisis. The economy would begin recovery thank to Udall's intervention through economic stimulation packages, including giving people money (experimenting with ideas related to negative income tax). This would help restore consumer confidence and the wheels would begin turning. Many saw this as a large revitalization of New Deal-style progressivism politics that some have believed were in decline by the 1970s. Austerity politics would be viewed as antiquated as best and disproven at worst, thus creating the trend for them to lose power within the Democrat and Republican parties. Though speaking of the Republican Party, they would face an existential turning point here. The past 12 years of Republican White House rule would be called the Dismal Dozen by some and do significant damage to the party's standing in the eyes of voter. However, the bigger issue would be the growing factionalism and conflict in the party over the future direction. The Reaganites wanted to double down over on economic austerity along with aligning over with the predominant culturally and socially conservatives for the direction of the party. However, the snafus with the NRA and Reagan's retirement from politics would be big blows while the "Christian conservative" who backed up Reagan would instead lose prestige in politics. The rising neoconservatives, once seemingly like an inevitable force in politics, found themselves now kneecapped by the voters blaming them for the economic problems and emphasis on cultural issues rather than solve the problem. It also served as a reminder that nothing was really set in stone.

    The "Rockefellar Republicans" meanwhile saw this as their chance to regain prominence in the party, especially as the Udall administration would implement various welfare reforms and expanding the social safety net, being met with near-universal praise and success. As such, the idea of even tackling or chipping away at these new institutions would be seen as political suicide, especially with all the goodwill the Udall administration have built and the Republicans lacked. As such, the liberal Republicans that accepted these changes would find more political success than their more conservative counterparts, especially as third wave feminism and the SATMIN civil rights movement would rise up against the neoconservatives, further damaging their popularity and relevancy. The Republicans somewhat recovered by the early 1990s, but remaining political figures still tried to push for tricks such as the Southern Strategy. This would be their undoing as popular Republican politicians such as Hose Minority Leader John B Anderson would leave the party in disgust and the Republicans suffering a painful defeat that led to liberal faction finally ousting any prominent neocons left. However, while they would return to some form of power, the lack of young leaders and the ongoing political changes would lead to the ultimate end of the Republican Party. While the political transformations into America's 21st century political system was put in place by President Askew, many note that some of the major events and key points happened in Udall's administration and indeed did lay some groundwork on campaign financing, legislative reform, and so on that would grow into the more radical ambitions to shape things to come, including changing America's voting system, the number of Reps in the House increased to better reflect the growing population in its numbers and diversity. Indeed, many note that this is when America would shift more to the left compared to the past and a beginning of self-reflection.

    Beyond the economy and the political sphere, the influence of the Udall administration loomed over other sectors such as energy and culture. In energy, nuclear power would see a large increase in attention and focus, especially thanks to Dixy Ray Lee and Jimmy Carter of the Udall Administration. Being pushed as a way to combat dependency on foreign oil, it expanded to be part of the general combat against fossil fuel influence and the threat of climate change. Despite the complaints of naysayers and NIMBYs, the program for nuclear power kept being pushed, with heavy US subsidaries helping to deal with costs and provide for work for alot of Americans and as the power plants came on, more and more it would be viewed with success. Many believed that the US focusing on climate change was thanks to the Udall Administration taking Exxon over to court, especially thanks to a prior similar case when President Udall would get tobacco to be regulated by the FDA and bringing them to court over violating the RICO Act in regards to their mass misinformation campaign to the general public on the harm of cigarettes and other tobacco products. In a humorous contrast, the Udall Administration would also end the Nixonian War on Drugs as the experts were noting its lack of success and the harm it was bringing to poorer communities. Switching back to helping and assisting drug victims would also set the groundwork for the US to later ease up on their views on cannabis over in the future, such as the relegalization of hemp in industrial purposes and indeed, would see a large boom in investment do the its wide varietY of applications across multiple types of industry.

    Culturally, the Udall Administration would be remembered as a time of change and progress. The stifling of the Equal Rights Amendment by former President Reagan would galvanize feminists and would kick off the third-wave of feminism alongside what would be the SATMIN Civil Rights movement, courtesy of the spark being the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The Udall Administration would show passive support of the social movements, letting them make their case over and having open discourse with them. The big action came when Vice President Askew would help organize a meeting between various SATMIN groups and serve as a speaker; he would note that his time in helping out in the HIV/AIDS crisis made him realize the similarities between them and the marginalized people of color he worked to help back as a governor of Florida. With being able to communicate their case openly and with having some support, they would be able to get legislation passed with some effort regarding minority protections along with pushing more for their safety and well-being, including the passing of an amendment later on. At the same time, it would also enable them to focus on the cultural aspect of influencing and convincing the people, which was made easier in part because of the relative acceptance of the Udall Administation on such matters, with many fence sitters giving a fair chance and listening. While still with its bumps and rough spots, it would still be quite the success and earned victory from the struggle and efforts of alot of people. As people keep looking forward, they would also look back at what previous leaders and champions have done to lay the groundwork for them.
    Winter 2003- Internal Affairs
  • Winter 2003- Internal Affairs


    Fred Rogers (1928 - 2003)

    As the United States House of Representatives and Senate saw more diversity in party representation, including the rise of the Federalist Party, more political goals awaited President Clinton. This would be the final year of Supreme Court Justice Amalya Lyle Kearse after all and thus Clinton would soon begin the search for her replacement. This would not be the first time he would do this. With the retirement of Stephen Gerald Breyer over last year, his replacement would come in the form of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which would be decided in a relatively peaceful, if delayed process, due to various mishaps. The current Court would be Amalya Lyle Kearse, Richard Riley, Janie L. Shores, Charles Kirbo, Bruce Babbit, Laurence Tribe, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and José Alberto Cabranes, while being overseen by Chief Justice Gilbert Stroud Merritt Jr. However, rumors have circulated that Charles Kirbo would also be retiring this year, before his tenure is up. Some attributed this to his advanced age and declining health while others noted it would be so that there would not be a way of retirements by those who came in 1994. Additionally, some rumors have also brought up perhaps expanding the Court to 13 Supreme Court Justices, if to match the number of the 13 United States Courts of Appeals. That said, there accompanying rumors about increasing the number of circuits in the first place. All of this remains speculation however, especially as the Clinton Administration has been facing other prominent decisions. From the DC statehood bill arriving over to the House to the potential creation of a Puerto Rico statehood bill, there was plenty that was being discussed throughout it all. There was also the Clinton Administration pushing for their own decisions. The Department of the Interior would be renamed back to the Department of Conservation and additionally, would include an expanded Bureau of Indian Affairs, renamed to the Bureau of Native American Affairs, sometimes shortened to the "NatAm Affairs Bureau." Clinton also pressed onward for the creation of the Department of Internal Security, with it likely to pass over in the spring.

    This was not the only place in the world seeing growing political reforms and shifts. The People's Republic of China is still ongoing, both in their political reforms along with the growing peace talks over with Taiwan, a phenomena that has started since Ziyang's ascension as general secretary and 'paramount leader' back in the late 1980s. The idea of the two nations becoming one remains controversial and up in the air over with it is feasible. The Koreas have continued making progress in their growing closeness while North Korea's leader continues his plan in opening up North Korea bit by bit to the world and investment by South Korean companies. Over in Europe, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is renamed to "Serbia and Montenegro" (after its constituent states) after its leaders reconstitute the country into a loose state-union between Montenegro and Serbia, marking an end to the 73-year-long use of the name "Yugoslavia" by any sovereign state. [1] Some have noted this was a bit similar to how the Sovereign Union was. Of course, there was still violence going on over in the world. Rebels would sprout out over in Sudan as the War in Darfur would begin as a result of the Sudanese government repressing the non-Arabized people. [1] Furthermore, it looked like that they were getting supporting, mainly getting some armaments and medical support over from Ethiopia. All the while, the war in Arabia kept raging on and the Coalition was picking up more and more steam. With Syria, Qatar and even Afghanistan backing the rebels, it seemed only a matter of time befoe the House of Saud fell. Questions remained on how how long and how violent it would go, especially with the Coalition, while dominated by the Neo-Baathists, still had other leaders and groups.

    The more fascinating view was the growing interest of the Sovereign Union into the conflict. With the Sovereign Union having mostly recovered from their economic troubles, they were looking in their expand their influence. Not by conflict though, but by diplomach, logistics and finance. No tensions of war or ideological conflict like the Cold War. It was unknown what the Sovereign Union's interest in the area was, but some have noted that it may have to do with energy. Some of the members of the Coalition, such as Osama Bin Laden, have noted the urgent need for the region to transition away from their dependence on petrol exports and diversify the economy. One major branch of promise was solar energy, which they saw could provide alot of power with enough investment and support to kickstart it. Clean renewable power research was shared liberally thanks to the growing efforts and treaties, especially of the US and SUSR, to build off one another's hope. Solar was coming more and more to its own, if still lagging a bit behind wind and both still having to deal with technologcial limitations. Geothermal maintained a strong interest along with others like nuclear. And of course, there were plenty of other events going on. In something that would come out of a Hollywood movie would be the Antwerp diamond heist; an Italian gang steals loose diamonds, gold and jewellery valued at more than $100 million from a Belgian vault, one of the largest robberies in history. [1] In good news, the Space Shuttle Columbia would safely land for what many suspect would be one of its final missions as NASA looks to go further regarding the future of space travel. This was especially uplifting in light of concerns over potential issues in the Shuttle, even with recent fixes. In more tragic news, beloved children's television show host, Fred Rogers, would pass away at the age of 74 over from stomach cancer. [2]

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Spring 2003- Conflicts and Clones

  • After a few weeks of debate, some finetuning of the details, adding legislation to protect the interests of workers and pay raises, President Bill Clinton would sign in the bill that would create the Department of Internal Security, shuffling around several organizations into them. The Department of Internal Security functions like the ministry of internal or home affairs long with related organizations found in different countries. Skeptics remained wary of the the reason for the department's formation, especially in a time of peace and prosperity. However, Clinton rebutted, citing the Oklahoma City bombing and past domestic terrorism as reasons for this department's creation. In a sense, it would help manage the internal issues of the United States. However, it would be a diverse portfoilo and beyond the basics he revealed, it had additional underlying purposes, such as public safety and disaster relief as with more united coordination, it could deal with natural disasters along with miscellaneous issues. One example was to further tackle the issue of illegal arms smuggling. While the end of the War of Drugs would help cripple the presence of gangs over in Latin America, there was the concern that the looser gun laws of the United States could lead to more firearms smuggling. While some reforms were passed regarding the acquisition of firearms, the concern remained as it was suspected some institutions were not cooperating as well or letting things slide. Others believed that it could be more insidious matters like it being connected to things like embezzlement or things happening at the manufacturing levels. Despite this, the Department of Internal Security was here and would seem to be good enough over for President Clinton, at least for now. Apparently, while he was taking into account Vice President Gore's advice on a potential technological advisor, he believed that it was way too early for an official executive office for such things given the infancy. That said, some plans were being made to expand on government understanding of the rapidly evolving Internet landscape, especially given the presence of the American public ISP.

    Meanwhile, Europe would be getting quite a bit of attention due to the various phenomena regarding the international organizatiosn there. The big one would be the large increase of members over into the European Union. Over in April, the Treaty of Accession is signed in Athens between the European Union and the following ten countries: Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia, concerning these countries' accession into the EU. As such, it would be set that by 2004 the European Union would increase. Such matters were having rammifications in the political sphere of other nations. [1] In the United Kingdom for example, where the EU remained something of a complicated issue among some, it came up a bit as a discussion point. However, a new camp would start rising who would blend elements of different sides. They were pro-EU and saw it as important for Britain's future, but additionally, as a way to increase British prestige by taking on a leadership role. As more and more European nations were accepting joining the EU, it was becoming clear that such international organizations and spheres were part of the future along with the need of reform. Of course, not all places were undergoing as pleasant of transition. Over in Africa, new conflicts were still springing up. There was also the growing Darfur conflict which was drawing in further Ethiopian interest in the area. And then a new conflict would arise over thanks to a mlitary coup over in Central African Republic by François Bozizé. This was leading to some concerns in the UN and related groups on how such issues should be resolved and the concern if UN peacekeeping forces would need sharper teeth and more involvement. Their neighbors were also wondering on potential involvement, such as Zaire, who had been good strides in recovery after the conflict from a few years prior.

    But of course, not everything was about politics in the news. One cause of celebration over in the scientific community was the completion of the Human Genome Project, with 99% of the human genome sequenced to 99.99% accuracy. And speaking of genetics, cloning successes would be seen with Dewey, the first cloned deer, and the first cloned horse in Prometea. [1] Of course, not everything was good news. A dangerous cyclone would make landfall in Sri Lanka and caused a massive amount of havoc. Over 250 people were killed and considered the nation's worst natural disaster in 50 years. [1] However, plenty of nations would be sending in Sri Lanka to help the nation. Besides their northern neighbor in India, the Sovereign Union and China also send financial aid and assistance, though some experts were saying they had another motivation. With the SUSR having mostly recovered and China also rising up in further prominence, many would be expecting these nations to begin flexing their diplomatic muscles and grow their influence. Despite this, there was no antagonistic undertones and often, the Sovereign Union and China would be speaking with another and even with the US on these sort of international matters for peacekeeping and disaster relief. Another such would be the massive earthquake over in Algeria, specifically Algiers and resulting in the deaths of over 2200 people in the disaster. [1]


    [1]- Information and phrasing:




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    2003- Saudfall
  • 2003- Saudfall

    Saudi Arabia... born from the victory of the House of Saud over the other prominent royal families in Arabia, they have occupied a place of prominence on the global stage thanks to the presence of mighty oil deposits and the House of Saud maintaining close ties to the West for a few decades now. However, time erodes all and the House of Saud has gradually been left more and more behind. The 1980s would see the perspective on petroleum shift, causing a massive need to grow beyond it and other fossil fuels. With Saudi Arabia highly dependent on oil exports, this would spell trouble for it. However, things would be made worse by the royal family itself. Their highly conservative stances along with their ties to Salafist and Wahabbist groups would become more burdensome for them, especially in the face of modern secularism. Pakistan, a nation founded with Islam as a key pillar, would fall apart due to the intense enforcement of the faith or rather an interpretation of such by the government and in doing so, lead the nation to ruin. In fact, Pakistan was now a relic of the past, replaced by the Sikh homeland of Khalistan. And to contrast this development, there was the fate of other nations as well. The people of Afghanistan would find success as they embraced secularization and the culture wars between the tribal aspects of old and the growing modernization would see the latter crush the former more and more. Iran, who was under its own revolution, would follow the path of a secular republic when the dust settled. And what did they get for that? They would defeat Iraq after years of antagonism, rebuild from the ashes and even solidify themselves as the main power of the Middle East after defeating Turkey in war, expanding their sphere of influence notably and becoming a true regional power. More and more, the times were showing that religious radicals would be swept aside by the inevitable winds of change and those embracing the new ways would succeed.

    Saudi Arabia would not be immune to this. The House of Saud had grown decadant and bloated from taking the lions' share of the wealth gained from the petroleum resources, using it for their own desires rather than invest in the nation. And now they were paying the prices as the people would further and further turn against them. Meanwhile, an old enemy returns, evolved, in the form of the Neo-Baathists, and with them having succeeded in Qatar and Syria, now seek the ultimate prize over in toppling the monarchy in Saudi Arabia. With the growing discontent at the royal family and the subsequent clamp down and repressive measures, war would become an inevitability. The government instituted harsh crackdowns and brutal punishment on suspected dissenters, which would turn off their allies against them. As such, when war began breaking out, not many were willing to provide martial aid to them. The monarchy and the loyalists of the army on one side and for the rebels stood a coalition of liberals, reformers, socialists and Neo-Baathists to fight back against the House of Saud. The Coalition would quickly gain the upper hand, having the support of Qatar and Syria and fueled by armed forces who had experience in this sort of warfare. Additionally, their ranks were bolstered by mercenaries, specifically former Turkish soldiers who fled and or deserted with the defeat of Turkey in their war with Iran. Over a year, the Coalition would begin their campaign of guerilla warfare, capturing cities and rallying support among the civilians. More and more people were siding with the coalition, desperate for change and angry at the House of Saud's rule, a boiling contempt that has stewed quietly over the years.

    Such tensions would lead to growing factionalism among the House of Saud. The cracks would grow and the House would begin breaking apart. Some of the members took what they could and began fleeing the country, either to neutral Jordan or even to outside the Middle East such as the United States, the UK or Canada. Others would defect to the coalition for clemency and so on. The House of Saud kept trying to call upon for aid, but none seem to come. With King Fahd has become incapacitated by a stroke back in 1995, Abdullah had been running the show since then unofficially. However, he would officially ascend to becoming king around the start of the war. While he did do his best to push for reforms, many saw them as not adequate enough to go and deal with the growing discontent over in the nation by that point. Additionally, given his position of head of the National Guard, he would be associated over with some of the violence going on in the area. Abdullah would be getting talks over with various western powers over potential support to bring peace. However, Abdullah's efforts would be undone by various factors, one of them being his ex-wife. Al Anoud bint Dahham Al Fayez, having long suffered the behavior of her husband and toward their 4 daughters, would finally have enough. [1] After her attempts of fleeing the nation failed because of the war, she began gather information and some allies. And then, in a secretive meeting, would provide plenty of crucial intel and information to the Coalition in exchange for the liberation and safety of her and her daughters, confirmed to her over by President Bushra of Syria. And thus, this would help spend the final days of Saudi Arabia with the occupation of Riyadh along with going into the halls of government. Al Anoud and her daughters would indeed be escorted to safety, and would flee the nation within hours over of the ending of the war. The House of Saud would fall into chaos as members tried escaping with their families, the women in particular doing so and were given clemency over by the Coalition. All of this while Abdullah would be abroad in trying to gather support. With the occupation would come the burning of flags and the declaration of the end of the House of Saud . Abdullah himself would try to fly over to the Hejaz to try and rally forces, but his plan would be forced to land in Jordan and ultimately be contained in the area, unable to return home.

    A new government was rising from the ashes. A new Arabia was being born. With the taking of the city, coalition forces expanded thoughout from Arabia, looking to crush pockets of Saud resistance along with capturing various members of the family though others, mainly women and children, were allowed to flee the nation, usually to the neighboring Jordan. The coalition would rule through an interim council of some of the generals and other figures that led the coalition. While they called themselves the interim government, no one knows how long they would last. That said, the council has noted that they would likely have a full outline before the end of the year and they were already planning out various reforms to be instituted and mandated. Already, calls being held for things like a full blown secular constitution, questions of constitutional monarchy and republicanism were being weighed in and the full forces of the coalition were trying to keep peace and order, all while the interim government would call upon UN aid for the citizens over. The oil reserves would be undergoing reforms with the money to be reinvested into infrastructure development, renewable energy and the like.

    It was the end of Saudi Arabia as people knew it


    Summer 2003- European Heat

  • The end of the Arabian Civil War would cause quite the stir over on international affairs, especially given the size and scope of the nation. Diplomats and other bureaucrats began working overtime regarding negotiations, trade deals and all sorts of new deals and arragement, the world kept pressing forward. Petrol prices seem to stabilize with the end of the war and this helped a bit with the economy. The interim government was viewed warily by the major powers, but they were smart enough to begin offering positive deals and reassurances about the upcoming changes and reform being brought over to the nation, however that may look like. Already they were beginning to strike deals with the major powers and they began immediately rolling out various reforms such as removing the harsher punishments and releasing some of the various political prisoners that were held over by the House of Saud. As of right now, the nation had changed their name to be called the State of Arabia, with a new name to be determined when the interim government would decide on what system to approach like with the finalization for a basic constitution. For the most part, their immediate neighbors were happy that the conflict was over and was now focused on processing things such as refugee statuses regarding those running away (especially the women) and other disputes. Despite the war troubles, Mecca and Medina, the two holy cities of Islam, remained untouched and indeed the Hejaz saw some of the least amount of fighting in the area thus far. There was still unsurprising a large backlog of people wanting to visit the holy cities for their hajj. Overall, it was looking to be a busy summer over for Arabia with many questions needing to be answered.

    Europe meanwhile would be heating up, albeit in a different way. The nation would undergo an intense heat wave, creating the hottest summer the continent has experienced in 500 years. [1] The heat wave led to health crises in several countries with France being hit the hardest regarding the temperatured and combined with drought to create a crop shortfall in parts of Southern Europe. The death toll has been estimated at more than 70,000. The predominant heat was recorded throughout July and August and the heat wave was attributed to the western European seasonal lag from the maritime influence of the Atlantic warm waters in combination with hot continental air and strong southerly winds. [2] The countries had to deal with shortfalls regarding wheat harvests while grapes would had to have been harvested early. Interestingly enough, this alsi had an effect on urban infrastucture. Green roofing and other passive cooling techniques have been introduced in Europe, but has not reach the level of acceptance as in the United States. That said, the observed differences in temperature thanks to urban forest experiments, green roofing and other ecoinfrasturcture techniques that combatted the urban heat island effect would provide plenty of data for the various nations. Indeed, experiencing the effects up close and personal was enough for the various nations to push for such polices to be implemented on a national scale and to a more thorough degree. While it was a bit trickier given the older cities, alot of the policies were considered and newer techniques were looked into. While the heat was on over in Europe physically, things were still surprisingly peaceful and smooth as more and more nations were approved to join the growing European Union, their populations voting yes in joining. Another bit of news regarding European unity would be the proposal of the first European Constitution. [1] This would be the result of the "Convention on the Future of the European Union" or" European Convention." This was a body established by the European Council in December 2001 as a result of the Laeken Declaration to draft a constitution for the European Union, with the draft finished this summer to be send in to be finalized and voted upon over in 2004.

    Meanwhile, the technological sector would remain a prominent part of the economy, with various new start-ups and companies rising over to the top. One would be a social media company known as Myspace. Based on the legacy of Friendster and other sites, Myspace would become the first major social networking website to reach a global audience and become a massively popular online space. Indeed, even in its infancy, Myspace was drawing the attention of similar websites that saw the potential such as Artistshare and Napster. [1] Another major company that was on the rise would be the foundation of Tezla Inc, with the name a shoutout to Nikola Tesla. While originally envisioned as a car and technological company, the two founders noted how cars were on the decline in terms of being purchased. This along with the government's seeming shift to focus on renewable hydrogen as future fuel, they switched gears to focus on more general electric transportation and technology. Beyond the focus on renewable energy like solar power, they would focus on electric motor vehicles wth scooters and motorbikes on consideration. Tezla would also be in the process of getting a grant over from the government for research into renewables as well as electric motors, which the Clinton Administration saw a good way to keep growing the sector. Other news including the launching of the Spitzer Space Telescope over from Cape Canaveral, Florida or the indictment of Martha Stewart and her broker for using privileged investment information and then obstructing a federal investigation. [4]


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [4]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Autumn 2003- Storms and Powerouts
  • Autumn 2003- Storms and Powerouts


    Smart-1 spacecraft

    The State of Arabia would begin stabilizing itself over time, with the focus of the interim government to have some sort of federal elections by 5 years. When asked on the nature of the time period, concerns were pointed out on the time needed to implement such a system, especially since there has been a lack of politicians not affiliated with the Sauds. However, the State of Arabia have agreed to municipal elections on city levels by no later than 2005, which would help transition the nation to the voting mentality. While the Neo-Baathists were pro-democracy, they considered it a secondary priority. To them, the primary goal was to stabilize the nation and moreover, to push what they saw as modenization efforts, especially since democracy could hamper those efforts. An Arabian constitution has been drafted with help from various nations, with the noticable bit being that the State of Arabia would model itself under civil law (specifically inspired by German civil law) along with the official status of a secular nation. That said, Islam was given a courteous mention of historical importance along with civic duty when it came to managing and caring for Mecca and Medina in particular. Ultimately though, civil was would be the deciding law and the interim council would show little hesitation in enforcing them. Already the constitution had mentions of gender equality, religious equality and various other civil rights reforms. Even SATMIN+ folk were given legal protection against violence and discrimination, surprising more than a few nation and people. Then again, the government's purpose for doing this was to better court the various major powers and join the social democratic global hegemon. And at the same time, it also provided some justificiation for the interim government's heavy-handed rule. After all, the massive sweeping changes and switch to civil law uprooted alot of what was familiar overnight, with sharia being cast to the wayside along with other "traditions" such as multiple wives. Unsurprisingly, heavy policing was already being utilized and various norms were being challenged and met with harsh opposition, such as men found guilty of "honor killings" meeting with death themselves. For the interim government, they saw all this heavy-handedness as necessary to crush reactionary dissent and force change onto the nation, a carrot and stick approach.

    Of course, the State of Arabia was not the only one having to endure rapid change and rough issues. South Korea would once more be hit with yet another storm. Typhoon Maemi would be the most powerful typhoon the nation would ever experience since the nation began keeping record nearly 100 years ago. Making landfall in Busan, it would lead to quite alot of damage and a fair bit of deaths over for South Korea. However, like with the previous storm with it, it served as a strong bonding opportunity over for North Korea to lend aid and support in their southern neighbor. North Korea provided plenty of aid in rescue and rebuilding their fellow Koreans after the storm and the est of the world would provide plenty of international aid to the Red Cross of the nation along with supplies. The Americans, Russians and Chinese would be those that would send the biggest aid along with Taiwan and Japan sending aid of their own. [1] This would not be the only nationwide disaster. Italy would make international headlines when the news would report that most of the nation would go under a blackout. For approximately 12 hours, nearly all of the country's 57 million people would be without power over in the entire peninsula. [2] The whole situation would certainly cause alot of effects in Italy regarding addressing the need for power generation and how to address the problem with solar power suggested as a solution down the line. It was also a reminder to the world that even with the growing peace in the world, there was still plenty of problems to address. From the devastation brought about because of natural disasters to the chaos and unpredicabilities caused by system failures and a lack of foresight regarding major issues, governments were busy with some of these floating questions, especially as the news would keep the public about all of these phenomenon.

    Of course, noteverything was troublesome over in the fall of 2003. There were plenty of advancements made and positives to be shared. The Hubble Space Telescope starts the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field, making 800 exposures and would last until the middle of January 2004, showing the progress of the Americans. Over for the Europeans, the ESA spaceprobe known as SMART-1, would launch from Kourou, French Guiana as the ESA's first mission to the moon. China meanwhile would celeberate the successful launch of Shenzhou 5, their first human spaceflight. [2] This would continue the interest in space over in the zeitgeist, fueling the overall sentimentality of growing technological wonders, especially coinciding with the growth of the Internet in its usage and its applications. On a more mixed example, the popular and controversial English-language imageboard 4chan is launched over around this time. NexPleis were becoming more and more popular among the youth along with the growing overlap between Napster (plus parent company ArtistShare) and Myspace, which would be providing a large public space drawing more and more people in over in cyberspace. Despite the concerns of a "dotcom bubble", it appeared that things were far from done over for the Internet. In fact, with the growing implementaton of APISP across the United States, other ISPs like AOL and Prodigy using their grant money to remain competitive along with some other companies getting into it and even the growing usage of consoles such as the Sega Dreamcast and Microsoft Abox, it was looking like the Internet would become more widespread in usage.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here: