Kentucky Fried Politics: A Colonel Sanders Timeline

Chapter 20: July 1964 – November 1964
  • Chapter 20: July 1964 – November 1964

    “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”

    – Pericles


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    – Campaign button from the Kentucky delegation at the 1964 R.N.C.

    I invited in Rockefeller, Spencer, and one of Spencer’s interns who brought over some photographs and laid them out on the hotel bed. We stood around the impromptu gallery to discuss who would be my running mate. I liked George Romney of Michigan, but the people of his state wanted him to stay on as Governor; plus, Spencer and his intern mentioned his religion and being born in Mexico to American parents as possible detriments. It wasn’t clear to me exactly why, but as I still remembered then and now the qualification heck of 1955, I decided it was best not to run the risk of experiencing that hooey again. Prior to the meeting, Senator Keating joked “if you want to win over Goldwater’s supporters, maybe you should pick Senator [George] Allott from Colorado – from afar, he and Goldwater look exactly alike!” Not wanting to dismiss a potentially wise pick over a gag, I met with Allott, but he was not too interested. After considering Senators Carl Curtis, Maurice J. Murphy, Norris Cotton, and Everett Dirksen, Senator Margaret Chase Smith was a very tempting choice – a longtime U.S. Senator who openly opposed McCarthyism and I, being seven years older than her, saw her as being fairly young – but to woo-in old-fashioned folks such as myself, I needed to go with a less bold choice. Nixon had passed over Senator Lodge in 1960, and after much consideration, so did I that year.

    The final two options ended up being Governor Bill Scranton of Pennsylvania and Senator Jacob Javits of New York. Rockefeller favored Javits, so we quickly met with him. To our surprise, he declined, believing he would be more helpful to a Sanders administration if he stayed in the Senate. He also believed that his Jewish religion, and his recorded early support for the War in Cuba, would cause controversy that would only bog down the ticket. His wife wasn’t keen on the idea, either.

    That left Scranton, who I thought fit the criteria just fine. His connections to donors would benefit the ticket financially. His connections to the rust belt would balance out my rural image despite my own history of urban development endeavors. At 47 years old, Scranton balanced out my much-higher number of years on this Earth, and he had developed leadership skills and experience by quelling protests in his state over the past year-and-a-half. But I wanted to make sure that we could work together. Spencer’s intern got Scranton up to the room, and we talked for about half an hour. The man, just a few years younger than my son, was convivial, courteous and optimistic that great things would come from us working together, whether it be for four or eight years, or even just for the remaining 14 weeks of the race. He seemed like a fine choice to serve as my running mate, and within hours “Sanders-Scranton” posters and pins could be found all over the place!

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


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    With the Presidential nominee finally chosen, a cascade of balloons were released from the top, filling the huge interior in a lighter-than-air flood of red, white and blue. The banners, signs and hullabaloo brought the idea of Daddy Warbucks’ birthday party to mind. Even with the Colonel on the premises – or maybe because of his support for Civil Rights – I would not have been able to get into the convention center had I not met Jackie Robinson outside because some of the more, ahem, “conservative” members of the party were hardly okay with letting me, or even Jackie, join their political circus…


    …Deafening boos and jeers enthralled the room as the South Dakota delegation vocally confirmed Scranton for the Vice-Presidential nomination. The cacophony grew in even greater intensity as both Sanders and Scranton approached the main podium. I heard a man, still wearing a Goldwater pin, shout “Get that joke out of here.” I even saw a man ready a tomato in a slingshot, though honestly, it was not the weirdest thing I had seen that day. But still, it looked like a riot would break out, and I was genuinely frightened; Jackie leaned over from his seat behind mine and warned “if we have to get out of here, don’t let go of my hand.”

    But then Colonel Sanders caught the attention of the enraged political fanatics. And he calmed their blood by calling for party unity: “Democrat fat-cats would be happier than pigs in mud if they saw us tear ourselves apart before the real race even started… Remember the words of Abraham Lincoln – ‘a house divided against itself cannot stand’! Right now, his Grand Old Party is in danger of falling apart at the seams. But we must stay united as a party in order to bring America closer to being truly a land of justice and freedom! In the words of a wise writer named Publilius Syrus, ‘Where there is unity there is always victory.’ And with your support, we will unite this party to be the strongest messenger of democracy that it can be, and that shall lead us all victory in November!”

    – Belva Davis’ The Ultimate Gamble: The Election That Changed The Nation, 1984

    After hours of on-the-floor negotiations, a “soft-c” conservative platform was finalized on the 16th, calling for a vague “change in the execution of America’s foreign policies” and what would later be described as a libertarian stance on social issues, with the biggest and most notable plank being a call to “keep government bureaucracy out of all American businesses, big and small.”

    …With the convention finally behind them, Republican operatives shifted to the general election. Selling the idea that a businessman with government experience could use his organization skills to rein in the chaos seemingly run amok in D.C. over issues at home and abroad required canvassing swing states and reaching the undecided voters that lied within them. Additional focus was placed on the notion that a Sanders administration would be beneficial to everyone, which explains Sanders ’64 memorabilia having tags such as “vote for efficiency, not ideology,” which were most likely meant to lure in traditionally Democratic-favoring voters. …Most of the campaign’s focus was on the northern and southern states, as Sanders’ backstory as a railroad man and his get-the-government-out-of-your-business positions were sure to win over the west. Meanwhile, Sanders utilized local television and talk radio stations and other forms of free media to dispense in campaign messages for minimal costs. A Zenith-number (the precursor to the toll-free telephone number) included on some campaign material allowed people to call their regional campaign headquarters to receive additional information…

    …It should also be noted that upon starting his campaign travels, Sanders experienced territorial crowds of both the welcoming and hostile variety in both the South and Midwest. This was because most Americans in the north and out west consider Kentucky to be part of the South, but Americans in the South do not (especially the people of the Deep South, an area which is, essentially, Mississippi clean through to South Carolina). To them, Kentucky was too far north to be part of the ‘real’ south, as they call it. But the biggest differentiation they make is the fact that Kentucky did not join the Confederacy during the Civil War...

    – Josh Ozersky’s Sanders in 1964: An American Discovering America, University of Texas Press, 2012

    Remembering the controversies of his 1955 campaign, Sanders immediately began the process of divesting his interests in K.F.C. to a temporary trust fund. Additionally, upon discussing the matter with Pete Harman and Dave Thomas, Sanders sought to make his company’s advertising a non-issue from the start. The FCC’s Fairness doctrine policy required radio stations to present contrasting viewpoints, and so Sanders instructed that only the company’s “Colonel-free” commercials – which instead focused on customers and celebrities praising the company – would air until November 4, the day after the election.

    – Anne Meagher Northup’s Chicken and Politickin’: the Rise of Colonel Sanders and Rational Conservatism in the Republican Party, 2015

    “Harland Sanders ain’t a southerner at all! Not only was he born in Indiana, but he once served as the Secretary to the Chamber of Commerce of Columbus, Indiana! If you believe Sanders isn’t just faking being a Southerner, then I’ve got some beachfront property in Idaho to sell ya.”

    – Farris Bryant at a rally in Greenville, SC, 7/17/1964

    “The Colonel has worked all over the country, so he is not just a Kentuckian. He’s lived in Alabama, worked in Tennessee, and has extensively invested into the economies of Utah, Florida, and all the 50 states – he’s an all-round American.”

    – Senator Barry Goldwater, KAZM 780-AM radio, 7/18/1964 broadcast

    “Now I don’t hate Governor Bryant, we both oppose many of President Johnson’s policies and believe in this country and that this country needs to be driven in a new and better direction. But I find it very ironic that I was born in the nineteenth century and live in the twentieth, while Farris was born in the twentieth century but lives in the nineteenth.”

    – Colonel Sanders, Meet the Press interview, 7/18/1964


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    – Congressman Gerald Ford and Senatorial candidate/former Vice-President Richard Nixon campaigning for Colonel Sanders, Lansing, MI, 7/19/1964


    The Baltimore Sun, 7/20/1964


    …The Colonel’s company employs breeders, hatchers, growers, slaughterers, processers, packagers, distributors and deliverers, and storage facilitators across 4 continents, 27 countries, and all 50 states, not to mention his advertising staff… However, the credit for KFC leading the way in equal pay for men and women should really go to his daughters Mildred Sanders-Ruggles and Margaret Sanders, whom have been at the helm of several responsibilities in the company since 1955...

    Newsday, 7/21/1964


    – The Sacramento Union (Ted Kennedy’s newspaper), 7/21/1964

    The lack of progress in Cuba and Laos-Vietnam during the spring and summer of 1964 troubled Johnson’s campaign staff. Many voters showed they were still upset that not only did Johnson fail to delivery on his now-broken promise of ending military activities on the island by Christmas 1963, but many were now doubting the Christmas 1964 mark would be reached either. Senator Goldwater successfully branded the nickname “Lying Lyndon” to Johnson by repeatedly using it in conservative circles, followed by it becoming better associated with the Bryant/Patterson campaign, where it would occasionally arise at rallies in chant form…

    – Theodore H. White’s The Making of the President: 1964, Atheneum Publishers, 1965

    A three-day protesting of American warfare in both Cuba and Indochina in Chicago turned deadly today when police sprayed the protestors with hoses; two of the protestors are in critical condition at Cook County hospital, reportedly from falling down marble stairs after being blasted with the water… The protests came about after another attack along the Laos-Vietnam border lead to the deaths of more American troops…

    – NBC news report, 7/22/1964 broadcast

    “Don’t put down a salt lick and say you ain’t got cows. There is a crisis growing at the Laos-Vietnam border and the President knows it!”

    – Colonel Sanders at a rally in Arlington, VA, 7/22/1964

    On July 23, Sanders went on Face the Nation and expressed dissatisfaction with Cuba and more so with Laos-Vietnam. Cronkite also essentially condemned the actions of Mayor Daley, which ultimately led to the deaths to two young activists, calling it a “deplorable and violent response to the call for peace abroad.” When asked why he disagreed with the event when he had defended a very similar incident four years prior, Sanders remarked “My daughter convinced me that tumbling’ folks down staircases is fine in some cases, but not when a policeman is tumblin’ young students for demonstrating peacefully, because that kind of violence ain’t needed, and it ends the respect people have for officers of the law.”

    – Theodore H. White’s The Making of the President: 1964, Atheneum Publishers, 1965

    “Walter we have to run a tight ship around here! Walls can have ears, Walter – there could be Republican spies anywhere, listening to everything we say!” [1]

    – President Johnson to aide Walter Jenkins on a White House phone, 7/25/1964; segment from phone conversation courtesy of the FBI public A-V library, declassified 4/15/2005


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    – President Lyndon B. Johnson speaking at a U.S. Army base in Florida, 7/27/1964


    The town of Boyeros, Cuba was shaken this morning when a bomb, planted in a parked car, threw debris and flames onto three buildings in the city’s financial district, killing 17 people and wounding “as many as 35,” according an administrator at the hospital, where the current Minister of Health was recuperating following a bout of fatigue and dehydration. …This is the largest assault on innocent Cuban civilians this year, and its scale, spectacle and magnitude demonstrate the level of disregard the Communists have for the citizens they claim they seek to liberate…

    – The Free Cuba Press (translated), 7/30/1964


    …Historically, citizens over the age of 65 vote much more frequently than younger voters… As this latest poll suggests, Colonel Sanders is winning over WW2 veterans who disapprove of the shoutniks, though the elderly population overall is split over President Johnson’s healthcare programs. Only roughly 5% of elderly voters polls voiced support for Governor Bryant…

    The Sacramento Union, 8/1/1964

    The campaign heavily focused on jobs: “This campaign is for the factory workers, assemblymen, welders, bus and truck drivers, beauticians, firemen, police officers, steel workers, plumbers, bakers, receptionists, typists, oilmen, butchers, meatpackers, and of course the small business owners.” Unemployment was still shaky in the aftermath of the 1963-1964 recession, and Father’s background gave hope to people that if anyone could protect their jobs, it was The Colonel. Father’s campaign appealed to young and old alike; when reviewing his gubernatorial experience, he was rightfully seen as a man of honor that always kept his promises. …Mags enjoyed life on the campaign trail with her mother-in-law; the two loved to travel, and I think the trips made things better between the two of them... “His folksy charm is infectious,” Goldwater once told me when we were stumping in Phoenix. For example, during that trip, Father went on a brief tangent during a speech on water sanitation to comment, “Did y’all know ‘water fountains’ are called ‘bubblers’ in eastern Wisconsin? That’s still amazing to me!” Father did not like to micromanage but he did have trust issues, and so he was sure to put people he could rely on to oversee the major sections of the campaign. …At a campaign stop in the deeply anti-Johnson city of Dallas, Texas, Father serenaded an enthusiastic crowd with the declaration that the President’s foreign policy was “out of control,” but then received jeers for promising to protect the lives and rights of African-Americans. While other politicians may have backtracked or left early, father held his ground and finished his speech, winning enough of the crowd back for him to end up spending several minutes shaking hands on his way out.

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    Sanders was still privately insecure about his academic shortcomings. “Many of us, especially the Colonel, thought Johnson would spend most of the campaign trying to hammer into the voters like crazy that his sixth grade education disqualified him,” deputy campaign manager James Reston later explained. In an interview on CBS on August 2, Sanders was pressed to defend his light academic background, leading him hollering a famous soundbite: “I never made it to middle school and yet I still created a global food business and did a heck of a job as Governor. So just imagine how successful I’d be if I had made it through to high school!”

    – Anne Meagher Northup’s Chicken and Politickin’: the Rise of Colonel Sanders and Rational Conservatism in the Republican Party, 2015

    NARRATOR: The worse the situation becomes along the Laos-Vietnam border, and the more that soldiers return to their families in boxes, the more the young people fresh out of high school and planning to enter college next month take to the streets to protest “the bureaucratic killing of our peers.” The rise in the numbers of protesting youths can be attributed to the rise of Hitler, says one expert:

    CLIP: “The protestors turning 18 this year are the children born during the Baby Boom that immediately followed soldiers returning from fighting in World War Two; over 3,200,000 children were born in 1946 alone… Quite simply, these young people don’t want to be forced into fighting in an unofficial war with an already-high casualty count that’s happening halfway across the world, and many of them go further, and see little reason for the war even existing in the first place, whether because of war fatigue or because of their principles. …We are seeing a younger America transform here, and it is more liberal and more anti-war than the nation’s past forms.”

    – NBC News report, 8/2/1964

    “The youth rebellion is a worldwide phenomenon that has not been seen before in history. I do not believe they will calm down and be ad execs at 30, as the establishment would like us to believe.”

    – William Burroughs, American writer and beatnik leader, c. August 1964 [2]

    His travels in ’64 contrasted sharply with his 1955 business journeys, in that this time he was joined by an entourage – the inner circle of the Colonel’s “War Room People,” a combination of longtime allies, veteran party workers, and personal friends and family: strategists, organizers, managers, volunteers, phone operators, and speechwriters. Whether by plane, train, or the Colonel’s preferred method of bus, a group ranging in size from 20 to just four always tagged along... Harry Jaffa, a speechwriter from the Goldwater primary campaign, thought to invoke Lincoln, while fellow speechwriter Bill Baroody focused on foreign policy, coming up with the oft-quoted line “Yesterday it was Cuba, now it’s Vietnam. What country do you want to send our boys to die in next, Mr. President?” The Chief of Staff was Gene Pulliam, while the campaign spokesman was the spritely 25-year-old Ronald Ziegler.

    …Throughout the campaign, Sanders repeatedly met with military policy experts to better familiarize himself with the modern army, with the wall of one room in the campaign headquarters becoming completely covered with maps of Southeast Asia and Cuba. The Colonel was also given tours of various Army bases with his campaign’s foreign policy advisers...

    – Theodore H. White’s The Making of the President: 1964, Atheneum Publishers, 1965

    Bryant took his campaign north to try to win over blue-collar workers in a sort of coalition endeavor between southern and northern populists that seemingly dug more into Sanders’ numbers than Johnson’s. An August 2 speech in Chicago, the sight of “the Democratic party’s rejection of Patterson’s common sense policies” saw a turnout of 5,000 supporters and roughly 3,000 hecklers and protestors. The event lead to a violent confrontation between beatniks and hippies that saw several injuries before Bryant’s security whisked him away. Further speeches in Indiana, Ohio, and New York saw further bellicose hubbub. It was this very “riotous discord” as Bryant put it that led to him finally choosing a running mate. “Until then, we did not know if we should double down or try to win over some more moderates,” former aide Asa Carter described in his memoirs, “but after seeing how much clamor and hatred there was for us in the north, Bryant decided that focusing on winning over the South was more realistic. If he won enough of those states, he could deadlock the election and play kingmaker at the least. Of course, beating Sanders for second place in the Electoral College and then becoming President through the E.C. was Plan A from the start. Bryant was in it for the win.” To reaffirm his dedication to the concerns of the region, Bryant convinced former Governor Patterson to be his running mate, matching anger towards refugees with anger towards desegregation…

    – Dan T. Carter’s Politics of Rage: The Political Actions, Philosophies and Ramifications of Thurmond, Bryant, and Beyond, Louisiana State University Press, 1995 (Second Edition 2001, Third Edition 2009)

    California U.S. Senate Primaries, 8/3/1964:
    Republican Primary Results (13.2% Total Population):
    Richard Nixon – 1,120,925 (54.1%)
    George L. Murphy – 654,737 (31.6%)
    Leland M. Kaiser – 190,619 (9.2%)
    Fred Hall – 105,669 (5.1%)
    Total votes cast: 2,071,950


    …It is ironic then that back in 1964, was Colonel Sanders was the Republican nominee for President, Reagan refused to actively campaign for the Colonel in California, going so far as to even decline being in any television ads. …According to his son Ron, Reagan “saw there was already enough ‘Hollywood spectacle’ to his [the Colonel’s] campaign, what with Jerry Lewis and Elvis Presley voicing support for him, and so he believed the campaign wouldn’t be taken seriously no matter how grave the subject matter.” Instead, Reagan appeared in several more short television spots promoting conservative talking points. Ron further explained that “Dad wanted to run for public office someday, and to him that meant separating himself from his acting career to prove such a run was sincere. He thought he’d fail to do that hanging around Elvis.” This distance from the Colonel may explain the events of 1966, where…


    …Johnson and the Colonel separately agreed that the most appropriate number of hours worked in a week should be determined on an industry-by-industry balance in order to strike the right balance between costs and inflation rising from too little work and “consistently excessive use of overtime caus[ing] increased unemployment.” [3] …Johnson won endorsements from all the prominent unions despite the President voting for the Taft-Hartley Act. His support among union embers was nevertheless challenged by Sanders’ appeal to voters of the working class, not to mention the groundswell of support the Colonel received from low-educated voters (those without a college diploma, and others without even a high school diploma)…

    – Theodore H. White’s The Making of the President: 1964, Atheneum Publishers, 1965

    In August, Johnson’s latest Great Society proposals were shelved amid the melee of juggling the two foreign policy fronts, the election, and economy recovery efforts, with Johnson telling Jenkins, “They’ll be introduced right after the election if not sooner.”

    – Robert Caro’s The Years of Lyndon: Book Four: The Power of the Presidency, A. A. Knopf Inc., 2018


    The Washington Post, 8/10/1964

    “The free market allows people to choose. Giving a business your money for a good or service you want is like voting for the politician you want. It’s the freedom of choice that makes a Democracy. And to ignore two of the three choices for President that exist in this race is a disservice to the customers of our democratic process. President Johnson may have refused Bryant’s offer, but I will not.”

    – Colonel Sanders explaining to reporters why he agreed to debate Bryant, Lexington, KY, 8/10/1964


    …The battalion bravely gave it everything they got – tanks, grenades, machine guns – but in the end the Communists outnumbered them. After the fighting moved out of the streets and into the neighboring foliage, Sergeant Lee gave the order of retreat, realizing that they would be unable to recapture the city from Communist forces that day… The city had fallen back into Communist hands in November 1963…

    – reporter Tad Szulc, The New York Times, 8/11/1964 special report

    Boston’s, better known as Boston Pizza in the states and once known as Pizza House, was founded on August 12, 1964, when a Greek immigrant named Gus Agioritis opened Boston Pizza and Spaghetti House in Edmonton, Alberta.



    The University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN, is preparing to host the first-ever televised debate between general-election Presidential candidates, but in this three-person race, the stage will only feature two podiums. After Bryant suggested that he, Republican nominee Colonel Sanders, and President Johnson all meet together for a debate on foreign and domestic policy, the White House Press Secretary announced that the President was too busy running the country, and would not consider a debate. “This administration’s goals are perfectly clear to the average voter, and any information or details are obtainable at local campaign headquarters, from press releases, and from other forms of public documentation.” While Bryant had earlier suggest that he would not debate the Colonel without Johnson also in attendance, he has since backtracked that notion with the public statement “I look forward to my chat with the Colonel this Monday.” The University was chosen as “neutral ground” between the three candidates…

    – The Chicago Tribune, 8/13/1964

    SANDERS: Immigrant folks are just like us lifelong Americans – they’re studious, industrious, ambitious and hard-working dreamers and democracy-lovers.

    BRYANT: That is a very naïve thing to say, Colonel. The immigrants seeking refuge from Cuba in my state are lazy loafers who are stealing American jobs.


    SANDERS: I think we need to rethink our strategy in Indochina. It’s obvious the fightin’ is of the war kind, not the protectin' kind, so if we’re going to end up with another war on our hands – and I really hope we don’t – but if we do, I say give it three years. We defeated the Japs in less time, '42 to '45, and they had more firepower than these Viet Congo fellas. I think if there is no absolute path to peace or victory by January 1968, then we should perform an admirable withdrawal by January 1969.

    BRYANT: that is not the kind of thinking we need in the White House. Rome wasn’t built in a day; you cannot put defending democracy on timetable. We do need to rethink our strategy in Indochina, and in the lingering issues facing our involvement in Cuba, but we cannot withdraw our troops from either because withdrawing is the same as surrendering. Democracy can never surrender to the evil forces of communism and oppression. Not in Cuba, not in Indochina, not anywhere!

    SANDERS: Then when should we stop killing people overseas?

    BRYANT: When those people are free!

    SANDERS: Dead but free isn’t a good deal, Farris!

    MODERATOR: Gentlemen –

    SANDERS: I might have the goatee, but Byrant’s the stubborn ol’ goat in this race!”

    MODERATOR: Gentlemen, please. So for the record, do both of you agree on withdrawing from Indochina as being conceivable or not?

    SANDERS: If the war is not winnable, then yes, absolutely.

    BRYANT: If the people want to be free, which they do, then no, absolutely not.

    MODERATOR: And Cuba?

    SANDERS: Four words, sonny: bring our boys home.

    BRYANT: I agree with the Colonel that we must preserve America’s history of strength and victory, but not at the cost of an entire generation of American lives. However, Cuba’s proximity to our borders means that we cannot in good conscience leave the island without absolute assurance that it is clear of any remaining threatening elements.

    SANDERS: Bryant, if I may, but in light of how the conflict in Cuba has descended into “acre-by-acre” guerilla warfare, I just have to say that if you become President and go through with your notions of warfare, you’re gonna need a whole truckload of Ajax to get the blood off your hands.

    – Transcript of the Bryant-Sanders debate in Knoxville, TN, 8/17/1964

    By mid-1964, Indonesia’s leader, Sukarno, had become too reliant on the Soviet Union for the comfort of the US’s national security personnel. The CIA soon devised, organized, and executed the August 17 [1964] “Independence Day” coup that overthrew Sukarno and replaced him with the pro-American General Suharto. Suharto used Indonesia’s war with the neighboring nation of Malaysia and the political entity of East Timor since January 1963 (which had gone largely ignored by the US as it tackled issues in Cuba and Vietnam) as excuses for the need for “a temporary emergency government.” Sukarno had privately planned to expand the warfare to mainland Malaysia on August 17, but instead of visions of conquest Sukarno met the day with a violent removal from power. Naturally, Communists loyal to Sukarno took to arms, and quickly the Indonesian Civil War had begun.

    – Michael Richard Beschloss’ At the Highest Levels: The Cold War At Play In Southeast Asia, Crown Publishing, 1997


    …millions of Americans watched and listened to last night’s riveting exchanges…

    – The Hollywood Review, 8/18/1964

    The Colonel was friendly to reporters much more so than L.B.J., who was having trouble balancing governing with campaigning. Johnson, while visiting a veteran’s hospital in California on the 23rd, sparked rumors concerning the Colonel’s physical and even mental health, and complained that his rhetoric has been “uncouth and tactless in the most polite of ways.” …Johnson seemed to have virtually no support among young voters, and hoped that promises to expand Medicare/Medicaid benefits would boost support among older voters in several battleground states…

    – Robert Caro’s The Years of Lyndon: Book Five: The Power of the Presidency, A. A. Knopf Inc. New York, 2012

    “…We did our best to stay impartial, but that was not always successful. I remember, on the one side of the political aisle, there were two restaurants that sold our chicken, both of them being up north a ways, were both owned by very passionate L.B.J. supporters, and while they openly disapproved of the Colonel’s run, they didn’t sever business ties with us. They’d be getting rid of their best-selling product if they did that. On the flip side, though, some of our business partners were avid Sanders supporters. Both sides were problematic due to legal issues with the FEC, so I had to ask them to limit how much they supported The Colonel’s campaign to just banners. By September, though, we, uh, the company, had firmly established rules to separate The Colonel the Chicken King from The Colonel the Candidate. We made it so managers could promote the Colonel’s chicken on properties selling it, but could only promote his campaign off of said properties…”

    – Pete Harman, 60 Minutes interview, 1999


    The Guardian, UK newspaper, 8/28/1964


    Portland, OR – The Beaver State’s more famous U.S. Senator has spent most of the past several weeks contemplating whether or not to run an independent campaign in the fall. …Two days ago, Morse met with President Johnson. Today’s announcement will come as a disappointment to his more ardent supporters; however, Morse assured the assembled crowed “I will criticize whoever is sworn in next January, however they are, if they fail to protect the American people.” Morse also discouraged a proposed write-in campaign already underway in some states, and added “He’s not perfect, but I believe Johnson is the best man for the job out of the three men in the ring.”

    – The Washington Post, 8/29/1964


    Dothan, AL – Sanders campaigning in certain parts of the South had been hostile for him. At a campaign stop in southern Virginia last week, for instance, an empty beer can struck the Colonel in the back of the head, and while leaving a rally in Louisiana last month, young activists tried to throw cans of paint on the Colonel, but missed the surprisingly sprite septuagenarian. This incident however, was much more severe. Sanders was in the particularly hostile territory of Alabama, where the state’s current moderate Governor, George Wallace, urged for those passionate for politics to treat Sanders with dignity. The FKC magnate was shaking hands in the conservative city of Dothan, shortly after finishing a speech, when a man pushed his way through the crowd on the side opposite the Colonel and charged for Sanders with a knife. Turning and seeing his assailant’s weapon, Sanders reacted swiftly, waving forward his cane to knock the knife out of the assailant’s hand and striking the would-be harmer square in the jaw – all with one effective gesticulation of his cane!

    – The New York Times, 9/1/1964

    The assailant was taken into custody and identified as Jerry Ray James of Austin, Texas [4]. James claimed he wanted to kill Sanders “for betraying the South,” later clarifying that he disapproved of the Colonel’s stance on Civil Rights. …James believed his actions would make him a martyr or even a hero to the “true American patriots” of the nation. Instead, all of the glory and praise went to Colonel Sanders for demonstrating quick thinking and bravery in the face of such an assault… The incident also neutralized claims that the 74-year-old man was far too old and frail to be President.

    – Josh Ozersky’s Sanders in 1964: An American Discovering America, University of Texas Press, 2012

    “Bat Masterson would be proud.”

    – Actor Gene Barry, referring to a historical character he played on TV in the 1950s, 9/3/1964


    – The Washington Post, 9/7/1964

    “When I deliver the South to Johnson, he will owe big time for it. Hell, maybe I can get a cabinet position out of it! I think Secretary of State Wallace has a nice ring to it…”

    – George Wallace to speechwriter Asa Earl Carter, 9/10/1964 (allegedly)

    “Under a Colonel Presidency, we can kiss Civil Rights goodbye! I am a Kentuckian through and through, and I know for a fact – and you can go ahead and look into this if you don’t believe me – that Sanders’ home town of Corbin, Kentucky, where Colonel Sanders got his start, is strife with racial prejudice. Why in 1919 nearly every n****r – sorry, I mean Negro – was kicked out of that town. Forced onto a freight train, they were [5]! And Sanders was not an opponent of this kind of violent behavior, not at all. For Sanders, it’s business before people. Hell, Sanders once shot a man over business! Can any of you all really see yourselves voting for a man like that? I hope not. I hope instead that you all will vote for President Lyndon Johnson!”

    – Happy Chandler (D-KY), introducing President Johnson at a rally in St. Louis, MO, 9/12/1964

    “Oh, he’s still sore from when I whooped his rear end back in ’55. To clarify the record, I didn’t live in Corbin at the time of the 1919 incident, and I would never support such an act no matter where I live. While Corbin has had a less-than-glamorous racial past, I’ve always treated my fellow man equally. …It don’t matter what color you are – if you have the money, or are good for it, meaning you can be trusted to pay when you can, you’re a welcomed customer, and if you can do the work, you’re a welcomed employee… [Snip] I don’t see what that’s got to do with anything but to answer the question I don’t know if I’d have voted for or against the Civil Rights Act because I haven’t read it, but once I get into office, I’ll take a good look at it. And if any part of it does more harm than good – wham! – off it’ll go!”

    – Colonel Sanders, answering questions at a press conference, 9/12/1964

    “We can’t afford to toy with the idea of havin’ a poultry-pluckin’ President. I’m voting for Bryant/Patterson and so should all the people of South Carolina.”

    – US Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC), 9/15/1964


    – The Los Angeles Times, 9/16/1964

    DYLAN: Traitor To The Movement?

    – Tumbleweed Magazine, 9/19/1964

    …Sanders, the most active of the candidates, is still picking up steam, with the latest polls showing the former Governor defeating President Johnson in November by a margin of 13%...

    – NBC broadcast, 9/19/1964

    “That move to Little Rock was a milestone in my life. I was there for three years studying law, reading the material La Salle U sent me, and reading up whatever I could in the office of Judge Iscreed. When any of my cases had to go to a higher court, a court above the Justice of the Peace Court, if I didn’t win in the J.P. Court, I turned them over to the judge. He’d take them from there on in and we’d split the fee. It was a slim living, but I was getting by. Then, after my, heh, slipup in front of a judge that landed me in hot water, I decided I didn’t want to be a lawyer anymore. I may have moved out of it, but I still love this city and I don’t think I’ll ever not stop this city.” …Sanders may be gaining approval in parts of the Deep South, where the GOP nominee is stressing his time living in the states of Arkansas and Alabama both in his rallies and in informal campaign advertisements on radio and TV…

    – Colonel Sanders at a rally in Little Rock, Arkansas, 9/20/1964

    – Part of an informal video short concerning Colonel Sanders’ work ethic, c. September 1964

    – Part of an informal video short concerning Colonel Sanders’ connections to Alabama, c. September 1964

    In mid-September, Sanders took a tour abroad to demonstrate his geopolitical prowess: the Colonel met with Dutch, French and West German officials to discuss a multitude of issues. Ultimately, actions taken during the 1961-1963 “Chicken War,” a tariffs-and-trade confrontation that ended the selling of U.S. chickens in Europe and European trucks in the U.S., were brought up. In 1963, Senator J. William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Democratic Senator from Arkansas – a chief U.S. poultry-producing state – had interrupted a NATO debate on nuclear armament to protest trade sanctions on U.S. chicken, going so far as to threaten cutting U.S. troops in NATO. Sanders remarked that the move was “valiant.” In response, Fulbright reiterated his endorsement for Johnson but nevertheless publicly thanked the Colonel for the compliment. Politicos in Arkansas were not exactly ignorant of the warm exchange as the Colonel’s approval ratings in the state continued to rise…

    – Josh Ozersky’s Sanders in 1964: An American Discovering America, University of Texas Press, 2012

    “That autumn was wonderful series of zigzags around the country… But there were unpleasant times, for sure. The most famous, or infamous, was the time when that Tennessee cad went to one of those tabloid papers to claim on the 21st of September that Harland had stolen the 11-Herbs-and-Spices formula from him in 1949. Oh, and it was soon all over the news! Harland was privately outraged, of course. When he realized some were taking the accusation seriously, I remember him tossing over a table and pounding his cane on any surface he could, calling him a “lying scoundrel with no honor.” Immediately, our lawyers drew up papers to charge the man with slander. Gene [Pulliam] soon publicly made the claim that the cad was being put up to it by supports of either Johnson or Bryant. Nelson [Rockefeller] and Barry [Goldwater] also came to my husband’s defense, but if I recall correctly, Goldwater had to stop himself from directly accusing President Johnson of sabotage. Us and Sanders’ manager worked magic. We organized a petition and radio interview after radio interview to get the truth heard. Within a few days, hundreds of people stepped forward to attest that KFC tasted the same then as it did when Harland made it in the early 1940s, when he created the formula. Soon the negativity and suspicion toward my husband simmered down and the press began depicting Harland in a more sympathetic light. The pressure then shifted to that awful man from Tennessee, and, well, he felt the walls closing in and that was too much for him.”

    – Claudia Price Sanders, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1979

    …The latest breaking news: …now admits that he did not really create Kentucky Fried Chicken’s 11-herbs-and-spices secret recipe… Sanders’ campaign spokeman Ronald Ziegler says that Sanders will now withdraw charges for slander as a showing of letting bygones be bygones…

    – NBC News, 10/3/1964 broadcast

    We never did find out if he was just desperate for fame or money, or if somebody did put him up to it…

    – Claudia Price Sanders, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1979


    …the wife of former U.S. Congressman Denver Hargis (D-KS) drove off the road when attempted to avoid hitting a deer on the road, according to witnesses… Hargis is survived by her husband and their four young children, three daughters and a son…

    – The Fort Scott Tribune, obituary section, 10/7/1964

    ….The Bryant/Patterson campaign is becoming embroiled in even further controversy and is facing widespread condemnation by many politicians over reports of African-Americans being harassed by Bryant supporters… reports that attendees of his rallies openly exclaim racist and anti-Semitic slurs have persisted for weeks… These controversies may be behind his slip in the polls in the northern states, though his numbers have not suffered in the Deep South, according to Gallup polling…

    – ABC news report, 10/10/1964

    “I’m kind of proud of how good I am at organizing things. In the 1920s, I established a Young Businessmen’s Club in Jeffersonville, Indiana, a town very much like the towns around these here parts. Yes sir, I got the local businesses to close up for a large picnic in the park, even a few folks who didn’t want to close up shop ended up there. And like how my presidency will be, those picnics were the ‘daggonest’ [7] that Jeffersonville ever saw.”

    – Colonel Sanders at a rally in Des Moines, Iowa, 10/12/1964


    London – Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home led the Conservative party to victory in today’s parliamentary elections. Labour made large gains but failed to win enough seats to place their leader, Harold Wilson, in charge; Douglas-Home held onto power with 326 seats, just ten more seats than needed to hold a majority. Fear over democratic collapse in France and support for returning capitalism and peace to Cuba (such as supporting the US Navy using the Bahamas for military purposes in 1961 and 1962) swung the election into Sir Douglas-Home’s favor.

    – The Daily Telegraph, UK newspaper, 10/15/1964

    “I would like to take this moment to congratulate Prime Minister Douglas-Home… The British know to keep their man in office. I might be biased in this opinion, but I really think we all would benefit from remembering that on November 3rd. …Well, let’s face it, Sanders would do a terrible job as President!”

    – Lyndon B. Johnson at a televised White House function, 10/16/1964

    “(chuckles) Oh, I couldn’t possibly do a worse job than you, Mr. President. …A nation can’t be strong overseas without first being strong at home, and right now the American people are still feeling the effects of the Salad Oil Recession. We need to spend our nation’s fortune helping them get back up on their feet first and foremost, Mr. President.”

    – Sanders at a rally in Milwaukee, WI, 10/16/1964

    “Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is the President. What is it?”

    “Mister President, this is the pentagon. It’s the Chinese, sir.”

    “The Chinese? I thought you just said this is the pentagon.”

    “No, sir, I mean… it’s me, Director Dulles.”

    “Oh. Allen. Hey. …Christ, it’s two in the morning, what’s wrong?”

    “…We have reason to believe the Chinese have successfully tested a nuclear bomb.”


    “The U-2 planes and subs are picking up the info. They finally detonated that atomic weapon they’ve been working on.”

    “How powerful?”

    “Not too powerful, but the rest of the men here are a bit worried.”

    “Well of course they are, Allen. This is a really big game-changer. If China’s gone nuclear, we’re going to have to really show ’em who’s boss over there…”

    – telephone conversation between President Johnson and CIA Director Allen Dulles, 10/17/1964, nature of recording classified until 2029

    CAM BOMB STRIKES U.S. EMBASSY IN HAVANA: US Ambassador “Seriously Wounded”

    – The Washington Post, 10/19/1964


    “Believed To Be Communist” Order Leads To At Least 90 Dead

    The Los Angeles Times, 10/21/1964

    General Westmoreland: “We Need to Know What Went On Over There!”

    – The San Diego Tribune, 10/23/1964


    …The most recent Gallup survey results indicate that the President’s boost in approval ratings following the attack on the American Embassy in Cuba last Monday is already dissipating… This was a busy week for the President as he travelled to Miami to meet with the U.S. Ambassador severely injured in the bombing… Sympathy for the administration was quickly truncated by an expose on civilian murders being printed only two days later. Rallies once again are popping up across the country... In light of the recent “acts of horror” on what is technically American soil, President Johnson has reaffirmed his notion that “routing out the remaining Communists in integral to our nation’s security” However, the lack of a longer-lasting “rally-around-the-flag” is likely due to the attack being viewed as only furthering the notion that it is unwise for American troops to still be in Cuba, according to the latest polling... Colonel Sanders has been more critical of the situation abroad in recent weeks, most recently declaring at a campaign event in North Carolina, “I understand the need to defend our borders, but not at the sake of an entire generation of our own people; that’s not defense, that’s murder.”

    – The Wall Street Journal, 10/24/1964

    “I believe it is best to follow in the wise words of Abraham Lincoln: it is best to not switch horses in mid-stream.”

    – Lyndon B. Johnson in televised address in Washington, D.C., 10/25/1964

    “You do if your horse is drowning!”

    – Colonel Sanders at a rally in Dayton, OH, in response to Johnson’s comments made earlier the same day, 10/25/1964

    Guest of former Presidential candidate Frank LAUSCHE (D-OH): “The Colonel is a sacrificial lamb of a candidate. He’s simply being offered up by the GOP party bosses so the Republican leaders can focus on winning in 1968, when incumbency fatigue will make the Democrats more vulnerable to losing the White House.”

    Guest and former U.S. Senate candidate George L. MURPHY (R-CA): “Incumbency fatigue is already here, Frank. Between riots stemming from Civil Rights, protests sprouting up over the Cuba War, and turbulence arising everywhere in response to the Salad Oil Recession, Lyndon Johnson has been a disaster for the country. If The Colonel is a lamb, then he’s a lamb with sharp claws and teeth, because poll after poll shows the Colonel narrowly winning this race.”

    LAUSCHE: “But there are also polls, if not more polls, showing Johnson winning.”

    Host Roger MUDD: “Well all the polls together indicate that the race is going to be very close. But I’d like to ask you both right now, do you think control of the Senate and House hinges on who wins?”

    MURPHY: “No.”

    LAUSCHE: “No.”

    MUDD: “Alright, um, George, how about you explain why first, and Frank can add to it if he wants.”

    MURPHY: “Roger, given how lopsided control of both chambers are, even if The Colonel wins in a landslide, it will not be enough for the Republican Party to take back majority control. That will take another, two, maybe three more biennial election cycles of continuous seat gains –”

    LAUSCHE: “Yes, you can thank FDR for that.”

    MURPHY: “– But Republicans could significantly diminish the Democratic majorities.”

    MUDD: “Alright, so let’s talk for a moment about the upcoming downballot races in this biennial election cycle. The closest races, such as the one being held your home state, George. In California, former Vice President and former Senator Richard Nixon is running to return to that chamber. Nixon sat out a bid for Governor in 1962 to better focus on a potential Presidential bid earlier this year, but failed to gather any momentum heading into the primaries or the convention. He is challenging incumbent appointee Alan Cranston. Do you think he can win, George.”

    MURPHY: “Yes. He’s a very experienced and well-spoken man.”

    LAUSCHE: “Yes, but Nixon has hitched his wagon to the Colonel’s, so how well the Colonel does could influence or be reflected in how that Senate race unfolds.”

    MUDD: “Indeed.”

    LAUSCHE: “Similarly, in Arizona, Barry Goldwater is running for a third term against Roy Elson, and in that state’s governor’s race, Goldwater ally incumbent Paul Fannin is being challenged by Democrat Art Brock. Both Fannin and Goldwater could feasibly lose their respective elections if Johnson wins that state.”

    MUDD: “Yes, and a third state out west worthy of watching is Nevada’s US Senate race between Republican challenger Paul Laxalt and incumbent Democrat Howard Cannon, as polling suggests that that race is dead-even. The same can be said for Ohio’s race between Republican Bob Taft and incumbent Democrat Stephen Young, for Oklahoma’s race between Republican Bud Wilkinson and incumbent Democrat J. Howard Edmondson, for Tennessee’s race between Republican Howard Baker and incumbent Democrat Ross Bass, and Wyoming’s race between Republican John Wold and incumbent Democrat Gale McGee.”

    LAUSCHE: “Another interesting Senate race that I think is worth watching is the one between incumbent Republican Hugh Scott and his Democratic challenger, Genevieve Blatt, who would be Pennsylvania’s first female Senator if she can unseat the better-funded Scott.”

    – CBS Roundtable discussion, 10/27/1964 broadcast

    “Folks, I, like many Americans right now, including the people here, am unsatisfied with the current state of this great nation. But I’m more than unsatisfied, I am grossly disappointed. Disappointed that President Johnson refuses to confront the difficult situations facing our great country. Perhaps he has fallen to fear. Perhaps he has fallen victim to the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about in 1959. Regardless, we are losing men every day in foreign theaters due to a complete lack in organization of our forces and a lack of a basic understanding of the enemy. With such poor execution of operations in Cuba and the Indochina Border, we are embarrassing ourselves on the world stage, in front of our allies and our enemies. Our defense has become a shadow of its former self. Four years ago, no one dared to even challenge the power of the United States. Now, America is repeatedly ransacked by Cam bombs sent by Communist forces only 90 miles from our shores. The carnage of these conflicts has our younger generations in an uproar. They have lost the respect and dignity for the United States government that had been in surplus before Johnson entered office. But this is not just how I alone see these issues. These are the same opinions thought by millions of Americans across the country. This all is not how America should be! And so I must say to you, my fellow Americans, that with your help, we will bring America back from the edge of insanity and instability, and defeat its decline into destruction and despair.”

    – Colonel Sanders at a campaign event in Fort Lauderdale, FL, 10/29/1964

    “With two days left to go, all three candidates are heavily campaigning across the country, visiting several states that could swing into either the Republican, Democratic, or “HIP” column come this Tuesday… Colonel Sanders is currently leading in the polls, but only by under 5%, meaning President Johnson could still squeeze out a victory, while Governor Bryant, focusing heavily on the Southern states, could possibly win enough states to throw the election to the House of Representatives…”

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS, 11/1/1964 broadcast

    ANNOUNCER: Direct From CBS News Election Headquarters in New York, this is the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite!

    CRONKITE: Good evening… Across this nation of ours it appears that the populace has gone to the polls in record numbers, perhaps more than 71 million of us have trooped to our polling places today… With the polls still open
    , [8] we can say that Colonel Sanders is the winner in Kentucky, the first state called tonight and the former Governor’s home state. Our system of selected precincts suggests we can give him the state with roughly 70% of the vote there… We’ll be back in a moment, right after this message… Now we have the popular vote, and so far Colonel Sanders is in the lead by 5,000 votes. We will keep you updated in what should be an interesting and dare I say fun evening and night, and if necessary the early hours of tomorrow…


    Lisa Howard is watching the Senate elections, Roger Mudd is covering the Congressional bids and Mike Wallace the governor races… Whatever the popular vote will be, it won’t be popular with everybody… It is now 7:30 PM, and the polls have just closed in Ohio, West Virginia, and North Carolina. As of this moment, the Bryant/Patterson ticket has won zero states… Here’s another bulletin now, and it seems a win has just been called: Johnson is projected to win Illinois with around 55% of the vote…


    The probable winner of the usually Democratic state of Virginia will be the Republican nominee this year. Virginia previously voted for the G.O.P. candidate in 1952 and 1956 but voted for President Johnson in 1960. …The IBM machine will likely make less mistakes than us, but the machine and the lot of us here rely on the BPA analysis and the county results being sent in from across the country… It is now 8:30 PM, and while New Hampshire still too close to call, precincts are calling Pennsylvania for Colonel Sanders, likely due to the presence of Governor Scranton on the Republican ticket...


    It is now 9:00 PM, which means that the polls are now closing in several western states. The West has a history of voting for conservative candidates, and Sanders is expected to sweep the central states of Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas… The margins of victory in the early states such and Pennsylvania imply that Sanders has a strong chance of winning. Farmers in the west are favoring Sanders but rural counties in the south seem to be preferring Governor Bryant, especially in the rural parts of Florida… We’ve just received another projection, this one from Indiana, which has gone to the Colonel over the President… Johnson is leading Sanders by 10,000 votes in Texas… Paper ballots are being used in South Carolina after the breakdown of several ballot machines…


    WALLACE: …Former Governor Collins will return to the Governorship despite the large volume of people voting for Bryant for the Presidency. Governor Bryant is calling his more active supporters “the front lines of the quiet and resentful Americans who want what is best for their families only for their voices to be drowned out by the oppressive nature of liberal interest groups.”

    CRONKITE: Thank you, Michael. We take you now to Dan Rather, who’s with the presidential party headquarters in Johnson City, Texas…


    MICHAEL SHUMACHER: Colonel Sanders, having already voted in Corbin, Kentucky, a town very excited about his presence, is now working the phones with other members of his campaign team…

    SHUMACHER: Here in South Carolina, public servicemen are working to repair further machine breakdowns. In a statement that has been scrutinized by several Democrats, Senator Goldwater warned yesterday that, quote, “events that could discourage certain voters could be intentional in some areas,” unquote. The comment came in light of early voting suggesting an unprecedented number of Negro voters would cast their ballots tonight. Indeed, despite claims of voter intimidation in many southern precincts, long lines of Black people like the kind behind me show that they are adamant, um, and are persevering to exercise their right to vote, most of them for the very first time.

    CRONKITE: Thank you, and we have another bulletin, we are reporting to you now that the Colonel has won the state of West Virginia, a state the Johnson was expected to win... The indicated winner of Missouri, commonly seen as a bellwether state, is now leaning to the Republican column. Johnson, meanwhile, is doing well in the industrious areas of the Midwest and in Maryland, a state he lost in the primaries, though it is still too early to tell if the current numbers are indicative of the final results… How are things in your area, Dan?

    RATHER: The question here, Walter, is whether or not Governor Bryant can block out the major party candidates in what seems like a three-person free-for-all. Many Southerners here are bitter at Johnson’s actions on Civil Rights, while many others are enthusiastic for him for the exact same reasons… In Arkansas, the vote is split almost exactly into three parts…


    Now a brief break for this message: “Try Marlboro Country.”


    CRONKITE: It is now 11:30 PM… this just in, the state of Arkansas is being called for Colonel Sanders. The state was very narrow, but we finally can confirm whom has won it. The Colonel had campaigned on his connection to the state, as he lived there for a number of years before moving to Kentucky. Bryant was hoping to win the state, as with this calling, it seems Bryant’s window for more statewide victories is closing. …Michael, how are the gubernatorial races going?

    WALLACE: Walter, we can confirm that in Illinois, a state that has voted for President Johnson, has narrowly chosen Republican Charles Percy over incumbent Democrat Otto Kerner Jr. for the Governorship. Another call just made was for the state of Indiana, where Republican Richard Ristine has won over Democrat Roger Branigin.

    CRONKITE: And Lisa Howard, how about the Senate?

    HOWARD: Walter, the Democrats are defending two-thirds of their seats this year, meaning tonight’s map heavily favors the Republicans. Already, early precinct results are hinting at a Republican victory for Richard Nixon in his bid for California’s Class 1 Senate seat, albeit by a margin much narrower than expected…

    – CBS Evening News, 11/3-4/1964 broadcast


    – Lyndon Johnson impatiently awaiting the election results, 11/4/1964 broadcast

    CRONKITE: ...It is now 3:47 AM, and with that state result, its victory has passed the number of electoral votes needed to win. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!

    – CBS Evening News, 11/4/1964 broadcast

    [1] Johnson’s paranoia is inspired by the OTL details found in this interesting read:
    [2] Famous Burroughs quote from OTL (albeit about the youth activities of 1968 OTL)!
    [3] A bit from LBJ’s OTL 1/8/1964 State of the Union address
    [4] This guy:
    [5] Real event!:
    [6] Bob Dylan was a Goldwater supporter in 1964 IOTL!
    [7] Phrase and story found here: (page 9 when printed out)
    [8] Opening lines taken from CBS’s OTL 1964 election night coverage (found via YouTube)

    Next Chapter to be posted tomorrow!
    Last edited:
    Chapter 21: November 1964 – January 1965
  • (Can't sleep, and I managed to finish this early, so here ya go!):

    Chapter 21: November 1964 – January 1965
    “Many a true word is spoken in jest”

    – Geoffrey Chaucer, 1390


    [pic: ]
    All other votes: 290,186 (0.4%)
    Total votes: 72,546,545


    SANDERS BEATS JOHNSON; GOP GAINS SEATS IN HOUSE, SENATE: With Turnout Heavy, Sanders Projected to Win Plurality of Pop. Vote

    The New York Times, 11/4/1964

    “Well if that don’t beat all…we did it. Ha-ha! We did it!”

    – Colonel Sanders reacting to the election results, 11/4/1964


    “[sigh] Congratulations, Colonel.”

    “Oh, uh, thanks, um, how do?”

    “I’ve had better days.”

    “Well, uh, gee, Mr. President, I really don’t know what you’re supposed to say in a situation like this. Um…I’m sorry you lose your job.”

    “Heh. Well, it’s not entirely your fault.”

    “I just wanted to fix – ”

    “It’s alright, I get it. You know, maybe if I’d loosened up some of the red tape, you’d be spending your time right now opening up that airport in Corbin.”

    “No, that was only a tiny little piece of what got me to run. No bigger than a duckling’s eye.”

    “I probably would have won it anyway if it hadn’t been for Bryant and his damn state-splittin’. And all the people in my party stirring up divisiveness. I didn’t have their support this time.”

    “Well, Mr. President, there’s no use lookin’ behind you when your horse always walks forward. You just got to figure out what you’re going to do next.”

    “Yeah, you’re right, crying – uh, crying out about it, uh, it won’t change it. Besides, those are probably the same people that’ll now come to blamin’ you whenever something like don’t like happens. Remember that.”

    “Don’t worry about me none, Mr. President.”

    “Oh, trust me Colonel, you don’t know what you’ve signed up for. The Presidency changes you. It wears you down.”

    “Ah, you’re just trying to wig me out is all.”

    “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Colonel, because I’m telling you, if you don’t want to be on this end on this kind of phone call in four years, you’ll learn fast, because the Presidency, well, it’s the most consequential on-the-job training there is.”

    “Well thank you, Mr. President for the heads-up, and while I have your ear let me tell you that I commend you for all the great things you did do for this country during your many decades of national service. It’s quite a legacy, sir.”

    “Yeah, thanks, Colonel.”

    – Sanders and Johnson in a recorded telephone conversation, 11/4/1964 [1]

    And I remember, I looked over as he slammed the phone down and he muttered, “my legacy is not over yet, Colonel” and before I knew it he was pushing everyone out the door, even me. Asked him “What’s going on?” He glanced at me, then the windows, then me again: “We’re going all in.”

    – Bobby Baker, RNN interview, 1979

    Will? It’s Lyndon! …Okay, okay, save your condolences for when I’m dead, but for now, shut up and listen. How’s the search for Cienfuegos coming?... That’s exactly what I’m calling about. I’m right now making it official: I’m increasing the flow of troops into Cuba for you… Double… Yes, that’s right. … Yeah, that’s correct… because-well… Listen, Westmoreland, I’m still the President until the twentieth of January, and I’m not going out without a bang. I’m also ordering an increase in ammo… Yeah, whatever you need to wrap things up down there before I leave office, I’ll get ya… okay… eh–hey just shut up and find and kill the bastard! Burn all their jungles to the ground if you have to! The Colonel might have stolen my job, but I’ll be damned if I let him steal this victory from me, too! [2]

    – Transcript of Johnson’s dialogue from a secured telephone conversation with General Westmoreland, 11/5/1965, declassified and disclosed in 1991

    United States Senate election results, 1964

    Date: November 3, 1964
    Seats: 36 of 100
    Seats needed for majority: 51
    Senate majority leader: Mike Mansfield (D-MT)
    Senate minority leader: Everett Dirksen (R-IL)
    Seats before election: 62 (D), 38 (R)
    Seats after election: 55 (D), 45 (R)
    Seat change: D v 7, R ^ 7

    Full list:
    Arizona: incumbent Barry Goldwater (R) over Roy Elson (D)
    California: Richard Nixon (R) over incumbent Alan Cranston (D)
    Connecticut: incumbent Thomas J. Dodd (D) over John Davis Lodge (R)
    Delaware: incumbent John J. Williams (R) over Elbert N. Carvel (D)
    Florida: incumbent Spessard Holland (D) over Claude R. Kirk Jr. (R)
    Hawaii: incumbent Hiram L. Fong (R) over Thomas Ponce Gill (D)
    Idaho (special): Len Jordan (R) over Vernon K. Smith (D)
    Indiana: incumbent Vance Hartke (D) over D. Russell Bontrager (R)
    Maine: incumbent Edmund S. Muskie (D) over Clifford McIntire (R)
    Maryland: incumbent James Glenn Beall (R) over Joseph D. Tydings (D)
    Massachusetts: incumbent Eunice Kennedy Shriver (D) over Howard Whitmore Jr. (R)
    Michigan: incumbent Philip A. Hart (D) over Elly M. Peterson (R)
    Minnesota: incumbent Eugene McCarthy (D) over Wheelock Whitney (R)
    Mississippi: incumbent John C. Stennis (D) unopposed
    Missouri: incumbent Stuart Symington (D) over Jean P. Bradshaw (R)
    Montana: incumbent Mike Mansfield (D) over Alex Blewett (R)
    Nebraska: incumbent Roman L. Hruska (R) over Raymond W. Arndt (D)
    Nevada: Paul Laxalt (R) over incumbent Howard W. Cannon (D)
    New Jersey: incumbent Harrison A. Williams Jr. (D) over Bernard M. Shanley (R)
    New Mexico (special): Joseph Montoya (D) over incumbent Edwin L. Mechem (R)
    New York: incumbent Kenneth B. Keating (R) over Samuel S. Stratton (D)
    North Dakota: Thomas S. Kleppe (R) over incumbent Quentin N. Burdick (D)
    Ohio: Robert A. Taft Jr. (R) over incumbent Stephen M. Young (D)
    Oklahoma (special): Bud Wilkinson (R) over incumbent J. Howard Edmondson (D)
    Pennsylvania: incumbent Hugh Scott (R) over Genevieve Blatt (D)
    Rhode Island: incumbent John O. Pastore (D) over Ronald R. Lageux (R)
    Tennessee: incumbent Albert Gore Sr. (D) over Dan H. Kuykendall (R)
    Tennessee (special): Howard H. Baker Jr. (R) over Ross Bass (D)
    Texas: incumbent Ralph Yarborough (D) over George H. W. Bush (R) and Bruce Alger (HIP)
    Utah: incumbent Frank E. Moss (D) over Ernest L. Wilkinson (R)
    Vermont: incumbent Winston L. Prouty (R) over Frederick J. Fayette (D)
    Virginia: incumbent Harry F. Byrd (D) over Richard A. May (R) and James W. Respess (Independent)
    Washington: incumbent Henry M. Jackson (D) over Lloyd J. Andrews (R)
    West Virginia: incumbent Robert C. Byrd (D) over Cooper P. Benedict (R)
    Wisconsin: incumbent William Proxmire (D) over Wilbur N. Renk (R)
    Wyoming: John S. Wold (R) over incumbent Gale McGee (D)

    – [3]

    Walter CRONKITE: “So which victors in tonight’s Senate races do you think are going to significantly impact and effect things on Capitol Hill starting in January 1965?”

    Roger MUDD: “Well, Walter, the night was really good for Republicans, so there are several incoming Senators from that party that could certainly shake things up with either new ideas, fresh perspectives and experience, or with their presence and prestige. For example, Richard Nixon, the former Vice President of the United States, has been elected back to the US Senate, marking the first time that such a thing has happened since former Vice President Alben Barkley was elected back to the US Senate in 1954. The elections of Republicans Len Jordan of Idaho, John Wold of Wyoming, and Paul Laxalt of Nevada could signal that the party is rising in popularity out west, while the sole incoming Democratic freshman, Joseph Montoya of New Mexico, was elected thanks to high voter turnout among Hispanic voters in his home state. That could suggest a rise in Hispanic voter influence in the southwest. Now, Republicans Thomas S. Kleppe of North Dakota and Robert A. Taft Jr. of Ohio – a relative of President Taft, mind you – they narrowly won their respective races, and that could be because of the presence of Hubert Humphrey on tonight’s Presidential ticket. Humphrey campaigned hard for President Johnson across the Midwest, and this could have inhibited Taft and Kleppe’s margins of support. One rising star in the GOP that I think we might want to keep our eyes on is Bud Wilkinson of Oklahoma, who is a former professional football quarterback. Another Republican I think we should watch is Howard H. Baker Jr. of Tennessee…”

    – CBS Evening News, 11/3/1964 broadcast

    United States House of Representatives results, 1964

    Date: November 3, 1964
    Seats: All 437
    Seats needed for majority: 218
    House majority leader: John McCormack (D-MA)
    House minority leader: Charles Halleck (R-IN)
    Last election: 254 (D), 183 (R)
    Seats won: 224 (D), 213 (R)
    Seat change: D v 30, R ^ 30

    – [4]

    ...Bryant's poor performance, demonstrating a public rejection of his rhetoric and policies, was reflected in races beyond his stronghold in the South. For instance, in the state of New Jersey, Robert John Morris was running for the Garden State's 1st U.S. Congressional District on the American Values Party, a state affiliate of the national Heritage and Independence Party. Our correspondents over in that state have confirmed that Morris just conceded that race, after receiving less than half of one percent despite being one of the better-known and better-funded Bryant allies on a ballot somewhere tonight...

    – NBC News, 11/3/1964 broadcast


    NYC, NY – Mario Biaggi knows a thing or two about law and order. A police officer for more than twenty years, Biaggi, a Detective Lieutenant, joined the NYPD in 1942, and has in the line of duty been wounded 11 times and received dozens of citations for valor, making him one of the department’s most decorated officers. He has a permanent limp from an incident in which he saved a woman from a runaway horse, which he reflects on as “a sort of battle scar, a sign of the kind of work I’m in.” Biaggi, 47, was inspired by the war efforts in Cuba to become politically active – working with local Democratic organizations to the point that he was convinced to run for Congress in late 1963 – while also seeking to compliment his resume with a law degree. Starting in 1962, he attended the New York Law School, taking classes on nights and weekends, and he completed the three-year law degree program in only two-and-a-half years; demonstrating his ability to multitask, Biaggi was admitted to the New York Bar just weeks before winning the Democratic primary for a U.S. House seat. Biaggi defeated liberal incumbent Democrat John M. Murphy of the 16th district in the primary in an upset and then defeated David D. Smith in the general by a 10% margin, in a night not too kind to the Democratic Party. “Only in America could I go from where I was to where I’m now heading so quickly,” Biaggi notes as he hands in his letter of resignation at the station. His coworkers celebrate his job change with a simple cake and good-luck cards.

    The New York Post, side article, 11/3/1964

    United States Governor election results, 1964

    Date: November 3, 1964
    State governorship elections held: 25
    Seats before: 36 (D), 14 (R)
    Seats after: 29 (D), 21 (R)
    Seat change: D v 7, R ^ 7

    Full List:
    Arizona: incumbent Paul Fannin (R) over Art Brock (D)
    Arkansas: Winthrop Rockefeller (R) over incumbent Orval Faubus (D)
    Delaware: David P. Buckson (R) over Charles L. Terry Jr. (D)
    Florida: LeRoy Collins (D) over Charles R. Holley (R)
    Illinois: Charles Percy (R) over incumbent Otto Kerner Jr. (D)
    Indiana: Richard O. Ristine (R) over Roger D. Branigin (D)
    Iowa: incumbent Harold Hughes (D) over Evan L. “Curly” Hultman (R) and Robert Dilley (HIP)
    Kansas: William H. Avery (R) over Harry G. Wiles (D) and Kenneth L. Myers (HIP)
    Massachusetts: John A. Volpe (R) over incumbent Endicott Peabody (D) and Francis X. Bellotti (Independent)
    Michigan: incumbent George W. Romney (R) over Neil O. Staebler (D)
    Missouri: Ethan Shipley (R) over Warren E. Hearnes (D)
    Montana: Tim M. Babcock (R) over Roland Renne (D)
    Nebraska: incumbent Frank B. Morrison (D) over Dwight W. Burney (R)
    New Hampshire: incumbent John W. King (D) over John Pillsbury (R)
    New Mexico: incumbent Jack M. Campbell (D) over Merle H. Tucker (R)
    North Carolina: Dan K. Moore (D) over Robert L. Gavin (R)
    North Dakota: incumbent William L. Guy (D-NPL) over Donald M. Halcrow (R)
    Rhode Island: John Chafee (R) over incumbent John A. Norte Jr. (D) (rematch)
    South Dakota: incumbent Ralph Herseth (D) over Nils Boe (R) and john F. Lindley (Independent)
    Texas: incumbent Price Daniel (D) over Jack Crichton (R) and John C. Williams (HIP)
    Utah: Mitchell Melich (R) over Calvin L. Rampton (D)
    Vermont: incumbent Philip H. Hoff (D) over Ralph A. Foote (R)
    Washington: Daniel J. Evans (R) over incumbent Albert Rossellini (D)
    West Virginia: Cecil Underwood (R) over Hulett C. Smith (D)
    Wisconsin: Warren P. Knowles (R) over incumbent John W. Reynolds (D)


    …Several notable Governors rode The Colonel’s coattails into office. …Winthrop Rockefeller became the first Republican elected Governor of Arkansas since the Reconstruction Era, winning on a platform calling for the complete racial integration of the state’s schools and addressing low-income issues with deregulation and creating jobs. …Republicans David P. Buckson of Delaware, John Chafee of Rhode Island, John A. Volpe of Massachusetts, and Charles Percy of Illinois were elected on platforms to the left of The Colonel, while Republicans Richard Ristine of Indiana, Ethan Shipley of Missouri, and William H. Avery of Kansas were elected on platforms to the right of The Colonel; all seven of them had strongly endorsed their party’s unexpected national standard-bearer. Meanwhile, Republicans Tim Babcock of Montana and Mitchell Melich of Utah had embraced The Colonel’s populist talking points and had added them to their respective campaigns... Even Republican gubernatorial candidates who were not very much affiliated with Sanders, such as Daniel J. Evans of Washington, Cecil J. Underwood of West Virginia, and Warren P. Knowles of Wisconsin, won their respective races due to the “R” next to their names on the ballot in what turned out to be a very good night for the Grand Old Party…

    – Josh Ozersky’s Sanders in 1964: An American Discovering America, University of Texas Press, 2012

    “Now, I just want to remind everyone that the President is President of all of us, of each and every citizen of the U.S.A., not just the ones that voted for him. That’s why my administration will work with Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and everyone in between to ensure the security and prosperity of each and every American. …I can’t thank y’all enough for giving me your votes, because your vote is a symbol of your trust and faith in my abilities, in the idea that I will be an excellent President. I will keep my end of it; I’ll prove y’all were right in voting for me! I will not let you down!”

    – excerpt from Colonel Sanders’ victory speech, Florence, KY, 11/4/1964

    HOWARD: Walter, this election cycle saw an unprecedented number of African-Americans run for public office, in both the north and the south… City Councilman-elect Edwin King of Jackson, Mississippi, has stated he is not surprised by the state Democratic Party challenges the election results… The rise in African-American political involvement could be compared it to the number of African-Americans serving public offices after the Civil War, and Reverend Martin Luther King warned earlier tonight that a drop in vigilance of rights can lead to this ending in the same way that the post-Civil War Reconstruction Era ended, with one form of injustice being replaced by another.

    FILM CLIP: “We must not let history repeat itself and allow anyone to suppress anyone else’s civil rights if we are to move forward and beyond racism in this country.”


    CRONKITE: After a swell in participation in the Presidential primaries, young voters either stayed at home in protest, or voted for Sanders or wrote in Senator Morse to protest President Johnson… The Colonel won more counties in the South and more of the Black vote than anticipated.

    HOWARD: Yes, he also possibly won over Arkansas despite it bordering President Johnson’s home state thanks to a televised speech he gave at Little Rock a week before the election, where he pointed out his connection to the state. Here is some footage from it:

    SANDERS IN CLIP: “At age 21, I began a law correspondence course, and I studied in a judge’s office in Little Rock. I eventually found work in the justice of the peace court, hoping to bring some justice to the long-abused poor of the region. I’m particularly proud of the time I was able to negotiate better settlements for the mostly-black victims of a train wreck, and my efforts to stop courts from pressuring defendants into settlements.” [5]

    HOWARD: …While Republicans narrowed the gap in both chambers of congress, many G.O.P. leaders such as House Minority Leader Charles Halleck are blaming the presence of many “” candidates spoiling several races where the Republican candidate was more not more liberal than the Democratic opponent… The Heritage-Independence Party failed in its endeavor to win any Seats in the House…

    – CBS Evening News, 11/4/1964 broadcast

    The next several hours of that busy Wednesday saw Sanders receive congratulations from heads of state around the world. President de Gaulle of France seemed to be the most enthusiastic for the upcoming Sanders administration, expressing interest in working with the Colonel on resolving international conflicts in Southeast Asia during a private phone call to The Colonel and in a public statement de Gaulle gave in Paris the next day. The leaders of Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and the Philippines also expressed similar sentiments in regard to US involvement in the region.

    In the rest of western Europe, the PM of the UK was surprised by the results, as he had expected Lyndon Johnson to narrowly prevail and had been looking forward to working with him on future international issues such a trade and NATO defense. Nevertheless, the PM was cordial to Sanders, as were the leaders of Italy, West Germany, and even Spain and Portugal.

    Canada, Mexico, and most of Latin America had mixed views on Sanders’ election victory. Because of Johnson’s work on immigration reform, many feared the more conservative Sanders would reverse many of Johnson’s policies and program. Still, the leaders of these countries congratulates Sanders, almost as a type of common courtesy.

    Behind the iron curtain, Communist leaders looked on with confusion and hatred – confusion over not being sure how aggressive The Colonel would be against them, but hating him blindly nevertheless…

    ...Amid the press coverage and everyone wanting to chat away into the Colonel's ear and shake his hand, The Colonel became overwhelmed and had to sneak off to the ticket for a glass of water. "Whoo-wee!" He exclaimed, before taking a deep breath and happily walking - almost skipping - back to his adoring public...

    – Josh Ozersky’s Sanders in 1964: An American Discovering America, University of Texas Press, 2012

    …It seemed that all of our family members were both shocked and elated by how Father had gone from a businessman to President-Elect in just a decade of time. I was ecstatic, as were Mags and Millie. Our stepsiblings Billie and Elvis were delighted that their mother hadn’t gotten remarried to, to use Billie’s words from when Claudia and Father got engaged, “a hick” after all. Father’s siblings, Uncle Clarence and Aunt Violet, were more elated than shocked. Ma, on the other hand, was more shocked than elated that her ex-husband was moving into the White House.

    “I don’t think he’ll accept it,” I remember her telling me over the phone when I informed her from the summer convention that Father was being considered as a compromise candidate, someone with Nelson’s grace and Barry’s commitment to conservative ideals. “He’ll chicken out like he chickened out of his lawyering career. He won’t commit to a commitment as big as the Presidency.”

    Of course, Ma denied such uncertainty come the November results, instead coolly congratulating Father over the phone; but according to Father, she was just hiding anger and outrage. “I can tell when something’s eatin’ away at her,” he told me, “And right now, she’s real jealous – more sour than a lemon patch!” According to Elvis, his and Billie’s father, Charles Howard Price, was in a similar mood after realizing that his ex-wife would soon become the next First Lady of the United States.

    Each time Father became more famous, more relatives – distant cousins and nieces and nephews and many, many in-laws – came out of the woodwork, with many asking for favors. The first “wave” of these relatives showed up after Father was elected to the governorship. The second “wave” arrived more gradually after he was nominated for President. The third “wave,” though, hit like a tsunami. All five of Claudia’s siblings, two of whom were younger than Margaret and I, started to drop in all the time, sometimes even wanting to spend the night. Same went for the three half-siblings of Mildred’s husband [John F. Rugged Jr.]. While Margaret’s husband [James Trigg Adams] had been involved in the company since the 1940s, his two siblings had not been, and yet, they soon showed up out of the blue, too. And don’t even get me started on the members of my ex-wife’s family!

    Mother’s side of the family, though, saw many stick to their guns that continue to believe that Father was still “no good.” Only some of them swallowed the bitterness and grinned warmly to lie and tell Father, “I always knew you had it in you.” A more honest statement would have had “…somewhere” at the end of the sentiment. Ma’s Aunt, Mary Alice Alventine Ables (1878-1966), and her own kids and their families, were the biggest committers of this shallow attitude-changing. And, unsurprisingly, it came before so many requests – for help with businesses or paying for things or making connections to people; it was really quite shameless, if I do say so.

    Mother’s three siblings, Uncles James Clyde King and John Preston King, and Aunt Grace Olivia King Poole, and their adult children, and those children’s spouses, and those in-laws, and our nephews (who were our father’s grandnephew) practically overwhelmed central northern Kentucky. At one point, Margaret spend an entire evening telephoning political allies to warn them of relatives coming around to congressional and senatorial offices in Frankfort and DC trying to work their way in to positions and bank loans or out of parking and speeding tickets through unsanctioned nepotism. Father acted soon after by meeting with many of these more opportunistic relatives and “setting them straight.” I think it is safe to say that, due to these preventative actions, Margaret and Father avoided any sort of scandal regarding nepotism allegations from occurring, showing off both of their skills at damage control before Father had even entered office.

    In the business side of things, Uncle Clarence’s sons James and Chuck, who were in their 40s at the time, suddenly showed up expressing interested in getting involved in KFC, with James even going so far as to begin to dress in white suits [6]. At first, I was offended by this, as I felt that it was a shallow and somewhat desperate attempt to win over Father in order to get some sort of favor done for him. As I just said, lots of relatives were doing that; when “The Godfather” came out in the 1970s, people discussing the opening scene gave me a sense of déjà vu. However, years later, James became an actual Kentucky Colonel because of his success in entrepreneurial work and business achievements. Looking back on Father’s time as President-Elect, I now see that James was donning the getup as his way of showing how Father had truly become an inspiration for him.

    Other relatives became legitimately involved in the company, and more directly, too. For example, Aunt Violet’s son Aaron married Jean Starnes, whose younger sister Mary Lolita Starnes Hannon, currently works for KFC. [7] Furthermore, Aunt Violet’s daughter, Violet Lou, married Harold Kenneth Omer, who also ended up working at several high-ranking positions with KFC [8] and its parent company…

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    7 November 1964: On this day in history, at an annual parade for new weapons held in Moscow’s Red Square, the USSR’s military displays the first anti-ballistic missile, referred to as the ABM-1 Galosh by NATO and the A-350 by the Soviet military; the new weapon is 18m (60 feet) long, 2.4m (8 feet) in diameter, and driven by four motors; described as being capable of destroying incoming missiles at great distances, the unveiled was an unexpected surprise to American and Western intelligence analysts; the unveiling influenced how President-Elect Sanders viewed US-Soviet relations ahead of him entering office in January 1965…



    …the outgoing Governor of Utah was today seen walking into Sanders campaign headquarters in Kentucky… According to trusted sources, Walter Judd is being considered for a position concerning foreign policy or international diplomacy… “The President-Elect was to build coalition that reaches across all internal party factions to united the GOP like he did in this election.” While it has not been confirmed that a Democrat will serve in the administration, Sanders has reportedly met with Governor Wallace of Alabama, a Democrat that Sanders has held in high regard in the past, more than once since Sanders was officially declared to be the President-Elect. …“The Colonel seems to be relying heavily on the thoughts and opinions of Senator Goldwater,” Senator Thurmond alleges, “Sanders has met with him at Barry’s office several times, and they apparently spend a lot of time talking to each other over the phone,”…

    The Washington Post, 11/12/1964

    …A French student was killed by police earlier today when an anti-de Gaulle protest turns violent. After months of tension between student workers, leftist organizations and unions over President De Gaulle’s unwavering support for French funds being used to support the States’ Involvement in Cuba, this deadly incident has led to infuriated protestors taking to the streets once more. Even with the upcoming changing of the guard in the United States as American voters elect Harland Sanders to the Presidency on an anti-war platform, riots are still escalating across the French countryside…

    – BBC broadcast, 11/14/1964

    The French activist group “Les Jeunes Pour la Justice,” or “Youth For Justice,” has the anti-de Gaulle movement on the warpath: students are occupying buildings, and production has come to an abrupt halt across the nation, with further investigative reports suggesting that “at least” 2-and-a-half million workers, or roughly 5% of the total population of France, are currently on strike over “misuse” of their taxpayer money. …a French university administrator is facing pressure to resign for saying “they should bring back the guillotine,” while police officers beating a student in Paris in front of a tourist couple from Manchester highlights the threats of the student-worker actions on the nation’s tourism industry... French President Charles De Gaulle has yet to openly respond to these recent developments…

    – BBC special report, 11/16/1964

    …Kentucky Fried Chicken opened up another outlet in Australia on 17 November 1964. This one opened in Guildford, in Sydney’s western suburbs, with a staff of 25. It was operated at first by a Canadian KFC manager named Bob Lapointe. The advertising line at the launching was the classic “Finger-Lickin’ Good,” and the launch commercial, which was shot at the Guildford store, featured marching girls and all the fun of the fair. KFC-Australia outlets were controlled by franchise holders. Mildred Sanders and John Y. Brown Jr. of the parent company, FLG Inc., were at the time enthusiastic about the idea of Kentucky Fried Chicken becoming the very first billion-dollar food organization in the world by the start of the 1970s.

    The offerings on the Kentucky Fried Chicken menu in Australia ranged from one “piece” of chicken and chips (they were not called fries at this point) or a “barrel” of 21 pieces of chicken. Today’s menu is considerably more diverse. Back then there were no sliders or burgers – just fried chicken, chips, and, a bit later, apple pie and coleslaw. …Not too long after, Canadian-born Jack Cowin bought the right to open ten KFC franchises in Western Australia. His business, Competitive Foods Australia, went on to own around 50 KFC outlets in Western Australia and the Northern Territory… [9]

    21 November 1964: On this day in history, the Verrazano Narrows Bridge opens to traffic in New York City, NY, US; at 4,200 meters (13,700 feet), it is the world's longest suspension bridge at the time, crossing over "The Narrows" (the tidal strait separating the boroughs of Staten Island and Brooklyn in New York City) between the Upper and Lower sections of the New York Bay, the bridge directly links Staten Island and Brooklyn for the first time (more specifically, at Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island and at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn); prior to the bridge opening, direct access between the two boroughs was on the 69th Street Ferry; over 100,000 cars cross the bridge during the first 24 hours of it being open...


    …On November 22, the People's Republic of China proposed a "no first use" agreement to the United States government. However, at the time, the two superpowers had no diplomatic relations. In order to maneuver around this, discussions were held in Warsaw, Poland between the two nations' ambassadors to Poland, with John M. Cabot representing the U.S. and Wang Guoquan making the proposal on behalf of China. US President Lyndon Johnson enthusiastically supported the secret, behind-the-scenes agreement due to him seeking to salvage his Presidential legacy before leaving office on January 20th…

    – Yafeng Xia’s Negotiating With Enemies: U.S.-China Talks During The Cold War Part I: 1949–1968, Indiana University Press, 2006, p. 124 [10]


    [pic: ]
    “This isn’t from K.F.C., is it?”
    – Outgoing President Johnson attending a public function, 11/25/1964 (the day before Thanksgiving)


    …Sir Winston Churchill celebrated his 90th birthday today…the festivities honoring the occasion including “at least” one thousand well-wishers standing outside his home in Hyde Park, London to sing “Happy Birthday to You" and "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow” to the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom…

    The Chicago Tribune, 11/30/1964

    1 December 1964: On this day in history, Gustavo Díaz Ordaz entered office as the 49th president of Mexico, succeeding the term-limited incumbent President, Adolfo López Mateos; having been elected to, and being limited to serving, a single six-year term, Díaz Ordaz serves until December 1, 1970…



    The Guardian, UK newspaper, 12/2/1964


    …Following the clearly politically-oriented move shunned by Republicans and even several Democrats, Chief Justice Earl Warren rescinded his letter of resignation on December the third…

    – The National Review, early December 1964 issue

    Warren feared that Colonel Sanders would appoint a conservative successor if the Chief Justice vacated the seat during his administration. In mid-November, Warren submitted a letter of resignation to President Johnson, which stated it would become effective upon the confirmation of his successor. Upon the letter becoming public information, Senate Republicans derided the act as a last-minute power grab – as the Senate was in its winter recess, a successor could be confirmed without Senate approval. Such a successor would then have to face confirmation hearing during the next Senate session, which would allow for the successor to have at the very least several weeks or even months to participate in any rulings that came before the court. Under bipartisan political pressure, in which Republicans threatened “retribution,” i.e. opposition to laws passed under Johnson, Warren withdrew his letter after realizing that it would prove his resignation was politically-motivated.

    – Ed Cray’s Chief Justice: A Biography on Earl Warren, University of South Carolina Press, 1997

    In mid-December, de Gaulle appeared to flee the capital, which in retrospect was a poor move – it made him seem cowardly, and de Gaulle claiming the “trip” to Nice was an early Christmas vacation made the situation worse, as it made it seem like he was enjoying himself while France’s people took to the streets in what had started as an anti-war protest but had evolved into something more. Ultimately de Gaulle returned to Paris 15 days later, on the 28th of December. The fact that his leadership was so unpopular that he had to flee in the night led to comparisons to King Louis XVI, an image that lingered in the French peoples’ minds…

    – Jean-Pierre Rioux’s De Gaulle’s Republic, 1989 (English translation edition)

    11 December 1964: On this day in history, 33-year-old African-American singer-songwriter Sam Cooke is arrested at the Hacienda Motel in Los Angeles, California; the motel’s manager called police claiming Cooke had tried to kick in her office door in attempt to assault her in response to her accusing him of hiding a prostitute in his motel room, but was stopped by a lock on the door that the manager had installed after a Cuban refugee had been arrested for attempt theft at the motel just three months earlier; the manager also confessed to firing a gun at Cooke through her door, but “I missed him twice”; at the subsequent trial in 1965, the jury acquitted Cooke due to the lack of forced entry (which was due to the motel’s non-English-speaking cleaning staff cleaning the crime scene before police could study it, for which the staff received a fine for accidently destroying evidence); the court case sullied Cooke’s reputation and effectively killed his career; Cooke would die from the effects of alcohol poising 31 years later, in 1995, at the age of 64.


    “France is falling to fate.”

    – American historian Samuel Flagg Bemis, 12/13/1964

    …Take the case of another victim of the civil conflict here in Indonesia. Lolo Soetoro, a recent graduate from the States’ University of Hawaii, was summoned home in September upon the outbreak of the war. His family sided with new regime and for that Lolo was killed later that month for helping his family reach the American embassy. Here was a man whom gave his life for his family’s safety in a situation that has only arisen due to the lack of the UN doing its intended purpose of maintaining peace via mediation…

    – The Guardian, opinion article written by Asia correspondent, 12/14/1964

    BURNHAM TAKES OVER AS GUIANA PREMIER: Queen Approves Change in Law; Jagan Out

    …Forbes Burnham has been sworn in as the new Premier of British Guiana after the British colonial government was forced to remove his predecessor, Cheddi Jagan, from office following the December 7 assembly elections. Jagan, who had held office for 11 years, had refused to resign, charging that the election was fraudulent. Queen Elizabeth II signed a parliamentary order amending British Guiana's constitution to allow the colonial governor to remove the premier. The new law provided that "if any time before the House of Assembly meets the Governor informs the Premier that he is about to reappoint him or to appoint another person as Premier, then the Premier, and all other ministers and parliamentary secretaries, are forthwith to vacate their offices." The Governor, Sir Richard Luyt, then informed Jagan that Burnham would be appointed as the new Premier, and Burnham was sworn into the office a few hours later that same day…

    The Daily Telegraph, UK newspaper, side article, 15/12/1964 [11]


    [pic: ]

    – President-Elect Colonel Sanders (R) meets with Alabama Governor George Wallace (D) in the latter’s office in Birmingham, Alabama, c. December 15, 1964; the two discussed the possibility of Wallace vacating the Governor’s seat to serve somewhere in Sanders’ cabinet; Wallace, seated in a wheelchair due to him recovering from back surgery after falling in his home several weeks earlier, declined interest in serving in any “lower level” position, considering his gubernatorial seat to be more powerful and influential (he also may have wanted to stay politically relevant, and was concerned that he would lose political momentum in a cabinet role that had “low visibility”); however, Wallace was “enthusiastic” about working with The Colonel on policies to promote racial reconciliation

    Before The Colonel even entered office, his election had a positive effect on the economy. With his touting of pro-businesses policies, Wall Street reported Stock Market conditions improving in the days that immediately followed his victory being declared and confirmed. The business community was excited to welcome the next President, as they expected him to pass laws that would greatly benefit his fellow “captains of industry,” as Nelson Rockefeller’s brother David called him during one friendly visit to The Colonel’s homestead in December 1964. …Even KFC’s rivals such as McDonald’s looked forward to the new administration, albeit for a different reason – they privately hoped that the competition that was KFC would fall apart with The Colonel at the helm of a different ship…

    – Anne Meagher Northup’s Chicken and Politickin’: the Rise of Colonel Sanders and Rational Conservatism in the Republican Party, 2015

    On December 22, some drama unfolded in the Electoral College count when faithless electors in Georgia and Louisiana defected to Bryant, narrowing Sanders’ lead by seven votes, dropping his count to 279 – just ten votes away from a deadlocked college. Sanders supporters immediately sought contact with the remaining states, particularly North Carolina and Virginia. Fortunately, the chaos and trepidation was momentary, as the only other electors to defect were two of Lyndon Johnson’s votes from the state of Oregon, whom voted for Senator Morse.

    – Josh Ozersky’s Sanders in 1964: An American Discovering America, University of Texas Press, 2012


    [ pic: ]
    – President-Elect Colonel Sanders visiting the White House Grounds, c. late 1964

    On January 1, for the second time in his life, Colonel Sanders divested his investments and personal business from KFC, and returned operations to Mildred. The Colonel, remember his son’s job performance as his right-hand man from 1957 to 1959, asked Harley to join him in the White House as his Chief of Staff. According to Lee Cummings, a relative of the Colonel in charge of KFC’s Midwestern franchises, Harley accepted despite knowing it would lead to accusations of nepotism.

    – Josh Ozersky’s Sanders in 1964: An American Discovering America, University of Texas Press, 2012

    2 January 1965: On this day in history, American footballer Joe Namath, quarterback for the University of Alabama, signs a three-year contract with the New York Jets of the American Football League (AFL) for an unprecedented $400,000 – the highest amount ever paid to a professional football player at the time; Namath signs the contract at a hotel in Miami, the day after completing his college football career in the Orange Bowl; the deal proves to be a breakthrough for the AFL in its attempt to compete with the established NFL, and would be a major reason for a major contract offer by the NBC television network for the rights to broadcast the newer league's games. [12]


    “The U.S. executive branch is organized much better than Kentucky’s is. My home state has so many commissions and departments it was almost overwhelming a times. This, though, I can work with so much better.”

    “Colonel Sanders, can you tell us how you are going about picking people for your cabinet.”

    “Well, when I sold my chicken to franchisees it was with a handshake instead of a contract. The fact that I was never once swindled by any of them proves that I am an excellent judge of character. So I’m meeting with many fine folks and pretty soon y’all will get to see which character’s will be choosin’ to work with.”

    – President-Elect Sanders and a reporter at a press briefing at KFC headquarters, Florence, KY, 1/3/1965


    The Washington Post, 1/4/1965

    Throughout this past year Cam has survived multiple assassination attempts; so I couldn’t see why see was so nervous.

    “Are you blind?!” he shouted to me, “Look at all those helicopters circling around us like vultures!” he remarked as he gestured to the makeshift window. “And you’ve seen the reports – they’re closing in!”

    I approached him, “Camilo, what are you saying?”

    He sat down and sighed, “I am afraid that we have run out of options.”

    “Don’t think like that! We can still repel them.”

    Cam looked at me, the way a teacher looks at a student trying and failing to prove wrong the instructor, “Care to explain how?”

    I thought for a second, “We could sneak past them and regroup – ”

    “With who? Everyone’s gone. Apart from a few uncaptured operatives, there’s only you, me, Vilma and Rafael [del Pino]. From millions to 200 or so.”

    Recruiting had been slow; most people are stuck, too afraid to resume the warfare, resigned to defeat at the hands of the American pigs and the traitorous collaborators. They have killed the island. “Well, then we can sneak away and continue the fight from abroad. Go to Haiti or Russia or – ”

    Padre… supplies are low. We’re surrounded, and nobody is coming for us.”

    “This…this can’t be the end, spending our last meals holed up in this mountainside…”

    He sat closer to me, “Don’t feel bad; you’ve been a most loyal compatriot,” and then he called me by my first name. Finally. “We gave a noble stand and it was the reluctance of the Russians to help more that has led us to this place. You could not have done more, dear friend.”

    It’s now or never, then, I thought. Just as I was turning to lean closer to him, a blinding roar threw us down.

    “This is it!” Vilma ran past us from her post, “Grab a gun! They’ll never take us alive!” Then a second grenade killed her.

    A swarm of Americans invaded our location. Grabbing an automatic, I crawled to the nearest exit. I charged down the south tunnel with Cam right behind me, and we tried to make it out but the bastards kept coming, like cockroaches in the night. At the clearing at the mountain’s edge, one of them got me twice in the shoulder.

    But they didn’t pay attention to me once they recognized the man behind me.

    I screamed in horror as Cam – oh, my dear Cam – he was cut down by the bastards.

    In the chaos of their sadistic destruction I slipped away into the underbrush. I could hear the gunfire being replaced with faint cheers as I made my escape.

    I am now by a river and I think the bullet wounds are infected. It is getting dark.

    I am alone.

    – 5 January 1965, final entry of The Diary of the Unknown Fighter (1958-1965), published 1996

    Johnson was sure to have all the major news sources cover the announcement that the last of the Communist Cubans had been “found, trialed and executed by firing squad” over the weekend. …Johnson would continually mentions this during the 1966 midterms, attempting to salvage his legacy by crediting himself for “ending” The Cuban War.

    – Robert Caro’s The Years of Lyndon: Book Four: The Power of the Presidency, A. A. Knopf Inc., 2018

    “Charles Halleck was a moderate who in his many years as House party leader had failed to lead the party back to majority rule. Prior to the election, I planned on running against him to his right. But when we gained all those seats in 1964 – though we still lost, it was an amazing increase in seats – Halleck was untouchable. Still, the fact remains that I had not exactly been quiet over my discontent with Halleck, and that came back to bite me. The party bosses hadn’t appreciate it and they didn’t forget about it. Soon enough, I sensed that my time in public service would be of better use to the American people elsewhere.”

    – retired politician Gerald Ford speaking at Conservatism Calls, a political think tank, 1993


    Washington, D.C. – The United States House of Representatives voted on bipartisan lines, from 221 to 204, to preserve a 1963 Democratic-led change to its legislation-reviewing rules. The alteration in question prevents the House Rules Committee from blocking legislation that the committee opposes. Under the revised system, in place for the past two years, bills must be either cleared or rejected by the Rules Committee within 21 legislative days of it being introduced to the committee. If neither event happens, the Speaker of the House is then authorized to bring the legislation directly before the House for a direct vote to either pass or reject the bill…

    The Chicago Tribune, 1/8/1965

    9 January 1965: On this day in history, the “Hope Slide,” the largest landslide in Canada's history, occurred in the Cascade Mountains near Hope, British Columbia, killing free people; the landslide buried British Columbia’s Highway 3 under 47 million cubic meters (1.66 billion cubic feet) of rock at 7:00 in the morning; the four people who died were driving their vehicles, a convertible car and a pickup truck, along the highway and were unable to avoid being buried in the debris; when the landslide enveloped that portion of the highway, a Greyhound bus driver was able to back up quickly before he and his passengers were caught in the avalanche; the driver, David Hughes, put the bus into reverse at full speed for 1 1/2 miles, driving the vehicle backwards along the twisting, dark highway until they were out of danger, all while most of his passengers slept. [13]


    COLONEL SANDERS REVEALS POSSIBLE CABINET PICKS: Rocky, Civil Rights Leaders, Many More Weighed

    Washington, D.C. – With their boss’s permission, Colonel Sanders’ transition team today released a short “incomplete” list of prominent politicians that he and the team are considering for his Presidential cabinet. The most prominent person on the list is Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York, whom is written down as a possible pick for Secretary of Labor, Commerce, or Health, Education and Welfare [14]. Other prominent politicians included are Senator Carl Curtis and former National Security Advisor Gordon Gray for Secretary of State and former US Congressman Eugene Siler of Kentucky – a “fiscal watchdog” and early opponent of US military actions along the Laos-Vietnam border – for Secretary of the Treasury; Siler, a fiercely conservative politician from Sanders' home state, ran for Governor of Kentucky in 1951 on an anti-corruption campaign. …George Dewey Clyde, the outgoing Governor of Utah, is written down as a possible pick for Secretary of Interior (likely due to his work improving his home state's infrastructure and preservations of natural resources during his two terms), and Senator Hickenlooper is being eyed for Secretary of Agriculture (possibly due to his work on the US Senate Agricultural Committee)… In step with the President-Elect’s style, the list features several less conventional potential nominees as well. State Senator Philip Willkie of Indiana, for instance, is under down under “diplomat.” …In step with his socially liberal strides, US Congresswoman Florence Dwyer is listed under Health, Education and Welfare. Two African-Americans are listed, too – Air Force General Benjamin O. Davis Jr. of DC is written down under “foreign policy,” and civil rights activist and employment reform advocate Whitney Young of Kentucky is written down under “domestic policy”. …while Arleigh Burke is suggested to lead the Navy, the position of Secretary of Defense is noticeably vacant. Nevertheless, the releasing of this list suggests that the upcoming Sanders administration may be more open to the public in regards to the bureaucratic goings-on in the nation’s capital.

    – The Washington Post, 1/11/1965

    …While Alfred Gruenther declined [the role of Secretary of Defense], he did point us in the direction of US Army General Chuck Bonesteel of Virginia… …After a looking over his reports on American health, a continuation of his predecessor’s 1957 report, I asked US Surgeon General Luther Terry to stay on in that role under my administration – “my administration,” a phrase I was still getting used to if you can believe it – because Terry, like myself, was very critical of all vices, and called for an increase in people understanding the dangerous effects of smoking…

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    …Meanwhile in France, de Gaulle’s attempts to talk to protest “leaders” are reportedly failing while attempts to scale back the police hostility are only emboldens the protestor’s spirits. The nation’s industry is continuing to suffer…

    – BBC broadcast, 1/12/1965

    On January 1, 1965, Malcolm X survived a jail bombing while serving awaiting his trial verdict. Twelve days later, X was acquitted. …Even today, the “self-defense-in-advance” plea is met with either ridicule or understanding, pending which neighborhood you visit…

    – Herb Boyd and Ilyasah Shabazz’s Malcolm vs. Martin: Violence and Peace After the End of Segregation, Chicago Third World Press, 2013


    Paris, France – In a surprising turn of events, Charles de Gaulle, the President of France, has agreed to step down as President in a deal struck with labor leaders. As per the rules of their constitution, the vacancy of the Presidency automatically leads to the implementation of a new Presidential election. De Gaulle will be eligible to run in this election in what is being seen as a test of his political popularity and strength. In exchange, the protest leaders are urging all protestors to return to their classrooms and workplaces as plans for a candidate to oppose de Gaulle are formed. The exact date of this new election has yet to be officially determined…

    – The Observer, 1/16/1965

    “We have yet to declare war on poverty, illiteracy, and the worst of Earth’s diseases, and are yet to end the threat of nuclear war. But in the past four years we have created programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Head Start, to move America into becoming a truly greater society… I must once again thank all who worked towards making these dreams become realities. Presiding over them has been the greatest honor.”

    – Excerpt from President Lyndon B. Johnson’s farewell address, 1/20/1965

    And that is how Sanders, a foulmouthed mountain man, a hot-tempered old coot whom once had “an insatiable libido” in his younger years, a sixth-grade dropout who worked as a farmhand, army mule-tender, fireman, railroad hand, lawyer, insurance salesman, ferryboat operator, Chamber of Commerce secretary, tire salesman, midwife, gas station owner, motel owner, and restauranteur because he couldn’t hold down a job, ended up becoming President of the United States.

    – narration from political activist Cris Ericson in her allegedly unbiased documentary Feathers and Blood: The Myth of Colonel Sanders, 2016

    The Five Best and Five Worst Aspects of the Lyndon Johnson Presidency

    The Best Aspects

    1 The Civil Rights Act of 1962 – As a master of legislative ways, his Administration ended up doing more for Civil Rights than any Presidency since Lincoln.
    2 Gender Wage Gap Narrowed
    3 Education Programs Expanded
    4 Medicare/Medicaid – The popular expansion of government involvement in healthcare to ensure insurance to the nation’s seniors, disabled, and low-income contributed to the improvement of the quality of life in the United States.
    5 The Space Program – Johnson’s passion and generous funding for NASA culminated in the American Moon Landing and launched the U.S. ahead of all other nations in the fields of METS (math-electricity-technology-science) research for years.

    The Worst Aspects
    1 The Salad Oil Recession – Failure to detect Tino De Angelis’ fraud snowballed into the US entering a recession that contributed to Johnson losing re-election.
    2 Rise in Involvement in Indochina – After recovering from warfare in Cuba, Americans were divided over increasing hostilities along the Laos-Vietnam border, and fear another war contributed to Lyndon being a one-term President as well.
    3 US Tariffs on European Products – Meant to support the American auto industry, the 1963 “Chicken Tax” instead limited trade between the US and its political allies in Western Europe, which did not exactly help when the Salad Oil Recession occurred
    4 Raising the National Debt – While the social programs of his term have remained popular, they came at the cost of adding almost $39 billion, or roughly 12%, to the national budget, creating a dangerous precedent for future administrations.
    5 The Cuba War – the most divisive part of his Presidency, Johnson’s decision to oust a Communist dictatorship headed by Fidel Castro (and later, Che Guevara, and later still, Camilo Cienfuegos) led to a war that took much longer than anyone expected it too, and left tens of thousands of Americans dead. Even after the war unofficially ended in 1963, deadly Communist bombings plagued the island, and the US military remaining there ultimately proved too unpopular to too many people.

    Overall: Johnson’s legacy is mixed and polarizing; scholars consider him an above-average leader due to domestic achievements, while public opinion is divided over those and his foreign policy. With these consideration combined, Johnson is often placed him in the top and (more-often) middle tier of best US Presidents.

    – The President Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Site website, c. 2025

    “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am more than humbled. …We are gathered here to celebrate the peaceful transition of power that is a starling example of the democratic process that we in America relish and enjoy. That same privilege, though, is not shared by our fellow members of mankind the world over, and as the greatest nation on earth, and a testament to democratic ideals, we owe it to ourselves and the earth to fix this injustice and support foreign fights for freedom... Strengthening our allies will strengthen ourselves, and ensure that our free way of life will never disappear... As we start this new administration, we will all remember throughout the next four or even eight years that our strength and unity and love for one another is what makes the United States of America one great big country and not fifty little ones.”

    – Sanders inaugural speech, 1/20/1965


    Colonel Harland David Sanders, the 36th President of the United States of America

    [1] This interaction was written after listening to how Humphrey talked to Johnson after conceding to Nixon IOTL: ( youtube video: YttmffiWyjA ) Of course, the situation here is different, but it gave me an idea of how Johnson conceding to Sanders would go in terms of what they would possibly say to each other.
    [2] Johnson’s unruliness here is based on the testimony on his OTL behavior found here:
    [3] 8 new Republican senators minus 1 new Democratic Senator = a net gain of 7 seats for the GOP. Possibly notable altered results: Conn.: 54%-45%; IN: 50.1%-49.5%; MD: 50.3%-49.7%; Mich.: 54.4%-45.3% as Elly Peterson’s down-to-earth personality was similar to the Colonel’s; MN: 55.3%-44.3%; PA: 57.6%-42.1%; TN: 50.4%-49.6%; TX: Alger split the conservative vote (Yarborough 49.8%, Bush 41.5%, Alger 8.7%); UT: the Colonel’s connections to the state boosted Wilkinson enough for him to win 50.5%-49.5%; Wisc.: 52.2%-47.7%.
    [4] Changes from OTL: Due to the Colonel’s rising popularity, the following 61 Republicans won their respective elections: Robert French (AL-5), Lowell Thomas Jr. (Alaska at-large), Sam Steiger (AZ-3), J. E. Hinshaw (Ark.-3), Robert C. Cline (CA-22), Jerry L. Pettis (CA-33), Patrick M. Martin (over John V. Tunney!) (CA-38), Donald G. Brotzman (CO-2), John Chenoweth (CO-3), incumbent Abner W. Sibal (Conn.-4), Roscoe Pickett (GA-4), Edward Y. Chapin (GA-7), John Mattmiller (ID-1), Roger H. Zion (Indiana-8), incumbent Earl Wilson (over Lee H. Hamilton!) (Indiana-9), Don A. Tabbert (Indiana-11), incumbent Fred Schwengel (Iowa-1), incumbent John Henry Kyl (Iowa-4), incumbent Ben F. Jensen (Iowa-7), incumbent Gene Snyder (over HIP candidate Louie Nunn!) (Kentucky-3), Clyde Middleton (KY-4), Walter Clay Vaan Hoose (KY-7), David C. Treen (LA-2), Floyd O. Crawford (LA-6) (after a recount due to narrowness), William S. Walker (LA-8), George Meader (Michigan-2), incumbent August E. Johansen (Michigan-3), incumbent Victor A. Knox (Michigan-11), Richard D. Kuhn (Michigan-19), Robert J. Odegard (MN-6), incumbent Ralph F. Beermann (Neb.-1), incumbent Louis C. Wyman (NH-1), incumbent Milton W. Glenn (NJ-2), Marcus Daly (NJ-3), incumbent Frank C. Osmers Jr. (NJ-9), incumbent Steven Boghos Derounian (NY-3), Luigi R. Marano (NY-15), incumbent Robert R. Barry (NY-25), incumbent Katharine St. George (NY-27), incumbent J. Ernest Wharton (NY-28), incumbent R. Walter Riehlman (NY-34), incumbent John R. Pillion (NY-39), James C. Gardner (NC-4), W. A. Armfield (NC-5), incumbent Don L. Short (ND-2), incumbent Carl W. Rich (OH-1), incumbent Paul F. Schenck (OH-3), incumbent Homer E. Abele (OH-10), Oliver P. Bolton (OH-at large), Bayard C. Auchincloss (OK-6), incumbent George Atlee Goodling (PA-19), incumbent James D. Weaver (PA-24), incumbent Irene Baker (TN-2), Robert B. James (TN-9), Ed Foreman (TX-16), Robert Price (TX-18), incumbent Walt Horan (WA-5), incumbent Thor C. Tollefson (WA-6), incumbent K. William Stinson (WA-7), incumbent Henry C. Schadeberg (Wisc.-1), incumbent William Van Pelt (WA-6), and incumbent "legacy" politician William H. Harrison (WY at-large). 31 incumbents defend their seats, plus 30 more win seats. The presence of H.I.P. candidates on some ballots siphoned off votes from conservative/populist candidates here and there.
    [5] This “clip” is a paraphrase of a snippet found here: (page 8 when printed out)
    [6] Seriously! His tombstone has his face on it and he looks like a stunt double for his famous Uncle Harland!:
    [7] Family connection discovered on findagrave
    [8] Ibid.
    [9] Much of this section is based on or directly pulled from the OTL information, data, and statistics found here:
    [10] OTL, and found/pulled from here:
    [11] Most of this was pulled from here:
    [12] Pulled from here:,_1965_(Saturday)
    [13] And this was pulled from here:,_1965_(Saturday)
    [14] I'm actually uncertain if Rockefeller would go for a cabinet spot or not. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?
    Last edited:
    Chapter 22: January 1965 – July 1965
  • Chapter 22: January 1965 – July 1965

    “You are who you choose to be”

    – Hogarth Hughes


    Secretary of State: US Senator Carl Curtis of Nebraska
    Undersecretary of State: former National Security Advisor Gordon Gray of Maryland
    Secretary of the Treasury: former US Congressman Eugene Siler of Kentucky
    Undersecretary of the Treasury: Former state Treasurer and state Secretary of State Thelma Stovall of Kentucky
    Secretary of Defense: US Army General Charles H. Bonesteel III of Virginia
    Undersecretary of Defense: former Cumberland County Sheriff and former US War Claims Commission Chair Pearl Carter Pace of Kentucky
    Attorney General: former Deputy Attorney General Lawrence Edward Walsh of New York
    Postmaster General: former State Supreme Court Justice Leif Erickson of Minnesota
    Secretary of the Interior: outgoing Governor George Dewey Clyde of Utah
    Secretary of Agriculture: US Senator Bourke Hickenlooper of Iowa
    Administrator of the Farmers Home Administration: former Governor Archie Gubbrud of South Dakota
    Secretary of Commerce: economist and University of Chicago professor Milton Friedman of Illinois [1]
    Secretary of Labor: former Deputy Secretary of Labor and former USIA Director Arthur Larson of South Dakota
    Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
    Undersecretary of Health: retiring Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children William Thornton Mustard of Michigan
    Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Wellness: former Governor and AFL Commissioner Joe Foss of South Dakota
    Secretary of Transportation (created February 1965): businessman and railroad executive John C. Coolidge III of Massachusetts

    Cabinet-Level Positions:
    Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: incumbent Director Allen W. Dulles of New York
    Director of the Federal Bureau of Information: incumbent Director J. Edgar Hoover of Washington, D.C.
    US Trade Representative: US Congresswoman Florence Dwyer of New Jersey

    The President’s Executive Office:
    White House Chief of Staff: former Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy of Ohio
    White House Deputy Chief of Staff: campaign deputy registrar Mary Dent Crisp of Pennsylvania
    White House Counsel: political strategist and campaign co-manager F. Clifton “Cliff” White of New York
    Counselor to the President: congressional staff member and advisor Bryce Harlow of Oklahoma
    Chief Domestic Policy Advisor: civil rights activist and employment reform advocate Whitney Young of Kentucky
    Chief Economic Policy Advisor: economist and financial advisor Sylvia Porter of New York
    Chief Foreign Policy Advisor: publisher on the political economics of national security and atomic energy economist professor J. R. Schlesinger of New York
    Chief National Security Advisor: former W.A.C. Lieutenant Colonel Ruth Briggs of Rhode Island
    Director of the Office of Management and Budget: Continental Illinois Bank Vice President Robert Mayo of Illinois
    Other Counselors and Advisors: civil rights attorney Wayne M. Collins of California, African-American speechwriter Andrew Hatcher of New Jersey, intern and assistant speechwriter Jennifer Salt of California, others
    White House Communications Director: campaign information director Lee Edwards of Illinois
    White House Appointments Secretary: outgoing Deputy Assistant to the President Liddy Hanford of Washington, D.C.
    White House Press Secretary: campaign press secretary Ronald Ziegler of California
    Administrator of the Small Business Administration: State Senator and small business owner Marshall Parker of South Carolina
    President Sanders’ personal secretary: incumbent personal secretary Wanda Boner of Kentucky [2]

    Other Notable Members:
    Surgeon General: incumbent Luther Leonidas Terry of Alabama
    Solicitor General (representative of the Federal Government before the Supreme Court): columnist and former US Senator Joseph H. Ball of Minnesota
    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: technician and former Assistant Secretary of the Navy William B. Franke of New York
    Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: US Air Force Lieutenant General Benjamin O. Davis Jr. of Washington, D.C.
    Secretary of the Army: West Virginia University President Elvis Jacob Stahr Jr. of West Virginia
    Secretary of the Navy: Admiral Arleigh Albert Burke of Maryland
    Federal Reserve Chairman: incumbent William McChesney Martin of Missouri
    NASA Director: incumbent James Edwin Webb of North Carolina

    Notable US Ambassadors (in alphabetical order):
    To Argentina: engineer and industrialist Edgar Kaiser Sr. of California
    To Belgium: journalist for the National Review John Rensselaer Chamberlain of Connecticut
    To Cambodia: US Air Force Major General William R. “Killer” Kane of California
    To Canada: former Governor and former US Senator Lawrence Wetherby of Kentucky
    To Cuba: former Ambassador to Spain John Davis Lodge of Connecticut
    To France: former White House Assistant Staff Secretary John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower of Maryland
    To India: incumbent diplomat Dalip Singh Saund of California
    To Italy: oil tycoon, art collector, and social programs promoter Algur H. Meadows of Georgia
    To Japan: incumbent diplomat G. Mennen “Soapy” Williams of Michigan
    To Laos: businesswoman, aviation pioneer, WAAC co-founder, and WASP co-founder Lieutenant Colonel Jacqueline Cochran of California
    To Mexico: lawyer and Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy Edward Hidalgo of New York
    To Saudi Arabia: oil industrialist and 1964 gubernatorial nominee Jack Crichton of Texas
    To South Africa: mining engineer Allan H. Hoover of Iowa
    To South Vietnam: diplomat and former US Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of Massachusetts
    To Taiwan: businessman, banker, former State Representative and State Senator Philip Willkie of Indiana
    To the U.K.: former Undersecretary of State Herbert Clark Hoover Jr. of Iowa
    To the U.N.: former Ambassador to Japan, former Ambassador to Indonesia, and former Ambassador to Czechoslovakia John Moore Allison of Nebraska
    To the U.S.S.R.: former Secretary of State Christian A. Herter Sr. of Massachusetts
    To West Germany: businessman Malcolm Forbes of New Jersey



    [pic: ]
    The Cuban War, as it is known in the United States, also known as the Cuban Civil War in Cuba and as the Cuban-American War in Europe and elsewhere, was a military conflict on the island nation of Cuba. While it officially lasted from 1961 to 1963, it had its roots in the 1950s and saw American forces remain in Cuba until 1965. The conflict began as a Civil War between the Communist Cubans (led by the Cuban “Gang of Four” and supported by the Soviet Union and other communist allies) and the nationalist Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front (led by the Cuban Revolutionary Council leader Dr. Jose Miro Cardona and supported by the United States, France, the U.K., and other anti-communist allies).

    After several events in early 1961 increased hostilities between the U.S. and Communist Cuba, the U.S. invaded Cuba with the intent of replacing the Communist government with a democratic one. Despite military successes, heavy casualties caused the war to become unpopular within the United States by early 1963.

    The composition of the conflict changed when the U.S. military informally declared the War a success in June 1963, shortly before U.S. Defense Secretary Homer Litzenburg’s passing. Military activities in the months that followed, however, suggested the war was still ongoing, just being approach with a different strategy, as the U.S. began treating the Communist Cubans as guerillas and insurgents. As 1963 turned into 1964, the increase in domestic terrorist “Cam” bombs made the US military presence unpopular among nationalist Cubans. The 1961-1964 rise in Cuban refugees contributed to further rise in disapproval of the war back in the United States, which culminated in the rejection of US President Lyndon Johnson in the US Presidential election of November 1964.

    The war came to a sudden conclusion when the final remnants of the Communist Cuban Front were defeated in January 1965, right before Johnson left office. With the last communist stronghold collapsed, remaining Communists diehards fled the country.

    The Cuban people slowly likened to capitalist leadership due to humanitarian efforts by the Peace Corps, the WHO, and the UN (concerning food, medicine, and first aid for those burned in scorched earth policies and bombings) from 1964 to 1966. A January 1965 Bill passed in the U.S. Congress to fund programs to send farming experts from the US to Cuba to teach locals the latest techniques, and develop mechanical equipment and industrial skills, proved immensely popular on the island.

    The war had major ramifications on the societies of Cuba and the United States, as anti-war activism sparked the “shoutnik” movement and contributed to American music, art, film and pop culture. The war is considered a Cold War-era proxy war from some perspectives.


    “Well I think the fact that he abandoned his customers for the White House shows where his priorities lie. I’d never give up the good customers of McDonald’s for some other job, that’s for sure!”

    – Ray Kroc to a reporter, 1/20/1965

    On January 22, John Y. Brown Jr., then 31, joins the KFC as a junior board member. After getting a law degree in 1960, Brown had entered his father’s law practice while also serving in the US Army Reserve from 1959 to late 1964, getting out of Cuba with a doctor referral. After leaving his father’s law firm in 1963 to pursue a career in business, he campaigned for Father in Kentucky despite being a registered Democrat. His hiring process had been overseen by Millie, and while she saw him as an energetic go-getter reminiscent of our father, I was unsure of his character. Brown was interested in operating company’s chain of barbeque restaurants and production facilities. When I first met with him, he was convivial and accommodating – in other words, he acted like a real brown-noser. So I, together with Dave [Thomas] and other, kept a collective eye on him.

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    I’ve only had two rules: Do all you can & do it the best you can. It’s the only way you ever get that feeling of accomplishing something.” [3] The Colonel started his first meeting in the White House with this proclamation. With the official cabinet not fully assembled, as it would be for another month, the meeting consisted of his inner circle for a discussion on the planned agendas of each cabinet. Laying out a 12-point plan for domestic issues, it became very evident that the rumors of his management style were true – It was a signature part of his character that he thrust himself into wherever the action was hottest.” [4] …In his autobiography, Sanders explained that “Like a woodpecker in a lumberyard, I was busy and I liked it! The first thing I did was read everything. Even if I didn’t fully understand all the fancy phrases, reading it as best as you can is still better than not reading it at all!” …When it came time to discuss foreign policy, the new President remarked “Lady and Gentlemen, I have here a memorandum that Hubert Humphrey presented to me just as he was leaving the office of Vice President. In it, he says, and I quote, ‘these may be the most fateful decisions of your Administration…whatever you decide, we will be taking historic gambles and we won’t know for sure whether they were right until months or perhaps years afterwards. Your Administration has a heavy investment in policies which can be jeopardized by an escalation in Vietnam: the President’s image, the development of the Sino-Soviet rift, progress on détente and arms control…reordering relations with our European allies, progress at the United Nations, stabilizing defense expenditures,’ [5], the list goes on and on. Folks, I agree with Mr. Humphrey, that essentially, we can’t let this Indo-Chinese hootenanny snowball into another Cuban hoedown!” Sanders soon enough would meet with the Joint Chiefs and CIA to discuss how to “maintain order” – to limit the spread of Communism without resorting to bloodshed – in southeast Asia.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    …Keeping true to his background in business, President Sanders today signed an executive order eliminating tariffs from several industries in order to promote trade. Upon signing the order, Sanders proclaimed “businesses can’t be productive if they’re bound by things that are counterproductive.”

    – NBC News, 1/29/1965 broadcast

    In late January 1965, Patricia, uh, Mo’s wife, was severely injured in a bus accident. She already suffered from arthritis, so with this new tragedy, Mo decided he had to spend more time with her. He decided to stay in Congress but also step down from some committees in the face of the family emergency. Our friends on the hill were accommodating, though Speaker McCormack believed it was unwise to maintain any committee work at all. The incident may have been a blessing in disguise for them, though, as it made their marriage and love for each other even stronger than it was before the accident, it seems.

    – Stewart Lee Udall (D-AZ), 1999 NBC interview


    Paris, FRANCE – During his first trip overseas as President of the United States, Colonel Sanders met with France’s Interim President Alain Poher, and later spoke at a rally in Paris supporting former President Charles De Gaulle ahead of the upcoming French Presidential election. …The Colonel confessed to the crowd “I’ve tried to learn French, but the lessons never took,” before giving his prepared speech, with which he made many positive comments to De Gaulle. Noting that the two men are the same age, Sanders said “De Gaulle has done an amazing job as President, and I hope I myself will do so well a job as President,” and added “we [old people] have been around long enough to know how to govern!”

    – The Calgary Herald, 2/4/1965

    ...Back in Washington, D.C., President Sanders has announced his support of Reverend Martin Luther King and others in the promotion of founding “Citizen Oversight Commissions” in several states and cities with high crime rates…

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS News, 2/9/1965 broadcast

    Sanders loved the back-and-forth with people, citizens, press, even some politicians... In February, Sanders worked with lawmakers on the hill to double the tax credit for small businesses, and promoted the use of cost-benefit analyses when reviewing all bills. Sanders also increased funding for the Small Business Administration by 40%. Ironic as it sounded, it was true that Sanders had a distrust for corporations [6]; from his experience working for the Shell Oil company during the 1920s, he knew that if government agency rejected supporting small, growing enterprises, they would always be vulnerable to larger competitors. Other major parts of the Colonel’s 1965 tax plans were the 1965 Tax Reduction Act, cutting tax rates unilaterally at 10%, and finally, introducing a minimum standard reduction – an idea tossed around during the busy LBJ administration.

    – Paul Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012

    On February 12, 1965, Sanders invited Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R-KY) to the White House for a talk in the Oval Office; Sherman supported opening negotiations with the North Vietnamese. Upon further talks with several other, more hawkish politicians, Sanders quietly made an agreement with the leaders of Cambodia, Thailand, the U.K.’s Douglas-Home (due to their ports of Hong Kong and Singapore in the region) and Burma to provide intel on regional Communist activities in exchange for protection from communist insurgents within their own respective borders. This came with a boost in the military and CIA’s budget, much to their delight, but that boost came with a micromanaging President whom demanded to be kept in the loop on all military and CIA activities…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    …On Sunday, the voters of France went to the polls in the first of two rounds of voting to determine who will be their President for the next seven years. Francois Mitterrand of the Convention of Republican Institutions, or CIR, edged out second-place finisher Charles de Gaulle (of the UNR); the other candidates of the ballots were Jean Lecanuet (of Popular Republican Movement (or MRP)), Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour of the Miscellaneous Far Right (or DVED)), Pierre Marcilhacy of the European Liberal Party (or PLE) and Marcel Barbu of the Miscellaneous Left (or DVG). De Gaulle and Mitterrand will proceed to the final round on the 28th of the month…

    – BBC News, 2/14/1965 broadcast


    …In the process of organizing a budget, President Sanders today ordered a probe into the determining factors of steel prices nationwide... US Steel production has been in decline since 1959, and dipped even further following the Salad Oil Recession…

    – The Chicago Tribune, 2/15/1965

    I was among the slim number of Democrats to support the Essential Education Bill, one of the first works of legislature that the Colonel had a say over in regards to what was actually in it. The law would decentralize school funding and connect it further to the federal government without giving the federal and statewide governments too much control over certain aspects. I remember explaining it to a reporter as “a checks-and-balance system similar to our very government – everyone must work together and no one has absolute power.” The Colonel was enthusiastic to see the legislative system work at the Federal level. And his energy was really quite infectious! The bill was introduced in February and was passed on bipartisan lines just months later…

    – Coya Knutson’s Coya’s Story: A Life in Legislation, Simon & Schuster Incorporated, 1991


    Luange Prabang, LAOS – In his second Presidential trip abroad, the Colonel flew to Laos to meet with our boys fighting for freedom along that nation’s border, and to meet with Laos’s monarchial ruler, Sisavang Vatthana, to review the new administration’s war strategy against the subcontinent’s dual scourges – the Pathet Lao and the Viet-Kong, two branches of Communism that will undoubtedly be defeated like the Communist Cuban Front was two months ago…

    Stars and Stripes, 2/25/1965


    Paris, FRANCE – In a stunning turn of events, Charles De Gaulle has lost an election bid for another Presidential term despite months of attempted damage control. Many pundits believes this to be the cause of De Gaulle’s prior support of the War in Cuba despite vocal opposition to this position by many in the country whom preferred focus to be on domestic issues... The 48-year-old independent Francois Mitterrand will be sworn in as France’s new President on March 7… Already, the results are frightening conservatives in the U.K. and the states, as Mitterrand had support from several socialist political parties. "Will he uphold the country's democratic processes or will he become the latest puppet of the Soviet regime? The latter is what we are concerned about," says the Home Secretary...

    – The Financial Times, UK newspaper, 28/2/1965

    …In response to the 1963-64 anti-war movements abroad, and the 1965 election of Francois Mitterrand in France, Biko, then just 18 and beginning to study medicine, began becoming more involved in the political anti-Apartheid activism environment found in South Africa…


    Sanders made 58 appoints to the US Court of Appeals in the first two years of his presidency alone. The very first two nominations – both announced on March 1 – demonstrated the Colonel’s understanding of compromise; two seats were vacant in the D.C. Circuit, and Sanders paired a liberal judge with a conservative judge to pacify politicians of respective allegiance. The conservative nominee was George Edwards MacKinnon (1906-1995) former US Congressman and former US Attorney for the District of Minnesota. A conservative so far right he makes Goldwater look like George McGovern, [7] MacKinnon “always aimed to get his way, and, yet, who always enjoyed his colleagues and fostered collegiality on the court….loved by Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and sought the approval of neither to find his own sense of worth,” according to his obituary [8]. MacKinnon was paired with Sylvia A. Bacon (b. 1931), the very first woman ever nominated to the D.C. Circuit. After serving as a judicial law clerk and several position within the U.S. Justice Department since 1956, concerns over her judicial inexperience were cut short by her impressive performance during confirmation hearings over the next two months, leading to her narrow confirmation on April 26 (for comparison, MacKinnon was confirmed only 23 days after being nominated).


    …Purple Heart-winning WWII veteran Col. Howard Ravenscroft Johnson (1903-1990) [9] was nominated for the Eighth Circuit on May 18, 1965…


    On July 27, 1965, Sanders nominated civil rights attorney Benjamin Franklin Shobe (b. 1920) of Kentucky for a vacated seat on the Sixth Circuit. The Colonel’s African-American judicial appointee, the choice of Shobe was applauded by African-American Judge William Henry Hastie Jr. (b. 1904) of the Third Circuit… Sanders’ second judicial appointment of an African-American judge came on January 19, 1966, when Thomas Russell Jones Jr. (b. 1913) of New York was nominated for a seat on the Second Circuit. The choice was lauded by civil rights supporter and Chief Judge of the Fifth Court of Appeals Circuit John Robert Brown (b. 1909), whom, was seen even in 1965, was viewed a frontrunner for a US Supreme Court seat should one become vacant during Sanders’ term (along with fellow Fifth Circuit judge John Minor Wisdom).


    As the prosecuting attorney of Yakima County from 1952 to 1961, and a state Supreme Court judge since 1961, Sanders’ November 6, 1967 nomination of Alan Angus McDonald (b. 1927) for a seat on the Ninth Circuit was met with some partisan opposition, but nevertheless was successful

    – Linda Greenhouse and Morton J. Horwitz’s The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice (Third Edition), Sunrise Publishing, 2010


    …“We want the Colonel to pull troops out of Indochina. He’s been in office for over a month – get to it already, Colonel!” expressed one of the activists…

    – The New York Post, 3/2/1965


    “Oh, Director Hoover! How Do?!”

    “Um, just fine, how do you do?”

    “Dandy. Ah, please, take a seat, sir.”

    “Thank you.”

    “You know, I’ve just got to hand it to you, Hoover – for the most part you’ve sure done a real bang-up job keeping America safe from Communists and the like.”

    “Uh, thank you. Uh I was told you wanted to see me about something important.”

    “Yes, I wanted to get your opinion on this Mitterin’ fella they got over in France now and if we’re going to see such riots erupt over here.”

    “Oh him! The new man in Paris is bad news, sir, Communist sympathizer through and through. Already we’re receiving reports of representatives of Romania – a part of Russia’s Warsaw Pact, sir – reaching out to Mitterrand’s government. How do you plan to handle him, Mr. President? Because I think we should continue keeping an eye on him. We can’t have him getting too sympathetic to the Soviets, now can we?”



    “It’s a difficult moral question, for sure. I mean, this Mitterin’ fella was the people’s choice over there. But at the same time he could pose a threat to us. But that’s just it – there’s nothing clearly threatenin’ us.”

    “Clearly, sir – now that’s important. Nothing clearly. For all we know, hidden Soviet operatives were behind the riots that led to his rise, the same kind of operatives I suspect can be found in the NAACP.”

    “…Come again, Hoover?”

    “You know, Mr. President, those Commie-Negroes – King, Abernathy, the Evers Brothers – I’m certain they’re all working to bring this country to its knees.”

    “King, a Commie? Heh heh! Sir, Martin Luther King is a dear friend of mine. He’s not communist – the man just wants fairness and equal treatment for all. How is that Communist?”

    “Sir…um, we’ve been monitoring their activities for quite a while now and, well, what I mean to say, Colonel, is that the man’s okay with communism seeping into the minds of our youth. His talk is dangerous.”

    “With all due respect, Director, I think you’re confusing Martin with Malcolm. That Mr. X fella is the one rootin’ for hatred. King’s rootin’ for peace.”

    “Uurghhh…I think we’re getting off-topic here. Um, I believe you mentioned something about riots?”

    “Oh, yes, I’m thinking about how young people have been stirring things up these past four years. I’m worried they’re now turnin’ to attackin’ me. Two days ago there was a demonstration right outside, over there-a-ways. It’s like…They’re impatient, to put it straight. I’m addressing their concerns – shoot, I’m meetin’ with some Senators later today in fact – but politickin’ at the national federal level is a lot more difficult than you’d think. It’s a lot slower. So much slower…”

    “Uh, yeah, well then just say the word and we’ll crack down on them real good!”

    “What? No, no, I don’t want that!”

    “Uhhh…Colonel, you’re the President, right? Alright, that means, you’re the leader. That means you have to show the people that the federal government cannot be pushed around.”

    “But bustin’ the skulls of people exercising their right to assembly is what dictatorships do, Hoover. You only do that sort of thing if they’re known criminals or pinko spies. I’m surprised you didn’t learn that after that whole San Francisco incident.”

    “Beg pardon?”

    “You know, that whole thing that happened back in 1960, when some students protested a H.U.A.C. meetin’. You messed that up bad.”


    “You had youngin’s fallin’ and gettin’ dragged down steep marble stairs, Hoover. That stuff must have hurt.”

    “Colonel, if I remember correctly – and I believe I am because I came across it after your election – you sent me a letter congratulating me on a job well done for that. Those students were Communist sympathizers and disturbing the peace – we made a whole documentary on it!”

    “Well, Yes, but I’ve thought more about it since then, and I – ”

    “Those punk were the same kind of shoutnik pinkos that are now a threat to you and to the country. If you want the protests and the criticisms to cease, you have to show the traitors who’s in charge!”

    “I’ve been told this line is called a cliché, but… fear just leads to rebellion, not respect.”

    “Oh, that’s a platitude spun by the east coast university snobs too detached from reality to understand that America has an infection, and its name is Communism.”

    “Hoover, I appreciate your passionate patriotism, but if we throw out the Bill of Rights it’s, well it’s like throwing the baby out with the tub water! The freedoms found in this country is what makes it worth protecting in the first place. Without them, we’re no better than the Soviets! So…Director Hoover, from now on, I want you to lighten up on the crackdowns. Understand?”

    “Sure – I mean…of course, Mr. President.”

    “Wonderful! This was a good talk. Very production. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready to meet with uh, Senators Dirksen and Mansfield.”

    “Good day.”

    – Transcript of a discussion between President Sanders and Director Hoover in the Oval Office, nature of recording device classified until 2029; disclosed by the FBI in 2012 alongside numerous other files from the 1960s, 3/4/1965

    …Despite the Colonel President’s admiration for him, Hoover greatly disliked Sanders, firstly due to his criminal record [10] (Hoover once told Tolson he considered “The Criminal Colonel [was] unworthy of the Presidency”) and secondly due to his perceived naïveté in regards to the Colonel’s optimistic worldview. Hoover gave the Colonel lip service, and would reportedly even lie right to the President’s face…

    – Ronald Kessler’s Clyde Tolson and the Cult of J. Edgar Hoover, Resistance E-Publishing, 2016

    “In, oh, about around early March of ’65, I’d say, The Colonel, after seeing all the pictures of American flags being burned, um, on TV back in ’63, uh, he decided to do something about it. Now he could have outlawed the practice and gotten himself accused of suppressing freedom, but instead he push for textile regulations on flammable materials in order to ensure that all American flags sold in the, uh, the United States were, in his words ‘incredibly resistant to fire,’ in order to hamper any more burn-flagging. I thought that was a very clever and ingenious move!”

    – Barry Goldwater, informal 1990 interview


    [pic: ]
    Left to Right: Harley Sanders of Kentucky (guest attending function), Carl Curtis of Nebraska (Secretary of State), William W. Scranton of Pennsylvania (Vice President), Colonel Sanders of Kentucky (President), Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York (Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare), Whitney Young of Kentucky (Chief Domestic Policy Advisor), Sylvia Porter of Illinois (Chief Economic Policy Advisor), George Dewey Clyde of Utah (Secretary of the Interior), and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of Massachusetts (US Ambassador to Vietnam).

    – Captioned photograph of the Colonel with members of his administration at a political function in Washington, D.C., Life Magazine e-archives, 3/5/1965


    … “The three most important things for my department to handle over the next four years will be inflation, inflation, and inflation,” said Treasury Secretary Siler. Siler then unveiled a proposed budget for his department, explaining its goal is to save the Federal government money during the upcoming fiscal year of 1965 without cutting social security or raising taxes on the poor and middles classes. “For sections getting their budgets slashed, the focus is on wasteful spending,” the President added. “if a section is pouring money into something with little results, it needs to figure out an entirely new approach!” President Sanders also called for a continuation and expansion of the road work programs established during the Eisenhower administration. “Throughout my careers and my campaigns, I’ve driven up and down more roads and rails than the average four-wheeled explorer, and I can say that we need to continue on the movement to improve and monitor the maintenance of America’s modern transportation networks.”

    The Washington Post, 3/7/1965

    This year’s St. Patrick’s Day profiles of famous Irish-Americans takes us to the White House, home to several Irish-American Presidents since 1829.

    Today's Irish-American being celebrated is Harland David "Colonel" Sanders. Sanders was America’s 15th President of Irish ancestry. Andrew Jackson (Scotch-Irish and English) was our first Irish President, and Harry Truman was the last before Sanders. The other Presidents with Irish ancestry were the following (in order of their administrations): James Knox Polk (Scotch-Irish), James Buchanan (Scotch-Irish), Andrew Johnson (Irish and English), Ulysses S. Grant (Scotch-Irish, English and Scottish), Chester A. Arthur (Scotch-Irish and English), S. Grover Cleveland (Irish and Anglo-Irish), Benjamin Harrison (Scotch-Irish and English), William McKinley (Irish and English), Theodore Roosevelt (Irish, Scotch-Irish, Dutch, Scotch, English and French), William Howard Taft (Irish and English), Woodrow Wilson (Scotch-Irish), and Warren G. Harding (Scotch-Irish and English).

    The Colonel’s mother, Margaret Dunleavy (1865-1935) of Indiana, was the daughter of Thomas Dunleavy (1834-1910) of Pennsylvania, who was the son of Joseph Dunleavy (1798-1864) of Pennsylvania, who was the son of Anthony Dunleavy (1763-1804), who was born in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland to Northern Irish parents and immigrated to Pennsylvania as an adult. Additionally, the Colonel’s maternal grandmother Catherine Clegg Dunleavy (1836-1891) of Indiana was the daughter of pioneer lawyer Matthew Simpson Clegg (1810-1892), who was the son of Richard Clegg (1776-1853), who was born in Ireland and later immigrated to Indiana. Another ancestor’s maiden name was McBride, an Irish surname, suggesting that at least three Irish families are in the Colonel’s ancestry.

    ...Bonus Fun Fact: the Colonel’s earliest known ancestor to bear the Sanders surname was Stephen Sanders Sr., a farmer born in New Jersey in 1750 and “was among the first to enter land in Morris Township, Pennsylvania” [11].


    In 1965, Romania’s head of state since 1961, President of the State Council Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej (George Georgeeoo-Dedge) was increasingly troubled by the events of the west – the 1963 “overthrowing” of Khrushchev, “the Colonel replacing the Johnson” in 1964, and most noticeably, the failure to spread Communism to the Americas through Cuba. These rebellious events had made Gheorghiu-Dej only more jumpy with trepidation in the face of his inevitable demise from lung cancer, as the ruler was uncertain as to whom would succeed him. Gheorghiu-Dej was distrusting of Khrushchev and Shelepin, and in recent years had sought to increase trade relations with Western countries. This position made the recent rise of Mitterand in France become a sliver of hope for Gheorghiu-Dej, as Mitterand, while not a communist, was still better than the capitalist de Gaulle. However, Gheorghiu-Dej knew that his former protégé Nicolae Ceausescu was making moves to succeed him, even though Gehorghiu-Dej did not want him to have it – Ceausescu was too pro-Soviet, opposed reaching out to France, and likely would welcome American aggression regardless of its cost. Gheorghiu-Dej sought to protect his legacy, and that meant eliminating Ceausescu from initiating a post-mortem struggle for power. On March 9, Ceausescu was killed in a mugging on his way to work. Ten days later, Gheorghe-Dej died in his sleep from the cancer. Upon his death, Gheorghiu-Dej’s preferred successor Gheorghe Apostol took over despite opposition from Prime Minister Ion Gheorghe Maurer. According to their former secretaries, Nicolae Ceausescu’s widow, Elena Ceausescu, repeatedly met with Maurer during the next several months and years of Apostol’s State Council Presidency, planning on exacting vengeance when the timing was optimal…

    – Vladimir Tismaneanu’s Stalinism For All Seasons: A Political History of Romanian Communism, University of California Press, Third Edition, 2023

    “Allen, we’ve got a problem.”

    “Yes, sir?”

    “I’ve been talking more and more with our allies in Indochina. I keep talking to Diem about all these reports I keep getting about corruption and police brutality in Saigon and elsewhere in his country. And he keeping telling me bulls#!t right into my ear. I can’t stand a bulls#!ter, Allen.”

    “Then good luck on the Hill, sir. What do you think we should do about it?”

    “I think you and your boys had the right idea. Diem is one hell of a corrupt and incompetent son of a b!#ch. I want you to begin the search for a more competent leader in their military for us to work with.”

    “But wouldn’t whoever we find still be under the command of Diem?”

    “Yes, but I think it’s important to find people we can work with, and Diem’s too unreliable.”

    “Maybe we can…talk with Diem and convince him to step aside for the sake of his countrymen.”

    “If not, then we’ll just try to work around him.”

    “Yes…but let’s…talk with Diem. See if we can’t get him to, uh, retire.”

    “Sure, sure, sure. Just let me know what sensible men are over there.”

    “Do we have an E.T.A.?”

    “A.S.A.P. Top priority.”

    “Well, Mr. President.”

    – Leaked transcript of Pentagon conversation between President Sanders and CIA Director Dulles, 3/16/1965; released to the public in 2005

    HOST: “Did you see this? Apparently, some dinner in D.C. was catered by KFC the other day, and the President Colonel didn’t personally attend, it was still an official White House function.”

    CO-HOST: “Yeah, it was a charity event for – ”

    HOST: “How can the President get away with this kind of promotion? It’s a violation of one of the rules that when you’re president you can’t advertise – ”

    CO-HOST: “Whoa, whoa, buddy, the Colonel broke all ties to KFC so he’s not personally gaining from anything connected to it. Only if he was receiving royalty checks for openly telling people to each his chicken would he in trouble – and, no, actually, I think KFC would be in bigger trouble, because hey, why would they do that?”

    HOST: “Regardless, the President is treading on thin ice if more incidents like this happens.”

    CO-HOST: “Oh come on, the man spent decades making chicken his career, and now he’s expected to never even mention it? That’s ridiculous!”

    HOST: “Harry Truman once sold shirts for a living. Did you hear of him selling turtlenecks at the White House?”

    CO-HOST: “Again, if he’s not financially benefiting in any way from it, it’s not a problem!”

    –Transcript of exchange between the Host and Co-Host of WHCV-AM, news/talk radio, 3/17/1965 broadcast

    Our glorious comrade, Cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, has been bestowed upon the Soviet Union a great honor. Leonov has today become the first person to walk in space…

    Pavda, the USSR’s state newspaper, 3/18/1965

    Alright, I’ll increase funding, but you guys have to speed it up down there! America’s reputation abroad is already hanging by a thread as it is due to Cuba; we cannot lose the race to the moon!

    – President Colonel Sanders in a telephone conversation to NASA’s James Webb, 3/19/1965


    London – Prime Minister Douglas-Home won his second general election tonight, again defeating Labour party leader Harold Wilson, only this time by a much wider margin. …Most pundits surmise that the deflation of the Wilson campaign was caused by fears over French President Mitterrand’s “radical policies…being a harbinger of what may lie ahead in the event of a Labour victory,” according to Conservative parliament member Quinton Hogg… Of the 630 seats in the House of Commons, only 316 are needed for majority; however, the more seats, the stronger and more stable is the government. Conservatives acquired 328 seats, whereas Wilson’s Labour party acquired merely 291 seats. Jo Grimond led the Liberal party, which obtained a total of 11 seats.

    The Daily Express, 28/3/1965


    Washington, DC – In the first major piece of legislation passed under President Sanders, the Clean Water and Air Act was approved by the Senate on Tuesday and will likely be signed by the President within the week. “It’s very obvious that what we eat, drink and breathe affects the quality of our lives, so it only makes sense that the air and water of our country is protected from dangerous chemicals and the like,” President Sanders remarked earlier today. Sanders reportedly became concerned over the nation’s waterways after learning of the 1962 best-seller “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson, a science book covering the effects of pesticides and other chemical elements on nature, which spurred talk on regulations of the pesticide industry. “It may seem hypocritical of me to limit what a business can and can’t do,” Sanders remarked yesterday, “But some regulations – like the ones that protect people from harm – are just plain common sense, if not good for business. The only businesses who complain about those kind of regulations are the kinds that are, well, that have criminal intentions!”

    The Sacramento Union, 3/31/1965

    Describing Claudia Sanders in just one sentence or even one paragraph would be insufficient and an injustice, for Claudia was a complex hostess – cold but welcoming, outspoken but reserved, adventurous but easily sated. The first 1st First Lady to have previously been a divorcée since Florence Harding, whom ran this house from 1921 to 1923. In many ways, Claudia reminded me of Ike’s Mamie – in spite of her independence and having an air of the modern feminist wave, Claudia was very much old-fashioned, firmly rooted in her traditions and ways of thinking. However, Claudia greatly differed in other ways; she did not smile nearly as often as her jovial spouse or the always-grinning Mamie, but she was quick to turn on the charm whenever she needed to. …Claudia ran a tight ship. If didn’t like an employee, would have him or her reassigned. …While they shared the same first name (Ladybird’s real first name was Claudia), Claudia Sanders did not attempt to be better than her predecessor, and was less involved with her husband’s work outside of anything involving food, business, transportation and the arts. Claudia pushed for laws pertaining to such issues, and hosted functions celebrating them as well. …During “slow days” upstairs, Claudia would enjoy tickling the ivories.


    [pic: ]
    Pictured: Claudia plays a soothing piece while Harland listens.

    …Claudia enjoyed travel as much as her husband did. Over the course of their time in the White House, Claudia amassed a large collection of memorabilia from across the country and the globe. This actually helped to distract visitors, as a means of redirecting unwanted attention from herself to the paraphernalia filling otherwise-empty spaces in the mansion… Guests “prattling on to me for too long” was another peeve of First Lady Claudia, she later confessed to me. During one event hosted at the White House in early April 1965, Claudia managed to get the wives of some diplomats to be so attentive to a new object de art she successfully snuck away without the group even noticing.

    – White House Chief Usher James Bernard West’s Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies, Open Road Media, 1973

    “He looks like the best man for the job,” Bonesteel handed Sanders the folder. “Nguyen (pronounced “win”) Khanh, age 37. Major General and ARVN Chief of Staff, which is, basically, Commander of the Republic of the South Vietnam Air Force. He’s a fast learner, Colonel – he took to the skies in a plane after just 11 hours of instruction – and he has many allies such as Marine Corps head Le Nguyen Khanh. Intel confirms he’s been an effective force against the VC over the past two years.”

    “He’s also a pragmatist,” Ambassador Lodge added, “After the failed coups against Diem in ’63 and ’64, he was recorded complaining about Diem’s lack of activity. Said, and I quote ‘There’s too much relaxation around here, too much wining and dining, and little prosecution of the war effort.’ [12] He reportedly wants the nation’s intelligence infrastructure to be built up but Diem isn’t listening.”

    The Colonel pondered, “So all the other folks here,” perusing the pile of printed profiles present to the President, “we’re certain they’re all, ehm, less qualified or, oh what’s the word I’m looking for here, viable for the job?”

    Bonesteel reviewed the rejected candidates once more. “General Van Minh is popular but inadequate. He tried to overthrow Diem back in 1963 and failed spectacularly. General Do Mau, former head of military security for Diem, has a deep understanding of most of the senior officers and their weaknesses and strengths but lacks the coordination skills needed for top-of-command. That’s why he’s in the ‘potential allies’ pile, as are Mau’s allies, General Tran Thien Khiem, and General Duong Van Duc, who recently returned from exile in Paris. Colonel Nguyen Chanh Thi, who led the 1960 coup against Diem, is too unpopular in the military. General Mai Huu Xuan is competent, but not known well enough for the military to fall behind. The country’s chief of national police Nguyen Ngoc Loan is 34 and inexperienced but is still a being supporter of Khanh and could be very useful to us.”

    “Oh and the Harvard fella, he was interesting!”

    “Uh, yes, the final candidate was Nguyen Xuan Oanh, banker trained at Harvard, economist charged with managing country’s economy and finances. Great for the country, but has very little military experience.”

    “Shame. He could make for a could member of Khanh’s cabinet, and maybe even President after the war!”

    “Then there was Phan Huy Quat, the former Prime Minister who’s been sort of out of the nation’s political loop for a while now, and Air Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky. Well, that’s all of them. Do you agree with our analysis?”

    “Yessir, Khanh’s the right man for the job. He’ll take the offer, but if things don’t work out, I think we should fall back on the banker, Ky and Quat. Now, we just have to figure out how to get Diem to step down. We gotta cook him into submission…”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    Mother and Father married on Sunday, April 4, 1965 in an informal outdoor ceremony. At the time, I was three years and eight months old, and while I do not remember the ceremony, photographs taken of it show me sitting in the front row, a big smile spread across my face… Father formally adopted me a few days later, legally changing my name from “Barack Hussein Obama II” to “Barack Hussein McCain.” He wanted me to keep my heritage, but gave me the nickname “Rocky” nonetheless…

    I had always known John McCain to be my father, and so never called him anything else. The fact that my parents looked nothing like me – I as dark as cocoa, they as white as milk – barely registered in my mind [12].

    I recall many stories and incidents dealing explicitly with the subject of my family’s racial composition. But no matter how many opposed us, there were always more who supported us...

    – Barack McCain’s Lessons From my Fathers, Sunrise Publishers, 1993


    …At the start of the next month, the eligibility age for pensions will be lowered from 70 to 65…

    The Toronto Star, Canadian newspaper, 4/4/1965


    …In a surprise move, the award for Best Film went to the controversial vanguard ant-war MGM film “The Americanization of Emily” starring Julie Andrews of Mary Poppins fame. Premiering in the United States on October 27, the eyebrow-raising film is based on the novel of the same name penned by William Bradford Huie in 1959…

    – The Hollywood Reporter, 4/5/1965


    Washington, DC – With the stroke of a pen, President Sanders today eliminated the “Chicken Tax,” a tariff imposed on European chicken imports. Additionally, under direction from President Sanders, the US’s FDA is seeking to raise health standards for domestic chicken production and chicken product imports. The move is another attempt by the administration to improve the economy. “Removing monetary restrictions on trade,” Commerce Secretary Friedman deduces, “will promote consumer purchasing and expand money stock,” or the total value of monetary assets available in the economy, “in the immediate future.”

    The Wall Street Journal, 4/7/1965

    CLAIM: Sanders ran for President to reverse LBJ’s “Chicken Tax” because it was hurting the KFC Corporation.

    VERDICT: False.

    EXPLANATION: Sanders did not run for President to reverse the chicken tax; Sanders reversed the Chicken Tax to promote trade with and amend relations with European nations, as he knew he would need their support in the fight against Communism (link). The Chicken Tax was for chicken from Europe, and KFC acquired its chicken from local (within each country or state) chicken farms, not from overseas; the company was not financially hurt by the tax (link). KFC’s sales were not even affected by the chicken tax, as seen in the lack of any decrease in sales of chicken in KFC locations in Europe after the tax was announced (link).

    –, 2013 entry

    HOSTAGE CRISIS IN MONTREAL!: City, Province On Edge!

    Alaska Highway News, BC Canada newspaper, 4/10/1965

    After winning re-election in 1963, Prime Minister Diefenbaker only increased the national government’s monitoring of FLQ activities, and more terrorism activity led to more FLQ members being arrested. In the early hours of March 10, “extremist” members of the FLQ took Conservative foreign delegates from the UK hostage at their hotel in Montreal... After negotiations failed, Diefenbaker enacted the War Measures Act, which declared martial law in the province of Quebec. …Special Forces stormed the hotel… By the end of the shootout, half of the FLQ members and 3 of the 18 hostages were dead. …Considered to be the bloodiest incident in mid-20th-century Canadian history, the Quebec Hotel Hostage Crisis caused Quebec politicians to quickly backpedal their position on how to address the “Quebec Quandary,” as Liberal leader Paul Hellyer famously labelled it. While the incident initially boosted Diefenbaker’s approval ratings, questions concerning police and military conduct during the storming of the hotel, and the lost lives of three Britons, slowly ate away at the Prime Minister’s standing in the polls…



    [ pic: ]
    – President Colonel Sanders visiting a trailer park hit during the Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak (4/11/1965), 4/12/1965

    TORNADO DEATH TOLL REACHES 135: Sanders Orders Relief, Rescue Efforts, Calls For Stronger State-by-State “Disaster Prep”

    The Indianapolis Star, reporting on the Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak (4/11/1965), 4/13/1965

    Sanders sat at his spot at the end of the table, listening impatiently as his advisors held a shouting match.

    Joint Chiefs Chairman Franke bawled “We need to cut the serpent’s head off! The Pathet Lao are dependent the on supplies and ammo they get from the Viet Cong, and the Viet Cong are being supplied by the North Vietnamese – ”

    Vice Chairman Davis interjected with the rebuttal, “If we invade the North, the Chinese will intervene and that’ll lead to the Russians intervening in Berlin and before long, World War Three will break out!”

    “The Chinese know that, and that’s why they won’t intervene! Their hatred of democracy is no match for their instinct for self-preservation!”

    General Mark Clark interjected with his own observations contrasting with Franks’ theory, “I don’t think it’s necessary to have an invasion of North Vietnam, as it’s exactly what the enemy wants. We put down a 1,000 in a field, he puts down 1,000, he’s willing to lose half those men, we aren’t. I wouldn’t trade one dead American for 50 dead Chinamen.” [13]

    As they prattled on, Sanders’ impatient eyes danced around the room until they ultimately rested on a large map of southern China hugging the wall. As he stood up and walked over to it, the upstart Foreign Policy Advisor James R. Schlesinger followed. “Jim,” the President pointed with his cane to the wide swath of farmland above North Vietnam, “what’s around these parts of China here?”

    “Um, nothing much, sir. Mostly just farms.”

    “So there aren’t any major cities or industry hubs in southern China at all?”

    “Uh, no, sir, not really. It’s pretty undeveloped.”

    “ – a sneak attack would never work!” Davis continued.

    Lodge added “Well Khanh’s fully on board for this so – ”

    “Enough!” The President bellowed, turning around and striking the table top with his cane to get their attention. He paused for a quick moment, “Two things. First, I think we should analyze the layout of southern China and gather intelligence on Chinese leadership. If we declare war on Vietnam, we could feasibly reach Hanoi before the fellas in Peking can send down troops from Nanning and Kunming, uh, here and here.” The Colonel pointed to the map.

    “Second. To unite Vietnam, we need to destroy not the Communists’ ways of life so much as their ways around – we have to go after their bridges, trails, any modes of transportation, any fuel and energy, any forms and methods of communication. That way, we’ll be killing their plans instead of killing Vietnam folk, many of them with family on the other side of the conflict. You can’t unite a country if half of the families are gone. It’ll just leave resentment for years and years. I know. I once lived in Alabama.”

    Davis was the first to comment with the bold remark, “So are we really developing this into an official war?”

    The Colonel wasn’t sure how to answer. “I don’t want to put the cart before the horse, but if we can feasibly invade the North and defeat it very quickly, before the Chinese can even respond, we’ll do that because that would benefit everyone in the long run. Unite Vietnam, keep further deaths from happening, put the Chinese in their place. We’d use American and South Vietnam troops so our boys don’t bear all the brunt of it. I mean this is basically their civil conflict; we’re just helping out. So Franke, before we try your idea, we need to prep for it – get together as much info as you can on the north, and southern China hear, and then get back to me ASAP.”

    “Very good, sir,” Franke answered.

    “And Clark, run the numbers on the manpower an invasion would need. I’m not willing to send a bunch of men to fight when half of them will do the job just fine.”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    At a press briefing earlier today, Press Secretary Ziegler announced that President Sanders has donated his first quarterly salary to the Federal Government’s Small Business Administration, with Ziegler explaining “the money will be put to good use funding key programs there.” …In his last year in office, President Johnson raised the U.S. President’s salary from $150,000 a year to $165,000 a year, adjusting it for inflation... President Sanders announced that he will donate the full amount of each fiscal quarter of his Presidency to various charities and enterprises such as the March of Dimes, Junior Achievement, the Boy Scouts, [14] and several other groups....

    – The Washington Post, 4/22/1965

    On April 24, the Dominican Republic’s President Juan Bosch defeated paramilitary coup attempt. With a majority of the military and political leaders such as Pena Taveras and Francisco Caamano – along with an overwhelming majority of the people and the Catholic Church – being on Juan’s side as well, the revolt led by a cabal of major generals was put down. In light of its light casualty count (the military’s loss of just 12 officers and 15 volunteers, as opposed to the paramilitary’s loss of roughly 200 regulars), Bosch’s popularity skyrocketed. Still, the experience troubled Bosch; soon after, he signed an official pledge to leave office if he was “legitimately defeated” in the pre-planned 1967 Presidential election.

    – Mildred Sanders Ruggles’ My Father, The Colonel: A Life of Love, Politics, and KFC, StarGroup International, 2000

    27 April 1965: On this day in history, Australian Prime Minister Robert Menzies announces that an Australian combat force will be sent to South Vietnam; the action is in response to the South Vietnam government requesting military aid from the United States as well as several other nations, including Canada and the UK.


    “I don’t think the Australian government has any business getting itself involved in the conflict developing in Indochina, at least not any more than the United States should be involved.”

    – US Senator Wayne Morse (D-OR), 4/28/1965

    29 April 1965: On this day in history, the 6.7 Mw Puget Sound earthquake rocks the western, coastal side of the U.S. state of Washington, with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe); the earthquake causes seven deaths and between $12.5 million and $28 million in financial losses around the Puget Sound region. Washington state’s Governor and US President Colonel Sanders are eventually praised for immediately responding to the damage, with the Governor overseeing rescue and recovery operations with the help of federal assistance.



    …The Administration touts several accomplishments: economic overhauls, Foreign Policy official state visits, approval of transportation expansion programs, eliminating tariffs such as the Chicken Tax, passing the Essential Education Bill, and more. …President Sanders began to shore up support for further laws later in his term, enforced social programs, and bolstered the stock market by regulating large and small businesses. …Critics, though, point to the lack of any major landmark legislation of his own and his perceived inactivity over American troops overseas as the biggest failure of his first 100 days in office. Some analysts, on the other hand, argue that this is in step with libertarian governance, as The Colonel has made legislative action to “return certain powers back” to the state level… The President’s ratings currently stand at 59% approved, 34% disapproved, and 7% uncertain. For the sake of referencing, President Lyndon Johnson’s polling at this point in his presidency was 71% approved, though Johnson felt the rally-around-the-flag effect of the Cuban War at the time...

    – The Washington Post, 4/30/1965

    YOUNG IMMIGRANT JOCKEY RIDES TO VICTORY: Sirhan Sirhan Wins 91st Running of The Kentucky Derby.

    …Standing 5-ft-5 and weighing 120 lbs at the age of 20, Sirhan Sirhan (b. 3/19/1944) moved to Corona, CA, to train to be a jockey while working as a stable boy [15] …While not the youngest-ever Kentucky Derby winner, Sirhan’s win at the age of just 21 makes him younger than most.

    – The Lexington Herald-Leader, Kentucky newspaper, 5/1/1965


    [pic: ]
    – President Sanders and Sirhan Sirhan, after missing the derby and but managing to squeeze a trip to Sirhan’s home into his schedule, 5/2/1965

    Upon seeing the iconic chicken bucket in The Sirhan Photo, Senator Richard Russell openly called for investigation into any remaining business ties the Colonel may have still had with KFC. The Sanders White House countered with the claim that Russell was violating Freedom of Speech, “there’s nothing illegal about eating something with your own face on it,” agued Press Secretary Ron Ziegler. …The Senate subcommittee hearing led to a US Constitutional law Supreme Court case ruling on campaign finance in 1967 that favored the Colonel. The limits of disclosure provisions led to a 1971 case citing precedence ahead of a ruling on the F.E.C.’s power to limit election spending. Justice White wrote that unlimited election spending is “a mortal danger against which effective preventive and curative steps must be taken” [16] …The ruling, effective January 1972, determined that corporations may not spend from their general treasuries for political purposes any more than the funds spent by individuals towards the same political purpose, but also ruled that aggregate limits on political actions by individual people is unconstitutional. The ruling was controversial and immediately challenged…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    …The new law, first introduced in the House last year by Congressman Emmanuel Celler (D-NY), dismantles the selection of immigrants based on countries of origin. …President Sanders commented on the selection process last year with “we cannot pick and choose where America receives its best and brightest. They do not come from one or two specific geographical or political regions; they come from everywhere. The selection of immigrants based on their place of origin is a violation of basic rights as it is biased and prejudiced. …I want to be very clear – there will be no infringement of anybody’s rights during and under a Colonel Sanders administration.” After opposition from Southern Democrats, the bill was narrowly approved for a vote on the House floor on February 3, advancing it to the Senate where the process was repeated in April… The new immigration system introduces visa categories based on skills and familial relations already in the U.S., and sets visa restrictions at 200,000 per year…

    – The Washington Post, 5/7/1965

    …And from Cape Canaveral, the National Air and Space Agency has just announced that American astronaut Edward Higgins White has become the first American astronaut to perform what they are calling a “spacewalk”…

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS News, 5/9/1965 broadcast

    RICHARD NIXON: “Ladies and gentlemen, I know I’m supposed to make big, funny speech before introducing the President, but with Hollywood’s best hanging around here, stealing all my jokes (light laughter), I’ve run out of gags. Well, good ones, anyway. So I’m just going to keep this short. (pauses, clears throat). The other day, Jerry Lewis and Colonel Sanders and I all walked into a bar, and the bartender said, ‘what is this, some kind of joke?’ (pauses for laughter) And now, the President.”

    COLONEL SANDERS: “Thanks, Nixon. It’s great to be here. You know, folks, I really am planning on running this government like it’s a business. Congress gets time-and-a-half overtime pay, but other benefits will have to be talked out in a C.B.A., when they finally get around to forming a union. Don’t worry, Barry, it’ll be the opt-in kind. (pauses for laughter) As you all know, I’m making several steps to reign in the fed’s excess spending. But y’all may not know all the details. For example, I find wearin’ only one suit really shortens the White House laundry bill. (pauses for laughter) To lower our cooking budget, I’m personally doing all the catering for all D.C. functions, and I’ve replaced the White House electric generators with a bunch of rabbits in these big ol’ hamster wheels. (pauses for laughter) That’s why extra carrots with tonight’s salads are not available, so for that I must apologize. (pauses for laughter) That’s also why I’m not allowing any hound dogs or foxes on the White House grounds – I can’t have the lights goin’ out just because Rover wants to cause a ruckus. (pauses for laughter) Yeah, hehe, uh, you know I was talking to Senator Fulbright of Arkansas the other day. They got a lot of produce in that state. Yeah, Arkansas’ got fruit from lots of trees – the peach tree, the cherry tree, the poultry – lots of fruit trees down there. (light laughter) So many trees, each Arkansas beaver has its own little mansion. The folks in D.C. are workin’ on a trade deal with them right now in fact. (light laughter) Yes, sir, Washington D.C. is a marvelous city – you got marvel columns, and marvel statues, just marvel everywhere. (pause for laughter) And it’s full of great people, and many of them are in this very room (cheering) if only I could make them out – they’re hiding among all these politicians (laughter). Now – ”

    JERY LEWIS (in audience, part of the act): “Hey, what’s the deal, Colonel?!”

    SANDERS: “What’s the matter, Jerry?”

    LEWIS: “What do you mean, what’s the matter? You just insulted half the people here!”

    SANDERS: “Oh, yeah, politicians are people”

    LEWIS: “There you go again with the insults! That’s not how you do comedy! Here (proceeds in elaborate stumble routine, walking on top of and tumbling over dinner tables on way to front stage, pretends to punch unconscious a Secret Serviceman in on the gag, then makes way onto stage) (laughter, applause) Man, whew, I thought you secret service guys were like those British body guards with the fuzzy black raccoons on their heads, the ones outside with the gate and the standing and Queen Elizabeth the very nice royal lady! (laughter) Here, Colonel, let me show you a how to get the laughs! (pause for applause)”

    SANDERS: “Alright. Ah, now tell me, Jerry, tell me, do you always stand when you do stand-up, Jerry?”

    LEWIS: “Well I can’t stand to stand down!”

    SANDERS: “Well then I’ll just leave ya to it!” (leaves stage to applause)

    LEWIS: “Hit it!” (New music begins to play from band behind side curtain) (grabs guitar from behind curtain, beats it like it’s a drum, begins to sing informal song). “Apples and peaches and pears are fruit of the loom. With too many fruits, they’ll be not enough room on the loom.” (Hidden band plays trumpet in sync with Lewis opening and closing mouth to make it seem he’s making trumpets sounds with mouth). “Ohhh, Give me a home where the buffalo roam and I’ll show you a dirty house.” [17] [snip] (end of song) Thank you! (hands back guitar) (applause). [snip] “I see Senator Nixon is here with us today but only made one joke. How come, Nixon?!”

    NIXON: (in audience, part of act) “I’m not that funny.”

    LEWIS: “Oh, well, you know what the problem is, don’t you? You’re too tall! Yeah, see, tall people aren’t funny. You have to be short like me and the Colonel to make it in show biz. Rock Hudson, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart – they’re all under 5-foot-7! (laughter) Watch this: I’ll be as tall as you” (stands on step ladder) (in very deep voice) “Hey nice lady – Ah, I just scared myself (feigns almost falling off stepladder) See that, scary, not funny! Not watch this: I’ll be as short as Peter Lorre (sits down on stage to appear very short) (in high-pitch voice) Hey nice lady! (laughter) See, that’s funny! (applause) but don’t worry, Nixon, you can still get laughs. After all, you’re a politician – just end any sentence with the four magic words ‘and that’s the truth’ and people will laugh!” [snip] “My son Gary, last name Lewis (laughter), he just turned 19 and his next birthday’s in two months (laughter). I wanted him to go to college but he wanted to continue playing the drums with his band, I think it’s a music band. So I tried to compromise, right, I told him to go to music college, but he says he wants to try The Colonel Sanders kind of education – the kind that’s useful!” (laughter) “But no, really, the Colonel is one of the most wonderful men I’ve ever known, and a really smart and smart-alecky salesmen. Why, just the other day he sold me an Edsel. Not really, though. He gave it away free with my KFC dinner! (pause for laughter) But in all seriousness, folks, I have to commend the President for all the work he’s done in the fight against muscular dystrophy and for that and then some he forever has my respect and loyalty. Thank you, Colonel Sanders, thank you! (applause)” (leaves comically, pretending to not know how to leave stage, walks into curtain, moves hands around looking for an exit through the curtain, then starting patting down the wall, before Secret Servicemen escort him away) “So long gentlemen and each and every very nice lady!...” (laughter, applause)

    SANDERS: (returns to podium) “What a character, eh, folks? If my current one steps down, I’m thinking of picking Lewis to be our Ambassador to France. How’s that sound? (laughter, cheers)”

    – Transcript (annotated) from the 1965 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Saturday, 5/15/1965

    The Beatles first came to the U.S. in May 1965, and quickly their music became the latest craze for American teenagers and a new outlet for teen angst. While they were a bit late to the party, seeing as other British musicians were already well into establishing themselves in the U.S., the Fab Four believed it was “better late than never,” as the stoic Lennon would state...

    Tumbleweed Magazine article, 1971 commemorative issue

    In May [1965], [John Y.] Brown, um, I don’t want to say weaseled, but um, he found his way into purchasing Church’s Chicken from the son of its late founder. Millie approved of the takeover while Harley was, um, less involved in the project. …While Brown lacked skills needed to motivate people that served under him, he was shrewd with finances, and those results really showed early on…

    – Pete Harman, 60 Minutes interview, early 1992

    WAR ENDS IN INDONESIA: Remaining Sukarno Backers Captured As Suharto Takes Over

    …General Suharto has defeated military opponents and has ended a civil conflict that has ravaged the archipelagic nation since August of last year. …Suharto reportedly received a congratulatory phone call from American President Sanders and Prime Minister Douglas-Home… The celebratory atmosphere in the capital of Jakarta was plagued, though, by concern over the lingering attacks on left-wing Indonesians, with one anonymous Jakarta schoolteacher telling us “I fear Suharto will only continue his purges, and expand them from just Sukarno supporters to anyone who is not fiercely loyal to him”…

    The Times, UK newspaper, 5/30/1965

    New Jersey Gubernatorial Primary Election Results, 6/1/1965:

    Democratic Primary:
    Richard J. Hughes – 234,854 (89.85%)
    William H. Clark – 26,531 (10.15%)
    Total votes cast: 261,385 (100.00%)

    Republican Primary:
    Wayne Dumont Jr. – 166,611 (50.11%)
    Charles W. Sandman Jr. – 156,470 (47.06%)
    Harold P. Poeschel – 9,409 (2.83%)
    Total votes cast: 332,491 (100.00%)



    …the son of Minister of Information and Broadcasting Indira Gandhi has died in a car crash... …Claims that the car was stolen are currently unsubstantiated. The police have declined to comment as to whether or not an investigation will commence to look into the claims…

    Rajasthan Patrika, Indian newspaper, 6/2/1965

    …On June 6, 1965, California’s Stanford School of Business presented Sanders with an honorary degree, one of a total of 26 honorary degrees Sanders would receive in his lifetime, first he got in May 1959 for his academic contributions to Kentucky while Governor…

    Why Grad Schools Are Suffering In Our Changing Economy, KNN e-article, 6/2/2012


    Athens, GREECE – Georgios Papandreou, the Prime Minister of Greece since 1963, was today shot by a right-wing extremist while leaving the nation’s capital building for lunch. According to officials, Papandreou was shot “at least three times” in the back before his attacker could be subdued by officers. Officials state that the Prime Minister died while on route to hospital. The assassin is being held by police for interrogation. The killer’s name is currently unreleased, but his current motive is believed to be his apparent “outrage” at Papandreou’s allegedly pro-communist administration. Papandreou was 77.

    – The La Croix, French newspaper, 6/10/1965


    Athens, GREECE – Violence occurring in the streets of the capital over Papandreou’s assassination for the second day in a row, with students protesting and calling for retribution, justice, and reform… Greece’s King Constantine II has cautiously sent in the military to quell the riots. Some fear the riots could grow into a revolution if left unchecked…

    The Daily Telegraph, UK newspaper, 6/12/1965


    Athens – After a heated debate in our nation’s capital, Grigoris Lambrakis has been chosen to become the new Prime Minister of Greece. Lambrakis, 53, was elected to Parliament in 1961 as an EDA-leaning Independent before defecting to Papandreou's EK over infighting in the EDA during the 1965 election. Lambrakis quickly rose in popularity within the party after surviving a politically-motivated attack on his life… Analysts hope the young and charismatic Lambrakis, a former doctor, athlete, and anti-war activist, can calm the rising political climate and remedy the issues facing this great but troubled country.

    – The Ethnos (The Nation), left-wing Greek newspaper (affiliated with PASOK), 6/22/1965

    Another example of Colonel Sanders being a “loony old fool” happened on June 23, 1965, when he appeared at a ceremony in Chicago to receive an award for improving environmental protection laws in the U.S., and walked off the stage without the award. He quickly circled back to receive it, but the moment was nevertheless caught on camera [18]. …A part of his popularity was his charm. “He came off as this lovable old guy, like this friendly grandfather-like fella,” describes one senior citizen in Madison, Wisconsin who voted for the Colonel in 1964...

    Why The Colonel’s Legacy Endures, 2015 e-article

    …In Washington, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil rights Oversight is reviewing the progress of ensuring integration implementation in all 50 years, per a President request. Also on the Hill, Senator Eunice Kennedy-Smith has signed on to co-sponsored a major Fair Employment Bill meant to bolster similar legislation passed under President Johnson…

    – Walter Cronkite on CBS, 7/1/1965

    The new Constitution of Cuba, backed by Sanders administration, was finally ratified on July 5, 1965, after months of negotiations between several political factions on the island. The constitution appealed to the poorer rural classes in Cuba, but interim President Miro Cardona still demanded it reach unanimous approval from all factions for the sake of national unity. The most vocal holdout among political leaders was then 41-year-old Stability party leader Manuel Ray Rivero [19], an engineer by trade whom had served as Fidel Castro’s Minister of Public Works in 1959 before founding the Revolutionary Movement of the People, an organization which backed Castro’s nationalization of all public utilities. Contradictorily, though, Rivero opposed Communist ideology, and eventually broke with Castro to join the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC) in 1961 and help American forces mobilize discontented Cubans in 1963 and 1964. Upon Rivero ultimately voicing approval of the Constitution alongside the leader of the Conservative party, Manuel Artime, the last faction left was Felipe Rivero Diaz, the leader of the Nationalist party. Critical of both Americans and Communists during the war despite participating in crucial early military actions in it, Diaz finally “gave [it] is blessing” on July 3rd, after determining that “it contains no hidden ties to America or Russia – The Cuban people will be in charge of their own destiny!”



    Washington, D.C. – ...Taking an unusually active role is not a surprise to those who know her; Second Lady Scranton is much more active than the reportedly “old-school” Claudia Sanders. At a formal event, Mary Scranton announced her advocacy for a federal program to develop and improve low-income urban communities. "These are American families working hard and doing their best. It would be unpatriotic and immoral for their government to turn its back on them." …A passionate fighter for fair housing and community safety while First Lady of our states, Mary Scranton started out as a research analyst for the US Army and also as a Red Cross aide during World War II. She continued her advocacy for humanitarian issues during her time as the First Lady of Pennsylvania. Upon her husband being selected to serve as Colonel Sanders' running mate, Mary appeared often on the ’64 campaign trail, even speaking at that year’s RNC to praise both members of the GOP ticket for the dedication to improving the lives of American families...

    The Philadelphia Enquirer, 7/9/1965


    The New York Post’s 7/11/1965 headline with Nguyen Khanh’s name misspelled

    Had Diem been overthrown sooner, maybe things would have turned out different. Instead, the people were so desperate for a change of leadership that they quickly embraced Khanh. The thing about it, though, was that Khanh was a highly complex character of the era. As a socially conservative man, Khanh retained Diem’s ban on the dance “The Twist.” However, Khanh sometimes conflicted with the US by not at all acting like the grateful Miro Cardona – Khanh wanted to run his country his way! Paradoxically, Khanh often listened to the advice of Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., whom advised Khanh pursue a policy of uniting social groups. As such, upon his ascension to the Presidency, Khanh went on a “Colonel-style” tour of the country, making himself better known to as many members of the populace as possible – the urban and rural, the coastal and interior, the rich and poor. In the national domestic issue of Catholics versus Buddhists, Diem had favored Catholics. Khanh quickly found friends in both communities to unite to two against the Communists. As a fairly politically astute man, Khanh announced village that had been elections abolished under Diem would be held “within a year.” Privately, Khanh was wary of democracy possibility, and said in an early 1966 conversation with Lodge “we [the Vietnamese] cannot achieve full democracy for some time, perhaps for another generation or two.” [20] Such a mindset explains his refusal to hold a presidential election “until we are absolutely certain that attacks from the North have ceased.” Fortunately for Khanh, with each military success, the people of South Vietnam tolerated their limitations on individual rights for the sake of community security (it was a time of war, after all).

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    [1] I think Colonel Sanders would agree with his free market theories as well as his advocacy for volunteer military and the abolition of medical licenses (due to the Colonel’s own history in that area), but disagree with him on other topics.
    [2] Real person, according to the letter found here
    [3] This quote is from OTL.
    [4] Pulled from the OTL version of the Josh Ozersky book Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, Page 9:
    [5] Italicized lines pulled from OTL memo from Hubert Humphrey to Lyndon Johnson written in the same time period (1965):
    [6] According to this article:
    [7] Description taken from MacKinnon’s wiki page.
    [8] Ibid.
    [9] IOTL, Colonel Howard Ravenscroft Johnson died in World War Two in 1944. But in Chapter 1, I established that after the POD of Harland Sanders Jr. not dying in 1932, he went on to serve in WWII. I like to think that the addition of one more soldier could lead to Johnson surviving the war in a for-want-of-a-nail type of minor butterfly effect, and later going on to establish a career in law.
    [10] According to the site, Hoover declined to attend the Colonel’s 80th birthday party “[a]fter searching the Colonel’s criminal record,” suggesting Hoover did not want to be connected in any way to people with such pasts, even if it was someone like the Colonel! Additionally, the Colonel writing in the letter “I do believe that us [old] folk can show those young people what celebrating’s all about” demonstrates the complexity of him, as he was in youth-oriented films such as Blast-Off Girls (1967) and (despite the Colonel being a very religious sort) Hell’s Bloody Devils (1970) in OTL!
    [11] All genealogy details are from their respective pages on
    [12] A paraphrase of a famous line from Obama’s OTL autobiography.
    [13] Quote directly pulled from the 53:50 mark of the Documentary “In the Year of the Pig” (available on YouTube, albeit in parts now…)
    [14] Charities, along with "hospitals, medical research, education," mentioned on page 796 of the John Kessler book “The Kentucky Encyclopedia”:
    [15] IOTL, Sirhan “at 20 years old, Sirhan moved to Corona [southern California, near L.A.] to train to be a jockey while working at a stable, but lost his job and abandoned the pursuit after suffering a head injury in a racing accident” at some point in the 1960s ( Due to butterflies, no such accident occurs, and instead, to turn a phrase Sirhan shoots to the head of the pack in the jockey world.
    [16] This is a quote from OTL:
    [17] Italicized snippet taken from this Jerry Lewis youtube video: /watch?v=GOUer2rdWHc
    [18] Happened in OTL, as seen from 7:42 to 7:58 in this clearly OTL youtube video: /watch?v=Gk2HaAIqS3g
    [19] Who? This guy!:
    [20] This quote, along with other information about Khanh described here, were found on his Wikipedia article.

    4/4/2019 Edit: Fixed "Nyugen/Nguyen" typo. Good eye, @The_Southeast !
    Last edited:
    Chapter 23: July 1965 – December 1965
  • Chapter 23: July 1965 – December 1965

    “An eagle cannot fly with two right wings.”

    – Henry Howell (OTL)

    “The war, and make no mistake that this is a war whether we’ve declared it so or not, will lead to the ruination of American morality right on the World Stage if we do not end the conflict. It is, and for some time has been, obvious that the most important issue facing our nation is to get out of the war in Southeast Asia. All our other issues and problems are slighted, impaired, and unresolved until we halt the fighting, stop the…continuing drain of blood and treasure, and turn to the long-neglected and pressing needs at home.” [1]

    – U.S. Senator Ernest Gruening (D-AK)’s open letter to the U.S. President, 7/14/1965

    Hoover relished in his ability to “convince” (i.e., threaten to response to a dismissal with reprisals, and during an election year, no less [2]) Lyndon Johnson to exempt him from the retire-at-70 rule in January 1964 (publicly arguing the shoutnik movement was “a threat to the nation’s internal well-being” in February of that year). President Sanders, being 5 years older than Hoover, seemed to have no qualms with Hoover staying on at the start of his administration. In July 1965, Hoover told then-Head of the Inspection Division Mark Felt that he was “going to keep eyes on everything for as long as I can.” There is ambiguity over the extent of which President Sanders knew of Hoover’s actions, as phone and paper records (and lack thereof) all point to the notion of Hoover running the bureau with even more autonomy from and much less communication with the White House than under LBJ. …This largely explains future events…

    – Ronald Kessler’s Clyde Tolson and the Cult of J. Edgar Hoover, Resistance E-Publishing, 2016

    “What the hellfire is this horse-crap?”


    “I just got this file sent to me, possibly by accident since my name’s not on it, and I’m mortified! Here.”

    “Mm-hmm (pause) Oh, uh, sir this is the proposed Phoenix Program, just a simple neutralization endeavor. I was going to discuss this with you next – ”

    “‘Neutralization’? Boy, that there paper calls for is systematic murder!”

    “It’s a way of ending the conflict overseas by taking out the VC leaders – gather intel, destroy their leadership infrastructure – it may well defeat them without putting our boys at risk.”

    “That sounds good, but I actually read the file – you wouldn’t just be targeting the leaders, would ya? That file recommended going after village leaders, too – small groups that can turn to backing our side when the tide turns in our favor.”

    “Well leadership voids don’t stay voids, a village leader can easily climb the ladder, or pass information along to the leaders. So some would need to be taken cared of to – ”

    “This would be a glorified death squad of goons torturing and terrifying the people we’re trying to win over. Khanh made himself clear that we can’t win the war if we don’t win the trust of the Vietnam people. Having our men stalking the jungles at night sniperin’ and kidnappin’ won’t help.”

    “Mr. President, they’re doing worse than this to our boys over there!”

    “Exactly my point – we have to be better than the enemy to maintain the moral high ground and be on the right side of history here. Allen, I want to get ’em pinkos out of those jungles, too, but this is…well this is just plain evil and underhanded.”

    “Nobody ever said war wasn’t evil – um, Mr. President.”

    “Allen, listen good. There will be no glorified torture gangs on our side of this here war. We are going to win, and we are not going to get down in gutter with the V.C. folk and be as evil as them to do so. I’m pulling the plug on this possible program. Understand?!”

    “Um (sigh) Yes, Mr. President.”

    – Transcript of discussion between President Sanders and CIA Director Dulles, nature of recording device classified until 2029; declassified and released to public in 2000; 7/15/1965

    In the Summer of 1965, A. Philip Randolph, Dr. Martin Luther King, Ralph Abernathy, Bayard Rustin, and several prominent economists, labor allies and civil rights activists made several visits to the Oval Office to sit down with the President and discuss what Randolph called “A Freedom Budget for All Americans,” a proposed federal program meant to eliminate poverty and guarantee “full employment for all ready and willing to work, fair prices for farmers and fair wages that will better cover the needs of working families [3]. King called it the centerpiece of a new, post-Civil Rights Act social movement he was in the process of forming – the Poor People’s Campaign. King told his friend and ally Colonel Sanders “The goal of racial justice is tied to economic justice.” For his part, The Colonel remembered his early years of job hopping and knew that while there were poor Caucasian-Americans, there “seems to be even more Black men and women” in poverty, The Colonel observed.

    The collective effort was not well organized, with Bayard Rustin opposing continual civil disobedience in light of what he considered to be the “surprisingly successful” Bryant/Patterson campaign hinting at a dormant undercurrent of hatred “edging closer to maintain political currents”. The Freedom Budget itself was opposed by some Civil Rights leaders such as the Evers brothers, with Charles instead calling for a national “workfare” program. Charles Evers coined neither the term nor the concept, pulling both from the legislative efforts of former City Manager of Newburgh, NY Joseph Mitchell. HEW Secretary Rockefeller was on the fence, believing the idea came “from a good place,” but that the nation was “not yet ready” for such a “radical social experiment on a scale greater than Prohibition, as this would change the dynamics in every household, dry and wet.”

    Nevertheless, The Colonel took kindly to the idea of a “monetary safety net” that “streamlined” the welfare process due to what he saw as “the federal government…becoming too big for its britches.” Sanders reportedly wanted to dismantle much of Johnson’s Great Society and its accompanying federal bureaucracy without removing assistance programs “for those people who really need them,” and in doing so would devolve power to state and local political entities.


    [pic: ]
    Above: King and the Chicken King converse in the White House, c. July 1965

    – John A. Nichols’s article “The Federal Freedom Fund: A Brief History,” The Nation, 2019 issue

    …Welcome back. In Savannah, Georgia, a local school club resisting the enforcement of racial integration was the site of a violent confrontation that ended in five people in the local hospital. …School boards in Georgia, South Carolina and Mississippi are taking integration to court, and we will have to wait and see how the judicial system addresses their claims of “First Amendment Infringement”...In other news, the White House today announced that President Sanders’ official visit to Birmingham, Alabama has been postponed indefinitely. They have not announced an official reason…

    – NBC News broadcast, 7/16/1965

    HOST: Well first I’d like to thank you for being on the show, but before we begin, for our listeners who don’t know, could you quickly explain why you joined the Navy?

    SCRANTON: Well, uh, on July 20, 1965, I turned 18, and, um, I had already gotten into Yale, so I planned to be there come September. But that summer, The Colonel Administration had this big plan forming for how to get rid of the Communists in Vietnam, and so they needed to boost the administration’s approval ratings, especially after this on guy, Green-something, a Senator from Alaska, I believe, went on TV and ranted about how people should never send other people’s kids to a war zone if they aren’t willing to send their own. So the idea of sending me or one of the Colonel’s older grandkids to the war started to pick up speed. They were originally going to send Harland Sanders the Third, but uh, his wife had a, uh, a difficult pregnancy or something like that, and by the end of the summer, I agreed to serve one tour of duty in Vietnam. A short term, no more than a year, preferably just a few months, and then I’d come right back to attend Yale.

    HOST: And The Colonel was okay with all this.

    SCRANTON: No, he had his reservations, but because I agreed to it, I wasn’t coerced into it, he kind of went along. If anything, he was more worried about my well-being than my dad, who was really, eh, really anxious about the idea. So yeah, I enlisted in the Navy and found myself on a battleship by the end of the year. To be honest, I thought it was going to be easy. It wasn’t.

    – William Scranton III and host, WYBC (1340 AM) college radio station for Yale University, 2/12/1996 broadcast

    …We have breaking news for you… just moments ago, George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of the American Nazi Party, was arrested at his home in Virginia… the openly racist author is a suspect in what we now know was the discovery of a bomb found last week on President Sanders’ planned motorcade route through Birmingham, Alabama... Rockwell, whom was mounting a bid for Governor of Virginia as an independent, has previously called Sanders, quote, “a Traitor to the South” and a surfeit of slurs since last summer… This is a developing story. We will keep you updated as more of the fact come to light...

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS News broadcast, 7/22/1965


    [pic: ]
    – Lester Maddox protesting outside the White House to little fanfare, 8/2/1965


    The Wall Street Journal, 8/3/1965

    REPORT: ECONOMY RETURNS TO PRE-SALAD OIL CONDITIONS: New Phenomenon “Stagflation” Already Over?

    The Financial Times, 8/5/1965


    – A The Chicago Tribune, 8/7/1965

    “Folks, I have always believed that by workin’ hard, you can make it to wherever you want to go. I prefer work to welfare; always have, always win. But sometimes hard work just isn’t enough, especially when you are in an unfair position like being born in poverty. I was a grade school dropout, when I was just starting seventh grade, but the more I’ve looked things over with my education advisors, the more I know that now I wouldn’t advise anybody to drop out that young today because times changed. Even if you work hard you can’t always make it the way I did with no education at all. [4] Figures from the 1960 census, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Commerce Department, and the Federal Reserve all estimate that anywhere from 40 to 60 million Americans – or 22 to 33 percent of this great nation’s population – live below the poverty line. That is not acceptable. And so after talks with my dozens and dozens of experts, I’ve decided something must be done do promote economic justice that still promotes hard work above laziness. And the answer is not in social programs. Them programs have been growing out of control for years now. They are promoting dependency instead of dignity, and their rising costs may bring financial ruin. The lack of diversity of the programs has led to income inequality across the states, the cities and the countrysides of America. I propose replacing all of it with a new system, streamlined and simple. I’m calling it the Federal Aid Dividend. A Thank-You from Uncle Sam. Under the Federal Aid Dividend Act, every family with children would receive $125 every month [5]. Now this wouldn’t be a handout; it’d be your tax dollars coming back to you. And you can’t get this unconditionally. If you’re a family with children and you want this here dividend, you must work, be training for work, or prove you cannot work. This would not be a guaranteed income because that would discourage work, but it is instead a safety net and would give folks an incentive to find good work for themselves, would discourage those who can work but don’t want to from being lazy fed-leeches, and I even think it could create workplace equality, too.” [6]

    – President Colonel Sanders in a special address to the nation, 8/7/1965

    The Poor People’s Campaign conflicted with The Colonel’s long-held pro-business beliefs. Early into his first year in office, he backed a significant individual tax cut proposal with the belief that cutting tax rates would stimulate investment and spending, with overall beneficial effects including replenishment some lost tax revenues from the 1963-1964 period. The spurring of economic growth would increase tax revenue to cover government spending, with Sanders insisting on “never putting the fed in the red.”

    …Within the White House, two pools of thought floated about that summer: “people should have what they need to survive” versus “people should earn what they need to survive.” The Colonel sought out a compromise: people should have what they need to survive when they try and fail to earn it. “No race – Asian, white, African, Hispanic, or Native American – exempts anyone from the possibility of poverty, nor should it,” advisor Whitney young explained in a 1999 interview. In August, the Colonel began to prioritize helping the lowest rungs of society, the foundation of the nation… Soon after announcing the F.A.D. bill, the President called for the implementation of an “economic bill of rights” of sorts in the form of a $11 billion anti-poverty package from congress to cover employment programs until the Colonel’s FAD could replace them, along with programs for improving low-income housing until the FAD “makes people invest in fixing up their own neighborhoods on their own” as the Colonel explained. One program introduced by Democrats with the Colonel’s support would fund local education classes that would teach low-income citizens how to maintain homes and neighborhoods and, in some place, how to avoid the “white flight” experienced in some places after the Xenia Riots of 1963. The Colonel's FAD also failed to take inflation into account, how often the amount would be changed to adjust for inflation, and how to prevent now-deregulated businesses from raising prices and lowering salaries in reaction to the dividend...

    …“MLK is seeking to unite the poor, more specifically, to broaden his supporters beyond just Black people. Classic labor move. You develop a base, then you reach out to those around that base, and then those around them. Like an infection or something,” FBI Director Hoover wrote in his private journal in 1965 (and discovered years after his death due to a filing error).

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    …It is disheartening and disconcerting to hear the President espouse such rhetoric that edges on the verge of betraying his conservative roots and the conservative voice in his party and the nation, both of which sent him to the White House… While I will still support the Sanders White House, I urge all conservatives to write to the President and tell him what they think of this ridiculous proposal…

    – William F. Buckley Jr., National Review opinion article, 8/10/1965

    It was becoming increasingly obvious that the “US military presence” was in reality an unofficial war against two communist groups in Southeast Asia. Starting in April, the Colonel moved to suppress the Pathet Lao in order to minimize American casualties and stabilize the Laotian government. …Before a proposed invasion of North Vietnam could proceed, a major development unfolded on the southern end of the Laos-Vietnam Border. The Battle at Chu Pong Massif of August 1965 was fought around the base of a mountain of complex terrain near the border of Laos, South Vietnam, and Cambodia, in an effort to create a physical barrier between the VNPA and the South Vietnamese. Khanh called for a massive frontal assault on a collection of enemy forces routing supplies through the region, first sending in snipers on the 13th before sending in SV and American ground troops…

    – Ellen Joy Hammer’s Indochina and The Wrath of Khanh, E. P. Dutton, 1969

    According to a 1975 report, the US Army considered using Agent Orange on areas held tightly by the Pathet Lao during the Battle at Chu Pong Massif, only for Sanders to oppose the use of such a destructive element so close to American troops and allied Laotians. Instead, Napalm B was deployed. After three days and two nights of firepower, the mountain was declared secured on August 16, but at the cost of a combined total of 52 American troops out of 700 American and Laotian soldiers. While a fairly low casualty count, the Colonel reported was “wracked with guilt,” and “couldn’t sleep for days” according to First Lady Claudia in 1977: “The men were volunteers, they knew the risks, but Harland felt it could have been avoided and took all the blame for it. He would walk around the upstairs hallways, wondering aloud how other Presidents dealt with such things. …Harland sough to personally attend the funerals of each and every one of the brave fallen American heroes.” The President’s mood only improved as the situation in Laos did. …Another vital element in the securing of the mountain and further locations as the months progressed was The Green Berets winning over ethnic minorities persecuted in North Vietnam, who helped them infiltrate “The Trail,” a.k.a. the passages running along eastern Laos into North and South Vietnam. The Green Berets became unsung heroes of the war by developing these connections with these informative locals…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    MITTERAND’S MOMENT: Is Liberalism On The Rise In Europe?

    – The New Yorker, 8/19/1965


    [pic: ]
    – A butler reminds President Sanders of the etiquette levels expected when visiting Buckingham Palace during a Presidential visit to London, UK, 8/22/1965

    Needing a distraction from the blood of foreign policy and the tediousness of diplomacy, The Colonel turned to his next legislative idea. “I understand the difference between a malicious no-gooder and a man who made a mistake. I went to jail once. When I was a lawyer in Arkansas, I got into a fistfight with my own client right in front of the judge; I was arrested, spent the night in jail, got charged with battery, and was barred from further practicin’. So I know what it’s like to let your weaknesses get the better of you. That’s why we need to change the way we treat certain prisoners in this country,” the Colonel told Senator Morton in a letter dated August 20, 1965.

    – Paul Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012

    …On Capitol Hill, Democrats and Republicans are teaming up to voice opposition to President Sanders’ recent wave of legislative proposals. His latest, an “ex-con workers bill,” would, quote, “take away jobs from decent, clean-record Americans,” according to Congressman J. B. Utt of California. …The Colonel’s most ambitious proposal, to give every family with children $123 a month in lieu of several social program, is being challenged by D.C. lawmakers on both the left and the right sides of the aisle…

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS News, 8/29/1965 broadcast

    It was Labor Day [September 2, 1965]. The staff had the day off, and it was quiet in the big ol’ house. I couldn’t sleep, though, I was restless. I can’t tossing and turning and rolling about like a sailor without any sea legs. Finally I got up and headed down to the kitchen. I decided to make some light bread. Lots of people have never heard of light bread. Homemade light bread is kind of hard to explain. First of all, it’s kneaded bread. You start with yeast. Then you make that yeast into a sponge of very thin dough. You work that dough into your flour. Then you proof it and you punch it down once and let it come back up again. On the second come back you make it into a loaf and let it rise in the pan. After that you bake it. The length of time it takes that uncooked loaf to rise depends on the temperature of your room. In winter, we would put it behind the kitchen stove. Even with the aid of that warmth it might take half a day to rise. Usually we started the dough first thing in the morning. We were ready to bake it by nightfall. I’ve sat up many a night until 11 or 11:30 so I could get the heel of loaf for my share. To me, that was my favorite part of the loaf. I’ve smelled a lot of fancy smells since, many a memorable aroma, but the smell of homemade light bread while it’s being baked is still tops in my memory. Mama would cut the heel off the loaf and butter it. When I had nice buttered hot bread – well, that was living. [7] It was certainly better than seeing the faces of the men lost taking a mountain half-way around the world every time I tried to sleep. It was harder, but simpler. Tougher, but easier.

    After putting the bread in the oven, I decided I was hungry and wanted I midnight snack. So I started making my chicken. I got a bird from the freezer, thawed it out, got the breading, the spices, and I got to work. Then Claudia came downstairs too.

    “I thought I heard your kind of commotion down here.”

    “Couldn’t sleep, honey,” I told her. “I keep thinking about those men we lost.”

    Claudia came over to comfort me with the line, “You did what you had to. And every mother and wife you spoke to told you that.”

    “But I still can’t shake the guilt, Claudia. I feel like a murder of sorts.”

    “Harland, you listen to me,” she turned to look at me right in the eye. “You told that if they hadn’t taken that mountain, South Vietnam would have stayed vulnerable to attack, right?”


    “Then with their defense of democracy with their lives, they may well have saved the lives of countless more that would have been killed by them V.C.s. You are not a killer, Harland Sanders. You’re a saver. Remember that.”

    “Heh. The way you liven me up. It’s just another reason why I love ya!”

    “I know. So, since we’re having chicken right before the rooster crows, where’s the coffee?” Claudia asked.

    “Oh, I have to make it.”

    “Nah, I’ll get it.”

    “Make some farm coffee,” I asked her. She did; she went and crushed an egg, shell and all, right into the grounds and poured a cup of cold water into the brewed coffee to settle the grounds at the bottom before serving. That was how we had it on the farm. [8]. Then, after putting on an apron and getting out a second bird but just before I finally got to taking the first chicken apart, my wife went and got her new fancy camera and took a picture:


    [pic: ]
    It’s a real good picture of me, that’s what I think.

    After that we just talked, about nothing and everything, if you get what I mean. We talked until the cook came in, and practically chased us out of the kitchen. That room was his territory, not ours.

    …I knew that with this office I could do great things so long as I got down pat the how of it all. But I just never did get the hang of justifying deaths. That’s why I know that, no matter how much good I continue to do, the souls lost under my Presidency will haunt me for the rest of my days, and maybe for even longer after that.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    New York City, NY – William F. Buckley’s new talk show program, “Firing Line,” premiered on Tuesday, September 6, with Reverend Billy Graham as his first guest…

    – The National Review, early September 1965 issue

    …While Billy Graham did not approve of the Colonel’s swearing, their mutual friend, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., reportedly did not seem to mind… Concerns of Democratic Party influence over the Colonel’s moral decisions were muted when Graham, whom had been a close advisor the Lyndon Johnson, explained in a September 1965 interview, “Jesus didn’t have a political party, and nor do I.” If Graham advocated anything political at the start of the Colonel Presidency, it was for humanitarian, bipartisan endeavors such as the creation of a US Senate Subcommittee on Nutritional Necessities, which ultimately worked to improve US health standards in the long run. Graham and Sanders shared an understanding of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet…

    – Mark Pendergrast’s “For God, Country, and Kentucky Fried Chicken,” Perfect Formula Publishing, 2000


    By Arthur Mulligan – One of the biggest upsets in the city appeared in the making on the basis of early returns last night as O’Dwyer, Democrat, takes an early lead in his party’s primary. The Democratic party’s primary pitted Controller Abe Beame, City Council President Paul R. Screvane, US Representative William F. Ryan, US Representative Mario Biaggi, and City Councilman Paul O’Dwyer against each other. O’Dwyer came from polling in fourth place two weeks ago to achieving a plurality victory with roughly 35% of the primary vote in a major upset. Incumbent Robert F. Wagner Jr., whom has declined to run for a fourth term, chose to endorse O’Dwyer, the brother of a former mayor, which contributed to O’Dwyer receive the support of wealthy donors and likely helped him secure the win. Congressman Biaggi, whom ran to the right of all the other Democratic candidates, has claimed “I was jilted by the party establishment, but you know what? I’m going to take what I learned worked and didn’t in this election and applied those lessons to my next ‘public job application’.”

    Meanwhile, the GOP primary saw Borough President Joey Periconi, US Representative John V. Lindsay and State Senator Elmer Odgen Bush run against each other. Periconi seems to have won over Lindsay by a 5% margin. As the tally of yesterday’s election moved late into its final stages, Periconi came surging from behind around midnight to overtake a lead built up by Lindsay. Periconi had won the endorsement of Governor Wilson, leading to further endorsements from Senators Keating and Javits. Puerto-Rican Herman Badillo, who is running to succeed retiring Burough President, endorsed Periconi as well. Periconi, 55, was state senator from 1953 to 1954 and again from 1957 to 1960, a member of the Board of the New York City Transit Authority from 1960 to 1962, and Borough President of the Bronx since 1962. A moderate-liberal, his most notable action has been seeking to preserve landmark buildings such as Bronx Borough Hall.

    The Conservative Party of New York, meanwhile, opted to not hold a primary and instead nominate a candidate. Tonight, they chose former Democrat New Jersey Governor and party co-founder Charles Edison, the son of lightbulb inventor Thomas Alva Edison. In his acceptance speech, the 75-year-old Edison claimed to be most experienced candidate in the election. Edison, whom reportedly became inspired to seek the party nomination after seeing the political success of fellow septuagenarian Colonel Sanders, will likely pull more votes from Periconi than from O’Dwyer.

    – The New York Daily News, 9/14/1965

    …[In September], after months of R&D and Millie and Harley’s approval, we added a new breakfast item to menus at select KFC locations – “The Colonel’s Kentucky-Fried Chicken and Waffles,” our take on meal popular in northern and more urban communities ever since its introduction in Harlem in ’38…

    – Margaret Sanders’ The Colonel’s Secret: Eleven Herbs and a Spicy Daughter, StarGroup International, 1997

    After much deliberation, the Colonel decided to replace 50% of American troops in Indochina with advisors meant to build up South Vietnam forces. He explained, “I can’t support the idea of putting any more American lives at risk than absolutely necessary.” While some in his inner circle saw this as an unnecessary about-face, Secretary Bonesteel, to the surprise of some, supported the Colonel on the matter. “Give a man a gun and some bullets and he might defend himself; give a man a gun, some bullets, and shooting lessons, and he will defend himself,” Bonesteel argued. “Tools alone are not enough; understanding how to wield the tools is also needed.” The Joints Chiefs ultimately convinced the Colonel to replace only 25% of American troops in Indochina in order to keep the region stable and prevent Russia and China from interpreting the movement as a withdrawal from the region. The war hawks of the administration believed they had “the situation” with the President’s increasingly dovish tendencies “under control,” according to Franke.

    Just a week later, though the Colonel formed a special Senate Subcommittee to determine whether or not the military could maintain its then-current strength through an all-volunteer army, a concept endorsed by Secretary Friedman. In 1967, the subcommittee’s finding were handed in…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    BROWN BESTS DOUGLAS-HOME IN LARGE SWING; Labour to Return to Power for 1st Time Since 1951

    London – Just six months after a resounding re-election, Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home lost tonight’s general election, bested by the young and energetic George Brown of Belper, whom led his Labour party to victory tonight. Labour acquired 339 seats, whereas Douglas-Home’s Conservative party strength was diminished to 277 seats. Jo Grimond increased the Liberal party’s number of seats to a total of 14. At age 50, Brown is set to become the youngest Prime Minister in decades. Fittingly, Brown was carried to victory by a surge in youth activism… …Due to his obtainment of a 12-seat majority in the last election, Douglas-Home had difficulty sustaining a full Parliament, leading to him calling for another election in May. …Brown had served as deputy party leader from 1960 until January of this year, when he successfully challenged party leader Harold Wilson for the Labour’s top spot in June in a vote of no confidence. Wilson’s loss of party leadership was largely due to his failure to defeat Douglas-Home in two consecutive elections. In said June vote, Brown ran to the left of Wilson, who is considered to be on the party’s centre-left. …Renewed fear of a nationalization of the country’s banks “to stop unfair banking practices,” according to Labour, has shaken the nation’s stock market…

    The Guardian, 27/8/1965

    On September 29, Tim [Leary] invited down to his place for a “major announcement.” …he kept the pad, the center of his campaign launch, simple and informal, the antithesis of the pachyderms and jackasses roaming about the California landscape. He just sat there on the floor Indian-style and rang a little gong until the room was quiet enough for him to finally say, “My friends, it’s high time – that we advance the shoutnik movement further into the political specter. With your love and support, I am announcing my bid for Governor of the Golden State.” He unveiled the new political party: “Natural Mind.” Its slogan: “Power to the People, a Happier Society, a Better World.” A bit wordy, so I told him to change it, and soon he got out some paint and a wooden board and made the slogan “Let’s Be Good To Each Other.” It was vague, but better than the first one. I was just happy to see at least somebody in this community finally grow the cojones to make such a commitment…

    – Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear, Loathing, and Mary Jane on the Campaign Trail ’66, Tumbleweed Books, 1967

    In December 1960, the Labor department issued on its own a set of mandatory safety and health standards under the Walsh-Healey Act. The department had previously issued most of these standards in a "Green Book" of informal guidelines to aid Federal and State inspectors. States had been encouraged to inspect Federal contractors and enforce their own rules. Now they were barred from applying their standards and had to enforce the Federal rules instead. For the first time, the Federal occupational safety and health requirements were applied to the whole range of industry. The new rules were not popular. Because there had been no hearings or prior announcement, labor and industry were caught by surprise and miffed that they had not been consulted. Business protested strongly to the Labor Department against making the rules mandatory. The powerful wave of criticism reached its peak in 1963 congressional hearings that prodded the Department of Labor with a serious examination of all its safety programs… A study by an outside consultant found in the department a fragmented collection of safety programs and laws. It recommended consolidation of all these safety programs under a single agency. [9]

    Outside of D.C. bureaucracy, among the shoutnik generation, a movement to protect the natural environment from the ravages of mankind and technology began growing while the Labor Department was seeking to improve and expand its protection of workers' safety and health. Large-scale Federal air and water pollution control programs were developed, helping to increase awareness and concern about the occupational environment. [9]

    Spurred by this movement, in 1965 the Public Health Service produced a report, "Protecting the Health of Eighty Million Americans," which outlined some of the recently found technological dangers. It noted that a new chemical entered the workplace every 20 minutes, that evidence now showed a strong link between cancer and the workplace, and that old problems were far from being eliminated. The report called for a major national occupational health effort centered in the Public Health Service. [9]

    In September 1965, a federal government report begun under the Johnson administration revealed that almost a hundred uranium miners, an abnormally high number, had died of lung cancer since the 1940's. Up to a thousand more such deaths were expected. In 1947, when large-scale uranium mining was getting underway, the Atomic Energy Commission discovered that radiation levels in these mines were dangerously high. The Commission, in cooperation with the Public Health Service, began a long-term health study of the miners. A number of Federal agencies had limited jurisdiction over uranium mines, but none had clear responsibility for them, and there was very little enforcement. [9]

    The lack of action took on tragic overtones with the revelations…and public attention focused on the Federal Radiation Council. Created in 1959 to advise the President on protective measures to take against all types of radiation hazards, the council was composed of representatives from concerned agencies. The nation’s unions, realizing a healthy environment was connected to healthy workplaces and healthy workers, urged President Sanders to support the report's recommendations and call for federal oversight.

    …These events had a decisive impact on the shaping of a national job safety and health program… [9]

    By the end of 1965, the Democrats were indebted to the labor vote, but since they had been upsetting the unions via failed labor reform for 20 years, and in light of an interior belief that the drop in labor voters in 1964 contributed to Johnson’s election loss that year, the party decided to spend 1965 pushing for a federal agency to enforce workplace safety laws. The new proposal to cover work safety, the Laborer Occupational Safety and Health Act, or LOSHA, gathered enough momentum in the House to proceed to the Senate and ultimately land on the President’s desk. Despite Sanders maintaining pro-management rhetoric and suggesting business-run oversight, he ultimately yielded to popular demand and made the bill an act on September 30. Many Congressional Republicans had ended up supporting the law because they also wanted to win over labor votes. “The millionaire and the homeless man have equal power in the voting booth, and there’s more poor people than rich people,” HEW Secretary Rockefeller famously opined in an October 1965 WSJ article.

    The fight for all this, however, was overshadowed by the support of labor being rattled after a noted member of that community was revealed to be a less-than-perfect public figure…



    The Federal Assistance Dividend proposal has been rejected on bipartisan lines…

    The Washington Post, 10/1/1965

    “Slip-ups are just opportunities to improve,” Claudia told the press [10]. …The Colonel was a quick learner, figuring out that in order to have laws passed and immediately implemented, promising political support to other people’s ideas was “the cleanest way to go about it”…

    – Ted White’s The Making of the President: 1968, Atheneum Publishers, 1969

    The South China Reports were codenamed “Project White Bird,” with Joint Chiefs Chairman Franke overseeing the report on the conditions of southern China in relation to North Vietnam (“The Blue Bird Report”) and General Mark Clark, as Chief of the Army, overseeing the report on the specifics – timetables, manpower, resources, enemy reply – of what an invasion of North Vietnam would require (“The Red Bird Report”).


    In October, Franke finally revealed his department’s finished report, while Clark’s team continued the work on theirs.

    Sanders was ebullient when Blue Bird’s conclusion matched his hunch – the region was indeed lacking in infrastructure and communication links to Beijing. Sanders soon called to the Oval Office Senators Richard Nixon, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, and Barry Goldwater, head of the committee’s subcommittee on Asian Affairs, for a meeting on the next steps to be taken. While Goldwater and military leaders urged for a quick and decisive invasion to be executed “within the year,” Nixon was more hesitant. “Cool your jets, Barry” he said, “If we go in there guns a-blazing and we end up with egg on our face – no offense, Colonel – we’ll never live it down, politically, diplomatically, or militarily. I think we should wait until we know what Clark’s team finds out. An invasion like this… Colonel, you only get one shot at this. So you’ve got to make it count for something.”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    …Hoffa has been accused of orchestrating an elaborate scheme to capitalize from the financial fallout of the Salad Oil Recession. The scheme allegedly “began in 1963 and may or may not have had something to do with union pensions, too,” according to an anonymous member of the Detroit police force…

    The Washington Post, 10/2/1965

    …A simple car ride ended in tragedy just an hour ago, when a car driven by famous Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor drove off a road and into a forested area close to her California home. Ms. Taylor was found dead at the scene. Police are not disclosing further details at this time. Ms. Taylor, who was the star of several MGM films such as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Cleopatra, was 33, and she leaves behind a husband and six children. We’ll bring you more information on this tragic event as it develops…

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS News, 10/4/1965 broadcast

    REPORT: Expansion of Infrastructure Projects Chipping Away At Unemployment Rate

    The Washington Post, side article, 10/4/1965

    FANS WORLDWIDE PAY THEIR RESPECTS AS LIZ TAYLOR BURIED TODAY: Marilyn Monroe, Kim Novak, Other Starlets Share Their Thoughts

    Variety, 10/9/1965

    KENNEDY: “I do not believe in Sanders’ claim that American troops in Laos will leave ‘soon.’ For oven ten year now, I have been very wary of the belief that Indochina can be permanently kept Communist-free. In 1954, I penned an open letter to President Eisenhower entitled ‘The Truth About Indochina’ in which I wrote, eh… (clears throat) ‘to pour money, material, and men into the jungles of Indochina without at least a remote prospect of victory would be dangerously futile and self-destructive’ [11] . I have not changed my mind on this. In fact, the experience I gained at the State Department has many me even more certain that keeping our troops over there will be detrimental in a multitude of ways.”

    INTERVIEWER: “Did you make these opinions known to President Johnson?”

    KENNEDY: “Well yes, but I could not change his own opinions on the subject. He was determined to protect democratic interests overseas no matter the costly difficulty.”

    – Former Secretary of State Jack Kennedy and interviewer, NBC Interview, 10/10/1965


    Last night at 11:13 PM EST, electrical power grids went dark across six northeastern states… The power failure trapped thousands in NYC subways and dead traffic lights caused several minor car accidents, according to the New York City Police Department. …Thankfully, a bright full moon in the night’s sky [12] served as a light source for those in the dark until morning…

    The Florida Times-Union, 10/11/1965


    [pic: ]
    – Collage concerning the Great Blackout of 1965

    “Only one person died in the Great Blackout of 1965 – our dad. He was at the foot of our basement when the lights went out – he fell and broke his neck. We were going to move to California when I was four, but the War in Cuba lead to our dad getting a better job offer here in Sayreville at the last minute. He was 41. We don’t really remember him – I was only six, my older brother and my sister don’t really remember him either – but our mother always said that, though she does miss him, he was a dark and violent man that we wouldn’t have looked up to. For Christs’ sake, Ma swears he was a member of the American Nazi Party! And because there’s no reason to not believe her, we fully do, yeah. But we still wonder, you know, how things would have worked out if we had grown up with our actual Dad around instead of our stepdad...”

    – Electrician Kevin S. Fowler of Sayreville, NJ; part of an American Broadcasting Network (ABN) video marking the 50th anniversary of the Great Power Outage of 1965, 10/10/2015 [13]


    Trenton, NJ – While power was restored within hours in most counties in Pennsylvania, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, millions were without electricity – “the bloodline that makes modern civilization possible,” one Republican assemblyman noted – for days on end. Even now, some communities in the Pine Barrens are trying to make do without modern amenities such as refrigeration and light bulbs… Yesterday, President Sanders ordered an FBI investigation into the cause of the blackout, which state governments are working with to learn how to prevent a repeat of such an event. Hughes, who has repeatedly stated that New Jersey was the worst state hit, says emergency services “are working as fast as possible” to remedy lingering situations and assist the FBI in their investigation… Hughes’ challenger in next week’s gubernatorial election, Republican nominee Wayne Dumont, has been calling Hughes’ response to the blackout “a clear sign of his poor leadership skills”…

    The Star-Ledger, 10/26/2015

    John Emerson Moss, a 50-year-old Utah-born WWII-veteran lawyer and Democratic Congressman from California since 1953 and the head of House Subcommittees concerning Government Information and Consumer Protection (Chairman of the Government Information Subcommittee), sat down with the Colonel to discuss the Freedom of Information Act, a work Moss had pushed for ever since his first term. His open admonishing on the federal government’s alleged abuse of federal power was unpopular on the hill, and Moss even butted heads with fellow Democrats over passage of the FOIA.

    “The misuse of the nation’s government’s document classification and confidentiality policy system needs to be reformed. The government’s keeping too many secrets, Mr. President.” He said.

    Colonel Sanders replied, “I’m sure the government has its reasons.”

    “Sir, you’re the head of the government. You really should know said reasons.”

    “Oh what am I saying? You’re right! I really should have this checked out.”

    “No need, sir,” moss assured the Colonel, pulling out a thick stack of papers from his briefcase, “here’s copies of our research, concluding the excessive use of the phrase ‘classified’ over the past three Presidencies.”

    “Whoo-wee, that’s a lot of tree flakes! Are you sure these all don’t need to be classified, because if I was a Soviet spy, this is exactly the kind of thing I’d try to do.”

    “Sir, I assure you that by changing the way we treat this sort of information, you can clear away even more unnecessary government bureaucracy.”

    “Well, I do like runnin’ a clean and mess-less ship.”

    – C.J. Ciaramella, One-Man Crusade: John Moss And The Freedom of Information Act, Pacific Standard Magazine, 7/13/2016

    The United States Information Agency was a federal agency founded in 1953 and devoted to “public diplomacy” concerning foreign viewers of American radio programs, motion pictures and literature. The idea behind it was to promote dialogue between American and other cultures. At its height, the USIA was the biggest PR organization in the world, with over $2 billion spent each year to promote American views and oppose Soviet views in over 100 nations worldwide. …The USIA’s foreign press centers in several major US cities aimed to “assist resident and visiting foreign journalists”… …The USIA was accused of being propagandistic in nature, presenting a false image of what life was like in America. It was then ironic, given political allegiances, that decades later, anti-immigration activists would point the finger at the USIA for “planting into the minds of immigrants the image of the US as the best place to live in for anyone not born and raised there,” according to American political strategist Jet Wilders (who was, in another strike of irony, was born in the Netherlands and immigrated to the US as a young adult). The USIA’s use of alleged “updated yellow journalism” during the Cuban War contradicted the negative portrayal of America that was sometimes depicted in some Hollywood motion pictures during that time. The USIA even resorted to making their own pro-America documentaries when Hollywood became too much against them in 1964, at the height of the anti-war movement. …The USIA kept the President and its relative government collaborators up-to-date on foreign views with public opinion polls. Through these polls, President Sanders kept his pulse on America’s approval among the people of South Vietnam and Laos during the Indochina Wars…

    – Nancy Snow’s Propaganda, Inc: Selling America’s Culture to the World, ISBN 1-888363-74-6

    Colonel Sanders was a man of contradictions. He celebrated mainstream media, which in turn celebrated him, but discouraged other venues of expression for our First Amendment rights. In October 1965, Sanders met with Congressman Moss to discuss freedom of speech. Just later that same month, the Colonel increased funding or the USIA and permitted further efforts by the FBI to censor America – to crack down on pornography, obscenity, and other venues of what he saw intolerable demonstrations of human indecency... The Colonel’s aversion to such temptations of the flesh stemming from his strict conservative Advent Christian upbringing is no excuse for his actions… The Colonel quickly became an enemy of underground comic creators, adult cartoonists, and art house filmmakers nationwide. For much of the Sanders administration, Andy Warhol was frequently followed and at times even directly confronted by government agents, according to Paul America’s 2006 autobiography. Things came to a head in November 1965 when Yoko Ono arrested for indecent exposure during a reprise of her famous performance art work “Cut Piece.” In the work, Ono sits still and invites audience members to cut off pieces of the suit she’s wearing while she sits in silence. Critics saw it as an interactive look at social relationships, and the relationship between artist and art object. But news of one lewd audience member cutting away the front of her suit to expose a nipple led to police interrupting the exhibit run. Underground artists blamed the unfair arrest on Mayor Wagner, President Sanders, and Director Hoover… The incident culminated in a NY state court ruling in 1966 on the distinction between public art and indecent exposure, which ruled Ono could not be held responsible for unintentional obscenity, which was met with controversy even among alleged progressive and forward-thinking politicians of the time…

    – Socialist Workers Party radical activist Stephanie Coontz’s A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s, New York: Basic Books, 2011

    Respecting his predecessor’s passion for space exploration, Colonel Sanders maintained our [NASA’s] budget. …Meanwhile, partially influenced by Tereshkova’s 1963 accomplishments and a January 1965 court case that declared that refusing to enroll women into the astronaut program (despite studies showing that they were better suited for space travel) was unconstitutional, a special subcommittee of the House Committee on Science and Astronautics was established in early 1965. After meeting with a multitude of NASA officials throughout the year, they released their reports on the manner on November 1. Two weeks later, NASA announced that they would begin vetting women candidates, with Webb declaring “with the next five years, an American woman will travel in space.”

    – NASA scientist Farouk El-Baz’s Up and Away: How The Cold War Competition Pushed Us Into The Stars, MacFarland & Company, 1994


    Trenton, NJ – Tonight, two states held elections for governor – New Jersey and Virginia, both of which felt much GOP strength in their respective elections in the wake of national and state-based developments. …In the Garden State, incumbent Governor Hughes bested Wayne Dumont Jr. by only 1%... most pundits believe the last month’s historic blackout to be behind the election’s narrowness, as Hughes leadership during the emergency was scrutinized – thousands of New Jersey residents went days without power (or even weeks in some of the more remote parts of the state)… In Virginia, Linwood Holton became the state’s first Republican Governor since 1869… His defeat of Lieutenant Governor Mills Godwin demonstrates the influence of President Sanders, as the Colonel gave Holton a rousing endorsement on October 27…

    The Philadelphia Inquirer, 11/2/1965


    …After last month’s the power outage, Periconi was hailed for his response as Bronx Borough President to minimize the effects, maintain order, and restore power to his borough …Periconi was also likely helped by Governor Wilson, a fellow Republican who has also been praised for his response to last month’s power grid failure…

    The New York Daily News, 11/8/1965


    [ ]

    New York City Mayoral General Election Results, 11/2/1965:
    Joey Periconi (Republican-Liberal alliance) – 1,146,215 (44.84%)
    Paul O’Dwyer (Democratic-Civil Service alliance) – 978,271 (38.27%)
    Charles Edison (Conservative) – 388,902 (15.21%)
    Clifton DeBerry (Socialist Workers) – 29,298 (1.15%)
    Vito P. Battista (United Taxpayers) – 11,247 (0.44%)
    Eric Hass (Socialist Labor) – 2,301 (0.09%)
    John E. Smith (Heritage and Independence) – 217 (0.00%)
    Total votes cast: 2,556,451
    Turnout: 32.89% Total Population



    …In tonight’s election, Ontario’s Paul Hellyer (Liberal), age 42, defeated incumbent John Diefenbaker (Conservative) as well as Tommy Douglas (New Democracy), Réal Caouette (Ralliement créditiste), and Robert N. Thompson (Social Credit)… The Conservatives lost all of their seats from Quebec, most likely due to Diefenbaker’s unpopular crackdowns on separatists in the province that began three summer ago, in 1963. Another factor was criticism of Diefenbaker’s “slow” response to last month’s power outage that left most of the population of Ontario in the dark for hours…

    – The Kimberley Daily Bulletin, Canadian newspaper, 11/8/1965

    …The MLB soon became deadlocked over who should succeed the retiring Ford Frick, with the pro-business/outsider faction’s strength remaining equal to the pro-internal-promotion faction. On the 14th, former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Curtis LeMay recommended 4-Star U.S. Air Force General William Eckert be given the job. However, due to a poor phone line connection and a clerical error, the military man instead contacted was former U.S. Air Force Secretary Eugene M. Zuckert. By the time club owners had learned of the error, Eckert had already replied back accepting the offer. After some hesitance, the club owners reviewed Zuckert’s term as Secretary, were impressed by his citations for “outstanding management performance” under President Johnson, and agreed to the selection, making it official with unanimous – all 20 major club owners voted Zuckert. The former Secretary quickly signed a six-year contract and with earnest began his time as the 4th Commissioner of Baseball on November 17.

    – John Helyar’s Lords of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball, Ballantine Books, 1994

    HELLYER PREMIERSHIP BEGINS TODAY: Governor-General Swears In Politically Diverse Cabinet

    – The Nanaimo Daily News, Canadian newspaper, 11/18/1965


    – The Sacramento Bee, 11/20/1965

    Father never kept recordings of things – much of what he wrote in his 1974 autobiography was compiled from memory! He was always too busy to record things, or even set up a taping system like the kind Johnson had installed for his time in office, though he did keep some notes that he saved and stored away here and there, and marginally strewn together with the recollections of those around him as well to make the book more complete.


    …It’s funny how things look big when you’re small – by which I mean to say that sometimes spending time away from something will lead to you looking at it differently... By November, my father was overextending himself again, trying to micromanage every part of the executive branch. After ten months in the Oval Office, my father was starting to seem a bit overwhelmed. On the 21st of November, he invited me to the White House for “an official discussion.” …I always have and always will be impressed by the work that does into the Presidential property, and the exertion Claudia put into it was no exception. She redesigned the interior to make the upstairs quarters more cozy and informal, while the rooms downstairs were more modern to better separate the “work areas” from the “home areas.” …Father sat down with me in the Lincoln Room. “Son,” he began Looked concerned. “I have a problem. Bryce Harlow has resigned. He’s been my, eh, ‘Counselor to the President’ guy, this position Nixon convinced me to make up so I could have more people to work with. Well, Bryce just went up and quit on me yesterday because he thinks I’m ‘too soft and too willing to cave to leftists.’ His words, not mine.”

    “Father, what are you thinking?”

    “I’m thinking of who would be the best person to fill the spot. Someone I trust, and have worked with before in politics.” He finally got to the question: “Son, will you do your old man a real big favor and join the White House staff?”

    He looked like he was truly starting to feel the weight of the Presidency on him, that the complications of politics were trying him as he sought to maintain his ideals. In my opinion, innocence and intelligence cannot coexist in D.C. any more than foxes and rabbits can coexist in the wild. Father refused to believe in such a philosophy – he believed that good men always win in the end. So in that moment, I figured, if someone is to prop Father up when reality is throwing him curveballs, it might as well be me.

    …With Millie agreeing to replace me as Co-CEO with Dave Thomas, Father announce my appointment on the 23rd.

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr.’s In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    HOST: “Now this is just a blatant act of nepotism.”

    CO-HOST: “I agree, and it makes sense why the Colonel would do this – he’s worked with his son for years and likely trusts his opinion. And in Harley Sanders’s defense, it’s not like he’s unqualified. He’s college-educated, a leader in his own right, helped with his father’s 1955 and 1964 campaigns, and even served as, let me check my notes here, ‘Assistant to the Governor’ from ’57 to ’59, which basically is the state-level version of the job he’s applying for now. With that on his resume, I think he’ll get security clearance and all that jazz.”

    HOST: “If he does, it’ll be a slippery slope. Has any other president been so open with something like this?”

    CO-HOST: “Well, actually, there is precedence for this sort of thing.”

    HOST: “How?”

    CO-HOST: “Two recent examples: FDR got his son to officially serve as ‘Secretary to the President’ for over a year, and Jack Kennedy – um, LBJ’s Secretary of State – got his brother to serve as Undersecretary of State.”

    HOST: “Oh. Well…even still, the idea is unethical!”

    –Transcript of exchange between the Host and Co-Host of WHCV-AM, news/talk radio, 11/24/1965 broadcast


    Washington, D.C. – With Congress preparing to adjourn for Winter Recess, President Sanders convinced a majority of members of the House to pass the Equal Employment Opportunity Bill. The bill, an “addition” to the 1962 Civil Rights Act, would, if passed, specify the definition of workplace discrimination and document discriminatory employment practices. US Labor Secretary Art Larson lauded its passage as “a promoter and protector of African-American and women workers”… …The Colonel’s second major policy change, a Prison Reform Bill, scheduled for a vote in January...

    – The Washington Post, 12/1/1965


    Belfast, NORTHERN IRELAND – Members of the paramilitary group I.R.A. have turned to radical efforts to make their grievances known. …While these radical members of the Irish Republican Army had increased their violence over the British government’s involvement in the Cuba War, other members of the group, inspired by the recent political events in France, are seeking election to local positions to create change democratically… The two groups are seemingly increasing hostilities between themselves and their shared enemies…

    – The Daily Mirror, UK newspaper, 12/2/1965

    “The military needs to be properly built when combatting an enemy, but the issue is not the amount of the money it has but how its money is used. For example, uh, we have, um, a couple thousand or so of our men over in Laos and Southern Vietnam right now. But the Vietnamese should have to learn to fight for themselves so they can fight for themselves. …Instead of using our resources and funding to end American lives, we should be giving the Vietnamese financial support. Equipment and training. I do not believe we are training the South Vietnamese in anything at this point, and that is a, uh, big waste of time and materials there.”

    – Former US Secretary of State Jack Kennedy on Meet the Press, 12/10/1965


    The Edmonton Journal, Canadian newspaper, 12/11/1965

    In December, I sat down with Audie Murphy in the Oval Office. I wanted his perspective on the situation in Southeast Asia.

    Audie Leon Murphy is a very commendable young man. Like me, he grew up livin’ the country farm life and served in the military despite being too young to serve. But unlike me, he stayed in the armed forces for more than a few months, and went above and beyond the call of duty – enough to become the most decorated combat soldier in WWII.

    At 40, he’d become a charismatic horse breeder and horse racer, and had also gotten himself into show business; he was planning on making a movie called “Trunk to Cairo” in Israel the next year [1966].

    …After going over horses and movies, though, I finally I asked him “What’s your take on the fightin’ in Indochina?”

    His reply was “We’re already fighting for freedom there, so let’s finish the job. I think you should find the best men you have. Find the next Pattons. Find the future generals. And avoid the mistakes made there in the past. Look at the French, Colonel – What caused the French to leave? They mistreated the locals and they underestimated them. When they were surrounded at Dien Bien Phu, they thought air supply would aid them. It didn’t. They were forced out because they abused the locals enough to turn their weapons on them. Never underestimate the will to kill, Colonel. Never.”

    …Before leaving, Murphy talked to me greatly about improving rehabilitation programs for our soldiers. I took his words to heart and got right on it…

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    [1] Italicized passage from Ernest Gruening in The Nation, 5/5/1969 issue, IOTL (source found on his wiki article)
    [2] Reprisal idea stems from how Nixon feared reprisals IOTL:
    [3] From here:
    [4] Page 15 of the Colonel’s OTL 1966 autobiography “The Original Celebrity Chef” (PDF of full text found on his wiki article! (Source #6))
    [5] $125 in 1965 is the equivalent of $1,006.54 in 2019 according to this site:
    [6] Rhetoric taken from Nixon’s own on it:
    [7] Extended Italicized Passage taken from the Introduction of the Colonel’s OTL 1966 autobiography “The Original Celebrity Chef”
    [8] Ibid., Page 113
    [9] Italicized quotes found here:
    [10] Actually, this is the motto of the great Ms. Lawrence of New Brunswick, NJ, a former teacher of mine.
    [11] Full letter here:
    [12] According to the information found here:
    [13] Butterflies lead to Spacey's father not relocating the family to California in 1963/1964. IOTL, Spacey was negatively shaped by years of sexual and physical abuse from his father (; here, Spacey is too young to remember enough of it for it to mentally/emotionally scar him, allowing him (and his OTL victims) to live a relatively better life.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 24: December 1965 – June 1966
  • Chapter 24: December 1965 – June 1966

    “Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of trying to be the right person.”

    – Gloria Steinem

    “He is a loud and outspoken fellow who cannot be criticized for supporting his rhetoric with actual action.”

    – UK PM George Brown, when asked by a reporter for his opinion on Colonel Sanders, 12/13/1965


    ...the French President added, "This is a Colonel who does not have to fight. I will enjoy working with him on projects that promote peace and avoid deaths."

    – The Los Angeles Times, 12/13/1965


    …“Colonel” Harland Sanders, by trade a businessman (the epitome of capitalism), exploited the labor of his workers to become elected Head Oppressor of the United Slaves of America in November 1964. …Elderly and infirm (American propaganda fail to hide his cane from view), Sanders would make you think that he is a superior leader because he takes advantage of people regardless of skin color – because he forces people into modern slavery indiscriminately – but he is just as much an oppressor as his predecessor, Lyndon Johnson… As the Colonel seeks to undermine the will of our equality-loving comrades in Southeast Asia, our noble Soviet leaders stand in solidarity with Ho Chi Minh and the men and women of North Vietnam...

    Pravda, Soviet newspaper, “opinion article,” 12/14/1965

    “Will everything be ready for this evening, Julia?”

    Ms. Child answered, “Oh, do not worry, Mr. President, everything will be just divine.”

    The Colonel looked over the long table being prepared for the main guest’s arrival, noting “It’s imperative that we win over the Cambodians to get some more solidarity over there.”

    “Rest assured, the Prince will experience only the best.”

    “Yeah. You know, I wasn’t entirely sure about hiring you since you mostly do French cooking.”

    “But sir, the French owned Indochina for nearly a century, and heavily influenced the region’s cuisine during that time – for instance, baguettes with paté, called ‘nom pang’ over there, I believe, is a common Cambodian staple.”

    “We havin’ that here?” The Colonel inquired.

    “Well, not just that. Cambodian meals always have at least four dishes. We’ll start off with a nice fish amok – a creamy curry seen as the nation’s signature dish – and some kuy teav, before moving on to Kampot pepper crab with rice, and then we’ll finally serve the main dish, a refreshing helping of Chicken and Banana Flower Salad.”

    “Chicken and banana?! Now I’ve heard everything!”

    “Oh, Mr. President, of all the politicians about, you should know that when it comes to chicken, the possibilities are endless!”

    Likely thinking about his pressure-fried birds, he replied, “Yeah, but after havin’ the best of ’em, you don’t care about the rest of ’em…”

    “I really hope this works, Pop,” I interpolated my concern into the conversation.

    Father answered with “It better be – it’s going to be nationally televised!”


    [pic: ]
    Pictured: Father tasting a dish Ms. Child is preparing while I (far left and out of frame; only my arm is visible) review the day’s schedule

    Julia Child’s landmark home cooking TV series, The French Chef, first premiered in 1963 and was an immediate hit. The beloved statuesque chef introduced French cooking to millions of American households across the country, leading to her receiving a Peabody Award in 1964 (and in May 1966, her show won a Primetime Emmy Award for Achievements in Educational Television – Individuals). By 1965, nearly 100 stations were airing The French Chef.

    But in August 1964, PBL approached her [1] about doing a newsy half-hour special in 1965 while she was on hiatus from her cooking show [2]. The final project, 1965’s TV special “White House Red Carpet with Julia Child,” was the result of Child’s failed first pitch to the Public Broadcasting Library (PBL). She initially hoped to document Paris’s legendary Les Halles food market, but PBL deemed the project too expensive. So she proposed a behind-the-scenes look at a White House State Dinner instead. When PBL passed again, National Educational Television (NET), which had produced her show since the first episode aired in February 1963, agreed to air the special. No camera crew had ever been permitted to film a state dinner before, [2] but Ms. Child managed to get White House via letters, telegrams, and phone calls from herself and her producers at WGBH, her “home” station in Boston.

    Father had never watched her show, explaining “I don’t really go for fancy French cookin’. Besides, I’m too busy politickin’.”

    “Oh, but that’s what’s great about her show, Pop,” I remember hearing Margaret interject, “she simplifies it all so anybody can make the fancy foods she presents.”

    Father ultimately agreed to the idea just after convincing the Prince of Cambodia to meet with him at the White House.

    During the early 1960s, Prince Norodom Sihanouk kept his nation neutral as tension rose to Cambodia’s north, but as 1964 turned to 1965, CIA reports confirm rumors that Sihanouk was heavily considering severing western ties and turning to the Soviets and P.R. Chinese for economic aid. Father had to convince the Prince that either remaining neutral or siding with the west were the more preferable options, and figured a face-to-face meeting over a well-cooked meal was the best setting for the task of strengthening connections and trust between our two countries.

    The date was set for December 14, and Ms. Child immediately sought out what to serve. She spent several days interviewing presidential staffs – including the White House executive chef, [2] a former KFC franchisee.

    When the day finally arrived, and I was more nervous and jumpy than a cornered squirrel. It was my first major task since taking the job and I could not let anything go wrong. The dinner’s guest of honor was joined at the dinner table by 110 guests. These included Laotian Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma, Vice President Scranton, Secretary of State Carl Curtis, and Ambassador Lodge, plus many other politicians and foreign dignitaries. Following White House tradition, the Colonel and the Prince exchanged gifts. Then we started eating.


    After the first course, the conversation became more serious… Prince Sihanouk said in impressively unbroken English, “Colonel, I like you. I like how you are, how you would say, a straight-talker. And I like how you eat amok like a native Cambodian. But I still need to know for certain that Indochina will fall into an American sphere of influence and not a Chinese one when the fighting stops. I have just one job: to defend the independence, integrity and dignity of my country and my people [3].” Of course, the Prince would admit to his fear of loving power and dying in obscurity many years later, but at the time, he had us convinced otherwise. “I need to look out for my country and obtain for it the best terms that I can with the side that will ultimately win. How can I know for certain that siding with you is what is best for my country?”

    Father replied shortly with, “Historically, we’ve never lost a war. Militarily, we have superior firepower and resources, and are getting more and more information every day on how the Viet Congo and Pathet Lao think and work. And diplomatically, I’m aware that a country is no good to anyone if it’s radioactive, so know I will never let it get to that point. Now, nothing’s ever set in stone, but I tell you what – I can promise to help out your country if you help out ours.”

    Secretary Curtis took the moment to add, “The Khmer Rouge is the name of that communist guerilla group causing all the trouble in your country’s northern provinces, yes? If they ally with the Viet Cong, they could attack Laos from two fronts.”

    “Impossible,” the Prince disagreed, “they are too small and disunited.”

    “We should keep an eye on them anyway,” Curtis continued, “The British thought their American colonies were too disunited to stir up trouble in 1775. You know how that turned out?”

    “Exactly,” the Prince went on the offense, “your country has a history of death and conquest. The American Indians, the Philippines, Korea, and now Cuba. Is Indochina to experience their woes, too?”

    Without raising his voice, Curtis uttered with a hint of outrage “We liberated those places from tyranny and oppression – ”

    “Carl,” Father interrupted, “Prince Sihanouk, I’m telling you the truth: it sickens me to see innocent people suffer because I care about my fellow man. Chairman Mao doesn’t. He doesn’t care about the Vietnamese or the Laotians or even about you. He only cares about power, his people be damned. You side with him, and he’ll get rid of you as soon as he no longer needs you. But side with us, and we’ll work together for the betterment of both our lots. That’s promise. And ask around – I always keep my promises.”

    The Prince became less aggressive as the evening continued on.

    For dessert, Father insisted on personally making an Upside Down Peach Cobbler, using his own recipe [4] to provide the Prince a taste of American cuisine, and to show the Prince “we Americans care more about making food than making war,” as Father put it. The Prince found it delicious.

    After then enjoying a slice of Khmer Layer Cake with Coconut Cream, Prince Sihanouk’s attitude became much more convivial, commending Father for his transparency and sincerity. Soon, a consensus was reached that Cambodia and its Prince would be better off allying with us, the leader agreeing to support our efforts in Laos and Cambodia in exchange for military aid and advisors aimed at quelling the Khmer Rouge. Father and the Prince shook hands on it, and celebrated the productive dinner with a round of iced tea.

    The telecast of the dinner aired five days later, on December 19, 1965. Reviews praised Child for “her usual ebullience” and my father for “showcasing his diplomatic prowess.”

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991


    The Houston Post, 12/17/1965

    The loss of Wally completely shook [his wife] Jo and their two children, Walt and Sue. Walt was 15, and Sue was 8. Them and Jo never recovered from the shock. I mean, well, yes, Jo did ultimately remarry twice, but both marriages were brief. She was trying and failing to recreate what she had had with Wally and she couldn’t. She died of broken heart syndrome… I was proud of the immediate actions of Senator Mondale at the time, who called for an investigation into what went wrong during the test…

    – Trudy Cooper, in an interview for Mother Jones magazine, 2001

    In 1957, Jack Kennedy had Profiles of Courage. In 1962, Richard Nixon had Six Crises. And in 1965, I had Unsafe at Any Speed; that was the book that started it all. Upon its release on December 21st of that year, it was an instant success, and I became a household name practically overnight. More importantly, it did the job it had to do: it exposed to the American people the elements they never realized endangered their well-being, and unveiled the irresponsibility of the car manufacturing industry.

    At the time, the government was still reeling from debate over the extent of government overview of industries, with President Sanders’ Federal Assistance Dividend only adding to the chaos that created in me a weary sense that very little legislative change could actually come about from Unsafe at Any Speed. But I was proven wrong by my own work’s sheer impact. All who read it were impressed, including President Sanders himself. And with his help, that book sent my career down a path I had never anticipated.

    This is not my life’s story. It is the story of the millions of lives saved over the past forty years, and it is the story of the millions of people that worked together to make America – and the world – a stronger, safer, smarter, and overall better place to live.

    – Ralph Nader in the introduction of his autobiography All For The People: A Life’s Journey, 2019


    – The Chicago Tribune, 12/27/1965

    THE CONFLICTED COLONEL: A Lover of Free Enterprise, A Conservative In Name Only, Or Somehow Both?

    – Conservative magazine “Modern Age,” December 1965 issue

    It was not uncommon for The Colonel’s great-grandchildren to visit the White House unannounced. The Colonel permitted it, even insisting on security “not spoiling the surprise.” Two or three of them would join their parents in a visit and immediately bolt across the premises in search of the man that Harland the Fourth would call “Grampa Sr.”. On more than one occasion, they would come running up to the President mid-meeting, to which he would exclaim “Hey, there’s my little Havana bananas” or some similar assonance, putting policy on hold for a few minutes for the great-grandfather-in-chief to regale the little ones with his “daily adventures” before sending them off to the kitchen for snacks.

    – Clinton J. Hill’s Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journal with the Secret Service, Simon & Schuster, 2016


    …changing noticeably from the war-supporting policies that caused De Gaulle to fall from power in 1965, De Gaulle declared that “The independence of all nations of southeast Asia must be guaranteed by the nonintervention of any outside powers”… [5]

    – The Washington Post, 1/7/1966

    The Colonel continued to expand Lyndon Johnson’s censorship policies by expanding funding for the FCC. While becoming controversial decades later for increasing the power of the propagandistic/now-defunct USIA throughout his presidency, believing children must be protected from the vices of adulthood until old enough to understand, handle, and properly respond to exposure to them, conservatives praised his calls for “human decency” at the time. “It was understandable,” former U.S. Congressman Edwin Denney (R-KY) defended the Colonel’s actions in a 1981 interview; “His grandson, Harland III, was about seven years old, he had younger grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and he wanted to see them grow up in a world less dark than the one he saw around him.” On this front, Congressman John Moss repeatedly confronted the Colonel, claiming it was hypocritical of Sanders to support equal rights but not freedom of speech for freedom of certain kinds of press. Moss is known for famously declaring “the right to speak and the right to print, without the right to know, are pretty empty” in 1967 [6]. But in early 1966, Moss decided that if the President’s actions were based on his religious beliefs, than that was a violation of the USA’s long-held belief in the separation of church and state; as such, by the end of the year, Moss publicly threatened five times to call for a congressional investigation into the President’s actions should such “assault on alternative press” continued.

    – C.J. Ciaramella, One-Man Crusade: John Moss And The Freedom of Information Act, Pacific Standard Magazine, 2016

    “Pop, you’re going to burn a ring into the carpeting if you keep pacing like that.”

    “I’m just wonderin’ when Clark will get here, son,” checking his watch again, Father again noted, “I told every one of ’em to be here 20 minutes ago!”

    General Mark Clark, the Chief of the Army, was due to hand in his division’s report on the manpower, resources, and likely V.C. response that a successful invasion of North Vietnam would entail.

    It was the first foreign policy meeting I had ever sat in on, and most of the faces and names were unfamiliar to me, their personalities and motivations (and for some, motives) even less so. Many seemed uneasy of my presence and security clearance, but I paid them no mind.

    When the Red Bird Report finally arrived, it demonstrated how no less that 15,000 troops would be required for the invasion of the north, unofficially dubbed “Operation Pressure Cooker” at the time.

    “Due to these mountains, troops will head east from Xam Nua and head along this mountain pass and when south of Hoa Binh, a village on the Black River, turn north and follow this mountain road directly to the capitol. It’s a 210-mile route from our Lao outpost in Xam Nua. At least 2,000 South Vietnam troops will need to join us, and guide us through it on the ground,” Clark explained the game plan.

    “And the Chinese?” Father asked.

    “China’s closest military port is Zhanjiang on the opposite side of this peninsula above Hainan Island. Hanoi is inland, and our experts believe the Chinese navy’s vessels would perform poorly if they sought to travel up the Red River Delta to Hanoi.”

    “So they might not do that.”

    William Franke of the Joint Chiefs supported the numbers, and reaffirmed his notion that, “We’re closer to Hanoi than the Chinese and can get there faster. If all goes according to plan, and we act proficiently enough, an American flag will be flying above the city before Mao even knows it!”

    “Plus, while their relationship has improved since this conflict began, there’s been enmity between the Chinese and Vietnamese for 2,000 years, and due to Mao being distrustful of Russia’s involvement – Mao and Shelepin don’t exactly have a rapport, according to our spies overseas – Mao may not even risk a counterattack,” Abrams noted.

    “But before we execute this massive operation, we need to keep the VCs off the game.” Clark continued with “We need to draw their fire with a credible diversion. An increase in mobilization along the frontlines in Laos of the Annamite Mountain Range, to make Viet Cong come to the defense of the Pathet Lao, would be the best one.”

    Franke added, “A bombing campaign along the border could also work to lure more Charlie’s to the nation’s south, away from the capitol.”

    Westmoreland, an Army General involved in combating Pathet Lao, sat across from Abrams, the General in charge of combating the Viet Cong. Westmoreland declared that “Johnson’s attempts at attrition did not meet expectations, so with that in mind, I advise going with a full-on assault.”

    He then added, “There’s also the dams.”

    “Vietnam has dams?” I wondered aloud.

    Westmoreland gave me a glance that screamed shut it, outsider, and continued with “these dams here and here hold back millions of cubic feet of these rivers. We take them out, it’ll cripple their food supplies, water supplies, and take out their transportation lines here, here and here.”

    Father and I looked at one another and knew what the other was thinking – the Floods of ’57. The heavy blow our home state took to its infrastructure. The deaths of farm animals and abandoned pets. The damaged homes, businesses and factories. The displaced and homeless Kentuckians who needed immediate help in the aftermath.

    Father spoke, “Franke, Morley… Bombing the dams would be too catastrophic. Too many innocents would be killed. There’d be no way for the press to sugarcoat it no matter how much you ass-kiss ’em.”

    “It would be a tactical victory – ”

    “You tell the people ‘tactical victory,’ and they won’t hear – all they’ll see is the blood of people we said we wanted to help.” I finally spoke up.

    “You’re absolutely right, there, Harley,” Father replied.

    After another look from Westmoreland, and a glare from Franke, Westmoreland suggested, “Then we won’t let the press into the area.”

    “General, something I’ve learned from Congressman Moss and from LBJ is that when it comes to journalist, there is nothing they won’t do to get their hands on a story. And setting up roadblocks along their way only feeds their fire. Blocking the press would only make it all even worse.”

    “Well we’ve got to bomb something!” Westmoreland proclaimed.

    “Don’t bomb the dams! Instead, bomb their military targets; bomb their trails, bomb their roads, bomb their weapon hubs. But don’t bomb any place where there’s more civilians than military, do you hear what I say?!”

    As they agreed, the men looked at each other.

    “Alright, now then, when can this all happen? I’m getting’ antsy just talkin’ about it instead of doin’ it. We’ve been at this for months and we need to get these commies out of there yesterday!”

    Westmoreland suggested, “The best moment to strike will be in either April because of the region’s weather. April is the time just between the monsoon winds doing their switch from blowing from the northeast – and right into our troops’ faces – to the blowing from the southwest – which would carry our scent right into VC camps ahead of us. [7]. Basically, April is between a dry and wet seasons.”

    “That’s now enough time, Mr. President,” General Abrams interjected, “Tours of duty are for only one year. That’s not enough time for soldiers to get used to fighting in this terrain, so if we need 15,000 men, we’ll need to train more than the sappers and specialists on hand. We’ll need the time to coordinate and organize with the South Vietnamese, and further train South Vietnamese troops on the ground. I think we should attack in June. It’ll be monsoon season, but Morley, I think that’ll work to our advantage – I think Ho Chi Minh would be expecting us to launch a campaign when the crap weather breaks!”

    Father commented, “While I really would like to get this war over and done with, I do prefer the idea of sending careerists instead of draftsmen to the frontlines. I’m also interested in using special forces like the Green Berets to do a lot of the dirty work here. I also agree with Abrams over the element of surprise. Let’s aim for June. Also, em, what are the Russians doing at the moment?”

    “Reported sightings of tanks, APCs, artillery guns, and missile launchers of the kind made by the Russians are still coming in from the Border, but publicly, they are still flat-out denying any involvement,” the UN Ambassador explained.

    “Eh, give me a minute alone with Shelepin and I’ll get him to tell the truth,” Father grumbled.

    “Violent threats aside, I advice beefing up our security around our B-52 bases in Loas and South Vietnam ahead of this operation.”

    “Of course, of course!”

    With some smaller details then being ironed out, Father concluded the meeting optimistically. “Very good, gentlemen.”

    Leaving the meeting, I asked General Benjamin O. Davis Jr. about the looks around the room. He motioned to follow him to another room, where he explained, “With all due respect, sir, the Colonel lacks a basic understanding of how warfare works.”

    “How so?” I was taken aback.

    “Well, he keeps thinking that only people in uniform are fighting us, but the truth is, every single person in North Vietnam is convinced that we are the bad guys. They are not innocent prisoners you will immediately welcome us into their country. Brainwashed or not, they are loyal to Ho Chi Minh above everything, even their own lives. And it is a bit flustering to mount an invasion when the Commander in Chief refuses to believe that the North Vietnamese people – village farmers, mothers, even children – will without hesitance sacrifice their lives for their ideology, that they would rather die than side with us.”

    “It’s because father believes people can change, sir. He thinks if we show them mercy, we will change their minds.”

    “That sort of idealism could be very dangerous to our men.”

    “Yeah, that is a problem.”

    “Mr. Sanders – ”

    “Please, call me Harley.”

    “ – Harley, your father’s duty is to his own countrymen first.”

    “Yes, first, but not exclusively. He wants to spread American democracy, not destroy those that don’t have it.”

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991


    – The Washington Post, side article, 1/10/1966

    “It is finally time to bring responsibility and reason to how we conduct ourselves on the world stage; to bring assistance to the impoverished, poor and unrepresented members of this great society; and to bring justice to those who go unpunished for their misdeeds.”

    “We will bring order and stability to our overseas allies, and we will respond to any incidents in Europe or Asia or South America or anywhere else in the world with swift action to ensure that peace and freedom reign supreme not just from sea to shining sea, but from ocean to ocean and from pole to pole.”

    “We must convert our good words into good deeds in order for our good words to have actual meaning and to have any effects on our present and our future.”

    – Excerpts from President Sanders’ 1966 State of the Union address, 1/12/1966

    Latest Reports: Sales Increasing Overall, But Sales Decreasing In Northern, Heavily-Democrat Counties.

    …This is possibly in response to perceived partisan bias. …Suggestions on how to address such concerns are welcomed…

    – KFC internal memo on Annual KFC beginning-of-year sales report, KFC headquarters in Florence, KY, 1/14/1966

    5 INJURED IN DUNDALK ATTACK: I.R.A. Factions Resort to Cam Bombs

    …With violence across the north half of Ireland on the rise for the last two years, Prime Minister Brown has condemned the attacks and has called for an inquiry into how to quell these disruptive and worrisome inconvenience to daily life in Northern Ireland and the rest of the Emerald Isle.

    The Daily Mail, UK newspaper, 1/17/1966

    …Hellyer began his term by forming alliances with politicians with whom he had had experience during his 17 years in parliament, but did not reach out to Progressive Conservatives… In January, Hellyer called for a major report on the government’s housing and urban renewal programs. His subsequent calls for urban development reform was criticized on the left and the right, with Howard Gaffney (a left-leaning P.C. member of parliament) calling it “not bold enough.” In February, Hellyer called for report on the effectiveness of demolishing older buildings over renovating them.

    …Hellyer was to the right of his fellow Liberals on multiple issues but nevertheless supported government involvement in the economy, and so clashed with his cabinet and several PMs on the federal budget. Fiscally, he supported corporate pension funds and investing more money into housing programs and other certain national programs, and greater flexibility in Canada’s mortgage loan system. Overall, he supported the philosophy of the government being more involved in the direction of the economy and thus sought to gradually reduce the creation of private money and increase the creation of public money in order to return it to a 50%-50% split. This was also a controversial and unpopular idea…

    Hellyer, a dove in regards to foreign policy against all wars, orders a reorganizing of the Canadian military to determine “any excessive and unnecessary spending.” Hellyer was considerably more anti-globalist then U.S. President Colonel Sanders, whom saw war a means of establishing peace in troubled regions. Hellyer refused to support American troops in Indochina throughout the entirety of the conflict, but nevertheless did agree with Sanders on “the basic idea that diplomacy should take priority over war.”


    [pic: ]
    Hellyer (the tall man in the center, flanked by security guards) visiting a housing project in 1966

    – Hellyer

    Ray Kroc: “I Might Run For Governor”!

    – The Sacramento Bee, 1/30/1966

    “Ray was approached with the idea by some businessman who said he was a major supporter of McDonald’s and thought that even if unsuccessful, McDonald’s would financially benefit from the publicity. He presented Kroc with a series of charts and data sets to back up the idea. It was a fairly quick meeting, but it lead to huge ramifications, both for Kroc and for McDonald’s.”

    – Former McDonald’s CEO June Martino, KNN interview, 1983


    …many of those surveyed believe KFC is politically biased, but to what is polarizing: those polled in the south believe KFC is biased in favor of liberal Democrats and liberal Republicans, while those polled in the north believe KFC is biased in favor of conservative Republicans. Some in the latter group cite Arizona Republicans making KFC the official food of the state party late last year as “proof.”…

    Suggestion: address concerns in new batch of commercials

    – KFC internal memo (update on drop in sales in certain locations), KFC headquarters in Florence, KY, 2/2/1966

    “Now I do not support Ho Chi Minh when I say this, but our military and out government has to understand this: Mr. Ho Chi Minh’s government was established by the Vietnamese people, not by Chinese agents. The peasants in Vietnam want his government because for them it means real land reform, an important need in their lives. That is their choice and we must respect each other to overcome that which divides us; we must accept our responsibility to the world and learn to respect Ho Chi Min and the voice of the Vietnamese people if it truly is what will bring peace to the region.”

    – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on WTLC (AM)’s 2/5/1966 radio broadcast

    IS KING PRO-MINH?: Civil Rights Leader In Hot Water Over Controversial Statements

    MORE CALLS MADE FOR REV. KING EXPLANATION; Senator Scoop Jackson: King “Should Be Ashamed of Himself”

    REVERAND KING APOLOGIZES: After White House Talks With Sanders, Claims "I Misspoke My Thoughts”

    The New York Times’ Article headlines, 2/6/1966, 2/7/1966, and 2/8/1966

    BORDER DEVELOPMENT: US Army Advances Into Pathet Lao Territory Near Saravan

    – Stars and Stripes, 2/16/1966

    “After you have been bombing villagers…it’s going to be very difficult to persuade people that you are their friend.” [8]

    – Ernest Gruening in an op-ed in Newsday, US daily newspaper, 2/25/1966

    …After almost four years of anti-integration cases being brought to several state courts, today’s ruling in the federal Supreme Court case of “Rodgers versus the County School Board of Quitman County” is meant to determine the legality of state-level attempts to circumvent federal laws on racial integration. The court today ruled 7-2 that Mississippi’s Quitman County public schools admissions system was racially-based, and thus unconstitutional. …The decision means that it is illegal for racial segregation to exist in schools through the admissions process…

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS Evening News, 2/28/1966 broadcast


    …the controversial politician prevailed over early frontrunner Iain Macleod, the more moderate but somewhat lackluster campaign of Reginald Maudling, and Quinton Hogg, who surprise pundits by advancing to face Powell on the final ballot. Powell bested Hogg by a narrow margin…

    The Daily Telegraph, UK newspaper, 3/3/1966


    A new polling study on the approval of America’s presence in Indochina, a presence that has been ongoing since the mid-to-late 1950s… the rising number of casualties seems to be affecting how Americans view the situation abroad...

    Now: Conducted between January 10 and January 17:
    Well: 71%
    Poorly: 15%
    Unsure: 14%

    Then: Conducted between March 2 and March 9:
    Well: 62%
    Poorly: 17%
    Unsure: 21%


    …the analyst further explained, “the Cuban War has negatively affected Americans’ outlook on how, where, and most importantly why we fight the conflicts we fight. They are now a little more critical and a little more curious about how our military forces act and how we as a whole conduct and behave ourselves on the world stage”…

    – In a newspaper article by George Gallup, Director of the American Institute of Public Opinion, 3/14/1966


    – The Los Angeles Times, 3/15/1966

    March 18 was a bad day for the US Army in the Laos-SV border war zone. A regiment of recon battalions were forced to fall back from their holding of a Xo Kong River crossing when they VC snipers got the jump on them, followed by grenade launchers and heavy fire. The number of dead, dying and wounded was in the dozens.

    One benefit at Father’s disposal was in the technological development, as the Laos-Vietnam War was the first US conflict where our troops had secure voice communication equipment at the tactical level, with initial problems such as voice quality, range, time delays and other logistical issues improving over time. With a secure radio line, Father contacted the CO, a Brigadier directly in the field. In the War Room, we gathered around to listen. He believed the VCs knew exactly where officer were due to noise: “The helicopters make a roar they can hear from their underground tunnel, they can feel the vibrations has they approach, and because a chopper isn’t exactly fast, the time to take to arrive and drop the men off is enough time to set up a plan of attack.”

    From this, Father suggested, “Abrams, can we use less helicopters in this fight?”

    Abrams responded with, “I don’t think we can come up with a quicker way to get troops there, sir.”

    After a pause, Father spoke, “Then we’ll fight fire with fire.”

    A month later, the river crossing was recaptured after American snipers and South Vietnam soldiers who knew the land were dropped off five miles away. The platoon in question carefully travelled through the jungle and ultimately did what snipers do – and they cleared the area of its VC snipers.

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    Then in March, Millie decided to try to do some damage control with new commercials highlighting bipartisan values, tying KFC to universally loved individuals, symbols and concepts such a family, friendship, and the like; “chicken is for everyone” was the company’s primary phrase for a while. The new commercials’ success was only partial, as that summer’s boost in sales was only slight.

    – Margaret Sanders’ The Colonel’s Secret: Eleven Herbs and a Spicy Daughter, StarGroup International, 1997


    Washington D.C. – Barry Goldwater, the senior Republican Senator from Arizona, surprised pundits, supporters and opponents today when he voted “yea” on the Occupational Unsafe Conditions and Hazards bill. The bill, meant to protect laborers by requiring employers to provide employees with adequate protection from “avoidable harm” during working hours. For instance, employees must provide proper training for workers handling hazardous materials at places such as nuclear power plants; proper protection against excessive noise levels if noise levels cannot be lowered; and require heating and cooling for cold and hot working conditions. The bill also strengthens to capabilities of sanitation inspectors.

    When asked about the break from his conservative, pro-management voting streak, Goldwater explained, “We Arizonans understand the need for environmental regulation, and the need to highlight the distinctions between decent businessmen, and those that abuse the good graces of minimal government.” He then assured reporters that he was not permanently shifting his opinions, saying “I am working with the Sanders administration to get the congressional approval needed for deregulation of the airline, railroad, and trucking industries. I want businesses and companies to grow and expand, but I voted for this bill because I don’t want any of the morally compromised businesses and companies out there to take advantage of the good graces of conservatism!”

    Having passed both chambers by comfortable margins, President Sanders is expected to sign the bill – soon to be the Occupational Unsafe Conditions and Hazards Act, or OUCHA – into law later this week.

    – The Sacramento Union (Ted Kennedy’s newspaper), 3/21/1966

    Finally, on March 29, Sanders issued an Executive Order terminating the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam altogether. Johnson had first used the chemical in Indochina in 1961 to spray and destroy enemy crops.

    “According to every fella I’ve talked to who’s on the ground over there, that funky stuff also kills civilians, if not more civilians than soldiers,” Sanders complained to [Foreign Policy Advisor J. R.] Schlesinger.

    Schlesinger attempted to justify its use with the fact that the British had used such herbicides during the Malayan Emergency back in the ’50s. “Its purpose is to destroy the ability of peasants to support themselves in the countryside; that will force them to look for food and work in the pro-west urban areas while also depriving the VC and PL of rural support.”

    “But that’ll just lead to resentment,” the Colonel counters, “The villagers would just voice their opposition to the west in the cities instead of in the country, where more people can hear it – and their outrage would be justified! We’re supposed to help this country, not destroy it! Do you really think we will have the people’s hearts if we’ve poisoned their water supplies and burned their crops? No; they’ll hate us for years! I know I’d sure be plum-ticked if some country from half-way ’round blew up my home! Besides, if our boys are over there, aren’t we endangering our own men by doing this?! Nah, hah, J.R., this dull-headedness ends now.”

    While the Pentagon seethed, D.C. doves lauded the Colonel…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    …if passed, the bill would require all packages of products comprised primarily of tobacco to feature warning labels meant to make purchasers aware of the newly-confirms “health risks” of smoking. The unofficial warning would be “Warning: the US Surgeon General has conclusively linked smoking tobacco to lung cancer diagnoses, and from this that cigar/cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.” The bill would also require the warning to be put on all radio and TV advertisements with heavy fines for companies that do not comply. …Already, spokespersons from the tobacco industry are deriding the bill as “a baseless attack on free enterprise.” …The office of the Presidency has yet to be reached for comment…

    – The Chicago Tribune, 4/2/1966

    On April 7, 1966, Colonel Sanders became the first sitting U.S. President to visit Japan since WWII. Arriving in Tokyo to meet with Prime Minister Eisaku Sato to discuss military geopolitics, Sanders reportedly got along well with Sato due to them “sharing a high sense of honor.” Sanders did not meet with Emperor Hirohito due to a scheduling conflict. Nevertheless, historians consider the visit to have been a major contribution to the easing of tensions between the two former enemy nations.

    The 1960s: A History, Scholastic, 2007

    Lyndon spent much of 1965 resting. He got his weight down from 220 to a stable 190; his heart rate returned to healthy levels; he eventually stopped smoking and drinking as reasons for doing so ceased. Overall, his appearance had improved from the somber and defeated canvass that was his face in November 1964. [snip] In early 1966, Lyndon met with Texas Democrat leaders about becoming more involved in the midterm elections. “Why not?” he argued. While he still believed that, because the men in his family died young, he himself was not long for this world, he was well aware of the fact that he was only 57. “I’m not just going to wait around for Mr. Reaper to arrive,” he told Walt Jenkins. Instead Lyndon would try to protect his legacy.

    “Walter, I’ve been looking over Texas’s Senate and Congressional races. I like the lineup for the House, but the Senate seat, now, that’s a problem,” he informed Jenkins during the latter’s visit to the former’s ranch in March 1966.

    “I think Carr,” referring to the presumptive Democratic nominee, state Attorney General Waggoner Carr, “will unseat Tower. He’s high-profile, well-connected – ”

    “I don’t like the cut of his jib. He can’t woo a crowd. He’s also been snooping into Billie’s affairs too much,” [referring to his close friend and ally, businessman Billie Sol Estes].

    “You want to find someone to challenge him.”

    Lyndon explained his woes “We need someone in the Senate who actually knows how to work in it. Someone experienced enough to keep that idiot in the White House in check. So I’ve been looking. Congressman Pickle thinks he’d lose, and Homer Thornberry’s not interested. The other congressmen I’ve approached had no backbone, and the rest were no low profile. I even went and thought outside the box and considered getting Ladybird to run, but there’s no chance in trying to give her the Johnson Treatment!”

    “So, what do you want to do about it, then? The primary’s two months away!”

    “I’ve got an idea.”

    “What is it?”

    “You’ll see.”

    On April 15, a windy Texas day in his home town, Lyndon gathered a collection of reporters and congregated them onto his property. Speaking from his front porch to the attentive mass, Lyndon proclaimed, “After much consideration, and upon reviewing the current crop of prospective and declared candidates in the race, I have determined that I am the only Texas Democrat that can beat Senator Tower and protect America’s social programs in 1967 and onward. Ladies and gentleman, I am running for my old Senate seat.” [9]

    – Robert Caro’s The Years of Lyndon: Book Five: The Plans of a Presidential Politician, A. A. Knopf Inc., 2018


    …PM Brown declared “such blatant disregard for the lives of innocent civilians will not be tolerated”…


    [pic: ]
    Above: the extent of the damage made to the pub in question

    – The Sun, conservative UK newspaper, 4/17/1966

    I was surprised by how nervous I felt the first time I met President Sanders. It was March 29, 1966, and I had been personally summoned to Washington, D.C. by the President himself to discuss road safety initiatives with him in the Oval Office. [snip] The Colonel congratulated me for my report on Corvelle’s problems, and said he was impressed by my leadership and determination. He seemed to be relieved to be talking about something positive. The old man almost seemed haunted in some way. “Must be the pressures of this office,” I remember thinking, “If that’s the case, I don’t think I’ll ever run for it.”

    “Do you know why I asked you meet with me?” the President asked.

    I answered candidly and with uncertainty, “Because you liked my book?”

    He grinned, “Well, I haven’t had the time to read all of your book myself, but I have seen the attention and the praise it’s gettin’. I have skimmed some of it, though, and I have to say, I am very impressed, Mr. Nader. So much so, that it has been one of the many driving forces behind a piece of legislation.”


    “Yeah. The National Traffic and Road Safety Bill. It was introduced about a week ago, or so. I think it’ll get through by the end of the year.”

    “So is that why you sent for me? To try to help get it passed?”

    “Yes, but not entirely,” he clarified, “See, when it was introduced, I promised I would form a national agency to review the conditions of America’s highways. Now I really meant that. You, of all people, Mr. Nader, understand that America’s roads work like America’s life vessels. And when a blood vessel becomes crowded or weak, it can hurt the body. My buddy Nixon had something like that not too long ago, it’s called pleb-eye-ticks, or something like that. But anyway, my point, Mr. Nader, is that you seem to understand exactly what can be done about the roads.”


    “Yes,” he concluded, “That is why I came with the Department of Transportation last year. It’s still getting itself together, figuring out how it should be organized and all that jazz. But Nader, I would like you to be the Administrator of an agency that’s part of this department. We’re thinking of calling it the National Roadways Safety Administration.”

    I was taken aback.

    “So, Mr. Nader, what do you say?”

    “Um…” I had no time for pause. The President was looking at me, waiting for a reply. Quickly, I had to think, analyze, and weigh my options. I already was living in DC, serving on the faculty at the nearby American University Washington Law College, and I had had political experience as a political aide to Assistant Secretary of Labor Daniel Moynihan during the previous administration. This new position would give me an unprecedented ability to protect people’s lives. On the other hand, it could limit my advocacy as I would be tied to the administration, potentially binding what I could and couldn’t advocate and criticize. It was a risk and a gamble, but I’m glad I took it. “When can I begin?”

    Colonel Sanders smiled widely and enthusiastically shook my hand, “I’m really looking forward to working with you …Ralph.”

    Sanders also sought to improve urban infrastructure more directly with the NRSA and its fleet of civil engineers through budgeting. At the end of 1966, the White House released a budget proposal for the next fiscal year, which proposed increasing infrastructure spending by several million dollars to support investment in infrastructure by federal, state and local governments and the private sector…

    – Ralph Nader in his autobiography All For The People: A Life’s Journey, 2019


    …Sanders explained, “It’s the Christian thing, the morally right thing, and the American thing to do, to lend a helping hand to those who do the best they can with the hand they’ve been dealt – who are weak-bodied but strong in spirit – but still need someone to give ’em a hand that’ll help ’em get by.”

    – The Chicago Tribune, 4/30/1966

    On May 3, just a month before the planned invasion of the North, Viet Cong troops assaulted an American garrison at Muang Xepon, Laos, near the Laos-Vietnam border. As the Colonel was being awakened by a phone call at 4:00, about an hour before his usual wake-up time, American ground forces were preparing a counterattack. As the Colonel was being escorted to the War Room, the fighting increased in intensity. The Colonel approved the order to send in B-52 bombers from ships station off the coast of South Vietnam. After several minutes of demanding what was happening, the radio relayed that the CO had ordered a withdrawal from the village due to heavy losses.

    The Colonel could hear the extent of the destruction over the radio as the CO’s shouts into the receiver failed to block out sounds of explosions and people screaming in the background. He was then informed that civilians allied with the US had been killed. Sanders understood that in war, civilian casualties were never unavoidable, but the audial description of the carnage was too much for him. The Colonel would consider himself blessed to not fight a modern war, where footage of the devastation would be brought to the monitors directly, instead of days later, if at all.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    [pic: ]
    Daniel Overmyer shaking hands with Mims Thomason of UPI

    The Overmyer Network, sometimes just called Overmyer or “T.O.N.” for short, is an American English-language commercial telecommunications network conglomerate headquartered in Toledo, Ohio. It is the fifth-largest broadcasting television company in the U.S. by revenue and the tenth-largest such company in the world, with service provided in over 50 countries.
    Overmyer was founded in Ohio on May 3, 1966. It was the brainchild of warehouse mogul and self-made millionaire Daniel H. Overmyer (1924-2012) …Under President Colonel Sanders, it became easier for businessmen to create and develop companies and businesses, which was of great benefit to Overmyer, both the man and the station. Overmyer was originally set to be formally launched on May 1, 1967, but this date was determined to be too close to the end of the traditional broadcast season, and so it was delayed until start of the next season later in the year… In its first year, Overmyer showcased 12 hours of programming per day, seven days per week, United Press International provided the news. In January 1968, Mutual Broadcasting System agreed to merge with Overmyer, which renamed the company Overmyer-Mutual Company (O.M.C.). In 1969, O.M.C. separated itself from CBS (where the plurality of their content came from) in favor of original programming, after finally managing to get clearance in major West Coast cities such as San Francisco due to offering cheaper air time to sponsors when compared to air time costs on the major networks. …After these additional mergers, O.M.C.’s name reverted back to The Overmyer network in 1971…



    Boise, ID – Vernon K. Smith (D), our governor since 1963, passed away last night from an apparent heart attack… Our state’s Lieutenant Governor, 76-year-old William Edward Drevlow (D), has automatically succeeded him to the office of governor, but will be sworn into the office in a more formal ceremony later today…

    The Idaho Press-Tribune, 5/3/1966

    As the primary neared, Congressman James B. Utt began circulating pamphlets featuring a photograph of Reagan with Truman in 1948:


    [pic: ]
    The pamphlet read “Reagan: A Democrat in Sheep’s Clothing.” It was a blatant attempt to win over conservative voters that made little sense – Democrats and Republicans can vote in each other’s primaries, and highlighting his opponent’s ties to both parties was initially seen as increasing his chances of winning the nomination thanks to Democratic voters. It seemed the only detriment to Reagan’s campaign was him running on a platform much more conservative than the one run by President Sanders in 1964. Reagan supporting the President’s actions in Indochina but complained “he isn’t going far enough. He’s too soft. This is a war, and he wants everybody to play nice.” If anything, comments such as these were what weighed down his campaign.

    …Utt ran to Reagan’s right, while Kroc continued to run on a vague moderate-to-conservative platform focusing on local issues such as prices and wages, and increasing energy and utilities, without explaining how he would help low income voters...


    Meanwhile, Colonel Sanders met with environmental activists and members of the US military overseeing nuclear testing in the Pacific. The Colonel came to the idea of address the former’s concerns while at the same time offering the chance to personally sit down with Shelepin…

    – Anne Meagher Northup’s Chicken and Politickin’: the Rise of Colonel Sanders and Rational Conservatism in the Republican Party, 2015

    “Wind and water, soil and sea, they can take radiation to every corner of the globe, and it is irresponsible to spend money on such threats to humanity. They can only destroy; they do not assure peace. The nations of the planet must prioritize: if we continue down this path, the consequences could be dire. That is why I have ordered a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing, and why I am calling for a series of talks to be held between myself and Premier Shelepin to discuss the possibility of limiting the buildup of nuclear weapons in both our nations and the world for the sake of this planet and the health of its people.

    – President Sanders in an official Presidential address, 5/17/1966

    “It is dangerous to even consider exposing the U.S. to the delusion that peace and compromise can be made with the Soviets. They will take this as a sign of weakness and it will embolden them to attempt to get away with further assaults on our democracy-loving foreign allies worldwide.”

    – Excerpt from opinion article by ret. US Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, National Review, 5/20/1966 issue

    “Mr. President, Ambassador [to Cambodia, William R.] Kane is here to see you.”


    “It can’t happen that way!”

    “Saying it doesn’t make it so.”

    “What about the graphs?”

    “Graphs don’t make it so, either.”

    “How can our troops advance into Hanoi if we’ve destroyed all the roads to Hanoi?”

    “We’re not attacking all the roads! Just all but one of the roads, the one nearly south of the city. They’ll be busy running around in the mountains up there from our B-52s bombing their military centers, and while they’re handling that debacle, there’ll only be one road to Hanoi. It meanders around the mountains a ways and by this lake here, see? Charlie will see our men, for sure, and they’ll attack our land forces. But since it’s just one lane – one road, they’ll be all lined up – and with the air support and the tanks protecting our men, it’ll be like shootin’ fish in a barrel.”

    “That makes no sense, Mr. President! You’ve shown me no logistics or any sign that you or your staff have actually researched what the terrain up there is like or how the Charlies will operate up there! Warfare doesn’t work that way! Didn’t you see the maps?”

    “Maps don’t make it so.”

    “Urgh! And you’re planning on this while also calling for a treaty with the Russians?!”

    “You can walk and talk at the same time; why not handle Shelepin and Ho Chi Minh at the same time?”

    “You know what the problem is with you, Colonel? You’re an idealist. You think that as President anything you want done will get done,” [snaps fingers], “like that! But the world’s too complicated for idealism to work, Colonel. You want the Charlies out, you have to go at it incrementally, or lock horns and not give a s#!t about whatever mud they sling at you. Not this full-on frontal assault bulls#!t.”

    “Franke and General Weyand say this’ll work.”

    “Franke and Weyand are trigger-happy a$$heads.”

    “Says the man nicknamed ‘Killer.’”

    “Ugh…Mr. President, this plan is going to fail, and, I’m sorry, but I can’t support you on this. And to be fair, I’ve been disagreeing with you on a lot of things, so, um…”

    “So what, Kane?”

    “I’m ending this tour of duty of mine early.”

    “Oh…oh! And if I don’t accept a resignation letter?”

    “I’ll leave anyway.”

    “Go A.W.O.L., eh? …Hmm, sure can I change your mind?”

    “Only if you change yours.”

    “No sale.”

    “…Well…it was a pleasure, Colonel Sanders. So long… and good luck. Because trust me, you’re going to need it.”

    – Audio accidently recorded by the President’s Personal Secretary Wanda Boner’s Dictaphone, 5/23/1966; discovered in 2005 and released to the public in 2009 under the Freedom of Information Act of 2009

    On May 25 [1966], FBI agents arrested Elijah Muhammad for tax fraud and abuse of charity funding, stemming from late 1965 allegations that the 68-year-old long-time leader of the Nation of Islam was using charity money to cover up an extramarital affair. Muhammad was also a suspect in the arson committed on Malcolm X’s home. Controversial even within the African-American community for opposing integration (famously leading to George Lincoln Rockwell, then-still on trial for an alleged assassination attempt against President Sanders, calling Muhammad “the Hitler of the black man”), Muhammad vehemently denied the allegations, but was still held without bail until his case could be reviewed. Malcolm X, meanwhile, doubted that “the white man’s form of justice will do its duty” and continued to worry for his family’s safety…

    – Herb Boyd and Ilyasah Shabazz’s Malcolm vs. Martin: Violence and Peace After the End of Segregation, Chicago Third World Press, 2013

    May 30, 1966: Surveyor 1 is launched


    Brooklyn, NYC – President Colonel Sanders visited the Big Apple today to meet with Congressman Mario Biaggi to discuss anti-crime initiatives, hoping to find ways to “clean up the inner cities,” according to a Biaggi spokesman. “Congressman Biaggi’s proposed legislation would promote police departments nationwide, as in recent years they have been vilified by rebel-rousers. Society can’t grow and develop if its people live in fear.”

    President Sanders echoed such concern later in the day. “Whatever happened to going to sleep in the summer with the windows wide open, or with your door unlocked? When I was just seven years old, with my five-year-old brother and my little two-year-old sister and no adult supervision at all, we trudged three miles across the fields to a highway to reach Henryville so I could show Mama a wonderful loaf of bread that I’d made. [10] Have city folk ever been able to live like that? To be able to walk the streets with a sense of adventure instead of a sense of fear? I sure hope so – I wouldn’t want ’em missing out on something as great and wonderful as that. And if they really aren’t, then I think it’s time for a change.”

    The New York Daily News, 5/31/1966

    MCDONALD’S CEO WINS GOP NOMINATION FOR CA GOVERNOR: Edges Out Reagan, Utt In Primary; Democrats Re-Nominate Brown

    Sacramento, CA – Tonight, the state’s Republican primary voters, possibly hoping to capitalize off the popularity of President Sanders, another fast-food businessman–turned–politician, narrowly chose Kroc over former SAG President Ronald Reagan, retiring US Congressman James B. Utt, and Mayor George Christopher to be their party’s gubernatorial nominee. Another primary candidate, wealthy businessman William Penn Patrick, received negligible votes. …Kroc achieved a plurality of 45%, while Reagan won 30%, Utt won 14%, and Christopher won 10%; less than 1% went to all other candidates. Analysts believe Utt and Reagan split the conservative vote, allowing the ideologically-fuzzy Kroc to win the nomination by a 5% margin. …Reagan seemingly sought to distance himself from his acting days and ran a very serious campaign some pundits described as “boring,” while others saw him as being too dramatic in his seriousness, which actually helped remind audiences of his performance days. Ideologically, Reagan wavered on showcasing full conservatism on the fear that if would cost him independent voters. This wavering may have caused many to be uncertain of his campaign’s message and theme. …Ironically, another former Hollywood star who received less attention during their own run for public office was successful. Former child star Shirley Temple, now known professionally as Shirley Temple Black, won the GOP nomination for Utt’s seat...

    – The Los Angeles Times, 6/7/1966

    VP’S SON RETURNS FROM WAR: William Scranton III Returns Home After A 10-Month Tour Of Duty In South Vietnam

    The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 6/8/1966

    Chong explained “So in June [1965], right after our second kid was born, my wife found out about me and Yoko and she kicked me to the curb. I thought the least I could do was pay alimony.” In early 1966, while on tour in Chicago for a short time, the Vancouvers followed the opening act the Jackson 5. Chong later referred to the young Michael Jackson as a “cute little guy” [11]. On June 10, 1966, Tommy Chong married Yoko Ono.


    Operation Fried Charlie was initially slated for June, starting with a bombing of the north to be followed immediately by an attack on Muang Xepon, Laos to reclaim it from the Pathet Lao concurrent with the departure of Spec Ops and other troop divisions from Laos into Vietnam.

    My fellow aviators and I flew out in an impressive assembly of bombers, and we easily acquired and hit our first set of targets. How much we knew of what we were hitting was not much, but that does not matter as much as what was actually hit. CIA intelligence had identified several towns as weapons storage and manufacturing centers. Regardless of whom was to blame, though, we would later learn just how many more civilians were killed than were expected.

    The most unexpected part of the phase was when our B-52s confronted the North Vietnam Air Force’s MiG-17s, an undetected gift from the Chinese. They caught us off-guard and forced us to abandon the rest of the mission as they V.C.s began picking us off one by one. The farthest any of us got was Joey’s bomber – it made it as far as five miles west of Hoa Binh, about the half-way point.

    Anti-aircraft missiles on the ground near the Laotian border shot down several Omori f us down. We traced their equipment’s radar waves back to their sources and managed to eliminate some of them, but the damage was done.

    Less than half of us made it back.

    We had underestimated the weaponry and response time of the North.

    William Franke may have labeled it a victory due to the initial targets being taken out, but due to our inability to complete the mission via acquiring the additional targets, Operation Fried Charlie Mock I was a complete failure.

    – John J. Polonko Jr.’s All’s Fair: What War Makes Necessary, Hachette Book Group USA, 2007


    [pic: ]
    – Simple Map of planned U.S. military Operations in mid-June, 1966

    Father was clearly shaken, “I made myself clear – I wanted low civilian casualties on both sides,” he seemed to say more to myself than the William Franke of the Joint Chiefs.

    “It’s just a snag, Mr. President. We can still proceed with the Operation on schedule.”

    Unfortunately for Franke’s optimism, it was just then that a report came in on the radio, “Sir!” the head radioman rushed over “This just in from Mahaxay, Laos – Pathet Lao forces are attacking the barracks. C.O. reports performing the Muang Xepon counterattack now will lead to Mahaxay falling. He's advising against launching the diversion attack.”

    “Oh son of a bitch!” Franken uttered in a huff.

    “My God, was Kane right?” I heard Father say to himself.

    I asked where Ambassador Henry Lodge had gone to, seeing as how I was certain the media would soon be reporting on a massive aerial bombardment gone awry, and we needed a diplomat’s perceptive on how to spin it.

    “Checking his office now, Harley,” said one of the operators.

    “How many civilians?” Father ponder aloud to Franke.

    Franke defended, “This was an unforeseeable consequence, Colonel. There usually are not civilians in these areas, but likely because of poor crops last year, many local farmers were expanding their fields and working hours – ”

    “How many civilians on both sides did we lose?” he said a bit louder

    “ – and well, suffice it to say, sir, casualties were higher than expected.”

    Father’s shock had now turned to anger, “Consarn it! How many did we lose?”

    “A lot.”

    “Yes, but how many?”

    “Dozens on our sides, over a thousand on their side at the least.”

    "Oh, Dang-blast it,” Father’s face as turning red with rage.

    “It’s a tactical victory, sir,” William commented.

    Father was quick to reply, “Over a thousand, Bill! Have you forgotten what I said already?” Father groaned in frustration and returned to his spot on the couch, the situation weighing down on him like a flour sack on a runt mule. He folded his hands atop his cane as he mulled over his thoughts, venting the anger out through his nostrils until his breathing was calmer. Then he sighed to himself “Lord forgive me” before asking, “Any word on where Henry is?”

    “Still waiting for a reply from his office, sir.”

    Father sunk a bit in his seat. To me, he had a look that for most of his life he had rarely ever worn, but was wearing the look more and more often every day, it seemed. He looked like he was lost for what to do next.

    I took a seat beside him, “Don’t worry, Pop. We’ll figure this out.”


    …Father replied …“We tried this approach here, and it hasn’t worked. In my opinion, the situation is now worse. They [the Russians] could now be even more reluctant to sit down with us…one thousand, my god…”

    After a brief moment of thought, I commented, “we fought fire with fire, but it wasn’t the right fire.” My eye wandered over to the picture of George Washington hanging on the wall nearby, and I commented, “You know, you remind me a lot of him, Father. He swore like a madman and still found glory in the darkest of times through sheer resilience. Crossing the Delaware in the frigid cold and all that.”

    Father suddenly lifted in head in revelation, “By gummit, that’s it!”

    “What is?”

    “Junior, how’d we win the Revolutionary War? By standing in orderly lines? No, that’s what the British did and they lost! Gentlemen!” He now turned his attention to his other advisers, huddled around at the main table.

    “Yes sir!” they all barked.

    “We have to try a more effective approach. We tried to go in there with our most advanced tools and this was the response,” holding up one of the photos [an aerial image of the target sites]. “No, no, we have to be more clandestine. Gentlemen, I think we need to seriously organize a 'un-criticize-able' response to this mess. We need to tweak our traditional approaches. But not only that! There’s also something else on my mind.”

    “You got some ideas, Pop?” I asked curiously, a small grin forming on my face.

    “Oh, just wait, Junior,” Father chuckled, “Like my chicken before it’s fried, we ain’t licked yet!”

    “Sir,” William interjected, “We’ve been over this before, superior firepower was absolutely necessary.”

    “You and your so-called experts have been spoutin’ that line for six years and it’s gotten us nowhere. Now I’m the commander-in-chief here, and I say we finally give Abrams’ idea of a more careful approach a try, and finally lead our Indochinese friends into an invasion of the north. And if you refuse, well, the exit’s right over there!”

    William conceded, “Alright, Mr. President, alright.”

    “And if it’s obvious we won’t be done in Vietnam a year by this time next year, we’ll try something else. We'll, I dunno, do some more bombing or something. Deal?” putting his hand out like he was back to being a hand-shaking businessman.

    “Very well, Mr. President,” William shook, and with the rest of Father’s advisors began to listen to the President on fine-tuning the time-table of the resolution of the conflict.

    “Alright. Everyone listen up. Listen, if we have these Kongers firing at us from the bushes, we’ve got to crawl under those bushes. They shoot us down, now we’ve got to sneak up from below – uh, from behind. Back in March, we lost this Muang Xepon place because our giant choppers made ’em know we were comin’ for them, remember? And now we’ve got a hitch in the plans because our planes caught attention – why wouldn’t they? We used a ginormous fleet of bombers for this! I think that we’re going to have to use more discreet and inconspicuous tools – tanks, trucks, even our God-given legs if we have to in order to not get the enemy’s attention. Because that’s what did this – we were too noticeable in the field. We’ve got to be more discreet. We’ve got to fight like how they fight – careful and attentively.”

    “So what about the Operation?” Franke inquired.

    “It’ll be too obvious now. The North already have their planes in the air and we didn’t take out the secondary targets. It’d be a bloodbath to attack now, when they’re expecting it. No, instead we’re going to put off the direct invasion for a little while, continue to train our troops, and get a better grip on the enemy’s view of things until we know for sure that the invasion can happen without a single hiccup.”

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    [1] According to the link given in the second footnote, P.B.L. actually approached her at some point in the year 1966, but the inevitability is sped up here due to there being more interest in French cooking earlier due to the election of the cook known as Colonel Sanders and the political events in France renewing American awareness of French cooking (and butterflies, but just a dash for flavor).
    [2] Italicized lines and other information are from here:
    [3] Line is a paraphrase of a quote found here:
    [4] Here’s the cobbler recipe found in the Colonel’s OTL 1966 autobio:
    [5] Source of quote:
    [6] Quote from OTL:
    [7] The Southwest monsoon is from April to September, and the northeast monsoon is from October to March. Source: .
    [8] OTL Quote!
    [9] I swear that I’m not ripping off Abe Lincoln’s Camelot TL here, as I’m going in a different direction with this!
    [10] OTL Quote pulled from Chapter 1, Page 15 of Sanders’ OTL 1966 autobiography.
    [11] Source 10 on Chong’s wiki article.

    E.T.A. For the next Chapter: May 9

    Note: I’m actually very wary about how I wrote this; if anything is confusing or poorly written, please let me know so I can fix/correct/expand upon/improve it. Thanks!
    So Reagan out for the count?
    Or will we see anymore of him?
    Oh no, I have ...plans... for The Gipper...
    Last edited:
    Chapter 25: June 1966 – December 1966
  • Chapter 25: June 1966 – December 1966

    “It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action.”

    – Al Batt

    HELEN THOMAS (United Press International): “Are the reports true that this was a failed invasion of the North?”

    PRESS SECRETARY RON ZIEGLER: “No, those reports are speculative. Let me set the record straight – this was a surprise attack from the North Vietnamese during a routine bombing run near the North Vietnam border. The lopsided casualty count clearly shows we repelled their attempt to attack the Laos capital.”

    THOMAS: “But what about the reports of high civilian casualties in North Vietnam?”

    ZIEGLER: “Those reports are currently unsubstantiated and lack hard facts. We will release information concerning civilian deaths when they’re available.”

    DAN RATHER (CBS News): “When did the President learn of this alleged attack?”

    ZIEGLER: “At the usual time.”

    DAVID BRODER (Washington Post): “How many of the civilian casualties were women and children?”

    ZIEGLER: “David, I just said it, we’ll get that information when more concrete reporting arrives – ”

    THOMAS: “So you don’t know what’s going on over there?”

    ZIEGLER: “No, the, uh, the proper people are doing their job and the information is being passed along the chain of command. The President is aware of what has happened at the Laotian border, and the details will be released when they are confirmed to be fact and not just speculation.”

    RATHER: “What does the President plan to do about this aggression from the North?”

    ZIEGLER: “Well Dan, if we gave that away, the Viet Cong would know ahead of time, wouldn’t they?”

    THOMAS: “Can you tell us anything about the deaths of American soldiers in this attack?”

    ZIEGLER: “They died heroically defending an American ally. And, yep, that’s all the time I have. Thank you for your time, everyone.”

    – Transcript of dialogue from White House press briefing between Ron Ziegler and the White House Press Corp, 6/17/1966

    The American Press supported the Colonel’s story, but Shelepin knew the true details; American forces instigated a failed bombardment of key military strongholds and were now orchestrating a cover up. Publicly, Shelepin capitalized on the incident’s death toll regardless of its true context to finally publicly respond to the Colonel’s treaty proposal with the statement “The blood spilled in Indochina is proof of American oppression, and I refuse to engage in talks of such a treaty with an entity so uncaring that it kills innocents overseas without so much as a flinch.”

    Privately, it seemed Shelepin did not enjoy the very existence of the direct phone line established between the Kremlin and the White House in early 1962, let alone the thought of using it. Nevertheless, he did speak with his American counterpart over the incident; the discussion was “short, cold and unproductive.”

    Of course, I learned all this from my predecessors; I was only a 16-year-old secondary school student when all of this was happening…

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    I spent the three-day Fourth of July weekend that year back in Corbin. On the night of the fireworks, and the booming had ceased, I looked out to the fields of grass outside my old homestead. I saw the lightning bugs dancing around. Did you know that the lightning bug lights up to tell each other where they are. That’s why whenever one bug lights up, another one does, too. I watched them jump around and see each other, and it was nice to see how light can still be found in even the darkest places.


    I thought out loud, “The world ain’t gonna change for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re President, you can’t snap your fingers and make things alright in a flash. But you can make things a bit better, especially when you find someone in the darkness. Together you can get things going in the right direction at the very least.”


    After returning from the break, I resumed work on America’s domestic and foreign problems. First, I headed damage control: I demanded a better hold of equipment, telling the generals “you can’t let equipment be captured by the Charlies. It looks like they’re very resourceful this that kind of stuff.”

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    “Let me be clear. I’m an ass-whooper – not a throat-cutter!”

    – Colonel Sanders during an Oval Office meeting with Secretary Carl Curtis, 6/7/1966 (multiple sources)


    The Colonel: “We Are Not Butcherers”

    …The President is calling for a “tweeked traditional” approach to the US’s strategy in combating the Pathet Lao. ...According to one source, ground troops are reporting being trained to “fight differently,” those cause this means precisely is currently unclear…

    The New York Times, 7/8/1966

    The 1966 General elections were held in Cuba on 10 July of that year to determine who would serve as President for the next six years, and to determine who would serve in the Cuba Chamber of Representatives. The Chamber was dominated by three Chamber party leaders, all of which vied for party majority or party plurality in the chamber, which would make the party’s leader the next Prime Minister. Voter turnout was high as voter intimidation was ruled to be a highly criminal offense earlier in the year.

    The presidential candidates were the following:
    Rufo Lopez-Fresquet of the Conservative Party (heavily pro-American hard-right conservative party)
    Carlos Prio Socarras of the New Authentic Party (“third position” party)
    Col. Pepe San Roman of the Stability Party (left-leaning centrist party)

    Due to lack of funds, the Nationalist Party chose to not run a candidate for Presidency in order to instead focus on gaining seats in the Chamber. …San Roman, 36, was a War Hero with strong ties to the United States… Former President Prio, whom had been overthrown by Fulgencio Batista in 1952, ran for his old position on a campaign that focused on civility, self-enrichment and major public-works projects…


    Presidential election results:


    [pic!: ]
    The party leaders in the Chamber of Representatives were the following:
    Manuel Ray Rivero of the Stability Party (left-leaning centrist party)
    Manuel Artime of the Conservative Party (heavily pro-American hard-right conservative party)
    Felipe Rivero Diaz of the Nationalist Party (anti-American and anti-Communist right-leaning centrist party)
    Capt. Erneido Oliva of the New Authentic Party (“third position” party)


    Oliva was a brigade commander under the command of San Roman during the War, and fought valiantly in the 1963 Battle of Santa Clara.

    …Artime won with a plurality of 43%, with Rivero Diaz coming in second place with 35%, Ray Rivero in third place with 14%, and Oliva in fourth place with 7%. Artime formed a coalition government with Ray Rivero to obtain majority control, making Artime Prime Minister and Ray Rivero Deputy Prime Minister. Despite feeling that he should have received the position of Deputy Prime Minister due to his second-place performance, Rivero Diaz, as a showing of good faith, declined to contest the election results as U.N. personnel closely observed the polling stations on election night of confirmed the results were “fair and unadulterated.” Instead, he held a rally where he congratulated his “good political friend.”


    Under Cuba’s 1965 constitution, the President can serve for more than just one 6-year term, but cannot succeed himself into office.


    It was a powder keg just waiting to go off at some point, and that point came on August 20, 1966. It was becoming increasingly difficult for us [African-Americans] to even exist in the city of Milwaukee. Oh sure, there was room for a Little Germany area, and a Little Poland community, and “polish flats” neighborhoods and all that, but no room for us Black folk, apparently. You see, many of us at the time were moving on up north to get away from the racists, would-be segregationists and Klansmen that pretty much still controlled the South at the time, no matter what the federal government said about it. But when we got up here, we surprisingly found ourselves in an oppressive and unwelcoming land anyway. Only colder. The city lacked any opportunities for fair jobs and education for its new Black citizens, and soon we went from fields and sweatshops in the south to factories and ghettos in the north.

    The anger everyone felt from the predicament came to a head on that day, when 50 Germans, Jews and Poles got fired from a highway construction site off I-94. Some of the men went and got drunk at a bar, blaming their misfortunes on the Blacks. The men then got into their cars and drove to the north side of town, the predominantly Black side of town.

    The first Black man they saw, they stopped, got out of their cars and started beating the poor guy. My walk that day led me to the scene just as the riot broke out. Several Black men came to the beaten guy’s defense with violence of their own. The unusually hot weather of that sunny summer day only added to the rage that quickly fanned out into the surrounding area, soon leading to homes ruined, blood spilled, and rocks and Molotov cocktails thrown. And then, well, it wasn’t long before the city made headline news across the country.

    – Long-time Milwaukee resident C. T. Jackson, for the Alicia Garza documentary Blacks Still Matter, released 2013

    Violent “Race Riot” Overwhelms Milwaukee Police & Residents

    – The Wisconsin State Journal, 7/21/1966


    …In his speech, the Vice President called for peace and reconciliation between “all members of this richly diverse city.” Arguing the negative attention that follows cities hit by riots, Scranton argued continuing the violence would inhibit the passing of laws that would help the rioters’ cause. …“This riot, as terrible and destructive as it is,” Scranton continued, “highlights the very issues that must end – not just here, but anywhere and everywhere else in these United States where school districts, neighborhoods, and entire communities are divided on race, and where these divisions are strengthened by education and employment inequality. …Any prohibition of any of our fellows American citizens from having a life that is free and equal, solely due to their skin color or any other type of prejudice, is a betrayal of the very foundations and ideals of this republic.” The Vice President then met with police officials and local community leaders in an attempt to deescalate the situation…

    – The Milwaukee Journal, 7/23/1966


    VP Scranton Credited For Contributing to Defusing Debacle

    The Chicago Tribune, 7/24/1966


    Washington, D.C. – Lawyer and safety advocate Ralph Nader, the author of the highly-acclaimed groundbreaking exposé “Unsafe at Any Speed,” has just become the first Administrator of the newly-created National Roadways Safety Administration. The agency, a subsection of the Cabinet-level Department of Transportation founded last year, was established one week ago, and aims to ensure that automobiles on America’s streets, and related public roadwork projects, meet federal safety standards. Nader, age 32, was sworn into office earlier today…

    – The Associated Press, 8/7/1966

    It was early August, 1966. During that summer, I joined Howard Baker’s run for a full term in the United States Senate. I was campaigning on the campus grounds of Middle Tennessee State University, in the city of Murfreesboro, when I met my future husband. George was earning degrees in music and drama while trying to start his own music career. I met him on the campus quad, where I was passing out fliers for Baker. After a few minutes of conversation, George formally introduced himself with a poor impersonation of James Bond that I, for some strange reason, found to be very charming: “the name’s Clinton, George Stanley Clinton.” [1]

    – Hillary Rodham-Clinton (R-TN), in her autobiography The Decisions I Have Made, 2016


    …aiming to placate conservative and liberal congressional leaders, the proposed legislation would deregulate school courses and agendas but not deregulate federal funding…

    – The Washington Post, 8/12/1966
    – KFC commercial for KFC’s BBQ chicken (NOT Ribs); the Colonel, busy being President, is noticeably absent from it; first aired 8/14/1966

    ANCHOR: …Tragedy struck the affluent Kennedy political family today in the form of another Cam bombing in the Republic of Ireland. Details are not yet in, but it seems that Kennedy in-law Stephen Smith was killed in a car bombing in New Ross, County Wexford. Stephen Edward Smith, financial analyst and political strategist for former Secretary of State Jack Kennedy, and his wife Jean Kennedy Smith, were visiting Jean Kennedy Smith’s ancestral home in nearby Dunganstown when the taxi they were about to travel in detonated. Jean Kennedy Smith received non-serious injuries in the blast, and is being treated at a local hospital. According to the New Ross chief of police, a local politician vocally critical of the nationalist extremist terror organization, the I.R.A., was in the vicinity when bomb detonated. The current working theory is that the bomb was meant for the local politician and not for Mr. Smith… [2]


    …We have an update on the death of the American citizen in Ireland… The office of John D. J. Moore Jr., the US Ambassador to Ireland, has released a statement condemning the attack as one of, quote, “blatant disregard for human life and safety,” and a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said this just moments ago:

    FOOTAGE: We are speaking with members of Prime Minister Brown’s government to determine the best path forward to bringing to justice the perpetrators in question. Rest assured, these zealot nationalists will pay for the deaths of Mr. Stephen Smith and the several Irish and British citizens killed by their reckless and malicious acts.

    ANCHOR: Senator Richard Nixon, a friend of Ambassador Moore, has reportedly contacted Moore to discuss the situation further. Meanwhile, President Sanders and hundreds of others are contacting the Kennedy political family to express their deepest sympathies…

    – NBC News, 8/20/1966 broadcast

    …George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party who was found guilty of attempted murder earlier this month, has been sentenced to 30 years in federal prison…

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS Evening News 8/27/1966 broadcast

    1966 was a critical year for the four. In April, Brian Epstein, their young and emotionally fragile manager, was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning following a bender in which he sought to drink away the stress and anxious woes of the band’s meteoric rise to fame. Reeling from nearly dying in that incident, the Beatles thanked him “for making [them] what [they]’ve become” with a mellow song that proved to be surprising therapeutic for Epstein – it was entitled “Breathe” “When Epstein would get stressed, humming it would help. Years of therapy and love and support did wonders for him, too,” Ringo noted in 1969. After “Breathe” was released as a single on June 4, 1966, it became one of the band’s most iconic songs, topping the charts and becoming “The Hit of Summer ’66.”

    Tumbleweed Magazine article, 1971 commemorative issue


    By Hunter S. Thompson

    …But Leary is not the only politician with enough uniqueness and energetic rebellion to likely get shoutniks off their asses and actually vote for them in November. Lar Daly of Illinois, the liberal Republican challenging Paul Douglas’s Senate seat, is winning over Chicago-based shoutniks... Up north, Alaskan shoutniks, even any even exist, must be pleased with the dovish rhetoric of the Democratic nominee for their at-large congressional seat, a charismatic state congressman and former real estate developer named Mike Gravel; Gravel criticized our Colonel President on the House floor last month for unofficially dropping calls to sign an anti-nuclear testing treaty with the Soviets, and Gravel has consistently called for the termination of nuclear testing in his home state, in a campaign showing that even the remote Eskimos are affected by the geopolitics of today. …An unlikely ally of the shoutniks in Leary’s home state is John Moss, the antithesis to Gravel in terms of flamboyancy... Mo Udall of Arizona and Don Edwards have embraced shoutnik endorsements concerning environmental and anti-war issues, respectively... But endorsements aren’t votes. If the progressive youngsters behind Morse ’64 want to actually see change happen, they’re going to have to lift up the record player needle and get in line to vote.

    Tumbleweed Magazine article, Sept 1966 issue

    The Colonel’s day was even busier than usual. First, he met with the main Generals and the Joint Chiefs in the Lincoln room to discuss something called the Red Bird Report and how to apply it to “Plan B.” I don’t have the clearance to know what all that is, but my guess is that it has something to do with that fumble back in the summer. I’ve heard through the grape vine it was not exactly a surprise attack on from North Vietnam, but I don’t buy it. I believe the Colonel; he’s never lied to me before. Besides, I don’t trust Debbie from Interior anyway! Then he met with several Congressmen about some bill…

    – Private Journal of President Sanders’ Personal Secretary Wanda Boner, 9/2/1966 entry


    ...the bilingual education bill was rejected by the Senate after conservative opposition while the bill was still in committee. The bill was part of several lingering proposals from President Johnson’s Great Society programs... …Senator Cotton defended his position with the line, “We are already a divided people – divided over war, over liberal and conservative pools of thought, divided over culture and tradition, divided over many things. We can’t as a nation afford to become even more divided by creating language barriers between each other.” …Another Republican, Congressman Gerald Ford of Michigan, commented “Canada’s been doing the bilingual thing for decades, and they are still constantly arguing and debating and fighting over it. Let’s not be like Canada, and instead, let’s maintain unity in the form of everyone being able to understand each other in the easiest way possible – one nation, one language.” …The bill’s defenders pledge to re-introduce the bill next year...

    – The Washington Post, 9/5/1966

    …While several candidates vied for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Washington, D.C. tonight, the ultimate winner has surprised everyone, including the winner himself. While the early frontrunner were Walter Fauntroy and Polly Shackleton, both of whom have been members of the city council since early 1962, the winner ended up being an energetic underdog fueled by young voter turnout and heavily supported by members of the Civil Rights movement and the shoutnik subculture – Clifford Leopold Alexander Jr., a 33-year-old African-American lawyer. Alexander is not a political tenderfoot – he was a White House staff member from 1961 to 1964, and has served on the city council since early 1964. Still, his youth may make the general election competitive if it turns out to be a detriment to final home run of this campaign.

    – ABC News broadcast, election night news coverage, 9/6/1966

    …and in last night’s primary for governor of New York, Congressman Mario Biaggi has edged out city council President Frank O’Connor for the Democratic nomination. A political neophyte, the conservative Biaggi’s victory is an unexpected upset but is likely the result of the left-wing Democratic vote being split between O’Connor and Mr. Howard J. Samuels...

    – NBC News, 9/7/1966 broadcast

    September 20, 1966: Surveyor 2 is launched

    G.I.’s Score Big Victory as US Airborne Unit Ousts Vietcong from Key Border Stronghold

    …coupled with South Vietnamese ground troops, control of the eastern third of the Thua Thien Hue Province was wrestled away from the V.C. early Monday… When Charlies attempted a ground counterattack, the fighting moved out of the neighboring foliage and into the streets of A-Luoi. The V.C.s gave it everything they got, but in the end their numbers were overwhelmed by superior strategy and US-SV collaboration.

    …Colonel Jack L. Hawkins at Headquarters is confident “the zealous lunatics tearing apart this country are doomed to failure.” He explains “The locals are welcoming us; we are liberating the villages and their communities of their oppressors.” South Vietnam troops proved to be capable of holding their own on the battlefield, which is pivotal to the army maintaining peace once this conflict concludes. “They’re getting better at coordinating,” Hawkins confirms, “We’re teaching them to respect rank, to pass along information; and we’re working with President Khanh to root out corruption – um, any alleged corruption, that is”…

    Stars and Stripes, 9/21/1966

    The Colonel began his administration wanting to settle foreign conflicts quickly, but the summer misstep gave him pause. He determined it was imperative for the CIA and the Pentagon regains credibility. As a result, Sanders met with Director Dulles on several occasions… Sanders was unwilling to announce a new and higher draft call, arguing “the folks who want to fight are the ones already over there. This is a fight for fighters.” The Colonel also decided that the U.S.-S.V. forces possibly needed outside help for the unofficially-dubbed “Operation Fried Charlie 2.0.” In late September, Sanders agreed with South Korea’s President Park Chung-hee to let South Korean volunteer troops participate in activities in Laos and South Vietnam under the Many Flags Program (a military support campaign still in use since its founding in 1963 under the Johnson administration) in return for monetary compensation and military defense support. The Republic of Korea Forces Indochina Field Command landed in the Lao capital of Vientiane in October.

    The Colonel sought international support among European allies, but across the pond, Brown was already growing weary of foreign policy woes. Already troubled over Ian Smith’s calls for independence in Rhodesia, increasingly violent racial strife in South Africa, and an increasingly deadly Cam Bomb campaign on the Emerald Isle threatening to cause a refugee crisis as non-Catholic Britons contemplated fleeing Northern Ireland to the rest of the U.K., Prime Minister George Brown was hesitant to give Sanders any support. By September, Sanders convinced Brown to provide intelligence support, some military weapons, and jungle training. Publicly, Brown continued to refuse to help the U.S.; publicly and privately, he refused to send any U.K. troops to the region for fear of political reprisal from the doves in his party.

    According to former White House staff member Jennifer Salt, the Colonel sought advice concerning Indochina from Charles de Gaulle instead of President Mitterrand due to political differences and the friendly acquaintanceship previously established between the two septuagenarians in question.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Bill Passes Senate: Sanders to Sign It “Soon”

    – The New York Times, 9/29/1966


    …In a candid radio interview, freshman student and former army private William W. Scranton III said “I shouldn’t be saying this, because my dad and the Colonel really do want to do what’s right, but in my experience, war is the organized execution of mankind’s worst sins.” …Scranton explained further, “My experience was hellish…” and that “[war is]…only admirable to the sadistic.” …

    – The Yale Daily News, college newspaper, 9/30/1966

    McDonald’s CEO SAYS “Only the employed should have the right to vote.”

    San Diego, CA – …addressing a crowd of immigrant farm workers earlier today, Ray Kroc proclaimed his opinion that “It doesn’t matter if you are here legally or illegally. If you’re getting paid in one way or another to contribute to the economy, then you should be able to vote for who’ll influence and control the economy. If you aren’t working, and helping society, why should you have the right to vote?” The remark was an attempt to win over the state’s Hispanic community, but instead may have backfired spectacularly. …several organizations supporting retirees and homemakers have sided with conservatives critical of immigrants in condemning Kroc’s remarks…

    – The Washington Post, reporting on Kroc’s (in)famous gaffe, 10/3/1966


    [pic: ]
    – US H.E.W. Secretary Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY), left, discussing with President Harland “Colonel” Sanders (R-KY), right, the monetary benefits and detriments of reforming to process of below-market interest loans for housing development projects in the next fiscal year, H.E.W. Department function, c. 10/5/1966 (autographed photo sold ontech, most likely signed by the President at a campaign event)

    BROWN’S LSD CONTROL LAW ENTERS EFFECT; Leary Vows to “Fight” Its Enforcement

    Sacramento, CA – On May 31 of this year, Nevada and California became the first states in the nation to outlaw the promsiscuous [sic] use of the dream drug LSD. Nevada Gov. Grant Sawyer and California Gov. Edmund G. Brown signed similar LSD control bills into law. The statutes were generally the same. Each outlaws the manufacture, sale and possession of the drug but permits its use in supervised research projects. The California statute makes possession or knowing use of hallucination- causing drug [sic] a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $1,000 or a year in jail. …Backers of both bills claimed the illicit use of LSD and similar drugs was reaching epidemic proportions on college campuses…

    …Dr. Timothy Leary, a controversial supporter of LSD, said control laws were “hysterical” and “unrealistic.” He suggested that Brown (and presumably Sawyer) should take the drug and “discover first hand why the young people of his state are willing to risk prison to expand their consciousness.”

    The start of the law coincides with another controversy surrounding the gubernatorial campaign of Dr. Leary. Opponents question his connection to the state as has only lived in California since 1963, after being dismissed from the staff of Harvard University for controversial experiments and testing of LSD on student volunteers.

    Dr. Richard Alpert of Harvard, a supporter of Dr. Leary, claims the attacks on Leary are “corrupt exaggerations” and that Leary should be given “the same amount of respect that the more established politicians give each – publicly, I mean, the amount of respect they publicly give each other.”

    – The San Diego Union-Tribune, 10/6/1966

    My friend’s face had more blood than skin on it. But the bridge was worse – just a skeletal frame now. His death was not in vein. I called in the hit. Our CO radio it in, saying “Tell the Colonel we’ve taken out the target.”

    – ret. U.S. Army Gen. Ronald Lawrence “Ron” Kovic’s memoirs Born on the Fourth of July, Spirit of Freedom Publishing, 2010

    The key bridge at Lanong being destroyed part just a part of the overall campaign to wipe out as many of the Viet Cong’s amenities as possible. The VC were very adaptable and quick builders, “like tropical Amish devils,” General Kovic would once infamously call them. Roads and weapons and underground tunnels were one thing, but bridges were another matter for them. The materials and hours of manpower and labor required to reconnect the relevant trails inhibited their efforts. Subsequently, their attacks became less frequent as supplies took longer to transport. Like the man once said, “It doesn’t take a genius to know you should check if you’re packing for a knife fight or a gun fight,” and the months and months of studying the enemy were finally starting to pay off. Our morale was boosting. Sanders’ idea was working.

    …In Saigon, Secretary Bonesteel coined the term “Foreign Americanization” for the process of training SV soldiers with their own knowledge of local terrain and customs…

    …Charlies popping out of the ground like prairie dogs continued to be a thorn in our side, though...

    Finally, on October 13, some good news came when an airborne unit took out Nguyen Van Coc – a N.V. fighter ace allegedly responsible for six air-to-air combat kills. His skill and precision with his aircraft set him apart from his fellow flyers – which allowed our men to spot him, outflank him, and finally take him down.

    – John J. Polonko Jr.’s All’s Fair: What Makes War Necessary & What War Makes Necessary, Hachette Book Group USA, 2007

    It was rejuvenating for Lyndon to return to a more active role in the Democratic Party. Of course, many Congressmen and Senators had their reservations about embracing the man they blamed for losing the White House just two years prior. Several former pro-segregation congressmen actively and vocally distanced themselves away from him. But Lyndon focused more on promoting those who embraced his support, believing those who didn’t would lose to primary challengers he backed, like what happened in 1962 over the Civil Rights Act. So in the fall, Lyndon resumed flexing his political muscles, starting with backroom meetings with local unions to promote Democrats in the rust belt to combat the Vice President’s popularity in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And while Lyndon kept himself busy, Ladybird was relieved he was now, in her words, “too happy being too busy and too happy to smoke.”

    – Bobby Baker, RNN interview, 1979

    George Brown’s Labour government lodged the UK’s second application to join the European Economic Community (known as the Common Market outside of the U.K.) on 20 October 1966. Without de Gaulle being in power to veto it like he did during the UK’s first application, relations with France warmed upon Mitterrand supporting the move, which allowed Brown to negotiate terms for admission in order for the U.K. to join the Community by the end of 1967.

    – William D. Rubinstein’s Twentieth-Century Britain: A Political History, Palgrave Publishers, 2003


    …Congressman Gerald Ford (R-MI) was caught complaining, “We’ve revived the economy, Pathet Lao is on the run, and small businesses are sprouting up left and right! We should be trouncing the liberals in the polls.” …Senator Dirksen, on the other hand, is more optimistic, saying “The voters are well-informed and will make the right decisions in election night.”

    – The Washington Post, 10/27/1966


    [pic: ]
    – Sanders with Senator Bud Wilkinson (right, adjusting his tie), Harley Sanders (far right, just out of frame) and two unidentified staffers at a campaign stop outside of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, c. late October 1966


    – The Washington Post, 10/30/1966


    …With one week left to go until the election for governor, Republican nominee Claude Kirk’s numbers are suffering... Kirk’s counterclaim that the reports “are baseless attempts at character assassination” appears to be failing as his opponent, Mayor Robert King High (D), continues to lead in the polls….

    – The Palm Beach Post, 11/1/1966

    United States Senate election results, 1966
    Date: November 8, 1966
    Seats: 36 of 100
    Seats needed for majority: 51
    Senate majority leader: Mike Mansfield (D-MT)
    Senate minority leader: Everett Dirksen (R-IL)
    Seats before election: 55 (D), 45 (R)
    Seats after election: 58 (D), 42 (R)
    Seat change: D ^ 3, R v 3

    Full list:
    Alabama: incumbent John Sparkman (D) over John Grenier (R)
    Alaska: incumbent Bob Bartlett (D) over Lee L. McKinley (R)
    Arkansas: incumbent John L. McClellan (D) unopposed
    Colorado: incumbent Gordon L. Allott (R) over Byron Johnson (D) and Henry Olshaw (HIP)
    Delaware: incumbent J. Caleb Boggs (R) over James M. Tunnell Jr. (D)
    Georgia: incumbent Richard Russell Jr. (D) over J. B. Stoner (HIP)
    Idaho: incumbent Len Jordan (R) over Ralph Harding (D)
    Illinois: incumbent Paul Douglas (D) over Lawrence J. S. “Lar” Daly (R) and Robert Sabonjian (HIP)
    Iowa: incumbent Jack Miller (R) over E. B. Smith (D) and Robert D. Dilley (HIP)
    Iowa (special): Harold Hughes (D) over incumbent appointee Henry Oscar Talle (R)
    Kansas: incumbent James B. Pearson (R) over George W. Snell (HIP), James Floyd Breeding (D) and Earl Dodge (Prohibition)
    Kentucky: incumbent John Sherman Cooper (R) over Gaines P. Wilson (D)
    Louisiana: incumbent Allen J. Ellender (D) unopposed
    Maine: incumbent Margaret Chase Smith (R) over Elmer H. Violette (D)
    Massachusetts: incumbent Ed Brooke (R) over Endicott Peabody (D)
    Michigan: incumbent appointee Robert P. Griffin (R) over Richard F. Vander Veen (D)
    Minnesota: incumbent Walter Mondale (D) over Robert A. Forsythe (R)
    Mississippi: incumbent James Eastland (D) over Prentiss Walker (R) and Clifton R. Whitley (I)
    Montana: incumbent Lee Metcalf (D) over Tim M. Babcock (R)
    Nebraska: incumbent appointee Dwight W. Burney (R) over C. Armstrong Callan (D)
    New Hampshire: incumbent Thomas J. McIntyre (D) over Chester Earl Merrow (R)
    New Jersey: incumbent Clifford P. Case (R) over Warren W. Wilentz (D)
    New Mexico: incumbent Clinton Presba Anderson (D) over Anderson Carter (R)
    North Carolina: incumbent B. Everett Jordan (D) over John S. Shallcross (R)
    Oklahoma: incumbent Bud Wilkinson (R) over Fred R. Harris (D)
    Oregon: Mark Hatfield (R) over Robert B. Duncan (D)
    Rhode Island: incumbent Claiborne Pell (D) over Ruth M. Briggs (R)
    South Carolina: incumbent Strom Thurmond (R) over Bradley Morrah (D)
    South Carolina (special): incumbent appointee Fritz Hollings (D) over Marshall Parker (R) [4]
    South Dakota: incumbent Karl Earl Mundt (R) over Donn H. Wright (D)
    Tennessee: incumbent Howard Baker (R) over Frank G. Clement (D)
    Texas: Lyndon B. Johnson (D) over incumbent John G. Tower (R) and Bruce Alger (HIP)
    Virginia: incumbent A. Willis Robertson (D) over James P. Ould Jr. (R) and F. Lee Hawthorne (HIP)
    Virginia (special): incumbent appointee Harry F. Byrd Jr. (D) over Lawrence M. Traylor (R) and John W. Carter (I)
    West Virginia: incumbent Jennings Randolph (D) over Francis J. Love (R)
    Wyoming: Gale W. McGee (D) over Clifford P. Hansen (R)



    …Edward William “Ed” Brooke III (R-MA) is set to become the first Black American to serve in the US Senate since Republican politician Blanche Kelso Bruce represented Mississippi in that chamber from 1875 to 1881. As Senators were elected by state legislatures in Bruce’s day, Brooke’s election tonight marks the very first time that a Black American has won the popular vote in a race for a US Senate seat. “Brooke’s victory tonight demonstrates the diversity of American ideology,” remarked his campaign manager to reporters ahead of Brooke’s victory speech, in which the Senator-elect pledged to pursue policy to aid “all families and all workers,” as Brooke put it. “Tonight has really shown how far we have come as a nation, especially in these past few years,” his manager adds…

    The Boston Globe, 11/8/1966

    United States House of Representatives results, 1966
    Date: November 8, 1966
    Seats: All 437
    Seats needed for majority: 218
    House majority leader: John McCormack (D-MA)
    House minority leader: Charles Halleck (R-IN)
    Last election: 224 (D), 213 (R)
    Seats won: 214 (D), 223 (R)
    Seat change: D v 10, R ^ 10

    – [5]

    United States Governor election results, 1966
    Date: November 8, 1966
    State governorship elections held: 35
    Seats before: 29 (D), 21 (R)
    Seats after: 27 (D), 23 (R)
    Seat change: D v 2, R ^ 2

    Full List:
    Alabama: William Ryan DeGreffenried Sr. (D) over John M. Patterson (HIP) and Arthur Glenn Andrews (R)
    Alaska: incumbent Mike Stepovich (R) over Wendall P. Kay (D) and John Grasse (I)
    Arizona: incumbent Paul Fannin (R) over Norman Green (D)
    Arkansas: incumbent Winthrop Rockefeller (R) over James Douglas Johnson (D)
    California: incumbent Pat Brown (D) over Ray Kroc (R) and Timothy Leary (Natural Mind)
    Colorado: incumbent John Arthur Love (R) over Robert Lee Knous (D) and Walter R. Plankinton (HIP)
    Connecticut: incumbent John N. Dempsey (D) over E. Clayton Gengras (R)
    Florida: Robert King High (D) over Claude Kirk (R)
    Georgia: Bo Callaway (R) over Jimmy Carter (D) and Lester Maddox (HIP)
    Hawaii: incumbent John A. Burns (D) over Randolph Crossley (R)
    Idaho: Charles Herndon (D) over Don Samuelson (R), Perry Swisher (I) and Philip Jungert (I)
    Iowa: Robert D. Ray (R) over Robert D. Fulton (D) and David B. Quiner (HIP)
    Kansas: incumbent William H. Avery (R) over Robert B. Docking (D) and Rolland Ernest Fisher (Prohibition)
    Maine: incumbent John H. Reed (R) over Kenneth M. Curtis (D)
    Maryland: Spiro T. Agnew (R) over Hyman A. Pressman (D) and George P. Mahoney (HIP)
    Massachusetts: incumbent John A. Volpe (R) over Edward J. McCormack Jr. (D)
    Michigan: incumbent George W. Romney (R) over Zolton A. Ferency (D)
    Minnesota: Coya Knutson (D) over Harold LeVander (R)
    Nebraska: incumbent Frank B. Morrison (D) over Philip Hart Weaver (R) and Philip C. Sorensen (Liberal)
    Nevada: incumbent Grant Sawyer (D) over Wilford Owen Woodruff (R) and Lloyd E. Gilbert (HIP)
    New Hampshire: Harrison Reed Thyng (R) over incumbent John W. King (D)
    New Mexico: David F. Cargo (R) over incumbent Jack M. Campbell (D)
    New York: Mario Biaggi / Orin D. Lehman (D/C) over incumbent Malcolm Wilson / John O’Leary (R) and Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. / James L. Farmer Jr. (Liberal)
    Ohio: incumbent Jim Rhodes (R) over Frazier Reams Jr. (D)
    Oklahoma: Dewey F. Bartlett (R) over Preston J. Moore (D)
    Oregon: Tom McCall (R) over Robert W. Straub (D)
    Pennsylvania: Robert Casey Sr. (D) over Harold Stassen (R)
    Rhode Island: incumbent John Chafee (R) over Horace E. Hobbs (D)
    South Carolina: Joseph O. Rogers Jr. (R) over incumbent Robert McNair (D) and Alfred William “Red” Bethea (HIP)
    South Dakota: Frank Farrar (R) over incumbent Ralph Herseth (D)
    Tennessee: Buford Ellington (D) over H. L. Crowder (HIP), Charlie Moffett (I) and Charles Gordon Vick (I)
    Texas: John Connally (D) over T. E. Kennerly (R) and Ed Walker (HIP)
    Vermont: incumbent Philip H. Hoff (D) over Richard Snelling (R)
    Wisconsin: Patrick J. Lucey (D) over incumbent Warren P. Knowles (R)
    Wyoming: Teno Roncalio (D) over Stanley K. Hathaway (R)


    The 1966 midterms produced lukewarm results.

    One the one hand, Republicans lost three seats in the Senate. The night’s “hottest” political fight was in Texas, where former President Lyndon B. Johnson returned to the Senate by defeating incumbent Republican Senator John G. Tower for Johnson’s own former Senate seat. Republican leaders admittedly considered the net loss to be “lackluster,” and some of them blamed Conservative Republicans for the loss, claiming their killing of a promising bill in September upset “just enough” voters.

    On the other hand, the GOP finally regained control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 14 years, since the 1952 elections. The victory came amidst an uneasy stagnant conflict continuing in Indochina butting heads with an economic upswing. Democratic voters blamed the party for producing “poor candidates” and others pointed the finger at the return of Lyndon Johnson reminding voters of why they had made him a one-term President in 1964. This claim held only some water, though, as Johnson focused more on the Senate elections than the House elections.

    Instead, the reason for the results was more twofold; In the words of Howard K. Smith of ABC News, “A referendum on the country’s posture in Indochina was held in the Senate; a referendum on the country’s economic strength was held in the House.”

    Indeed, the “Indochina Imbroglio” and race riots emboldened Democrats while the Colonel’s untangling of the red tape confining small businesses emboldened the Republicans. Additionally, the Democrats sought to reassemble parts of LBJ’s 1960 coalition of voters – union leaders, white ethnic minorities, blacks and immigrants – with underwhelming results; Republicans sought to hold onto businessmen, east-coast intellectuals.

    But why the Democratic increase in the Senate and concurrent decrease in the House, then? Because all politics is local, as the oddly-worded phrase goes. US Senators typically pay more attention to foreign policy because they can afford to – every two Senators represent an entire state, while US Representatives must cater more directly to the concerns of their districts. This usually leads to Representatives focusing on issues “closer to home.”

    Indeed, local politics was where it was the most intense as most voters pondered one question above all others, if not in these exact words: “which is better, reducing taxes to allow for the citizens themselves to pay for social improvements and allow for better entrepreneurial opportunities, or raising taxes to pay for social improvements through government-run programs?” At the local level, voters appreciated The Colonel’s decentralization of business regulations that had allowed for a 12% increase in businesses being founded in the 1965-1966 period, and that had helped to lower the unemployment level in several states. As such, more financially-conscious voters leaned to The Colonel’s Party, while voters more concerned with foreign policy leaned away.

    – David Pietrusza’s The Epic Campaigns of the 1960s, Scholastic, 2008

    GRIMSBY: “…Tonight was a historic night for the people of Washington, D.C., as it was their very first direct mayoral election. John Kraft, our political analyst in D.C., joins us now. Can you walk us through tonight’s significance for us, John?”

    KRAFT: “Certainly, Roger. From 1878 to 1962, Washington, D.C. was administrated by a three-member bipartisan Board of Commissioners, all of whom were appointed by the U.S. President. But then in 1962, amidst the Cuban War and the Civil Rights movement, Johnson quietly sent to congress a plan to give the residents of Capitol Hill more say in who serves them. The Board was replaced by a Mayor-Commissioner during the reorganization of D.C.’s government, and Johnson, to placate southern congressional leaders, appointed Edward Bennett Williams to be mayor-commissioner until the first election was held tonight. Williams was backed by the Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, but due to being widely unpopular, Williams did not run in tonight’s election.”

    GRIMSBY: “So who did, John?”

    KRAFT: “The Democratic nominee, city councilman Cliff Alexander, shared tonight’s election ballot with two independents – Sam Harris and Raymond Ellis – and a Republican named Jackson Champion, who repeated claimed Alexander was too young and inexperienced for the job. This claim apparently didn’t stick, though, as Alexander won with over 70% of the vote. This make Alexander the city’s first African-American head of stat. And at age 33, he is also one of the city’s youngest heads-of-state in decades.”

    GRIMBSY: “If that’s the case, then it will be very interesting to see how well he does in office…”

    – ABC News broadcast, election night news coverage, 11/8/1966


    Sacramento, CA – The Golden State is not a friend to the Golden Arches of McDonald’s tonight, as the people of California have voted for Pat Brown (D) over McDonald’s CEO Ray Kroc (R) by a 10% margin. …If Brown completes this third term, he will become the longest-serving Governor in state history. ...Brown, meanwhile, maintained fairly high approval ratings for his handling of war protestors in 1963-64, leading to him defeating conservative opponent Sam Yorty in the June primary by a wide margin. …Kroc was repeatedly called an opportunist with no political experience unready to handle the responsibilities of the nation’s largest state economy and the most populous state in the union. Kroc making several gaffes and controversial statements, and, to be frank, receiving no love from the White House, likely contributed to his first foray into politics ending in failure…

    – The Sacramento Bee, 11/8/1966


    [pic: ]

    “but the worst part was the massive amount of debt Ray had accumulated during the campaign…”

    – Former McDonald’s CEO June Martino, KNN interview, 1983

    IT’S MARIO!: Cop-Congressman Elected Governor

    Bronx, NY – Mario Biaggi has experienced an unbelievable meteoric rise. Just five years ago, in 1961, Biaggi was a veteran police officer who, inspired by President Johnson’s domestic programs and the war in Cuba, entered law school and a bid for a Congressional seat at roughly the same time. After a single term on Capitol Hill, he gave up his House Seat to successfully run for the Governorship. …While Biaggi’s biggest support came from the more conservative upstate New York, his campaign did also find appeal in the Big Apple. According one survey, Biaggi’s anti-crime stance, and his backing of a successful law-and-order bill earlier this year, resonated with middle-income voters. Another survey credited President Sanders’ support of Biaggi’s congressional activism (though not his candidacy) helped win over some registered Republicans. …“Rockefeller mismanaged and threw the state into spiraling debt and it will take a Democrat to fix it!” said former Mayor Wagner.

    The New York Times, 11/8/1966

    COYA WINS! Congresswoman Knutson Makes History In Being Elected Minnesota’s First Woman Governor!


    [pic: ]
    Coya Knutson, now Governor-Elect, during a CBS interview last month in which she replied that, if she won this election, "My focus will not be on making history. My focus will be on making Minnesotan families be well-fed and financially well-off."

    …last night, the people of Minnesota took to the polling booths and elected US Rep. Coya Knutson (D) to be the first female Governor of the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes. Knutson bested Republican challenger Harold LeVander by a margin of roughly 4%, in a night that was favorable to Democratic nominee. Knutson’s candidacy was strongly endorsed by the likes of Senator Walter Mondale, former Governor Orville Freeman, and former Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Knutson’s race for the governor’s seat was also possibly benefited from high turnout among woman voters and young voters, who, along with rural voters attracted to the pro-farmer planks of Knutson’s campaign’s platforms, were able to outnumber LeVander's base of supporters, which were found primarily in urban and suburban areas…

    The Minneapolis Star, Minnesota newspaper, 11/9/1966


    [pic: ]

    – US Representative-Elect Mike Gravel (D-AS) tours Washington, D.C. with other Representatives-Elect, c. November 1966

    November 1966 marked the conclusion of the two-person Gemini Program and the start of the Apollo missions. Both became the most famous of NASA’s Mission Programs due to their historical feats. Right out the starting gate, we travelled around the moon – astronaut Jim McDivitt (b. 1929) achieved the honor of being the very first to orbit around the moon in the Apollo 1 craft...

    – NASA scientist Farouk El-Baz’s Up and Away: How The Cold War Competition Pushed Us Into The Stars, MacFarland & Company, 1994


    …Queen Frederica’s death exactly one year ago today may have contributed to the cooling of tensions between the socialist and capitalist factions in the Greek government. The Queen was heavily unpopular among the people of Greece due to her unconstitutional intervention in national politics. …According to one poll, 15% of Greeks believe that the Queen may have been assassinated, but “no political leader would dare murder his boss’s wife,” according to one anonymous member of Greek parliament...

    – The Daily Express, conservative UK newspaper, 12/1/1966

    On December 2, N.R.S.A. Administrator Ralph Nader met with labor organizer Walter Reuther, the progressive President of the United Automobile Workers labor union, to discuss how to better labor relations concerning safety groups and the automobile manufacturing industry, and ways in which both groups could work together in an effort to repair and maintain America’s infrastructure projects. Nader would call the meeting “pragmatic and enlightening.” Because President Sanders’s trusting of his cabinet and cabinet-level “co-workers” (as he would often call them) to perform their duties “without [his] constant supervision,” this meeting would significantly help shape the way the NRSA approached road safety under Nader’s administration…

    – From prize-winning historian Jeff Greenfield’s How Everything Changed, 2011


    London – …The escalating violence in Northern Ireland has claimed 4 lives, destroyed thousands of dollars of property, and led to hundreds of arrests as the Irish Republican Army terror group continues to wreak havoc on Eire. The Brown government is working with American officials to combat hostilities, but it is possible that these activities are not endemic to the death of American citizen Stephen E. Smith. …IRA had first increased its levels of violence over the Macmillan government’s involvement in the Cuba War. According to Home Secretary Roy Jenkins, the group was also inspired by events in France during these past two years to “disrupt the basic functions of British society for their own gain”…

    The Daily Mirror, liberal UK newspaper, 12/3/1966

    U.S. Citizen Approval of U.S. Operations in Vietnam

    Approve: 42%
    Disapprove: 41%
    Uncertain: 17%

    – Gallop poll, published 12/4/1966

    December 18, 1966
    To: The President
    From: General Abrams

    Mister President,

    The army is in higher spirits in response to the recent capture of a high-ranking Viet Cong leader. Muoi Khang, also known as Hoang Van Thai, was wounded and apprehended by a division of Army troops who were expanding U.S./South Vietnamese control of the Fourth Quadrant to the edge of the Cambodian border. Muoi Khang is a stubborn and wily man, refusing to talk and repeatedly trying to escape regardless of what punishment he receives during the attempts.

    However, during the capture, important documents were discovered as well. Our specialist here is certain they are legitimate – a fake set of plans purposeless left out for us would be easier to translate, according to our expert – and they give strong evidence to there being major Viet Cong regional headquarters and recruitment centers in Memot, Cambodia. We sent out a reconnaissance division and it appears they are relocating. We are taking immediate action to meet them at the border to take them out before they can flee to parts unknown. We are currently attempting to inform Cambodia’s leaders of the movement. Even if we are unsuccessful of snuffing them out here, we will nonetheless be giving a crushing blow to them. The vulnerability of their headquarters and the compromising of the Ho Chi Minh trail – as you will recall, their new rerouted routes go farther into Cambodia and Laos – is raising our moral and possibly weakening theirs.

    Meanwhile, troops are still maintain ground around Khe Sanh. The fighting is intermittent but intense, but our men are strong and fearless – we will be victorious in pushing them off.

    – Private memo, declassified and disclosed alongside other documents by the Pentagon on 1/15/2013 by order of the US President

    I was resting with Ho Chi Minh outside of his stilt house on the grounds of the presidential palace when a messenger was permitted to approach us. He came bearing grave news.

    “Uncle Ho, if I may be so honored to call you that, sir, uh.”

    “What is it, dear comrade?” Ho Chi Minh inquired.

    “We’ve intercepted a memo from the Americans. They know of our men in Memot.”

    “Oh dear,” he pondered.

    After sending the messenger away, I sprang up. “Ho, this confirms what I’ve suspected!” Clutching the report in my hand, I reminded my compatriot, “we’ve been seeing the Americans increasing their focus on southern parts of the Truong Son Road,” which is what we called the Ho Chi Minh Trail, “for months now!”

    “Yes, and they’ve also been redirecting troops and increasing attacks on our Pathet Lao brethren.” I though about all we knew about the Great Enemy – the activities of the Americans, the South Vietnamese, and the Lao. But also about all the talks between Khanh, the Lao and Comabodian Kings, and the Chicken Colonel – all deciphered apart from some utterances of ‘something big.’”

    “Le Duan,” Ho Chi Minh said, “I think we should dedicate more of our brethren-in-arms to Cambodia immediately.”

    “I concur.”

    – Le Duan’s A Divided We Fall: The Real History of Vietnam in the Twentieth Century, Freedom Province Books, 2002

    As 1966 came to a close, Father still wanted to sign an anti-nuclear testing treaty with the Soviets. But the timing just wasn’t right. Instead, the whole idea was put on hiatus as America’s land, sea, and air resources readied for the leading of Laotian-South Vietnam forces into the “D-Day” of the ’60s – the [January 1967] Invasion of North Vietnam!

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991


    [pic: ]
    – Colonel Sander (left) and Ho Chi Minh (right)

    These are the tests that try all leaders
    These are the questions that they must answer
    Will they bleed, like their soldiers?
    Will they cry, like the widows of their soldiers?
    Will they be worthy of memory, like all of those who fall in their name?
    How strong is their spine, their vanity, their integrity?
    Their stubbornness, their pride, their debt to the powers above them?
    How much will they sacrifice, and for whom – their countrymen, their country, their puppet-masters, or their selves?
    These tests try all leaders – and they also try us all.

    – anti-war poet Adrienne Rich, 1966

    [1] This guy:
    [2] Similar to what almost happened to Caroline Kennedy IOTL!:
    [3] All these italicized lines are taken from here:
    [4] While narrow IOTL at 51.3%-to-48.7%, here it’s even narrower, at 50.1%-to-49.9%!
    [5] Republicans managed to actually produce a net gain of eight seats by focusing on domestic economic prosperity in the House while Democrats bogged them down in the Senate with the year’s foreign policy slip-ups. The 1962 winners James T. McKinstry (R-DE-AtLarge), Hamer H. Budge (R-ID-2), George O. Chambers (R-IN-5), Coya Knuston (D-MN-9), Robert Bartel (R-MO-11), Hugh L. Carey (D-NY-12), John H. Rousselot (R-CA-25), H. L. Richardson (R-CA-29), John D. Fox (R-MO-4), Carrol M. Barringer (R-NC-10), J. Kenneth Robinson (R-VA-7), Floyd Spence (R-SC-2), John Pritchard (D-IN-9), Frank W. Less (D-IA-2), Harding C. Noblitt (DFL-MN-7), E. Dent Lackey (D-NY-40), Robert E. Cook (D-OH-11), and Wilkes Thrasher (D-TN-3) all won re-election again. Robert French (R-AL-5) was re-elected, Sam Steiger (R-AZ-3) was re-elected, J. E. Hinshaw (R-Ark.-3) won re-election over James Trimble (D), Robert C. Cline (R-CA-22) won re-election, and Shirley Temple Black (CA-35) succeeded James B. Utt (R). Republicans Jerry L. Pettis (CA-33), Patrick M. Martin (CA-38), Donald G. Brotzman (CO-2), John Chenoweth (CO-3), Abner W. Sibal (Conn.-4), Roscoe Pickett (GA-4), Edward Y. Chapin (GA-7), John Mattmiller (ID-1), Roger H. Zion (Indiana-8), incumbent Earl Wilson (Indiana-9), Don A. Tabbert (Indiana-11), incumbent Fred Schwengel (Iowa-1), incumbent John Henry Kyl (Iowa-4), incumbent Ben F. Jensen (Iowa-7), incumbent Gene Snyder (Kentucky-3), incumbent Clyde Middleton (KY-4), incumbent Walter Clay Vaan Hoose (KY-7), David C. Treen (LA-2), Floyd O. Crawford (LA-6) (over John Rarick (D/HIP)), William S. Walker (LA-8), George Meader (Michigan-2), incumbent August E. Johansen (Michigan-3), incumbent Victor A. Knox (Michigan-11), Richard D. Kuhn (Michigan-19), Robert J. Odegard (MN-6), incumbent Ralph F. Beermann (Neb.-1), incumbent Louis C. Wyman (NH-1), incumbent Milton W. Glenn (NJ-2), Marcus Daly (NJ-3), incumbent Frank C. Osmers Jr. (NJ-9), incumbent Steven Boghos Derounian (NY-3), Luigi R. Marano (NY-15), incumbent Robert R. Barry (NY-25), incumbent Katharine St. George (NY-27), incumbent J. Ernest Wharton (NY-28), incumbent R. Walter Riehlman (NY-34), incumbent John R. Pillion (NY-39), incumbent Don L. Short (ND-2), incumbent Carl W. Rich (OH-1), incumbent Paul F. Schenck (OH-3), incumbent Homer E. Abele (OH-10), Oliver P. Bolton (OH-at large), incumbent Irene Baker (TN-2), Robert B. James (TN-9), Bayard C. Auchincloss (OK-6), incumbent George Atlee Goodling (PA-19), James C. Gardner (NC-4), incumbent Walt Horan (WA-5), incumbent K. William Stinson (WA-7), incumbent Henry C. Schadeberg (Wisc.-1), incumbent William Van Pelt (WA-6), incumbent William H. Harrison (WY at-large) and incumbent James D. Weaver (PA-24) all won their respective bids for election or re-election. Dorothy R. Powers (R-WA-6) primaried incumbent Thor C. Tollefson (WA-6) and won in the election over Alice Franklin Bryant (D). Concerning Republican gains, Mike Thompson (R-FL-12) won over incumbent Dante Fascell (D). M. Blaine Peterson (D-UT-1) lost to Laurence J. Burton (R). Fletcher Thompson (R-GA-5) won over Archie L. Lindsey (D) after the incumbent Democrat retired. John J. Hoellen (R-IL-11) won over an incumbent Democrat, as did Tom Railsback (R-IL-19). R. Douglas Ford (R-KY-2) won over incumbent William Huston Natcher (D) by a hair. Incumbent Democrat John C. Mackie (D-MI-7) lost re-election to Donald Riegle Jr. (R). John E. Hunt (R-NJ-1) won over Michael J. Piarulli (D). Robert C. Davidson (R-NM at-large #1) bested incumbent E. S. J. Walker (D) in New Mexico. Dniel E. Button (R-NY-29) won over Richard J. Connors (D) and John Muller (Conservative). Richard B. Barnwell (R-NC-6) won over incumbent Horace Korngay (D); W. Scott Harvey (R-NC-11) won over incumbent Roy A. Taylor (D); Chalmers P. Wylie (R-OH-15) won the seat of the 15th district; Donald E. Lukens (R-OH-24) won over J. H. Pelley (D); Lawrence G. Williams (R-PA-7) won over John J. Logue (D); Robert Bear Cohen (R-PA-4) won the election after the incumbent Democrat retired; Albert Watson (R-SC-4) won over incumbent Robert T. Ashmore in an upset. George H. W. Bush (R-TX-7) won over Frank Briscoe (D) by a 7% margin despite LBJ campaigning for Briscoe. However, Incumbent Hastings Keith (R-MA-12) lost re-election to Edward F. Harrington (D). Walter Judd (R-MN-5) lost re-election to Donald M. Fraser (D) due to Judd’s foreign policy experience being criticized. W. A. Armfield (R-NC-5) lost re-election to Nick Galifianakis (D), Ed Foreman (R-TX-16), lost to Richard C. White (D) thanks to LBJ campaigning for White; similarly, Robert Price (R-TX-18) lost to Dee Miller (D). Democrats Howard W. Smith (VA-8) and William Pat Jennings (VA-9) both won re-election thanks to support from LBJ. And finally, the incumbent Lowell Thomas Jr. (R-Alaska at-large) lost re-election to Mike Gravel! 18 Republican wins – 8 Democratic wins = 10 Republican wins (if the math doesn't add up (if I forgot a name or miscounted, or left out an important election or something), please let me know).

    That was a huge chapter!

    Kroc in government will have a huge effect on McD’s.

    Sanders going for the clandestine approach was a novel way of avoiding civilian casualties. Wonder if he’ll call in any French expertise on the area?

    Oko didn’t marry John. Good.

    Has Jacko found a mentor there I wonder?

    Good idea!

    more mentions of my boi

    Thanks; he really is an interesting character!

    Is no one gonna mention Ms Wanda Boner? Reminds me of an old ad I saw reviewed by Nostalgia Critic.
    She's a real person; her name's on that letter Sanders sent to Hoover (the link was in a recent chapter, I believe)

    I just realized something--we're where the Prologue started, IIRC...

    Wonder what happens from here, and waiting for more...

    Next Update E.T.A.: May 23!
    Last edited:
    Chapter 26: January 1967 – June 1967
  • Chapter 26: January 1967 – June 1967

    Through his life
    He had dreamt the dream of peace
    The hope that war will finally cease
    And the prayer of new found goals
    To find love in our souls

    – part of an untitled and undated poem by Teresa Jane McGovern (OTL)

    Halleck Calls For “Compromise” Legislation On His First Day As House Speaker

    ...Charles Halleck, whom served as House Majority leader from 1947 to 1949 and again from 1953 to 1955, and as the House Minority leader for the last eight years, may be attempting party unity amid ‘concerns’ over the growing conservative wing of the Republican Party, according to our sources on The Hill. …“He wants to find common ground among moderate, liberal and conservative Republicans and build up some meaningful legislation on that base,” explains Congressman Leslie Arends (R-IL), the new House Majority Leader…

    The Washington Post, 1/3/1967

    “Freedom is a God-given right, but in some places it is not a birthright, but a right that must be earned, not given or received straight out. The Laotian and South Vietnam men in Southeast Asia are fighting valiantly for the right to have this freedom for their people. They are fighting for all freedom-loving people in Southeast Asia and the world, and with our supervision they will be victorious.”

    – President Harland Sanders, The State of the Union address, 1/10/1967

    “The mosquitoes here aren’t as bad as the ones down South,” the more seasoned men would say. But I guess a stab wound is nothing compared to a bullet wound… Passing through those steep valleys gave us all a sense of trepidation, especially when the fog rolled in. Cloaked and reliant on the signals of the men ahead of us, we became a caravan of silence – the entire platoon of 30-to-40 men, led by a lieutenant colonel better known for barking than clamming up. The hot jungle terrain gave our legs quite the workout, and the humidity made us sweat profusely. …Repeatedly, we would come to a halt and wait for the platoon ahead of us to signal that it was clear for us to advance another half-klick [1], and continue the slow and meticulous march alongside the mountain’s edge. When scaling the higher parts of the path, we were advised not to look down, but at one point, curiosity got the best of me. The distance to the jungle floor was unnerving, I will admit, but more because of the fear that a slip would alert Charlies to us, rather than the fear of the slip itself.

    – ret. US Army Gen. Eldon A. Bargewell’s memoirs The Games We Play For Freedom, Spirit of Freedom Publishing, 2010


    [ pic: ]
    – A valley in the Moc Chau District, roughly 30 miles from Hoa Binh, (North) Vietnam

    Cuba was a wake-up call for us. From that conflict, we realized that we could not always charge into an enemies’ territory like a bull in a China shop, blind to the conditions that make each foreign territory unique from each other and from our own terrain. “Knowledge will remain a crucial tool of any battle,” Johnson advisor Harold Keith Johnson once said, “and if anything came out of the Fried Charlie fiasco in Vietnam, it was that air power couldn’t do the job[2]. Indeed, the Vietnamese only adapted their war strategies to circumvent our superior bombing capabilities.


    The President reiterated his view of the military – as a branch of politics, meant to enforce order in order for peace to be maintained. Sanders wanted absolute assurance that Operation Spicy Strychnine (but more often called Operation Fried Charlie 2.0) would succeed, and that the military could assist in him reaching political goals.

    “What about air power?” The Colonel replied, “We can’t have the men on the ground exposed.”

    “We’ve reached your requested number of jets; the south division will shoot down enemy aircraft and lead a distraction seven klicks north of the DMV to give the idea of an offense playing out there. The north division will shoot down any enemy jets not sent to the diversion, and they are not to drop their payloads until they’ve reached the capital.”

    Toward the end of the last-minute discussion, I confided in the President, “I cannot promise an easy victory; blood is always spilled. But at the current rate, our forces are just outside of Hoa Binh and the border, and so far more blood of the enemy is being spilled than the blood of our own. And I cannot promise a quick victory; success cannot be rushed. But the force of the American Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force are stronger than they have ever been before. We’ve done the recon; we now know the land, we know the people, and most importantly, we know the enemy. We are determined and united behind the ideals of the freed world and as such, no American soldier or allied soldier that dies in this conflict will do so in vain. For I can promise this – this campaign will end the war in a great and glorious victory for freedom and Democracy.”

    The Colonel thanked me, and I said, “Thank you, Mr. President.”

    – General Creighton Abrams in his personal memoirs, 1974


    [pic: ]
    – Smoke rises from a building hit by US & SV tanks rolling into the city of Qui Chau, two provinces south of Hanoi, 1/23/1967

    The Americans and their Lao and South allies invaded the North in a three pronged strike – tanks rolled past the North-South border while stealth ops and guerillas snuck into the North’s western provinces from their hub near Xam Nua, Laos, followed by the US Navy landing along the coast to besiege the cities of Thanh Pho Vinh and other spots. After getting past the border valleys, the land troops took control of several villages and settlements in Son La Province, then shot straight for Hoa Binh, a pivotal city just 20 miles west of Hanoi.

    We learned of that location’s fall as SV/US jets continued to hammer the city prior to their ground counterparts arriving.

    “I really was not expecting them to get past Hoa Binh,” I remember saying.

    Ho Chi Minh was more incensed: “I was not expecting them to even get near the border! Those messages, they were purposely send out for us to detect and decipher; they were all a ruse to move our [Viet Cong] leaders away from here!”

    After another bomb shook the ground, I reiterated “Ho Chi Minh, we must relocate!”

    “No! We must stay here to join our comrades when they repel these invaders.”

    “But what if they don’t?”

    “They will! They’ll be helped by the men sent to the South returning in time. It must happen!”

    “Ho Chi Minh, you are too valuable to us for us to risk your life on the chance, no matter how small, that this may end poorly for us.”

    Ho Chi Minh stood up and looked out onto Hanoi’s skyline, burning, as red as the blood being spilled.

    “My city...”

    ...Naturally, we travelled lightly...

    – Le Duan’s Divided We Fall: The Real History of Vietnam in the Twentieth Century, Freedom Province Books, 2002


    [ pic: ]
    – ARVN Rangers advancing on VC ground forces 5 miles from the Presidential palace, 1/24/1967


    …a school building has become a makeshift emergency center as local hospitals are overwhelmed with wounded citizens and soldiers. I was visiting one medical center when SV men raided the building, holding everyone at gunpoint. Wounded VC troops were handcuffed to their beds, and several gunshots came from the rooms of the most rebellious patients. …I was allowed to leave after presenting one of the COs with my press pass and other papers. After wishing my new cohorts “good luck” in their tongue (“chuc may man”), I “borrowed” a motorcycle to follow the caravan of tanks rumbling passed, heading north, to the heart of the city…

    – Journalist and VC sympathizer Wilfred Burchett, reporting for The Morning Star (British communist daily), 1/24/1967

    The blood is still rolling off my flak jacket from the hole in my shoulder and there are bullets cracking into the area all around me. I scream at Jim “keeping going!” but then I realize he can’t feel his legs anymore, let alone use them. The wind blows to us the smoke from the building burning behind us, making breathing difficult. ‘I have to get out of this place,’ I remember thinking, ‘I have to make it out of here somehow.’

    Fire, run, crouch, fire, wait, turn, fie; repeat on and on. We have lost many good men in the slow capture of each street and building. We were like fumigators, eliminating commie cockroaches from treacherous dens of delusions. But now it looked like a sniper, or maybe a weapons bin, had us pinned.

    Someone shouts an order but a barrage of bullets drown him out. A Southern ’Nam ranger runs by with his back on fire. Another crack and he falls motionless to the ground. A voice calls for orders from the Sargent. But this time I fail to hear it; the only thing I can think of, the only thing that crosses my mind, is living. There seems to be nothing in the world more important than that.

    Hundreds of rounds begin to crash in now
    . I return fire from my cover, popping up like a prairie dog and dipping back down. And repeat. Then a fellow soldier runs past me, screaming like a maniac without regard for his life, firing almost blindly into the street. I carefully suck the air to remain calm, to not get too excited, to not think too hard and subsequently panic. ‘Now is the time to be brave, or else all of this is for nothing,’ I tell myself. I block out myself, my memories, thoughts, dreams, and focus only on this moment.

    Some other soldiers and I leave our spots to follow him in this makeshift and unplanned assault. The maniac gets shot down first. I feel one of the bullets speed past my ear. Another rips through my pant leg but misses the skin. We run across the wide open city street with all our might, diving and sliding face-first into any cover we can find – mostly the remains of cars and the corners of buildings. But the sniper’s nest gets taken out. [3]

    The attack is lifted. They carry Jim past me, his legs dangling off the sides of the stretcher. As they carry him into away I fail to find the right words to say; I don’t think such words exist.


    At long last, we reached the seat of the communist government, the National Assembly building, the unicameral legislative workplace of the Communist Party of Vietnam. [snip] Granted, it wasn’t the most glamorous of the key assets apprehended – the party that raided the mango-tree-covered Presidential Palace in the Ba Dinh District got the most attention instead. [snip] Almost immediately after the invasion I heard that Ho Chi Minh’s tea in his garden overlooking his carp pond was still warm, reminding me of something I once read about Dolly Madison and, I want to say, porridge.

    – ret. U.S. Army Gen. Ronald Lawrence “Ron” Kovic’s memoirs Born on the Fourth of July, Spirit of Freedom Publishing, 2010

    …We can now report with certainty that early this morning, the city of Hanoi, the Capitol of North Vietnam, was been successfully occupied by U.S. and South Vietnam forces. The North Vietnam flag of red and blue with a red star has been lowered, and now the flag of South Vietnam – uh, yellow with three red lines – is now flying over the Flag Tower of Hanoi, a 33-foot-high monument and symbol of the city [4]

    – Mary McCarthy, reporting for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1/25/1967

    …as our vessel departed from the shores, we look back at the city.

    “So… What is our next move?” I humbly asked.

    “We lay low. Once we reach our destination, we’ll make our way back to the interior and re-organize our brethren.” After a moment of silence, he added “Damn you, Mao.”

    “Beg pardon?”

    “How dare he abandon us like this? I know Beijing received our calls requesting they intervene. But instead of choosing involvement, they chose abandonment.”

    The rapport between Mao and Ho Chi Minh was waning at the time of America’s “Operation Fried Charlie 2.0” in light of our military preferring Soviet weapons (guns, artillery, bullets, artillery shells, radio transmitters, telephones, tanks, planes) to Chinese weapons. With this in mind, Ho was certain Mao would not let us fall in order to upstage the Russians and demonstrate the Chinese military’s abilities. But instead, China’s forces failed to arrive in time, and upon word of Hanoi’s captured, Mao had cancelled the reinforcements.

    “Damn you, Mao,” Ho bitterly sighed, “Damn you.”

    – Le Duan’s Divided We Fall: The Real History of Vietnam in the Twentieth Century, Freedom Province Books, 2002

    Glasses clinked as the White House celebrated the news of the decisive victory overseas.

    “Hey Colonel, come on over here already!” Secretary Curtis jovially hollered over to the commander in chief, still nursing the phone with his ear.

    “And your certain of those casualty numbers?” He uttered before thanking the party on the other end and heading over to Curtis an company near the center of the room.

    “Come on, Colonel, smile! Yeah, Ho Chi Minh got away, but the North’s capitulated! We kicked Charlie’s ass today!”

    “You know how many of our boys died doing so?”

    “Oh, you can’t enjoy your omelet if you’re busy mourning the broken eggs. Here – have a drink,” the Secretary offered the Colonel a glass.

    “You know I don’t drink. My mother taught me not to as soon as I was old enough to hear.[5]

    Despite later claims that on special occasions the Colonel would divulge in a bit of champagne [6], the Colonel declined the glass and ultimately resumed reviewing the aftermath of the operation.

    Soon he would send in relief aid, coining the phrase “build and pacify” in the process. This was the precursor to the “Building Brotherhood” Initiative that began execution in July 1967.


    After the fall of Hanoi, the Viet Cong were disorganized and decentralized. Under the Colonel’s orders, General Abrams shifted to overseeing smaller operations to “win over the rebels denying their defeat,” and was reportedly “happy” that the operation had happened in “such a copacetic way.” …However, as Abrams disagreed with the “Building Brotherhood” Program, he placed many of its responsibilities in the hands of the Lieutenant Generals and other subordinates operating in Vietnam while he continued to focus on eliminating the remaining communist groups from Laos and Cambodia...

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    “Good evening, my fellow Americans.

    Just a few hours ago, the United States military, under my order and command, completed the launching of a massive operation to liberate the people of North Vietnam from the chains of Communist dictatorship. Our land, sea and air forces worked with local insurgents, Laotian allies, and South Vietnam’s northern brothers to enter the nation and lift its people out from the oppression under which they had suffered for far too long. Ho Chi Minh has fled the country, and his top generals have been either killed or captured. The Viet Cong is not destroyed, but is now decentralized. Like a headless chicken, the Viet Cong will now be directionless, but also more desperate to disrupt the peace that can now finally come to the Vietnamese people. Vigilance will be maintained as the last of the Viet Cong are apprehended and the nation of Vietnam becomes whole once again.

    The liberation of the North Vietnam capital of Hanoi was carried out with precision, quickness and bravery not seen since the Invasion of Normandy. We have the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, and the South Vietnam military and America’s other allies, to thank for its absolute success.

    However, we did not execute this operation, nor have we spent so many years in Indochina, without the spilling of blood. Every time I, as Commander-in-Chief, write to a parent that their child will not be returning home, or meet with the soldiers permanently scarred by the horrors of war, the atrocities of warfare weigh on me heavily. Because too often, America feels to burden of war.

    That is why I believe that a military’s purpose should be to defeat and then pacify aggressive enemies, to bring hope and life to the shell-shocked cities. To replace the blood-soaked fields of battle with green fields of peace and prosperity. As such, the time has now come for the people of Vietnam to come together and rebuild their country. The transition from a divided nation to a united one will not be quick, a concept Abraham Lincoln clearly understood when he warned that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” In light of this, our advisory troops will remain in the area until the Vietnamese are securely back on their feet.

    But after serving their country, the several thousand American heroes who changed history today are set to return home to their loved ones. To those defenders of liberty, I say this: ‘Your nation welcomes you home, and we salute you.’

    The number of people to thank for the actions that have transpired today measures in the millions. Thanks must be given to all who’ve served and supported, who’ve worked for peace over terror, love over hate, liberation over oppression. To those who’ve lost loved ones in this endeavor, to those forever changed by what they’ve experienced in this operation, to the Vietnam people who must now continue the job. Thank y’all for being part of the greatest aspect of humanity – our ability to right what has been made wrong.

    Thank you, God bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.”

    – Colonel Sanders’ 2/5/1967 televised Presidential Address to the Nation


    [ pic: ]
    – A couple watching President Colonel Sanders’ Address to the Nation, 2/5/1967

    AFTERMATH: How Will We Handle An Occupied Hanoi?

    …The soldiers’ celebrations of a decisive victory was cut short when Molotov cocktails were thrown at their barracks by local civilians who were promptly arrested. The incident is reflective of a lingering issue – the North Vietnam people clearly resent American and South Vietnamese presence, and attacks will likely continue to occur as long as they view these soldiers as invaders instead of liberators. …Some Northerners are fleeing into the country’s northern mountains and into China, Laos and even Cambodia according to one local merchant hoping to profit from “all these uniformed American tourists,” as he calls them… The one family I stayed in Hanoi’s southern district told me their son had fled south, hoping to join the Viet Cong along the Ho Chi Minh Trail and “continue the fight for Uncle Ho.”

    – Harrison Salisbury, The New York Times, 2/6/1967

    Viet Cong counterattacks on targets in South Vietnam’s interior in the days and weeks that followed the Operation all failed as the SV army stepped up its infiltration of the ranks of the Viet Cong. Along the Ho Chi Minh trail, many soldiers would recollect on feeling the ground rumble as VC tunnels caved in thanks to the sabotage conducted by SV spies and double agents…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    ...Nurses recruited to serve in Indochina were sometimes assigned to combat zones, but they were never allowed onto an actual battlefield. This did nothing to shield them from the plethora of other issues facing them – insufficient supplies, abysmal sanitation, and sexual harassment…

    Vietnamese nurses, on the other hand, consisted of all-female units that participated in the war effort more directly by engaging in battle with the enemy whenever they were attacked. This book covers the lives and experiences of such women, beginning with North Vietnamese nurse Dang Thuy Tram (1942-20170, whose bestselling book “Last Night I Dreamed Of Peace,” based on her experience serving in Vietnam, led to an award-winning film in 1999. This informative treatise then moves on to Texan twin sisters Eleanor Vietti (1927-2008) and Teresa Vietti (b. 1927). Eleanor worked in a leper colony before heading to post-VC Hanoi to aid the wounded. Eleanor still operates a cleft-palate repair center in Missouri and remains a leader in religion-based humanitarian movements alongside Rev. Jerry Brown. Teresa became “the mother of pediatric cancer therapy.” …Let this book inspire a new generation to understand the importance of peace and to value all lives the world over…

    – forward of First Lieutenant Sharon Ann Lane (1943-2017)’s War Nurses: The Forgotten Veterans of the Cuba and Indochina Conflicts, Phoenix Press, 2009

    “I have already told this piece of advice to the Colonel – the best thing to make out of an enemy is a friend, but that cannot happen without love persevering. Without love for one another, the Vietnamese will remain separated and at war with each other in spirit. Continuing resent of the north in the former Confederate states of the American South is proof positive of the lasting effects of unity without proper reconciliation. But the Colonel has proven himself to be an absolutely excellent leader, and I am confident that under his supervision, the US military will do a commendable letting the Vietnamese govern themselves, and that under his supervision, fraternal love will return to the people of Vietnam”

    – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 2/7/1967


    The Post and Courier, South Carolina newspaper, 2/7/1967

    Shelepin and Mao Tse-Tung were taken aback by the swiftness of America’s invasion of Hanoi. Both Moscow and Beijing had been competing for dominance and influence over North Vietnam, and had spent their time on match each other’s military support instead of on gathering intelligence on America’s pre-invasion maneuvers.

    Shelepin was outraged at being blindsided. Privately, he considered launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike in response to America’s “re-enactment of Hitler’s invasion of Poland.” However, less trigger-happy members of Shelepin’s inner circle managed to blame Russia’s intelligence slip-up on party members who had rightly feared a return to Stalinist practices under Shelepin (Shelepin pushed for the further centralization of the Union, and strict disciplined oversight of all domestic officials). While potential successors such as Brezhnev paid attention to Shelepin’s lack of absolute party loyalty, Shelepin himself sought to achieve “better loyalty” with a good old-fashioned inner-party purge of the politicians Shelepin blamed for the fall of Hanoi.


    Shelepin’s Ambassador to China Mikhail Yefremov wrote of his inability to get information on Mao, with officials in Beijing physically blocking the door and assuring him that Mao was “handling the situation.” Yefremov wrote in his 1967 journal: “China’s silence was the most frightening aspect. Ever since the Sino-Soviet split, it has become highly difficult to determine what our Asian comrades are thinking and planning.”

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    Mitterrand was an unpredictable young man. In February [1967], for instance, he became the first of the Western powers to open diplomatic relations with Red China. The move indicated an independent foreign policy and was meant to show his bravery and leadership skills, but in the US and UK, it fueled fears of Mitterrand being a Communist puppet. Our boys in the state department were worried it would damage or even destabilize our “containment policy,” and just after we had worked so hard to contain the threat in Indochina! [snip] …Mitterrand valued a nation’s economic potential over their ideology; that was good for business, but bad for morality. Nevertheless, his actions and the world’s responses to it were helpful reference points for what my White House went through the next month.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    I was also present during the Apollo 2 fiasco. The capsule re-entered the atmosphere too quickly, and from this and other variables, the astronauts inside almost burn up. Then went the capsule landed in the Atlantic, they almost drowned from multiple factors. The astronauts were right to credit the 1962-1964 investigations for creating the safety features that saved their lives that day; John Glenn, by then contemplating a political career but for the time being still working for NASA, noted “If anything, the incident should be more encouraging because they’re survival proves we are on the right track to making the future of space travel safe and reliable.”

    – mathematician Dorothy Vaughn’s Human Computers: Me and The Other Women at NASA, Langley Publishers, 1997


    Washington, DC – The Colonel Sanders Administration today released a press statement describing its sending of CIA agents and advisory experts from the U.S. State Department to help local British officials determine those responsible for the death of an American tourist last year. The agents are to also attempt assistance in combating the rise of T.I.R.A. (True Irish Republic Army)’s domestic terror agenda. The Americans’ actions are also a collaborative effort with Ireland’s Directorate of Military Intelligence, and Prime Minister of Northern Ireland Terence O’Neill.

    The Daily Express, UK newspaper, 2/25/1967

    …in the world of finances, McDonald’s CEO Ray Kroc is expanding the million-dollar fast-food corporation’s number of outlets, and plans to increase its number of locations open 24/7 by 40% over the next two years… When asked about concerns over Kroc’s financial debts associated with his gubernatorial candidacy last year and alleged connections between them and McDonald’s current financial woes, Kroc simply replied “I’m leaving the politics to Sanders from now on, it’s a lot messier than patty-flipping.”

    – ABC News, 2/27/1967 broadcast

    After the de facto capitulation of the North Vietnam government, the US sought to assist in rebuilding agriculture, transportation, and urban areas to quicken Vietnam unification. [snip] On March 3, 1967, Colonel Sanders visited Saigon, mainly to meet the soldiers and to sit down for a discussion with Nguyen Khanh over what do about the V.C. soldiers still fighting in the jungles of the Laos-Vietnam border, and how to contribute to the defeat of the Pathet Lao still plaguing much of Laos.

    “This is too similar to Cuba for comfort,” the Colonel informed Khanh.

    Khanh was quick to point out “The Vietnam people’s priorities are still the same as before: 1) a united country, one way or another, 2) all strangers out!, 3) the life of the country is worth more and is more valued than the life of oneself. These ideals form the mindset of all Vietnam people, especially the Viet Cong.”

    “How honorable and disgusting,” General Abrams quietly remarked.

    At the end of the meeting, the Colonel asked, “So how do you plan on winning over the formerly Communist folks?”

    Khanh “Do not worry, we will deal with the traitors.”

    The Colonel inquired “What d’ya mean?”

    “We will deal with them,” Khanh restated as he calmly and confidently left the room.

    “Khanh. Khanh!” Colonel called out to him.

    As the Vietnam President left, a smirk could be seen creeping up the side of his face.


    “Mr. President!” an assistant interrupted the Colonel’s holler.


    “There’s been a development in Korea.”

    – – – –

    On the opposite side of China, South Korea’s President Park Chung-hee was demanding information over North Korean troop activities at the Demilitarized Zone that divided the two countries. Soon the Colonel was back at the Army headquarters in Saigon. “Alright, what’s the trouble?”

    “The North Koreans are saying one of our men began firing into the North at Panmunjom, leading to a firefight,” the translator by a radio informed the Colonel. “Three of our men are being held at the border. Sir, this could get ugly very quickly.”

    “Is China behind this?” Sanders asked.

    “Undoubtedly,” Defense Secretary Chuck Bonesteel informed him. “According to our intel, Mao sees Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan as three fronts that make China vulnerable to an American invasion. With Vietnam defeated, he’s flexing his military muscle through the North Koreans.”

    The Colonel thought, “Maybe Mao’s bluffing. I remember the Korean War – that had put tremendous stress on China’s domestic economy; another direct proxy war with us in Korea would do the same thing all over again, wouldn’t it?”

    “We believe Mao is willing to take the risk to defend his country. But I see where you’re coming from, sir. The latest reports suggest that Beijing’s commitments to Hanoi were limited due to China’s poor economy and outdated military. The pride of North Vietnam Generals reportedly caused some tension with Chinese military officials, too. Ho Chi Minh himself may have been preferring Moscow over Beijing due to the former’s superior weapons.”

    The Deputy Secretary of Defense chimed in next to get the conversation back on track. “Sir, the situation in Korea.”

    “Right, of course, what do we know so far?” The President probed.

    “According to our counterparts in Seoul, Kim Il-Sung has been pushing for a South Korea-based insurgency for months now, most likely concentrating on the Taebaek Mountains if the coded radio activity there is anything to go by. According to Seoul, Kim is hoping our manpower in Vietnam will stop us from coming to the aid of the South Koreans. We think the victory in Hanoi has made him jumpy, and now he’s trying to speed up the process.”

    “Then Kim’s delusional! South Korea’s, at least economically-speaking, in a real strong and prosperous place right now! Gee, maybe he’s started believing his own propaganda...” The President pondered.

    “If it was just the north versus the south,” we wouldn’t have to worry,” Bonesteel place a large chart on the side board. “The North’s Korean People’s Army (or KPA) has about 386,000 soldiers compared to the South’s 585,000, plus the 900 of our men stationed over there via ground combat units Infantry Divisions 2, 7 and 9. We’ve got superior rifles, jet and tanks. The North, meanwhile, is dependent on the Soviets for technology, and Shelepin seems pretty busy at the moment cleaning house over in his defense departments.” He put up another chart, “At the DMZ, both countries have watch towers, wired fences, a wide mine-filled kill zone. We have more troops on our side, plus naval patrols on the coasts, and President Park has greenlit counter-guerrilla operations to defend South Korean interior.”

    “What’s the bad news then?”

    “If China’s getting involved, the North could suddenly double their digits. They’d give us one heck of a fight.”

    The Deputy then added, “Furthermore, sir, President Park very reluctant to call for war. He thinks it’d be unpopularity among his people, because they are not blind followers like the North Koreans.”

    Sanders sat back in his chair in a moment of contemplation, and nodded his head as he went over the information in his mind. “What are our options?”

    Bonesteel suggested, “We can order a show of force with a major deployment of air and navy assets to the border.”

    “Yes, but it could be seen as an intimidation tactic that keeps this snowball rolling from a detaining crisis to a full-flung war,” was Sanders’ rebuttle. “Who’s our current Ambassador to South Korea?”

    “Um,” the deputy’s assistant hastily rummaged through his notes before blurting out, “the former Ambassador to Laos, Jacqueline Cochran.”

    “Good, she’s a tough cookie,” the Colonel ordered, “We’ll instruct her to begin negotiations for the return of our captured boys detained at border.”

    “And what about Mao, sir?”

    “Let me handle that.” In an unconventional move, the President asked for a direct line of communication with the Premier of China via a back-door channel. After several hours of waiting anxiously, a representative in Beijing agreed to speak with the Colonel on behalf of Mao. The Colonel accepted these terms. The Colonel then proceeded to try to sweet-talk Mao into deescalating the activities of the North Koreans, but Mao’s representative refused to see how China would benefit from the action.

    After failing to convince the representative of the cost of a US-Chinese War or entice Mao with the prospect of being seen as a peacemaker on the world stage, the Colonel went for a Hail Mary pass. “How about open trade and recognition of your China instead of that Taiwan China country?”

    “Sir!” Bonesteel jumped up in shock. The Colonel raised his hand in a way that signaled ‘have patience’ more so than ‘wait’ “Just one minute, please,” he said to the translator. “Yeah, Chuck?”

    “Mr. President, Taiwan is an important ally in the region!”

    “Did they give us any troops for the Hanoi invasion?”

    “Um, 10 volunteers, I believe,” noted the deputy.

    “Any nukes, lad?”

    “No, sir,” he said.

    “Not that important an ally, then, Chuck.”

    – – – –

    On March 4, Ambassador Cochran arrived at the DMZ to negotiate the release of the captured soldiers. An even exchange was agreed to – three US Army soldiers for three KPA soldiers captured during a failed ambush attempt in January. Afterward, Cochran, under the Colonel’s orders, granted President Park $100 million worth of immediate military aid with the proviso that he did not cave to military advisors and instead refuse to “Go North.”

    Over the next several weeks, agitation along the border began to return to pre-1966 levels and the coded radio chatter around the Taebaek Mountains simmered down. Kim Il-Sung had been “convinced” his insurgency scheme would be a bust.

    – – – –

    Sanders met with Senator Nixon for further advice as soon as he returned to Washington, D.C. the next day, on March 5.

    Nixon was intrigued by the notion. “Hmm, opening up to China? That’s going to be one hard sell for the American people to swallow, Colonel.”

    “But Richard,” the President remarked, “If I’m anything, it’s a salesman!”

    Nixon would prove to be instrumental in fleshing out the details, along with the Colonel’s brand-new Assistant Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger… [7]

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    The Capitol Is Abuzz Over Sanders’ Sudden Shake-Up In U.S.-Red China Diplomacy

    …“The President is hoping to utilize his sky-high approval ratings to carry out a potentially game-changing shift in US-Red Chinese relations,” opines columnist Rowland Evans. Conservatives such as Senator Norris Cotton (R-NH), on the other hand, are calling the proposed warming of tensions between the US and Red China to be “a hazardous misstep”…

    The Washington Post, 3/5/1967

    On March 6, 1967, A Program for Action, a landmark federal report on educational television in American society, was published. Discussion of its contents swiftly make “public television” become a household term. Nine months later, on November 9, President Colonel Sanders, whom had used public radio and television station broadcasting in the 1950s to expand his fast-food enterprise KFC, enthusiastically signed into law the Public Education Broadcasting Act of 1967 (PEBA). PEBA allowed for federal aid for programs focusing on public education via television and radio broadcasting. Today, we honor Sanders by giving him the PTN Humanitarian of the Year Award.

    – Ted Turner, CEO of Public Television Network (PTN) (founded 1976), 3/6/1990 announcement

    Back at home, I met with my Economic Advisor, Sylvia Porter, and the Treasury Secretary, Gene Siler, to discuss the best ways to maintain the economy.

    “It’s all about finding the holes in your dike, the spots in the spreadsheet where money is being invested without sufficient returns, and getting rid of such money-wasters,” I remember Siler saying one time.

    Then you have to negotiate with all these different groups – each wanting a piece of the pie larger than the one they got – and get them to give concessions in the name of tightening the government’s wasteful spending. And of course there’s also the very important matter of pushing for domestic production and more open trade policies. We needed to drum up more consumer demand, because that leads to more things being built, and that means more jobs and more jobs means less unemployment. Even products built overseas see jobs forming at home – a car built overseas but driven here will be serviced, cleaned, repaired, and overall used over here, not over there.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    I remember how versatile Mildred was when it came to tackling company issues. For example, towards the end of the ’60s there were some grumblings here and there over the complexities of the chicken’s signature gravy. In, oh, 1967, I believe, Mildred overheard a high-up company employee lament, and I quote, “Let’s face it, the Colonel’s gravy is fantastic, but you have to be a Rhodes Scholar to cook it… It involves too much time, it leaves too much room for human error, and it is too expensive.” [8]

    While these concerns would inevitably be addressed, Mildred’s immediate response to the perceived attacks on her father’s brainchild was to nip suggestions of changing the formula in the bud, with staff meetings and the threat of more staff meetings for every time the tried-and-true gravy formula was challenged. A bit horse, but it got the job done, as such talks never resurfaced under her time as the CEO of KFC.

    – Pete Harman, 60 Minutes interview, early 1992

    ANCHOR: …At a press conference today, President Sanders announced a gradual de-escalation of American military presence in at least one Indochinese nation.

    SANDERS (footage): “…with the conflict with North Vietnam having successfully concluded in a South Vietnam victory, the United States will soon begin a careful and gradual withdrawal of troops from Vietnam in order to allow the nation of United Vietnam to determine their future for themselves.”

    ANCHOR: Towards the end of the announcement, he added his administration’s current plans for the countries of Laos and Cambodia.

    SANDER (footage): “…we will maintain our men in Laos for the time being, and sustain efforts to quell the assaults on the Lao people by the terror-spreading Pathet Lao insurgency.”

    – NBC broadcast, 3/10/1967


    – The Los Angeles Times, 3/11/1967

    In response to “the rise in hoodlum violence,” such as a widely-publicized shooting of two racist white men in Hayward, California in March 1967, California state assemblyman Don Mulford introduced a gun restriction bill meant to repeal the state’s public carrying law in April of that year and outlaw civilians carrying loaded weapons in public. The bill targeted the vigilante justice cop-watching group known as The (Malcolm) X-Men… Governor Pat Brown opposed the Mulford Act on the grounds of violating “the freedom of self-defense” and the Second Amendment, and of inhibiting the livelihoods of rural Californian workers, namely the hunters he had won over in his latest re-election bid. Republicans in turn called him “irresponsible” and “dangerous”… X-Men were controversial within the Black activist community. X-Man Robert Seale’s caused a stir in April 1967 with his assertion that Dr. King and Ralph Abernathy’s talks of patience made them “a pair of Uncle Toms, enjoying visits to the White House while promoting no advancements for us since the President’s failed push for that $125-dollars-a-month plan he proposed two years ago.”

    – Herb Boyd and Ilyasah Shabazz’s Malcolm vs. Martin: Violence and Peace After the End of Segregation, Chicago Third World Press, 2013

    On March 27, 1967, Harry Belafonte, the “King of Calypso” musician-tuner-actor-turned-activist met with Sanders at the White House for a discussion on the movement against Apartheid in South Africa. They discussed the work of leaders such as the “old guard” Nelson Mandela of the African National Congress, and the “rising star” Steve Biko of the Black Consciousness Movement. The BCM was more militant in nature than Mandela’s ANC; fearing violence would worsen Apartheid for all, Mandela sought to develop a relationship with the younger generation of South African activists despite his confinement to a jail cell. Mandela managed to tell Biko that he should accept help from white anti-apartheid activists, but Biko disagreed, saying “Africa must be liberated from the white invaders by Africans and not with the help of white invaders. This is our fight to win, not theirs.” In light of this schism between anti-Apartheid elements forming in South Africa, Belafonte hoped for a third route – international pressure. To this end, Belafonte hoped the Colonel could lead a worldwide call to condemn the South African government into ending its segregation system.

    At the meeting, the Colonel reportedly said, “There’s already been enough blood spilled this decade, so I like the idea of seeing if economically pressurin’ them into rethinkin’ their laws will do something.”

    The federal government started by encouraging France and Great Britain (two nations more pivotal to South Africa’s international trade than the United States was) to impose tariffs on wealthy commodities, as this would be felt more immediately on wealthy South Africans than the lower-class ones.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    [pic: ]
    – Colonel Sanders throws out the first pitch on Opening Day of Major League Baseball in front of an enthusiastic crowd, 4/10/1967


    An increase in the purchasing of stock under anonymous accounts has been detected.

    Identify the party or parties behind this occurrence.

    Signed, Ray Kroc

    – McDonald’s Corporation internal memo, signed 4/10/1967

    “Ah, no, I hadn’t met Tommy by then, heh. I mean I knew who he was, hell everyone knew who he was, but I wasn’t anyone just then. I was just a college dropout happy I didn’t have to worry about the draft anymore. Truth be known, I was kinda sorta thinkin’ of taking a very long vacation in Vancouver for a while, but that’s, you know, neither here nor there. Nah, instead, man, in, I think, uh, I wanna say, uh, April of that year [1967] I auditioned to sing for Frank Zappa [9] I got in and I joined the Mothers of Invention band as a backup player, so it was nothing big at first but I was making enough dough and enough girls for me to get by.

    – Richard “Cheech” Marin, KNN interview, 2012

    On March 12, a month after Manson had been released from McNeil Island on March 21, [10], he and Jones first met at a roadside supply store near Sacramento, selling gas, guns and other travelling and camping supplies. Manson and company were travelling north in another drive across California in a search for more followers; Jones was travelling south after visiting a Peoples Temple in Oregon. Manson drove into the parking lot a few minutes after Jones; half of his growing entourage of young adult girls followed him in while the rest guarded the van.

    At the counter, both asked the cashier, almost in union “Do you sell any paper?”

    Jones was quick to say, “Writing paper, that is! It’s um, uh for writing,” Jones clumsily defended his question.

    “Uh, yeah, same,” coolly replied Manson.

    “You, uh, travelling with your family?” Jones inquired.

    “Yes.” Manson said.

    The cashier brought over some typewriter paper pads before Manson and Jones began to separately inspect the store’s contents. A little under a minute later, Jones overheard Manson talking with Mary about preparing for “the end and the beginning.” To this, an inquisitive Jones turned to look directly at Manson, only to turn away upon Manson noticing.

    Then Manson walked over to say, “I recognize you from TV,” and introduced himself with a firm handshake and a flash of a smile.

    Jones responded by with “I take it you were discussing revelations?”

    “Something like that, yes.”

    The two then began to talk about when and how the world will end, and the continued conversation out to the parking lot while Manson’s cohorts gathered and paid for the purchases.

    Beside Jones’ truck, Jones was heard telling the acquaintance, “I see you understand. Assure peace by preparing for war. Understand safety by first experiencing danger. Enjoy pleasure by first feeling pain.”

    Manson nodded in agreement. He studied the man, and likely expressed his desire to “fix the world” without not revealing his belief that he was the destined ruler of all humanity.

    Jones, according to his wife’s testimony, thought Manson had “good intentions if he could move beyond the sins of the physical body,” though was one to talk, as he had several biological children at home among the adopted ones.

    Observing his watch, Manson judged it was time to leave. Before doing so, he promised Jones, “When the end begins I’ll be sure to find you.”

    Jones responded with “good luck with your community construction project,” then gave Manson a card with the phone number to nearest Peoples Temple outlet location.

    Manson added, “But in case we never see each other again, let me give you some advice.” He proceeded to tell Jones about the tranquil isolation of southern California’s deserts.

    Jones returned the favor by quickly regaling Manson of his trips to Guyana and Brazil.

    After Jones had driven away, Manson said to Mary, “Hm. Brazil... Land of beautiful young women in need of a leader. And they got that giant statue of me!”

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982


    ...An arguably bold move to establish outlets in a location so close to a War Zone – Manila, the capitol of the Philippines, is roughly 1,000 miles away from Saigon, southern Vietnam – the implementation of the fast-food giant will be on a small scale. KFC reports only three franchises will open, all on the island of Luzon. …Kent Prestwich, a regional manager for KFC, believe “not only American soldiers stationed in Indochina” will benefit from the latest expansion. “When it comes to foreign locations, KFC always seeks to bring quality food to the locals in order to maximize the ‘enjoyability’ of the KFC experience and to benefit the local economy.”

    – The San Diego Tribune, 4/18/1967

    April 21, 1967: Surveyor 3 is launched

    Vladimir Komarov was supposed to fly the Soyuz 1, but he badly busted his arm – it got broken in three places – just one week before it was originally set to launch on 23 April 1967. He told me he fell down the stairs listening to the latest radio report concerning the American’s Apollo program. Because of his injuries he could not operate the flight. I was his backup cosmonaut, and the Soviet Union could not afford to have me, their national hero, perish in a launch. So the men at Star City delayed the launch for, oh, two week or so, and I made sure they went over all the safety concerns that I and all of the other cosmonauts were concerned with. We quickly used this one machine to replace the original hatch. We then made a new hatch wide enough for a fully suited cosmonaut to exit, and we ensured the solar panels would fully deploy. These last minute changes, primarily meant to ensure I would come back to Earth alive, enabled Soyuz 1 to be a complete success. And that sort of scared the Americans…

    – Yuri Gagarin, Russia-1 TV interview, 30/6/2012


    Washington, DC – Today the US House of Representatives voted by a 4-to-1 margin in favor of a bill meant to extend the right to vote to citizens of 18 years of age and older. If it passes the US Senate, and then is ratified by the required number of states, it will become an Amendment of the United States Constitution. The bill, which had bipartisan support, came about as a result of the noticeably high amount of college students across the United States protesting over the Cuban War, followed by the President’s recognition of the high number of American soldiers old enough to serve their country but not old enough to vote... Specifically, the bill will allow Americans aged 18 and older to be able to vote in federal, statewide, and local elections, …

    The Washington Post, 4/28/1967


    ...Hoffa was found guilty of improper use of the Teamster’s Union pension fund in connection to a securities fraud scheme that began in the aftermath of the Salad Oil Recession, in which Hoffa sought to capitalize on the economic confusion the followed the 1963 stock market downturn... The conviction is a win for Governor Biaggi and his tough-on-crime emphasis...

    – The New York Post, 5/1/1967


    Are economists right to credit Sanders’ 1965 tax cuts for it?

    – The Financial Times, 5/16/1967

    Francis Arinze became the youngest Roman Catholic bishop in the world when he was consecrated on 29 August 1965 at the age of 32, and became the first native African Archbishop to head the diocese at Onitsha two years later. However, the new Archbishop did not have much time to settle into his office before the Nigerian-Biafra War broke out. The entire archdiocese was located in the secessionist Biafran territory during the Nigerian Civil War. As a result of the war, Archbishop Arinze had to flee his see city of Onitsha and to live as a refugee in Cameroon, where he led fellow refugees in religious guidance to help them persevere. Archbishop Arinze worked tirelessly for refugees, displaced persons, the sick and the hungry, offering support to priests and religious, and giving the faithful hope for the future. Working with the Red Cross and other organizations to efficiently distribute relief materials led to one relief worker calling it one of “the most effective and efficient distributions of relief materials” in history. His separation of the Church from ongoing politics led to him gaining respect from all factions in the country, making him famous among Catholic leaders around the world. He subsequently met with Reverend Jerry Brown in 1968 to discuss humanitarian aid and rebuilding efforts in Nigeria. The war was still ongoing in 1968, and as a result, thousands of Nigerians were without homes and some with their businesses and livelihoods gone. Arinze sought to have Nigerians battle poverty instead of each other. Despite the lack of resources, especially after the Nigerian government confiscated all Catholic schools in the country, Francis managed to have Christian and Muslim Nigerians work side by side to reach their shared goal of rebuilding the war-torn nation. Arinze also sought to emulate Gandhi and the Civil Rights Movement in promoting defensive resistance to the militant factions of the war, believing “the voices of the peacemakers must be louder than all the bullets fired.”… [11]

    – Roy Schoemann’s God’s Invisible Hand: The Life and Work of Francis Arinze, Ignatius Press, 2006

    The Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Nigeria-Biafra War and the Biafran War, was a pivotal moment in Nigeria’s history. On 30 May 1967, C. Odumegwu Ojukwu, Governor of the Eastern Region, formally declared the Republic of Biafra to be an independent entity. General Yakubu Gown, head of the Nigerian Military Government, responded with invasion, and sought to use the secession attempt to unite the remaining ethnic groups. The U.K. offered support to Gowon because the U.K. had once owned Nigeria, while the French government supported Biafra, with Mitterrand claiming Gowon to be “a dictator who must be shown he cannot will without the consent of the people.” China also supported Biafra, while the US and USSR gave tepid support to Nigeria.

    The supplies of weaponry seemed poised to determine the war’s outcome as Ojukwu and Nigeria failed to agree to negotiations early into the conflict. In June, Civil Rights leader Medgar Evers offered to mediate negotiations in the neutral but nearby nation of Morocco. After several more weeks of neither side gaining ground, Ojukwu and Gowon sat down in Marrakesh. Biafrans demanded better representation in the North-dominated Government, so a relocation of the capital was considered, as was establishing US-style bicameral legislature. The former idea gained support, but not the latter. While there were also many economic, ethnic, cultural, and religious differences, the main drive behind Gowon denying Biafra independence was the region’s oil production in the Niger Delta. Tensions rose over Gowon’s denial of the persecution of the Igbo ethnic peoples, and negotiation broke down.

    – Introduction/Overview section of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s The Blood Spilled In Nigeria: A Civil War And Its Aftermath, 2014

    In May 1967, the former Vice President, now serving as a professor at the University of Minnesota, spotted blood in his urine [12]. Humphrey promptly visited the Mayo clinic, leading to his June surgery that discovered a tumor in his bladder [13]. After inspecting it, clinic doctors declared it was benign, believing Humphrey did not have cancer, and decided against further treatment. However, the politician was planning a presidential run in the next year, and thought it best to get a second opinion, which determined that the tumor was in fact malignant [14]. Humphrey perused his options and, still wanting to run for the nomination, declining undergoing a second surgery, this time to remove the tumorous part of his bladder, to instead opt for radiation treatment. The treatment would take several weeks, thus preventing Humphrey from undergoing an active campaign. In the meantime, Humphrey contacted donors and organized supporters from phone lines at the hospital and his home…

    – Carl Solberg’s H.H.H.: A Biography, Borealis Books, 1984 (2001 edition)

    In early June 1967, The Vancouvers unceremoniously broke up without an unofficial reason [230]. The most widely accepted cause behind the band is Chong trying to reduce the number of players covered by the Vancouvers' contract, intending that only he, Bobby Taylor, and Wes Henderson would constitute the group, while other members would be classified as sidemen and session artists [231][232]. Many persons involved [233][234], including Bobby Taylor [235], have in the years since accused Yoko for the break-up, alleging she had “too much control” [234] over her husband’s career [235].



    [pic: ]
    – Tommy Chong and Yoko Ono, undated archival footage

    Finally the date came, and Apollo 3 was executed without a hitch – a major improvement from the incident concerning Apollo 2 earlier in the year…

    – NASA scientist Farouk El-Baz’s Up and Away: How The Cold War Competition Pushed Us Into The Stars, MacFarland & Company, 1994

    ANNOUNCER: This was the scene at airports across the nation. At O’Hare, Idlewild, and others, fathers, husbands, and sons are returning home from the conflict in Indochina. Their families are ebullient to see them, running up and jumping into their arms, or hugging with excitement, or even sitting down to blot up tears of joy.

    WOMAN IN FOOTAGE: God bless Colonel Sanders for bringing back our boys.

    – NBC report, 6/12/1967

    In June 1967, the US expanded its training of SV troops in order to quicken the pace at which American military personnel would leave. The Sanders Administration’s unofficial “kill ’em with kindness” policy continued in full force, following advice from politicians such as US Senator Ernest Gruening, US Congressman Mike Gravel, and US Senator Gene McCarthy that it was imperative to win the people’s trust and assist in improving their post-war lives.

    To this end, VC defectors and double agents oversaw the delivery of American supplies such as food and medicine to remaining VC-dominated regions in eastern Laos. Documents released in 2013 describe how Sanders instigated the classified orders to sneakily send American aid in this attempt to win over remaining VC soldiers…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    “Don’t be fooled, America, these are the actions of either a traitor or a simpleton! We must not present even the false illusion of weakness in the face of an enemy as dangerous as Red China! To even entertain the idea of warming relations with the reds in any way – even an agreement as simple as a time-share in Australia – is appeasement, pure and simple! If the Colonel continues down this path he will be make himself the Neville Chamberlain of America!”

    – Rear Admiral John G. Crommelin Jr., Alabama AM public radio, 6/19/1967 broadcast

    [Back in 1965] The Colonel had formed a special Senate Subcommittee to determine whether or not the military could maintain its then-current strength through an all-volunteer army, a concept endorsed by Secretary Friedman. In June 1967, the subcommittee’s finding were handed in, to put it bluntly, they concurred with the Colonel assumptions – the U.S. could maintain military numbers with an all-volunteer army. Sanders immediately requested the Department of Defense to suspend conscription immediately, meaning that the Secretary of Defense would no longer issue draft board orders.

    “But sir, the existing draft law is already set to expire in 1971,” Bonesteel reportedly defended the draft with enthusiasm.

    “People aren’t going to wait that long; people can’t put their lives on hold to see if they’ll be forced into an unknown land and get killed,” The Colonel defended his decision. The move was strongly supported by former Vice President Hubert Humphrey on Minnesota, highlighting bipartisan appeal.

    On June 29, Sanders ended the lottery draft system via executive order, concluding the war department inquiry that originally started in 1963. The Colonel was sure to note that “an instrumental part of this” was the work of Walter Oi. A blind Japanese-American economist in the Colonel’s State Department, Oi was “brilliant with numbers, he managed to calculate exactly how we could afford to finally make the military an institution where all the fellas in it are in it not became they have to serve this country in that way, but because they want to this country in that way!”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    In June 1967, John Y. Brown Jr. requested a meeting with Margaret, Pete Harman and I, though its purpose was intentionally vague. We expected he had good news concerning the sales of our barbeque restaurant chain. When the appointed time came, Brown entered the board room with a briefcase in his hand and a wide smile on his face.

    “Ladies and gentlemen,” he cheerfully declared, “I’ve got some mighty big news for y’all!”

    Brown opened his suitcase and promptly plopped three identical manila folders onto the desk.

    “What’s all this?” I asked upon retrieving my copy.

    “Copies of share certificates of McDonald’s stock.”

    “You’re investing in the competition?!” rejoined a surprised Margaret.

    “No sir, I’ve taken over the competition.”

    “What?” Stated a flummoxed Harman.

    Brown explained, “Slowly and carefully, I’ve been anonymously buying McDonald stock and selling it at a loss in order to lower its value, in turn allowing me to buy even more stock. They’d issue more stock, I’d just purchase more. With Kroc busy trying to pay off his debt from the little campaign I sent him on – ”

    You sent him on?” I exclaimed.

    “I may have put the idea in his head that the publicity would benefit McDonald’s. If he won, he’d be too focused on the governor’s seat to notice the stock purchases, and if he lost, he’d need the stock purchases to help pay off his campaign debt.” Brown smirked, “And the plan worked. Kroc needed the money from the sold stock. And so, heh, Ma’am, just hours ago, I amassed 51.2% of his company.”

    “But if you own this stock, why even tell us?” Margaret inquired.

    “Because when I purchased them, I had the ownership of the certificates registered in the name of the KFC Corporation,” Brown explained. As it turned out, Brown’s father, a former U.S. Congressman, had used his legal expert connections to research the legality of such a move. It was ambiguous at the time, but since it was not illegal to issue share certificates to companies instead of to people, he was confident the move would hold up in court. “A circuit court ruled in favor of it just last year, in fact.”

    “Who on Earth appointed such irresponsible judges?!” Harman bellowed.

    “Um, I believe several of them were early Sanders appointees.” Brown observed.

    Harman said nothing.

    Returning to his presentation of sorts, Brown triumphantly boasted “With these latest shares, Kentucky Fried Chicken now effectively owns McDonald’s! But that’s not all! I have here,” presenting another trio of folders to us, “the leaders – regional managers, board members, and other members of the McDonald’s company – we’d most likely be able to win over.”

    “What do you mean?” Margaret asked.

    Brown explained, “Well, Ms. Sanders, in order to commit a hostile takeover like this, to oust Kroc from the CEO spot and put one of our own at the top, we’ll need allies on the inside.”

    “Who else knows about this?” I asked.

    “Just my trusted legal team,” he responded slyly, “I didn’t want word of this to get out and ruin all of it.”

    We sat there without speaking, taken aback by this most unexpected development. We looked at each other with uncertain looks.

    “Um, permit us one minute,” I gestured for Brown to temporarily leave the room.

    “Yes of course,” Brown complied with a tiny spring in his step, like a school boy happy to be getting brownie points from his teacher.

    We huddled:

    “Okay, so, how do we handle this?” Margaret asked.

    “What do mean, handle this?” I replied.

    “What Brown’s done isn’t exactly good for P.R., is it? He said it himself – we’re talking hostage takeover!” Margaret said.

    “And how legal is it to put down a company as the owner of another company’s stock. That can’t not be covered by the law, can it?” Harman chimed in his two cents.

    “What’s his end-goal here? I’m thinking he’s thinking of being put in charge of McDonald’s.” Margaret was clearly suspicious of the whole development.

    “Why wouldn’t he? Brown single-handedly bought majority control of our biggest competitor!” I defended the man. Holding up the documents authenticating that we as a company now had majority stockholder, I added “From a financial standpoint, this is the golden goose. But when the public learns about it, it can easily be seen as underhanded.”

    Margaret guessed, “Our stock price could drop…”

    “Or it could rise as investors grow confident in KFC’s financial prowess,” I pondered.

    Harman noted, “Then there’s the moral angle – it just seems plain wrong to trick someone out of a company.”

    “But that’s exactly what Kroc did to the McDonald brothers,” I counter-argued.

    “So we should stoop to the same low level?” Margaret disapproved.

    “All’s fair in financial wars, Margaret” was my reply. “But I will concede how odd it all is. Kroc announced his bid back in early last year, so that means Brown’s been working on this scheme for well over a year, and yet, he never let us onto it. He kept this a secret this whole time.”

    “I want to run this by Dad. He founded the company, so I want to see what he thinks of running McDonald’s.” Margaret suggested stalling for time.

    “We’re in charge here, Margaret, because Pops did not expect us to be lost without him.” Eventually I buzzed the secretary. “Send Mr. Brown back in.”

    Upon Brown returning, we feigned our best smiles. Very carefully, I told Brown, “John, we approve of this endeavor and look forward to the opportunity to incorporate burgers into the KFC Corporation experience in the immediate future.”


    “But um!” I quickly motioned to the documents, “I want to run those by our lawyers to ensure nothing has been overlooked by your, um, team. Please bring us the actual documents when you can.”

    “Oh, don’t worry, I’ve looked them over thoroughly,” Brown said.

    “Just the same,” I insisted, “This company has the best lawyers chicken can buy. Bring us the actual share certificates as soon as you can.”

    Brown was visibly reluctant but nevertheless agreed before cordially departing. Harman picked up one of the papers. “Are we really going to do what Dave Thomas has kept on saying we should? Is the KFC Corporation expanding into the burger business?!”

    Margaret wondered aloud, “What would Pops do with a situation like this?” [15]

    – Mildred Sanders Ruggles’ My Father, The Colonel: A Life of Love, Politics, and KFC, StarGroup International, 2000


    [pic: ]
    – John Y. Brown Jr. at age 33, c. early 1967

    [1] The US Army converted to metric in 1962-3 to better work with NATO during the Cuba War; this conversion happens two years earlier than it did in OTL:
    [2] He really said the italicized parts.
    [3] Writing style based on Kovic’s OTL autobiography:
    [4] OTL city monument:
    [5] OTL quote from the Colonel.
    [6] Pulled from here:
    [7] All military specs based on the information (and sources) found here:
    [8] Quote spoken in the past tense by a company executive in OTL according to
    [9] Marin, Cheech (2009); Greasy Love Songs (Media notes); Frank Zappa, Zappa Records].
    [10] OTL release date according to his wiki page
    [11] Italicized lines pulled from his wiki page:
    [12] Taken from here:
    [13] Pulled from here:
    [14] IOTL, the tumor was erroneously believed to be cancer-free, and so was not treated for it. But here, Humphrey is not the incumbent VP, and so has the time to get a second opinion;

    [15] Before the next chapter is finalized (and posted on June the 5th), I’d like to know what YOU think Millie, Mags and Harman should do! Any suggestions...?
    Last edited:
    Chapter 27: July 1967 – December 1967
  • Chapter 27: July 1967 – December 1967

    “Anger is the most useless emotion, destructive to the mind, and hurtful to the heart.”

    – Stephen King (OTL)

    I had never been in a situation like this. I studied the share certificates with a growing sense of complicating emotions – proud of Brown’s accomplishments, for fear toward its possible effects.

    Harley agreed Margie – it wasn’t exactly a gift horse, nut Millie was eager to expand the company she was in charge of. She had that look in her eye. The same look people said I’d get whenever I saw an opportunity I had no intention of passing up.

    “You disagree, huh, Mildred?”

    “It’s a huge financial opportunity, Pops!” was her line of defense.

    “But at a great cost. People hear we sneakily pulled the rug out from under a rival, we’ll be labeled dirty cutthroats, which is only a little bit above rat finks. How can this company represent wholesome family values if we do something like this?”

    Eventually we came to a decision.

    Soon we called Brown up to the office. Upon arriving, he looked surprised to see me there. As President, I had sworn that I would never allow any private or personal interests cloud my judgment and decisions while in office. Federal conflict-of-interest laws prohibited ‘officers’ of the U.S. from participating in any governmental action in which they have a financial interest [1]. So I had no stake in the company, but I was still the founder. Kentucky Fried Chicken was no longer under my roof but it was still my baby, and I would – and I will – protect it until the day I die.

    “Johnny, I have something to say to you.”

    “Yes, Colonel, sir?”

    “Why did you not receive permission from Margaret or Mildred on this here venture of yours?”

    “I wanted it to keep McDonald’s from discovering the, uh – ”


    “Financial maneuver.”

    “Hmm,” I went straight to the point, “Johnny-boy, you had the right idea, but you went sneaky on us. You went over our heads. You proved yourself to be untrustworthy and dishonest – qualities I won’t be having in the company I founded. Kroc?”

    Harley turned the light on for Kroc’s side of the room so Brown could him better. The lighting also made it more dramatic when the CEO of McDonald’s swung his chair around to reveal himself to a shocked and bewildered Brown. The Secret Service agents in the corner watched him closely in case he got a bit too jumpy.

    “What’s going on here?” He asked.

    “I ought to pummel you to the ground, you little s#!t, but Sanders said he has something for me.”

    “Indeed I do,” I said. Pulling out the original shares ownership documents out of my suitcase, “I’ve transferred ownership back to ya.”

    “What?!” I believe Kroc, Brown, and Millie all said this. They all thought I would allow the duping and taking over someone else’s company. “KFC is not a monopoly, and I won’t stand for KFC replicating the type of tactics you used to steal McDonald’s Kroc. I honestly don’t think you deserve this here burger franchise, but if my company has to stoop down to your level to get, then KFC doesn’t deserve it either. Kroc,” I handed him the documents, “our shares of McDonald’s – they’re all yours. It’s all there in the legalese language.”

    “And the catch?”

    “A truce. No more negative advertisements against each other, no more aggressive tactics between KFC and McDonald outlets close to one another. After all, I hear you have that new Burger Chef place to worry about. Maybe direct your negative ads to them for a while!”

    Kroc, with a crack of smile, asked “For how long is a while?”

    “How does a five-year armistice sound to you?”

    “That’s just dandy, Colonel.”

    “But,” Brown finally interjected, switching from his usually cool demeanor to one of restrained outrage, “You can’t do that, Colonel! The shares are in the name of the company itself.”

    “Yes, and as such the company needs an official representative for all legal actions and decisions. The shares are thus controlled by that rep.”

    “What rep?!” Brown asked.

    “Me,” admitted Millie.

    “You? But Ms. Sanders, you seemed to support my actions.”

    “Our financial and PR teams concur that a takeover will cause more harm than good for us. We’d be damaging our own image. And we’d be setting an awful precedent with this. Other companies would have no problems doing the same kind of things to other companies. [2] But most importantly, you went over our heads and for that insubordination, Brown, you’re fired.”

    “WHAT!” Brown bellowed. Obviously un-restraining his outraged but aware of the Secret Service, Brown vowed, “You can’t do this to me – I’ll…I’ll open my own fast-food chain. Oh, you’ll see, Colonel, you’ll regret the day you locked horns with John Y. Brown Jr.!” And left with scowl on his face.

    Kroc and I shook hands on the truce; as part of the agreement, KFC retained one share of McDonald's. "If McDonald's does well, Kroc, we'll benefit, too" I said. Privately, though, Millie to be able to "keep an eye" on the competition through future stockholder meetings and other vantage points. I think when he left that day he left with a new and better opinion of me.

    Watching Kroc leave from the side window, Millie sighed, “Aw well, at least we still have Dave Thomas.” Millie reminded me of Dave’s support for Brown when he learned the news from Harley.

    The comment refreshed my memory. “Say, is Dave still talking about getting his own burger tacked on to the menu?”

    “Consistently. He actually makes a pretty good patty, Dad.”

    “Hmm, that gives me an idea…”

    Brown was replaced as the head of KFC BBQ by Floyd “Sonny” Tillman [3], a member of the KFC family since 1964. Days later, in an attempt to make amends, Brown was offered the position of head regional manager of KFC Bahamas, a nation to enjoy our offerings for the first time in November 1967, but, still simmering from his rejection from the company, he bitterly declined.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 197

    Nguyen Khanh began imprisoning former Viet Cong members in July despite the Colonel warning him that doing so “will not unify the country.” Ambassador Lodge supported the claim with a historical American comparison – how the US recovered from their won Civil War. In the aftermath of the conflict, both Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson supported the granting of pardons to former Confederates [4] “because forgiveness goes a long way” in ending lingering resentments. Khanh disregarded these talks and instead had his “collectors” round up former rebel “more discreetly.”

    – Ellen Joy Hammer’s Indochina and The Wrath of Khanh, E. P. Dutton, 1969

    “When it comes to keeping America safe and secure, the President prefers mutual tolerance over mutual destruction.”

    – Press Secretary Ron Ziegler at a press meeting, in response to criticism of the President for reiterating his call to meet separately Russia’s Premier Shelepin and China’s Chairman Mao, 7/12/1967

    …A man suspected of planting the bomb that killed an American citizen in Ireland’s County Wexford last year has been arrested. Police discovered, quote, ‘dangerous levels,’ unquote, of ammunition stored beneath his terraced house…

    – BBC News report, 7/14/1967 broadcast

    “We shouldn’t be sending aid to our former enemies. It’s proof that the President is soft on Communism, and if he can’t find a way to end the Pathet Lao in Laos, then he has to hire new strategists, because I do not believe the Colonel is the brains behind the fall of Vietnam.” George Wallace said during a prime-time spot on Meet the Press.

    When Father learned of the attack on his policies and his character, he exclaimed “Is that fella out of his mind?! We repelled Communism from two whole countries!” Referring to North and South Vietnam, “Like he’s ever had to win over an entire subcontinent of people before – he could barely win over the people in his state on issues they all agreed on!”

    One of our political strategists reiterated his suspicion of Wallace preparing for a Presidential bid next year.

    “Of course he’s running,” Father observed, “he’s trying to make a case so he has something to run on! I tell you, if I was his age, I’d give him a poundin’ he’d never forget!”

    “Dad, he’s a former boxer,” I reminded him.

    “Then he should know a thing or two about kid gloves.”

    The next week, Father appeared on Meet the Press to justify the increase in foreign aid to Indochina: “We owe it to ourselves to stand up for our allies and give them the help they need but don’t have so that they can chart their own course. And that assistance starts with giving basic medical needs, teaching basic agricultural and industrial techniques. And most importantly, it involves uniting the people of Vietnam together so they can move forward. So they can move on past this war, and prove to the world the same thing America proved to the world in 1776 – that when a people share a common goal, they can achieve anything!”

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    July 14, 1967: Surveyor 4 is launched

    In July 1967, the Colonel rejected his economic inner circle’s proposal to try to create price controls, believing the public would dislike the move and in turn discourage spending, which would only worsen the problem. The Colonel instead argued that businesses and labor unions could mutually benefit from collective bargaining agreements over the inevitable oppressive and bureaucratic nature of a proposed price board.

    “We should be promoting self-sufficiency, not welfare dependency, by lowering welfare benefits to promote the notion that it should be used and seen as a last-resort measure. That employment is financially favorable to aid program reliance.”

    The Colonel would explain in a presentation to his Treasury department, “If a person on welfare finds a part-time job that will pay the minimum wage of $5 per hour for eight hours per week (totaling $40), at say 15% ($6), and there may be extra child-care and community costs as well since that the person can no longer remain at home all day, the person is now worse off than before getting the job. This result occurs despite performing eight hours of work per week that is productive to society.” [5] These findings were based on conservations the Colonel had with Commerce Secretary Friedman, and eventually led to the coinage of the term “welfare trap.”

    However, determining when welfare assistance should end during the improvement of one’s life and economic well-being was and remains a tricky affair, especially when considering the timing of gaining employment and the conditions therein.

    With this in mind, the Colonel’s doomed 1965 proposal resurfaced. “An unconditional dividend would eliminate the fears of rejection from welfare programs upon gaining employment,” Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. told the President later that month.

    The Colonel knew he could not go forward with returning to the guaranteed income concept without support. He concluded a mandate was in order: “I tried getting congress behind it, and that failed. So, next year, I will see to it that it is on the official party platform. That way, the people can vote on it instead of politicians.”

    – Barbara Petrongolo, “The Unemployment Trap,” London School of Economics, CentrePiece Spring 2008

    …But on the other hand, Jack’s condition had largely stabilized. He still often wore the back brace, but was now rarely depending on his crutches. The Addison’s disease still necessitated taking cortisone doses, but lately, after lengthy discussions with associates of the Rat Pack, Jack had begun divulging into more natural remedies and alleviants. Results were mixed: Shirley MacLaine’s suggest meditation techniques did not help at all, but turmeric (which helps increase hormone production) and milk thistle extract seemed to significantly lessen Jack’s discomfort [6]. While visiting Ted in California, Jack also discovered ginger incorporated into his food and drinks helped soothe intestinal pain and curb nausea.

    …Jack wanted to be in the best shape possible for the battle ahead, and overall, his health was improving thanks to the work of Dr. [Hans] Kraus. Nevertheless, the disease was still there, haunting him like an internal ghost, a hidden personal demon refusing to cease harassing his victim from the inside out. Jack would not have it.

    – Robert F. Kennedy’s The Definitive Decades, Tangent Writer’s House, 1999


    …Governor Rockefeller’s years of taxing-and-spending created debt, while crime and unemployment rose in city. Governor Biaggi response has so far been to actively crack down on crime… Biaggi has found support for his policies on bipartisan lines, a strategy man very evident by the Governor’s public meeting with President Sanders on July 23...

    Business Weekly, 8/1-7/1967 issue

    On August 1, 1966, Steven Ross, from Bob’s first marriage, came into the world. Shortly afterwards, though, the Rosses divorced. But every happy little cloud has a silver lining – not too long afterward, Bob met Jane, who held a government job there in Alaska.


    By early 1967, Bob was becoming, by his own admission “pretty darn good” at drawing. “I can draw really fast because the military taught me to do things quickly, always without dawdling or thinking for too long.” Bob soon developed a style of painting with intense spurts the despite their shots action dotting and jabbing at the board, the end result was almost always an image of calm tranquility. Early drawings show a clear “rush job” look, but by that summer, Ross had a good enough grip on painting to teach others the craft in Fairbanks. It was through connections here that he learned about Bill Alexander’s show…

    – Kristin G. Congdon, Doug Blandy, and Danny Coeyman’s Happy Clouds, Happy Trees: The Bob Ross Phenomenon, University Press of Mississippi, 2014


    [pic: ]
    – Bob Ross teaching a class in Fairbanks, Alaska, c. August 1967

    When he was 25 years old, Glen Bell opened a hot dog stand in San Bernardino. Four years later, Bell applied the techniques used by a Mexican café across the street to begin selling tacos instead. Originally called “El Taco,” the mid-to-late 1960s saw Taco Bell quickly rise from a one-man roadside operation into a regional, and ultimately, multinational, fast-food enterprise of walk-up and drive-thru locations that offered Mexican meals at affordable prices. Well, Mexican-inspired meals, or “Mexicanesque” food, as Bell called it in 1990 (or, if you prefer, “Mockxican” food, a phrase coined by Harley Sanders in 1967).

    – Josh Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012

    LABOUR LOSES MAJORITY GOVERNMENT: Brown To Meet With Liberals Ahead Of Likely Minority Government Formation

    …Conservative leader Enoch Powell’s call for a stronger approach to the IRA bombings frightening Britons for the past two years resonated well with the voters. Brown counterattacked with the warning that Powell would only worsen the already troubling situation regarding Northern Ireland. This was not enough to prevent Brown from losing support among security-minded voters – his party maintains minority control after a loss of 14 seats, losing majority control by just 2 seats.

    The Daily Mirror, UK newspaper, 8/9/1967

    ANNOUNCER: In an unconventional move, a Presidential candidacy has been formally announced months ahead of the Presidential primary dates. Mario Biaggi, the Governor of New York and former New York City police officer for roughly three decades, held a press meeting to unveil his plans for the next year.

    BIAGGI (ON FOOTAGE): “Governor Rockefeller mismanaged this state, he sent it into spiraling debt, and it took this Democrat to fix it!”

    ANNOUNCER: According to state polling, Biaggi is not well-known at the national level, and the Governor’s budget cuts early this year remain unpopular among many New York residents. When asked about his rapport with President Sanders, Biaggi had this to say:

    BIAGGI (ON FOOTAGE): “The Colonel has done many great things for this country, but I’m afraid he is far too soft on the reds at home and abroad.”

    – CBS Report, 8/20/1967 broadcast


    – The Washington Post, 8/25/1967


    [pic: ]

    – Freshman US Representative Maurice Robert “Mike” Gravel (D-AS), dressed as Paul Revere, hands out a petition to cancel plans for nuclear weapons testing in Alaska to a fellow US Representative, 8/26/1967


    …Abernathy, with the others, proclaimed “the city’s run-amok police officers their badges every time they overstep their boundaries and ignore the rights of the people they are meant to protect, not intimidate.”

    – The Chicago Tribune, 8/27/1967

    The conclusion is that inflation is slowly rising due to the Great Society programs. Recession in the immediate future is highly possible but not unavoidable. Options to be disclosed at meeting next week.

    – Internal memo, U.S. Treasury Department, dated 8/28/1967


    Tallahassee, FL – Governor Robert King High was found dead in his office earlier today. Doctors at the local hospital announced the cause of death to be a heart attack. High had previously suffered a heart attack in 1963 at age 39.

    As Florida has no Lieutenant Governor, the current President of the Florida Senate is the designated successor. This means the new Governor of Florida is Verle Allyn Pope, a Democratic legislator whom supported many of High’s policies…

    High was elected Governor last November over a scandal-plagued opponent. …As the Mayor of Miami for 10 years, the reformer addressed corruption and the city’s insurance commissioning practices while lowering city taxes to promotes more people and businesses moving into Miami. Being strongly anti-segregation, High often vocally opposed former C. Farris Bryant… As Governor, High passed legislation to expand job opportunity for low-income ethnic neighborhoods, and quickly became a friend to the state’s Hispanic and African populations...

    High is survived by his wife Sarah Faith Price High and their 6 children.

    – The Miami Herald, 8/30/1967

    25TH AMENDMENT RATIFIED: Voting Age Is Lowered From 21 To 18!

    …the approval of the Rhode Island state legislature had pushed this landmark legislation across the finish line… Sanders, who has shown no signs of opposing the law, is expected to hold a ceremony regarding the amendment within the next two weeks, according to a White House official...

    The New York Times, 9/1/1967


    [pic: ]
    – President Sanders celebrating his 77th birthday, 9/9/1967

    Dr. Luther Terry’s 1964 report on the health effects of tobacco smoking [10] led to the Federal Public Health Smoking Act of September 1967, which placed a ban on all tobacco-related product advertising on radio and/or television. The tobacco lobbyists on the hill claimed the bill violated free enterprise and violated the First Amendment by inhibiting the industry’s freedom of speech, but the Federal Communications Commission countered that, since the topic of smoking is controversial, numerous TV and radio stations continued to break the Fairness Doctrine when airing these commercials because they did not give equal time to the opposing viewpoint that smoking is dangerous [11]. To further promote a healthier America, Father instructed the H.E.W. department to promote healthy food consumption practices…

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991


    – The Washington Post, 9/12/1967


    [pic: ]
    – President Harland Sanders offers some students some of his famous chicken while visiting an elementary school in Washington, DC, after meeting with officials concerning children’s education programs and eating habits, c. September 1967

    …Congress’s attempts to close the federal budget deficit, though, were overshadowed by relevant geopolitics.

    On September 16, 1967, Cambodia-based Communist guerillas attacked the Laos city of Muang Champassak. American eyes returned to the region’s growing “Cambodian Crisis” and the persistent Pathet Lao. Former Secretary of State Jack Kennedy went onto Meet the Press to proclaim “I’ve known since 1963 that the best way to stabilize the Asian southeast is to send delegates to Geneva to set up a peace treaty. Warmongering can only go so far before the American people find it to be an unforgiveable offense.”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    At age 66, the King had been in poor health since at least 1959... Paul’s 27-year-old eldest child, his son Constantine II, succeeds him to the throne.

    The Daily Mirror, UK newspaper, 23/9/1967


    The Chicago Tribune, 9/24/1967

    FORTAS RESIGNS!: Supreme Court Justice Steps Down Over Ethics Scandal

    Washington, DC – Abe Fortas has stepped down from his Supreme Court seat a mere three days after Congressman J. E. Hinshaw (R-Ark.) introduced a resolution to formally begin impeachment proceedings against the Justice. …Earlier this month, investigators reveals Justice Fortas had accepted a $20,000 retainer from the family foundation of Louis Wolfson, a Wall Street financier who is a friend and former client of Fortas, in January 1966 [12]. This revelation came just weeks after Wolfson was indicted of securities violations, and while Fortas recused himself from the case and has denied any wrongdoing, the subsequent investigation into Fortas’ actions had “significantly damaged the Justice’s ability to work on the bench,” according to a source close to Chief Justice Warren. Also according to this source, Warren urged Fortas to step down.

    …this will be President Sanders’ first filling of a Supreme Court seat…

    The Washington Post, 9/24/1967

    King Of Cambodia Wants More U.S. “Advisory Troops” Amidst Rise Of Communists Attacks

    …Ardent former Viet Cong members are entering Cambodia from its northern border… The King is reluctant to call for additional American assistance due to his foreign policy stances. “He refuses to kowtow to either Western or Communist sides,” explains the former U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia William Kane, “but the situation is getting more severe, and we should help his country in securing the border and expelling the unwanted insurgents.”

    The New York Times, 9/27/1967 report

    Sander’s initial choice [for Fortas’ seat] was Jack Greenberg (1924-2016) of Brown vs. Board of Education fame, so his name was floated out as the frontrunner contender to test his viability. Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy praised the choice, but conservative Democrats adamantly opposed him. After several tense days, the Democrats’ saber-rattling ended when Greenberg publicly declined the position, but he noted he was “more than flattered by the honor of being considered.” Sanders then sought out another candidate while at the same time dealt with rising problems overseas…

    – Linda Greenhouse and Morton J. Horwitz’s The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice (Third Edition), Sunrise Publishing, 2010

    …Sanders became convinced, during these lengthy phone talks with the King of Cambodia, to increase number of US advisors in Cambodia by 30%. The White House confirmed the move at a press conference on October 10…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    De Gaulle to The Colonel: “Keep Out of Asia”

    …changing noticeably from the war-supporting policies that caused De Gaulle to fall from power in 1965, the former leader of France told the American President, “The independence of all nations in southeast Asia must be guaranteed by the nonintervention of any outside powers. Let the Cambodians take care of themselves”… [13].

    The Telegraph, UK newspaper, 10/11/1967

    “Protecting our allies in all corners of the globe is a necessity vital to maintaining the well-being of all well-meaning freedom-lovers.”

    – U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Bonesteel, defending recent activities in Indochina at a press conference, 10/12/1967

    Walter, the scene outside the White House south lawn is reminiscent of four years ago, as shoutniks march with picket signs in protest of the U.S. troops returning to Indochina to combat Communists guerillas in the nation of Cambodia. Some of these young activists believe the President’s “foreign advisor” force increase five days ago will lead to, quote, “a second Cuba.”

    – CBS News, 10/15/1967 broadcast

    In his memoirs, Sanders’ Attorney General Lawrence Edward Walsh revealed the extent of Sanders’ complex frustrations with student/shoutnik protestors. At one private meeting in the Oval Office, the Colonel allegedly complained “These youngin’s should shove-off or shut-up. When I was much younger than them my new stepdaddy didn’t care for me, and I didn’t much care for him. Did I complain? No! I left home and made something out of myself. No picketing necessary! But today, they complain about anything and everything – even if you win a War!” The Colonel then remarked “I fully support their right to protest, but it just feels like an abuse of the First Amendment to try to hold the government hostage. For college students, they don’t understand how complicated this whole thing is!”

    The return of the shoutniks contributed to the Colonel beginning to second-guess his support of J. Edgar Hoover, after the latter reportedly suggested to the Colonel that he should send in the National Guard to “get the garbage taken off the lawn.” According to author Rick Perlstein, the Colonel was shocked by this “heartless” suggestion. During a conversation with his daughter Margaret, the Colonel said, “I can’t believe he still thinks like that.” Margaret reportedly remarked, “Well, you know what they say, Dad – never meet your idol.”

    – Paul Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012


    With the economy roaring and unemployment below 5%, many are applauding Sanders for his alleged role in these developments. In reality, these economic conditions are the long-term effects of LBJ’s Great Society programs. In late 1961, Johnson enacted tax cuts that reduced marginal rates in middle-range brackets as well as for corporations, and yet, Republicans still claim he was against corporations, which has led to an elderly baby born from corporate America becoming our new leader. These tax cuts increased our gross national product by 8% in 1962, 7% in 1963, and 6% in 1964, according to several bipartisan and independent research study organizations. The GDP increases of 1965 (5%), and 1966 (7%) are the direct result of those 1961 tax cuts, and not from some nonexistent Sanders action. Furthermore, the lowering of the unemployment rate has been affected by two factors: more immediately, the Cuban War’s conclusion thanks to actions taken during LBJ’s last months in office, and a much older phenomenon – the Baby Boomers. These are the people born immediately after WWII – roughly over 70 million new American citizens born in the past 20 years. In a recent article in the New Yorker, economist John K. Galbraith predicts “the nation’s workforce between now and 1980 will double as these ‘boomers’ enter the workforce.” The long-term effects of this will be higher unemployment if the President does not expand the nation’s employment possibilities via immediate liberal legislation. Responsibility with the future we leave our children is tantamount to the legacy of anyone whom wields the power to make such change happen.

    – Senator Yarborough’s op-ed in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 1/5/1968; Yarborough later publicly apologized for the “elderly baby” remark

    What can you tell us about the claims of former aides and interns that your husband had a temper and, to put it bluntly, swore like a sailor?

    Oh, my Harland would only cuss up a storm when he was infuriated by something very offensive. I remember this one incident in October where this Senator, um, some Democrat I believe, referred to him in a demeaning manner that was too disrespectful for a Senator to say to his President. He called the Senator to the Oval Office and made a bullhorn out of his ear, cursing something awful.

    But you know what? I was this kind of passion suggested in those reports, both the articles and rumors back the books out now, that only increased his base of moderate and conservative supporters. Sanders would meet with the people and they told him, they liked having a bulldog barking for them, to have a strong, brave, passionate man fighting for their jobs and the like.

    – Claudia Price Sanders and interviewer, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1979

    EXTRA!: ISRAEL INVADES EGYPT! Nasser’s Air Force Overwhelmed!

    – The New York Times, 10/18/1967

    “So, you want war, Jews? Well, then, heh-heh…Ahlan Wa-sahlan [welcome], mother!#@&ers!”

    – Egypt’s President Nasser, 10/18/1967 (multiple sources, but still possibly anecdotal)

    The Sukkot War between Israel and the Egypt/Jordan/Syria alliance began with a pre-emptive aerial assault on Egypt’s air force bases on the morning of Wednesday, October 18, which was Erev Sukkot. The next day, on the first day of Sukkot, a solemn biblical Jewish holiday [7]: a day the Egyptians would never suspect to be the launch date of an attack on their forces. The Israel Defense Forces estimated the war would be over before the 25th, the 7th day of Sukkot.

    Originally, the plan was for the war to occur in June, but Israel’s PM, Levi Eshkol, a 72-year-old Zionist, was uncertain of the amount and extent of support America’s President Sanders would provide. Sanders’ proposed talks with the leaders of Russia and Red China put Israel on edge, as securing US political and military support in the lead up to the war was crucial on geopolitical grounds, as Israel so to develop international legitimacy through an absolute military victory. Thus, most of the summer had involved Israel’s ambassador to the US, Avraham Harman, meeting with Sanders and members of his military and state departments.


    Syria had no air support and poor communication with Jordan and Egypt, and so their activities in the war were initially minimal.


    – Martin van Creveld’s Defending Israel: A Controversial Plan Toward Peace, Thomas Dunne Books, 2004

    “What are they doing?” the Colonel inquired.

    “It looks like a repeat of 1956,” the General answered.

    “That Suez Canal thing?”

    “Um, not exactly, sir,” he explained, “Also that year, Israel invaded the Sinai like how they are now. But it was over the Tiran Straits, not the Canal. And it seems like this is a pre-emptive reply to Egypt’s President Nasser closing the Tiran to Israeli vessels back in May.”

    “Oh, that thing. The thing Israel’s been asking us to intervene over for months. I guess they finally decided to do something about it themselves.”

    Ambassador Harman, sitting quietly in the back, spoke up. “We were waiting for absolute certainty that America would support us during this… endeavor. But, Colonel, we were put off by your support for Palestine when we discussed the broader issue with you in June.”

    “I did not say I support Palestine.”

    “You were reluctant to support Israel. Same difference.”

    “The Hell it is! This is a regional conflict and you want the US, a country on the opposite side of the globe, to just step in and pick a side?”

    “It’s what you did with Vietnam, Colonel.”

    “That was different and you know it! And it’s not like the Egyptians aren’t without blame, here.” The Colonel walked over to the giant map on the wall. “You don’t close seaways. Not only does it hurt merchants and innocent traders, but with how the economies of the world’s countries are getting more and more intertwined with each other, it endangers the economic well-being of folks far removed from this regional conflict.”

    “So you agree – that this is an act of self-defense – that this is a repelling of Egypt’s aggression.”

    It looked like Sanders wanted to say, “I don’t know,” or maybe that he wanted both sides to find a less bloody solution such as a trade deal, but instead he said, “That’s to be figured out.”

    “Well you should figure it soon, sir.” Harman observed, “Israel needs to know you still have their back on this, Mr. President.”

    “Mr. President, Jordan’s mobilizing their air force,” the Deputy Defense Secretary got off the phone to inform the Colonel of the update.

    “But they haven’t even been invaded.”

    The Ambassador explained, “Egypt, Jordan and Syria all made pacts with each other to support each other should Israel ever attack them.”

    “And the IDF knew of these pacts.” The Colonel surmised.

    “They had months to plan out this response, sir.”

    Jordanian jets flew out to the Golan Heights to bomb tanks and shoot down Israeli jets, but due to the hasty mobilization of forces, communications between Jordanian and Egyptian military leaders were poor. Most noticeably, two flanks of jets struck the same tank division, leaving a second Israeli tank formation untouched. The tank division proved vital in repelling the Syrians from the Golan Heights.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014 [8]

    “Any Americans nearby?” Shelepin barked.

    The subordinate reported, “Just the USS Liberty, a research ship, stationed in Tel Aviv.”

    “Imbecile! There’s American ships and subs out there, I know it! Keep looking!” Shelepin ordered.


    By noon of the second day, Israel was well on its way to capturing and occupying the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. All of the IDF’s months of hard planning was playing off without a hitch. Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were uncoordinated and in disarray. China was silent; Russia however, was a different story. As a nation famous for its large Jewish population, Russia had tried in the past to coax Israel into their sphere of influence. After October 18, Russia’s Premier Shelepin became convinced the assault was fully orchestrated by the Americans, and began to consider escalating the conflict to nuclear proportions.

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    Egypt’s air power was obliterated. The Egyptian Air Force’s airfields were in deplorable infrastructure conditions, lacking even air shelters for the men; the Israeli jets flew in below radar so that they too low for surface-to-air missiles batteries to be effective. The bombings disabled their runways and destroyed an overwhelming majority of their jets in an impressively quick manner.

    Casualties were severely lopsided in Israel’s favor. By the end of the second day of warfare, 20,000 Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian troops were dead, compared to less than 1,000 Israeli soldiers. Nasser began contemplating ordering an evacuation of the Sinai. Then the unexpected happen – Iraq intervened.

    The leader of Iraq, Abdul Rahman Arif, had decided to take the opportunity to attack Israel with what he saw would be seen as a legitimate defense of his unofficial allies in the region, and enlarge Iraq’s standing on the world stage.

    By October 20, most of the Sinai, West Bank, and Golan Heights regions were occupied despite tepid support from the US and opposition from what was now four countries, but Israel was meeting more resistance in light of Iraq’s assaults.

    – Gad Barzilai’s Wars, Internal Conflicts, and Political Order: A Jewish Democracy in the Middle East, NYU Press, 1996 [9]

    Egypt’s forces consisted of infantry, 100,000 troops and roughly 900 tanks in the Sinai, plus APCs and artillery. Egyptian brigades failed to push back the ground forces, but air attacks were less frequent on the 21st as Iraq attacked IDF airfields.

    It soon became obvious that the Israelis had failed to consider the idea that Iraq would join its fellow Muslim-majority nations and attack.

    By the 22nd, Israel were actually beginning troops falling back from Golan Heights as Syrian ground troops became more organized.

    The IDF began to fear the initial assault on Egypt would not be enough.

    – Derek Hopwood’s Egypt: Politics and Society, Routledge London Press, 1971


    – The New York Times, 10/23/1967


    [pic: ]
    – Colonel Sanders reacting to an update on the situation in the Middle East, 10/23/1967

    “Dammit, what Dam?!”

    “The Aswan Dam, sir. The Egyptians start construction on this massive multimillion-dollar damming endeavor to increase the state’s agriculture production, electricity production, employment, tourism, and prevent droughts,” Secretary Bonesteel explained.

    “Now that’s the kind of stuff governments should invest in,” the Colonel softly remarked, almost as if to himself.

    “The project on the Nile started back in 1960, and the first dam construction stage was finished three years ago. Since then, the reservoir has slowly been filling, but it wasn’t expected to reach capacity until 1975.”

    “Oh! So here wasn’t any flooding?” a dash of hope flashed across his face.

    “U-2 recon photos and ground reporting suggest some flooding, but nothing more than the floods usually experienced in the area during the Rainy Seasons. Few crops hit, local industry will survive.”

    “Anyone killed?”

    “I’d be surprised if nobody was.”

    “Care to explain this action?” The Colonel asked the Ambassador.

    “It’s very telling that you keep defending our enemies instead of us,” Harman deflected the inquiry.

    “Only because they have no representatives here. Egypt and Jordan have severed their relations with us, they enough kicked out our ambassador. But trust when I say that if they sent some representatives, I’d be chastisin’ ’em right now for causing this maelstrom of death and headache.”

    The Ambassador grinned, “I’m sure the crash into the Dam was an accident, but if it wasn’t, well, this is a war.”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014 [9]

    The war proceeded onward in Israel’s favor, but with a higher casualty rate. Syria retook the Golan Heights on the 24th.

    Later that day, in a startling move, Prime Minister Eshkol decided to save face and de-escalate the conflict before Israel “finds itself on the losing side of its won war.” Upon hearing Eshkol's decision, President Sanders reportedly sighed in relief.

    – Gad Barzilai’s Wars, Internal Conflicts, and Political Order: A Jewish Democracy in the Middle East, NYU Press, 1996


    The New York Times, 10/24/1967

    After the attack on the Aswan Dam, Shelepin became more willing to intervene with an attack on the US. It was only Eshkol’s call for an armistice that calmed him down, as he viewed it as an admission of defeat (as did Egypt and its allies, while Israel saw it as an “overall victory” due to its net land gains). The timing of Eshkol’s announcement proved vital – according to multiple sources, had the call for a truce occurred any later, it would have been too late, as Shelepin was about to order a Soviet Air Force strike on IDF elements in Tel Aviv when he received word of the Eshkol announcement.

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    CEASE-FIRE IN MIDDLE EAST ACCEPTED AFTER TALKS: Golan Heights Returned to Syria, Israel Retains West Bank and Half of The Sinai

    – The Washington Post, 10/27/1967


    New York City, NY – The US Ambassador to the UN today called for the multinational organization to send aid to the Middle East to help displaced persons on both sides of the Sukkot War. According to a BBC World News report, at least 12,000 Palestinians have fled the West Bank, while persons of the Jewish faith have fled from their homes across the Middle East out of fear of retribution.

    – The Eugene Register-Guard, 10/27/1967

    [Iraqi President] Abdul Rahman Arif, fearful of losing his grip on power in the wake of his failure to keep to his October 22 pledge to “eliminate Israel completely from the map,” blamed the perceived “loss” of the Sukkot War on [Deputy Secretary of the Regional Command Saddam] Hussein. Branded a traitor for "giving classified information to Israeli spies for money" without any evidence, police arrested Hussein. Multiple countries criticized Arif for the “kangaroo court” trial of Saddam Hussein, but his sentencing and execution went forward regardless. In the aftermath of Hussein’s execution, the United States re-establsihed support for Arif, with then-President Colonel Sanders commending Arif for not being corrupt and for supporting closer ties with the West despite Iraq’s role in the Sukkot War.

    – clickopedia/Saddam_Hussein_(Iraqi_politician) (note: stub article)

    ..The bittersweet results of the war created lingering tensions between the US and Israel, with Israeli officials criticizing Colonel Sanders' behavior as "too peace-happy" and not supportive enough of Israel. While the nation's position on the world stage was certainly elevated, primarily for its impressive destruction of the Egyptian Air Force, the Israeli government became less confident in the capabilities of the IDF in the months and even years immediately following the Sukkot War…

    – Martin van Creveld’s Defending Israel: A Controversial Plan Toward Peace, Thomas Dunne Books, 2004

    In late 1967, there was a 20-year-old woman named Norma Nelson. After a number of run-ins with the law and then dropping out of a State School for Girls in Gainesville, Texas at the age of 17, she another person moved to California. Almost a drifter in nature, she was ultimately by a KFC outlet just outside of San Francisco. Then one day, a woman claiming to be Ms. Nelson’s “betrayed ex-lover” shot and killed her inside the restaurant while she was helping a customer. I remember learning of the incident and visiting the outlet. Nelson had already been moved, but there was still blood on floor and booth. While the incident was unconnected to KFC and received little national press attention, it shocked me that someone so young had died so horribly. Due to Ms. Nelson’s connection to violent individuals, Millie successfully calling for a complete overhauling of employment processes for all KFC outlets. She was not exactly keeping out the riff-raff so much as it was keeping our customers safe. That was our emphasis. But even still, every once in a while, I would think back to that bloodied booth and what a terrible tragedy the whole incident, the loss of a young life, had been for everyone involved. That is what led to my founding of my charity program for teen runaways and other at-risk youths…

    – Margaret Sanders’ The Colonel’s Secret: Eleven Herbs and a Spicy Daughter, StarGroup International, 1997

    EXTRA!: Sanders Cancels Cabinet Meeting, Checks Into Hospital For “Fatigue”

    The Washington Times, 10/28/1967

    “No, Helen, the President simply overextended himself today, and after he gets some rest, he will be getting back to work within a day or two.”

    – WH Press Sec. Ron Ziegler, 10/28/1967


    Associated Press, 10/29/1967 report

    …The Expo ’67 World’s Fair was held in Canada to celebrate the nation’s Centennial (October 1967). Canadians viewed the festivities as producing a much-needed boost for Canadian morale after the tumultuous Diefenbaker years. …Pierre Berton described 1967 as “Canada’s first good year after a sea of bad ones.”


    ROBSION ELECTED GOVERNOR: Victories Here, Elsewhere, Gives GOP High Hopes For ’68

    The Kentucky Gazette, 11/7/1967

    Kentucky General Election Results, 11/7/1967:

    For Governor:
    John M. Robsion Jr. (Republican) – 462,099 (52.10%)
    Ed Breadthitt (Democratic) – 414,825 (46.77%)
    Christian Glanz (Heritage & Independence) – 9,224 (1.04%)
    Total votes cast: 886,148
    Turnout: 29.19% Total Population

    For Lieutenant Governor:
    Thomas Ratliff (Republican) – 409,941 (50.36%)
    Henry Ward (Democratic) – 397,651 (48.85%)
    William Smith (Heritage & Independence) – 6,430 (0.79%)
    Total votes cast: 814,022
    Turnout: 26.79% Total Population



    The Times-Picayune, 11/7/1967


    In his second bid for the office, Rubel Lex Phillips Sr., 42, the former state Service Commissioner, repeatedly attacked the Democratic nominee, state Treasurer William Winter, 44, for being “not Southern enough” despite being born and raised in Grenada, Mississippi, and tied himself to President Sanders, whose personality and handling of Vietnam has made him increasingly popular in this state. Learning from his failed gubernatorial bid in 1963, Phillips was less hostile on this campaign trail, and discussed more than just one issue. He reached out to independents and focused heavily on issues that were less divisive and more locally focused, such as state contractors for road repair and hospital improvements. Phillips will enter office in January.

    The Daily Mississippian, 11/7/1967

    Boston Mayoral Election Results:

    Runoff (11/7/1967):
    Kevin H. White – 105,496 (54.7%)
    John Winthrop Sears – 87,366 (45.3%)
    Total votes cast: 192,862
    Turnout: 27.66% Total Population

    Boston Mayoral Election Results:
    Preliminary (9/26/1967):
    John Winthrop Sears – 32,959 (21.23%)
    Kevin H. White – 30,795 (19.83%)
    Louise Day Hicks – 29,528 (19.02%)
    Edward J. Logue – 27,494 (17.71%)
    Christopher A. Iannella – 19,778 (12.74%)
    Stephen Davenport – 9,016 (5.81%)
    Nicholas Abraham – 2,295 (1.48%)
    Albert L. “Dapper” O’Neil – 1,471 (0.95%)
    Peter F. Hines – 1,091 (0.70%)
    John F. McDonough – 827 (0.54%)
    Total votes cast: 155,248
    Turnout: 22.27% Total Population


    The Preliminary election had seen Commonwealth Secretary Kevin White, a liberal, running on the message of expanding social programs, edging out Boston School Committee member Louise Day Hicks, a conservative, for second place. John Winthrop Sears, a 37-year-old self-described “center-fielding” moderate Republican lawyer and member of the state house of representatives since 1965, received a campaign boost from President Sanders endorsing him over Hicks. While officially a Democrat, many of Hicks’ policies were popular among conservative Republicans, such as her call for the FBI to dissolve the “Malcolm X-Men” social organization, her opposition to busing Black and low-income children to white and high-income school districts, and her crime reform proposals. However, in light of the victory in Vietnam, the Colonel’s July endorsement of Sears siphoned some votes away from however. However, it is now evident that Sears failed to win over Hicks supporters, who stayed home on Election Day, giving the Mayoralty to White by a fair margin.

    The Boston Globe, 11/7/1967

    November 7, 1967: Surveyor 6 is launched



    …Edward H. Levi, 56, served as a special assistant to the U.S. Attorney General during World War II, was the dean of the University of Chicago Law School from 1950 to 1962, was promoted to provost of that university in 1962, and has served as assistant Attorney General of the United States since 1965. Several politicians had questioned Levi’s credentials, but his impressive answers during the hearings portion of the vetting process won over most naysayers. “He has an almost encyclopedic understanding of various aspect of US Constitutional law that will make him a valued asset to the court,” swears Senator Bud Wilkinson (R-OK)…

    The Los Angeles Times, 11/8/1967


    Associated Press, 11/10/1967 report


    …The funds spent on a run for the Presidency has steadily risen in each election since 1952. The 1964 election saw both the Johnson and Sanders campaign spend a combined $413,445.42 [14] on all campaign expenditures [15]. After adjusting for inflation, the upcoming 1968 election is expected to see $928,251.66 [16] spent on advertisements in the form of posters, banners, TV and radio commercials, newspaper spots, endorsements, renting spaces for fundraisers and other events, and other elements...

    – The Wall Street Journal, 11/10/1967

    Apollo 4 – second crewed Apollo flight


    Launched: 11/11/1967



    – The Washington Post, 11/11/1967


    President Sanders, at 77, is by far America’s oldest President, and recent health issues coupled with his increasing focus on foreign policy over campaign concerns may hint at Sanders deciding against running for a second term to instead focus on resolving conflicts in Indochina and. The Colonel has already made several accomplishments while in office – he deregulated several industries, vetoed tax hikes in a libertarian fashion to contribute to a national surplus, and toppled the Ho Chi Minh regime suffocating the people of North Vietnam. Retirement may be best to preserve his legacy, as some pundits have suggested his health and advanced age could cost him re-election next year.

    If he was to decline, the party has a diverse roster of potential 1968 nominees. Naturally, Nelson Rockefeller and Barry Goldwater could run again, but could be opposed by members of their respective factions who have not run before. For instance, Secretary of State Carl Curtis’s name has been floated as a less toxic alternative to Goldwater. Similarly, a very obvious choice for Sanders’ successor would be his Vice President, William Scranton. Scranton is a moderate, but he has portrayed leadership skills by calming a race riot in Madison, Wisconsin last summer and contributing to legislation victories. Meanwhile, General Creighton Abrams, the man who strategized the land-sea-air invasion of Hanoi, could energize the party in a way similar to how Eisenhower did in 1952. Deputy President pro tempore of the Senate Richard Nixon, a known friend of the Colonel, could mount a political comeback. However, so far Nixon has not expressed interest despite becoming the third-highest ranking member of the Senate upon Johnson entering the inaugural position of Executive Deputy President pro tempore of the Senate. Other prospective candidates may very well be Governor Volpe, Governor Romney, and General Westmoreland.

    National Review article (abridged), late November issue


    “Florida needs a Senator who will work for the real people of Florida!”

    – The Montgomery Advertiser, 11/12/1967



    INTERVIEWER: There’s been some talk of President Sanders deciding against running for re-election next year. If these rumors prove to be true, will you consider running?

    WESTMORELAND: I had to be a Major General before I became a General. If I want to be President, I’ll work my way up to it first.

    INTERVIEWER: Does that mean you’re considering a run for some public office?

    WESTMORELAND: I’m keeping that option on the table for now. My current primary focus, though, is to protect and defend America and her allies as commander of U.S. forces – I mean, advisory personnel – in Cambodia.”

    The Greenville News, South Carolina newspaper, 11/19/1967

    11/24/1967: [17] Truett Cathy changes the name of his Atlanta, Georgia restaurant from “Dwarf House” to “Chick-fil-A” (a play on “chicken fillet”) six years after discovering a pressure-fryer capable of cooking his signature chicken sandwich in the same short amount of time needed to cook fast-food burgers.


    [pic: ]


    …Our exposé in January revealed that these two world leaders were initially suspicious of each other for their opposing political views. New reporting now reveals that they have since cooled relations via finding common ground on social issues and personal interests...

    The Globe and Mail, 11/24/1967

    NGUYEN KHANH WOUNDED IN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Vietnam Pres. Recovering From Guns Shot Into Car; Vows To “Bring The Would-be Killers To Justice.”

    Stars and Stripes, 11/28/1967

    Polling Report: Americans polarized on US foreign policy strength

    …Despite the victory in Vietnam, 34% of Americans still question the strength and/or reliability of the US military. …The rise in America’s presence in Cambodia is a factor in these polling results, as is President Sanders’ administration currently negotiating the exact place for a meeting with China’s Mao Zedong and the premier of Russia, both of which are scheduled to happen “within the next five months,” according to White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler.

    The Washington Post, 11/30/1967

    In the Senate chamber, Lee Metcalf asked Johnson to sit down with him, Russell, and Mansfield. Metcalf, the Permanent Acting President pro tempore of the Senate from Montana, was a heavily influential liberal reformer and champion of laws involving raising the minimum wage, improving healthcare and education, and promoting conservation. Johnson possibly believed the talk was to be on legislation. The meeting was more like an intervention of sorts.

    “Lyndon, I’ll get straight to the point – we know you want to run for President again, but we do not believe that to be wise.”

    “You want me to not run?” Johnson said with a dismissive snort-laugh. When the other men didn’t smile back, Johnson went on defense, “Well you won’t get legislation passed faster under any other President!”

    “Lyndon, the Colonel beat you once, he could beat you again,” Mansfield said.

    “Not with buyer’s remorse on my side.”

    “The Colonel is going to tout the overthrow of the Viet Cong until every voter can’t forget it, and he’ll compare it to Cuba,” Metcalf added.

    “Oh you’re the ringleader of this, aren’t you, Lee. You disliked my handling of Cuba so now you’re, what trying to make a powerful enemy?”

    “We just know you’d be a greater benefit to the US behind a Senate seat than the Resolute Desk, that’s all,” Russell noted.

    “You too, Dick?”

    “We have to look out for the party,” Russell defended himself.

    Johnson, after a bitter sigh, asked, “And who do you think can win against Sanders.”

    “Another Sanders,” Russell answered. “Carl Sanders.”

    “Who?” Johnson inquired. Usually of an encyclopedic mind in regards to politicians, the name escaped him.

    “He this lawyer-politician who was my state’s Governor from ’63 to ’67. Left office a highly popular man. He’s young – only 42, his policies are sound, he’s charismatic, he’s a war veteran, he’s got legislative and executive experience, and he’s completely scandal free.”

    “But most importantly,” Mansfield interrupted, “he’s fiercely loyal to the party that made him the nation’s youngest Governor in ’63. At the Georgia party’s convention last year, he said, and I quote, ‘A man should be loyal to his country, his family, to his God and to his political party – and don’t you ever forget it.’”

    Johnson shook his head. “No offense, Dick, but he’s a Deep Southerner, and one without northern appeal. He won’t survive the primaries.”

    “Lyndon,” Russell began.

    “No, no, no! If you want me to stand down, you’ll have to back my preferred candidate.”

    “Who do you have in mind?” asked Metcalf.

    “Humphrey! I just talked to him – he’s recovering from his health scare nicely. He’s full of life and energy, and he's told me that he’ll run if I don’t.”

    “Then he’s running, Lyndon.”

    Johnson would agree to declining a bid in exchange for support on several bills he was overseeing, effectively controlling a number of Senators' votes until the conclusion of the 1968 DNC…

    – Robert Caro’s The Years of Lyndon: Book Five: The Post-Presidency Years, A. A. Knopf Inc., 2018


    Washington, DC – In a bipartisan effort, Congress today officially altered the Secret Service law enforcement agency’s mandate to protect not just the President, all declared presidential candidates. The expansion includes an allocation funds ahead of the 1968 Presidential election. The expansion was first suggested in late 1964, shortly after then-candidate Colonel Sanders survived a knife attack while on the candidate trail...

    – The New York Daily News, 12/7/1967

    CRONKITE: Good evening… Earlier today, the former Governor of Alabama, George Corley Wallace Jr., announced that he is running for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. His platform calls for a, quote, better handling, unquote, of post-Viet Cong Indochina, and the, quote, physical decentralization of industries, unquote.

    WALLACE (in footage): “I don’t think God meant people to be all jammed up in cities. No courtesy, no time, no room – that’s all you get in cities[18].

    CRONKITE: In stark contrast to other declared and undeclared Democrats in the race, Wallace is opposing the expansion of certain “Great society” measures and institutions.

    WALLACE (in footage): “I oppose having the bureaucrats and intellectual morons trying to manage everything for the rest of us. It’s simply a matter of trusting the people to make their own decisions.[18]

    CRONKITE: We will see in the weeks and months ahead just how effective this rhetoric will be on the campaign trail.

    – CBS News, 12/11/1967 broadcast

    In early December 1967, [state representative Michael] Dukakis successfully managed to get the state Auto Insurance Reform act passed, and invited much media attention to its singing-into-law ceremony, making sure to get credit for the legislative victory instead of Governor Volpe. [19]

    – Richard Gaines and Michael Segal’s Dukakis: The Man Who Would Be Governor, Mass Market Paperback/Avon Books, 1987

    PRIME MINISTER HAROLD HOLT WELCOMED IN D.C.: Meets With Sanders To Sign Trade Agreement

    The Canberra Times, 12/12/1967

    On December 13, 1967, Sanders met with his Commerce and Treasury Secretaries at Camp David to again discuss the administration’s economic concerns. After a lengthy discussion, the Colonel agreed to call on Congress to impose an 8-month freeze on wages and prices in order to stabilize the American dollar. Secretary Friedman initially proposed a freezing for 12 months, but Sanders disliked the idea of the freeze continuing into the 1968 Presidential election.

    – Russell L. Riley’s The President’s Words: White House Speeches and Their Impacts, University of Kansas Press, 2010

    MOTHER (to camera): My family loves eat dinner together, but my son and daughter like different things. (fade to family at generic burger place) Sometimes when we eat out, we’ll have hamburgers, which daughter doesn’t like (fade to family at generic chicken place), and sometimes we’ll we have chicken, which my son doesn’t like. (to camera) If only there was a place where we could get both chicken and hamburgers.

    ANNOUNCER: There is!

    FATHER (looking up): Really? Where?!

    ANNOUNCER (spoken over image of outlet): At Kentucky Fried Chicken!

    SON: But they just sell chicken items there!

    ANNOUNCER (spoken over footage of family happily ordering at KFC): Not anymore! Introducing the all-new Wendyburger Menu! That’s right, the good people at KFC have cooked up a mighty-fine selection of burgers – hamburgers and cheeseburgers with fresh, high-quality beef, lettuce, tomatoes and buns.

    MOTHER (to camera, smiling): Now everyone’s happy!

    SON (taking large bite out of burger): Mmm! That’s delicious!

    ANNOUNCER: (loudly) KFC’s Wendyburgers – their Finger Lickin’ Good! (quietly) For a limited time only, pending sales results. Found in participating locations in 35 states. Exact menu items may very per outlet.

    – Transcript of TV commercial for the KFC Wendyburger Menu, aka the Wendy Menu, first unveiled 12/15/1967

    The Colonel’s fairly light scheduling in the autumn and the celebration of his 77th birthday on September 9 led to several weeks throughout the autumn months of speculation that the President would retire. Some pundits suggested even if his health was not primary issue, retirement could give him the time left in his term to focus on ending warfare in Laos and nip the insurgency in Cambodia in the bud. Sanders decided to address the rumors “buzzing around D.C. like flies on a donkey’s rear end,” as he put it.

    – Ted White’s The Making of the President: 1968, Atheneum Publishers, 1969

    On December 21, Sanders publicly called on congress to approve of the wage freeze. However, in a move that his inner circle was not expecting, the Colonel also finally made official his 1968 bid at the same press meeting held at the White House: “By the grace of God we will continue to spread America’s best fortunes until they reach every corner of the globe! I will not retire after just one term. I am not too old to serve another term, and I am not too ill to serve another term. The thing that keeps a man alive is having something to do. [20] And this administration still has much to do – more rights to preserve, more freedoms to uphold, and more dreams to help make into realities.” ...Sanders later explained that sought to win over conservatives and liberals with “a rallying message” Instead, Sanders was criticized on the left for being “imperialist” in tone and on the right for interfering with the “natural flow” of the economy...

    – Russell L. Riley’s The President’s Words: White House Speeches and Their Impacts, University of Kansas Press, 2010


    …those surveyed suggest the two greatest concerns for the American at the moment are the upcoming tax freezes and perceived foreign policy stagnation…

    – Gallup Poll report, 12/31/1967

    “This is going to be a cakewalk”

    – Former U.S. Secretary of State Jack Kennedy, 12/31/1967 (multiple sources)


    [Pic: ]
    – Jack Kennedy, eating a meal while wearing a suit for some reason, c. December 1967

    [1] Wording found here:
    [2] Good point, @DTF955Baseballfan
    [3] Founded Sonny’s BBQ restaurant chain in 1968 IOTL, but not here due to this promotion.
    [4] Source:
    [5] As described here:
    [6] Taken from here:
    [7] Source of Sukkot dates:
    [8 & 9] Statistics and background information taken from here:
    [10] Found here:
    [11] Pulled from here:
    [12] According to the information found here:
    [13] Italicized part of quote is from here:
    [14] $300 million in 2011 dollars according to
    [15] The $300 million number mentioned above if from the chart at this source:
    [16] $600 million in 2011 dollars according to
    [17] Date found here:
    [18] OTL quote!
    [19] Based on the real-life actions described in OTL’s Dukakis: The Man Who Would Be President book:
    [20] OTL quote!

    Also: @DTF955Baseballfan, M.A.S.H. was based on the 1968 novel based on the real-life Korean War experience of this guy ; other TV shows would cover the war, I imagine. The Wonder Years, for example, was a wholly fictional take on a radical moment in American history; maybe ITTL, that show is made in the late 1980s/early 1990s, but it’s set in the early-to-mid ’60s instead of the late’60s/early’70s.

    And, ahead of the next post (E.T.A.: June 20), I’ve made a poll for the 1968 Democratic primaries: !

    And here’s a quick breakdown of the candidates on the poll:

    Governor Mario Biaggi of New York (b. 1917, age 51) – the leading law-and-order candidate and “rising star” of the moderate half of the party entered politics in 1963, but quickly worked his way up to statewide prominence in an impressive manner; as a proud Italian-American and a former highly-decorated police officer, he could easily appeal to white ethnic voters, suburban voters, and urban voters: “When you do things the right way and for the right reasons, you end up right where you want to be, but when you do things the wrong way and for the wrong reasons, you end up right where you deserve to be.”

    Governor Edmund Gerald “Pat” Brown of California (b. 1905, age 63) – in office since 1959, he has overseen the expansion of The Golden State’s economy, and “walked the political tightrope” when it came to address shoutnik protests during the past several years and tumultuous social change: “My supporters are fired up, and those flames of enthusiasm are going to spread out, and quickly.”

    Former Governor Bertram Thomas “Bert” Combs of Kentucky (b. 1911, age 57) – The Colonel’s gubernatorial successor aims to be The Colonel’s Presidential successor next year by mounting a campaign focused on his record of reforming and expanding his home state’s parks and education systems: “I think appreciation for our country’s natural landscapes is stamped deeply into the fabric of our culture and our national identity, so I think it should also be stamped deeply into the fine print of our national laws.”

    US Representative Maurice Robert “Mike” Gravel of Alaska (b. 1930, age 38) – In office since 1967, this “maverick” former Speaker of the Alaska House of Representatives has mounted a longshot bid on essentially one key platform – No More War: “We cannot keep caving in to the deadly demands of the military-industrial complex, which President Eisenhower warns us about in January 1961.”

    Former US VP Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr. of Minnesota (b. 1911, age 57) – The “loyal” former VP looks to be the man to beat for top-tier status, as he boasts a robust war chest, many political connections, and a liberal platform; however, some opponents may be able to attack him on The Cuba War quite easily: “Foreign policy is really domestic policy with its hat on.”

    Former US Secretary of State John Fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy of Massachusetts (b. 1917, age 51) – Jack is very similar to Hubert; playing a major role in the Johnson administration, the well-funded top-tier candidate will have to explain both his role in The Cuba War and, quite possibly, the exact status of his health; Kennedy, however, believes he can win by garnering Catholics and minority voters, and by utilizing personal charm and charisma: “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”

    Governor Patrick Joseph “Pat” Lucey of Wisconsin (b. 1918, age 50) – believing the Midwest needs a candidate who is not “tainted” by Lyndon Johnson, Lucey is running on his record of developing tourism in his state, and of expanding education, healthcare access, housing, and work access for non-whites in Wisconsin as well: “We need a new President with new ideas for a new era in American history.”

    Businessman Lester Garfield Maddox Sr. of Georgia (b. 1915, age 53) – a staunch opponent of “forced racial integration...on economic grounds,” this well-known restaurant owner believes he could keep the South solidly in the Democratic column if he wins this longshot bid for the party’s nomination; his latest controversial statement concerned him comparing his poor odds of victory to his defense of segregation: “inequality is a blessing in disguise, for Man’s potential for greatness atrophies in the absence of adversity.”

    US Senator Wayne Lyman Morse of Oregon (b. 1900, age 68) – an early opponent to The Cuban War who unsuccessfully challenged Johnson for the nomination four years ago, many of his supporters believe that his progressive and anti-war platform will “easily” win him the nomination this time around

    Former Governor Carl Edwards Sanders Sr. of Georgia (b. 1925, age 43) – supported by many “establishment” politicians, the young Carl believes he can best the old Colonel by running on his record, by winning over the youth vote, and by “uniting everyone,” including “dissatisfied Republicans”: “it’s high time for a generational changing over the guard.”

    Former Governor George Corley Wallace Jr. of Alabama (b. 1919, age 49) – a moderate and a supporter of racial integration with a noticeable streak of populism, he is on good terms with the President but says he believes Sanders is too old to handle a second term: “though I admire his attitude, there is a point when being determined crosses over into being stubborn.”

    Los Angeles Mayor Sam William Yorty of California (b. 1909, age 59) – the (self-declared) most conservative candidate in the Democratic field, this former US Congressman claims he can win over Republicans voters in the general election: “I embrace the endorsements I’ve received from Republican politicians because they prove that I can reach out and work across the aisle to find compromise and get things done.”

    July 8, 2019 EDIT: merged up the Q&A bit:
    Interesting, I knew M*A*S*H T producers sometimes took ideas from former war vets for their stories but didn't realize the movel came from real life expertiences.

    I thought Sanders was going to retire - he still could, I guess.

    That title - permanent acting President pro temp - made me laugh. How can he be permanent if he's just the Acting one? But, there's even weirder stuff in politics.
    And it’s a real title, too!:

    Very interesting chapter there.

    I would have asked for a 5 year freeze on competition between KFC and McDonald's, esp with the Wendyburger menu coming online soon. Also I imagine KFC kept some of the shares if nothing else to keep an eye on the internal affairs of a rival.
    Good points; I’ll go back and edit those 2 things in. Thanks for the feedback!
    EDIT: added!

    JFK - have your tried pot? I hear its great for pain relief in small doses.
    According to this source: JFK tried some in July 1962 IOTL but: “At first felt no effects. Then he closed his eyes and refused a fourth joint. ‘Suppose the Russians did something now,’ he said.” Maybe here, he’s already tried it but isn’t exactly open about it due to its taboo status and because of his upcoming Presidential bid.

    Israel kicked some serious ass there. Wonder how long the news that they just skipped WWIII would take to come out? Hopefully the 'Palestinian problem' is not as bad here.
    The revelation comes in the form of that 1997 Russian source for that passage, is confirmed by other sources in the months and years following that publication.

    No PM Powell please. A breakthrough on the IRA might help there.
    We'll see...

    Sanders vs Sanders? Now that would be a bun fight indeed.
    Speaking of which, I’ve made a poll for the 1968 Democratic primaries: ! (EDIT: Added to end of Chapter 27 post)

    Wonder if Kroc had to buy the shares back at market rates.
    I suppose so!, as Sanders held all the cards there.

    Wendys could be a spin off of KFC
    Hmm, maybe... :)

    And now I see a future in this TL where Bruce Willis stars in a movie as President Nasser :biggrin: :winkytongue:
    I like that! :D

    One of the things I love about alternate history is the sheer plausibility people find to play in seemingly outlandish scenarios. This timeline is absolutely one of the best at that :).
    Gee, thanks!
    Last edited:
    Chapter 28: January 1968 – June 1968
  • Chapter 28: January 1968 – June 1968

    “Do Not Follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”

    – Ralph Waldo Emerson


    – The Minnesota Daily, 1/1/1968

    CARL SANDERS TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT: Former Georgia Governor Claims “I Have What It Takes.”

    – The Charlotte Observer, North Carolina newspaper, 1/2/1968

    “The party bosses propped me up as their favorite, but then dropped me as soon as they struck a deal with el B.J. and Triple-H. But I’d already done the preliminary work, and during the pre-announcement laps around the South I became convinced that I was the best man for the job. Whether the establishment could be won back over was one thing, but the fact that I could connect with people in any state was another. I could draw crowds in any state. And I really did think that I could lead the country into a better destiny and a greater future.”

    – Carl Sanders, 2010 interview

    Apollo 4
    Launched: 1/3/1968
    Splashdown: 1/13/1968


    “The biggest domestic issue for 1968? I’ll tell you. It’s people—our fine American people, living their own lives, buying their own homes, educating their children, running their own farms, working the way they like to work, and not having the bureaucrats and intellectual morons trying to manage everything for them. It’s a matter of trusting the people to make their own decisions.” [1]

    – George Wallace, announcing his bid for President, 1/4/1968

    Ahead of the New Hampshire primary, the field of Democrats was diverse and chaotic. There was no clear frontrunner for the New Deal Coalition to rally behind, but the early favorite among voters sampled was Jack Kennedy. Kennedy was a liberal establishment-friendly member of a political dynasty, a religious minority with “white ethnic” appeal and many wealthy donors and media connections (his friends were columnists and actors and his youngest brother owned a growing newspaper in California). The usual runner-up in early polling was Hubert Humphrey, a folksy Minnesotan with labor union support who seemed who have a plurality of support among Black voters due to his record; he stood up for Civil Rights as far back as 1947, before it was politically safe to do so. His strength in the polls likely caused Senator Eugene McCarthy to decide against running to his left, as he would later reveal to have considered doing.

    Speaking of the left side of the party, a surprisingly strong candidacy for 1968 came in the form of Mike Gravel, who had only been in the House for a year but was already making himself known to voter through media taking note of his recalcitrant speeches against the policies of the Sanders administration. While many Democratic politicians complained of the negative attacks, such behavior won over the students and intellectuals of the progressive/leftist side of the party. To many, 37-year-old Gravel was a fresher version of the 67-year-old peacenik-idolizing “peace dove” candidate Wayne Morse, who had already run twice for the Presidency and failed, but still maintained a collection of followers.

    Conservatives, meanwhile, saw their influence declining in the party; Carl Sanders of Georgia was the branch’s strongest candidate, a regional mirror image of Humphrey in some ways, and like a mirror, much shallower than Humphrey, too. Sanders’ vying for regional support, however, saw challenge from George Wallace. Both Carl Sanders and George Wallace were fairly moderate [2] (albeit Wallace was much more populist and had more support among poor people) and less genuine in terms of racial equality when compared to Kennedy and Humphrey, but both Southerners sought out minority voters nonetheless. (“Blacks are the future of the party whether some folks in the party like it or not” Wallace prophesized in January 1971). The most conservative man in the race, however, actually came from that little urban hub known as New York City. Governor Mario Biaggi campaign on law-and-order, and managed to chip away chunks of union support from Kennedy as the year 1968 began.

    Natural for the time, undeclared candidates and favorite sons sought out votes as well. Businessman and perennial candidate Lester Maddox, ardent racist conservative with populist and nationalist tendencies, ran on his history of butting heads with Colonel Sanders back when both men were better known for their restaurants than their political stances. Maddox’s campaign was present on the ballot in most primaries but failed to gain any higher than the 3.1%. Pat Brown represented the old guard and sought a campaign through winning his home state in the primaries. Congressman Sam Yorty also sought to accomplish this. Former Governor Bert Combs of Kentucky failed to gain any momentum of any sort, and his exact campaign strategy still remains unclear. Favorite son candidates meant to serve a placeholders for other candidates included the non-serious candidacy of US Senator George Smathers and the very serious candidacy of Governor Pat Lucey of Wisconsin.

    – historian Jeff Greenfield’s How Everything Changed: The Effects of 1968, Centurion Publishers, 2015

    Shelepin was intolerant of even suggestions of allowing capitalist ideas like freedom of speech to seep into his Soviet bloc. Upon learning of efforts to liberalize the political policies of Czechoslovakia, Shelepin threatened “if a million Soviets marching into Prague is necessary to cease the threat of western corruption, then so be it!”

    While de-Stalinization had begun in Czechoslovakia during the late 1950s, change in the quality of the average citizen’s life came at a snail’s pace, even after its economy was restructured in 1965 to combat recession. First Secretary Antonin Novotny was losing the support of the people and his fellow politicians. Shelepin opted to step in before things got “out of hand” after Novotny invited Shelepin to Prague to drum up support.

    The leader of the opposition to Novotny’s leadership was First Secretary of the regional Communist Party of Slovakia Alexander Dubcek, who was supported by economist Ota Sik and the Union of Czechoslovak Writers, a group of writers urging political reform through their publishing houses. Dubcek favored a partial decentralization of the Czechoslovakian economy and media, and a loosening of speech and travel restrictions for citizens. Naturally, these positions clashed Shelepin’s vision for all Communist Pact members.

    However, upon visiting the nation’s capital in January, Shelepin became disappointed in Novotny allowing opposition to grow to such an extent, and quickly oversaw Novotny stepping down in favor of hardline conservative politician and strong Shelepin supporter Vasil’ Bil’ak succeeding Novotny as First Secretary of Czechoslovakia. Bal’ik supporter Gustav Husak was soon promoted to Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.

    Shelepin urged these two new leaders to persecute the radical socialists behind Dubcek’s challenge for power, such as journalist Ludvik Vaculik. Bil’ak, however, believed persecution would strengthen the movement, while simply disregarding the calls for sudden reform to instead allow minor changes over long periods of time would be the best way to maintain peace and remain in power, lest he fall out of favor with Shelepin. However, to placate the Soviet politburo, Bal’ik did instruct a more clandestine police force to “disappear” certain people, contributing to the nation’s slow but steady trickle of citizens fleeing the country each year. Furthermore, Dubcek supporters were demoted and relocated, while Dubcek himself was expelled from the state party and given a new job as a forestry official.

    – Maskim Gorky’s Behind the Iron Curtain: The U.S.S.R. And Eastern Europe, Academic International Press, 1980

    January 7, 1968: the final lunar soft-lander of the Surveyor program, Surveyor 7, is launched


    The bombing of a train from Kent to London has taken the lives of 15 people, one of which was a member of the Royal family. 32-year-old Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, a Major in the Royal Scots Greys and was a supporter of furthering the U.K.’s military presence in Ireland, was killed by the blast…

    The Daily Express, 7/1/1968

    North Ireland PM Terence O’Neill’s effort to made peaceful concessions to the Catholics making up 40% of his political entity, only for the militant Protestant leader Ian Paisley to repeatedly obstruct such efforts, refusing to compromise and hindering peace talks between Ireland, the UK, and the IRA.

    In the early hours of Christmas 1967, Paisley and his aide-de-camp were by unknown assassins. The advisor succumbed to his wounds while Paisley survived a bullet to the lung, albeit after a lengthy stay in hospital and repeat hospital visits due to complications, including infections and pneumonia, which impeded his health for the rest of his life. IRA members immediately pointed their fingers at the UK’s MI6 and swore revenge.

    Meanwhile, Prime Minister George Brown sought a way to relieve the British economy still feeling the effects of the Salad Oil Recession. After failing to maintain the exchange rate, Brown became intrigued by reports of a group of Surbiton secretaries volunteering to work overtime without pay, wagering than it would boost productivity and thus boost the economy. Brown’s Economic Minister Wilson wanted to expand the act into a national campaign, but Brown was wary of how trade unions would react to the government stepping in (which was ironic, as it turned out that the secretaries in question had actually been inspired by an op-ed written in December 197 by Conservative MP John Boyd-Carpenter). Without a government endorsement, such a movement would come off as spontaneous and rooted in British society, not British bureaucracy. Brown instead encouraged media coverage to spread to volunteer work to other British workplaces.

    On the morning of January 7, 1968, Prime Minister Brown was enjoying a breakfast of English fry up with a generous slice of jam roly-poly. He was discussing the goings-on with the 5-and-a-half workweek campaign, now being dubbed the “Back Britain” campaign by the media, and lamenting his recent failure to find a consensus in parliament on the size of next year’s military budget with his wife, Sophia, when he received word that the Duke of Kent had been assassinated.

    “Oh god,” he reportedly whispered to himself.

    “Sir, how should we respond to this?” That was the question asked in the hours after. Over in Ireland, important person, rejected proposed negotiations between the two nations.

    – historian Greg Rosen’s In a Westminster Hour: The Fights and Follies of Prime Minister George Brown, Politico Publishing, London, 2001


    Suspected IRA Accomplices Arrested, Interrogated As New Policies Implemented; Regional Curfews “Likely To Follow”

    The Daily Telegraph, 8/1/1968

    …Despite increasing UK military presence in Northern Ireland, PM Brown’s approval ratings have actually slipped to 40% as hostilities escalate on the Emerald Isle, threatening the lives of civilians on both sides of the conflict. The drop in approval may also stem from Tuesday’s revelations of Labour and Conservative MPs being strong supporters of the Back Britain campaign, which has led to worker unions across the UK coming out in opposition to the movement during the past three-to-four days…

    – BBC News report, Friday 12/1/1968

    BROWN BACK TO HITTING THE BOTTLE!: PM In Hospital After Public Drunkenness Incident!

    London – After over a year-and-a-half off the sauce, the past few weeks of foreign and domestic failures have apparently taken their toll on PM Brown…

    The Daily Mail, 13/1/1968

    “It’s my opinion that if Mr. Brown cannot make the hard choices that come with leading the UK, then stepping down may be for the best for all.”

    – John T. Stonehouse, UK MP (since 1957), UK Postmaster General (since 1967) and former UK Minister of State for Technology (1967), 13/1/1968

    Stonehouse was sacked for the comment. Brown worsened the situation when he refuted the reports as to why he sent two days in hospital, saying (in)famously “I wasn’t drunk – I was tired and emotional.”

    – historian Greg Rosen’s In a Westminster Hour: The Fights and Follies of Prime Minister George Brown, Politico Publishing, London, 2001

    “This government owes a great debt to the American people – to all who support it, who invest in it, who pay taxes to it, who have faith in it. We must return the favor through domestic improvements. We need to reform our housing and rent laws so they are equal to everyone. We need to rethink how we treat and look after the destitute, the elderly, and the sick. We need to promote better economic opportunities for all. We need to promote vocational schooling to better equip the next generation of Americans ahead of them making the leap from the school to the workplace. It is the least that this government can do for you, my fellow American, after all that you do for your country! I know from three years of working here that many folks with the ability to do great things will often be tempted to do easier things instead. The easy way is efficacious and speedy, the hard way is arduous and long. But as the clock ticks on the easy way becomes harder and the hard way becomes easier. And as the calendar records the years, it becomes increasingly evident that the easy way rests hazardously upon shifting sands, whereas the hard way builds solidly a foundation of confidence that cannot be swept away. [3] Our nation truly shines when we overcome what holds us back and achieve unprecedented greatness. Let’s continue that legacy!”

    – President Sanders’ State of the Union address (excerpt), 1/17/1968

    “I seek to run not just a campaign, but to run a great nation. I base my candidacy on my belief that the American people will stand up for justice for all Americans.”

    – Hubert Humphrey, launching his Presidential campaign, 1/18/1968

    “America’s importance on the world stage is daunting. We should not regret being a sentinel at the gate. It is burdensome, but the fact of the matter is that if we fail, the whole cause of freedom fails, and I believe as a citizen of the United States that we should be prepared to carry that burden regardless of whether others are willing to do so or not. The responsibility is upon us. Berlin still has its wall; Indochina still has its guerillas. Our work is not yet done. This country still has a most promising future, but the fact remains we’ve seen the contrast between Communism and democracy, and the superiority of our side, but we must be willing to stand up and defend our ideals in order for them to survive and thrive both here and over there. And we are best suited for this task.” [4]

    – Jack Kennedy’s speech at Patrick Air Force Base in Brevard County, Florida, 1/21/1968

    …Amid the state’s budget crisis, California Governor Pat Brown has declined an active bid for the Democratic nomination for President at a press conference held earlier today. He noted, though, that he would run for President if he won the party’s nomination at the National Convention in July…

    – CBS News, 1/19/1968 broadcast

    REPORTER: Former Secretary Jack Kennedy is being attacked by his primary opponents for his allegedly poor record on civil rights. Congressman Gravel has repeatedly brought up Kennedy’s failing to vote on the censure of Joe McCarthy while serving in the Senate, responding to Kennedy’s alleged excuse of being in surgery by pointing out that the Senator could have “paired” with a like-minded Senator.

    GRAVEL (in footage): I’ve spent less time in Congress and even I understand that.”

    REPORTER: Senator Morse of Oregon has also brought up how Kennedy voted in favor of the jury trial amendment that weakened the 1957 Civil Rights Act…

    – NBC News report, 1/22/1968

    One week later [after the State of the Union address], Sanders flew to West Berlin to address accusations that the US was failing to do its part in protecting the exclave from Communist pressure. As part of the Four Powers administering the city, the visit was to reassure France and the UK, as well as Conservatives at home, that the freedom experienced by West Berliners were being defended, and that NATO was respecting the Soviet control of East Berlin despite their opposition to their methods of control. Sanders gave a speech at an event held visibly close to the Berlin Wall, becoming the highest-ranking US official to do so since the wall’s construction. To the Colonel, “the proof was in the pudding,” in that the continuous attempts of East Berlin citizens to escape to the West was indicative of communism’s failure to address the needs of people. Regardless, the Colonel’s visit, most famously featuring a speech held in front of a wall segment in which he proclaimed “The inherent will for man to chart their own course and determine their future for themselves cannot be removed or repressed.” Said speech’s conclusion, “Let us focus on our shared beliefs of working hard and doing good, and always – and I mean always – standing by and standing up for the rights and freedoms of our fellow man,” cooled West Berliner fears of a future Soviet invasion without antagonizing the Soviet Union.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    Although the possibility of holding a debate was discussed from time to time, the same problem of 1964 remained: the “equal time” provision of the 1934 Federal Communications Act. To solve this, Senator John O. Pastore (D-RI), the Chairman of the Senate’s Communications Subcommittee, spent much of 1967 working with the networks to draft legislation to adjust the wording of the act [5] so that networks could exercise judgment in choosing candidates “of opposing views.” These changes that came into effect in January 1968.

    – Ted White’s The Making of the President: 1968, Atheneum Publishers, 1969


    …Chairman Mao, after rejecting meeting at Camp David, and then rejecting Australia’s Prime Minister Harold Holt’s offer to hold the summit in Canberra, “is elated at the prospect of productive discussions with President Sanders,” announced a state representative. …The Summit, meant to open trade negotiations between the U.S. and China, may also feature the U.S. recognizing the People’s Republic of China as “the true government of China” instead of the Republic of China, also known as Taiwan. This shake-up in US-Chinese relations “may prove to be mutually beneficial by giving them more trade options and giving America access to materials endemic to China,” according to our senior analyst…

    – The Sacramento Union (Ted Kennedy’s newspaper), 1/25/1968

    KFC CELEBRATES 2,000TH U.S. LOCATION: Greenville, South Carolina Enjoys Parade, Grand Opening Ceremony

    Financial Times, 1/26/1968


    The Boston Globe, 1/27/1968

    “If There Was Ever A Time To Get Into Politics, That Time Is Now.”

    – Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee, executive editor of The Washington Post (1967-1991) and friend and ally of Jack Kennedy, 1/30/1968 op-ed

    GRAVEL: New Solutions To Old Problems

    – Mike Gravel for President banner seen in New Hampshire, c. February 1968

    Sanders’ 1965 doubling of the tax credit for small businesses led to the number of small business owners increased 20% between 1965 and 1968, and his idea for congress to use cost-benefit analyses when reviewing all bills was finding support among the 1967 freshmen conservative Congressmen.

    – Paul Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012


    Jack, Hubert And Others Agree To 1-Hour Debate Set For “The End Of The Month”

    …“Any Presidential candidate should be prepared to face the judgement of the presidential primaries,” noted Kennedy [6]

    The Los Angeles Times, 2/1/1968


    Stars and Stripes, 2/3/1968

    “I worked with Johnson on domestic issues but not foreign affairs. We did not see eye-to-eye on how to address Laos. We tried his idea, and now we’ve tried the Colonel’s idea, and both have failed. I’ve studied the issue more than both men, and now I think it’s time we gave my ideas a try, and I think the voters will concur with that.”

    – Jack Kennedy on Political Parlay (The Overmyer-Mutual Company’s first politically oriented original program, 2/5/1968 broadcast


    – The Pittsburgh Courier, sports section, 2/6/1968


    The Los Angeles Times, 2/9/1968


    [pic: ]
    – Colonel Sanders with supporters in Phoenix, AZ, 2/9/1968

    “I worked with Goldwater when he was still in the Senate, and let me tell you, Humphrey can’t mind his tongue. He’s always slipping up a spilling stuff. Under a Humphrey Presidency, the Russians won’t need spies because they’ll get government secrets from off the AP wire!”

    – Senator Barry Goldwater to an AP reporter, 2/9/1968

    CRONKITE: In the past, you have made some controversial statements regarding youth activism. Would you care to address the criticism surrounding them?

    SANDERS: Well, Walter, I don’t have any qualms about anybody anywhere criticizing their government. Dissent is a tool of change that distinguishes democracy from tyranny. It was dissent that led to the American Revolution, after all. But remember, Walt – the American Revolution was fought because there was no peaceful resolution that could be reached with the British. In doing so, our forbearers created a good model for future generations – “try peace before punchin’.” We spilled some tea, and then we went war. When it comes to change, at least in America, the passion and the power of the people should be exerted before bringing about change through violence is what I’m sayin’. Just look at Gandhi and the Civil Rights leaders like Reverend King. Just look at the sit-downs I’m trying to set up like Mao and Shelepin.

    CRONKITE: So to clarify, when you complained last year about protestors being outside the White House, you were complaining about their level of violence, not their message?

    SANDERS: Yes, sir! Listen, if anyone wants to get up and heckle in that American tradition is one thing, but when it gets to be that the shouting is done in an attempt to deny to the majority the right to listen to someone else’s ideas, well, that’s when it has to be stopped, and stopped fairly and effectively.

    CRONKITE: Whose ideas were being denied?

    SANDERS: The ideas of supporters of my administration. The military, the Congress, and most disgracefully, the veterans who put their lives on the line for this country and them come home to see young non-veterans carpin’ up their actions of heroism.

    – CBS Interview with Colonel Sanders, 2/10/1968

    On February 11, 1968, Leary, a member of the Original Kleptonian Neo-American Church (or the Neo-American Church, or the OKNeoAC, for short), was taken to court over the use of illegal substances. Leary confessed to their use but claimed it was legal on “church grounds” and thus violation of freedom of religion, and made ties analogies to other religions’ practices (such as the use of alcohol for communion) to back up this claim. The Neo-American Church was a 2-to-3-years-old church meant to, according to its founder, “promote and defend…a religion which sees in the transcendental experience produced by the sacred substances the key to understanding life and improving the condition of man on earth” and required members to use illegal substances for certain church activities. Church founder Arthur Kleps defended Leary’s stance in Leary v The State of California. Leary also countered by accusing the FBI of unlawful search and seizure and unauthorized interrogation techniques.

    After weeks of deliberation, the circuit court declared a mistrial due to half of the illegal substances disappearing from a police storage facility, thus letting Leary off due to “mishandling of evidence.” Leary’s lawsuit against the FBI, however, was thrown out of court for no official reason.

    While Leary narrowly avoided federal imprisonment, the Neo-American church’s publicity was twofold – their numbers increased 40% over the next six months, but the absurdist publications and customs of the church led to them failing to establish the bona fides necessary for them to be considered a serious religion. As a result, the church was declared to be not protected by the First Amendment.


    Senator Nixon remains an unsung yet pivotal figure in the warming of US-Chinese relations. Senator Nixon had believed since the start of his tenure on the US Senate foreign Affairs Committee in 1965 that closer relations with China would lead to the two nations opposing Russia instead of the US and China opposing each other. Secretary of State Carl Curtis went even further in late 1967 by privately predicted closer ties to the US would ultimately lead to a “capitalist revolution” in China, but Nixon and the Colonel made geopolitical maneuvering the top priority, as “China in our corner” would give the US better leverage when dealing with the Soviet Union. Nixon also wanted to convince China to discontinue its support for the Pathet Lao and the disorganized communists in Cambodia. In the weeks and months prior to the visit members of President Sanders’ foreign policy team met with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai ahead of visit official Mao-Sanders visit.

    On the twelfth, The Colonel, First Lady Claudia, and their entourage flew from DC to Hawaii to Guam to Tianjin, a city just to the south of the capital of Beijing. Chairman Mao himself welcomed the First Couple on the tarmac, and famously declared via translator “I believe our old friend Chiang Kai-shek would not approve of this! [7] Not wanting to waste time, in case talks failed after days of comradery, the two leaders immediately went off to negotiate. No transcripts of the conversation were made, and the only observers allowed in the room with Mao, Sanders and their respective interpreters were two Mao aides, Secretary of State Carl Curtis, and WH Chief of Staff (and former Secretary of Defense) Neil H. McElroy. However, Curtis did log a description of the meeting in his personal diary, which contains the following passage:

    “It was clear both of these septuagenarian men were of a tough and rugged physique cut from the same cloth – Sanders’ from years of living like a peasant, Mao’s from years of living as a peasant. Mao’s proclivity for getting straight to the point made the conversation was episodic, with both men cutting to the chase and then moving on to the next topic. Nevertheless, the meeting and atmosphere were rather casual.”

    Sanders reportedly did not mention the Great Leap Forward or his administration’s past criticisms of Mao’s “Cultural Revolution,” as The Colonel believed opening China up to western markets would reverse the sociopolitical purges. The very fact that Mao was willing to negotiate such a policy shift seemed to indicate it was possible.

    Mao surprised the Colonel with self-deprecating humor. His ego showed at times, but he was never angered when Sanders stood up for his country and his principles. Mao was a smooth talker, a skillful negotiator, but Sanders had known such times throughout his life, and knew how to verbally dance around them. After hours of debating specifics, Mao and Sanders agreed on the gradual severing of relations with Taiwan for a smooth transition, with relations fully broken off in early 1972 and full diplomatic relations established with China in early 1971. A “hotline” between Beijing and Washington DC would be established to prevent misunderstandings. The past 21 years of no communicative or diplomatic ties between two nations with nuclear weapons would cease, and China would “convince” North Korea to end its ambush/hostility programs against South Korea in exchange for China being allowed to conduct trade negotiations with American businesses.

    Satisfied with the mutually benefiting aspect of these points, the Chairman stood up and firmly shook the Colonel’s hand.

    The meeting a success, Mao and Sanders regrouped with their spouses for the gift exchange – a pressure fryer from Sanders in the spirit of hearth and modern innovation, and a jewel-studded jade-and-silver cane (with Mao telling Sanders “the next time you have to put down an assassin,” referring to the famous 1964 knife attack incident, “with this, he’ll stay down”). The leaders and their entourages then travelled north of the city to peruse the majestic wonder of the Great Wall of China. The next day, February 13, Mao treated the Colonel to a tour of Beijing (and a quick visit to Shanghai) to visit schools, factories, and hospitals. The two leaders were seen visibly getting along well, reportedly telling jokes and toasting the historic achievements of each others’ nations.

    A banquet capped off the final day of the visit, February 14. The main dish served was sesame seed chicken. Much later, the Colonel would confide in Claudia “that bird was prepared by the finest chefs at Mao’s disposal, and it still couldn’t beat mine.”

    While American and European media had only been granted limited access to China, it was more than enough to give American and European citizens a view into the People’s Republic for the first time since the late 1940s. American news coverage of the Beijing Summit was overwhelmingly positive. Even conservative and liberal politicians conceded to the apparent success of the Mao-Sanders summit as being, as Barry Goldwater called it, “a good first step toward a new normalization of relations between the U.S. and Red China.”

    – Stephen E. Ambrose, Unforeseen Victories: When Politicians Triumph Over Politics: 1953-1973, NY Simon and Shuster, 1989


    Approve: 59%

    Disapprove: 31%

    Uncertain: 10%

    – Gallup poll, 2/17/1968

    GRONSKY: Senator Nixon, Former Vice-President Humphrey stated on this program yesterday that the Republican Party is politicizing the [deal] with China. What do you say to that?

    NIXON: I say The Colonel reads the newspapers like anyone else, and, uh, I don’t agree with these so-called reports that parts of the Sanders White House wants to use the talks for that reason, because the China visit was about trade and ending hostilities at the Korean DMZ. And because it is a responsibility attached to the Presidency, to assure peace not just for America but America’s allies and even potential American allies. I know the President, I’m friends with him, and he wouldn’t play politics with something like this.

    GRONSKY: But it would advantageous for him to do so.

    NIXON: Heh, trust me, The Colonel’s a straight-shooter – he hates underhanded tactics.

    – Guest Richard Nixon and host Martin Gronsky, Meet the Press transcript, 2/18/1968 broadcast

    Upon reviewing the success of the Beijing Summit, the firmly anti-détente Shelepin decided to go ahead and meet with the Colonel after all. While actually a change of tactics, the perceived change of heart was publicly viewed as a result of the Colonel “winning over” Shelepin. Of course, there were other factors. Shelepin saw the failure of Russia’s latest spy program as embarrassing, with experimental technology and newly-designed planes failing to leave the launch base on some occasions. The Kyshtym disaster kept the premier uncertain of his nation's ability to radiate its enemies instead of itself. A Soviet ballistic missile submarine sank with all 95 on board only a few miles from American waters [8] made Shelepin question the competence of Russian and American militaries. Finally, it seems pro-détente leaders such as Leonid Brezhnev were gaining support within the politburo, and Shelepin determined that temporary leaning to the left was necessary to win over those that could challenge him, especially after attempts to purge these opponents was too risky. It wasn’t the ’30s anymore, and purges were much harder to keep under wraps than they used to be.

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    February 19, 1968: National Educational Television aired the pilot episode of the preschool-level TV series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. …Then-President Harland “Colonel” Sanders, after reportedly watching “some parts of some episodes” with his great-grandchildren, would later praise Rogers for his promotion of peace and friendship, “a valiant effort to nip fear and hatred of one’s fellow man right in the bud so the next generation can understand and respect one another at a level never seen before.”


    [This list is incomplete; if you can help by expanding it, click here]

    GRAVEL: US Rep. Don Edwards, former US Rep. George McGovern, Abraham Ribicoff, Paul Newman, Tommy Chong, Yoko Ono, Simon & Garfunkel

    HUMPHREY: US Sen. Lyndon Johnson, Sen. Eugene McCarthy, Sen. Richard J. Daley, Julian Bond, Kirk Douglas

    KENNEDY: US Sen. Harold Hughes, Frank Sinatra, Norman Mailer, Cesar Chavez, Shirley MacLaine, Stefanie Powers, Peter Lawford, Bill Cosby, Bobby Darin, Sonny & Cher, The Byrds, Robert Vaugh, US Sen. Ralph Yarborough

    SANDERS: Former US Pres. Harry S. Truman, US Sen. Philleo Nash, Medgar Evers, Bear Bryant, Bobby Darin

    MORSE: US Sen. Joseph S. Clark, Gene Wilder, Truman Capote

    WALLACE: US Sen. Terry Sanford, former Governor Happy Chandler


    ANNOUNCER: ABC and participating television broadcasting stations present a special event live from Concord, New Hampshire, two weeks ahead of the gravel state’s Democratic Presidential Primary. Please welcome former Secretary of State Jack Kennedy (pause), former Vice President Hubert Humphrey (pause), former Governor of Georgia Carl Sanders (pause) and current Governor of New York Mario Biaggi (pause) in their first official confrontation on ABC News’ “Issues & Answers” Special Event. To moderate this 60-minute group discussion is tonight’s moderators, Frank Reynolds, Robert Clark.

    REYNOLDS: Good evening. In the same room and before the same cameras and telephones, the candidate will engage in debate. All the candidate here are on New Hampshire’s ballot in two weeks, and the questions to be asked in this debate were pulled from questions sent in by New Hampshire residents. Let’s begin. Secretary Kennedy, you pulled the short straw backstage, so you will give your opening statement first. You have two minutes.

    KENNEDY: My fellow Americans, over the course of 22 years of public service, and have come to fully understand that no community is an island, cut off from the rest of America. What happens to one group of us happens to all of us. During my time in the Senate, I was deeply committed to finding national answers to the problems of the hardest of the hard-hit communities, for Massachusetts, yes, and for other states across the country. I have seen and heard the problems facing us. I know that something must be done, that something can be done. And I know that it is not being done by the present Administration in Washington. [9]

    CLARK: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Mr. Vice President, your opening statement, please.

    HUMPHREY: [snip] The President is the people’s lobbyist, the man who brings the needs of the people to the lawmakers on the hill. I worked on the hill for 16 years, and it is clear that the best way to address the people’s needs is through a President who understands the basics. Who understands the need for conviviality among the nations of the world. Someone who understands how the economy functions. And I learned more about the economy from one South Dakota dust storm than I did in all my years of college, [10] which brings me to another thing a President needs to know the basics of – how to feed his own people [snip]


    SANDERS: I stand on my record of having appointed an unprecedented number of Blacks to state government spots, more Blacks than Governor George Wallace of Alabama, in fact [11].


    KENNEDY: Human decency doesn’t wear a party label. But it is results, not sentiments that matter – good intentions without deeds won’t feed hungry children. In the 1930s we had a President, Franklin Roosevelt, who took national leadership to meet and lick the depression. We have a President now who can see only the demands of a balanced budget and cannot summon the energy to act on the needs of the nation. But I know that talk is cheap. In fact, it seems to be about the only thing this Administration can afford! [9]

    CLARK: Governor Sanders, do you have a rebuttal?

    SANDERS: Yes. Mr. Kennedy, I oppose expanding federal overreach to the level your suggesting because of the dangers it poses to the well-being of the free market system that separates capitalism from communism. As more of a production come on the market to meet demand, prices will fall in line. As fewer products are made, surplus disappears and prices rise up to normal. If profits or wages are too low in one trade area, there will be an exodus of capital and labor until the supply is better adjusted to the demand. The free market is a self-adjusting market [12]. The government, then, should only get involved when a lack of moral standards leads to unfair practices to the detriment of the people.

    HUMPHREY: Um, Clark, may I respond to that?

    CLARK: Um, you have a rebuttal outstanding, so yes.

    HUMPHREY: Good. Carl, while I understand your point – that the impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor, you have to understand that, despite the insinuations that you and Governor Biaggi have made on the campaign trail, compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism [10]. When a government has the ability to help, it has the responsibility to do so.


    CLARK: The next question comes from Debbie of Nashua. She writes “What do the candidates think of the Federal Aid Dividend being promoted by Reverend Martin Luther King and Company?” Secretary Kennedy, you have two minutes to reply.

    KENNEDY: I think unemployment checks are no substitute for a job. [9]


    REYNOLDS: Governor Biaggi, you have been a vocal opponent of the United Kingdom’s response to the I.R.A.’s bombing campaign. The following question from the New Hampshire city of Manchester asks for you to explain why.

    BIAGGI: Well Frank, and to the people of New Hampshire and everyone else listening in, wherever we find injustices, we need a reaction in our national government to compel foreign governments to deal with flagrant aggressions like the actions of the IRA. But the UK government has overreacted, and has begun arresting innocent people who are only guilty by association, no matter how minor that association may be. We need to deal with issues like the troubling persecution of innocent people in Ireland. Kennedy, you have not enunciated for positions on this issue, so I’m interested in your rebuttal to this. The only choice consistent with justice is to convince the British to get out of Ireland, as they are obviously now the aggressors of peaceful people. And in violation of law and treaties, as many of the innocents being killed in Northern Ireland are being killed with weapons and armaments purchased from American industries. [13]

    CLARK: Secretary Kennedy, would you care to respond?

    KENNEDY: Yes, I do. Governor, the conflict between various groups in Ireland over who owns what and who should live where is a delicate situation. Instead of choosing sides we should choose peace.


    HUMPHREY: Mario, there will never be enough jails, policemen, and courts in all the lands to enforce a law that is not support by the people. [10] As President, you have to listen to the people in order to lead them. Justice and Order does not work without communication, cooperation, and understanding.


    CLARK: Mister Vice President, who you like to reply to Governor Sanders’ query into your inability to oppose President Johnson’s actions concerning Cuba?

    HUMPHREY: Well, anyone who thinks that the Vice-President can take a position independent of the President of his administration simply has no knowledge of politics or government. You are his choice in a political marriage, and he expects your absolute loyalty. [10]

    SANDERS: So you abandoned your principles because you were afraid to rock the boat?

    REYNOLDS: Governor, please wait your turn.

    SANDERS: My apologies, sir.

    HUMPHREY: Apology accepted.

    SANDERS: I said that to Mr. Reynolds, Hubert.


    REYNOLDS: And finally, Mr. Biaggi, you closing statement.

    BIAGGI: My campaign message is simple and clear, justice and order. The race riots of the past several years and the assault on innocent people oversees show that we have to establish a new way of handling foreign and domestic affairs. [snip] The criminalization of being Irish is being downplayed; I’ve visited the North Irish people, and none of the people that I met were radical or radicalized. Those who should be leading the fight against British injustice with us are instead siding with the British against us. It will not stop us. [14] We will show the British they can’t do this to us – that an attack on the good people of Eire is an attack on good people everywhere, and that America will not stand for that kind of claptrap.


    – First Democratic Primary Debate, abridged transcript, ABC-Concord, 2/27/1968 broadcast

    MODERATOR: Welcome to our roundtable debate with Democratic Presidential candidates George Wallace of Alabama and Mike Gravel of Alaska.

    WALLACE: Thank you for having us. You know, the establishment of the Democratic party doesn’t like us, that’s why they we weren’t on the debate stage two days ago.

    MODERATOR: Yes, well, let’s get down to business…


    WALLACE: We need to do a better job at handling our foreign conflicts. Laos is setting up to be another Cuba. As President, I’ll do a superior job managing how we spend our resources over there. Take for instance the Pentagon report that came out last week about the Air Force’s expensive new bombers, and let me ask you – Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we’ve been bombing over years been complaining? [15] But the point I’m trying to make is this: when I become President, I’ll initiate a 90-day policy for every military confrontation. If we can’t get the job done in 90 days, we’ll pull out –

    GRAVEL: No, no, no. You know what’s worse than a soldier dying in vain? It’s more soldiers dying in vain. [16] Let’s have no wars unless we are directly under attack. All other instances of warfare are inexcusable. This President’s focus on activities in other countries rather than activities in his own is so disgraceful it makes me understand why so many Americans are fearful on a nuclear Armageddon. Why so many have so much fear that they want to hide under a rock for ten or thirty-five years because they are so disgusted by politicians playing chess with their livelihoods and their very lives. George, I’m certain you will, but I won’t contribute to that fear.


    MODERATOR: And Mr. Gravel, do you agree with Governor Wallace that a cap on immigration ill lower domestic unemployment?

    GRAVEL: I’m a first-generation American. My parents came here like so many other parents out there, and I spoke French before I could speak English as a child. And my parents carved out – my dad was very humble, didn’t have a third-grade education, but he was able to work and prosper in this country, and so I honor anybody that comes to this country as an immigrant, because we’re all immigrants. There’s been nobody else but the Indians in this great land. [16]

    MODERATOR: Well, what about The Colonel supporting Reverend King’s calls to reintroduce the Federal Aid Dividend?

    GRAVEL: On this, I actually agree with the Colonel. We don’t need a minimum wage, we need a living wage. [16]


    MODERATOR: Governor, your closing statement.

    WALLACE: [snip] Local employment programs can boost economic well-being on the nationwide level. It’s worked in Alabama and it will work for America. [snip] As President, I will be sensible when it comes to fighting wars, promote low-grade industrial development, back urban reform to tackle congestion and sanitation threats, lower taxes, and push for more trade schools. Thank you.

    MODERATOR: As Congressman Gravel, your closing statement.

    GRAVEL: [snip] Read my lips – no more wars!


    – Democratic Candidates Forum transcript, NBC-Baltimore, 2/29/1968 broadcast

    HELLYER SURVIVES LEADERSHIP ELECTION: Defeats Challengers On First Ballot With Ease

    – The Daily Courier, British Columbia newspaper, 3/4/1968

    POLISH SHOUTNIKS OPPOSE ATTACKS ON JEWISH CITIZENS: Poland Sees Youth Take To Streets Over Federal Anti-Semitism Policies

    Warsaw – Poland’s General Mieczyslaw Moczar and First Secretary Wladyslw Gomulka had begun an anti-Semitic (officially anti-Zionist) campaign in late 1967, following the conclusion of the Sukkot War which had seen the Soviets severe its support for Israel and seemingly coerce Warsaw Pact members to follow suit, most notably Poland, home of tens of thousands of Jewish people. Now, the hostile Moczar-Gomulka anti-Jewish campaign, coupled with the Communist party’s growing hostilities over party control of universities and literature and an economy still in the gutter, has created an atmosphere in the Communist Bloc nation is ripe for the return of the Polish shoutniks.

    “The cost of meat just keeps rising. There are no career prospects anywhere,” explains one anonymous member of the youth student activists in the Polish capital organizing to oppose the Moczar-Gomulka assaults. The source, whom we have judged to be of very credible quality, claims to was a strike at a Warsaw university over new censorship policies that truly increased the Polish youth’s renewed interest in social reform and opposition to the anti-Semitism attacks.

    Since September, purges of Jewish people have plagued the Poles, and range from assaults on supporters of Israel, firings, police beating protestors, and banishments. Even Jewish members of the Polish military are being targeted for unfounded “Zionist” beliefs and/or practices. While Poland’s government has been condemned by practically all members of NATO, but has not been enough for the rising number of protestors.

    “We won’t sit idly by and let our Jewish friends and neighbors be fired and evicted. It didn’t exactly end well the last time. We vow: Never again.”

    – TODAY, 3/4/1968

    Police suppression of young factory workers and secondary school students began spiraling out of control after the government made official their refusal to negotiate with strikers and protesting parties on March 7, which only fueled the protests. Soon members of the ruling class became supportive of Jewish Poles immigrating out of Poland. The average Poles, though, were torn between what they heard through the grapevine and what they heard from the state-control propagandist news media.

    Shelepin viewed the situation as a plot backed by NATO is dismantle the Warsaw Pact due to the similarities he saw between university opposition in Poland and university opposition in Czechoslovakia as “too similar to be purely coincidental.”

    The Premier decided he need to do something to quell the assault on Russia’s allies.

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    RUSSIA INVADES POLAND (AGAIN)!: Shelepin Vows To “Restore Peace” As Student Protests Spread

    …In a stunning movement of military might, tanks rolled into Eastern Poland today in the largest deployment of troops on European soil in 23 years…

    – The New York Times, Special Report, 3/10/1968

    According to Richard Nixon’s memoirs, The Colonel met with Secretaries Curtis and Bonesteel to ask if intervention was feasible. Due to the country being within the Communist Bloc, it wasn’t – Bonesteel estimated that, if American troops or weapons entered Poland, even via proxy, “the chance of Shelepin’s response being nuclear in nature to be 90% or more.” Secretary Curtis considered it “a mistake” to become involved in a country already securely under Russian influence, while The Colonel believed the protests indicated weakness in the Communist Bloc. “It doesn’t matter if the crack is at the top of the dike or the bottom of the dike – the water is still gonna push out.” Bonesteel and Curtis were adamant that the Colonel resort to pursuing a less risky tactic. On March 11, Sanders called on congress to increase the number of refugees allowed into the US from Poland. That response was blocked by Senators and Congressmen worried about the possibility that “some of the refugees really [were] dangerous Zionist radicals,” as US Sen. James Eastland (D-MS) put it. The Colonel persevered, but ultimately the number of refuges allowed in was half of the Colonel’s initial request. Subsequently, Sanders considered the invasion to be “one more reason why we need to have that Summit Conference with him [Shelepin].”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    Having recently seen the leader of Czechoslovakia ousted without an invasion, Gomulka viewed Russia’s sudden interference as a possible coup of his entire government, as well as himself. The First Secretary immediately sought to ensure Shelepin of his “leadership skills” as he began to believe Moczar would be his replacement if he did not prevail over the protestors. At least 2,700 people were arrested in the next month. Suppression became widespread. At least 2,000 Poles of Jewish origin fled to other countries.

    But opposition protests continued to spread to smaller communities. Demonstrations persisted for months.

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997


    John “Gentleman Jack” Kennedy wins with ease; Wallace shockingly underperforms, slipping to fifth place. Despite a strong endorsement from Senator Muskie of neighboring state of Maine, Humphrey came in third place. Breakdown of the vote is as follows:

    Kennedy – 40.1%

    Sanders – 14.6%

    Humphrey – 13.7%

    Wallace – 10.4%

    Morse – 9.2%

    Biaggi – 6.6%

    Gravel – 4.0%

    Others – 1.5%

    …meanwhile, in the GOP primary, Colonel Sanders won in a landslide over his sole active opponent, former Minnesota Governor and longshot candidate Harold Stassen, who won roughly 5% of the vote to Colonel Sanders’ nearly 95% of the vote. This strong showing demonstrates how united the GOP is at the moment, and suggests the Colonel will be re-nominated with ease…

    – The Boston Globe, 3/12/1968

    Lyndon Johnson had had his name added to the ballot in an undeclared survey of the contest composition and Humphrey’s strength as a candidate; his obtainment of less than 1% of the vote finally convinced the former President to abandon the thought of “pulling a Cleveland.”

    – historian Jeff Greenfield’s How Everything Changed: The Effects of 1968, Centurion Publishers, 2015

    But Harland was also a sensitive and sweet man, especially with children. Oh, he loved to do whatever he could to make children happy. I remember when he enthusiastically signed into law some kind of Child Health Protection Act or something like that, and when in, oh, a want to say, March of 1968, this one school district renamed a school “Harland Sanders High” School. I myself got a public park named after me in Lexington [Kentucky] at around the same time!

    – Claudia Price Sanders and interviewer, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1979


    [pic: ]
    – President Sanders signing autographs for children while on a bus heading to a train museum, Missouri, 3/25/1968

    On March 26, a week ahead of the Wisconsin primary, Gravel, Biaggi and Wallace sat down for a round-table discussion, hoping the exposure would beef up their campaigns. Wallace complained at the start of the program that he felt he was treated unfairly and was doing poorly in polls because the media bias in favor of Carl Sanders.


    Wallace flexed his foreign policy muscles by calling on Vietnam’s Nguyen Khanh to end corruption and establish land reform in Vietnam. Biaggi went further: “Khanh’s attempts to imprison and torture former members of the Viet Cong threatens the internal harmony of a nation still recovering from a long civil war. As President, I’d work to stop this man from undoing the work done by our brave men in uniform.” Gravel, however, opposed his fellow candidates on interventionism by saying “We can’t look after the people of all the nations of the world, especially when we are already and still failing to look after the people right here at home!”

    On the Republican side, Harold Stassen hoped that reminding voters of The Colonel’s advanced age would boost his chances of winning. It didn’t – Stassen won just 8.7% of the Wisconsin primary vote, an improvement from the 5% slice of the vote received in the New Hampshire primary, but still not enough to prove that he really was a viable candidate.

    – historian Jeff Greenfield’s How Everything Changed: The Effects of 1968, Centurion Publishers, 2015


    …under this new act, healthy (physically and mentally fit) employees will automatically mean lower insurance premiums for management. An insurance premium is the amount of money that an individual or business pays for an insurance policy that, once earned, is income for the company; it represents a liability as the insurer must provide coverage for claims made against the policy [17]. This bill, supported on bipartisan lines, is thus meant to encourage employers to ensure that their employees maintain good health. The bill is also a way of addressing workplace safety concerns. Opposition to the bill came in the form of some legislators concerned about pre-existing conditions and employers being intimidated into not hiring “potentially unhealthy” workers in the first place, according to Governor and former US Congresswoman Coya Knutson (D-MN).

    – The Washington Post, 3/29/1968


    Washington, DC – As a guest speaker at the National Governors’ Association meeting, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to the opportunity of speaking to 39 incumbent governors at once to re-introduce the concept of a Federal Aid Dividend, or FAD. The FAD will award every family with at least one employed parent with a monthly federal check to help them pay off bills and other necessities. The President’s support of a FAD in 1965 ended in failure, but the Poor People’s Campaign behind the idea persists. King suggested that the success of such programs at the state level (where it could be called SAD for Statewide Aid Divided) can be used as a “base” for implementation on the federal level: “If you make it here or there, the good news will spread to everywhere.”

    – The Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/30/1968


    …The former VP won a plurality, possibly thanks Gravel and Morse, two anti-war candidates seemingly cancelling each other out by almost-evenly splitting the “dove” votes. Gravel’s anti-war sentiment mixed with his “star quality” charisma and youth propelled the candidate to third place, catching many political pundits off guard. Governor Pat Lucey came in fourth place, which is a surprisingly poor showing for a Favorite Son candidate, while Kennedy and Carl Sanders did not appear on the ballot…

    – The Chicago Tribune, 4/2/1968

    SANDERS SIGNS A.F.E.S.T.O. ACT INTO LAW: Agriculture And Farming Employees Safety And Training Oversight Act Meant To “Monitor” Worker Conditions “Without Inhibiting Free Market Movements”

    The Dallas Times Herald, 4/3/1968


    – The Houston Chronicle, 4/4/1968


    The Daily Telegraph, 4/4/1968

    WESTMORELAND APPOINTED US AMBASSADOR TO LAOS: Abrams To Lead Military Op.s In War-Torn Nation

    Stars and Stripes, 4/9/1968


    – The Wall Street Journal, 4/11/1968

    ANNOUNCER: ABC and participating television broadcasting stations present the following debate between Jack Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, Carl Sanders and Mario Biaggi as a 60-minute semi-formal public service program. Tonight’s moderators are Frank Reynolds, Robert Clark, and William Lawrence.

    REYNOLDS: Hello and welcome. For weeks, the nation has paid attention to the states holding Democratic primaries and the issues important to the primary voters, and so have these candidates. Gentlemen, backstage, Humphrey pulled the short straw, and so he will give his opening statement first.

    HUMPHREY: Thank you Frank, my fellow candidates, and the people of Pennsylvania, whose issues, really, are very much like the ones found across the United States…


    HUMPHREY: …We’ve have too many years of a laisse-faire government trusting that big business will care more for people than profit. We need an expansion of government regulation for a changing America and a more responsible positioning on the world stage for a changing world.


    KENNEDY: …and America’s global authority must rest more on diplomatic leadership than military power. Furthermore, if the fight for freedom must be fought with the sword instead of the pen, then the United States cannot be the policemen of the world without international support.

    CLARK: Thank you Secretary Kennedy. Governor Wallace, your rebuttal?

    WALLACE: Yes, thank you. Jack, the United States cannot be the policemen of the world, period! The spilled blood of America’s fathers, brothers, husbands and sons is too high a price to pay for the forcing of Democracy on far-away lands like Laos and Cambodia. We need to focus on the needs of Americans first, starting with the poorest of the poor, Black and White, and working up from there.

    CLARK: Alright, thank you Governor Wallace. And Governor Biaggi, now your rebuttal.

    BIAGGI: Actually, may I direct my rebuttal to George there, then to Jack?

    LAWRENCE: Um, yes, that’s within the rules. Don’t your time is still set for two minutes.

    BIAGGI: Alright, then. George. I really have to disagree with your foreign policy beliefs there, bub. The US has commitments in Israel and Japan, and should have commitments in Ireland and maybe even Poland in some capacity. We can’t turn inward and return to the type of isolationism we had prior to World War Two, where we ignore the plight of our fellow man. To do so would dishonor the veterans and allies of wars past and present, and ruin our powerful standing on the world stage. A standing we should be using to support our allies and promote law and order on the world stage. And Jack, you talk a big game, but if you were not involved in the decisions regarding Cuba and Indochina, then what exactly did you do at the state department? That’s all!

    CLARK: Secretary Kennedy, do you wish to rebuttal?

    KENNEDY: Yes. Governor Biaggi, as I have pointed out many times before, as Secretary of State I strengthened America’s relations with France, the UK, India, Pakistan, Panama, Indonesia, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Greece, Austria, West Germany, and most of the rest of Europe and most of South America. I unified and increased our number of allies and strengthened their resolve to back us in our efforts to maintain peace and order on the world stage. And with all due respect, that’s more than can be said about your foreign policy experience, Mario.

    REYNOLDS: Thank you, gentlemen. And that concludes the foreign policy portion of the debate. We now turn to the domestic policy portion.


    KENNEDY: …and I believe a tax increase is warranted.


    HUMPHREY: …we need to build new housing for low-income people and reduce the use of federal troops for quelling riots. We need to attract industries into setting up shop in the vicinity of slums in order to create jobs for such residents and in turn raise their standard of living.


    SANDERS: …as I have called time and again for the retirement of J. Edgar Hoover, when I become President he will be the first member of the political old guard still clinging to power in D.C. to get the boot. …Instead of swelling the size of federal government programs, I think we should explore the idea of moving some poor people out of cities to areas with a lower cost of living so federal funds can be used more efficiently. [snip] …We don’t need welfare, we need jobs. We need to redevelop slums in the cities to get businesses employers in these places. That’ll improve the livelihoods of the poor; a tax hike won’t.

    BIAGGI: As Governor, I’ve raised funds for state police and it has led to positive results. Crime rates are dropping as law and order returns to the urban streets of the Empire state. As President, I will seek additional funds for additional state and local police, and additional funds to train local police to deal with violence, riots, and general lawlessness, which cannot be tolerated in any civilized society.


    (Candidates shake hands, exit stage.)

    – Second Democratic Primary Debate transcript, ABC-Philadelphia, 4/15/1968


    Humphrey: 33%

    Kennedy: 22%

    Morse: 14%

    Gravel: 11%

    Sanders: 9%

    Biaggi: 7%

    Wallace: 3%

    Other: 1%

    – Gallup poll, 4/20/1968


    London – Ahead of a planned motion of no confidence vote, Prime Minister George Brown has announced that he will resign due to unspecified health issues, and will vacate office as soon as the Labour party votes on a successor. Brown’s announcement comes 10 days after being caught on camera slipping on a short flight of step during an apparent drunken stupor. The resignation has automatically triggered a party leadership election, which will likely commence in mid-to-late May…

    – The Daily Telegraph, 13/4/1968

    HUMPHREY DEFENDS CUBA WAR!: Claims “We Met The Challenge Of Restoring Peace And Order.”

    The San Francisco Chronicle, 4/22/1968


    Pittsburgh, PA – Democratic voters in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania gave the state to former Governor of Georgia Carl Sanders, who won tonight’s Democratic presidential primary with 28% of the vote. Humphrey, the national frontrunner, came in second place with only 20% of the vote. Carl Sanders’ victory is an upset given Sanders often being listed in fourth place in national polls. Sanders supporters in Pennsylvania, however, are not surprised.

    “We talked about local issues and actually visited our towns. I don’t speak for everyone, but I certainly appreciated it,” notes one voter.

    Sanders campaigned in the southern and rural strips of the commonwealth, and also sought to woo in the Black vote away from former Vice President Humphrey, who came in second place.

    Former Governor of Alabama George Wallace, who also sought out the Black vote, gathered enough momentum by emphasizing worker rights and winning over local union endorsements in the final days before the primary to win third place. Behind him in fourth place is New York Governor Mario Biaggi.

    The biggest loser of the night was former Secretary of State Jack Kennedy, whose team seems to have underestimated the effectiveness and activism of the Sanders and Wallace campaigns. Support for Kennedy, who is often in second place in national polls, deflated here to fifth place with less than 10% of the vote. The Gravel and Morse campaigns failed to obtain ballot access, but received a combine total of 4% in write-in votes.

    – The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/23/1968


    Washington, DC – …A spokesman for the US State Department confirmed today that, after discussions with their respective leades, the Sanders and Shelepin planning parties have agreed to meet in Gothberg, Sweden. Gothenburg is a relatively small city of less than 500,000 people, and the second largest city in Sweden after Stockholm, but its growth into an industrial center since the end of World War Two was deemed an appropriate backdrop for talks on expanding the well-being of both nations. Furthermore, the city rests almost exactly on the border of the “Iron Curtain” ideologically separating western Europe from eastern Europe:

    [pic: ]
    Pictured: Gothenburg’s location in Europe (note: Albania is in pale red due to being an inactive member of the Warsaw Pact since 1962)

    – The Sacramento Union (Ted Kennedy’s newspaper), 4/24/1968


    …the Colonel is showing a level of energy of a much younger man as he meets with the ruler of Laos, King Sisavang Vatana, to discuss how best to handle the Pathet Lao communist guerrilla forces waging war against the Laotian people. This is the President’s third trip to Vietnam and his fourth in Indochina overall...

    Stars and Stripes, 4/29/1968


    – The Boston Globe, 4/30/1968

    On May 5, Humphrey edged out Wallace, Sanders and Kennedy in an upset to win the Washington DC primary. The Black vote proved highly valuable in the election, as many Black voters favored the consistent record of the former VP over the rhetoric of Wallace, which many Blacks felt “[came] from an ingenuous place,” according to Medgar Evers. Meanwhile, Kennedy had sought to win over black voters by comparing slavery to Catholic prejudice: “I understand what it must be like, as I know what it’s like to go to a place, and have eyes stare at you because of the shallow notion that you shouldn’t be there.” Such comments led to Biaggi publicly countering: “Jack’s the son of a millionaire; I’m the son of an immigrant marble setter and an immigrant charwoman. His childhood, his schooling, his opportunities, they were nothing like ours!”

    – historian Jeff Greenfield’s How Everything Changed: The Effects of 1968, Centurion Publishers, 2015


    – Gallup poll, 5/6/1968

    “That damn Carl b@st@rd is stealing my thunder – and with it, my base of supporters!”

    – George Wallace, 5/6/1968

    JACK IS BACK!: Presidential Hopeful Closes In On Humphrey’s Delegate Count

    Columbus, OH – Due to the heavy “southern” roots of residents in the southern parts of the states of Ohio and Indiana (case in point, President Colonel Sanders was born in Indiana), most pundits expected Wallace and Sanders to dominate the results of each respective primary. But Secretary Kennedy refused to give them up. His influential family (such as news publisher Ted Kennedy and Senator Eunice Kennedy-Shriver) and popular friends (Frank Sinatra, Norman Mailer, Shirley MacLaine, Stefanie Powers, Peter Lawford, Bill Cosby, and Robert Vaugh to name a few) pitched in and campaigning extensively for him across the two states. In tonight’s contests, Kennedy achieved his third primary victory in Indiana, and lost to Humphrey in Ohio by a 1% margin…

    The Boston Globe, 5/7/1968

    “…But a vision for America is only step one! Turning it into reality is the next, and assuring its preservation for our children and grandchildren is our final step, as our children and grandchildren will have a vision even greater than the one we have now. 92 years ago, Americans had a great vision of an independent nation. In 1865, we had a grand vision of a united country. And now, we envision a peaceful nation. And I boys and girls will join in this American tradition. If you work hard at it, you will turn your visions into realities, so 50 years from now your children and grandchildren will thank you for your vision and your hard work, just like how we thank the people of 1776 and 1863 for giving us the world that we live in today. They will be proud of you, as I am proud of all of y’all for getting through the tough classes and assignments to finally get that diploma! Congratulations, y’all!”

    – Sanders at the Texas A&M graduation ceremony of 5/8/1968


    [pic: ]
    – Colonel Sanders speaking with actress Joan Crawford at the White House Correspondence Dinner, 5/11/1968

    At just about 51, Kennedy, still presenting an image of youth by calling himself “Jack” and circulating athletic images of himself voter the viewing pleasure of the contemplative masses, was still concerned over his religion. A week ahead of West Virginia primary on May 14, he gave televised speech where he strongly professed that the separation of church and state must always be maintained. The speech worked to cool questions surrounding his Catholic faith and boost his numbers in the state.

    – Ted White’s The Making of the President: 1968, Atheneum Publishers, 1969


    …Governor Carl Sanders won tonight’s Democratic Presidential Primary with a plurality, while President Colonel Sanders won tonight’s Republican Presidential Primary unopposed…

    Nebraska City News-Press, 5/14/1968

    WALLACE WINS WEST VIRGINIA PRIMARY: First Primary Victory “Likely” To Boost Governor’s Chances Ahead of Florida Primary

    The Washington Times, 5/14/1968

    Brown’s successor was elected by the Parliamentary Labour Party, with a majority of their 314 total members of parliament required. An exhaustive ballot system was used.

    Secretary Harold Wilson was initially considered the most credible man for the job; however, his support in parliament collapsed after rumors of being a Russian agent began to spread. Secretary Michael Foot announced his candidacy but failed to win over a sufficient level of support trying to run an energetic campaign. Secretary James Callaghan was a member of the right wing of the party and a defender of Brown, and Home Secretary Roy Jenkins announced his candidacy right before the deadline. Stonehouse, at 42, was the youngest candidate and most active candidate, and, most importantly for the Labour party officials, was the favorite of the Liberal Party with whom Labour was in a Minority Government.


    Round 1: 314 total
    Foot: 112
    Stonehouse: 90
    Jenkins: 56
    Callaghan: 41
    Wilson: 15

    Round 2: 314 total
    Foot: 112
    Stonehouse: 91
    Jenkins: 60
    Callaghan: 51

    Round 3: 314 total
    Stonehouse: 117
    Foot: 112
    Jenkins: 85

    Round 4: 314 total
    Stonehouse: 158
    Foot: 156


    WHO IS JOHN STONEHOUSE: A Look At Our New Prime Minister

    [pic: ]
    John Thomson Stonehouse (b. 28/7/1925 in Southampton, Hampshire, UK), an economist by trade, worked on co-operative societies in Uganda from 1952 to 1954 before election to parliament, where he has served since 28 Feb 1957.


    In February 1959, Stonehouse travelled to Rhodesia on a fact-finding tour in which he condemned the white minority government of Southern Rhodesia. Speaking to the Southern Rhodesia African National Congress, he encouraged Blacks to stand up for their rights and said they had the support of the British Labour Party. He was promptly expelled from Rhodesia and kept from returning a year later. [18]

    The Observer, weekly (Sundays) UK newspaper, special issue, 5/20/1968


    …if the move is successful, the election will most likely be held in “around” six months…

    The Daily Telegraph, 25/5/1968

    “When it comes to foreign affairs, I say this to the President – Colonel, if you don’t want to lead us into the next Cuba War, take the following advice – pull our troops out of Laos and pull our troops out now! ...I propose a tax hike to initiate several domestic programs and improve the administering of social justice... You know my record, my consistency, and my vision for a fairer America."

    – Senator Wayne Morse, 5/26/1968


    – Stars and Stripes, 5/27/1968

    “Despite Mr. Biaggi’s claims, the focus of urban improvement should not be on more cops, but better living accommodations. I truly believe that unless urban living conditions are improved in this country, we will see an unprecedented revolt take place. (pause for reaction from crowd). I know, I know, but I think about it. And I would hate to be stuck on the fourth floor of a tenement with the rats nibbling on my kids’ toes, with garbage uncollected, with the streets filthy, with no swimming pools, and with little or no recreation. I would hate to be put in those conditions, and I want to tell you, if I were in those conditions, if that should happen to have been my situation, I would have enough spark in me to lead a mighty good revolt under those conditions.” [19]

    – Former VP Humphrey to a crowd in Corvallis, OR, 5/27/1968 (a statement labeled by some as reactionary, and by others as being of a “fearmongering” quality)

    …Tonight’s primary election in Florida was considered a make-or-break determination for the Wallace campaign, which failed to win any primaries until the West Virginia contest two weeks ago. Well, the results are finally in and it looks like once again Carl Sanders has trumped Wallace. Wallace came in second place, ahead of Humphrey, in third place, and Kennedy surrogate George Smathers, who came in fourth place…


    …In Oregon, Senator Humphrey has won over Senator Morse in a dramatic upset. While there is a heavy anti-war presence in the state, fueled by the campaigns of Mike Gravel and Wayne Morse, the voters have instead given the state to Humphrey. One possible reason for the sudden deflation of Morse’s polling lead prior to the election is the split of the peacenik vote between Morse and Gravel, or the recent military successes in Laos working against Morse’s message that America’s presence in that country is, quote, a “massive mistake,” unquote…


    …We have an update from Portland, Oregon: Senator Morse, taking the loss of his home state’s primary to indicate a drop in popularity in Oregon, has officially dropped out of the race for President to return focus to his re-election Senate bid…

    – NBC News, 5/28/1968 broadcast

    The great tradition of social protest in America has failings that crop up regularly. One failing is over-simplification and another is self-righteousness. Another is political naivety. Another is sweeping impatience with everybody in authority – The Establishment and the Power Structure is what they are called now. We had other names in my younger days but it meant the same.” [19]

    – Hubert Humphrey, speaking to the National Press Club, 6/1/1968


    Sacramento, CA – In his first win in almost a month and his fourth primary victory overall, and after five primary losses, Kennedy edged to victory in the delegate-rich winner-take-all Democratic primary in California. Favorite Son candidate Pat Brown, the Governor of the state, failed to win even 5%, likely connected to his low approval ratings. …Humphrey’s recent comments criticizing youth activism hurt his candidacy among younger and college-educated voters, and possibly contributing to Congressman Gravel winning over 10% of the vote. …Upon learning of Kennedy’s victory, Wallace claimed the contest as biased, asserting to reporters “Jack’s got way more friends in the media than I do. One of his brothers runs a newspaper, for Pete’s sake!” Nevertheless, the victory is a major boost to Kennedy’s campaign…

    The Daily Courier, Arizona newspaper, 6/4/1968

    …Californians also voted for Senator tonight. In the Republican primary, incumbent Senator Kuchel won with roughly 40% of the vote, over conservative school superintendent Max Rafferty, who won roughly 35%, and former Congressman James B. Utt, who won roughly 25%. The Democratic primary saw state senator Anthony C. Beilsenson win over several candidates with roughly 45% of the vote…

    – NBC News, 6/4/1968 broadcast


    Trenton, NJ – In his sole primary victory, New York Governor Mario Biaggi won over the other candidates in the N.J. Democratic presidential primary. Despite higher Black voter turnout boosting Wallace’s standing in the state, credit for Biaggi’s victory will most likely be given to commuters – voters who work in New York but live in New Jersey. These voters were likely more aware of Biaggi’s actions in combating crime rates in the state in general and in New York City specifically.

    – The Star-Ledger, 6/4/1968

    The narrowness of the election has led to an urban legend that claims gangsters from the “Irish Mafia” stuffed the ballot boxes for the pro-IRA Italian Biaggi. Another urban legend, however, counters with the claim that another candidate in the race, the Irish-American Jack Kennedy, used his alleged connections with the “Italian Mafia” to stuff the ballot boxes. A third, and more entertaining urban legend, claims it was both, and that the June 4 Cape May Factory Fire, which lit ablaze the night sky over southernmost New Jersey but killed zero people, was actually a cover for an Irish-Italian mafia shootout gone awry and covered up by the Democratic governor!



    …Humphrey reminded voters that he was born in South Dakota and his other family connects to the state. …Carl Sanders came in second place, likely being seen as a more appealing alternative to the boisterous Governor Wallace. Biaggi came in fourth place, while Kennedy came in fifth…

    The Daily Courier, North Carolina newspaper, 6/4/1968


    – The Houston Chronicle, 6/5/1968

    “POP ART” ICON ANDY WARHOL SHOT DEAD IN NYC: Killed While Leaving Art Studio Through Kitchen; Suspect In Custody

    The New York Times, 6/5/1968


    The Chicago Tribune, 6/11/1968

    …With the final Democratic primary held and studied, it appears that no candidate has received enough delegates to win the nomination outright, meaning the nominee will be determined at the Democratic National Convention in July…

    – CBS Evening News, 6/12/1968 broadcast

    WENDY’S: K.F.C.’s New Burger Chain Enters Fast-Food Competition

    …the inaugural CEO is Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas, a loyal member of the K.F.C. parent company “Finger Lickin’ Good, Incorporated” who has reportedly worked on the new franchises’ menu for “almost a decade”...

    The Wall Street Journal, 6/12/1968


    …The Prime Minister was to negotiate an agreement to provide a framework for the long-term development of technological co-operation between Britain and Czechoslovakia. The opening of relations with the central European nation would involve the exchange of specialists and information, facilities for study and research in technology, and other aspects of British and Czechoslovakian industries…

    The Guardian, centre-left UK newspaper, 14/6/1968

    REPORT: Colonel Sanders Convinces Everett, Other Party Leaders, To Add F.A.D. Proposal To RNC Platform!

    – The Baltimore Afro-American (a daily newspaper since 1965), 6/15/1968

    The negotiations for a bilateral comprehensive nuclear weapons cap on nuclear (A-bomb) and thermonuclear (H-bomb) weapons did not stem from a political origin as much as it did from a social reaction to US-USSR actions. The 1959 bestseller Alas, Babylon; the 1964 Stanley Kubrick film Dr. Strangelove; the pacifist writings of the “part time” political singer-songwriter John Lennon; the shoutnik movement, and other societal elements all fueled public concerns of atomic war and radioactive fallout. “We are all concerned over the effect of radiation. Even Russian citizens are concerned – they are just quieter about it than American citizens are,” the Russian Ambassador to the UN controversially noted in early 1967.

    Furthermore, the Soviet Political Bureau (Politburo) was divided over the usefulness of the summit, but Shelepin’s Minister of Foreign Affairs believed the Soviet Premier would not fail to obtain “a good deal” for his country’s defense. America’s Congress also had reservations. However, a head-to-head meeting between the leaders of the US and USSR was not unprecedented, as three such meeting had occurred between Eisenhower and Khrushchev. The first was held in Geneva in July 1955, and also attended by UK P.M. Anthony Eden and French P.M. Edgar Faure. The second one was held in September 1959 in Washington D.C. and Camp David, and the first visit by a Soviet leader to the US. The third, held in May 1960 in Paris and also attended by UK PM Harold Macmillan and French President Charles de Gaulle, was cut short by a dispute over the U-2 incident. Overall, an imperfect track record, but the Colonel saw it as “examples for how to it better the fourth time.”

    Ultimately, after the Colonel’s mid-May 1966 public call and after almost two years of tension and negotiation, Sanders and Shelepin finally met face-to-face to discuss, in the Colonel’s words “limiting the buildup of nuclear weapons in both our nations and the world for the sake of this planet and the health of its people.”

    On June 19, Shelepin arrived in Gothenburg, Sweden 30 minutes ahead of The Colonel due to a storm front delaying travel over the Atlantic earlier in the day. For three days, the Premier and the President and their respective teams workshopped on a treaty. Shelepin agreed to Sanders’ proposed prohibition of all testing detonations of nuclear weapons in the oceans and in the high atmosphere “which both our nation share,” but opposed the prohibition of conducting detonation tests underground over concerns as to how such prohibition could be enforced in a non-invasive way. Sanders accept the exception in exchange for a cap in ICBMs.

    This made for an awkward situation – Shelepin was clearly more willing to start a nuclear war, but the US in 1968 held 988 ICBMS and 620 SLBMs, which was much more than Russia’s total numbers. Ultimately, Sanders agreed to set the cap at an even 1,000 ICBMs and 1,000 SLBMs, with a non-binding amendment calling for a gradual reduction of their respective stockpiles by 20% within the next ten years (Sanders initially pushed for a lower cap and a higher reduction rate, but had to compromise in the face of Shelepin refusal to such “outrageous limitations”).

    Finally, Sanders tried to convince Shelepin to withdraw troops from Poland in exchange for less restrictions on submarine developments. Shelepin refused to budge, and Sanders reluctantly dropped Poland from the discussion – thought he did obtain the submarine restrictions as a bittersweet consolation prize.

    Despite the end-result leaving both leaders unsatisfied – Sanders saw it as doing too little to curb the USSR’s threats to America; Shelepin saw it as inhibiting Russia’s right to defend itself and its allies by any means necessary – both signed the treaty to save face in the face of their respective critics back home. The official name of the treaty ended up being the Strategic Universal Geopolitical Arms Reduction Treaty, or the S.U.G.A.R. Treaty, and took effect two months after being signed by the US and USSR and ratified by the USSR, UK, US and France. In 1970, it was accompanied by the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty of 1971 between the US and China (see next Chapter, page 206).

    Some observers of the treaty, such as Congressman Mike Gravel, called the summit “an organizing of the rules of war and death,” most media coverage of the Gothenburg Summit was positive. So much so that in 1970, the US President convinced China to join the treaty as well. The meeting did little to improve US-USSR relations, but was hailed by Sanders’ allies as a “breakthrough” nonetheless.

    The number of participants in the SUGAR Treaty has expanded over the decades, with further amendments strengthening its anti-stockpile aspects. In fact, as of this publication (2017), nearly all nations in the Americas, Oceania, and Eurasia, and most of the nations of Africa have become party to the treaty.

    – David Tal’s US Strategic Arms Policy in the Cold War: Negotiation & Confrontation, Routledge, 2017


    …Stonehouse claims the UK military “needs to focus on Africa, not Ireland.” The announcement comes less than a day after a referendum [20] in Rhodesia voted in favor of becoming a Republic, causing the Governor of Southern Rhodesia, Sir Humphrey Gibbs to leave the nation’s Government House, severing Rhodesia’s last diplomatic relationship with the UK. Polling shows Britons are heavily divided on the subject of military intervention in Rhodesia…

    The Daily Courier, British Columbia newspaper, 6/26/1968

    We all expected a fierce battle over the nomination to happen at the convention. But then, on the last day of June, a funny thing happened – Carl Sanders announced that he would release his delegates to Jack, who had a plurality of delegates. This was just enough for Jack to clinch the nomination, denying Humphrey the chance to win over delegates at the convention. In the end, Carl Sanders had stuck by his motto of being a party loyalist first and a party candidate second. And of course, all the other candidates cried foul, but hey – that’s politics.


    Next of the agenda was finding the right running mate…

    – Ken O’Donnell, C-SPAN-I interview, 1988


    [pic: ]
    …this was also the first time that not a single “favorite son” candidate either won a contest or achieved more than 5% of the vote, although some did receive delegates at the national convention…

    – [21]

    Kennedy – A Time For Greatness

    [pic: ]
    – Kennedy campaign logo, c. July 1968

    [1] This entire quote is a verbatim George Wallace quote from OTL:
    [2] Carl Sanders’ policies (“moderate concerning racial issues…While agreeing that Georgia should keep its tradition of segregation, Sanders believed it was imperative that the state avoid violence and obey the laws of the country…his campaign issues were not built around race. Instead, Sanders focused on the elimination of corruption in state government and pushed for overall progress for the state. He also wanted to improve education and bring industry to Georgia…Sanders improved education a great deal [and] helped to reform…the prison and state merit systems…”) found here:
    [3] Quote found here, though I’m not sure of the validity of the website:
    [4] JFK says the italics bit in this statement starting at the 9:59 mark of this video, and the rest of the statement’s sentiments are largely pulled or paraphrased from the rest of the video: youtube: watch?v=ezGDLOcZVjw
    [5] Almost verbatim to summary described here:
    [6] OTL quote:
    [7] OTL quote!
    [8] Source: CIA tells Russia of Soviet sea disaster". The Times (64466). London. October 17, 1992. col F-G, p. 10.
    [9] Italicized segments are from OTL:
    [10] Italicized segments are from OTL:
    [11] Carl Sanders did appoint “many blacks to state government jobs,” IOTL: and here appointed more than Wallace did ITTL.
    [12] Pages 54-through-57 of Robert L. Heilbroner’s The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers (Revised Seventh Edition), A Touchstone Book Published by Simon & Schuster, 1999 (found online in PDF form)
    [13] Sentiments based on attitude expressed here: youtube: /watch?v=ynm1QZ7rWB0
    [14] Italicized bits are from here:
    [15] OTL quote!
    [16] OTL quote, according to (the source(s) on) his wikiquote page
    [17] Taken from here:
    [18] Passage pulled from Stonehouse’s wiki article.
    [19] Italicized portion(s) is/are an edited quote from OTL!:
    [20] This referendum ends up being held one year earlier than IOTL because the instability in the UK from the earlier-than-OTL troubles (which were the indirect result of the rise of the shoutniks in response to the Cuba War under an earlier President Johnson) increasing hostilities against the British quicker than IOTL. Yeah… yeah that works…
    [21] Primary results composition based on the poll results (for the most part):

    I'm actually not that confident in how I wrote this one, so if anything looks wrong or seems too unrealistic, please let me know.

    Also, the E.T.A. for the next chapter is the 27th!
    Last edited:
    Chapter 29: July 1968 – December 1968
  • Chapter 29: July 1968 – December 1968

    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”

    – Maya Angelou

    For Running Mate, Jack picked Governor Grant Sawyer of Nevada, but Grant wasn’t Jack’s first choice. Carl Sanders and former segregationist George Smathers were vetted as possibly being able to win over southern voters, and Governor Lucey of Wisconsin or even Senator Mondale – you know, “Diet Humphrey” – could have possibly won over the rust belt, uh, mid-western states. But a deal could not be reached with Carl Sanders, Smathers declined out of the belief that his past would be too much of a detriment to Jack’s campaign, and Lucey and Mondale declined interest. Then we came across Sawyer, a dark-horse consideration at first, but he really believed he could appeal to both former Sanders and Humphrey backers. See, Nevada was often called “the Mississippi of the West” until Sawyer improved its image by finally pushing civil rights legislation through a conservative legislature and making the state economy healthier by modernizing the state’s casino regulations, fighting corporate ownership of those casinos, and renewing business responsibility for the use of the state’s land. By 1968, Sawyer, who I think was about 50, a year younger than Jack, had come a long way from his start in the conservative political machine of Senator Patrick McCarran that many powerful Nevadans considered his policies on education, the environment, and civil rights to be dangerously radical [1]. Jack figured Sawyer’s roots would win over conservatives while his more recent progressive actions would placate former backers of Humphrey, Morse and Gravel. Another plus was Sawyer’s open opposition to Republican-leaning special interest groups, which had led to him being known for feuding with the justice department of the Sanders administration. This made Sawyer be seen a fighter for his party and his ideals. The fact that he was the first governor in the country to back Jack in both 1960 and 1968 was another factor, too. But what sealed the deal was how well the two men got along.

    – Ken O’Donnell, C-SPAN-I interview, 1988


    The Daily Telegraph, UK newspaper, 7/7/1968


    [pic: ]
    – Jack Kennedy eating a jelly donut on the first day of the DNC, 7/9/1968

    1968 Democratic National Convention

    Date(s): July 9-12, 1968
    City: Chicago, IL
    Venue: International Amphitheatre
    Keynote Speaker: Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii

    Presidential nominee: Jack Kennedy of Massachusetts
    Vice Presidential nominee: Grant Sawyer of Nevada
    Other candidates: Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, Carl Sanders of Georgia

    PRIMARY VOTING (by percentage share of popular vote):
    Hubert Humphrey – 33.56%
    Jack Kennedy – 31.79%
    Carl Sanders – 16.28%
    Mike Gravel – 7.11%
    Wayne Morse – 4.47%
    Mario Biaggi – 3.20%
    George Wallace – 2.45%
    Pat Brown (favorite son) – 0.61%
    Pat Lucey (favorite son) – 0.37%
    Lester Maddox – 0.07%
    Bert Combs – 0.06%
    Sam Yorty – 0.02%
    Others – 0.01%

    CONVENTION VOTING (by percentage share of delegates on final ballot):
    For President:
    Jack Kennedy – 53.4%
    Hubert Humphrey – 28.9%
    Wayne Morse – 16.4%
    Mike Gravel – 15.9%
    Carl Sanders – 7.6%
    Mario Biaggi – 7.1%

    For Vice-President:
    Grant Sawyer – acclamation


    SCHUMACHER: Tonight was the fourth and final day of the DNC, and with it came riots – riots possibly bigger than the ones seen at the DNC in 1964. The tumultuous commotion began after Kennedy formally accepted the nomination and may have been instigated by backers of Carl Sanders

    HART: That’s right, David, Chicago did see some upheaval. Other sources claim the din was instigated by passive beatniks whom saw Kennedy as part of the “military-industrial complex” that President Eisenhower mentioned in his 1961 farewell address.

    SCHUMACHER: Signs reading “We Want Sanders v Sanders in 1968” and “We Will Not Back Jack” were seen on the convention floor today and yesterday, though.

    HART: Yes, and more active polniks, also derisively called shoutniks, began bellowing out their messages and phrases through bullhorns and group chants while standing on the top of vehicles in the area immediately outside the convention building. These vehicles included police cars.

    SCHUMACHER: Indeed. According to a convention delegate we interviewed earlier, former Secretary of State Kennedy demanded that Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley not respond to the turbulent disruption with violence as it could, quote, lead to a repeat of 1964, unquote.

    HART: And it seems Daley remembered the trouble of four years ago, and likely bitterly held his tongue, as after several hours of heated disruption, the truculent rioters departed. It seems all but the most diehard of the protestors grew tired and left.

    SCHUMECHER: Nevertheless, the incident demonstrates the amount of Democrats left unsatisfied by this year’s nominee and compromise platform calling for a vague, quote, change in direction, unquote, in regards to foreign policy...

    – Correspondents David Schumacher & John Hart, CBS News report, 7/12/1968

    Kennedy hoped to win over the youth vote with more endorsements from liberal celebrities. However, polls repeatedly suggested younger voters actually favored Colonel Sanders due to his lowering of the age limit to 18, his ending of the war in Vietnam, and the “movie star”-like quality that came from his old film cameos, old TV commercials, and his face still in use on KFC products making him much more recognizable to young Americans than Kennedy. …A post-election demographic poll showed that Sanders had also won over the vote of married women over 40, demonstrating the Colonel’s appeal across generations...

    – David Pietrusza’s The Epic Campaigns of the 1960s, 2008

    POLL: KENNEDY LEADS SANDERS BY 5 POINTS: Jack’s Pa Says Election Will Be “A Formality For The Inevitable”

    The Los Angeles Times, 7/17/1968


    The Boston Globe, 7/20/1968

    “Jack was now princeps de familia. That’s Latin for ‘head of the family.’ However, it was immediately assumed that that responsibility would fall to Bobby once Jack became President, and he began to be more involved in more family goings-on from the get-go… Father died convinced without a scintilla of a doubt that Jack was on his way to the White House come election night ’68.”

    – Eunice Kennedy-Shriver, Boston Globe interview, 1989

    In July 1968, the Red Sox, then the Phillies, and finally the Yankees [2] scouted a young graduate of Penn U’s Wharton Business School named Donald Trump. A New Yorker native aspiring to put a new economics degree to good use at his father’s construction company, Trump had been a student who had shown impressive skill in football, squash and tennis, but had always been a “huge” fan of the Yankees. Thus, Trump declined the Red Sox and Phillies offers, but was enthusiastic over the Yankee’s interests. “I have great feet – I can run to the bases really fast” Trump would often boast. After seeing him play, the Yankees determined he had potential and would be an asset to their roster. Putting “my business dreams for NYC…on hold for a while,” Trump began playing Major League Baseball in early 1969.

    Pictured below: Donald Trump in 1968

    [pic: ]
    – John Helyar’s Lords of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball, Ballantine Books, 1994

    “Under the Colonel’s supervision, the past three years have seen the most common image in American television shift from the horrific atrocities of War in Indochina and Cuba to the satisfying crispy tenderness of Kentucky Fried Chicken, and all that it represents – fulfillment, freedom, and proof that any goal can be achieved in the United States of America. Anyone with a dream and the will to work hard can form a business for the betterment of themselves and the betterment of society. And for that, ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor and pride that the Republican Party will officially re-nominate Colonel Harland Sanders for President of the United States next week.”

    – RNC chairman Ray C. Bliss’s at a private fundraiser, 7/29/1968 (leaked in December, but received little attention)

    “There’s nothing us young people like more than freedom – freedom from oppression, freedom from regulations, freedom from fear. …The Colonel has proven in the past four years to be a man of his word. He’s brought our boys home from Vietnam, he’s lowering the voting age from 21 to 18, and he’s fixed the economy, and now, he wants to assure the American people can work, and that those who can’t will be covered with a monthly dividend. The Colonel deserves a second term and the youth of this nation will deliver it to him!”

    – Bob Dylan addressing the RNC convention, urging young people to vote for Sanders, 8/5/1968 [3]


    [pic: ]
    – President Harland Sanders travelling from the Miami International Airport to the RNC via carriage, 8/6/1968

    “Folks, at arrived at this here convention on a horse-and-buggy not as a publicity stunt, but as a callback to an era of progress and possibilities, and to reflect on how far we’ve come in the decades since untamed days of the Wild West. When I was ten years old and getting my first job on a farm, man could still only fly in dreams. But now, we’re less than a year away from stepping foot on the moon. When I joined the army in 1906, Americans workers in the cities and the countryside toiled in terrible conditions. But now, living conditions have improved phenomenally, and our economy is greater than it has ever been. Only in America can people come to together to get themselves so far in so few years. So now let’s continue that legacy into the next four years, and then into the 1970s and beyond!”

    – Colonel Sanders at the RNC, 8/6/1968

    1960 Republican National Convention

    Date(s): August 5-8, 1968
    City: Miami Beach, FL
    Venue: Miami Beach Convention Center
    Keynote Speaker: Sen. Bud Wilkinson of Oklahoma

    Presidential nominee: Colonel Sanders of Kentucky
    Vice Presidential nominee: William Scranton of Pennsylvania

    Total delegates: 1,333
    Votes needed: 667 (majority)

    Results (President):
    Harland Sanders (KY): 1,232 (92.5%)
    Harold Stassen (MN): 55 (4.1%)
    Jim Rhodes (Favorite Son) (OH): 36 (2.7%)
    Others: 8 (0.6%)
    Not Voting: 2 (0.1%)

    Results (Vice-President): 1333
    William Scranton (PA): 1,089 (81.7%)
    Joseph O. Rogers Jr. (SC): 152 (11.4%)
    Bo Callaway (GA): 48 (3.6%)
    Frank Farrar (SD): 32 (2.4%)
    Others: 9 (0.7%)
    Not Voting: 3 (0.2%)


    Vote for the Heritage and Independence Party!
    Defeat the Yankee Socialists in November!

    On August 10, the H.I.P. National Convention listened to the real voices of the American people and formed the following ticket:

    For President:
    Decorated Rear Admiral and Democratic nominee for US Senate in 1962 John G. Crommelin Jr. of Alabama

    For Vice President:
    Former Republican US Congressman from 1955 to 1967 and H.I.P. nominee for US Senate in 1966 Bruce Alger of Texas

    Join the party that favors:

    – limiting the power and influence of the federal government

    – local laws for local needs

    – An America free from the chains of the UN and other foreign and un-American influence

    – lower taxes for higher freedom

    – preserving Americans’ history of being the greatest people on Earth

    – law and order on all city streets

    – …and a President and Vice President who uphold the principles of the constitution and YOUR individual rights

    With your support, we will take America back from the special interests and weak big-government bureaucrats that seek to tell YOU how and where to work, where to live, where to send your children to school, and how to live your life!

    Protect your Heritage and Independence! Join the Party Now and VOTE H.I.P. IN NOVEMBER!

    – Pamphlet for the “Hippy” 1968 Presidential ticket, first distributed c. mid-August 1968

    “I’ve always liked trains,” the Colonel explained. “After comin’ back from servin’ in Cuba,” all the way back in 1907, “I got a job on the railroad in Alabama. I had to doodle the ashes,” meaning he had to empty the ashes from the trains’ fireboxes at the end of the train’s voyage. “It was probably the dream of ninety percent of all young fellows my age in those days [4].” He asked, “May I?” gesturing to the air horn cord overhead keeping closed the valve of compressed air.

    What would you say but “By all means, Mr. President!”? And with a mighty whoo-whoo!, he enthusiastically began the railcar campaign on Rail Force One. The museum was both surprised and elated when Sanders requested the Ferdinand Magellan be taken out of retirement. Last used in 1954, the train’s Pullman Car used as the Presidential Rail Car was now owned by the Gold Coast Railroad Museum. It was an old train constructed in 1929, when Sanders was 39 and had moved on from working the rails, but still loved it. Now President, he found the private cars “accommodating.” At the end of the first train car is the kitchen, and as you enter from there the storage lockers are to your right and the food prep area is to the left. The car’s hall then meanders to the right row of windows, and when you follow it, you pass the pantry and worker’s quarters. Then you enter the Dining Room – spacious enough for roughly ten people – before moving past the chairs to the rest of the worker’s quarters. Finally, the last car is the President’s own personal car, complete with a bed and bathroom. In 1968, the Sanders Whistle-stop Tour took the Ol’ F.M. across the nation upon leaving the 1968 RNC, with no need for the Secret Service to worry due to WWII-Era safety features [5].

    – Cully Waggoner, Gold Coast Railway Museum, edutainment segment, PBS Kids, 2008


    [pic: ]
    – First Lady Claudia helps the President depart Rail Force One at a campaign stop in Omaha, Nebraska, 8/14/1968


    Jackson, MS – Several polls conducted by the American Institute of Public Opinion have noticed an average 5-point increase in approval of President Sanders in several northern states, including Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania, over the past month or so:

    General Survey Question: “If the election for President was held today, who would you vote for?”
    Statewide average in Missouri on July 20:
    Colonel Sanders: 46%
    Jack Kennedy: 43%
    Undecided: 9%

    Statewide average in Missouri on August 10:
    Colonel Sanders: 51%
    Jack Kennedy: 38%
    Undecided: 11%
    Statewide average in Oregon on July 20:
    Jack Kennedy: 49%
    Colonel Sanders: 39%
    Undecided: 12%

    Statewide average in Oregon on August 10:
    Jack Kennedy: 46%
    Colonel Sanders: 44%
    Undecided: 10%
    However, the Kennedy campaign has consistently been optimistic, noting these very polls as evidence that their message of “strength and order abroad, and liberty and prosperity at home” is resonating well with voters in the north. Meanwhile, Republicans viewed the boost in areas won by Johnson in 1960 and 1964 and indications that “more people are coming to realize the successes of this administration because election season is a time for reflection on how the past four years have been,” according to a source close to the Sanders/Scranton campaign in Ohio…

    The Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi newspaper, 8/15/1968

    Then in August, Apollo 7 was executed without a hitch, contributing to NASA’s optimism concerning the moon landing. Later that month, a date for the launch of the planned first manned mission to the moon was narrowed to March 1969.

    We could have had the launch in December 1968, though. The Colonel liked the idea of landing on the moon on Christmas, but Farouk [El-Baz] opposed that launch date for precisely that reason. “Mr. President, this event must be a celebration of all of humanity and an event that unites all. Landing on that holiday will only unite Christians. It will be viewed by too many as biased. That will lead to division and anger among families, friends, communities that are more than just that one religion.” He insisted, “The date must be of no major significance if it is truly to be a day for humanity.”

    “Plus,” Director Webb added, “What if something does go wrong after all?”

    The Colonel considered another possible launch date in October, but he concluded it would become too political due to that year’s Presidential election, while we concluded it was too close of a date for us to prepare for it. And so, the March date was chosen as giving NASA enough time to finish preparing all involved for the monumental endeavor.

    – mathematician Dorothy Vaughn’s Human Computers: Me and The Other Women at NASA, Langley Publishers, 1997

    CRONKITE: Earlier today, President Sanders established another federal program meant to create jobs, this one specifically for troops returning from the Indochina Theatre. The program is meant to keep unemployment down. It seems that, in the vein of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President Sanders is favoring massive construction projects and services positions for these unemployed heroes.

    SANDERS (in footage): Our country is growing. That means more people means more mouths to feed, more bodies to clothe, more minds to teach, more products to make, more services to provide.

    – CBS Evening news, 8/20/1968

    President Wants to Debate Kennedy: “He Gave The Other Sanders The Courtesy.”

    – The Boston Globe, 8/21/1968


    Associated Press, 8/24/1968

    “I think both parties bring something to the table. Democrat politicians are good at startin’ wars, Republican politicians are good at endin’ wars. See? They balance each other out! But in all seriousness, I think the best way for the people to see the leadership skills of their choices for President is to see how well the candidates can defend their ideas from one another. Jack’s a good fella for agreein’ to this. I look forward to the debate.”

    – Colonel Sanders to a reporter at a campaign stop, 8/24/1968

    …but the Colonel has an awkward amalgamation of voters on his side – an assembly of disheveled communard shoutniks and small-farm rednecks, both groups found in movements and groups favoring locally based communities and an end to the war-industry machine…

    – Freelance Journalist Hunter S. Thompson, 8/26/1968 article


    The Question: “If the election for President was held today, whom would you vote for?”
    Sanders: 43%
    Kennedy: 40%
    Crommelin: 8%
    Other/Undecided: 9%

    – Gallop poll, published 8/27/1968

    Beginning in late February 1968, however, the Nigerian Navy successfully blockaded Biafra’s coastline, cutting off aid and food to the masses and causing starving to set in once supplies ran out. Under international pressure stirred up by Medgar Evers and his brother, fellow activist Charles Evers, Ojukwu and Gowon returned to the negotiating table in May 1968, ultimately culminating in a ceasefire in late August [6]. In exchange for returning to Nigeria, Biafra would become an autonomous territory within Nigeria.

    The agreement was controversial as both sides viewed it as insufficient, and a revised agreement pertaining to the extent of Biafra’s autonomy was agreed to in September, which included relocating the nation’s capital.

    …Between 300,000-to-500,000 Biafran civilians had died of starvation over a conflict stemming from regionalism and oil production...

    – Introduction/Overview section of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s The Blood Spilled In Nigeria: A Civil War And Its Aftermath, 2014

    After a long summer, Shelepin blamed Gomulka for the inability to suppress the protests which were only rising in energy in to the point that an overthrowing of the government in Poland was beginning to be seen as feasible by some Soviet higher-ups and inevitable by other Soviet higher-ups. Gomulka quickly passed the buck to General Moczar, his propaganda chief, and others. In early September, he announced the firing of half of his government officials and an end to the hostilities, but it was not enough. The protests saw Moczar and Gomulka as the perpetrators.

    In a demonstration of the old phrase “enough a broken clock is right twice a day,” Shelepin did overthrow Gomulka after all, ironic describing him as being “too unstable and bloodthirsty to run a country.” Gomulka was replaced by Stanislaw Kania (b. 1927); he was a rubber stamp of sorts, loyal to Shelepin for giving him to job, but at least he was lucid and responsive; his relative youth, at just 41, gave the image of a generational shift in power that would favor the young activists. By the end of September, intellectual Leszek Kolakowski’s exile sentence was revoked, censorship laws were considerably reformed, the Jews of Poland were given a formal apology, and Gomulka, Moczar and company were on their way to a kangaroo court to take the blame for the atrocities of the past year.

    But despite further reform efforts, the “Summer of the Shoutniks” damaged Poland’s relations with academics, the Catholic Church, Israel and Jewish people for many years to come.

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    I remember when I was 7 years old, and in the first week of the new school year, I came home almost crying and with a busted lip, which I managed to hide from Mom for about 25 seconds. She quickly learned how I had started a fight with a group of bullies who had seen her and Dad drop me off. They had been teasing me over having white parents and calling me an assortment of names. Mom was working as an educator then, teaching English to minorities she met with my teacher, and instructed me to conduct a campaign of peaceful, nonviolent resistance. When Dad learned of the incident, though, he brought me to the base’s gym to teach me how to win a fight. I remember being confused over which parent to listen to, and how the two of them fought when I received detention for punching out both bullies the next week.

    Being a military brat, our family never stayed in one place for too long. However, I did not see it as a lack of stability – despite Dad always being away serving his country in Vietnam, then Laos and Cambodia – as my Mother was my best friend in those days. And we were not alone, of course. Mother and I would visit relatives on all three sides of the family – the Dunhams, the Obamas, and the McCains – whenever we could. Our family was scattered across the globe, with my biological father raising his own family in Kenya, Mom’s parents living in Hawaii, and Dad’s family sprinkled across Virginia, Mississippi, and other parts of the south (where some ancestors had fought for the Confederacy, starting the McCain tradition of military service).

    But while we had many places to call home, we had none to call our own yet.

    – Barack McCain’s Lessons From my Fathers, Sunrise Publishers, 1993

    “As if his carriage and train rides were indicative enough I feel like I should point out that the president is too euphoric. Time is catching up to America, and we need a president who will focused more on the future than on the past.”


    “What the Colonel overlooks in his quest to cut red tape is how much that red tape holds up – unemployment insurance; old age annuities; safety regulations for food, airlines, railroads, and roads; vaccination programs; health insurance; business and residential zoning laws; construction standards; trade and monopoly restrictions; licensing doctors, lawyers, CPAs and other professions; and nation park and wilderness conservation. Cut all that red tape and all of that will fall apart to the detriment of millions of Americans nationwide.”

    – Jack Kennedy at political luncheon, Baltimore, MD, 9/4/1968

    “I have worked with this man for over a decade and I have seen his effectiveness. He is a man of strong moral conviction and of strong work ethics. A hard-boiled humanitarian who follows the practice of smiling while carrying a big stick – or in his case, a big walking stick. He is a man who truly views others through the course of their actions, not the color of their skin. And for that, he has my endorsement and full support in the November election.”

    – Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in his official endorsement of Colonel Sanders, 9/5/1968

    “I love pitching things. The communicating that goes on with people from all walks of life, the people I get to meet when I try to make a sale – they’re more valuable and informative than any liberal arts college degree. It’s through real people that you learn the ways of the world. I love learning people’s viewpoints, their wants and needs, and getting them to see things differently. To see why they need what I’m selling, why it’ll be to their benefit. It was like that on the drives of ’51, and on the campaign trails of ’55, ’64 & ’68.”

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    KENNEDY AND SANDERS CAMPAIGN AGREE TO TWO DEBATES: First One Scheduled For Saturday The 28th

    The Washington Post, 9/6/1968


    [pic: ]
    – President Sanders riding in a motorcade past an unenthusiastic crowd in Boston, MA, as part of a tour of pro-Kennedy areas, 9/7/1968

    “There is a theory that people on farms eat better than people in towns. That is true. And people who live on farms just naturally eat more. We worked harder so we demanded more food. We ate family style. We all helped ourselves from the same bowls. I even got so I liked cottage cheese with sour molasses.” [7]

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    [pic: ]
    NIXON: “Wait, the Colonel would eat what now? Molasses?! How peculiar.”

    CURTIS: “Is that – did you put cottage cheese on your cake slice, Dick?”

    NIXON: “Don’t you judge me Carl!”

    CURTIS: “Where’d you even get - ? Oh, never mind!”

    – Richard Nixon and Carl Curtis at President Sanders’ birthday celebration in the Oval Office, 9/9/1968; transcript released by the FBI in 2012 (but nature of recording device classified until 2029), photograph published 9/10/1968


    …From 1959 to 1961, William H. Meyer (1914-1983) was one of the most left-wing members of the US House of Representatives (D-VT), but lost re-election due to the Green Mountain state being heavily pro-Republican at the time. Meyer’s subsequent bids for higher office on an anti-Cuban War platform failed in 1962 and 1964, but in 1968, the loss of his preferred candidates – Morse and Gravel – prompted him to try to win an election one more time.

    In early September 1968, Meyer assembled a small circle of friends and members of Timothy Leary’s Natural Mind party in his West Rupert, Vermont home to announce his intention to try to run as the Natural Mind nominee for President in November. The NMP held a small (roughly 200 people) convention in Syracuse, New York to make the nomination official.

    On September 14, Meyer won the nomination in landslide, winning over two party organizers with no public office experience, .

    Due to his prior work with Natural Mind regional candidates in 1966 and 1967, the party asked leftist political activist Carl Oglesby (1935-2011) of Michigan to serve as running mate, after former Congressman George McGovern and other higher-profile names declined. Oglesby reluctantly accepted the offer despite the fact that he would be only 33 years old on inauguration day 1969 – he would not become eligible for the Presidency or Vice Presidency until July 30, 1970.

    Meyer and Oglesby mounted an almost exclusively grassroots campaign centered on visiting liberal college campuses. The ticket was heavily anti-corporatist and anti-big business, yet Oglesby famously dismissed socialism as “a way to bury social problems under a federal bureaucracy” [8]. Oglesby also seemed to split with Meyers on taxes, with the former favoring a more libertarian stance and the latter favoring a progressive one.


    EXPOSE: STONEHOUSE RECEIVED THOUSANDS OF POUNDS FROM FOREIGN AGENCY!: Bank Deposits Traced to Czechoslovakian Secret Service!

    The Daily Telegraph, 14/9/1968

    “There is no substance to these claims whatsoever. I’m disappointed in our law enforcement agency’s failure to know fake documents when they see them.”

    – Prime Minister Stonehouse, 15/9/1968

    “I’m very satisfied with this administration’s handling of foreign policy issues, and I’m running for re-election because I think I have the knowledge, experience, and very importantly the energy that the President and the people of Kentucky need to have in the Senate.”

    – US Senator Thruston B. Morton (R-KY), Meet the Press interview, 9/22/1968


    …The H.I.P. nominee is polling at a national average of 4%. However, in polls conducted in southern states such as Alabama and South Carolina, the former Navy Rear Admiral has reached as much as 28%, at teams beating Democratic nominee Jack Kennedy for second place…

    Birmingham News, 9/26/1968

    KENNEDY: [snip] I believe we can do more for our schools. President Sanders’ words promoting higher education are admirable, but the fact remains that his administration has discouraged the education programs of the Johnson administration, causing college rates to actually drop. I also think that teachers should have better salaries, because if children are our future then we have to ensure their minds are equipped for the future.

    MODERATOR: President Sanders, your rebuttal?

    SANDERS: Jack, I have nothing against colleges, or any types of schoolin’. But I am not going to let the federal government have absolute control over education because what teachers want to teach and what students need to learn in states like Arkansas and the Carolinas differ greatly from the wants and needs of states like Massachusetts and New York. With all due respect, Jack, the federal government cannot force cultural change to an extent as severe as what Johnson attempted and what you are suggesting. Now, I will concede that the drop in college rates over the past year – I think it went down 2% or so – is disappointing as education is essential to the future of our nation, and like you have said, federal assistance should be available. But government influence and control over the individual freedoms of the states should never be allowed outside of assuring that people are treated equally and indiscriminately. The teachers in New York City don’t teach farmin’ essentials; and the teachers in Nebraska don’t teach subway ridin’.

    KENNEDY: If I may rebut that rebuttal –

    SANDERS: Sure, go ahead.

    MODERATOR: Um, alright, you have one minute to reply.

    KENNEDY: Colonel, this is not about influence, but assistance. The federal government should provide more funding to the states, and then the states can determine what is taught.

    SENATOR: Okay, that’s fairer – I can get behind that, Jack.


    KENNEDY: …Despite the Colonel’s claims the government can only reduce income taxes responsibly when the economy is prosperous. [snip] …I don’t believe that anyone is going to be able reduce the federal debt very much. [9] But I do believe that if the debt buildup under this administration is not reigned it in will bring fourth another recession like the one felt in 1958, after six years of Republican leadership.

    MODERATOR: Thank, Mr. Secretary. Mr. President, your response?

    SANDERS: Jack, we can’t burden the middle and lower classes with even more taxes.


    KENNEDY: I agree, Colonel, I agree – I – I think people should be able to do a pay-as-you-go form of it, in the same way as the Tennessee Valley Authority, but, like you, I believe in a balanced budget, and the only conditions under which I would unbalance the budget would be if there was a grave national emergency, or a serious recession. [10]

    SENATOR: Jack, an unbalanced budget leads to inflation – that’s Economics 101 right there. I understand that, and I never even went to college!


    KENNEDY: …We need stability after these last hectic four years. America deserves an experienced leader… [snip]

    MODERATOR: And President Sanders, your closing remarks.

    SANDERS: …the economy will only be prosperous if people are encouraged to make consumer purchases, and the best way to do that is to lower taxes. …What we have here, on this stage tonight, is two ideas for how the federal government should work – centralized or decentralized – power to the fat cats on the nation’s capitol hill or power to the fat cats on the capitol hills of our 50 states. I promote the latter, as those cats aren’t so fat. I promote the concept that real change and progress starts at the bottom, at the local level, with small businesses and smart, hard-working people joining up with each other to improve their communities. That improves the local economy. And that improves the statewide economy. I have faith in the ability of the American people, when they are not burdened by bureaucracy, to make the right decisions. Because, you see, the free market only works when its users share a sense of morality, of doing the right thing due to standards ingrained into their hearts, not inked onto legislation telling them to do the right thing. That’s why the US economy is the strongest on earth! And it’s why we need education, to teach the next generation the same lessons that have made this nation so great – to teach children to care for not just themselves and their loved ones, but for their fellow Americans everywhere and from all walks of life, whether they come from the shores of Cape Cod or from fields of blue grass. That’s the beauty of America – we are the example to the world of just how much can be accomplished when men have freedom – freedom to speak their mind, freedom from federal overreach, and freedom to pursue their dreams! Thank you.

    – First General President Election Debate, NBC transcript, 9/28/1968

    Despite his one-liners and well-received closing statement, Sanders did not believe that he had performed well in the first debate, having stumbled a few times in stumbles in both the foreign and domestic policy sections, forgetting specifics and stuttering at times. Sanders had felt especially hurt when Kennedy had brought up his “ignoring” of the rising issue of busing students, as Sanders had openly questioned its effectiveness for years but had done little to “fix” what Sanders seemed to think was a “broken” policy. Political analysts, meanwhile, were divided practically 50-50 on who actually won the debate, while polling suggested a majority of viewers of the debate believed the Colonel had won.

    – historian Jeff Greenfield’s How Everything Changed: The Effects of 1968, Centurion Publishers, 2015


    The Daily Telegraph, 29/9/1968

    It soon became apparent that Stonehouse had been a spy for the Czechoslovak Secret Service (a counter-intelligence police force) since 1962 and had provided secrets about government plans as well as technical information about aircraft in exchange for 5,000 pounds.

    – Edward Wright’s History’s Greatest Scandals: Shocking Stories of Powerful People, Guardian Books, 2006


    Associated Press, 9/29/1968

    Khanh’s wrath is simply pushing more and more communist sympathizers and former V.C. fighters out of his country and into ours. When will the Americans learn that Asians are stronger-willed than Cubans? That they cannot change our minds about a superior form of government by shooting us? Let’s hope never – in my eyes, the more dead Americans, the better!

    The rain season is coming to a close in a few weeks. We will launch the attack soon enough – our victory is inevitable!

    – Phoumi Vongvichit, high-ranking member of the Pathet Lao, 9/30/1968 log entry


    Washington DC – After several meetings with members of congress concerned over the practicality of forcing children to travel great distances for their education, President Sanders has called for a special task force headed by VP Scranton to look into the effectiveness of busing and “any and all” alternatives to the policy…

    The Washington Post, 9/30/1968


    …per the official rules, in the vacancy of the title of Prime Minister, the title, salary and functions of that role shall be conferred to the person bearing the designation of Deputy Prime Minister [11]. The current holder of that title is Michael Foot, who was a candidate for Prime Minister in this year’s May leadership election. …Queen Elizabeth II can dissolve Parliament and appoint a Prime Minister of her liking if she deems it necessary...

    The London Gazette, 1/10/1968


    London – a cross-party collection of MPs have tabled a motion in the House of Commons to impeach Prime Minister Stonehouse for “high crimes and misdemeanours.” The motion will likely be debated very soon, as the MPs in question plan to meet with the drafting team for the motion’s case and specific articles of impeachment later today…

    The Guardian, 3/10/1968

    …In light of the House of Commons’ steps to impeach Stonehouse grinding parliamentary legislation a halt, her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, has announced her decision to dismiss the Prime Minister, effectively removing him from office...

    – BBC, 5/10/1968 broadcast


    – The Guardian, 10/5/1968

    Upon the Queen’s announcement, officers arrested Stonehouse at his home as he attempted to leave the premises with a suitcase, which contained a change of clothes, a prosthetic beard, and a false passport and ID. He was remanded in Brixton Prison without bail. Charged with espionage, possession of false documents, and conspiracy to defraud. Stonehouse experienced a relatively quick trial that captured the interests of the United Kingdom for all of its 34 days, during which the court revealed Stonehouse had an IQ of 140 and had met with members of the Czechoslovakian government at least twice during his five months as Prime Minister. On 28 November, Stonehouse was sentenced to 10 years of house arrest and fined 10,000 pounds. While the House of Lords refused his appeal against the charges, many Britons were outraged at what they considered to be too light a sentence. Most citizens, though, were simply glad the drama had concluded, and wished for the country to “move on,” as the new year, and, soon enough, a new decade, approached.

    – Edward Wright’s History’s Greatest Scandals: Shocking Stories of Powerful People, Guardian Books, 2006


    [pic: ]

    – Former US Secretary of State Jack Kennedy (D-MA) shaking hands with enthusiastic supporters while on the campaign trail in Philadelphia, PA, 10/10/1968

    NASA’s October 11 launch of Apollo 8, meant to test the lunar module docking maneuver and re-entry procedure, launch yielded a number of protestors higher than unusual in part due to the presence of far-left presidential candidate William Meyer on the picket line. TV reports covered the protestors’ complaints that the government should be spending more money on anti-poverty programs than on “big rocket toys.” Both Kennedy and Sanders avoided directly addressing their concerns as both men supported the Apollo program, as did conservative third-party candidate John Crommelin. However, this development took American media’s attention away from a situation developing in Panama that same day. This distraction allowed the Colonel to address the Arias-Torrijos conflict…

    – historian Jeff Greenfield’s How Everything Changed: The Effects of 1968, Centurion Publishers, 2015

    Manuel Noriega had long been a sternly loyal apprentice to Omar Torrijos, allowing the former to get away with raping underage girls during his younger military years and with allowing the raping of prisoners. After an educational program in 1966 helped the recalcitrant Noriega “shape up,” his past crimes went unaddressed, especially due to the Johnson administration considering Noriega and Torrijos to be “assets” for their information-sharing activities. Due to this, both men assumed in 1968 that their plans to overthrow Panama’s President Arnulfo Arias would have America’s support.

    Dr. Arias had a mixed record – he was an admirer of Mussolini’s fascism, but in his first term as President had built a social security program, granted women the right to vote, and strengthened labor laws. The US had already overthrown him once before in 1941, and, upon returning to the Presidency a few years later, was overthrown again by an alliance of the National Guard and wealthy families. [12] Torrijos, meanwhile, wanted to create schools and jobs for the members of Panama’s majority – the poor and mixed-race, not just the lighter-skinned social elite, the rabiblancos (white-tails) dominating Panamanian politics and commerce. When Arias came to power a third time, Torrijos began to plot a coup.

    The only problem for Torrijos and company was the fact that US President Colonel Sanders supported the somewhat-populist Arias. While understanding the doctor was controversial, the Colonel also understood that his election had been fair and democratic, and did not believe a regime could be replaced without the people’s consent. Thus, upon the launch of the coup on October 11, orchestrated by Torrijos, Noriega, Major Boris Martinez, and the upstart Demetrio Lakas, the Colonel threatened to send in the US military to “restore the Panamanian people’s choice.”

    A standoff of sorts ensued, with Arias holed up in the surrounded Presidential Palace thanks to what few military members still supported him. Lakas’ suggestion of Vice President Raul Arango serving as compromise successor was immediately rejected. Noriega, seeing the situation as a hostage crisis of sorts, demanded the United States “return the Canal” before any further actions occurred. The Colonel replied with “the Senate and I will never approve of handing over the Canal to a nation without liberty. Let Arias be and then we’ll talk.” The US President then wired Arias and demanded he “make concessions so you don’t lose it all.” On October 13, Arias announced a more liberal agenda for his presidency, and offered Torrijos the position of Vice President “with unprecedented influence on domestic policy” in exchange for Torrijos “calling off his dogs.” Torrijos agreed, and the military regrouped on the 14th.

    Noriega expected to find himself in a highly influential position now. Instead, Torrijos pinned the coup on him, causing Noriega to be imprisoned for treason. The upper class rabiblancos were satisfied that the “ringleader” had been brought to justice and that “their man” was still at least barely clinging onto power, the nation’s poor were optimistic that Torrijos would ensure they would be helped, and Torrijos was happy to play semi-puppetmaster. Noriega, however, swore from his prison cell he would avenge himself.

    In early 1969, talks controversially began over the administration of the canal, with “the Arias-Torrijos administration” arguing their country should take in revenue from the pivotal causeway. The Sanders administration, and conservative politicians in the US, countered the standard talking points – “we built it, we own it, we should keep it.” Arias suggested a gradual shift in control to the Panamanians, starting with more administrative responsibilities such as maintenance. These talks would continue into the 1970s.

    – Ashley Carse’s Beyond the Big Ditch: Politics, Ecology, and Infrastructure at the Panama Canal, MIT Press, 2014


    ...the people will vote for a new parliament in December as planned…

    – The Southern Daily Echo, UK tabloid, 10/15/1968

    BROOKS: The candidates will now answer questions put by correspondents of the networks. Ladies and gentlemen, Sander Vanocur of NBC News, Stuart Novins of CBS and Bob Fleming of ABC.


    SANDERS: …And so I would say that all of these proposals that Jack has made will result in one of two things: either he’ll have to raise taxes or unbalance the budget. Unbalancing the budget means inflation and raising taxes hurts consumer spending. The government can’t bits off more than it can chew.


    KENNEDY: On this, I think a compromise can be reached. We can raise federal funding for teacher salaries so they can financial afford the materials that they need and want without the federal government directly directing them what those lessons and materials will be.


    SANDERS: Your question brings out a point that I am very glad to make. Too often in appraising whether we are moving ahead or not we think only of what the federal government is doing. Now that isn’t the test of whether America moves. The test of whether America moves is whether the federal government, plus the state government, plus the local government, plus the biggest segment of all – individual enterprise – moves. [13] America has done so well since 1963 because this administration backs that last segment, the spirit of the individual dreamer, the mom-and-pop stores of the land.


    SANDERS: …I think these proposed economic incentives would create and expand jobs and business opportunities across the U.S. and in turn educate the next and future generations so they are capable of performing useful skills, which will be a better focus of the government’s time and money than prolonging people’s dependency on handouts.

    BROOKS: But Mr. President, doesn’t that contradict your pledge to help the poor?

    SANDERS: That is the help they’ll be getting and much more – this’ll incentivize those who can help themselves to go and help themselves so more time is spent helping those who can’t help themselves. The lazy people in this country must understand that, in America, you do not ask what your country can do for you – you ask what you can do for you country.

    KENNEDY: I disagree with that statement, Mr. President. It suggests blind loyalty; that people should give their all and receive nothing in return.

    SANDERS: Haven’t you been listenin’, Jack? I already explained what they’re gettin’ in return – pride in their hard work. With hard work, not even the sky’s the limit, thanks to NASA.

    BROOKS: Mr. Secretary, your rebuttal?

    KENNEDY: I support the calls for effective tax reform to encourage productive enterprise and to discourage the nonproductive pursuit of tax loopholes; it means tax reform to end the erosion of the tax system, and prevent a progressive shift of the tax burden on to those least able to pay. It means using the massive fiscal and monetary powers of the Federal Government to combat recession and to stimulate growth.” [14]


    KENNEDY: “The coal industry is an example of the problems raised by new technology and by automation. It is too late now to take the steps we should have taken two decades ago to prepare for this problem. But automation will continue to loom large in our future, in the economy generally as well as in coal. The national government has a responsibility, I believe, to help to plan and program progress to avoid further dislocations and lost jobs. Through government-union-industry cooperation, we can provide against dislocation and job loss, retrain workers, and schedule change to avoid upheavals.” [14]

    SANDERS: Well, Jack, here’s where we agree. Because there’s something inside of me that makes me want to help people, especially people who are having difficulty of some kind [15]. I can see it’s inside you, too, Jack.


    SANDERS: Folks, the world, the present, and the future are all what you make of them. If you – if anyone – has a vision for how to make the world a better place, don’t let people put it down. They shouldn’t. They should work together to make sure it’ll work – determine the strings attached and cutting them away the best you can – and make that vision a reality. Government should help with such positive endeavors, not against them. At least that’s what I think.

    – Sanders, Kennedy, and moderator Ned Brooks, 10/15/1968 debate

    “While the Colonel looked forward to the rematch, Jack believed he’d perform even better than he felt he had the first time around. We didn’t expect the second debate to backfire on us but it did. Sanders demonstrated his showmanship skills when describing foreign policy and economic plans and achievements, and it made him, at almost 78, seem not old, but wise but also energetic and physically and mentally sharp despite his years. It was around this time Goldwater called the Colonel ‘a man of conservative mind and liberal heart.’ Jack, though, was recovering from a flu at the time, and was trying to hide what must have been incredible back pain. He didn’t have the time for one of his natural remedies on the night of the debate, so instead he took some pills and downed a medical cocktail or two before going onto that stage. And that combination of elements led to Jack coming off as stiff, wooden, and at times even tired. Many viewers ended up complaining that he seemed disconnected and bored, when actually, he was trying to discuss complex issues at a time when he really needed to be resting. The image of Jack on that night was not at all that of a young and energetic politician, which was what Kennedy sought to present himself as to the nation, but instead the image of a 51-year-old apathetic member of the Democratic establishment class. For once, the cameras had actually not been good to Jack.”

    – Harris Wofford Jr.’s autobiography Don’t Speak American With Just English Words: My Life In Washington, Simon & Schuster, 1999

    Sanders: 48%
    Kennedy: 43%
    Crommelin: 3%
    Other(s): 1%
    Uncertain: 5%

    – Gallup Poll, 10/16/1968


    [pic: ]
    – Colonel Sanders sits down with firefighters during a campaign trip across Missouri 10/17/1968

    “You know who really creates jobs, Mr. Sanders? The customers, not the employers! Employers are just job-fillers, not job-makers!”

    – X-Men leader Elbert X at a rally in Akron, OH, 10/18/1968


    Associated Press, 10/19/1968 report

    …now, back to today’s top political story: former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for President Jack Kennedy was hospitalized in Baltimore earlier today. While an official reason is unannounced, we have received word from a member of the Kennedy campaign that Secretary Kennedy has suffered a hernia while campaigning in Maryland…

    – ABC World News Tonight, 10/20/1968 broadcast

    A few nights ago, both Kennedy and Sanders exited separate-but-close-by hospitals after being treated for a hernia and pneumonia, respectively. Nevertheless, the double-hitter health scare had now made health care a major issue for voters on bipartisan lines. Subsequently several politicians are calling for more funding for Medicare and Medicaid, while others call for more transparency to come from Presidential candidates. Going even further with this are Heritage and Independence Party co-founders Farris Bryant and Congressman John Rarick, who are calling for both Jack Kennedy and Colonel Sanders to submit to medical health examinations…

    – CBS Evening News, 10/24/1968 broadcast

    “The idea of harassing Presidential nominees into releasing their medical information is a preposterous invasion of personal privacy meant to turn two common incidents experienced my many Americans into a ridiculous tool for fearmongering and brewing up suspicion in the American democratic system. It’s immature at the least and unpatriotic at the most.”

    – U.S. Senator George A. Smathers (D-FL), 10/25/1968

    By July, the Pathet Lao had been split into two branches – one in the north, along the nation’s border with the former North Vietnam, and one in the South, mainly along the nation’s southern border with Cambodia. The town of Xam Nua in northern Laos, not very far from the Vietnam border, became the headquarters of the northern branch Pathet.


    Louangphrabang, a city resting on the Mekong River, was located to the left of the center of the “pan” that is northern Laos. In the nation’s south, its “pan handle,” insurgents were being repelled from Pakxe, a city on the Mekong River, and the town of Salavan, which was once a Pathet Lao stronghold.


    Communist insurgents in Laos had been helped by the fact that Laos had had a large Vietnamese population since long before the Fall of Hanoi. Understanding this, General Abrams countered by increasing US collaboration with other ethnic groups. The US Army worked closely with local Hmong tribesmen along with the Mien and the Khmu. A pivotal coordinator was Vang Pao (1929-2011), a King loyalist, a Major General in the Royal Lao Army, and member of the Hmong ethnic group.

    The tide of victory had tossed between the two sides since 1965 as the status of the war in Lao’s north throughout the year generally depended on the weather. The dry season started in November and December, which was when the Lao and Vietnamese communists tended to launch military operations as fresh troops and supplies flowed down newly passable mountain trails. The US began assaults on their territory when the rainy season began in June and July.

    The Laotian and American air forces worked to train more Laotian Nationalist troops, pilots and tank drivers. As 1968 continued, we slowly encroached upon Communist territory in the northern and southern fronts. When the Royal Lao Army and US Army launched a joint counter-attack in September, the weather was on America’s side – had it been a sunny day, and the sun was in the enemy’s eyes that morning.

    Long Tieng, a small majority-Hmong military base hastily built in 1962, was nestled in a valley made by three formations of limestone mountains. It had runways for planes, storage for supplies and tools for equipment repair, making it a pit stop of sorts for the war effort. From Long Tieng, the offense against the Pathet Lao stronghold of Xam Nua was launched on October 1, roughly a month before the Pathet Lao planned to renew offensive maneuvers on Louangphrabang. Infantry regiments reclaimed the area as artillery/tank battalions concentrated troops on trails out of Xam Nua in a tactical operation meant to surround the enemy. Hmong commandos and US Air Force phantom jets then struck specific targets with cluster bombs. At the end of the month, the city finally fell to our forces, and most of its inhabitants were either KIA or became POWs.

    – US Air Force veteran Jim Duffey’s Air America: An Aerial View of Laos 1959-1968, 1997

    PATHET LAO H.Q. XAM NUA FALLS! Communists in Disarray!

    …additional reports confirm that Phoumi Vongvichit, a high-ranking member of the Pathet Lao, is among the hundreds of casualties lining the streets of Xam Nua. General Creighton Abrams claims the communist guerillas are “leaderless and desperate, and now that they’ve lost this battle, they are disheartened.”

    – Stars and Stripes, 10/27/1968

    The Pathet Lao were unable to match the US assaults thanks to US-Royalist-Hmong alliance and coordination promoted by the sides’ respective leaders. A lack of coordination among the decentralized communists produced a splintering affect as small pockets of guerillas rallied around minor military leaders.


    In the far north, Pathet Lao guerillas fled from Louang Namtha north into China and west into Burma. In total, roughly 500,000 supporters of Communism fled to other countries (over half to Cambodia), while the rest were captured or surrendered.

    – US Air Force veteran Jim Duffey’s Air America: An Aerial View of Laos 1959-1968, 1997


    – The New York Times, 10/29/1968


    – President Sanders re-election banner, c. late October 1968

    Support for the President has swelled in light of the defeat of the Pathet Lao in Indochina …With two days left to go, Kennedy and the Colonel are traversing the country to win over remaining undecided voters. …The race for the White House still heavily favors Sanders, with polls depicting the President defeating Jack Kennedy by roughly a ten-percent margin, reflecting a margin widening of over five percent from polls conducted two weeks ago…

    – NBC News, 11/1/1968 broadcast

    RATHER: Yes, Walter, and as you can see, here behind me, we have set up a large map of the states to track the results. So far, the Colonel has won South Carolina and Indiana, and New Hampshire, Maine, and Connecticut are still too close to call. ….For the people at home watching this transmission on Black and White television sets, the lighter shade of grey, here, representing a Colonel victory, is Red, and the darker shade of grey, the one filling in Massachusetts, is Navy Blue, in honor of Kennedy’s service in the Navy.

    CRONKITE: Why was red chosen, Dan?

    RATHER: Well, Walter, that’s one of the first colors you think of when you hear “the Colonel” – you think of red and white, the colors of KFC.

    – CBS News, 11/5/1968 broadcast


    [pic: ]
    Sanders/Scranton (Republican): 39,647,535 (55.1%)
    Kennedy/Sawyer (Democratic): 29,213,973 (40.6%)
    Crommelin/Alger (Heritage & Independence): 2,086,712 (2.9%)
    Meyer/Oglesby (Natural Mind): 791,511 (1.1%)
    All other votes: 215,867 (0.3%)
    Total votes: 71,955,598


    The seven narrowest states were all won by Sanders. The election saw an expectedly low turnout, especially for Kennedy in the South, where he only won the state of Georgia, the home state of former Governor Carl Sanders, whom campaigned for Kennedy/Sawyer in the fall despite his primary feud with Kennedy. This collapse in Democratic support in nearly all of the South has led to the election being considered the start of the Sixth party system, as, “while retained for some years afterward on state and local levels, The New Deal Coalition fell apart on the national level in 1968.” The coalition seemingly collapsed in the wake of Colonel Sanders’ strategy of campaigning on positions shared by both Black voters, and poor and rural white voters.

    …But arguably the most prevalent contribution to Sanders’ victory was the end of military hostilities in Vietnam (early 1967) and Laos (October 1968), on which the Sanders campaigned heavily.

    …Resentful segregationists and hard-right conservative disapproving of The Colonel’s more libertarian policies could vote for the Crommelin/Alger ticket in 25 states. Crommelin won 2.89%, with most of those votes coming from Mississippi and Louisiana. Other than these voters, most segregationists sat this election out, or voted for Sanders out of sheer protest of Kennedy’s connection to the Johnson administration…

    …Kennedy managed to win Illinois by winning the city of Chicago, debatably thanks to the political machine of Mayor Richard J. Daley. Despite losing the Democratic primary in the states in 1960 and 1968, Kennedy’s constant visits to Appalachia led to win finally winning West Virginia. The presence of Meyer/Oglesby on Oregon’s ballot cost Kennedy that state by a .5% margin…


    United States Senate election results, 1968
    Date: November 5, 1968
    Seats: 34 of 100
    Seats needed for majority: 51
    Senate majority leader: Mike Mansfield (D-MT)
    Senate minority leader: Everett Dirksen (R-IL)
    Seats before election: 57 (D), 43 (R)
    Seats after election: 51 (D), 49 (R)
    Seat change: D v 6, R ^ 6

    Full List:
    Alabama: incumbent James D. Martin (R) over Armistead I. Selden Jr. (D), John M. Patterson (HIP) and Robert Schwenn (I)
    Alaska: incumbent Ernest Gruening (D) over Elmer E. Rasmuson (R)
    Arizona: Paul Fannin (R) over Roy Elson (D)
    Arkansas: incumbent J. William Fulbright (D) over Charles T. Bernard (R)
    California: incumbent Thomas H. Kuchel (R) over Anthony C. Beilsenson (D) and Paul Jacobs (Natural Mind)
    Colorado: incumbent Peter H. Dominick (R) over Stephen L. R. McNichols (D) and Gordon G. Barnwall (HIP)
    Connecticut: incumbent Abraham A. Ribicoff (D) over Edwin H. May Jr. (R)
    Florida: William Cato “Bill” Cramer Sr. (R) over incumbent George A. Smathers (D) and C. Farris Bryant (HIP) [16]
    Georgia: incumbent John William Davis (D) over E. Earl Patton (R)
    Hawaii: incumbent Daniel K. Inouye (D) over Wayne C. Thiessen (R) and Oliver M. Lee (Natural Mind)
    Idaho: incumbent Frank Church (D) over George V. Hansen (R)
    Illinois: incumbent Everett Dirksen (R) over William G. Clark (D)
    Indiana: incumbent Birch Bayh (D) over William Ruckelshaus (R)
    Iowa: incumbent Harold Hughes (D) over David M. Stanley (R)
    Kansas: Bob Dole (R) over William I. Robinson (D)
    Kentucky: incumbent Thruston B. Morton (R) over John Y. Brown Jr. (D)
    Louisiana: incumbent Russell B. Long (D) unopposed
    Maryland: Charles Mathias Jr. (R) over incumbent Daniel J. Brewster (D) and George P. Mahoney (HIP)
    Missouri: incumbent Edward V. Long (D) over Thomas B. Curtis (R)
    Nevada: incumbent Alan Bible (D) over Edward Fike (R)
    New Hampshire: incumbent Norris Cotton (R) over John W. King (D)
    New York: incumbent Jacob K. Javits (R) over Joseph Y. Resnick (D)
    North Carolina: incumbent Sam Ervin (D) over Robert V. Somers (R)
    North Dakota: incumbent Milton R. Young (R) over Herschel Lashkowitz (D)
    Ohio: William B. Saxbe (R) over John Gilligan (D), incumbent Frank L. Lausche (I) and John M. Briley (HIP)
    Oklahoma: Henry Bellmon (R) over incumbent Mike Monroney (D)
    Oregon: incumbent Wayne Morse (D) over Wendell Wyatt (R)
    Pennsylvania: Herman T. Schneebeli (R) incumbent Joseph S. Clark (D) and Frank W. Gaydosh (HIP)
    South Carolina: incumbent Ernest Hollings (D) over Marshall Parker (R)
    South Dakota: incumbent Joseph H. Bottum (R) over Wayne Peterson (D)
    Utah: incumbent Wallace F. Bennett (R) over Milton N. Wellenmann (D)
    Vermont: incumbent George D. Aiken (R) unopposed
    Washington: incumbent Warren G. Magnuson (D) over Jack Metcalf (R)
    Wisconsin: incumbent appointee Philleo Nash (D) over Jack B. Olson (R)


    United States House of Representatives results, 1968
    Date: November 5, 1968
    Seats: All 437
    Seats needed for majority: 218
    House minority leader: John McCormack (D-MA)
    House majority leader: Charles Halleck (R-IN)
    Last election: 225 (R), 212 (D)
    Seats won: 236 (R), 201 (D)
    Seat change: R ^ 11, D v 11


    United States Governor election results, 1968
    Date: November 5, 1968
    State governorship elections held: 35
    Seats before: 23 (R), 27 (D)
    Seats after: 26 (R), 24 (D)
    Seat change: R ^ 3, D v 3

    Full List:
    Arizona: incumbent Jack Williams (R) over Samuel Goddard Jr. (D)
    Arkansas: incumbent Winthrop Rockefeller (R) over Marion Crank (D)
    Delaware: Russell W. Peterson (R) over incumbent Charles L. Terry Jr. (D)
    Illinois: incumbent Charles Percy (R) over Samuel H. Shapiro (D)
    Indiana: J. Irwin Miller (R) over Robert L. Rock (D) and Melvin E. Hawk (Prohibition)
    Iowa: incumbent Robert D. Ray (R) over Paul Franzenburg (D)
    Kansas: incumbent Robert Docking (D) over Rick Harman (R)
    Missouri: incumbent Ethan A. H. Shepley (R) over Thomas F. Eagleton (D), Lawrence K. Roos (Missourian) and Bill Beeny (HIP)
    Montana: incumbent Tim M. Babcock (R) over Forrest H. Anderson (D) and Wayne Montgomery (New Reform)
    New Hampshire: incumbent Harrison Reed Thyng (R) over Emile R. Bussiere (D)
    New Mexico: incumbent David F. Cargo (R) over Mack Easley (D)
    North Carolina: James Carson Gardner (R) over Robert W. Scott (D)
    North Dakota: incumbent William L. Guy (D-NPL) over Robert P. McCarney (R)
    Rhode Island: incumbent John Chafee (R) over Frank Licht (D)
    South Dakota: incumbent Frank Farrar (R) over Leath Carroll Fullerton (D)
    Texas: incumbent John Connally (D) over Paul Eggers (R) and John Trice (HIP)
    Utah: incumbent Mitchell Melich (R) over Nicholas L. Strike (D)
    Vermont: incumbent Philip H. Hoff (D) over Deane C. Davis (R)
    Washington: incumbent Daniel J. Evans (R) over John J. O’Connell (D) and Ken Chriswell (HIP)
    West Virginia: Arch A. Moore Jr. (R) over James Marshall Sprouse (D)
    Wisconsin: incumbent Pat Lucey (D) over William Kaiser Van Pelt (R)



    [pic: ]
    – Jack Kennedy conceding the election to Sanders, 11/6/1968

    Once again, I thank you all for supporting me through this valiant endeavor to better our country. All of you, and all the people of the United States who went out and campaigned and voted, have shown your faith and loyalty to this great nation by participating in our vital electoral process. Through such process the future of this nation had been determined, and I will not stand in its way… I congratulated the Colonel with a phone call earlier tonight …While I may not be the President in the next year, I will not be a silent private citizen. I will continue to be a voice for the needs of the working man, the worried housewife, the wounded soldier, the small businessman, and all the men, women and children that make this country strong and proud. For while I may not serve as their voice as their president, I will still serve as their voice as a fellow American patriot as nobly as I can… Thank you.

    – Jack Kennedy’s concession speech, 11/6/1968


    …Drawing 6,000 letter a week, Star Trek was one of the more cerebral shows on the air, watched by a plethora of high-brow citizens, including actual scientists, doctors, college professors, and members of NASA...
    In the winter of 1968, former President Lyndon Johnson, back in the Senate and taking a break from political hubbub to unwind after that year’s elections, paid more attention to the show. Johnson had been directed to the show in early 1967 by aides who enjoyed its promotion of space travel. Lyndon himself became one of the many high-profile politicians (along with Nelson Rockefeller and others) who sent letters to NBC demanding Star Trek not be cancelled after just two seasons. The show’s renewal for a third season in March 1968 emboldened Johnson’s spirits. However, during a visit to the studio in mid-November, the former President was shocked to learn that the show’s budget cuts and inferior time slot (Fridays at 10:00 PM) were network decisions. Johnson soon met with NBC executives and, failing to convince them to “give Gene all of his five-year mission,” offered to use “a sliver” of his own hefty salary to cover and pay for extra production costs. In a follow-up meeting in December, Johnson again urged NBC to greenlight “the final two seasons” not just to support the Apollo Program but because “the future of America was connected to the stars, and do you want to be able to say your studio was a part of that legacy, or that your studio worked against destiny?”

    In January 1969, NBC executives agreed to greenlight two more seasons, and in February would shift its time slot to a more preferable time and day, but the budget was kept at 10% lower than it had been for season 2, forcing Johnson to stick to his pledge of covering additional finances via quarterly donations to the Star Trek production company. For all his trouble, Roddenbery convinced the former President to guest appear in the Season 4 episode “The Truculent Sieve.” There, Johnson spends his entire five minutes of screen time portraying retired a starship captain named Logan Barzilai Jasper who supports Kirk and Spock’s attempts to defuse a hostage crisis:

    [pic: ]

    – “Star Trek: The Ultimate Trip Through the Galaxies,” Entertainment Weekly Special Edition, 2003

    As a result of the exodus of “undesirables” (as Nguyen Khanh called them) from Vietnam, and the defeat of the Pathet Lao in Laos, the rate of communist guerillas invading Cambodia through its northern border doubled between September and December 1968, where the rebel forces regrouped with each other and native Cambodian comrades-in-arms.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    Pops always preferred a large hen turkey, the bigger the better. He’d cover the bird generously with butter, sprinkle its outside and its hollowed-out inside with salt and pepper, and put it in a roasting pan, breast up, keeping the heat low all the way through to make the meat more moist and minimize shrinkage [17]. Pops would then leave us in charge of basting while he went off the prep for the gravy and work on the other dishes. Thanksgiving was often like this when we were younger, and there was no reason to break with tradition now, even if this time we were celebrating the holiday in the White House.


    As the meal came to a close, Uncle Clarence declared with a belch, “that’s nothin’ better than your birds, brother!”

    Claudia simply rolled her eyes with a smirk, and said, “Just pass the gravy boat over to me, will ya?”

    “Oh, sure thing, Josephine.” Clarence said.

    Both Father and Claudia flashed him a look of contempt with a bit of disappointment – Father had been married to Claudia for twenty year, yet Uncle Clarence still forgot at times.

    “Oops, sorry,” he then offered to pour a helping from the boat for her.


    Upon seeing the number of empty plates, Aunt Violet went to clear the table. Millie interposed, explaining “we have help for that now,” and offered to call up the White House staff celebrating Turkey Day in their own ways in their dining room a quick walk away.

    Aunt Violet insisted, “I’m perfectly capable of doin’ this myself. Been clearin’ tables for 63 years and I ain’t quittin’ now.”

    Millie warned her to be careful, “that’s very expensive china.”

    “A dish is still a dish no matter what you call it,” Aunt Violet retorted.


    Pops and Clarence went to the Lincoln room to watch some football on a television set while Aunt Violet and I went into the kitchen to make some Turkey Brunswick Stew out of all the scraps. I didn’t need to visit a soup kitchen to understand the importance of never throwing away food. Into a pot we placed the turkey scraps, tomatoes, salt and pepper, onions, broad beans, corn, butter and other bits, tasting as we went to check on the seasoning [Auto150].


    “You really should visit more often,” I told Uncle Clarence.

    “Ah, I don’t like to bother your father when he’s working. And he’s the President – he’s always working! You never know where he’s going to be next.”

    “Tell me about it,” Harley added, “You wouldn’t believe the amount of running around he’s done this year alone. It’s kind of amazing, really.”

    I was just glad Pops was relaxing. He seemed more tired than usual, and for once seemed actually happy to just kick back and rest for a day with his family.

    Uncle Clarence, though, seemed even more tired. Before dinner, he seemed under the weather, in fact.

    As he left he coughed several times, each expulsion of air from his lungs sounding a bit more painful than the last.

    “Say, you alright, Uncle?” I had asked him.

    “Aw, it’s just a bug or something. Don’t worry, now, none. I’ll be fine,” he had assured me.

    – Margaret Sanders’ The Colonel’s Secret: Eleven Herbs and a Spicy Daughter, StarGroup International, 1997 [18]

    After almost six years in office, the politburo had grown tired of Shelepin. On 10 December 1968, party leaders met with the Premier in Moscow, and informed him that he was being “let go,” to use an American phrase. Shelepin did not take easily the news that he was being effectively deposed, especially when the move was backed by former allies such as Aleksi Inauri and Nikolai Podgorny and Vyacheslav Molotov, whom disagreed with his switch to supporting détente. He refused to go quietly.

    “Inauri, I made you! You’d still be heading the Georgian GB if it weren’t for me!” Those were reportedly his last words.

    What happened next remains unclear. Their conservation turned violent, and words shouted turned into fists flown. Shelepin sought to physically defend himself and at some point pulled out a pistol. Then, either one of two things happened: He fired the gun into the air as a warning only for the bullet to ricochet and hit him. Or he fired the gun at someone in the room and one of the men of the room fired back in self-defense. Various sources have claimed different specifics to each version, and a highly-improbably third story claims he committed suicide.

    But at the time, the events themselves did not matter as much as their end-result, that the ruler of Russia had been instantly killed by a bullet to the head.

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    SHELEPIN HAS DIED!: Beloved Leader Passes Away At 50 From Sudden Heart Attack

    Pravda, Soviet newspaper, 12/6/1968

    Nikita smirked with a huff. Of course he was still out of favor but even he knew Shelepin’s death did not simply coincide with the unofficial political discontent of late. “I’m not surprised,” Nikita said, “Shelepin was too unruly to be a good ruler, ignoring internal issues and doing a terrible job handling crisis after crisis.”

    – Anastas Mikoyan’s The Path of Struggle: The Memoirs of Anastas Mikoyan (English translation), Sphinx Press, 1988 (written in 1978)


    …Sovietologists are perusing the situation unfolding in the USSR. The political ramifications of Shelepin’s sudden and unexpected demise will depend on his successor – or successors. At the moment, the politburo seems to be supporting the formation of a troika, a triumvirate of leaders meant to govern without a single individual dominating alone. Such alliances were formed after Stalin and Khrushchev left office and lasted for a few months each time. The leading contenders to be part of this trinity of politicians are the following (in alphabetical order):

    Leonid Brezhnev, age 62 – Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet and the effective leader of the moderate communists, Brezhnev is supported by Konstantin Chernenko; should he become part of a troika, Brezhnev’s support of the Leninist policy of focusing primarily on improving agricultural conditions could produce a shift from Shelepin’s city-based economic policies.

    Aleksi Inauri, age 60 – a Colonel General in the Soviet Army and the former leader of the Georgian KGB, Inauri has effectively been Shelepin’s loyal right-hand man since 1965.

    Alexei Kosygin, age 64 – the current Chairman of the Council of Ministers is a leading voice in the liberal wing of the party, and supported Shelepin’s push for improving industrial output in order to compete against the US economy.

    Vyacheslav Molotov, age 79 – a close Shelepin ally, Molotov is a former member of the 1953 troika and fierce defender of Stalinism whom has some support among older members of the politburo.

    Nikolai Podgorny, age 65 – a Ukrainian “old Bolshevik” hardliner critical of Shelepin’s shifts of late, Podgorny was a protégé of Khrushchev and is more moderate (and at times even liberal) than other members of the USSR’s communist party’s conservative wing; last year, for example, Podgorny engaged in talks with Pope Paul VI as part of the pontiff’s ostpolitik, culminating in greater openness for the Roman Catholic Church in Eastern Europe.

    Mikhail Suslov, age 66 – a Stalinist and the unofficial ideologue chief for the party, Suslov is an open supporter of inner-party “democracy” and heavily prefers collective leadership over individual leadership.

    The combination of communists will work to determine the Soviet Union’s geopolitical and economic policies, and their view of the Shelepin-Sanders summit could either improve or deter the Sanders administration’s attempts at détente…

    – The New York Times, special issue, 12/8/1968

    After re-entering the race for his House seat at the last minute, narrowly winning re-nomination, and barely scraping by in the general election, Gravel found himself already looking at another political opportunity. On December 11, 1968, US Senator Robert Bartlett (D-AS) suddenly died in office. Alaska’s Governor at the time, a Republican, Mike Stepovich, eventually appointed state congressman and fellow Republican Ted Stevens to the fill the vacant seat. Days later, Stepovich announced that the special election to fill in the remaining four years of Bartlett’s term would be held in November 1969 (with party primaries to be held in September) [19]. Gravel announced his bid for the seat on March 3.



    …In light of the Stonehouse scandal, the election results are not too surprising. Conservatives won 401 of the 630 total seats in the House of Commons, depleting Labour’s numbers to just 205. The Liberal party obtained 24 seats after party members successfully distanced themselves from the Labour party.

    …with the UK’s GDP unsteady for the past three consecutive quarters, unemployment rising, and housing prices only recently beginning to recover, Enoch Powell will succeed Prime Minister Michael Foot with a clear mandate for his policies…

    – The Guardian, 15/12/1968

    …This is an all-points bulletin: be on the lookout for suspect in attempted murder. Suspect is a tall white male, reportedly dark sunken eyes and white glasses. Patrol car overheard shouting and officers spotted suspect holding two teenagers at gunpoint at the lover’s lane on Lake Herman Road. Suspect told to lower weapons and shots were fired when suspect attempt to enter a car, likely his own. Suspect fled scene on foot clutching hand and limping, most likely was shot. Suspect is still armed and is considered highly dangerous…

    – A.P.B. broadcast from Benicia, San Francisco Bay, CA police to all of its personnel, 12/20/1968


    – The San Francisco Chronicle, 12/22/1968

    Apollo 9 lasted from December 21 to December 27, 1968. It was the closest human beings had ever gotten to the moon at that time… The next few weeks and months would be a very critical time for NASA – the next mission was the big one – the one where mankind would finally step foot on the moon.

    – mathematician Dorothy Vaughn’s Human Computers: Me and The Other Women at NASA, Langley Publishers, 1997


    Secretary of State: US Senator Carl Curtis of Nebraska
    Secretary of the Treasury: former US Congressman Eugene Siler of Kentucky
    Secretary of Defense: US Army General Charles H. Bonesteel III of Virginia
    Attorney General: civil rights attorney Wayne M. Collins of California (incumbent Walsh retired in January 1969)
    Postmaster General: former State Supreme Court Justice Leif Erickson of Minnesota
    Secretary of the Interior: outgoing Governor George Dewey Clyde of Utah
    Secretary of Agriculture: US Senator Bourke Hickenlooper of Iowa
    Secretary of Commerce: economist and University of Chicago professor Milton Friedman of Illinois
    Secretary of Labor: former Undersecretary of State Herbert Hoover Jr. of California (incumbent Larson retired in January 1969)
    Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
    Secretary of Transportation: businessman and railroad executive John C. Coolidge III of Massachusetts

    Cabinet-Level Positions:
    Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: incumbent Director Allen W. Dulles of New York
    Director of the Federal Bureau of Information: incumbent Director J. Edgar Hoover of Washington, D.C.
    US Trade Representative: US Congresswoman Florence Dwyer of New Jersey

    The President’s Executive Office:
    White House Chief of Staff: businessman Frederick B. Dent of New Jersey (incumbent McElroy retired in December 1968)
    White House Deputy Chief of Staff: physician Dr. William Kemp Clark of Texas (incumbent Crisp retired in November 1968)
    White House Counsel: political strategist and campaign co-manager F. Clifton “Cliff” White of New York
    Counselor to the President: congressional staff member and advisor Bryce Harlow of Oklahoma
    Chief Domestic Policy Advisor: civil rights activist and employment reform advocate Whitney Young of Kentucky
    Chief Economic Policy Advisor: economist and financial advisor Sylvia Porter of New York
    Chief Foreign Policy Advisor: publisher on the political economics of national security and atomic energy economist professor J. R. Schlesinger of New York
    Chief National Security Advisor: former W.A.C. Lieutenant Colonel Ruth Briggs of Rhode Island
    Special Assistant to the President: businessman Harland David Sanders Jr. of Kentucky
    Assistant Special Assistant to the President (position created in 1969): banker Joseph Robert Wright Jr. of Oklahoma
    Director of the Office of Management and Budget: economist Arthur F. Burns of New Jersey (incumbent Mayo reassigned in January 1969)
    Other Counselors and Advisors: African-American speechwriter Andrew Hatcher of New Jersey, assistant speechwriter Jennifer Salt of California, others
    White House Communications Director: campaign information director Lee Edwards of Illinois
    White House Appointments Secretary: outgoing Deputy Assistant to the President Liddy Hanford of Washington, D.C.
    White House Press Secretary: campaign press secretary Ronald Ziegler of California
    Administrator of the Small Business Administration: State Senator and small business owner Marshall Parker of South Carolina
    President Sanders’ personal secretary: incumbent personal secretary Wanda Boner of Kentucky

    Other Notable Members:
    Surgeon General: incumbent Luther Leonidas Terry of Alabama
    Solicitor General (representative of the Federal Government before the Supreme Court): columnist and former US Senator Joseph H. Ball of Minnesota
    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Vice Chairman Benjamin O. Davis Jr. of Washington, D.C. (incumbent Franke retired in January 1969)
    Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: US Navy Admiral Thomas H. Moorer of Alabama (incumbent Davis promoted in January 1969)
    Secretary of the Army: West Virginia University President Elvis Jacob Stahr Jr. of West Virginia
    Secretary of the Navy: Admiral Arleigh Albert Burke of Maryland
    Federal Reserve Chairman: incumbent William McChesney Martin of Missouri
    NASA Director: incumbent James Edwin Webb of North Carolina

    Notable US Ambassadors (in alphabetical order):
    To Argentina: Chief of Protocol of the US (July 1968-Jan 1969) Shirley Temple Black of California (incumbent Kaiser retired in January 1969)
    To Austria: businessman Malcolm Forbes of New Jersey
    To Brazil: US Congressperson Catherine Dean May of Washington
    To Cambodia: US Army General William Westmoreland of South Carolina (Kane resigned in 1966, Acting Ambassador served between appointments)
    To Canada: former Governor and former US Senator Lawrence Wetherby of Kentucky
    To Cuba: former Ambassador to Spain John Davis Lodge of Connecticut
    To France: former White House Assistant Staff Secretary John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower of Maryland
    To India: incumbent diplomat Dalip Singh Saund of California
    To Italy: oil tycoon, art collector, and social programs promoter Algur H. Meadows of Georgia
    To Japan: incumbent diplomat G. Mennen “Soapy” Williams of Michigan
    To Laos: businesswoman, aviation pioneer, WAAC co-founder, and WASP co-founder Lieutenant Colonel Jacqueline Cochran of California
    To Mexico: lawyer and Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy Edward Hidalgo of New York
    To Saudi Arabia: former S.A.G. President Ronald Reagan of California (incumbent Crichton reassigned in February 1967)
    To South Africa: mining engineer Allan H. Hoover of Iowa
    To South Vietnam: diplomat and former US Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of Massachusetts
    To the U.K.: former Continental Illinois Bank Vice President Robert Mayo of Illinois (incumbent Hoover reassigned in December 1968)
    To the U.N.: former Ambassador to Japan, former Ambassador to Indonesia, and former Ambassador to Czechoslovakia John Moore Allison of Nebraska
    To the U.S.S.R.: Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Jack Crichton (incumbent Herter died December 1966)
    To West Germany: journalist for the National Review John Rensselaer Chamberlain of Connecticut


    [1] Italicized part pulled from his Wikipedia article (the passage seems to have valid sources)
    [2] IOTL, he was scouted by just the Red Sox and the Phillies, and he turned them down because he was a Yankees fan: You can blame the additional scout on butterflies.
    [3] IOTL, Dylan was a Republican who supported Barry Goldwater in 1964!:
    [4] Italicized bits are from this article:
    [5] Youtube: /watch?v=C2NNujJKJL4
    [6] Roughly 1½ years sooner than OTL.
    [7] Passage is from his OTL 1966 autobiography, page 15
    [8] Quote found here:
    [9] OTL quote from OTL 1960 debate:
    [10] OTL quote from OTL 1960 debate, 31:53 mark: youtube: /watch?v=gbrcRKqLSRw
    [11] As noted here:
    [12] Info found here:
    [13] Nixon said this in the 1960 debate of OTL:
    [14] Italicized segments are from OTL:
    [15] From his 1966 Autobiography.
    [16] US Senator George Smathers (D-FL) doesn’t retire here due to the political situation being more prospective than it was IOTL (he loses re-election by a 2% margin, though): youtube video /watch?v=mG8QC_oTyFA (22:14 to 22:58 mark)
    [17] Page 144 of his 1966 autobiography gives the recipe for this.
    [18] Oh yeah, the Colonel had two younger siblings: Clarence Edward Sanders (b. 9/18/1892) and Violet Catherine Sanders Cummings (b. 9/24/1895)
    [19] One year earlier than OTL because a different person is serving as governor here. Also, this website: suggests the election should have happened in 1969 IOTL anyway, but for some reason did not.

    Interesting chapter.

    You might want to check the second debate, I think you have Wallace called when it’s Sanders speaking.

    Fixed it. Good eye, thanks!

    PM Stonehouse? Interested in this- also how is Britain’s industrial development going? Is the country still falling behind here? How’s the UK/Commonwealth space program going?

    Rhodesia will be a mess for the UK. Not sure how involved we would get there?

    Industry is suffering more than OTL due to Brown's Labour government failing to properly respond to the Salad Oil scandal. Furthermore, OTL factors such as the loss of the Suez and the closure of many operations in mining and manufacturing is hurting high-paid working-class labor. So yeah, they're not in a good place right now.

    The British space program still focuses on unmanned launches like in OTL, the Blue Streak rocket are still being launched as the first stage of the European Europa carrier rocket, but funding for it is on the verge of being cut in light of the country's socio-economic/political situation unfolding.

    Stonehouse has a score to even, so he'll want to get the job done. Plus, with the next general election coming soon, a rally-around-the-flag event wouldn't hurt.

    About ‘66-68 syndication numbers started showing Star Trek’s popularity and it was mooted about bringing it back as the sets and stuff still (just) existed. Will we see the Enterprise fly again ITTL?

    Upon looking up Star Trek's history, I see I should have mentioned them in March. So instead, I've gone and thought up something else, and it is in this chapter! :)

    Who's Malcolm Forbes supposed to be the ambassador for? Good update, BTW...

    Austria (good eye catching that typo!)

    Thanks for all the comments, everyone! I really appreciate them!
    Last edited:
    Chapter 30: January 1969 – July 1969
  • Chapter 30: January 1969 – July 1969

    “If you doom the world, the survivors will make sure you’re not among them.”

    – Hunter S. Thompson (TTL)

    INTERVIEWER: So let’s move on now to some political questions. First up, since KFC’s been in the news recently, you were 5 years old when Colonel Sanders was first elected President. What it was like growing up under his presidency? Was weird seeing the President’s face on fast-food paraphernalia?

    ALEXANDER: No, actually. I thought it was normal because I had no reason not to. Presidents have their faces on coins, so having his on a bucket seemed like impressive, to be honest! But yeah, I figured out before any of my friends did that the guy on the bucket was the same guy who’s picture was hung in the post office and the principal’s office and the like. Heh, I remember, my family loved Kentucky Fried Chicken a lot, and we at it all the time. As the son of two working parents, there were plenty of dinnertimes when a bucket of chicken and all the fixins saved the day. [1] I think I saw the local KFC counter more times than the inside of our family’s fridge! But eventually I did think it was weird that I never saw any other presidents on food except for the Quaker Oats guy, who I thought was Ben Franklin at the time.

    INTERVIEWER: Did the franchise ever seem partisan, or conservative to you?

    ALEXANDER: Well it was a family restaurant, so they were all about wholesomeness and keeping a happy and welcoming environment. On the other hand, from time to time, you would see a car waving the Confederate flag parked in a KFC parking lot. You still can today, in fact – but only from time to time.

    – Oscar-winning actor Jay Scott Greenspan in an interview for Variety magazine, 2019

    TOMMY CHONG: Hendrix was a wild one, man. We first met at the start of ’69 …He was a nasty drunk, though – violent and hateful, full of rage and wanting to hurt anyone who even looked at him even sorta in the wrong way. But he was full of love, and he was everyone’s pal, when he was high.

    –, 2014

    In early 1961, Hendrix was arrested twice for driving stolen cars, and was given a choice: go to jail, or join the US military. With news reports broadcasting American forces entering Cuba in April of that year, and after meeting with local injured WWII veterans, Hendrix decided that “an American prison was comparatively safer than a tropical war zone.” He began his sentence on May 31, 1961. Hendrix reported disliking the prison’s conditions, and was twice reprimanded for starting a fight. He described two racially prejudiced guardsmen as “nothing new” to him. In November, though, his attitude became less recalcitrant upon joining the prison’s music band. Hendrix was soon granted a few hours a day to play guitar, and after a month of good behavior, was allowed to ask his father to send him his red Silverton Danelectro guitar. In March 1963, Hendrix was released early on parole for good behavior. Hendrix had established a rapport with his fellow prisoners, and had had his troublesome attitude placated by the music he played in jail.

    Needing a change in scenery, Hendrix moved to Nashville, Tennessee and formed a band called the King Kons. After two years of performing rhythm and blues music at venues in the South, the band broke up over creative differences, and Hendrix moved to Harlem for another change of scenery. In the Summer of 1965, he won first prize in an amateur contest at the famous Apollo Theater, boosting his music career enough for him to sign on to Little Richard’s band The Upsetters. It was around this period that Hendrix began using recreational drugs such as cocained, though some claim he did not try LSD until 1967. Friends noted his use of drugs produced the opposite effect that alcohol had on him.


    …57% of customers who took the survey identified as “conservative,” 52% as “Republican,” 56% as “male” and 45% as “white.” The numbers for each of these groups are increases from the 1967 survey results – in the respective order – by 5%, 4%, 7% and 2%. …While the number of customers has increased overall, non-white customers have slowly decreased at an average rate of 4% since 1965. In the past fiscal year (1968), however, these numbers have improved (going up 7% from the 1967 fiscal year’s rate), possibly in the face of easing racial tensions in the US overall since 1965…

    This report concludes more focus should be made to win over more non-white, liberal, and female customers…

    – KFC customer demographics report, 1/5/1969


    …citing same reasons for their first nuptial break-up, with Marilyn accusing Joe of being “too controlling” and Joe accusing Marilyn of being unfaithful, an accusation Marilyn claim’s is “Joe’s green eye…showing.” Monroe and DiMaggio were first married from 1954 to 1955, but were then remarried in 1963. The announcement of their divorce comes weeks before the release of Monroe’s latest movie, “Rain,” a film adaptation of W. Somerset Maugham’s short story. It is Marilyn’s first movie since the 1964 black comedy “What a Way to Go!,” after which Monroe and DiMaggio “took a two-year vacation.” In development is another film, a biopic on Jean Harlow entitled “Platinum,” scheduled for release in 1970. However, in light of Monroe’s past incidents of emotional drama, it will not be surprising if this celebrity break-up stalls production.

    The Hollywood Reporter, 1/8/1969

    Democratic House leadership election 1969:
    Date: January 10, 1969
    Seats: All 201 Democratic-held seats
    Seats needed to win: 101


    John William McCormack (MA), a protégé of Speaker Sam Rayburn, had been Speaker from 1962 to 1967, and had the support of the party hierarchy. Mo Udall (AZ), a Congressman since 1961, opposed McCormack due to the results of the November 1968 elections, which saw another Massachusetts native, former Secretary Jack Kennedy, lose the Presidential election by a surprisingly wide margin. Udall campaigned on the need for a reform of party procedures and a generational “changing of the guard” for the next generation of Democratic voters and leaders. He led a coordinated effort with fellow reformers, but he needed to form a coalition of Congressmen beyond the reformists to win; he won over doves, progressives, and pro-union congressmen in that endeavor by blaming the loss of the House in 1966 and 1968 on McCormack.

    Udall – 102
    McCormack – 99


    Carl Bert Albert (OK), a Congressman since 1947, had been Minority Whip since 1967 and was Majority Leader from 1962 to 1967. Albert’s expected re-election was derailed when he was arrested on January 3 for drunk driving and crashing into a car (and the other driver receiving non-serious injuries while Albert was not injured) in the Cleveland Park neighborhood of Washington. Albert removed his name from consideration to address his alcoholism and the pending legal repercussions (which culminated in an out-of-court settlement) but did not resign. Congressman Hale Boggs (LA), a more conservative politician with a moderate streak, announced his candidacy on the fifth. Boggs’ challengers were reformists James O’Hara (MI) (whom allied with Udall in a coordinated effort to win over the party’s top leadership spots) and Tip O’Neill (MA), plus the liberal B. F. Sisk (CA) and the moderate Harding Noblitt (MN).

    Boggs – 108
    O’Hara – 72
    O’Neill – 11
    Sisk – 6
    Noblitt – 4

    – [2]

    “Chief Justice, Vice President, Speaker, former Presidents and First Ladies, and each and every one of my fellow citizens: it is with great pride and humility that, on this day, I begin to lead this country of ours into a new decade of innovation, freedom, prosperity and peace. …During these last four years we took one step out of the jungle and will soon reach out and touch a satellite of the heavens. But we still have many more obstacles to overcome down here on Earth before we encounter the new obstacles that may lay in store for us in space. There is still poverty, there is still corruption, there is still hunger, there is still pollution, there is still disease and warfare and death. But we’ve overcome wait ails us time and again before, and will again, because we are Americans. And Americans always rise up from the deep and dark wells of despair and together achieve the highest beacons of humanity’s greatness.”

    – Colonel Sanders’ second inaugural address, 1/20/1969

    “…I believe another certain Kentucky-born Republican by the name of Abraham Lincoln would be proud that his party still contains the energy and moral compass it possessed over one hundred years ago. …Colonel Sanders achieved bipartisan support in order to maintain the safety, sanity and security of this nation, and this will continue during the next four years.”

    – Vice President William Scranton, 1/20/1969

    Just days after attending the 1969 inauguration, Father received a phone call from Aunt Bessie. Uncle Clarence, Father’s kid brother, had died.

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991


    Chicago – The brother of President Sanders, Clarence Edward Sanders, 76, passed away in his home in Cook County on the 26th. Secret Servicemen surrounded the grieving party to ensure the funeral service was held in a small and private venue earlier today. Reverend Billy Graham reportedly said a few words at the funeral. Clarence will be interred in Elmwood Cemetery in Lake County.

    The Colonel’s brother was born on September 18, 1892 to Wilbert Sanders and Margaret Dunlevy, and was married to Bertha Northcutt before his second marriage to Bessie Chartier DeLor. His is survived by Bertha, Bessie, children James and Charles, brother Harland, sister Violet Sanders-Cummings, and many other relatives. Clarence was a boisterous presence in the White House, much like the Colonel. “They were cut from the same cloth, to believe in the high value to honest work and respect for one’s fellow man,” says his niece, Margaret Sanders. The Sanders family requests that donations be given to humanitarian organizations in lieu of flowers or cards.

    Chicago Tribune, 1/29/1969

    Many say it was solely Pastor Waymon that cured me. But I think another ingredient to it was my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They loved to visit the White House. They really brought life to that old building. And I didn’t want to expose them to the sin of swearing. Even still, I would cuss up a storm even if I wasn’t absolutely sure that any one of them wasn’t within earshot, behind a door or running down the hall.

    After my brother Clarence passed away in January 1969, something compelled me to speak to Rev. Graham. I asked him to speak at Clarence’s funeral. He obliged, and I was captivated by the confidence of his words. After the ceremony, I asked him if I would be damned for all eternity for cursing. He told me to listen to God through the words of the bible. So I started reading a bit of the bible each night, keeping its thoughts and ideas stored in the back of my mind as the weeks went on.

    About a month later, in February…

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    1969 was a year more focused more on domestic policies getting passed. I mean, foreign events occurred, of course, but the President wanted to focus on the concerns of the voters after so much time in his first term spent on concerns overseas. He called for decentralizing the education system for the US, but still urged vocational education and job training to cut down on already-low unemployment rate. He also strongly supported programs to help the poor, um, like building homeless shelters and food pantries, and federal assistance programs that fund statewide assistance programs, just in case the Federal Aid Dividend proposal fell through again like how it had in 1965.

    – Former Press Secretary Ron Ziegler, 60 Minutes Interview, 1991

    The troika between Inauri, Molotov and Kosygin was shaky at best from the very beginning. Immediately, Inauri sought to consolidate power, and was aided in that effort by the aging Molotov. Upon dismissing Kosygin without an official explanation, the troika dissolved and Inauri became the effective ruler of the USSR.

    Below: Aleksi Inauri

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    Inauri, who was 60 years old in early 1969, was a Soviet Colonel General and the commander of the Georgian KGB from 1954 until 1963, after which he rose through the ranks under the Shelepin era. As head of the Georgian KGB, Inauri, who was of Georgian descent (“just like Stalin,” as he often pointed out), responded vigorously to anti-Soviet dissident groups in Georgia with strict discipline and a large web of espionage of KGB undercover agents infiltrating dissident groups, which included the Georgian Orthodox Church at one point. His political support for Shelepin formed early; in 1963, he was the one who personally escorted Khrushchev out of Moscow. Co-workers in the politburo considered Inauri to be “clever” and “very cunning” when it came to getting things done…

    – Victor Cherkashin’s Adamant: The Rulers of the USSR and the KGB, Basic Books, 2005


    Washington, DC – Senator John Sherman Cooper (R-KT), a political ally of The Colonel, introduced on Capitol Hill today a new bill for “urban restoration.” …The bill’s goal is to “find and fund forms for fixing” sources of urban violence, Cooper explain on the Senate floor…

    The Washington Times, 2/15/1969

    As a United States Senator, Mondale worked hard to build up the center of the party on economic and social issues. Unlike like his own father, a fervent liberal, he was not a crusader for the New Deal. Instead, he realized the Democratic base (especially ethnic blue-collar workers) was gradually moving to the right and he worked to keep their support. Mondale showed little or no interest in foreign policy until about 1969, when he realized that some knowledge was necessary if he had loftier aspirations than the Senate. …He developed a centrist position on foreign policy, avoiding alignment with either the party’s hawks…or its doves. [3]


    CRONKITE: In political news, President Sanders has offered amnesty to Indochina draft-evaders in an official announcmenet at the White House earlier today.

    SANDERS (in clip): A conditional amnesty program for deserters and draft-evaders of the Indochina Theater will waive such folks of any charges – provided they agree to work for a year in public service, and other requirements, pending the severity of each case.

    CRONKITE: Ten months ago, Sanders created the Presidential Clemency Board to oversee the execution of the program. Today’s announcement comes at the conclusion of months of the board reviewing hundreds of related cases from all branches of the US military...

    – CBS Evening News, 2/16/1969 broadcast

    On February 17, 1969, a US B-52 Stratofortress on a routine exercise experienced an engine breakdown and crashed into the rocky highlands of northern Newfoundland, Canada [4]. While four of the six crewmen onboard successfully bailed out, the remaining two, plus two Canadian surveyors on the ground, perished in the resulting fireball. The plane’s nuclear payload was onboard, and while did not detonate in a nuclear explosion due to being disengaged at the time, the crash did cause a conventional explosion and the dispersion of hazardous radiation into the areas surrounding the mountains east of Daniels Harbour. While basically ignored by American media, due to being buried in the second page of most papers as a minor Air Force incident, Canada’s Prime Minister Hellyer accused Sanders of recklessness.

    In the White House briefing room, Sanders pounded the desk with his cane in aggravation [5]. “Hellyer, don’t give me that bulls#*t!” he spouted into the receiver. “We signed off on sharing air space for military exercises back in ’66!”

    On the other end of the line, Hellyer refused to back down on his assertion that the blame for the incident lies entirely at the Colonel’s feet, and hung up before the Colonel was finished ranting. Realizing his anger was not helping, he let out one last groan of frustration before composing himself. “Sorry y’all had to see that.”

    “It’s alright, sir, we’re used to it,” Curtis assured him.

    “Really?” The Colonel seemed a bit surprised. “Well, let’s get the head of the Air Force in here. We’ve got to get our stuff out of there. And figure out how to clean up the mess we’ve spilled.”

    Bonesteel suggested “Shouldn’t we agreed to the specs for a joint US-Canadian cleanup plan with Hellyer’s men first, sir?”

    “We wait for him to get off his high-horse and who knows how many people will die from this radiation cr*p? No, no, we’re sending in cleanup crews ASAP!”

    American officials subsequently launched Project Zhivago (a reference to the 1965 film Dr. Zhivago, which contains famous scenes set in icy Siberia), an extensive operation to remove debris from ice and waterways in northern Newfoundland, where in February the temperature was often below -30 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds often blew at over 30 miles per hour. As such, equipment failure from freezing conditions slowed American efforts. These conditions were complicated by concerns that the spring thaw expected to arrive in several weeks would melt contaminated ice and spread the radiation. Nervous over the time crunch, local Canadians sought to help in any way they could.

    In Ottawa, though, Hellyer called for tariffs on American imports as a way to financially compensate for the environmental damage caused by the stratofortress crash. Further talks between Hellyer and Sanders led to Hellyer finally agreeing to send in Canadian officials to assist with the cleanup, but talks of compensation persisted.

    The incident’s renewal of tensions between the Hellyer and Sanders governments made citizens in both countries with families and friends across the border nervous of the possible economic ramifications. However, after weeks of uneasiness, Sanders offered an olive branch in the form of agreeing to cover financial costs for the cleanup in exchange for Hellyer ending his tariff proposal. Hellyer agreed to the offer after both leaders agreed to blame “the Cold War,” not each other, for the incident.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    “In 1969, I had a date with Tricia Nixon. It was a date arranged by my dad, as he had just started working as the national RNC chairman at the time, and Nixon was back in the Senate, and they thought, well, why not? It was interesting. I showed up to pick her up in a purple gremlin. I took her to a dinner held for Frank Borman, the astronaut from Houston who was a friend of my Dad. It wasn’t exactly a romantic dinner, but afterwards we did manage to have some time alone, and we got to know each other better. Our likes, our aspirations, our fears. Things like that. Dating the former VP’s daughter had its hurdles, though. It included things like sneaking away from the Secret Service, which really pissed off Senator Nixon from time to time. But, uh, he didn’t think little of me, we got along well enough, I’d say.” [6]

    – George W. Bush, 2011 interview

    While Dave Thomas’ Wendy’s was the shop primarily used for the introduction of new items, sometimes we would experiment in expanding KFC’s menu, too. In February 1969, Pop decided to visit me and the kids after an apparently stressful meeting with the Air Force over some issue or other, and he decided to see the new menu items he’d heard so much about.

    “Don’t worry, Pop, they’re all based on your old recipes,” I assured him.


    Pop took a bite out of the new potato salad [7] made with fresh potatoes, fresh herbs, and creamy butter. After a few suspenseful seconds, Pop declared with delight “I like it! Great job, Mildred!”

    – Mildred Sanders Ruggles’ My Father, The Colonel: A Life of Love, Politics, and KFC, StarGroup International, 2000

    …About a month later, in February, I quietly visited KFC headquarters Florence. Afterwards, I met with Governor Robsion in Frankfort. I was about to head to the airport when something compelled me to visit Louisville, maybe to check on some relatives or the city’s Republican mayor, I wasn’t sure. I convinced the secret service to take over there. It was Sunday morning, and as we passed the Assemblies of God church, I remembered why the Louisville had been on my mind – this was one of the many churches that had invited me to sit in on their services since becoming President. I thought back to Reverend Graham telling me to listen to the good word, and so I figured, “I’m already here, why not check in?” The Secret Servicemen were very wary of this, but I believed no harm could come from entering a church.

    The Evangel Tabernacle Assembly of God’s pastor was an energetic middle-aged man named Waymon Rodgers. Finishing up his sermon, I was impressed by his raw emotional urge for his flock to follow the faith do good deeds, so I went and got to talk to him in private. He wasn’t expecting to talk to the President that Sunday, but sometimes unexpected things happen – how you respond to them, though, is what really matters in the end.

    When I asked the pastor what he thought about my soul. I opened up to him about my swearing problem, but I went even further and told him about my insecurity over my actions as Commander-in-Chief. All the young men killed in Vietnam and Laos, and the innocents gone forever on both sides. And more recently, the men killed in the Newfoundland Incident. The more I thought about it, the more eager for I became to hear his answer. He told me I was preaching to the young man; he told me to kneel and pray to God directly. I did so, and I prayed for my very soul. I prayed for Jesus to save me, and to forgive me for the sins of my past actions. Pastor Waymon then knelt down next to me and asked if I’d like to be born again.

    I told him, “I really would. Do you think that Jesus could save me to the point where he would take away my cussing?” I said at the verge of tears-shedding.

    And Pastor Waymon said to me “Colonel, God is going to save you tonight and you’ll never cuss again.”

    In that moment, I went from believing in Jesus to accepting him into my heart.

    We left to return to Washington. A few weeks later, I managed to get a hold of him on the phone and tell him the most wonderful of news. It was like a curse had lifted. I told him, “Since I prayed the sinner’s prayer, things have completely changed in my life. I have not cussed even one time since then. It has really made a difference with me.” [8]


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    Above: National Secretary of Radio Lee Shultz (left), me (center), and Revivaltime host C. M. Ward (right) sharing in a moment of prayer, circa 1969

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    I have already said all of this before in my book, but I think I can say it all again.

    Basically, after the Invasion of Poland, when we killed all of those innocent people, young, old, anyone we spotted, anyone who couldn’t get out of the away or run fast enough, after all that, I was… broken. Not a single person back home even knew about it. What we did in Poland was the final straw; it was the catalyst for me. I was already so resentful of being forced into the Soviet Army in early 1968, but what they made us do in the army… in the invasion… it disgusted me, and it, um, distressed me, to my breaking point…

    In late February, I was still in the army unit when I heard about Inauri honoring our latest cosmonauts with a motorcade parade in Moscow. It was for the docking of two crafts, or something, together up in space. They were called the Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5, I believe, and it happened a few weeks before. They may have been trying to downplay the upcoming moon landing. Anyway, the announcement gave me an opportunity that I did not want to lose. That night, I stole two handguns, both small enough to easily hide in my coat, and I fled from my army unit. I made it back, all the way back, to my home in Leningrad, my family’s home. There, I stole my brother’s police uniform and then I set out for Moscow.

    It was very cold out on March 1, but all the people outside did not mind. It was always cold; there was no heat, no stores where you could go out and buy a coat or a scarf or even a pair of dry underwear to keep you warm, not like how it is now. No, back then you froze for the good of the country! Heh. But, no, no, back to what I was saying. The people, assembled on the street to wave at the celebrated cosmonauts, some of them were hoping to get waved at and others were hoping to catch a glimpse at their blindly-beloved leader. So none of them noticed me.

    As I waited for my chance, my mind drifted to the Johnson and Sanders assassination attempts – the ones in 1963 and 1964, I believe, the ones spread all over the Soviet media in order to show how America was such a weaker nation as it could not even protect their leaders from harm. Those assassins had failed because they had never got a clean shot, as far as I knew; that’s what the soviet papers told us, at least Kommunist if not Pravda. And because of this, I waited until I actually saw Inauri exit the limo. I was glad I did this, or I would have fired into the wrong car, and who knows what would have happened after that! Heh. But when I saw him, Inauri, the latest symbol of the people’s oppression, I got up on this ledge for a better view of him, one that was clear, clean, and unobstructed. And I had to act very quickly. I took out both handguns and I fired right at him. I saw the bullets hit him. Then I was knocked to the ground.

    – Viktor Ivanovich Ilyin, Russian-1 TV interview, 3/1/2009

    Ilyin managed to fire all twelve bullets – that is six in each pistol – before being subdued by a frightened but angry crowd headed by security men. Five bullets hit parts of the limo. Three in total hit and injured others around Inauri, none severely. Of the four bullets that hit Inauri, one hit him in the arm, one grazed the side of his head, one hit the left-side lung, and one hit the side of the abdomen, slowed by a roll of fat the kept it from reaching anything vital. The one that cracked a bone in his ribcage was not so severe, though, so we did not focus on that one as much as we focused on other one. The one in his left lung. The leader immediately had trouble breathing, and he bled profusely. He was stabilized just as we were getting him into the operating room. It required hours of careful surgery to remove the bullet as it was in a position too delicate to risk removal, and we determined he could survive with it still in him. The KGB interrogated us to ensure we had done all we could. This however, just led to the KGB placing the blame for the incident, as they called it, on two members of Inauri’s personal guard, whom were executed for negligence. It was terrible, but understandable. The regime couldn’t suppress something witnessed by so many people, and once the news spread, the Russian people wanted blood. And if we couldn’t blame the Americans, then we would have to blame some of our own.

    – Anonymous Doctor, Russian-1 TV interview, 3/1/2009

    EXTRA: SOVIET LEADER SHOT AT PUBLIC CELEBRATION EVENT! Aleksi Inauri Expected to Recover, According to Reliable Sources

    The Daily Sketch, 3/2/1969

    ANDROPOV: Why did you decide that you are a judge and can decide with a gun in your hands?

    ILYIN: Because a person should live, not exist.

    ANDROPOV: What does that mean?

    ILYIN: Now people try to survive by any means possible… something is very wrong in our society.

    – Audio recording of KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov interrogating Viktor Ilyin, 3/1/1969 [9]

    I went through a court case where I had no defender and was not permitted to do any talking! They then sent me to a lunatic asylum. I was tortured within an inch of my life. Inauri then decided I would be kept alive, as executing me would end my suffering. But I discuss that part of my life in my book.

    – Viktor Ivanovich Ilyin, Russian-1 TV interview, 3/1/2009

    With three years left to go in his seven-year term, early speculation that he would win re-election in March 1972 was perfectly understandable. President Mitterrand’s collective bargaining agreements and tax-and-spend economic policies were implemented despite several scandalous accusations. Conservatives, moderates, and even some liberals accused him of being a Soviet Spy, of using the Treasury for personal profit, and of weakening NATO. However, probes into these accusations produced nothing. Not even investigations into alleged mismanagement of funds for Mitterrand’s “Grand Projects,” a social agenda similar in some ways to American President Johnson’s “Great Society” agenda, proved nothing. Mitterrand’s approval ratings never significantly dropped to begin with, leading to his finance minister controversially stating “people care more about results than origins,” sparking another investigation that found nothing. Politically, Mitterrand was at times isolated even within liberal/socialist circles, leading to him making and breaking alliances whenever doing so favored his administration’s agenda. By doing this, France saw the abolition of the death penalty, the establishing a 39-hour-work week, and (despite what many thought a socialist President would never support) the end of a government monopoly on radio and TV broadcasting between 1965 and 1969. Mitterrand also formally apologized to the Huguenots on 2 February 1966. Such effectiveness made him popular among the people, but not among party leaders. The most unsettling aspect of his Presidency for conservatives was his closeness to China, even before The Colonel famously broke bread with Chairman Mao. In 1961, during the Great Chinese Famine, Mitterrand had visited China and denied the existence of such mass starvation [10]; however, this would not become a major stain on his legacy for decades. Mitterrand’s opening of trade relations with the PRC in 1969, though, was popular among 52% of the French people, according to contemporary polling. Overall, Mitterrand’s political future seemed very secure.

    – Jonathan Fenby’s The History of Modern France, Scholastic, 2015

    …Also in the news, President Sanders today signed into law the Rural Development Act, a broad act aimed at increasing the quality of life in rural areas across the country…

    – NBCB News, 3/2/1969 broadcast


    …the three Astronauts on board the historic flight are some of NASA’s finest. The Mission Commander is Air Force Colonel Gus Grissom, 42; the Lunar Module Pilot is Major Charles Bassett, 37; the Command Module Pilot is Capt. Ted Freeman, 39. If all goes as planned, Freeman will remain in orbit while Grissom and Bassett land the Lunar Module “Eagle” on the moon. Grissom will exit the vehicle first, making him the first man on the moon…

    – The Orlando Sentinel, 3/3/1969


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    – Lyndon Johnson proudly looks on as Apollo 10 lifts off, 3/3/1969

    For a long while we saw nothing out the window as the moon was cloaked in darkness, and it wouldn’t be until the sun rose onto it when we could finally see our destination. Back at home, 500 million people were following our voyage on television and radio sets across the globe. The largest audience in history was watching, and listening to our every move.

    Gene Kranz, the flight director, helped us land in that wobbly strip of alien ground. One more task done, still more left to go, I remember thinking. The landing site had needed to be smooth, relatively free of problematic craters, cliffs, and hills, and give us with good visibility – The Sea of Tranquility (or Mare Tranquilitatis) beat out Central Bay (Sinus Medii) and the Ocean of Storms (Oceanus Procellarum) for the spot.

    We had to make sure we had landed safely, and that all of our equipment was still working. Charles lightened the mood by joking “hey, I think I see Flash Gordon flying by!”

    We opened up the hatch to the spectacularly flat region of the moon, and I remember gazing at the majestic mountain ranges way off in the background. As commander, I received the honor of becoming the first man to walk on the moon on March 7, 11:52, EST. We were 238,900 miles away from Earth, but the live broadcast being viewed worldwide brought millions of eyeballs to Earth’s satellite, and for a long moment all of them were watching just the two of us.

    I had rehearsed saying the famous words over and over, and I think I did said them just fine: “This is just one small step …for… just one man, but it’s… also one giant leap… for all of… mankind.” It was a little wordy, I will admit, but I’m not a writer, and I was too concerned with the mission at hand at the time.

    When I felt my boot finally make contact with the ground, I felt a huge surge of relief rush over me. We still had our work cut out for us, but we took a brief moment to let it sink in what we had already accomplished that day. The mission had made its mark in the annals of history; after thousands of years of dreaming, after 21.2 billion dollars and nearly a decade of hard work from thousands of people. After the losses suffered and so much sacrifice made, mankind had finally made it to the moon.

    When we raised the American flag, it noticeably wobbled and waved a bit from the vibrations of sticking it into the lunar surface. We checked the cameras and equipment, and immediately went to work. The two of us spent roughly 3 hours outside the spacecraft collecting lunar material to bring back to Earth while Ted piloted the command module “Columbia” in lunar orbit.


    Right before we left, I commented to the millions still watching us at home, “we came here out of curiosity, and for the pursuit of knowledge, and in doing so, we also hope to bring the message of peace and love to every part of the Universe, starting with this natural satellite that we call The Moon.” We all felt a sense of true accomplishment, that because of this astounding feat, this worldwide celebration of the human spirit, the world’s future could only get brighter.


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    – Gus Grissom’s autobiography Into that Glorious Vacuum: My Trip to the Moon and Our Trip Beyond It, St. Martin’s Press, 1987

    Despite introducing its own TV sets 1960, Motorola was a 40-years-old company that was not shy about going for big and bold endeavors. When Gus Grissom spoke the first words from the Moon, he said them through a Motorola transceiver. …Motorola was all about the sales pitch that personal computer consuls were going to be the next big thing. One studio head described the concept as a “glorified robot accountant,” but they were certain it would change world of business. Turns out they undersold it!

    – Former Motorola CEO Evan Williams, PBS edutainment special, 2009

    “The moon landing was the only thing my fellow students were talking about in class that whole week, the day of the actual landing was on a Wednesday… [snip] …On Thursday, one kid in home room complained that his parents thought it was a waste of money, but everyone else disagreed – even the kid in question thought that it was still cool. Another kid in class claimed it would more than pay for itself once we start mining in space. The teacher backed him up on this and I think that made the poor kid feel better about it all. I felt even better when I learned on Friday that President Sanders had revealed that the Apollo 12 mission would include the only Black Astronaut qualified for the mission – Air Force Major Robert H. Lawrence Junior. At the time, it seemed that Lawrence would merely fly the Command Module, meaning that while he would not land on the moon, he would still be the first Black man to go to space.”

    – Dr. Ben Carson, 2019 memoir


    …The fifth crewed mission of the Apollo Program and splashed down in the Pacific, on March 11, eight days after blasting off from Florida. The mission fulfilled President Johnson’s 1961 promise of sending mankind to the moon “within the next ten years.” …the astronauts spent the next days in quarantine in case they brought back anything contagious… ...Since that celebratory photo-op at the White House, the Apollo 10 astronauts Gus Grissom, Charles Bassett, and Ted Freeman, have ridden in massive parades in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles this past week. …Millions of cheering fans fill the streets with their adoration and admiration for these sudden celebrities… Yesterday, during their time in Los Angeles, they attended an official state dinner held to celebrate the flight. A glamourous celebration of going to the moon and back was attended by a plethora of politicians, dignitaries, scientists and foreign ambassadors. Even some major Hollywood celebrities were spotted at the event, including Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, and Steve McQueen. …The three lunar men will start a worldwide tour that will take them several countries across the world, according to a reliable source…

    The Hollywood Reporter, 3/23/1969

    “What was the mood in the Soviet space program when American astronauts landed on the moon?”

    “It was very similar to feeling among Americans when Gagarin went into orbit. Some of them tried to ignore it, some of them were insulted. …the Soviet propaganda did not play it up or give too much information… The Russian people had many problems in day-to-day life, they were not too concerned about the first man on the moon.”

    – Interview with Nikita Khrushchev’s son,

    People may say many things about Inauri, but to me, he was a comrade. A companion. I had never gotten along too well with Shelepin, especially towards the end of his life. This was mainly because he was hinting at shutting down the Star City projects and completely throwing away the Soviet Union’s plans for a lunar landing. Not only had the Americans beaten us to it, but our tests in N1 rocket program kept ending in disastrous failure. To him, the era of the Cosmonauts was reaching its end.

    That changed under Inauri. Aleksi, new to the office and its administrative responsibilities and undeterred by the attack on his life, was a man of military background, like myself. He believed that space exploration was an expansion of the military; “outer space needs protection from capitalism, like any place does,” was how he put it. When I first went to speak with him about the lunar exploration programs, he listened to me. He respected my experience, and agreed with my assertion that a lunar landing of our own would revitalize Soviet morale and intimidate the Americans. As a result of our many conversations over the course of his reign, funding for Star City’s programs – from Zond to Soyuz – increased to unprecedented levels.

    Among the Stars: The Autobiography of Yuri Gagarin, 1995

    THE FEDERAL AID DIVIDEND – IT’S NOT JUST A FAD!: Everyone’s Talking About It, But Who’s Actually Working On it?!

    …Senate Leader Dirksen expects the F.A.D. bill to be voted on by the end of the congress currently in session…

    – Tumbleweed magazine, March 1969 issue

    “Folks, the task force led Vice President Scranton has brought me some very revealing stats with this her report. Y’all have a copy? Yeah? Good. Because it seems forcing whites to go to black-majority school districts and forcing blacks to go to white-majority school districts may be worsening racial relations. In practice, the policies are wrong, but in theory, they are for the best of intentions. Still, the report paints the picture that voluntary integration of communities should be encouraged, and it can’t be rushed or forced under most circumstances. We live together in this country and we should live together in our towns and cities, and we should encourage whites and blacks with being okay with having each other as neighbors. That’s what it comes down to. Stereotypes and blind prejudices aren’t things you can simply legislate away. So I don’t think I’m going to support busing anymore.”

    “Folks, folks, settle down, please. Folks, busing is already creating racial hostilities where there were none before. And since its implementation under President Johnson, it is hurting children and families on both sides of the issue. Children wake up early to spend what can end up being hours riding a bus to a school so far away from home that the parents themselves can’t afford to travel there for parent-teacher meetings or any school events at all. I think that if the federal government is going to interfere in this manner, it’s better to build up the disadvantaged than build down the advantaged. To that effect, I’m going to promote towns themselves becoming integrated naturally. I’ve spoken to some Governors and Mayors and I think many with racial problems should make penalties for biased realty maneuvers. Because that’s what determines these school districts in the first place!”

    “Well because the fact is, folks, that housing segregation is still going on despite court rulings against it, as my domestic policy chief has pointed out and demonstrated with the Scranton report. Instead of forcing black students to travel far away from families for an integrated school experience, blacks should not be discouraged from moving into better school districts, and that starts with fair and color-blind housing and real-estate practices. Now I’m aware that getting rid of deep-rooted prejudice is not something that can get done in just four years, as it needs to be slow and it takes time and effort, but justice and social harmony are worth the time and effort.”

    – Colonel Sanders at a press briefing, 3/27/1969

    “I’m surprised. I think the Colonel is finally catching on to what his conservative friends on the hill are up to. Busing suggests that all white people schools are better than all black-people schools. It’s a sneaky, less open way to putting us down, by suggesting to our children that we can’t run a school without them and without their children in it.”

    – Malcolm X to a reporter, 3/27/1969

    “I’ve spoken to the President, and I’ve told him that increasing school funding overall, in a manner that is blind to racial demographics, would be a process much easier to handle than busing and it would be much more effective as well. I’ve told him that we need early teaching programs, and smaller classroom for the more problematic youths…”

    – Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., 3/28/1969

    BYE BURGERS, HI HOOPS: McDonald’s Ray Kroc To Run San Diego Padres; A Woman To Take Over As CEO!

    …Ray Kroc, the man who turned a Floridian small burger shack into a worldwide brand through streamlining mass production techniques, has stepped down as CEO of McDonald’s to take on a new role – manager of a California-based baseball team. “Baseball has always been my lifelong favorite sport,” explained Kroc at a press conference earlier today, where Kroc also announced who is replacement would be at McDonald’s.

    Kroc’s designated successor is Board of Directors member June Martino, who he described as having the gusto and experience necessary to lead the company into the next decade. “Martino has the integrity and restless ability to deal with problems big and small.”

    Martino, 51, began her career working for Kroc in 1948, when he hired her to do bookkeeping for his Multimixer milkshake enterprise. She previously served as McDonald’s Corporate Secretary and as the head of its Treasury. In the multimillion-dollar corporation, Martino also has often played the pivotal of peacemaker, mediating between opposing managers and directors, because she is the “only universally liked executive in McDonald’s,” according to one anonymous McDonald’s manager. Martino will join Mildred Sanders in being the female CEO of a major fast-food company, making her one of the most financially and economically powerful and influential women in the country.

    – The Financial Times, late March issue


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    The New York Times, 3/29/1969

    The 1969 Turkish military memorandum was the second military intervention to take place in the Republic of Turkey, coming nine years after its 1960 predecessor. It is known as the “coup by memorandum,” which the military delivered in lieu of sending out tanks, as it had done previously. The event came amid worsening domestic strife, but ultimately did little to halt this phenomenon.

    Years of economic recession (brought on mostly by internal mistakes, but also by the economic ripple effects of the 1963 Salad Oil scandal) had led to a steadily-rising wave of social unrest in Turkey, marked by street demonstrations, labor strikes, and even criminal activities such as Cam Bomb campaigns, petty robbery and vandalism, and even political assassinations. Both left-wing and right-wing factions opposed the government rule of centrist PM Suleyman Demirel, whose failure to keep together factions within the ruling Justice Party caused legislation to come to a halt, which only worsened the situation. In March 1968, the death of a 21-year-old college student named Deniz Gezmis at the hands of police during a riot created a martyr and escalated hostilities. By the start of 1969, universities were unable to function properly as more and more students took to the streets, and pro-government factions violently assaulted liberal professors. Industry suffered due to striking workers.

    On April 2, 1969, through the Chief of the General Staff, the armed forces handed the PM a memorandum amounting to an ultimatum. It called for a new government that “inspired by Ataturk’s views, will implement the reformist laws” needed to “neutralize the current anarchical situation.” Seeing the situation as a way of walking away from the problem without being seen as doing so cowardly, Demirel took the opportunity and resigned, putting opposition leader Ismet Inonu in charge

    Inonu, wanting to remain in power through any means necessary, quickly became a puppet for the military, whose leader declared on April 3 “We are the liberators of the good Turkish people; we will reign in the chaos immediately.” The right-wing de facto military junta imposed martial law, established a curfew, banned youth organizations, prohibited union publications, and illegalized strikes. Hundreds were rounded up and tortured, other sent to state-run kangaroo court trials. The situation continued to worsen…

    – Stephen Kinzer’s Crescent and Star: Turkey Between Two Worlds, Farrar and Giroux Publications Ltd, 2001


    Washington, DC – Church bells rang out today in celebration of the Holy Union of Congressman Kenneth “Ken” Hechler and Governor Cornelia Genevive “Coya” Knutson (nee Gjesdahl). “Today I did something I never thought I’d ever do – get married!” the groom proclaimed at today’s reception, “But of course, that was before I met Coya.” The two politicians, known for their down-to-Earth styles and humble attitudes, first met in Washington, DC in early 1961, as Hechler was beginning his second term in the United States House of Representatives and Knutson was beginning her third (and first consecutive) term in the House. Hechler, age 55, represents West Virginia’s 4th district, and Coya Knutson, age 57, represented Minnesota’s 7th district before being elected Governor last November. When asked about her surname, Ms. Knutson remarked “I will probably keep my name as is; the people of this state and the people of my old district, not to mention all of my friends and family, are already used to ‘Ms. Coya Knutson,’ as am I. I’m just happy Ken approves this.” Mr. Hechler concurred: “I don’t mind, as long as she’s happy.” Hechler and Knutson plan to continue to divide their time between Minnesota, West Virginia, and in Washington, D.C. "Only in modern America," Hechler notes, "can 2 people build a marriage across 2 states and a federal district."

    – Celebrations section of The Washington Post, Sunday, 4/13/1969

    [In April 1969, T]he Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened in Beijing, the first in almost 14 years. Defense Minister Lin Biao delivered the opening address warning of American encroachment: “Their Colonel peddles his capitalist wares in the Philippines and Japan, perched right off of our shores. We cannot let them in.” Zedong soon confronted Lin over the rhetoric, and demanded an explanation.

    The rift between Lin and Mao had already started in 1967, when Lin insulted Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing, which made it difficult for Lin and Qing to support each other over their shared view that Mao’s warming of relations with the US was a mistake. In 1969, Lin attempted to avoid being purged for suggesting the US was “a nation of liars that could not be trusted” by claiming his misspoke due to illness. Lin and Mao had disagreed in the past over the Korean War and the results of the Great Leap Forward, but this time, Mao would not tolerate his close ally’s opinion differing from his own even if it was unintentional. In fact, Mao may have possibly gone ahead with talks with US officials simply to spite Lin. Furthermore, Mao was critical of Lin’s recurring health issues – “Do not emulate the Ming emperor Shizong, who devoted so much of his time to searching for longevity medicines that he neglected his governing responsibilities” – despite Zedong’s own health beginning to decline at around this time.

    As a result of this exchange, Zedong decided not to purge Lin, believing his actions were the result of health ailments, not a differing of opinion. Instead, Mao stripped Biao of his responsibilities and demanded he visit a hospital to revive his health. With the delegates of the Ninth National Congress approving unanimously, the moderate Zhou Enlai was promoted to the position of Vice-Chairman over the quietly more liberal (and ultimately purged) Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. This made Zhou Enlai officially Mao’s designated successor.

    – Yu Changgen’s Zhou Enlai: A Political Life, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006

    [On Thursday, April 18, 1969, T]he Colonel turned off the television set in anger, outrage at the continuation of youth protests. Youngsters that voted for him in 1968 were either disappointed at the lack of progressive legislation scheduled for the rest of 1969, believing their concerns should take precedent, or outraged at the Colonel coming out against busing. “Did you read about how one of the KFC outlets in Minnesota got hit by a Molotov cocktail the other day? It was just some light damage and no one was hurt, but the media treated it like it was nothing! That wasn’t nothing, that’s the action of violent hoodlums! Who ever heard of political activists acting like criminal vandals?”

    Claudia was about to comment when the Colonel’s National Security Advisor, Ruth Briggs of, arrived at the Oval Office unannounced.

    The Colonel remarked, “What is it, Ruth? I’m trying to figure out how to handle these picket-punks before they hurt someone.”

    “Sir, we have a bigger crisis on our hands.”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    The President, Secretary of State Curtis, Secretary of Defense Bonesteel, Chief Foreign Policy Advisor Schlesinger, Chief National Security Advisor Ruth Briggs, Special Assistant to the President Harley Sanders, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Benjamin O. Davis Jr., Secretary of the Army Elvis Stahr Jr., and Secretary of the Navy Burke all convened together to review the situation. In their respective offices, the US Ambassador to the U.N. John Allison and the US Ambassador to the Soviet Union Jack Crichton were on secure lines.

    “What calamity do we need to clean up before it spills everywhere now?”

    “Sir!” Bonesteel shot up to exposit the collected information. “The Russian Navy is mobilizing warships. They were detecting leaving Rostov and passing through the Sea of Azov a few hours ago. They’re now in the Black Sea and heading south. We’re concerned the move may be against our PGM-19 Jupiter intermediate-range ballistic missiles set up in Turkey during the Johnson administration.”

    “Sir,” a man at a desk jumped up, “Ships are now 200 miles north of Sinop.”

    “What’s that, another abbreviation?” the Colonel inquired.

    “No, sir, it’s a town on the northern tip of Turkey.”

    “Y’all think they’re heading there?”

    “It’s a possibility, sir.”

    “Alright, alright, I know the drill – get me the Kremlin,” Sanders contacted Inauri through the hotline established for communication between Johnson and Khrushchev. Soon the Colonel’s counterpart was asked “Is this some kind of exercise or practice your men are doing over there? Because you’re getting very far from your coastline.”

    The Premier’s reply was played so the whole room could hear it. “No, Sanders,” Inauri was blunt, “Turkey’s revolution has complicated travel of our ships through the Bosporus. It has thrown a wrench into Russian trade with the rest of the Mediterranean and Middle East. Also, Turkey is the host of many Russian exchange students whose lives are now in danger. The Soviet Union must protect its own. We will restore law and order to Turkey to do so. Goodbye.”

    “Sir, he’s bulls#!tin’ us!” Ambassador Crichton exclaimed, “I was just talking to an education delegate of theirs at the UN last month. They’ve had no foreign exchange student pograms since Shelepin took over.”

    “You sure that’s right?” The Colonel asked.

    “Scout’s honor!”

    Bonesteel remarked “He must be aiming at the Jupiter missiles in Turkey, sir. If he invades, he could try to obtain them.”

    “And if we call him out on it, we’ll be confessing to their existence, embarrassing us on the world stage in front of our allies,” Ambassador Allison trailed on.

    “Our only nuclear missile sites in the area are in Italy and Turkey [11], and Inauri could see our support of Turkey, despite the military now being in charge, as a threat to Russia,” reviewed Curtis.

    After a moment of mulling, the Colonel asked “So. What are our options here? We can’t do nothing.”

    “We can use diplomatic pressure to get the Soviets to leave,” offered Allison.

    “Inauri doesn’t care about international pressure – we need to do some ‘intervening’ ourselves in Turkey,” Secretary Burke suggested.

    “But invasion will escalate into another proxy war that could very easily spill into a nuclear one given there’s actual nukes in the hypothetical battle zone!” warned Harley.

    “No, no, no, we need some leverage against Inauri to get him to abort the invasion. How long until their ships are in Turkey’s waters?”

    “Just twelve hours, sir.”

    “Make it ten hours – ten hours to find some type of leverage.” As the men and women in the room scurried about, the Colonel began to think aloud. “Now, why would Inauri be so interested in Turkey? It’s a democratic state, sure, an ally of NATO,” he suddenly shouted “hey by the way, will somebody see how our NATO allies British are responding to all of this?!” Causing several men at the phones to swivel around in their chairs and begin calling people. “Maybe they have some idea or something. We’re not the only country fighting communism after all.” He tapped his finger on the edge of his cane, “Something just seems off here.”

    “Sir?” The Brooklyn-accented voice came from behind him. The Colonel turned around to see a young man, roughly 24 years young. An intern for Secretary Stahr, by the look of things.

    “Yeah?” The President said.

    “Sir, this may be nothing, but, um – ”

    “Sonny, if you think you can help in any way, then let’s hear it, come on, come on!”

    “Well, I play poker quite often and Inauri’s voice – it sounded like he was holding something back, like how when you hope nobody calls your bluff because your hand isn’t as strong as you want the other players to think it is.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “It could be there’s something more valuable in Turkey than he’s letting on.”

    “Hmm… Charlie,” the Colonel called over Secretary Bonesteel, “Get the U2 planes over Turkey. Scour the area for anything suspicious.” As people began moving around once more, the Colonel thanked the young man for the suggestion, and resumed pondering aloud. “If we don’t reply to Inauri, Turkey could fall, and with it, our nuke sites and possibly the rest of the eastern Mediterranean. And if we do reply, to try to get out our nukes before the Turks arrive, we could end up going to war.” He leaned forward into the main table and tightly clasped his hands together. “Lord, please guise us through this challenge.”

    Three hours later, Turkey’s military junta leaders responded to the invasion that they correctly deduced would soon be coming to their northern shores with an invasion of their own. In order to boost morale for the junta and to “scare away” the Soviets from invading, the Turkish military flexed its muscles with an invasion of Cyprus.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    Both Greece and Turkey had joined NATO in 1952. In 1953, a signed agreement between Greece and the US provided for the establishment and operation of US military installations in Greece, including Crete Naval Base, a major military facility at the Greek island’s Souda Bay, on the northwestern coast of Crete.


    Greece was also an important ally of the US since the Truman administration’s policy of containment, meant to prevent the further spread of Communism in Europe, and American military assistance to the country had continued since 1947, despite Greece’s Civil War ending in 1949. Both Greece and Turkey important to the containment policy, which theorized that keeping Turkey and Greece communist-free would stop the rest of the Mediterranean and middle-eastern areas from falling to it as well. Turkey and Greece received special economic and military assistance in the post-WWII years. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Turkey was the bulwark of NATO’s southeastern flank, and was the host of Incirlik Air Base, a vitally important operations base of the US Air Force located at the bottom-center of the country, fairly close to the Syrian border.


    …reports are coming in that the nation of Turkey has sent troops into the island nation of Cyprus

    – ABC News bulletin, 4/18/report


    [pic: ]

    – Iconic photo of the Colonel learning about the Invasion of Cyprus amid the Turkish Missile Crisis, 4/4/1969

    Soon the Colonel was back in the situation room.

    “Sir, relations between the Greek and Turkish communities on the island were worsening recently, and now they will only worsen. The British, due to their bases there, tried to keep the peace in the past, but their new PM – that Powell guy – he’s actively seeking to hand over the responsibility to NATO or the UN.” Bonesteel was very much in an exposition-saying role on this day.

    Curtis continued, “Meanwhile, the President of Cyprus, the "hard-liner" Archbishop Makarios, is worsening the situation even further by being difficult to work with, and there’s the chance that insulting him in any way would lead to him supporting the Russians over us in his attempt to repel the Turks.”

    “Like what happened to Fidel Castro in Cuba,” Sanders observed.

    “Exactly. Holding the island is strategically vital in the region, as it lies in front of Israel and Egypt,” Bonesteel added.

    “So the Archbishop would support the Russians against the Turks if we don’t get into another war,” said the Colonel.

    “Right, sir,” both Curtis and Bonesteel this time.

    “Alright, get on the phone lines the Inonu fella and the Greek king and P.M.,” referring to Greece’s Prime Minister Grigoris Lambrakis and King Constantine II.

    In a four-person telephone conversation, Sanders threatened to cut financial aid to, or even impose an arms embargo on, both Greece and Turkey if either engaged in military activities against the other.

    “Even if the other side is the only side to blame?” bellowed the dovish Lambrakis in outrage.

    “You’re both looking for a fight, you’ll both get it if either of you starts it,” The Colonel would not tolerate two of their allies started a fight while a more pressuring issue lingered around in the Black Sea.

    Before American military support began, Turkey had a large but weak and highly antiquated army that would not at all have been able to repel a Soviet invasion. Amid pressure from the Turkish military, which obviously enjoyed America’s support, Inonu agreed to pull back Turkish troops from Cyprus – but only because he believed he had made his point to the Russians (despite their ships not stopping), and even if he hadn’t, he saw the “military exercise” as “good practice” ahead of the Russian invasion.

    Once off the phone, Harley expressed his dislike of Turkish leaders of the past. “I hope the junta leaders man up and confess what their predecessor refused to.”

    “What do you mean, son,” asked the Colonel.

    “They refuse to recognize the Armenian Genocide, and their prison policies are full of human rights violations. I saw the effects of the Holocaust when I was in Germany. If I was in your shoes, dad, I wouldn’t let them off so easily.”

    The Colonel sighed as he nodded and patted his son on the back. “One crisis at a time, son. One crisis at a time.”


    The ship would be at the coast of Kastamonu province in just two hours and fourteen minutes when the “dirt on Inauri” the US was looking for finally surfaced.

    “A U-2 spy plane has produced clear photographic evidence of Soviet ballistic missile facilities were being installed in Turkey’s Kirsehir Province just before the revolution,” explained Bonesteel as the photos were brought in, “we believe nuclear material is there.”

    “Then…their so-called intervention isn’t – or least not entirely – to remove our missiles after all! It’s to protect their own from the new Turkish regime! Turkey is unstable, but it’s still our ally.”

    After a moment of contemplation, the Colonel returned to the Soviet hotline, and after several minutes, Inauri finally answered.

    “You have sixty second starting now, Colonel”

    “Inauri, listen to me! We can settle this without bloodshed.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “We can both get something out of this, we can reach an agreement of some kind, and I’m good at that sort of thing, you know, and – ”

    “If you are trying to stall for time, you have failed. Goodbye, Colonel.”

    “We know about the missiles in Kirsehir?”


    “Inauri, you don’t have to invade Turkey to get your nukes back. If you invade, you and I both know that it can end with a lot of glow-in-the-dark suffering on both sides. Don’t be the man that dooms your own nation to spite someone else’s. We can stop the warfare now, but I need your help to do that.”



    “…What exactly are you asking for, Mr. President?”

    The ships came to a stop; the Turks were on the edge of their metaphorical seats. After several hours of tense negotiations, the Colonel and the Premier established an accord. The Soviet vessels would return to Russia, the Russians would remove their Kirsehir silos, and the Turkish conservative regime’s loaned Ilyushin II-28 light bombers would be returned to the USSR. In exchange for this, the US would dismantle their Jupiter MRBMs in Turkey and acknowledge the existence of their US missiles being in Italy.


    The crisis averted, the Colonel was sure to commend the young intern whose suggestion had prompted the canvassing of Turkey that had led to Russia’s Turkish Missiles being discovered. The Presidential citation was a boon for the career of the young man, who had already served his country in Cuba from 1963 to 1965, had begun interning for Advisor J. R. Schlesinger in 1966 (after failing to start a career as a baseball player), and had now done his part in another military conflict. That intern was future US Senator Gabriel Kaplan.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    In subsequent talks with Greek and Turkish leaders, the Colonel agreed to travel to the region on official state visits later in the year. The visit to Greece in February 1970 would mark the first time a US President visited the region since President Eisenhower met with Greek PM Konstantinos Karamanlis at Maximos Mansion in Athens in December 1959. Similarly, no President had visited Turkey since Eisenhower met with Turkish President Celâl Bayar in the latter's capital city of Ankara a few days earlier in December 1959 (although there were talks of LBJ meeting with Turkey’s PM in 1965 if Johnson had on re-election).

    The visit to Athens established a trade deal with Greece, allowing for the easing of Greece exporting to the US petroleum products, cement, marble, steel products, pipes and refractory products. A similar deal was signed with Turkey the next month.

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    Inauri was violent whenever he hit the bottle, and in the aftermath of the Turkish Missile Crisis, Inauri hit his alcohol collection like a speeding train. The military had failed to simply remove the missiles from Turkey before the Americans or their potential new Turkish friends (the junta leaders) could notice. Due to the U2 spy planes, the Americans learned of the ploy. Inauri conceded to repossessing supplies they had already given the junta. While America admitted to having silos of their own in Turkey, too, Inauri had truly wanted to invade Turkey to prove Russia’s military might. But the threat of American intervention in Turkey, and the off-chance of Americans obtaining their weapons, was too great. The risk was too great. The excessive downing of vodka and the works was too great as well, and the leader was clearly despondent over the failure of the confrontation to lead to his preferred outcome. Inauri soon started complaining of severe headaches on the left side of his head, the side that had felt the deep graze of an assassin’s bullet just months before.

    In the early hours of April 29, the Premier was found unresponsive on a sofa in his home in Moscow. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. He was 60 years old. The official report reads he suffered from phlebitis, that an unattended blood clot, produced from stress, had burst in his skull while he was resting. Those close to Inauri, however, believed the General had died from a drunken stupor, possibly drowning in his own vomit during the night, or suffering liver failure.

    Regardless, KGB leader Yuri Andropov was quick to voice the possibility that Inauri’s death was the work of an assassin, possibly a capitalist from the US. Without any evidence, Andropov tried to eject the US Ambassador from Moscow, but ultimately stood down due to pressures from the Politburo.

    Speaking of which, with the Russian ruler gone, the issue of his successor stirred across the Soviet politicians. Inauri had made many enemies during his brief premiership, and it was decided that his remaining allies would not be considered. Ultimately, in light of Inauri’s hawkish conservatism, a dovish moderate establishment politician was chosen. Alex Kosygin promised thee politburo “these past six years of failure were the results of conservative inaction. I promise that the Soviet Union will achieve glory in the ’70s under my supervision!”

    – Tom Smith’s Twelve Hours in April: The Turkish Missile Crisis, Simon & Schuster, 1999

    …after roughly two years of appeals, disgraced former Teamsters Union President Jimmy Hoffa begins his 12-year prison sentence today. Hoffa was found guilty of bribery, fraud, and jury tampering...

    The Overmyer Network, 4/24/1969 broadcast


    – The Sacramento Union (Ted Kennedy’s newspaper), 4/25/1969

    WHEN CAN CHURCH INFLUENCE STATE?: The Constitution vs. Colonel Sanders And His Budding Friendship with Falwell and Graham

    The Atlantic magazine, opinion article, late April issue

    “So the Colonel has met with some religious leaders. How is that a big deal exactly, I wonder? He’s praised Jerry Falwell and Billy Graham. So is the President not allowed to praise anyone who’s a religious figure? What else is he not allowed to do – he’s in his fifth Presidential year and I can’t even remember one incident of him even praising his own KFC chicken! Furthermore, I feel like I must point out how congress has an official religious figure – the Chaplain of the US Senate – and yet, none of the these complainers are making any mention of him. Why is this different, I wonder?”

    – William F. Buckley Jr. (host), Firing Line, WOR-TV, Saturday 5/3/1969 broadcast

    Due to a lack in government oversight at the federal level, California’s shoutniks, progressive politicians, and various environmentalists convinced Governor Pat Brown to impose higher safety regulations in regards to offshore oil drilling in late 1967. On May 8, 1969, the Golden State’s Santa Barbara Channel would experience a disaster that tested the strength of these regulations and the resolve of the people of California. Furthermore, it brought the dark side of industry to the sunny beaches of America.

    – Robert Easton’s Black Tide: The Santa Barbara Oil Spill and Its Consequences, Delacorte Press, 1972

    A blow-out off the California coastline, during drilling on Union Oil’s Platform A in the Dos Cuadras Offshore Oil Field propelled oil into the water. Over the course of the next five days, between 40,000 to 60,000 barrels of crude oil spilled into the channel and onto numerous beaches in Southern California, tarnishing the coastline from Goleta to Ventura as well as the shores of some of the Channel Islands. Drilling had been occurring in the area since 1896, but no spillage incidents had ever come even close to this extent. The well was immediately plugged, but oil and gas continued to emerge through additional rips on the ocean floor. Upon Union Oil’s contact with the US Coast Guard, Governor Brown was contacted and he immediately sent in local assistance despite Union Oil claiming “no significant level of oil is leaking” and that the situation was under control. This immediate action taken by Governor Brown is considered a pivotal moment in containing the amount of oil spilled.

    However, state officials falsely believed the oil would be swept away from the coast, not towards it. On the second and third day, heavy winds pushed heavy amounts of oil onto shorelines, blackening hundreds of boats and beaches. Residents were even evacuated in some areas due to the risk of explosions from the sudden abundancy of hydrocarbon vapors.

    On the third day of the disaster, President Sanders flew to Santa Barbara to personally survey the spill and cleanup efforts. The President spoke with horrified residents and visited a beach littered with sick and dying oil-covered seagulls, lamenting “no birds should get that oily.” After talks with Governor Brown, the Colonel “decided to not oppose” the governor’s decision to impose a halt on all offshore drilling in his state “until a greater understanding of what went wrong and how it can be prevented in the future has been obtained.”

    This moratorium was amended to six months due to economic concerns. However, Brown also doubled the size of the channel’s ecological preserves and other environmental “buffer zones”. Stricter oversights were imposed, commercial fishing was suspended, and tourism took a heavy toll. Governor Brown blamed the incident on companies, saying “they need to be forced to care about things other than maximizing profits,” but he still received criticism for the catastrophe occurring under his care to begin with. Brown had been in office for over ten years, and so many political opponents blamed him for “not doing enough when he clearly could have.”

    The main spill continued for days until finally tapering off on or around May 15, but the effects were felt for much longer. The spill left a significant impact on the area’s marine life, killing sea birds, dolphins, seals and sea lions. The incident was the worst oil spill in American history at the time, and its affects remained in the consciousness of Americans – especially California – for years afterwards. The public outrage to the disaster was so strong that it catapulted further environmental legislation at the California state and the US federal levels, most of which remain in effect today.

    – K. C. Clarke and Jeffrey Hemphill’s The Santa Barbara Oil Spill: A Retrospective, University of Hawaii Press, 2002

    The Santa Barbara spill made the pro-environment activism of the 1960s more accepted and valid to a much larger segment of the US population. The spill fueled interest in the Natural Mind party, which had opposed drilling in the 1966 gubernatorial election. Subsequently, the party received a stronger amount of support as the months continued on, and this support matched a rise in registered N.M. members as its co-founder Tim Leary began an early campaign for the 1970 gubernatorial election.

    – Robert Wilder’s Listening to the Land and Sea: The Politics of Environmental Protection in California, University of Sacramento Press, 1999

    …The President still has much to smile about: unemployment is down to its lowest point in eight years. …Soldiers returning from Vietnam and Laos are filling low-pay jobs created by the Sanders administration’s federally-funded/state-regulated urban renewal projects…

    – The Wall Street Journal, 5/11/1969


    …the 42-year-old starlet’s third husband (and fourth marriage overall) is Roy Hamilton, a 40-year-old African-American singer best known for soul singles such as 1954’s “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and 1955’s “Unchained Melody.” The surprise announcement of their marriage, in a private ceremony over the weekend, comes just months after Monroe’s divorce from Joe DiMaggio. The interracial union may cause an uproar among Americans opposed to mixed-race couples, despite them being legal in all 50 states since the Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court Case of 1967…

    – The Hollywood Reporter, 5/12/1969

    MARCH TO MEXICO BUILDS: 100-Mile March In 110-Degree Heat

    CALEXICO – Over 4,000 farm workers and their allies came together in this border town tonight in a showing of international solidarity and unity forged between farm workers of the United States and Mexico. The rally, attended by three US Congressmen, US Senators Walter Mondale (D-MN) and Ralph Yarborough (D-TX), a collection of movie and television stars from Hollywood, labor leaders from both nations, and thousands of farm workers from the Coachella and Imperial Valleys and Mexicali, was held at the conclusion of a 100-mile march from Indio to the Mexican border. The march was organized by the United Farm Workers Organization Committee, AFL-CIO, with the intention of demonstrating its commitment to improving wages and working conditions for all farm workers, regardless of race or nationality. UFWOC Director Cesar Chavez celebrated the marchers’ “boycott spirit” in the face of opposition… [12]


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    ...Senator Mondale, who is also working with Civil Rights Activists Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy on anti-poverty legislation, has praised that anti-illegal immigration worker rights champion Cesar Chavez for bringing the plight of “the men and women who toil to provide the most basic of human necessities – food, pure and simple food.” Mondale and Yarborough are also calling for better workplace treatment policies, and an increase in the influence of state unions. As Senator, Mondale has secured finances for his home state to build new roads, hospitals, and colleges, and for it, he obtained the endorsements and campaign contributions of many building and road contractors for his 1966 re-election bid, and is becoming a most popular politician among US labor unions.

    El Malcriado, 5/18/1969

    – video clip on the earlier works of Cesar Chavez (former Assistant Secretary of State Robert F. Kennedy can be seen at the start), 1966

    Apollo 11
    was the second manned Apollo mission to land on the moon. It began with a launch from Cape Canaveral on May 18, 1969 and concluded with an Atlantic splashdown on May 26, 1969. The mission consisted of three crew members: Commander Jim Irwin (1930-91), Command Module Pilot Ed White (b. 1930), and Lunar Module Pilot Gordo Cooper (1927-2004)… Cooper would retire from NASA in 1970, shortly after a second trip to the moon…

    –, c. 2019

    The 30th Annual Horatio Alger Awards Induction Ceremony in Washington, D.C. is pleased to announce the selection of President Harland Sanders for the nomination of this year’s Horatio Alger Award. Sanders has been selected for starting out as a humble farmhand and ending up as President of the United States. The selection is also in light of the Colonel’s hand in ending warfare overseas through military intervention in Vietnam and Laos, preventing further warfare from unfolding in Turkey, in Vietnam, signing major legislation early this year, and his landmark discussions with the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China. The award ceremony will be held in one week, on the 25th [13].

    – Horatio Alger Society, official statement, released 5/18/1969

    BRADLEY BESTS YORTY!: Former Cop Will Become L.A.’s First Black Mayor!

    …The April 1, 1969 primary saw Democratic city councilman Tom Bradley come in first place with 42% of the vote, followed by conservative Democratic incumbent Mayor Sam Yorty at 26%, Democratic KABC-Channel 7 TV news anchor Baxter Ward Baxter Ward at 17%, and Republican U.S. Congressman since 1961 Alphonzo E. Bell Jr. at 14%...

    …In tonight’s May 27, 1969 runoff, Bradley won roughly 51.3% of the vote, while Yorty won roughly 48.7% of the vote...

    …After 23 years of serving as a city police officer, culminating in a promotion to lieutenant, Bradley was elected to City Council’s 10th district seat in 1963. Since then, he has worked to “bring groups together” and improve the quality of life in the city. …Bradley successfully formed a coalition with former Ward voters, campaigned on the topic of improving the city’s low-income residential areas, and criticized incumbent Mayor Sam Yorty’s 1968 Presidential run: “It’s clear his focus is on a seat of power higher than the one he was elected to.” Touting his “prior life” in law enforcement, Bradley at times compared himself to the comparatively more conservative Mario Biaggi, the cop-turned-politician Governor of New York in order to reach out to conservative voters.

    – The Los Angeles Times, 5/27/1969

    Sanders had had enough of Khanh’s stubbornness.

    On May 30, the CIA launched a bloodless coup in Saigon aiming at replacing Khanh with a more moderate leader who could earn the respect of the people while still maintaining loyalty to the United States.

    In a phone call, Khanh demanded to know the meaning of the troops storming his home at 2:30 in the morning.

    The Colonel explained, “Khanh, you stabilized your country very admirably. You reigned in the post-war confusion and chaos. But now you’ve taken things too far. By chasing away your fellow Vietnamese brethren, you are throwing salt and lemon on a wound. You are unravelling everything you worked to preserve.”

    Khanh was curious as to whom his replacement would be.

    “Nguyen Xuan Oanh,” Sanders pronounced the name as best he could. A banker trained at Harvard by trade, Oanh was the economist charged with managing country’s economy and finances. His military experience was minimal, but that matched the Colonel’s goal – he figured appointing one of the rare anti-Khanh generals to the Presidency would promote the continuation of hostilities. The Colonel believed the people of Vietnam had to move on from the fighting toward a brighter, more peaceful future.

    “The people will never stand for this,” Khanh angrily warned over the phone.

    “That’ll be for the people to decide – unlike you, Oanh actually intends on holding elections. The Presidential one will be next year. If you want, you can run in it. Convince the people to give you another shot. But that’ll be then, not now. Right now, you’re going to wallow in luxury while under house arrest. In many ways, you are a good man. But the ways in which you are a bad man can’t be ignored any more. Your reign of terror is over. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to accept a rags-to-riches award.”

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    “I was surprised and honored…when I was given the Horatio Alger Award. I didn’t even know who Horatio Alger was. Having to quit school in the seventh grade, I wasn’t familiar with Alger’s books. …When somebody hit it lucky, I’d hear someone say, ‘He’s a regular Horatio Alger,’ but it didn’t mean a thing to me. I figured someday I’d find out what it meant. All I knew was that it meant ‘from rags to riches.’ So when I got the nomination, I was surprised. I received a letter telling me I’d be nominated and asking if I could come to New York to the Waldorf-Astoria on a particular day in May… I told them I could. I looked into it and I found the association fosters the American way of life. It tries to convince young people that there are still opportunities for everybody who really looks for them. Those opportunities aren’t all gone yet. You don’t have to belong to a big corporation to make it. Take me. I came from nothing. The nominations committee picked 15 or 20 people they thought should receive the award. Then they sent those nominations to 500 colleges and they were distributed to 3,000 campus workers who read the stories and biographies. They were the ones who determined which 10 people were to receive the awards each year. President Eisenhower, President Hoover, Conrad Hilton and J. C. Penney have been among the winners. Some mighty fine folks have gotten it. Some of the smartest men I’ve ever known never finished high school or college but they have a native intelligence. There’s a lot of difference between a little book learning and being educated. It all depends on how you define education. The world seems to feel that they only educated men are those who’ve enjoyed a formal education. I know many successful men who never even got out of grammar school.” [14]

    Pictured: Me receiving the Horatio Alger Award from Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


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    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    Dickey’s is a family-owned casual restaurant chain first established by Travis Dickey in Dallas, Texas in 1941. Inspired by the success of other fast-food restaurants franchising during the 1950s and 1960s, Dickey’s began franchising in June 1969. Dickey’s serving of a delicious plethora of meats and side dishes, using the same recipes first used in 1941, has made it the largest barbecue franchise in the United States.

    Dickey’s: We Speak Barbecue!



    Variety, June 1969 issue

    Walter Jenkins had lived a good life. At age 51 in 1969, he was a top aide to Senator and former President Johnson. He had a wife of 24 years, Helen, and six kids at home, four boys and two girls. Yes, he and Helen had separated in 1965, they but never divorced and remained close. Jenkins had worked for Johnson since 1939, and had become an understanding and temperamental navigator of “the shark-infested waters of the Potomac,” as journalist Bill Moyers put it in 1975. He was a pivotal member of Johnson’s staff, and kept himself away from public eye, working behind-the-scenes to help his boss. It was never his intention to attract media attention, and inadvertently start a national movement, when he entered that YMCA.

    On June 9, 1969, Jenkins was arrested in a Washington, D.C. YMCA restroom, was booked with another man on a charge of disorderly conduct, and fined. While some newspapers such as the Chicago Tribune and the Cincinnati Enquirer refused to run the story of a former President’s aide being arrested, most went ahead and did. On June 11, similar charges stemming from incidents at the in same restroom, having occurred on January 1959 and February 1965 [15], were uncovered, ruining Jenkins’ initial “fatigue” excuse.

    It must be understood that homosexual behavior was widely condemned in the United States at this time…

    – Brandon Teena’s The Rise of BLUTAG Rights: The Story of the Bi-Lesbian-Undefined-Trans-Asexual-Gay Movement, Scholastic, 2019

    Lyndon is disappointed. His earlier suspicion that Walter was framed seems to have dissipated in light of the prior incidents coming to light. So many are telling Lyndon to fire Water to save face, but I disagree. I think Walter can whether the storm. …Earlier today, Lyndon told some reporters, and I quote, “I couldn’t have been more shocked if Lady Bird had tried to kill the Pope.” [16] …Lyndon is still thinking of his Presidential aspirations. The urge to return to the White House is still burning within him; the thought of 1972 is clearly on his mind. …Understanding Walter’s importance to Lyndon’s Senate staff, Rev. Billy Graham has suggested that Lyndon “forgive the sinner, but not the sin.”

    – Ladybird Johnson’s private diary, 6/12/1969 entry

    “I knew Jenkins from serving as commanding officer of his Air Force Reserve unit roughly 20 years ago, so I know what kind of character he has. So, you know what? So what if he’s what you could call a curious fellow? It’s not like he’s been replaced by a body snatcher – it’s the same good and hardworking Christian man that I’ve known for years, and the same hardworking Christian man that D.C.’s known for years.”

    – Senator Barry Goldwater (guest), Firing Line, WOR-TV, Saturday 6/14/1969 broadcast

    It was a sad time for Jenkins’ wife and children, and I was not about to add to their private sorrow. There are some things, like loyalty to friends or lasting principle, that take priority over the game of politics.” [17]

    – Barry Goldwater, Meet the Press Interview, 6/15/1969

    Lyndon is surprised by how much mail isn’t hate mail. Some of the letters could even be described as ‘understanding,’ I want to say. …I visited Marjorie the other day. She’s moving back to Texas. She’s taking the kids with her…

    – Ladybird Johnson’s private diary, 6/16/1969 entry

    In support for his friend, Johnson encouraged the Dean of Washington National Cathedral Francis B. Sayre Jr. to defend Jenkins as “a good, religious man” who upheld the values of the church. With the former President’s encouragement, The American Mental Health Foundation published a letter on June 17, which read “The private life and inclinations of a citizen, Government employee or not, does not necessarily have any bearing on his capabilities, usefulness, and sense of responsibility in his occupation. The fact that an individual is homosexual, as has been strongly implied in the case of Mr. Jenkins, does not per se make him more unstable and more a security risk than any heterosexual person.” [18]

    – Brandon Teena’s The Rise of BLUTAG Rights: The Story of the Bi-Lesbian-Undefined-Trans-Asexual-Gay Movement, Scholastic, 2019

    The bipartisan problem of homosexuality is nothing new to Washington D.C. President Eisenhower faced the issue with would-be appointee Arthur H. Vandenberg Jr., the son of a US Senator. Vandenberg Jr. had homosexuality problems and could not pass a security test to join that administration as the President’s appointments secretary. This was all the way back in 1953. [19]

    – journalist Drew Pearson, Washington Merry-go-round column, 6/18/1969

    …The Democratic Party has been the host of homosexuality for decades...

    …In 1919, when he was Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt himself investigated “conditions of vice and depravity” occurring within the US Navy Training Station in Newport, Rhode Island, after the Democrat Woodrow Wilson’s Justice Department declined to investigate [20].

    …In 1942, Democrat David I. Walsh found himself caught up in a complex scandal involving Nazi spies and Walsh being a patron of a Brooklyn brothel for homosexuals. Walsh had been a Senator from 1919 to 1925 and again from 1926 to 1947, and Governor of Massachusetts from 1914 to 1916, yet his private activities went undiscovered until after decades of public service…

    – The Arizona Republic, 6/20/1969


    – The New York Post, 6/21/1969

    “I’m surprised Joe just sold out his own kind. But then again, the man is a scrupulously closeted homosexual.” [21]

    – Deputy CIA Director Richard Helms, Meet the Press interview, 6/22/1969

    The truth was coming out, like a beautiful butterfly leaving its cocoon (though the phrase “coming out of the cocoon” would not catch on until much later). After Johnson tried to minimize the scandal by coming to his vital aide’s defense, Republicans tried to inflate the scandal by accusing the Democratic party of having harbored Blutags for decades. These accusations were countered by Democrats making accusations of their own. These exchanges came at the expense of the people they were outing, but the very fact that so many people were being outed brought to light a hidden truth – that Blutags had always existed. The political fighting led to non-straight people realizing that there were more people like themselves out there than they had thought, and led to straight people realizing that Blutags existed, period (though the term Blutag would not be coined until many years later as well). Same-gender Attraction was entering the sphere of public awareness, and soon enough, the bravest of the BLUTAG community were deciding to follow the advice of the ancient Romans: carpe diem...

    – Brandon Teena’s The Rise of BLUTAG Rights: The Story of the Bi-Lesbian-Undefined-Trans-Asexual-Gay Movement, Scholastic, 2019


    – The Washington Post, 6/24/1969

    …This year’s robust economic growth is believed to be the result of closing budget deficits in 1967 and 1968 after the end of the Vietnam Conflict…

    – The Financial Times, 6/29/1969

    …In recognition of the President’s support for higher education, including donating his salary of the last financial quarter to school fitness programs, a new major league baseball team has officially been founded – the Louisville Colonels. The public unveiling comes after licensing and advertising specifics were agreed to between MLB and KFC officials, after weeks of negotiations and legal research… There was a short-lived Louisville Colonels team in the 1880s; this new team is unrelated to that one... …This new baseball team should not be confused with the basketball team formed in 1967 called the Kentucky Colonels and named after Kentucky’s historically famous colonels, not after President Harland “The Colonel” Sanders…

    Sports Illustrated, 7/2/1969


    [pic: ]
    – The Colonel on Independence Day, 7/4/1969

    [1] Based on this:
    [2] Info from here:
    [3] Mondale summary in italics taken from his Wikipedia article.
    [4] 13 months later than a similar incident that happened in Greenland IOTL:
    [5] According to this:, Sanders “‘made a lifelong habit of swearing at employees, his own and those of lucky restaurant owners, and knocking any surface with the end of his cane to indicate his displeasure at imperfectly cooked scrambled eggs.’ But for the most part, he was as well-behaved a corporate icon as the Jolly Green Giant.”
    [6] 3:30 mark in this Jimmy Kimmel interview from 2017 youtube: /watch?v=5ir1hhpkwbo
    [7] Based on this vintage KFC menu!:
    [8] All quotes (italicized parts) pulled from here:
    [9] Exchange between Ilyin and Andropov is verbatim OTL: youtube, starting at the 2:50 mark: /watch?v=3jeHGVt8ucw
    [10] OTL!:
    [11] IOTL, the US had nukes in Greece from 1963 to 1984, but not here due to the lack of a certain missile crisis occurring in 1962; this also means that the US never had to remove their missiles from Italy or Turkey like how they agreed to in OTL.
    [12] Paraphrase of first article found in the PDF of El Malcriado, Volume III, Number 5, found online via googling “Cesar Chavez 1969 march” (I still can’t figure out how to insert a link to a PDF, sorry, but hey, at least I’m citing my work! :))
    [13] The date of the ceremony is based on OTL’s 2019 ceremony date (April 4-6) (found via ) and from the first page of Chapter 16 of the Colonel’s OTL 1966 autobiography, which describes his OTL award being giving during a ceremony that was held “on a particular day in May”
    [14] OTL quote, found on Chapter 16 of his OTL 1966 autobiography
    [15] The 1959 date is OTL, the 1965 date is ATL
    [16] OTL quote, found via Source 18 on Walter Jenkin’s wiki article
    [17] Italicized portions are OTL and found somewhere in his autobiography, according to Walter Jenkins’s wiki article. However, no link is given and I couldn’t find Goldwater’s autobio online (though I may have not looked hard enough or even overlooked it), so take the quote with a large grain of salt just in case.
    [18] OTL quote according to Source 35 on Walter Jenkin’s wiki article
    [19] OTL Drew Pearson quote.
    [20] FDR quote and other info found here:
    [21] OTL Richard Helms quote.

    E.T.A. for next Chapter: July 18

    Happy Independence Day, everyone!​
    Last edited:
    Chapter 31: July 1969 – December 1969
  • Chapter 31: July 1969 – December 1969

    “The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.”

    – Aristotle

    After Sanders quit swearing for good, he just wasn’t as fun as he used to be. One time, for instance, he got outraged at this lobbyist for borderline harassing the department of the interior over possible limited mining rights in a national park straddling the US-Canadian border. The old Sanders would have threatened the snot with his beatin’ stick, but in ’69, it was kind of sad seeing him holding back, getting’ all tense – his tiny eyes bulging out so far you could actually see the whites of ’em, veins bulging out, face all red, muttering and stuttering and finally telling him off – but the insults and swears were of the disappointedly kid-friendly kind now.

    – Lawrence Wetherby (US Ambassador to Canada 1965-1973), 1991 interview


    After the conservative successes of Shelepin and Inauri, the new and more liberal USSR leader will implement our union’s Eighth Five-Year Plan, which will last from 1969 to 1974. Kosygin’s plan is to boost the economy via consumer production. Our glorious new leader swears his plan will increase the Soviet standard of living by increasing the supply of food, clothing and other household appliances up to 50 percent, and increasing the union’s population’s cash income by 40 percent.

    – Kommunist, Soviet magazine, July 1969 issue

    Kosygin believed that too much focus on defense expenditures would be the USSR’s “complete ruin,” and sought to amend the ship’s course… In July 1969, Kosygin, with an entourage of close advisors, met with President Sanders, and his own advisors, at Camp David, marking the first time a Soviet leader had visited American soil since the infamous “kitchen debate” nearly a decade earlier.

    Below: the Colonel walking around the Camp David grounds with Kosygin

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    The talks re-affirmed Kosygin’s commitment to denuclearization. The Colonel would later describe Kosygin as “a skillful negotiator, keen on details and alert when it came to complexities. He was very much passionate about policy, and would cut right to the meat of things. A real businessman-type personality, at bit impersonal or even unfriendly at times, but he was nevertheless effective and sincere when it came to work and working hard.”

    – Paul Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012

    US LABOR SECRETARY DEAD: Herbert Hoover Jr. Passes Away Three Days After Stroke, Age 65

    The Washington Post, 7/9/1969


    – The Wall Street Journal, 7/10/1969

    THE COLONEL CALLS FOR STATES TO IMPLEMENT “FREE ENTERPRISE ZONES”: Claims FEZs Will Support Black-Owned Businesses Forming In “Troubled Areas”

    – The Philadelphia Inquirer, 7/17/1969


    …the celebrity died suddenly from a massive cerebral hemorrhage while staying at his summer home with Marilyn Monroe, to whom he had been married for just two months… “Monroe’s marriage to the African-American singer was not without controversy, but it was one of love,” according to the singer’s stepson, Ron Eckstine…

    The Atlanta Journal, Georgia newspaper, 7/20/1969

    July 21, 1969, the day that Apollo 12 landed on the moon, was also historic, as it saw the first-ever African-American astronaut step foot on the lunar surface. The sixth man to step on the moon overall, the then-34-year-old Robert H. Lawrence Jr. followed the NASA veteran Alan Shepard in the lunar module while Neil Armstrong from Apollo 11’s backup crew served as the module pilot due to being the second-most senior member of the crew. …A civilian astronaut, Armstrong had served as command pilot for two Gemini missions and as backup commander for Apollo 10. …The Lunar module pilot (Lawrence) had to step out second due to the positioning of the seats and the hatch door. …The historic precedence and cultural "weight" of Lawrence’s trip was lost on television sets, where audiences simply saw two astronaut suits, the color and gender of their wearers undetectable by external eyes. Nor could most ears pick out which of the astronauts was which when they heard their voices, as Lawrence spoke in a non-stereotypical way. Audiences did not hear one white man and one Black man; they heard two men. Two Americans speaking to Houston from the surface of the moon.

    To most watching, it was the actions of the astronauts that seemed to be more the more important aspect of Apollo 12…


    Below: Astronaut Robert H. Lawrence Jr., the sixth man on the moon


    [pic: ]

    – NASA scientist Farouk El-Baz’s Up and Away: How The Cold War Competition Pushed Us into The Stars, MacFarland & Company, 1994

    ANNOUNCER: The Cuyahoga River. A fixture of Northeastern Ohio, this Lake Erie-bound body of water was the sight of something one would find impossible were it not caught on tape last month – water on fire.


    ANNOUNCER (OVER FOOTAGE): On June 25, an oil slick polluting a riverbank caught fire, damaging a nearby bridge and causing thousands of dollars’ worth of damage before firefighter put out the blaze. While the fire’s source is not currently known, this did not stop the incident from making headlines nationwide. The fire was a boon for Cleveland Mayor Carl Stokes’ efforts to revive local ecosystems due to the increasingly severe presence of oil and other pollutants in the river worsening over the past several years. President Colonel Sanders has called on Congress to work on a Water Safety & Regulation Act, saying that the issue is not one of private business rights but one of public health.

    SANDERS (IN FOOTAGE): “I don’t expect people to stand for their rivers being on fire on a non-rapture day any more than I expect Claudia to stand for her and me eating a romantic dinner over one of the White House toilets. You’ve got to keep your country clean, like what Ladybird Johnson strived for, and that means companies big and small being aware and responsible for what they’re doing to the nation’s nature.”

    ANNOUNCER: The US Attorney General is looking into legal activities regarding allegations of local companies and the river’s water pollution, while congressmen are concurring with the President’s call for pollution control litigation or legislation...

    – NBC News report, 7/22/1969


    Sarah Ragle and Ron Weddington announce the birth of their second child. Ron Weddington Junior arrived on June 19, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces. The newborn arrived just weeks after the mother had graduated from the University of Texas Law School, where she met the father (to whom she wed in 1968) and where she gave birth to first child, also in 1968, while working on her J.D. …

    – The Houston Chronicle, Celebrations section, 7/24/1969

    He was about to turn 19, in desperate need of real companionship, and was completely directionless. Arthur Bremer had left his abusive family home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as soon as he graduated from high school that June. He considered attending Milwaukee Area Technical College, but the life story of the President – who found his destiny by travelling around the country – inspired Bremer to go for a change of scenery. Deciding to put as much space between himself and “his old life” in the Midwest, Bremer quit his job as a busboy and hitchhiked to California. And on one hot July day, he found a new family. Manson renamed him “Leo,” after Bremer’s zodiac sign. …Soon Bremer/Leo, still determined to prove himself valuable to both the family and himself, was brought further into the fold. Manson revealed to him the plan meant to “finish what was started and then stalled in the Black Sea.”

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982

    CAN MCDERMOTT DO IT?: A Politician’s Crusade to “Eliminate Poverty”

    …branding it a “negative income rebate,” McDermott’s wide-reaching version of a negative income tax is the cornerstone of the GOP nominee’s campaign for Governor of New Jersey. …State Senator Frank X. McDermott, who turns 45 in October, is a rising star in New Jersey state politics, having served as the Garden State's senate leader for a year and as Acting Governor few a few hours earlier this year. …Just before unveiling of his rebate proposal, a month before the Republican primary in early June, the liberal McDermott was trailing in the polls at third place, behind US Congressman William Cahill, a moderate, and US Congressman Charles Sandman, a conservative. Within a month, McDermott shot to first place and defeated Cahill and Sandman, along with two fellow state senators, for the Republican nomination for Governor…

    Time Magazine, late July 1969 issue

    FRIEDMAN: The free market economy would benefit from a Negative Income Tax Rebate, which would avoid the welfare trap by subsidizing income instead of replacing it.

    BUCKLEY: So you disagree with your boss’s support for the Federal Assistance Dividend?

    It’s a good idea, but I think it would be fairly unfeasible to implement, and if it was or is, it would only contribute to the complexity of our already-massive welfare system. Not only would the rebate streamline the anti-poverty endeavor, it would even be farther-reaching than a limited dividend.

    THURMOND: But that’s the opposite of what we need – the responsibility of the downtrodden should rest in the hands of state-level institutions and leaders.

    KENNEDY-SHRIVER: Many things are permissible at the state level, but poverty affects all 50 states. Thus, income assurance should be a federally regulated endeavor. Furthermore, I agree with the Colonel’s recent calls for management accountability – fair prices for farmers and fairer wages for families – The F.A.D., though has the potential to reduce poverty and even provide assistance as automation continues. Mr. Secretary, back in 1952, economic Wassily Leontief agreed with Keynes that labor will become less and less important as the twentieth century continues, isn’t that correct?

    FRIEDMAN: Um, yes it is.

    KENNEDY-SHRIVER: And Keynes himself worried in 1930 that “technological unemployment” would become only a more prevalent issue as the decades wore on, and that long-term worry could be addressed with the NITR.

    BUCKLEY: But in the short term, it would only add to the cavalcade of welfare programs, as Secretary Friedman has pointed out.

    FRIEDMAN: Yes, and my alternative proposal would be more effective –

    THURMOND: Don’t you mean more liberal?

    FRIEDMAN: – more effective than an F.A.D.: the NITR would extend the progressive tax system into the negative territory – meaning the IRS would give money to those below the poverty line just as the rich pay higher tax rates to the IRS.

    BUCKLEY: So, by extension, the rich would be giving to the poor?

    FRIEDMAN: That’s…one way of looking at it, I suppose.

    KENNEDY-SHRIVER: But F.A.D. checks going through the mail to those who need it would promote equal opportunities –

    BUCKLEY: – But where’s the cut-off, Senator?

    THURMOND: That’s right, I could see at least some members of society working just little less enough to qualify for it, inflating the numbers. And regulating laziness would not exactly be easy.

    KENNEDY-SHRIVER: An F.A.D. program would taper off with a rise in one’s income. The more money you make on your own, the less money the government has to provide you with to keep you from destitution, until ultimately you are earning above the poverty line and thus no longer need the FAD. The end-goal is to stop people from starving to death when their inability to hold down a job is not their fault. Money doesn’t equal happiness, but it does ease financial woes. The F.A.D. provides a social safety net of wages below which no worker will fall. It targets those who need it, not those who want it.

    FRIEDMAN: Well the NITR would do the same without adding to the nation’s mounting programs of its social welfare bureaucracy. It would instead simplify things without financially ruining the economically vulnerable, such as the ill, the elderly, and the infirm. It would guarantee financial security for the elderly and the disabled without the dividend’s possible lowering of labor supply, which would harm the economy!

    BUCKLEY: Unless the economy truly is self-correcting as Adam Smith writes –

    THURMOND: Well the real issue then, Milton, is the need to re-write parts of the US tax law!

    FRIEDMAN: Which is what the Colonel has been working on for months now!

    – US Commerce Secretary Milton Friedman, host William F. Buckley Jr., US Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC), and US Senator Eunice Kennedy-Shriver (D-MA) on Firing Line, Saturday 8/2/1969 transcript

    In the month of August, the U.S. Congress returned from summer break, and Congressman Tip O’Neill (D-MA) wasted no time introducing a tax reform bill onto the house floor. The bill, dubbed the Tax Reform Bill of 1969, would simplify the tax bracket system, merge certain departments of the IRS, and create a Federal Earned Income Credit, a refundable tax credit for low- to moderate-income working families and couples, and, to a slightly lesser extent, individuals, especially such citizens with underage dependents (i.e., children). The law was the culmination of months of Colonel Sanders reaching across to Senators and Congressmen in all factions of both parties to win over enough support to pass what he saw to be a "very helpful" bill for "so many folks."

    – Paul Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012

    The Colonel disapproved of Indonesian leader Suharto’s moves to take over West Irian via a rigged council vote held on August 2; “The voters had been selected by the Indonesian military. The corruption’s more noticeable than a drunk dog joyriding on a horse!” Sanders openly condemned Suharto for his treatment of his people, and privately held him responsible for causing guerilla activity backed by the USSR to form on the island of Papua. The Colonel and Suharto has a cold relationship from then onward. Nevertheless, the event was recognized by the UN General Assembly, albeit without clarifying if the absorption of the western half of the island was indeed “an act of self-determination.”


    August 1969 also saw Cambodia’s King Norodom Sihanouk criticize the US military. Communist guerillas were still present in northern regions despite US intervention in the form of advisors and assistance, and the King became increasingly vocal of his “disappointment” as the summer continued on. Ambassador Westmoreland privately countered on August 8th “this guy’s ignoring how his own policies that have brought his country to the brink of destruction.” Secretary Curtis and Senator Nixon, as the latter’s memoirs revealed, privately considered the King to be “a pain in our side.”

    The Colonel agreed with Senator Nixon that the King’s forces would fail to defeat the northern insurgency, but was hesitant to lead the US into “what would be our fourth war of the past eight years.” Harley Sanders then convinced The Colonel that the American people approving of troop-based intervention would be "very necessary." Not wanting to continually "handle" the actions and policies of “other leaders” such as King Norodom Sihanouk at the cost of ignoring “the actual warfront,” The Colonel decided to use television to his administration’s advantage, pointing out on the 19th the “the television set has always been my friend; now it’ll be our friend, Bill [Westmoreland].”

    During mid-to-late August and early September, the Colonel loosened restrictions for media outlets to allow journalists to dangerously venture into the north if they chose to do so. Subsequently, the atrocities committed in the region – by the communist insurgents in general and communist leader Pol Pot in particular – slowly found their way onto newspapers nationwide. The exposés raised US approval of increasing intervention in Cambodia.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    I first served time from ’52 to ’54 for mugging a taxi driver, then from ’55 to ’59 for using stolen money orders to take a trip from Missouri to Florida. The ’59 bust was the big one, though. 20 years for holding up a store in St. Louis. The MO State Penn wasn’t good to me, but thankfully the prison bakery’s security was kinds sloppy in ’67. I got out by hiding in a bread truck!

    A first moved to Chicago, then Toronto, then Montreal, then Alabama. Birmingham was a nice town, except for all the Blacks acting all smug. I missed the best years, when Bryant was serving as a voice for real Americans. But I stayed. I still can’t believe I was able to get a driver’s license during my time there. Then again, I didn’t stay long enough to see if the pigs figured out I was there. Got a Ford Mustang a drove to Mexico later soon after, and soon found myself in Veracruz, Mexico. No longer was a James Earl Ray – I was now Eric Starvo Galt.

    I loved America – I still do. It’s that too many of the people living there are a**holes. The President at the time, a clown in a white suit named Colonel Sanders favored pinko social views, and was always quick and gung-ho to be putting down grade school dropouts, which is ironic because I didn’t make it to the 12th grade, but neither did the Colonel. His successor wasn’t exactly better, so I stayed in Mexico. I even managed to get facial reconstruction in Mexico City in ’68. Did a bang-up job, too!

    First I thought of moving to Rhodesia, where whites still controlled blacks. But Veracruz was such a great place. A sunny spot near the bottom of the gulf; Cuban and Americans love to take tours, party and take vacations there, including really hot American women.

    By 1969, I was working as a tour guide. Every time a cop was part of the tour, I’d laugh inside myself, and the laughter grew bigger each year I stayed there, enjoying the beaches, chasing tail, and wallowing in the finer things in life (whatever things the richer tourists “lost” during the trip!).

    – James Earl Ray’s memoir, How I (Almost) Got Away With It: The True Story of The Man Known As Eric Starvo Galt, Borders Books, 1999


    …Hellyer’s promotion of “universal health care” policies are catching the attention of both the people and politicians in the northern U.S. states such as Vermont and Maine, both of which contain many Canadian immigrants; Vermont’s Governor Hoff has described Hellyer administration’s left-wing social stances as “inspired and inspiring”….

    – The Toronto Star, Canadian newspaper, 8/17/1969


    – The Sacramento Union, 8/19/1969


    [pic: ]

    – The coastal town of Pass Christian, Mississippi, before and after Hurricane Camille, 8/14-22/1969

    With winds of over 150 mph, Hurricane Camille was the second-most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the United States. When it made landfall on August 18, it was at a peak intensity of 175 mph and first struck the aptly-named region of Waveland, Mississippi. Mudslides and flashfloods overwhelmed communities. Nearly everything along Mississippi’s coastline was flattened; over 240 people were killed and over $1.40 billion (roughly $9.5 billion in 2019) in damages.


    Federal, local, state and volunteer agencies responded to the disaster immediately, rescuing survivors from wreckage and tending to the injured and the displaced. Congress soon passed a bill providing $70million in disaster relief necessities for Mississippi and Louisiana.

    President Sanders ordered 1500 regular military troops, plus 900 US Army Engineers and 300 US Navy Seabees, to bring food, clothing, vehicles for transportation, and other elements to the affected areas. The Governors of Mississippi and Louisiana declared martial law for two weeks to minimize vandalism.

    President Sanders then applied what he learned in the wake of the 1956 floods in Kentucky while he was Governor to the situation. Sanders understood how to properly get people warm, fed, and relaxed. On August 24, President Sanders would visit the Biloxi-Gulfport Regional Airport to promote the rebuilding of the state, telling a crowd at one point “one of the few things stronger than a hurricane is the strength of the American people when faced with a challenge. …Are we going to let Camille have the last word? No!”

    The storm was so destructive that the name Camille was retired.


    After meeting with department heads and the governors and other politicians present, I helped hand out canned goods and blankets. I wanted to sit down with many of them, like how I had handled the Kentucky floods of 1956, but I was the President now, and I couldn’t find the time to listen to all of them. Instead I listened to local leaders and volunteers, and commended them for their service. I called Mildred and convinced her to send free KFC to the affected areas. Like what happened 13 years prior, my chicken raised spirits and brought hope for recovery to the displaced people.

    – Colonel Sanders’ autobiography, Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    Leo, Tex and Arthouse held their position outside the Senator’s California house. The time to strike would soon be at hand.

    Kuchel served on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Manson convinced us that this made him privy to highly sensitive information regarding the nation’s defense and security. This meant that Kuchel had to die in order to stop him from helping the Beatles prevent Helter Skelter. We were the chosen followers – if anybody could pin his assassination on the Russians (thus starting the crisis that would lead to the submarines launching their missiles and ushering in a new era for America), it was us. Manson had his ways, and he made us certain of this.

    But Leo was too egotistical. He loved Manson like the rest of us, but he wanted Manson – and maybe the world – to know that HE was the one to fire the fatal bullet. As soon as he saw Kuchel step out of his home emerged, Leo shouted “Penny for your thoughts!” before firing, which gave Kuchel just enough time to duck out of harm’s way.

    Then an unplanned element reared its head in the form of a police cruiser passing by. Soon enough, two police officers had us pinned. Arthouse was clipped. Leo decided to play the hero – or martyr, the jury’s still out on it – and made a run for Kuchel’s position to “finish the job.”

    He failed. Almost immediately, the cops turned him into a red and drippy imitation of Swiss cheese, after which he plopped down flat and motionless on the pavement.

    There was, however, a silver lining to Leo’s action – it drew the fire away from Tex and Arthouse, allowing them to flee with their lives and return to Manson.

    Both were punished for their failure.

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982


    – The Los Angeles Times, 9/1/1969

    If the CIA was not catching up to him, his many health problems were. Diabetes and poor blood circulation tired him so, and his hair had not been combed in months. He didn’t care to. His sole focus now was trying to support Pol Pot in Cambodia, hoping to spark a resurgence in popularity for Communism in Vietnam. He was still passionate, but he had effectively become a shadow of his former self.

    On the day of his death, Ho and I carefully traveled to the remnants Banteay Srei, the capital of the ancient Khmer Empire to meet with a contact to discuss the latest developments.

    Ho, perusing the area, observed, “Look at all that remains of what was once a great empire. A man who had a vision here. A man who once commanded that all these structures be built. What power, what influence they had. And look at it now. His mighty power, and his mighty people…all gone.”

    Ho then became more despondent than usual when he noticed a small empty used bucket on the ground. Carefully bending down to pick it up, he turned the container around and came face-to-face with a man an ocean away. It was an empty bucket of KFC, lazily discarded, likely by an American, on the floor. Rolling along this site of former glory by the occasional wind gust until it had reached this spot. Ho held the bucket, and after staring at it for quite a while, thought aloud, “The man on this bucket had a vision, too. One that should not have come to pass.” Ho turned to me and lifted up the bucket to show it to me. With his lips almost trembling as emotions ran through him, but also with fury rising in his voice, he exclaimed “this was our downfall!”


    [pic: ] (above photograph taken by an assistant to Le Duane and released to the public in 1981)

    Ho crushed the bucket in his hand, then leaned over as his recent chest pain issue suddenly grew in severity. He soon began to have trouble breathing. By the time we returned to base, my dear friend had already succumbed to heart failure.

    – Le Duan’s Divided We Fall: The Real History of Vietnam in the Twentieth Century, Freedom Province Books, 2002

    …Reports Confirm: Ho Chi Minh, Commie Leader During Vietnam War, Died Last Week While Hiding In Northern Cambodia...Spotted At Historic Site and Followed to Hiding Place…Collaborators Captured Alive…

    – NYT news ticker, 9/9/1969

    JOE: Well it’s more than obvious that Ho Chi Minh and Colonel Sanders were secretly the same person! The Colonel was part of the military-industrial complex and as such he faked the death of the persona to tie up loose ends!

    ART: But what about the body of Ho Chi Minh?

    JOE: Don't you remember from our talk last time, Art? It was cremated – cremated in a war zone where a body can be found practically anywhere!

    – Host Art Bell and frequent anonymous contributor “Conspiracy Joe,” Coast to Coast AM, 4/16/1994 radio broadcast


    By E. W. Kentworthy

    He was the very archetype of the politician, with all the politician’s shortcomings and virtues. Inconstant, often too apt in expedient, he was found, in the course of his career, on both sides of almost every question. But he also had the talent for compromise, adjustment and conciliation that is the secret of effective government under the American system… In a Senate increasingly composed of drab, machine-tooled men, Mr. Dirksen remained an original, a throwback to the more colorful, less inhibited politics of the Midwest at the turn of the century… Mr. Dirksen’s last years were burdened with illness and injury – duodenal ulcers, chronic emphysema, a cracked vertebra from a violent fit of coughing…But the juices of life and humanity flowed strong in him to the end... chest x-rays in August led to surgery to remove a mass of lung cancer, and while the it was successfully removed, complications led to a fatal case of bronchopneumonia for Mr. Dirksen… …he will lay in state at the U.S. Capitol rotunda, for all who wish to pay their respects…

    The New York Times, 9/8/1969 [1]

    We were disheartened, but not defeated. Kuchel was still alive, but all of us – even quite possibly Manson, too – couldn’t help but be glad we didn’t have to deal with Leo any longer.

    Manson immediately returned to studying the music, and soon came to his latest conclusion. Jumping up from his spot, he frantically called us all to assemble before him.

    “Our little hideaway beneath the waves,” he recited the lyric from the Beatles’ song Octopus’s Garden. “This refers to the Soviet submarines - little hideaways - hiding beneath the waves, destined to nuke the continental United States!” We all believed him. Manson then told us how we needed to develop a plan to use this knowledge to our advantage, and to keep others from learning the truth, lest the new age be stalled once more. “We must cut off our opponents at the source. We must silence the leakers of the future – the Beatles must not disrupt our destiny.”

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982

    Octopus’s Garden was written and sung by Ringo Starr and appeared on their 1969 album “Abbey Road.” Released September 26, 1969 after being recorded for the album from April to July 1969, Starr was inspired to write the song in 1968, when he was on a boat belonging to comedian Peter Sellers in Sardinia. The boat captain told Starr about how octopi collect stones and shiny objects from the sea bed to build “gardens.” Starr was inspired further by his desire to escape the sociopolitical fallout of the Stonehouse Scandal and the other events of that later; he would later admit that he had “just wanted to be under the sea, too, that’s all.”


    …Elvis never liked the Beatles, disagreeing with the idea of using recreadrugs, and refused to meet with them during his tour’s visit to London. He would, however, establish a “friendly acquaintanceship” with the Rolling Stones in 1969, according to Bill Wyman…

    – Pat Sheffield’s Dreams, Reality, and Music: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole Entire World, Tumbleweed Publications, 2000

    Needing a smile after the near-death of US Senator Kuchel, the real-death of Senator Dirksen and the many deaths of Hurricane Camille, and wanting to unwind from handling a particularly somber and hectic week overall, I convinced him to meet “an unconventional acquaintance” of mine. Dad and I soon stopped in on an unorthodox performer staying at an Arlington, Virginia, hotel for a rock concert to be held the next day.


    [pic: ]

    Above: Dad and Alice meet in the hotel’s main conference room, which was best for security. A waiter brought Alice more beer, while Dad had some coffee. I had first met Alice Cooper in 1967, right before he had really made his mark on the political scene. He was 19 years old, almost 60 years younger than Dad at the time, and we met through a friend of a mutual acquaintance of a friend of his.

    The two men got along surprisingly well, just not immediately. At first, they have trouble finding anything in common. Alice was adamantly apolitical, once saying “When my parents would start talking politics, I would go in my room and put on the Rolling Stones or the Who as long as I [had to so I] could avoid politics.” [2] Dad, meanwhile, disliked the increasingly cacophonous music of the era’s youth, preferring the “understandable” tunes of Elvis and the Beach Boys out of all music of the “modern youth” genre, as he put. Finally, though, they find a common interest – sports [3]. Soon Alice was really enjoying himself, though much more so than Dad. In fact, Pops became antsy to leave as the night wore on, especially after Alice tried to guess what the “secret” to what made Kentucky Fried Chicken so delicious. We left at around midnight, with Alice clearly honored to have been in the President’s presence.

    Dad later told me, “What do see in that, um, that rocker fella?”

    I told him “He’s loud, outspoken, and searching for some kind of greatness. He kind of reminds me of you, Pop.”

    The September 14th “Midnight Meeting” would eventually become public knowledge, sparking numerous rumors and theories ranging from Cooper being a government spy seeking to destroy shoutnik culture from the inside-out to being handpicked by the KFC corporation to hold onto the closely coveted “Secret Formula.” The “Kentucky Fried Chicken Incident” was none of those things. It was simply a semi-successful attempt to liven my father’s spirits after a sadder-than-usual week of being President.

    – Margaret Sanders’ The Colonel’s Secret: Eleven Herbs and a Spicy Daughter, StarGroup International, 1997

    …The party establishment sought to promote Dirksen’s son-in-law, Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee, to the now-vacant position of Senate Majority Leader. Goldwater challenged the selection of ideological grounds, while Senate Whip Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania challenged Baker over concerns of nepotism. The Colonel came to back Goldwater, and with the waning non-conservative factions of the party being split between Baker and Scott, Goldwater was narrowly promoted to Senate leader. This put him third in line for the Presidency after Vice President Bill Scranton, and House Speaker Charles Halleck...

    – Liz Shermer’s Barry Goldwater and the Changing American Political Landscape, net-book publication, 2010

    …a rift soon began to form between Sanders and fiscal conservatives on the hill wishing to repeal parts of numerous programs if FAD was implemented, including LBJ’s Great Society programs. During one of these discussions with Senator Cotton, Sanders defended his predecessor’s policies: “too many people rely on them”

    “But they’re too constricting to businesses. The economy will hemorrhage under such immense pressure to maintain a government so big!” explained Cotton

    “So we can remove some of these programs, but not all, and not the key ones, just the supplemental ones and the like” The Colonel gave an arbitrary response to placate D.C. conservatives for the time being.

    – Coya Knutson’s Coya’s Story: A Life in Legislation, Simon & Schuster Incorporated, 1991


    – The Chicago Tribune, 9/25/1969


    The Washington Post, 9/27/1969


    …Governor Robsion’s new economic development plan is almost identical to that used by Colonel Sanders when he served as the state’s leader from 1955 to 1959. During that period, the state saw a rise in employment and population numbers as transportation projects attracted major businesses and corporations to the Bluegrass state. The Colonel’s 1955 strategy, however, may not work 14 years later, as the socioeconomic situation has shifted greatly since then, state economists warn... Nevertheless, the State Secretary of Commerce has “no doubt” that “returning to what worked” will grow the state’s presence on the US economic map. …Robsion, however, has announced even greater ambitions for the state: “Within the next 20 years, Louisville will be bigger than Indianapolis or even Nashville.” The Robsion administration has also projected the state’s largest city to reach a population of 2 million by 1989. [4]

    The Advocate-Messenger, KY newspaper, 9/29/1969

    ...At the time [October 1969], Mr. Hoover was under mounting attack because of revelations that the bureau had conducted extensive surveillance of…war protesters… “We may have on our hands here a man who will pull down the temple with him,” [Senator Richard] Nixon said. [3]

    – Ronald Kessler’s Clyde Tolson and the Cult of J. Edgar Hoover, Resistance E-Publishing, 2016

    “Hoover, I’m madder than a wet hen at you!”

    “I take it this is about the Posts’ alleged journalism as of late, yes?”

    “I’ve checked you out this time, Hoovie – you’re still continuing on surveilling people despite me telling you to stop it months ago. Listen, Hoovie, I’m all about limits. Limited government and all that. But there should never be limits on two things: the number of times you can eat KFC for dinner, and the freedoms of the American people! What you’re doing, Hoover, is just plain wrong and you know it! Even worse, you don’t even seem to mind!”

    “Colonel, you don’t seem to realize the value of all this. Just look at the information we gathered, just this month in fact. Here, I brought this over here. Just look at the kind of people Rock Hudson’s been shacking up with!”

    “Unless their makin’ babies in the middle of a public square it’s nobody’s concern but their own who loves who. A man and woman have a right to privacy.”

    “That’s not what he – ”

    “I don’t want to hear your excuses, Hoover. Now shut this whole thing down immediately.”

    “Mr. President – ”

    “That’s right, I am the President. And as your President, as your boss, I order you to shut down this whole operation!”

    “[Sigh] I’m afraid that is impossible, sir. This goes beyond just me. This is an all-encompassing network of informants and agents. All with families to feed, too. And they all understand the importance of this work. I shut it down, one of them will slip through the cracks and continue on where I’ve left off, making the shutdown pointless. This, sir, is all for the good of the country.”

    “You don’t get to make that decision!”

    “Every President since FDR has thought otherwise.”

    “Then apparently, no President since FDR ever had the balls to tell you off!”

    “Oh, what are you going to do, are you going to call me a whippersnapper or something?”

    “Don’t you take that tone with me!”

    “Going to cry for your son to defend you or will you spin some yarn about how much of hick you are until I pass out from boredom?”

    “How dare you – ”

    “You know something, Colonel, you may wear white, but you’ll always just be a dirty bum, a fish out of water, in-over-your-head naïve little sh-”

    “Why you – !”

    [striking sound]



    “Ooh, f@#k, you hit me in the face!”

    “Oh, sh- Shoot! You did it, Hoovie, you done made me lose my temper.”

    “Oh, I think you loosened a tooth!”

    “Yeah, a silver cane can do that, I figure. Sorry – ”

    “Damn it, that f@#king hurt!”

    “I’m sorry, Hoovie. Here – ”

    “Don’t touch me, I don’t need your help!”

    “[Sigh], Alright. Bu before you leave, Hoover, I want to be clear – this is your final warning. Shut this down, or you’re out of a job in D.C.! I mean it. And I don’t think the folks on the Hill will miss you all too much, either! [pause] You’ve got until the end of the month, otherwise you’re out.”

    “Yeah. I’ll see myself out!”

    [long pause of silence]

    “[Sigh], Lord, please give me the strength to tolerate the bullsh- uh, the troublestarters.”

    – Transcript of a discussion between President Sanders and Director Hoover in the Oval Office, nature of recording device classified until 2029; disclosed by the FBI in 2012 alongside numerous other files from the 1960s, 10/2/1969

    On the morning of October 5, Director Hoover complained of having a headache and a lack of sleep in recent days, but declined to go to the hospital. Furthermore, he demanded that he not be disturbed for the duration of the day, not even for lunch. At approximately 11:45, Hoover’s private secretary discovered him unconscious on the floor of his office, having apparently vomited and then collapsed, likely from exhaustion. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The autopsy report revealed that the director had suffered a ruptured blood vessel near his right temple, a sensitive part of the body containing many blood vessels. Also detected was localized hematoma, meaning blood was seeping out from broken capillaries; this condition is known to cause headache and vomiting. What killed Hoover, however, was asphyxiation, as he had collapsed face-down into the puddle of his own vomit.

    Upon Hoover’s death, his fiercely-loyal stern-faced private secretary of almost exactly 50 years, Helen W. Gandy, always known as “Miss Gandy,” began a process of destroying all of Hoover’s “personal files.”

    The FBI’s Associate Director, Clyde Tolson, a close friend of Hoover, was visibly upset throughout Hoover’s funeral, while Miss Gandy retained her typical demeanor with an additional hint of ambiguous anger. Tolson then served as acting Director for several weeks. Despite, or rather because of, Tolson being Hoover’s right-hand man, he was not considered for the position due being in poor health ever since his 1964 stroke; instead, President Sanders appointed William C. Sullivan to the bureau’s top job, ushering in a new era of management for the FBI.

    – Ronald Kessler’s Clyde Tolson and the Cult of J. Edgar Hoover, Resistance E-Publishing, 2016


    – The New York Times, 10/5/1969

    “Well ain’t that the darndest thing. I was just talking to him last week! He seemed healthy enough. How’d he die?”

    “They’ve yet to perform an autopsy, sir, but we believe he had a stroke or heart attack since he was found unresponsive on the floor of his office.”

    “Aw, that’s a shame – I was hoping’ the two of us could make amends when all was said and done.”

    – Transcript of a discussion between President Sanders and Press Secretary Ziegler in the Oval Office, nature of recording device classified until 2029; disclosed by the FBI in 2012 alongside numerous other files from the 1960s, 10/5/1969


    The recent declassification of a 1969 recording (hear full recording here) is an explosive revelation and an unprecedented view into the American government’s love affair with illegal surveillance…
    Comment 1: if you listen to the Oct8 recording the Colonel sounds sincere and surprised so I think if he did do it, he didn’t mean to
    Reply 1 to Comment 1: I don’t think the old fool even made the connection!

    Comment 2: Why the [CENSORED: MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO VIEW WORD(S)] is the DOJ not looking into this?!
    Reply 1 to Comment 2: I dunno, too circumstantial?
    Reply 2 to Comment 2: In the Colonel’s defense, Hoover was egging him on


    On the TV, Cronkite prattled on about the Colonel possibly increasing American “advisory forces” remaining in Cambodia, Hoover kicking the bucket, and the F.A.D., but Manson finally turned around to the set when the man mentioned the Beatles. “…the popular rock band has agreed to travel to the United States for a tour that will include performances in New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles…”

    “Perfect,” Manson smiled, “the time for Helter Skelter will soon begin at last!”

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982

    Powell defends the UK’s nuclear weapons numbers as being a modern necessity, explaining just last month that “Under God’s good providence and in partnership with the United States, we keep the peace of the world and rush hither and thither containing Communism, putting out brush fires and coping with subversion.” [4] Doves hate Enoch for such rhetoric, fearing it will lead to the Troubles returning the 1966-levels of intensity and deadliness, or even be used to justify military intervention there or in any former colony. This may come off as contradictory in the face of Powell’s attempts at ending all foreign aid endeavors, which has put wind in the sails of Steve Biko and his followers in South Africa as South Africa enters week 7 of its recession crisis.
    Enoch is not on good graces with many traditionalists in Parliament for decrying customs maintained in both houses as “nonsensical mummery.” ...Market regulators are incensed by Powell’s promoting of free-market policies despite them leading to major UK-American trade deals being signed in Washington, D.C. in August.
    Powell is popular among some lower-income and middle-income Britons for lowering the size of the Capital Gains Tax and Selective Employment Tax (albeit after failing to abolish them outright). Among other lower-income and middle-income Britons, though, Powell is losing support for his attempts to end all assistance to development areas and all housing subsidies (save for those who could not afford their own housing). Enoch has defended his actions repeatedly, stressing his “facts-based belief” that tax cuts would allow the public to spend those funds on projects like hospitals, roads, and “the firm and humane treatment of criminals” [5].
    Finally, we must cover the accusations made against Enoch Powell that his immigration policies are racist. Powell famously stated during last year’s campaign “As an intellectual, I care more for what works than for what feels non-racist.” [6] Still, upon learning of accusations of his immigration policies being racially-biased, Powell restated verbatim from a speech he had made in 1964: “I have and always will set my face like flint against making any difference between one citizen of this country and another on grounds of his origins.” [7]. Powell also sought to prove the claims of racism false by “flexing [his] multiculturalism,” as he put it, by speaking Urdu whenever he dined at Indian restaurants or met with Urdu-speaking officials. Unfortunately for him, Powell seemed to shoot himself in the foot last week by telling a reporter “Nations are, upon the whole, united by identity with one another, the self-identification of our citizens, and that’s normally due to similarities which are regarded as racial differences.” [8]
    Enoch seems to be uniting the country, as all factions of the British people – liberal and conservative; IRA and Constabulary; poor and middle-class; urban and rural; white and brown; immigrant and native – are all united in disliking him. If national unity, even of this sort, is the most important role of a great leader, then Powell is one of the greatest leaders we’ve ever had!

    – The Sunday Telegraph, centre-right UK newspaper, May/10/1969

    Flood v Kuhn was a June 1971 United States Supreme Court decision ruling on the legality of the antitrust exemption granted to Major League Baseball. The decision stemmed from an October 1969 challenge by St. Louis Cardinals’ outfielder Curt Flood when he refused to be traded after the 1969 season. [snip] In October 1969, the Cardinals’ Curt Flood, 31, sued the MLB over the reserve clause and his inability to become a free agent, comparing the organization’s practices to slavery. Precedence came in the form of San Francisco Warriors’ Rick Barry’s challenge of the reserve clause in court earlier in the year, which, albeit successful, worked as a reference when blueprinting the Flood side of Flood v Kuhn. The case quickly advanced to the Supreme Court after going through both New York’s Southern District and the Second Circuit.

    – John Helyar’s Lords of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball, Ballantine Books, 1994


    …Presidents Sanders supports visas for professionals immigrating to the US, which is part of an addition to the 1964 Hart-Celler Act that passed under President Johnson, which replaced the US’s previous quota system with an updated acceptance model...

    The Washington Post, 10/28/1969


    …in a private ceremony, Academy Award-winning actor Dean Jagger, 65, tied the knot with Marilyn Monroe… This is Jagger’s third marriage and Monroe’s sixth. Jagger as previously married to Antoinette Lawrence (1935-1943) and then to Gloria Ling (1947-1967), while Monroe was previously married to James Dougherty (1942-1946), Joe DiMaggio (1954-1955 and 1963-1969), Arthur Miller (1956-1961), and the late Roy Hamilton (1969). Monroe is now the stepmother of Jagger’s daughter from his second marriage…

    – The Hollywood Reporter, 11/3/1969

    PERICONI PUMMELS PROCACCINO: Mayor Wins Second Term, 65%-28%-10%

    …Procaccino’s campaign was a watered-down rip-off of Governor Biaggi’s law-and-order 1966 campaign… the conservative Comptroller shot himself in the foot with a barrage of gaffes and generally failed to explain why he was the better man for the job.

    – The New York Post, 11/4/1969


    [pic: ]
    McDermott won 1,453,096 votes (61.4%) to Alexander Trowbridge’s 870,931 (36.8%) votes. …After McDermott adopted a central proposal for his campaign, the initial frontrunner for the Governor's seat, Alexander Trowbridge, grew to be seen as running a generic and uninspiring “theme-less” campaign, and his inability to respond to this "image" issue led to the race slowly narrowing until September, when McDermott began to outperform Trowbridge in polls. From there, McDermott's standing in the polls continued to rise sharply, possibly influenced by the rising approval of the Sanders administration. …The election also worked as a referendum on the debate over implementing federally assured income supplementation. New Jersey voters approved of McDermott’s proposed income supplementation dividend, or “Negative Income Rebate,” and demonstrated that support with a large voter turnout in McDermott's favor. Upon entering the governor's seat in January 1970, McDermott immediately began the "NJ-NIR" implementation process, which was eventually followed by the viewing of its immediate (and, later, long-term) results concerning the financial and social changes NIR brought about in New Jersey…



    Richmond, VA – the results seem to repudiate the claim that the 1965 election of Republican Linwood Holton to the governorship was a “fluke,” as this is the second gubernatorial election in a row in which the GOP nominee won. Republican Lieutenant Governor Vince Callahan defeated the Democratic nominee, state senator Henry E. Howell Jr., by a 5% margin. Howell may have been hurt by school superintendent and John Birch Society member William J. Story Jr. of the Heritage and Independence Party, as Story may have split the Democratic vote by winning a respectable 10% of the vote.

    After serving as a lieutenant in the Coast Guard from 1961 to 1965, during which time he helped oversee security operations in Florida related to the Cuba War that led to several citations, Vincent Francis “Vince” Callahan Jr. ran for Lieutenant Governor in November 1965, and won by a narrow margin.

    …With the Callahan and McDermott victories in Virginia and New Jersey, respectively, signs point to things looking up for the Republicans on the Hill as the 1970 midterms and the ’70s decade approach...

    – The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 11/4/1969


    …Congressman Gravel was better known among Alaskan voters than the incumbent appointee Stevens due to Gravel’s campaign for the Presidency early last year…

    Anchorage Daily News, 11/4/1969

    …After weeks of debate, the House of Representatives has scheduled the vote on the F.A.D. bill to be among the first activities that congress will perform upon reconvening after the winter recess…

    The Overmyer Network, news broadcast, 11/5/1969

    MLK ACCUSED OF SEXUAL IMPROPRIETY: Atlanta Journal Claims to Have Anonymously-Given Evidence [9]

    The Chicago Tribune, 11/7/1969

    “I must confess, Colonel – the temptation of relations of a nature that lies outside of marriage is my greatest weakness.”

    “Is – that’s a problem, Martin. You’ve got to turn that ‘is’ into a ‘was’.”

    “I’m going to need to address this, or it’ll eat away not just at me, but at our goals to end poverty as well. I’ll make a statement soon.”

    “Ya think that’s wise? Adding attention toit could jeopardize the FAD talks. Maybe you should just keep a low profile until this whole thing blows over.”

    “Colonel, the truth shall set you free.”

    – Transcript of a discussion between President Sanders and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., nature of recording device classified until 2029; disclosed by the FBI in 2012 alongside numerous other files from the 1960s, 11/8/1969

    MLK TO TAKE LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM S.C.L.C.; In Announcement King Apologizes For “Past Improprieties”: “I Am But A Man, Vulnerable To Sin, As Are Us All.”

    – The Chicago Tribune, 11/12/1969

    My first thought when I heard those revelations was “How ironic.” Once upon a time, King was seen as a morality leader, calling for peace among the races, and I was vilified for my calls for the Black people to defend themselves. Fast-forward to November 1969, and suddenly King is being called a pervert and a hypocrite in the same week that [my wife] Betty and I were highlighting our family values and marital bliss, celebrating the birth of our seven child, our first son…

    – Malcolm X’s The Autobiography of Malcolm X, New York Grove Press, 1990

    Apollo 13
    Launched: 11/14/1969
    Splashdown: 11/24/1969

    …prospecting in the North Sea started 1966... Phillips Petroleum Company discovered oil in Ekofisk field, almost exactly in the middle of the North Sea, as part of the North Sea Oil Fields spread across the body of water, in 1969 via reflection seismology. Quickly proving to be one of the largest oil fields in world, Phillips began production roughly two years later to the benefit of the Norwegian economy, allowing the nation and its economic allies to prosper…

    – E. Van den Bark’s Ekofisk: the Energy and Potential of the Giant Oil Fields of Western Europe, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1980


    …Hellyer barely surviving the March 4, 1969 leadership election, though, is just one of many factors contributing to Liberals fearing that they will lose power next week. Liberals are struggling to shore up support among Quebecois voters due to Hellyer’s intolerance towards pro-independence Quebecois (themselves unpopular nationally due to the violence caused by separatist extremists as of late, which will very likely push back the movement years if not decades) …Another factor in Hellyer’s unpopularity may be his perceived inability to respond to the nation’s almost-stagnant economy…

    – The Calgary Herald, 11/23/1969


    [pic: ]
    – Prime Minister Paul Hellyer watching early results (which had him in the lead) pour in on TV, 11/30/1969


    …Stanfield, age 55, is scheduled to succeed Hellyer on the 17th…

    Le Journal de Montréal, 12/1/1969

    Canadian Federal Election, 12/1/1969:
    [see: outgoing members]
    264 seats in the House of Commons
    133 seats needed for a majority
    Turnout: 80.1% ( ^ 0.9 pp)
    Progressive Conservative (PC) leader: Robert Stanfield (of Halifax)
    Liberal (L) leader: Paul Hellyer (of Davenport)
    Progressive (P) leader: Tommy Douglas (of Burnaby-Coquitlam) [10]
    Ralliement Créditiste (RC) leader: Réal Caouette (of Témiscamingue)
    Seats won in the last election: 99 (PC), 135 (L), 22 (P), 8 (RC)
    Seats won in this election: 133 (PC), 95 (L), 25 (P), 11 (RC)
    Seat change: ^ 34 (PC), v 40 (L), ^ 3 (P), ^ 3 (RC)


    With the lawmakers on Capitol Hill beginning their winter break recess, here is a look back on what has been successful and productive bipartisan year…

    …The law to receive the most attention was the Tax Reform Act, meant to simplify the bureaucratic processes of the IRS… The Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act was seen as an olive branch to Jack Kennedy, who discussed coal jobs during the campaign trail last year… The Coastline Protection Act was The Colonel’s response to the Santa Barbara Oil Spill… The Airport and Airway Development Act, Rail Passenger Service Act, and Urban Mass Transportation Act were all, more or less, pet projects of sorts for the Colonel. This trio of the laws promote public works projects being constructed and then maintained in order to promote economic development… Shoutniks and liberals criticized the Bank Secrecy Act and Controlled Substances Act supported by conservatives, and some moderates, and signed into law by the Colonel... The bill to which the Colonel was personally attached to Early Education Priority Act that the Colonel signed into law in May to streamline the bureaucratic process regarding federal funding for schools – funding that Sanders managed to increase alongside the bill…

    …“With so many things of his agenda being checked off this year, I think the Colonel can really afford to risk the rest to get the F.A.D. passed. It’s not a likely scenario, but I wouldn’t put it past some of my colleagues,” notes Senator Wayne Morse (D-OR)…

    – The Washington Times, 12/15/1969

    The late 1960s saw the slow rise of the McDouble, more famously called “The McDub,” “The DubMac,” and/or “The MacDub.” …While created in 1968, the double-pattied burger became a best-seller before the decade was out…

    – John F. Love’s McDonald’s: Behind the Arches, Bantam Books, 1986

    THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE ’60S: An End-Of-The-Decade Review

    …The Top 5 biggest news stories of the 1960s… No. 1: The Moon Landing… No. 2: The Wars in Cuba and Indochina… No. 3: The Civil Rights Movement… No. 4: The rise of the Colonel: the surprise nomination of the fast-food icon captivated the nation… No. 5: The rise of the Shoutniks…

    Time Magazine, late December issue

    As the accuser in question wishes to remain anonymous at the current time out of fear for her safety, she shall be henceforth referred to as Ms. Arkansas. On November 20, 1969, Ms. Arkansas contacted her U.S. congressman, John Paul Hammerschmidt (R-AR) with accusations that President Harland Sanders had “consistently harassed” her when she was working in the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce during the early-to-mid 1920s [11]. After a month of Congressman Hammerschmidt failing to return her calls and failing to set up a second meeting for her with the Congressman, Ms. Arkansas approached former Congresswoman Catherine Dorris Norrell (D-AR) for advice. She requested her accusation be kept confidential. Following the story being leaked to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on December 26, Congressman Hammerschmidt confirmed that a “complaint of a possibly serious nature” had been made against the President on December 28. On December 29, Ms. Arkansas’ story went public in the New York Times.

    The Ms. Arkansas Effect: A Timeline Of Her Pursuit For Justice, Tumbleweed Magazine, 1970 article

    [1] Italicized parts of obituary are OTL:
    [2] Quote from here:
    [3] The Colonel appeared in numerous football-game-based parades, from which I’ve received many images for this TL. Alice Cooper, meanwhile, is a fan of hockey, baseball, basketball, and (later in life) golf.
    [4] @BrianD gets the credit for this segment existing; thanks so much for the information/contribution!
    [3] Un-bracketed parts of this entry are from here:
    [4] This is OTL statement that Powell said on May 26, 1967
    [5] These policies were found under the “Morecambe Budget” section of his wiki article, and other parts of his wiki article as well
    [6] This is an original quote!
    [7] This quote was found on his Wikipedia article.
    [8] This, too, is an OTL quote
    [9] According to David Garrow’s 1986 book Bearing the Cross, King’s affairs were “a form of anxiety reduction [that caused him] painful and at times overwhelming guilt.” However, according to Sources 336 and 337 on MLK’s wikipage, CIA files emerged in May 2019 that suggest King may have “looked on, laughed and offered advice” during a rape, but the FBI tapes from 1963-1968 “that could confirm or refute the allegation” were placed “in the National Archives and sealed from public access” in 1977, and won’t be declassified until the year 2027.
    [10] Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this (which means I really should go back and add it to a previous chapter at some point), but the ND and SC parties merged a little while back into the Progressive Party, with smaller parties opposing the merger failing to gain traction.
    [11] According to Act Three (“How To Do The Funky Chicken”) by mark schone, starting at the 35:40 mark, at this website: She's apparently repeatedly tell him, "Harland get your hands off me, I get all I need at home.”

    EDIT: fixed "60 years older/younger" blooper.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 32: January 1970 – June 1970
  • Chapter 32: January 1970 – June 1970

    “Remember the ladies and be more generous to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power in the hands of the husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could. [sic]”

    – Abigail Adams, in a letter to her husband

    “The President wishes that I express for him his regret in being unable to attend this briefing, but as congress is convening again, he is very busy going over legislation for this new year… The incident in question happened over 50 years ago, and an amount of time that, uh, large, is um, considerate. ...Many elements and aspects must be looked into, of course, before a better understanding of the situation can be found. …the President has no official statement at this time, thank you, and good day.”

    – Press Secretary Ron Ziegler at a White House press briefing, 1/3/1970

    The group of people hurt the most by the Ms. Arkansas Scandal was the children. Their innocence was hurt. Especially little girls who loved KFC. Harland’s own great-granddaughter, my daughter Tiffany, ended up in the situation where one day she come home from school and asked me what “sexual pestering” meant. And I remember being shocked, and asking, “Where’d you hear that term, honey?” And she said she heard another girl in school tell her that her great-grandfather liked to “commit” that to women. I dug deeper and learned that this other girl learned it from her mother. The point I’m getting at is that you can’t stop your children from hearing about the more awful parts of reality some way or another. Because keeping them locked up in a remote tower somewhere is illegal. Rapunzel’s mother didn’t get away with it; you won’t either. Instead, the best way to protect your children from harm is to work to make it so there is no harm out there to begin with. And if that doesn’t work, well, hold a funeral for the death of their childhoods. Then start teaching them how to survive and thrive in reality. That had to happen with my daughter when she learned about Ms. Arkansas. And I hated it. I hated seeing my little girl learning about sexual pestering that young, and seeing the world force on her the truth of men being forceful with women.

    – Donna Adams, wife of Harland Morrison Adams (the son of the Colonel’s daughter Margaret), 2000 interview

    It was an awkward situation, the incident resurrecting the whispers about how Harland and I got together and all that. People thought it was hypocritical that Harland, an increasingly Christian man at the start of the ’70s, had broken apart a family – despite his children being fully grown when we married. Everyone ignored Josephine’s inability to contribute to their marriage!

    But thankfully, not all the judging eyes sought me out. Josephine had been married to Harland during the time of the alleged incident. And I was certain that she would spill whatever she had – maybe even lie – to spite Harland, to ruin him and his reputation. So, I remember, I quietly traveled down to Alabama to meet with her, to try to convince her to not say anything for the good of the country.

    “These people are acting like men have never done this sort of thing before,” I remember her saying “And everyone knows Harland has an assertive personality – he got elected President on it, for crying out loud! But you don’t have to worry about my yammer – Harland’s perfectly capable of digging his own grave.”

    It was not social call, of course, so I immediately cut to the chase. I asked her, “Is it true?”

    And she said “Why are you asking me? You should already know. If you don’t, then ask your husband already.”

    “I’m asking you,” I told her back.

    Oh, and she got all stoic and ambiguous on me, and said something along the lines of “There’s a truth in every lie and a lie in every truth.” She loved seeing me angry, and so I left so I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.

    – Claudia Price Sanders, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1979

    I remember what it was like, the fighting and the shouting. Mother refused to accept that she alone could not satisfy Father’s physical needs, which from the very beginning of their marriage had seemed excessive to her. Father was not perfect, same as everyone, but he was not a pervert. Neither promiscuous nor a whoremonger, Father nevertheless had a libido which required a healthy, willing partner. He found one in young Claudia. [1]


    But by 1970, things had changed… Father’s libido had waned considerably from where I stood in the midst of all things. I’m guessing touring the country doing what you love would distract anyone from performing improper practices. With Father, though, I really think Claudia’s love for him was enough for him, because after meeting her in the 1940s and marrying her in 1949, he never fooled around with anyone else.

    – Margaret Sanders’ The Colonel’s Secret: Eleven Herbs and a Spicy Daughter, StarGroup International, 1997

    My Attorney General, Lawrence Walsh, said “Don’t you worry none there, Mr. President. We’ll expose this woman for the liar she is. We can get the FBI to give her a polygraph test!”

    “Larry – ”

    “But the Reverend,” Whitney Young, my Chief Domestic Policy Advisor, interrupted. “I think the evidence against King came from the FBI. Who else could have recorded those things?!”

    “Larry – ”

    “Yes, sir,” Walsh resumed, “if Ms. Arkansas thinks she can get attention by spreading about this vexatious – ”



    “It’s true.”

    “Beg pardon, sir.”

    “It’s all true, everything she’s saying happened. I was a horny-toad of sorts when I was a younger man. Sometimes I would go further than I really should’ve. [2] Never meant to offend or to hurt, though. I was just looking for, well, you don’t need an abacus to figure it out, but I never meant to for it to be something for her to be bothered by, not for years, not even for a moment. It was just a bit of fun to me. I thought she didn’t mind it too bad.”

    “Then that’s the angle we go with!” Walsh proclaimed, “We’ll say she’s exaggerating.”

    At that thought I glanced over to the copy of the Good Book resting nearby. I picked it up and flipped through the pages, almost randomly, if I recall correctly, and ended up on Ephesians 4:25 – Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. It means it is always best to take the high road and be honest, especially when it comes to your fellow countrypersons.

    “I won’t lie to the American people, Larry,” I told Walsh, “I won’t drag her name through the mud.”

    “But why would she come forward now after almost 50 years?” pondered Young. “Why didn’t she come forward sooner, like back in 1964, when the Colonel was just a presidential candidate and not president?”

    “Word is she was ‘inspired’,” Walsh derisively emphasized the last word as if to say it was an exaggeration, “by Martin Luther King stepping down from running the S.C.L.C. for a while.”

    “So now people think they can take down the nation’s top dogs like the good Reverend,” observed Young. “Nah, I still think she was put up to it. She’s old, maybe someone’s manipulating her.”

    “It doesn’t matter,” I said, “What’s done is done and we’ve still got a government to run. Now is she pressing charges against me or something?”

    Walsh answered, “Not at the moment, sir, but – ”

    “Are we going to have to set up hearings or something?”

    “Maybe, but most likely not at all – ”

    “Then I think we should just continue our work.”

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    – The Los Angeles Times, 1/5/1970

    …Two Democratic Congresswomen, Martha Griffiths of Michigan and Julia Hansen of Washington state, have joined the list of politicians whom openly support Ms. Arkansas’ claims…

    – ABC News, 1/6/1970


    Everywhere he goes, he attracts crowds of housewives who are grateful for all the nights in the kitchen that K.F.C. has spared them. Even six years into his Presidency, The Colonel will stand by the hour with these women, signing autographs and posing for photographs. He knocks them dead with his flattery, but if you get close enough to him in a crowd you can hear him muttering a running commentary to himself: ‘Umm, that gal’s let herself go. . . . Look at the size of that one. . . . I don’t know when I’ve seen so many fat ones. . . . Lord, look at ’em waddle.’ [3]

    – The New York Post expose, 1/8/1970

    “The very women responsible for KFC becoming such a huge success are the target of the Colonel’s insults!”

    – activist Betty Friedan, author of the 1963 best-seller The Feminine Mystique and the first President (1966-1970) of the National Organization for Women (NOW), at a 1/9/1970 rally


    …the new organization promoting “feminism,” or “equality between the sexes,” urges women to “be more involved in the democratic process,” including canvasing for candidate “or even run[ning] for public office themselves,” according to activist Trudy Cooper of South Dakota…

    – The Star Tribune, 1/10/1970

    On January 11, another woman stepped forward to claim that President Sanders verbally attacked her with sexist and violent language in 1952, at a time when the Colonel was living out of his car as he attempted to sell his chicken to franchisees. She claimed Sanders “uttered a plethora of unprintable words” after inspecting her husband’s diner and finding it to not “match his tastes”…

    The Arkansas Effect: A Timeline Of Her Pursuit For Justice, Tumbleweed Magazine, 1970 article


    …While beginning his second term with over 60% approval ratings, the recent series of “sexual pestering” scandals and related events have cut away at that number, inhibiting legislation, diplomatic relations, and threatening Republican politicians as the midterm elections near...

    – Newsday, 1/12/1970

    ACCUSATIONS AGAINST SANDERS, OTHERS, STIRRING TENSIONS AMONG CONGRESSMEN, SENATORS; “Crisis” May Leave Legislation For The Colonel’s Second Term In “Limbo” Indefinitely

    – The New York Post, 1/12/1970

    …After two weeks, pressure was only mounting for me to finally address the non-GOP elephant in the room head-on. I remember Nixon told me with a tone of total seriousness, “Mr. President, we need you to lead, and we need you to do so now!”

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    [pic: ]
    – In an iconic photographic, The Colonel overlooks the White House lawn, 1/12/1970


    [pic: ]
    The Register-Herald, 1/14/1970

    “I did not mean to offend or harm... I admit that in my younger years I said and did many things that I came to regret, but also, I will and I must say the following to Ms. Arkansas: Ma’am, I meant no personal offense, truly I didn’t, and I am truly very sorry for it all. I now know better, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive the indecent behavior of my younger self.”

    – Snippet from President Harland “The Colonel” Sanders’s 1/14/1970 prepared statement


    [pic: ]
    – The Colonel making a prepared statement at a press briefing, 1/14/1970

    “I will not be pressing charges against Harland Sanders. I just wanted to let my President know that he should treat women better than I see his friend Dr. King seems to – um, allegedly. I also wanted him to acknowledge what kind of man he used to be, because if he truly is a Christ-loving man, then I knew he would have no qualm speaking the truth. And so I must commend him for opening up to the American people.”

    – Ms. Arkansas in a 1/15/1970 public statement


    …An annual tradition since the first pageant was held on February 12, 1963, the multinational corporation has in recent days kept a low profile in the midst of accusations made against its founder. Today, however, three days after the scandal’s apparent conclusion, KFC CEO Mildred Sanders announced that plans for the pageant will proceed unchanged…

    The Paducah Sun, 1/18/1970

    …the moderate-to-conservative Republican Representative Charlotte Reid of Illinois was nominated today for the position of Secretary of Labor. …The office, vacated by the death of Herbert Hoover Jr. last year, has been held by an Acting Secretary since then... The nomination of Congresswoman Reid is already causing controversy as it comes amid recent claims that the President performed acts of misconduct in a professional settings during the 1920s, long before he entered politics or began his career selling fried chicken… If the Senate approves, Representative Reid will become the second woman to serve as Labor Secretary since Frances Perkins served from 1933 to 1945…

    – Anchor Frank Blair, NBC News Today, 1/19/1970 broadcast

    Public knowledge of King’s affairs tarnished the work of the Reverend, and sullied the legacy of the Colonel. But more importantly on a social level, The Ms. Arkansas Scandal convinced other women to tell their stories. The “openly hidden” subculture of misogyny proved to not be endemic to the leaders of the SCLC and the Oval Office just weeks after Rev. King’s scandal broke...

    – Anne Meagher Northup’s Chicken and Politickin’: the Rise of Colonel Sanders and Rational Conservatism in the Republican Party, 2015


    – The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 1/21/1970


    The Salt Lake Tribune, Utah newspaper, 1/23/1970


    …Frank Horton (R-NY), “the least partisan man on Capitol Hill,” is caught in the midst of a colorful sex scandal…

    – The New York Post, 1/24/1970

    …Despite accusations also being heralded toward Justice William O. Douglas and former President Lyndon Johnson, none stuck. Jack Kennedy survived several claims of having slept with multiple women while Secretary of State (before growing closer to his wife after leaving said office, according to friends and relatives of the couple), possibly due to many of the accusations being underplayed by Kennedy’s friends in the media (including his brother Ted)...

    – Feminist writer Eleanor Clift’s The Way We Never Were, Simon & Shuster, 2002

    “We have decided to probe the accusations concerning the President’s activities in 1952.”

    – Senate Select Committee on Standards and Conduct Chairman John C. Stennis (D-MS), 1/28/1970

    The merger was expected to go through unhitched until the lawsuit was filed in 1970: Robertson vs. NBA, antitrust lawsuit, would intend to settle the matter of fee agency rules and allow for the merging of the ABA and NBA without the loss of the basketball teams such as the Kentucky Colonels and the St. Louis spirits. Even still, it seemed that the San Diego Sails and Baltimore Claws would be lost anyway due to their own internal financial problems...

    – John Helyar’s Lords of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball, Ballantine Books, 1994

    …with Prime Minister Powell sending these additional soldiers into Northern Ireland, he is only continuing and escalating the cycle of violence terrorizing the region...

    – Sir Dingle M. Foot, Member of Parliament for Ipswich since 1957, BBC Interview, 2/1/1970

    Former Rep. Lera THOMAS: “Maybe these waddling women are the Colonel’s fault after all. KFC did start out as a greasy spoon – in a gas station, no less. I wouldn’t be surprised if KFC turned out to not be the healthiest thing for one to eat every Sunday.”

    Host William BUCKLEY: “You’re really trying to stick the chef with how you eat?”

    THOMAS: “Well, no, I mean – ”

    Sen. Richard RUSSELL: “Have none of these women ever heard of walking? The cook gives you food, but you decide to eat it and how much of it you eat. Nobody forced these women to be fat. If they want to eat so much and still be pretty, they should do something about it – exercise and diet and stuff like that!”

    THOMAS: “When you’re a homemaker, you’re busy with laundry, housecleaning and keeping several kids from accidently killing themselves as they run around the house. You don’t have time to exercise.”

    RUSSELL: “But you’re chasing kids around the house – that IS exercise!”

    BUCKLEY: “Well regardless of who’s to blame the fact remains that the waddling comment is worsening the President’s approval ratings…”

    – Transcript, Firing Line, WOR-TV, Saturday 2/1/1970 broadcast

    NEW POLL: Support For Intervention In Cambodia Increasing, Shoutnik Protests Decreasing

    – Gallup, 2/1/1970

    …roughly 500 female members of the New York Radical Women organization, led by author Robin Morgan, arrived in Washington, DC today to picket outside the White House ...This is the one of the largest demonstrations ever held outside the Sanders White House…

    – NBC News, 2/2/1970

    …demanding that American citizens, quote, “exercise their rights to all the truths,” unquote, Senator Richard Nixon and Bud Wilkinson will lead a US Senate Committee investigation into FBI activities in regards to domestic surveillance policies… In related news, Helen Gandy, J. Edgar Hoover’s personal secretary, has agreed to testify in Washington D.C. later this month over allegedly misfiled or missing FBI documents…

    – CBS News, 2/4/1970


    – The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 2/6/1970


    – The Washington Post, 2/11/1970

    Capitol Hill breathed a sigh of relief after passing another Equal Pay law, believing it would placate “the radicalized wives” as former Congressman Bruce Alger (R-TX) called them. As such, The Colonel increased his campaign to pass the F.A.D., and even was willing to agree supporting congressional leaders and committee members on legislation of their own in exchange for them gathering up the needed votes. Colonel would personally meet with other Congressmen to convince them “your constituents will thank you in November.”

    Unfortunately, the political world was still feeling the effects of Ms. Arkansas, with another Congressman feeling the heat just a week after signing for the 1970 Equal Pay Act. Many politicians blamed their headaches on the Colonel, but even more pointed their fingers at Reverend King.

    On February 8, the Colonel struck a deal – in exchange for withdrawing the King-backed F.A.D. proposal, Congress would pass the Milton Friedman-backed Negative Income Tax Rebate introduced late last year.

    – Coya Knutson’s Coya’s Story: A Life in Legislation, Simon & Schuster Incorporated, 1991

    Bob final started working for Bill Alexander in 1970. An admirer of the man who supported “capturing dreams and putting them on canvas,” Ross was paid to promote Alexander’s classes in Alaska. The classes, where Bob amazed onlookers with his ability to turn a blank canvas into a beautiful nature seen in an impressively short lapse of time, sold out, and soon caught the attention of others talented artists in the lower 48.

    [pic: ]
    Above: Bob in the late 1960s/early 1970s

    – Kristin G. Congdon, Doug Blandy, and Danny Coeyman’s Happy Clouds, Happy Trees: The Bob Ross Phenomenon, University Press of Mississippi, 2014

    By the start of the ’70s, Cesar Chavez had become a big name among the Mexican-American community... At the start of the decade, I finally got to understand the phrase “out of sight, out of mind.” I was still with Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, you know, before the band split up, and we went to play this gig in El Paso – we flew in, and were driven directly to the hotel. We didn’t see the poor side of town until after the gig. When we went out late that night, I saw a completely different city. The place looked like s#!t, and the people even worse. I had split from the group to follow a local man to what he said was the best bar in the Mexican part of town. But I’ve been to better bars, places where everyone was not there to try and hide their misery. People where not everyone’s in a depressing situation – starving kids, poor health, high rent, low pay. It was almost overwhelming, and when one patron chided me having it good, he kinda made me feel guilty that I wasn’t going more to help out my fellow Mexican-Americans. So, yeah, that trip really had an effect on me, learning about how f@#ked-up things were for the local farmers and s#!t – it’s actually what got me started in the Mexican Rights movement!

    – Richard “Cheech” Marin, KNN interview, 2012

    …Ian Paisley, the Anti-Catholic firebrand dousing the flames of rebellion since the middle of the 1960s, was killed during a police raid late last night….Paisley objected to negotiations and compromise on the British side of the Northern Ireland debate, and opposed the government of Ireland intervening in the allegedly local concern as well. Analysts fear repercussions will feature, quote, vengeance attacks, unquote, which could spell additional trouble for negotiators. Others, though, point to how support for Paisley has waned considerably in recent years, and the end of his objections could actually ease negotiations...

    – BBC News, 2/15/1970

    “All I ever disposed of was files and documentation of a personal nature – the Director’s doctor appointment, private journal entries, correspondences with friends and relatives – and nothing concerning the FBI at all.”

    – Helen Gandy, in testimony on the US Senate floor, 2/22/1970

    …earlier today, a nonviolent protest of American activities in Cambodia turned violent in Cleveland, Ohio. Famous draft dodger, radical pacifist, and dovenik David T. Dellinger was initially leading the protest outside an Army recruitment center before local police and more incendiary activists converged on the scene, culminating in Dellinger, two student activists, and one police officer being sent to a local hospital for injuries. Several protests have been arrested on rioting charges…

    – CBS News, 2/22/1970

    CAMBODIAN BUILDUP DEVELOPMENT: UK, Italy, Australia to Send Advisors As Well

    – The New York Times, 2/23/1970

    Equal Rights Amendment Introduced in Congress – for the 49th time

    The New York Times, 2/25/1970


    Ted Kennedy and Joan Kennedy celebrate the birth of their fifth child, Virginia Joan Bennett Kennedy. Virginia joins a large family, complete with four older siblings: Kara Anne (b. 1960), Edward Moore “Ted” Jr. (b. 1961), Harold Wiggin (b. 1964), and Patrick Joseph II (b. 1967).

    The Sacramento Union, Celebrations section, 3/1/1970

    ZIEGLER QUITS OVER FATIGUE: Press Secretary Blames Press For Being “Run Ragged”

    – The Washington Post, 3/2/1970

    On March 4, 1970, the Colonel called for congress to review the Scranton Committee’s review of America’s health and weight issues…

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    New Research Study Results: President Sanders Is The “Most-Traveled” Of All US Presidents

    …The Colonel has travelled to all 50 states, and to 17 countries across four continents throughout his life. During his presidency so far, though, the Colonel has visited 12 countries on three continents and has traveled to 28 states...

    – The Washington Post, 3/9/1970

    “I understand that Colonel likes to travel a lot. But seeing as how he’s still the President, the man has to stop travelling and get back to work already!”

    – Governor Bob Casey, 3/10/1970

    SANDERS BACK IN D.C.: In Light Of Recent Criticisms, Sanders Meets With Senate Leaders For Multi-Topic Talks

    – The Washington Post, 3/11/1970


    …analysts on both sides of the aisle have deemed the selection “a misstep” and a “desperate attempt to placate accusations of sexism”...

    The New York Times, 3/12/1970

    14 March 1970: On this day in history, Diana Ross and The Supreme performed at the White House, playing their three biggest hits for President Colonel Sanders and First Lady Claudia Sanders.



    – The Washington Post, 3/15/1970


    [pic: ]

    – KFC Australia advertisement, The Australian Women's Weekly, 3/19/1970 issue; the ad was part of a campaign to maintain The Colonel's approval among female customers in light of the Ms. Arkansas Scandal

    ANCHOR: The “workplace pestering” scandals affecting American politics have found their way into Canada, as the nation to the north is reeling from a stunning expose on “maternity homes.” Here is our special report:


    NARRATOR: Their stories seem entirely out of place in the modern world: pregnant women shuttered away, violently restrained during childbirth, banned from looking at their babies – and, finally, coerced by social workers into signing adoption papers. This is the scene found in maternity homes across Canada, where unmarried and largely non-consenting Canadian women are sent to give birth in relative secrecy. Canada’s adoption policies has led to hundreds if not thousands of unwed mothers being forced to give up their babies for adoption, a policy that has been common practice in Canada since 1945. The revelation comes on the heel of the “Scoop of the Sixties,” which revealed that the Canadian government has a program that separates thousands of indigenous children from their families and put them up for adoption by non-indigenous parents.

    QUEBECOIS MAN INTERVIEWED: Quebec stands in solidarity with our Indigenous brethren whom share our resentment at the Canadian government’s oppressive policies…

    NARRATOR: Canada’s fresh new Prime Minister, Robert Stanfield, has vowed to end the policies, which fall under provincial and territorial jurisdiction but are funded through federal assistance grants.

    STANFIELD IN SPEECH: The situation must be reassessed; this sort of thing has no place in modern Canadian society.

    NARRATOR: The Canadian people, though, seem to be more divided on the subject than is the Stanfield government:

    YOUNG WOMAN INTERVIEWED: It’s atrocious to punish someone for a lapse in judgement.

    ELDERLY WOMAN INTERVIEWED: If you split your legs without a wedding ring, you need to be made an example of. I don’t see the problem here – it supports young ladies upholding a sense of moral decency, and being held responsible for their actions.

    NARRATOR: An estimated 95 percent of women who give birth at maternity homes are convinced into giving their children up for adoption, and statistical data record over 500,000 births in Canada since 1945 as being “illegitimate.”

    MIDDLE-AGED MAN: These homes make these hussies marriageable. So what’s the problem?

    MATURE WOMAN INTERVIEWED: I went to one of them in 1963. They abuse you in these places – they control your movements, make you use a fake first and last name, and you’re allowed no contact with the outside world at all. I felt like a nonentity. Shame and sadness were constant companions. After I gave birth to my child and they took him or her away from me, I was told I would eventually get married and forget my baby. How does a mother forget her baby?

    NARRATOR: The expose claims doctors would forcible strap women to beds, overmedicate them, and even refuse to tell the mother whether they had given birth to a boy or a girl before the child was taken away from them. And the Canadian government, seeing the fallout of the Ms. Arkansas scandal, is responding to the revelation with considerate swiftness:

    STANFIELD IN SPEECH: An apology or an excuse won’t do; I am hereby calling for several officials to be investigated, and my ministers are looking at the situation from all angles to determine the best way to rectify this situation.

    MATURE WOMAN INTERVIEWED: Stanfield can start by asking women what women want to do with their babies. Husband or no husband, the bond between mother and child is sacred, and any attempt to severe that bond is unforgivable.

    – CBS News Special Report “Canada In Crisis: The Maternity Homes Controversy,” 3/20/1970 [4]


    – The Boston Globe, 3/22/1970


    …the report found no evidence of any wrongdoing in the 1952 incident between Sanders and the wife of a would-be franchisee…

    The Paducah Sun, 3/23/1970


    …The ceremony marks the culmination of over a year of Treasury Secretary Milton Friedman’s plan to “keeping everyone above the poverty line”… The ceremony is bittersweet for Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., as it was the shadow of accusations still lingering over the man’s head that caused congress to reject the FAD proposal, a work of anti-poverty that King had worked on for roughly five years…

    – The Wall Street Journal, 3/24/1970

    The Marathon

    Directed by: David Lowell Rich
    Produced by: Ron Roth
    Written by: Robert L. Joseph (teleplay) and Guardon Trueblood (story)

    Starring: Sean Connery, Leslie Nielsen, Susan Strasberg, Barbara Anderson, David Tomlinson, Clarence Williams III, Burgess Meredith, George Maharis, Tina Louise, George Chakiris

    Music by: John Cacavas
    Cinematography: Joseph F. Biroc
    Edited by: Pembroke J. Herring

    Production company: ABC Circle Films
    Distributed by: American Broadcasting Company

    Release date: March 25, 1970 (TV broadcast premiere)
    Running time: 89 minutes

    Country: United States
    Language: English

    The Marathon (distributed in Greece as Marathon: The Stylianos Kyriakides Story) is a 1970 film about the 1946 Boston Marathon winner Stylianos “Stelios” Kyriakides (1910-1987), who ran to raise money to provide food and shelter to Greeks experiencing severe poverty at the time.


    Plot centers on the race and the events leading up to it, and on Kyriakides’ life before, during, and after WWII.

    Born prematurely to a poor farming family in a mountainous village in Paphos, Cyprus, Kyriakides (Connery) worked various odd jobs before becoming an assistant to Dr. Cheverton (Tomlinson), a British medical officer on the island. Noticing his athletic potential, Dr. Cheverton became a running coach for the young Kyriakides, leading to him running in the Pan-Cyprian Games of 1932. His success there led to him going national.

    A few years later, Kyriakides competed in the 1936 Summer Olympics, placing eleventh and briefly meeting Jesse Owens (Williams). Then, he is invited to run in the Boston Marathon in 1939; there, he meets Johnny Kelley (Nielsen), who has run in the marathon before but has never won it. On the race of the marathon, Kyriakides makes the mistake of wearing new shoes to it, and he injures his feet enough for him to withdraw from the race, albeit not before swearing, “Someday, I’m going to come back and win this race.”

    In a sharp cut to 1942, Kyriakides has joined the Greek Resistance during the German occupation of Greece. He is captured by Nazis but manages to escape execution by running into a wooded area. Returning from the front lines in 1944, he is shocked by the extent of food shortages and is concerned about the rising hostilities between pro-US and pro-Soviet war veterans. By the end of 1945, Greece has devolved into Civil War, and Kyriakides sells all his furniture to pay for traveling to Boston for the 1946 Boston Marathon.

    Ahead of the race, he interacts with the other runners; Kyriakides is noticeably emaciated from the lack of food in war-ravaged Greece, leading to doctors considering preventing him from running over concern he would die during the race. One of the runners is Johnny Kelley, who still has not won first place. During the race, Kelley is consistently ahead of Kyriakides, but the two of them are in first and second place, respectively, near the finish line. Kyriakides is exhausted, but when it looks like he will lose, he hears an elderly Greek man he met before shout out “For Greece, for your children!” and it inspires him enough to run past Kelley just in time to win, shouting “For Greece” as he crosses the finish line. He sets a new time record, and is only the third person to not be from either the US or Canada to come in first place.

    In subsequent media appearances, he consistently pleads for Americans to send help to Greece, describing the food shortage and poverty brought on by years of warfare and famine. Almost a month later, Kyriakides arrives in Athens to a cheering crowd of over a million Greeks; he returns to Greece with $250,000 in cash, on a large boat revealed to be carrying 25,000 tons of supplies (food, clothing, medicine and other essentials, all donated by caring Americans). A formal ceremony honoring him is held at the Temple of Zeus, marking the first time since the Nazi Occupation that the Acropolis has been illuminated. Kyriakides gives a stirring speech on patriotism and humanitarianism, declaring “I am proud to be Greek,” which moves the crowd.

    The closing title cards mention that a year later, the US government sent $400,000 dollars to Greece via The Marshall Plan. They also mentioned that Kyriakides passed away at the age of 77 – the same number that was on his shirt when he won the Boston Marathon.


    The film initially received lukewarm reviews and a modest box office success in the US. However, it was wildly popular in Greece upon in airing on Greek TV in 1971 along with being very popular among the Greco-American community; this led to ABC making roughly $35million between 1991 and 2001 after its release on home video (LD in 1991 and Micro-LD in 1997). Kyriakides himself, having sold the film rights to his life story to the studio in 1965, was partially involved in the film’s production; he did not have any final say over any aspects of film, but was allowed to participate in meetings, and provide details and offer suggestions and advice to the film’s writers. Kyriakides praised the film in a 1971 interview, saying “most of it is 90% accurate.”

    The film is now considered a cult classic. More recent analyses have led to American critics praising the film’s camerawork, editing, and its message of perseverance and dedication to universal brotherhood. Other critics, on the other hand, remain critical of its more “jingoistic” celebrations of both the US and Greece.

    A remake of the film was released in 2009, starring David Krumholtz as Kyriakides. It was notably more historically inaccurate (for example, Kyriakides never met Harry Truman nor ever spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate), received negative reviews overall from critics and lukewarm responses from audiences, and financially broke even.



    [pic: ]

    – Marathon runner Stylianos Kyriakides in real life (left) and actor Sean Connery, who portrayed Kyriakides in a 1970 biopic film (right)

    Leslie, Suze and Pat finally drove into L.A. on March 30, giving them roughly two weeks to prepare…

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982


    – The Baltimore Sun, 3/30/1970

    …Paul Martin Sr. has defeated opposition leader and former Prime Minister Paul Hellyer in tonight’s national Liberal Party leadership election…

    – CBC TV, 4/4/1970 news broadcast

    …The Apollo 14 mission of April 11-17 [1970] had some trouble on the return trip, but it was largely unnoticed because of how quickly it was resolved…

    – mathematician Dorothy Vaughn’s Human Computers: Me and The Other Women at NASA, Langley Publishers, 1997

    I realized at an early age that humanity’s future rested in its ability to harness space and the computer. I realized at a slightly older age how awesome drugs can be. After that, I thought of how cool it would be to smoke pot in space. This is the story of how I finally got to do that not too many years ago.


    I started working as a programmer for NASA’s Institute for Space Studies in New York City in 1968 [5], then managed to get a job running numbers at Mission control center in Houston, Texas a little over a year after that. Around the office I was known as “the wild guy,” the flashy extroverted showoff. I made sure of it. I got under people’s skin like how only a man destined for greatness or an epidermal infection can, but the bosses kept me around because nobody could do the math like I could. I was instrumental in keeping Apollo 14 from blowing up. But nobody noticed. In my opinion, it got overshadowed by that terrible shit that went down in Los Angeles that same week.

    – John McAfee’s autobiography Outer Space Deserves More Iguanas: My Life Being Me, numerous on-net publication sites, 2022

    The Forum, the multi-purpose arena in Inglewood, next Los Angeles, has a holding capacity of 17,500 people, and on April 13, 1970, the site was packed full of American fans screaming in adoration for the Beatles perform live before their very eyes. The night marked the end of their American tour. Shortly after the four made the final curtain call, once John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney had returned to their more private accommodations, a fight broke out among the band mates. John accused Paul of being uncooperative, and of trying to “hogging up all the attention on stage.” This spat led to Ringo accusing George of looking down on him. Epstein failed to mediate, and sat back down in his seat. The four-way verbal exchanges escalated to the point that none of the men noticed the presence of three alleged groupies until a loud thud-like sound came from of Epstein’s location.

    The Beatles all exclaimed when they saw Epstein face-down on the floor. Ringo rushed over, lifted Epstein’s shoulder, and exclaimed again, but with time with horror, upon seeing that their beloved manager’s neck had been sliced open, the wounded deep and almost-instantly fatal. Each of the three alleged groupies – Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel and Susan Atkins – promptly dew out a gun. All four of the Beatles put their hands up, save for Ringo, still squatting down on the floor next to Epstein.

    “We’re here to do the Devil’s work,” Krenwinkel declared.

    “This place has got to get better security. And we've got to get better bouncers,” Ringo quietly noted to himself.

    The women tied up John first in a manner similar to how they had disposed of the security guards. Krenwinkel explained to the lead singer, “we’re saving you for the end.” Then Atkins tried to kick Ringo into standing up and away from the manager’s corpse. When that didn’t work, Atkins ran over to him, picked up Paul’s guitar, and smashed it over Ringo’s head. The musical instruments knocked him out cold.

    Atkins then put away her gun and brandished a knife, the look of merciless bloodlust in her eyes.

    At that moment, with Krenwinkel and Atkins distracted, Paul glanced over to George, whom nodded back with a very slight flinch of his head. The two man suddenly rushed the assailants; Paul lunged onto Van Houten as George grabbed a nearby lamp. One good knock on the head deserves another, and Atkins soon found herself in an unconscious state. George quickly proceeded to tackle Krenwinkel, whom struggled to pull out her gun. George finally managed to punch her out cold with his good fist.

    For a moment, George breathed. And in that silence he realized Paul was still trying to subdue Van Houten. George stood and began to come closer when Van Houten’s gun finally went off.

    Paul and Van Houten stopped fighting, the former having smacked her head on the table edge. George paused before inspecting a sudden tinkling feeling under his left armpit. “Whew, just a scratch,” he observed.

    “No,” Paul stood up, “It wasn’t” and turned to George. The bullet fired had only hit George after passing through Paul.

    With a roll of his eyes, Paul fainted, leaving George to unite John. The two proceeded to call out for help. Soon enough an employee of The Forum arrived and with assistants carried Paul out into the hallway.

    And as that drama continued to unfold, the three would-be assassins recovered from their momentary involuntary naps, and fled. It is most likely that they escaped out down the back stairwell just moments before Forum Security arrived on the floor to secure the area.

    – Pat Sheffield’s Dreams, Reality, and Music: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole Entire World, Tumbleweed Publications, 2000

    On route to hospital, shock and severe blood loss led to McCartney slipping into a coma [71] …Papers such as The Daily Mail initially reported headlines such as “Paul is Dead!: Beatles Bandmate Slain In Attack!” [77] upon learning that McCartney had entered L.A.’s Good Samaritan Hospital “unconscious” [78] and “unresponsive” [79]… The Forum was severely criticized for its security...


    My head was overrun with emotions, going mad waiting in the waiting room. So I started scribbling down some ideas on some of the napkins near the coffee. It wrote very angrily. After leaving hospital, I showed Ringo and George what I’d jotted down. It was a way to do something, anything, to address what had happened. The three of us workshopped it and recorded early drafts of what became the basis for “War Against Death.” It’s one of our most aggressive songs, full of the raw instincts that I suppose one would typically feel after witnessing a close friend getting shot it a coma.

    – John Lennon, 2008 interview

    It was now the 25th. After twelve days in a coma, the doctors were losing faith. But not Paul’s bandmates. If anything, John, George and Ringo were increasingly determined to rectify the situation. With nothing left to lose, George started performing a piece of Paul’s favorite song, “God Only Knows” by the Beach Boys, at his bedside. “I was hoping he would hear it,” George later explained in a 1971 interview. John soon came over with Ringo, and put on a private show for the man in the coma. Suddenly, as the song reached its peak, Paul’s eyes twitched, followed by detectable movement in the rest of his face. By the time the three mates had reached the song’s end, Paul McCartney had regained consciousness.

    “What happened?” was the first thing the patient said.

    “You fell asleep on us,” John joked.

    “So you lot went and joined the Beach Boys, or are we into plagiarism now?” Paul responded quietly and hoarsely, and soon received some water.

    “How long was I out?”

    “John here wrote a song,” George answered.

    “Two months?”

    “Two weeks, mate,” Ringo explained.

    “Did I miss anything?”

    “Um…Earth Day.” Again, George answered.

    “What’s that?”

    John replied, “Some new holiday, I’m not sure who invented it – either shoutniks, or companies wanting to make money from shoutniks. Good cause either way, I suppose.”

    “Do I really need to hear politics so soon out of a coma?” Paul replied.

    “I got shot, too,” George showed Paul his scratch.

    “Shot?!” Suddenly remembering how he had ended up in a coma in the first place, he threw a punch into his leg. “Oh, good, that hurt.”

    “I could’ve done that for you, Paul,” stated John.

    “That’s alright.”

    “Well it’d have been no problem, is all, for me.”

    The kidded around, but after George and Ringo left, their talk became more sincere.

    “It’s my fault you’re here, Paul. If I hadn’t started the fight –”

    “No, you were right, John. We are a team. It’s time we went back to being equals.”

    John quickly went out the room and soon returned with a pen and a napkin. He crudely drew a hatchet, and said to Paul, “when you get out of here, we’ll bury this somewhere.”

    – Pat Sheffield’s Dreams, Reality, and Music: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole Entire World, Tumbleweed Publications, 2000

    On April 27, McCartney made his first public appearance since the attempt on his life, allowing vetted journalists to enter his hospital room to take photographs and film footage to ensure their fans that he was in fact recovering [83]. The appearance debunked rumors that he had died [84], but rumors swearing that “Paul is Dead” still persisted [85], and even can be found on-net today [86].


    POLICE CHIEF (IN FILM CLIP): …We are aware of how many people want these heinous assailants to be found, but we must stress that attempts at vigilante justice and flooding our phone lines with false reports will only inhibit our ability to do our job. As a result, we will not be increasing the reward money for information on the assailants. Furthermore, anyone calling in with false information will be tracked down and, if proven to be the prank caller, will be arrested for inhibiting an international investigation.

    ANCHOR: Police hope this will cease the barrage of fake callers...

    – BBC Special Report, 4/30/1970

    Kentucky State Court Rejects Lawsuit Concerning 1952 Anti-Colonel Allegations

    – Chicago Tribune, 5/3/1970

    IOC Session No. 69
    Date: May 12, 1970
    Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Subject 1 of 2: bidding for hosting the 7/17/1976-8/1/1976 (or XXI) Summer Olympics
    Los Angeles, U.S.A. – 24 (Round 1) – 29 (Round 2) – 39 (Round 3)
    Moscow, U.S.S.R. – 21 (Round 1) – 25 (Round 2) – 32 (Round 3)
    Montreal, Canada – 16 (Round 1) – 17 (Round 2)
    Toronto, Canada – 10 (Round 1)
    End Result: Los Angeles won on the third round

    Subject 2 of 2: bidding for hosting 2/4-15/1976 (or XII) Winter Olympics
    Ryazan, U.S.S.R. – 17 (Round1) – 19 (Round 2) – 25 (Round 3) – 37 (Round 4)
    Denver, U.S.A. – 18 (Round 1) – 20 (Round 2) – 24 (Round 3) – 34 (Round 4)
    Innsbruck, Austria – 16 (Round 1) – 18 (Round 2) – 22 (Round 3)
    Sion, Switzerland – 15 (Round 1) – 16 (Round 2)
    Tampere, Finland – 3 (Round 1)
    Vancouver-Garibaldi, Canada – 2 (Round 1)
    End Result: Ryazan won on the fourth round

    L.A. TO HOST OLYMPICS IN ’76: Will Be The First Olympics Held In The US Since 1932

    …credit must go to California’s Governor, Pat Brown, who pursued an active campaign to bring the games to his state…

    – The New York Times, 5/12/1970


    …In his first bid for public office, Ted Sorensen won the Democratic nomination by a 7% margin. Sorensen, a 42-year-old practicing lawyer in his birth town of Lincoln, worked on the 1960 and 1968 Presidential campaigns of Jack Kennedy, and served as that politician’s chief aide, advisor, and speechwriter from 1953 to 1968. Sorensen, who is also the older brother of former Lieutenant Governor Philip C. Sorensen, will face off against the vulnerable and gaffe-prone incumbent Senator Roman Hruska in November…

    – Nebraska City News-Press, 5/12/1970

    “Cambodia will not become another Cuba”

    – Colonel Sanders, 5/13/1970


    [pic: ]
    – President Colonel Sanders and First Lady Claudia Sanders visit an elementary school to inspect the progress made one year after the increasing of federal school funding, while a Secret Serviceman (far left) patrols the area; 5/17/1970

    ANCHOR: …Tonight’s top story is the growing debate in Washington D.C. over a proposed Constitutional Amendment, the Equal Rights Amendment, that would, in theory, ensure women and men be treated as equals. President Sanders, who has recently announced his support for the E.R.A. movement, is now butting heads with conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly. Schlafly, the author of the 1965 best-selling novel A Choice, Not An Echo, is a candidate for Illinois’ 23rd Congressional district this year, and has openly accused the President of being a “L.I.D.,” or “Liberal In Disguise.”

    SCHLAFLY (IN AUDIO CLIP): The Colonel does not stand for American tradition or values. The ERA would take away gender-specific privileges like the kind that help widows and mothers, and would eliminate separate restrooms for men and women. I am running as a real Republican to protect American women.

    ANCHOR: …Yesterday, President Sanders finally told one of our correspondents his thoughts on the matter.

    SANDERS (IN FILM CLIP): If a woman’s place was in the home, they’d be born wearing aprons. Women are not born wearing aprons because they can be anything the set out to be, and the ERA would ensue them their God-given right to try and do just that.

    ANCHOR: …More of his fellow Republicans, however, remain critical of Sanders’ honesty, such as Michigan gubernatorial candidate William Millikan, who was reported to have said earlier today, quote, “I think he’s supporting the E.R.A. to make up for the sexism accusations,” end quote. Although the E.R.A. has been introduced in every congressional session since 1921, this time it seems to have a real chance of passing through committee and proceeding on to the floor of the House...

    – NBC News, 5/20/1970 broadcast


    For most of American history, women silently endured mistreatment in the workplace, with little protection or recourse. During the 18th and 19th centuries, sexual coercion was a fact of life for female slaves in the South, as well as a common experience among free domestic workers in the North. In the early 20th century, women employed in new manufacturing and clerical positions confronted physical and verbal assaults from male supervisors. Union leadership was successful in enacting protective legislation that shielded women from performing physically demanding labor, but not from the propositions of lecherous bosses. By the 1920s, working women were advised to simply quit their jobs if they could not handle the inevitable sexual advances. For decades, there were few significant changes in the ways women were treated at work. Those who complained discovered that sexually predatory behavior on the job was dismissed as trivial and harmless. Women rarely talked openly about the issue, although the situation only became more pressing as their participation in the workforce increased throughout the 1960s. The turning point finally came at the dawn of the 1970s, as the women’s liberation movement began to challenge a justice system – as well as a culture at large – that failed to recognize women’s consent, spurred on by a series of politicians fell from grace in the wake of a wave of scandals regarding women in the workplace. The campaign against sexual pestering was the natural extension of the grassroots anti-rape and anti-battering movements, which grew out of consciousness-raising sessions in which women shared personal stories and realized they were not alone in their experiences. Secretaries, mailroom clerks, filmmakers, factory workers and waitresses shared their stories. Women spoke of masturbatory displays, threats and pressure to trade sexual favors for promotions.
    The phrase ‘sexual pestering’ was coined in January 1970… …A May 1970 survey by “Redbook” showed that almost 75% of respondents had encountered sexual pestering on the job.
    “Antifeminist crusader” Phyllis Schlafly believed these women were “asking for it.” At a May 1970 Senate committee called to review federal guidelines on workplace impropriety, Schlafly testified that “virtuous women are seldom accosted.”
    Catharine MacKinnon helped develop key legal theory by naming and distinguishing two types of sexual pestering – those which produce a “hostile working environment” for women, and the “quid pro quo” type wherein career opportunities are offered in exchange for sex.

    Time Magazine article, 1987 issue [6]

    Sunday, 31 May 1970: On this day in history, the Great Peruvian earthquake struck off the coast of the South American nation of Peru. Measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale, the tremor triggered a landslide on the north peak of Huascaran Mountain, resulting in a “Debris avalanche” burying the towns of Yungay, Ranrahirca, and ten nearby villages. The mountain range had been considered unstable since 1962, yet provincial governments downplayed the danger to minimize the number of people moving away to safer areas. As a result, between 66,000 and 69,000 people were killed in the most catastrophic natural disaster in the history of Peru.


    …In tonight’s primary elections for the governorship, Jesse “Big Daddy” Unruh won the Democratic nomination with 70% of the vote, with activist Florence Douglas coming in second place, and former Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty coming in third. In the Republican column, US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ronald Reagan won the nomination over retiring state Superintendent of Public Instruction Max Rafferty by narrow margin, with our former Mayor, the moderate George Christopher, coming in third place, and moderate businessman William Penn Patrick and moderate activist Warren N. Dorn coming in fourth and fifth place, respectively…

    – KFRC-FM, San Francisco-based radio station, 6/2/1970 broadcast


    …the progressive 30-year-old anti-war political activist Thomas “Tom” Hayden has been declared the winner of last night’s race for the Democratic nomination for California’s Class 1 US Senate seat. Hayden’s victory of a plurality of the vote comes after a recount that resulted in his closest challenger, US Rep. John V. Tunney, losing by a margin of just 0.91%. The other candidates that were in the race for the nomination were Eileen Anderson, Arthur S. Bell Jr., Leonard Kurland, and Louis Di Salvo…

    …In the fall, Hayden with face off against incumbent US Senator and former US Vice President Richard Nixon (R). The uncertainty of how well he will fare against the incumbent matches the uncertainty concerning the performances of two other candidates that will be on Californians’ November ballots. Both are the nominees of two minor parties – Charles C. Ripley of the far-right Heritage and Independence Party, and Robert Scheer of the far-left Natural Mind party…

    The Sacramento Union, California newspaper, 6/3/1970

    …The woman’s rights movement is catching some wind in its sails lately, and in France, the wind is reaching Hurricane levels amid city officials in Paris and Nice being called out for committing what is being called workplace pestering, the creating of a work environment that is uncomfortable to workers, particularly female workers, due to senior or superior coworker or employees performing unwanted and unsolicited acts. advances or actions of a sexual nature. President Mitterrand has yet to comment on these latest complaints, but is expect to do so very shortly…

    – BBC World News, 6/6/1970 broadcast

    …the anti-surveillance Nixon-Wilkinson Committee described their findings as surprising, but much of the committee’s official report will remain classified over nationwide security concerns...

    – CBS News, 6/7/1970

    “‘Failure’ is just a word for ‘a longer pathway to your destiny’. Never give just because the road to greatness is tougher than you thought it’d be – that’ll just make it more impressive when you make it. And it’ll make your life story all the more interesting, too.”

    – Colonel Sanders, commencement speaker for Texas A&M University’s graduating class of 1970, 6/12/1970


    [pic: ]
    – Colonel Sanders listening to a guide while visiting the ruins of the Ancient Agora of Athens during a diplomatic trip to Greece, 6/19/1970


    Donald Trump and Betty Lou Ray became man and wife at Marble Collegiate Church on the 20th… Trump, Queens native, is an outfielder for the New York Yankees… Ray, originally from Marshall, North Carolina, worked as a stewardess before moving to N.Y.C. in 1968 to become a weather girl for local station…

    The Queens Ledger, weekly NYC newspaper, Celebrations section, 6/22-28/1970 issue

    “We women are going to take our voices to the polls in November, and we are going to usher in a new era of change and progress in Washington DC and in all fifty states of the United States of America!”

    – Congressional candidate Trudy Cooper, 6/27/1970

    “Honest! I did not expect an entire movement of sorts to rise from it.”

    – Ms. Arkansas, 1979 KNN interview

    ...In late June, the combined efforts of the CIA, MI6, and INTERPOL confirmed that the assailants of the Beatles were followers of Manson. On June 30, the CIA conducted a raid on the family’s desert compound, during which they apprehended the only two members present, Leslie Van Houten and Patricia Krenwinkel, both of whom were burning materials and coating the compound with gasoline when the raid commenced. Both attempted to stab the arresting officers with kitchen knives before being subdued.

    Both women confessed to their roles in the attempt on the lives of the Beatles, but were adamant in protecting their leader. They claimed that the third woman seen fleeing the hotel, Susan Atkins, had died from the injuries she received when George Harrison had smashed a lamp on her head, sending sharp flakes and pieces into her scalp and face. The subsequent discovery and examination of Atkins’s body, however, proved she had ingested cyanide shortly after the failed attempt on the Beatles’ lives.

    Through controversial interrogation methods, the CIA also discovered through them that Manson and the rest of his followers had fled the country, and that Van Houten and Krenwinkel had volunteered to stay behind to “handle the pigs at home” and destroy any possible evidence of Manson’s destination.

    However, at the compound, agents uncovered one clue that pointed law enforcement in the right direction – a half-burned photograph of Christ the Redeemer...


    [1] Italicized lines pulled directly from her OTL book and can also be found here:
    [2] Act Three, “How To Do The Funky Chicken,” by Mark Schone, starting at the 35:40 mark. The woman in question apparently would say “Harland get your hands off me, I get all I need at home.” On the lighter side of things, though, the audio snippet also has interesting story on the Colonel’s non-racist acquaintanceship with a Black employee, starting at the 40:20 mark.
    [3] Italicized part of the accusation is from OTL!:
    [4] ALL italicized parts (so, most of this “entry”) is from here:
    [5] OTL!, and ITTL, LBJ’s 1961-1965 budget increases for NASA leads to them needing more employees in Houston ahead of upcoming Apollo missions.
    [6] ALL italicized parts (so, most of this “entry”) is from this Time Magazine article: “A Brief History of Sexual Harassment in America Before Anita Hill”:
    Last edited:
    Chapter 33: July 1970 – December 1970
  • Chapter 33: July 1970 – December 1970

    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

    – R. Jackson Brown Jr.

    “I’m not too sure about this new defense spending bill,” the Colonel told House Speaker Halleck. Introduced earlier in the year, the bill was making its way out of committee, and Senator Goldwater, Nixon, and Cotton were openly backing the legislation, as well as Secretaries Bonesteel and Curtis. The President noticed, “We were able to defeat the Viet Cong with less money, and we’re already taking what we learned dealin’ with them and the Pathet Lao and applying it to the Pol Pot lunatics. It just seems too excessive.” For the time being, the Colonel remained on the fence.

    Meanwhile, after years of research (supported by Vice President Scranton), the Senate Committee reviewing the nation’s health and eating habits finally handed the Colonel their report on American health habits. The report suggested that Americans would greatly benefit from better eating habits (eating less fatty foods, watching consumption levels of carbohydrates, etc.) and more exercise (dancing, jogging, hiking, gym, sports competitions) in their daily routines. The Colonel was certain to publish the report’s findings and send an abridged copy of it to every cabinet member, Senator, and Representative.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    Yeah, we also took a hit during the Arkansas Scandal. Eldridge X, who’d been in prison from ’58 to ’66, had become the second-in-command in Malcolm X-Men, but he got taken down by the Rape Wave when several white women accused him of raping them in the ’50s. At start I didn’t buy, but as more witnesses came forward and the pressure got it Eldridge, he fessed up to it. But instead of facing the merciless wrath of the pigs-in-blue, you know, he fled Mexico to avoid arrest. That was dumb; that killed all chances of denying it all, and it seriously hurt our organization because we were trying to expand from being supporters of Malcolm X to being supporters of our respective communities. Kind of like what The Colonel President was always talking about at the time – helping people be independent at the local level to help the state and in turn the country.

    – Huey Newton, 2001 interview

    I was confronted with the reaffirmation of my family’s health history when my father died from a heart attack in the summer of 1970. The immediate impact was the same as when my Mother had struggled with polio. So many locals helped us through difficult times. The church gave us food, and neighbors dropped in to help out Mom around the house. It demonstrated how important community support is, the church in particular. That’s an extended family, and to this day, those people, whether it’s some of our cousins that were there then or people in the church, you feel like that’s family. That’s always had an impact on me and has given me appreciation for the need we all need – you need that type of support that’s more than just the immediate family. [1]

    – Jim Edgar’s 11/3/2009 speech on the costs of highways and healthcare

    William Henry “Bill” Cosby Jr.
    (July 12, 1937 – January 14, 2001) was an American actor, musician, and military physical therapist. Cosby was once a “rising star” in the world of American stand-up comedy, rising to the height of starring in his own TV series, the Bill Cosby Show, until a series of sexual
    pestering charges ended his career in the entertainment industry.


    Cosby began his career as a stand-up comic in San Francisco in 1961. He then landed a starring role in the NBC television show “I Spy” in 1965, which was followed by his own NBC sitcom, “The Bill Cosby Show,” which began airing in 1969. [2] After the end of Season 1 in April 1970 but before the start of Season 2, set to air in September, Cosby was accused of sexual pestering.


    On July 12, 1970, Kristina Ruehli, at the time reporting the incident as a “Jane Doe,” encouraged by the “Ms. Arkansas” scandal and its watershed effects felt in the months afterward, came forward with her claim of being sexual pestered by Cosby. Later in the year, Ruehli testified that Cosby had drugged and possibly attempted to assault her after being invited to Cosby’s Beverly Hills home in December 1965, when she was the 22-year-old secretary at a Beverly Hills talent agency:

    “Mr. Cosby poured me some bourbon. I can really hold my liquor. I’m Irish. And I had a couple of those – just two – and then I just don’t remember much. I have vague memories of someone walking next to me at the pool. Off the pool in one direction was a bedroom. Whether it was his bedroom or guest bedroom, I really don’t know, but I think it was not the master bedroom, because there really wasn’t much to it. And somehow, I wound up in that bed. Two bourbon-and-7s don’t knock me out cold, believe me. I can drink most men under the table. It was a standard eight-ounce glass, and they were not overly strong, or I would have noticed it. He must have drugged me. There is just one point at which I was having a drink and feeling normal and the next I was somehow passed out completely. He must have slipped something into my drink. When I woke up, it was all foggy, and I woke up in the bed. I found myself on the bed, and he had his shirt off. He had unzipped his pants. He was attempting to force me into oral sex. He had his hand on my head. I remember looking at his stomach hair. I immediately came to and was immediately very sick. I pushed myself away and ran to the bathroom and threw up. I never get sick like that from alcohol. Once I threw up and left the bathroom he wasn’t there. I don’t know where he went, but I left right away. … I don’t need money and I don’t want attention. I just want the truth to be known: Mr. Cosby is not the good guy that he’s protrayed to be.”

    Ruehli additionally stated that she did not bring up the incident until early five years later because “I was embarrassed that I had put myself in that postion, because the woman always blames herself, right?” [3]

    Ruehli’s detailed description of the interior of Cosby’s home gave credibility to her story, and in September 1970, another woman came forward with a similar story. Cosby denied both claim, and accused the first accuser of being a racist despite her race, and identity, not being disclosed until 1972.

    Amid the accusations, The Bill Cosby Show lost its key sponsor, Proctor & Gamble, which wished to uphold a “clean” image in the wake of the Ms. Arkansas scandals, on September 29. After the October 4, 1970 airing of the show’s Season 2 Episode 4 “There Must Be a Party,” NBC cancelled The Bill Cosby Show. The remaining episodes were not released until 1992.

    Post-Ms. Arkansas Years

    After several more years of struggling to restore his reputation in Hollywood, especially after being accused of attempted rape in 1975, Cosby re-enlisted in the US Navy, and returned to working in physical therapy with injured Navy and Marine Corp personnel and veterans in his home state of Pennsylvania. This led to him working briefly in the United Services Organizations Inc., or U.S.O., where he attempted to resurrect his entertainment career, until a fourth sexual pestering accusation led to him being discharged from the military in 1991. At 54, Cosby and his still-faithful wife found themselves relying on the assistance of their adult children to get by financially. In 1992, Cosby sued NBC over the release of the remaining episodes of The Bill Cosby Show concerning royalties, but lost the lawsuit. By the middle of the 1990s, Cosby’s health was reported to be poor. He died in early 2001 from diabetes, age 63.



    – The Washington Post, 7/17/1970

    REPORT: The U.S. Fed. Gov.t Is Sending More Aid To Indochina Than Originally Thought

    – The Wall Street Journal, 7/23/1970

    “I think the Colonel being willing to send food to our former enemies in Vietnam is a clear example of just how soft on Communism our President really is.”

    – US Senator Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson (D-WA) to reporters, 7/23/1970

    “The Colonel is far too liberal for the party of Lincoln.”

    – Max Rafferty, San Diego Union-Tribune Op-ed, 7/25/1970

    After serving two years in the US Air Force, I finally took Tricia’s advice and tried out for the Houston Astros. …My Dad and Dad-in-law may know a thing or two about politics, but playing in the major leagues was where I outshined them.

    – George W. Bush, 2011 interview


    …moderate Lt. Gov. William G. Milliken defeated retiring conservative U.S. Rep. Gerald Ford by a 10% margin, with James C. Turner coming in at a distant third…

    – The Detroit Free Press, 8/4/1970


    – The Washington Post, 8/5/1970

    …A Hollywood giant has come under scrutiny as the wave caused by the Ms. Arkansas scandal continues to spread further into the world of entertainment. Earlier today, several women came forward in a class-action lawsuit with claims that Harry Cohn, the late co-founder and President of Columbia Pictures, committed acts of sexual pestering during his time as their employer. Cohn, who lived from 1891 to 1958, had a legendary autocratic and intimidating leadership style. The women launching the lawsuit claim Cohn often pressed to exchange sexual favors for film roles…

    – NBC News, 8/9/1970 broadcast

    “Harry Cohn tried to have his way with me after I had signed on to a three-picture contract with Columbia, but I stopped him at the start. I told him to keep it in his pants because I was set to have lunch with his wife and children the very next day.” [4]

    – Joan Crawford, “exclusive” The Hollywood Reporter interview, 8/11/1970


    …After months of negotiation between Greek, Cypriot and British leaders, the island nation of Cyprus will merge with Greece. The move will be made official at a document-signing ceremony held later this year. …There remains, however, much controversy concerning the population of Turks/Muslims on the island. While the Greek government claims they will offer to pay for relocating the Turks whom voluntarily want to move to Turkey, Prime Minister Lambrakis has sworn “We have learned from the brutal mistakes of the past. We will not have another 1922 fiasco on our hands,” referring to forced population exchange programs of the early 1920s…

    – The Daily Telegraph, 8/12/1970


    …Rita Hayworth was a screen idol in the 1940s, a femme fatale actress best known for her roles in 1944’s Cover Girl and 1946’s Gilda. She joins Joan Crawford, 66, who won an Oscar in 1945 for her role in the MGM film Mildred Pierce and retired from acting earlier this year, in claiming to have experienced “sexual pestering” while under contract Columbia. Hayworth claims that Cohn was “outraged” when she refused to sleep with him and was only kept under contract due to her box office successes…

    – The Los Angeles Times, 8/12/1970

    Hollywood Has Always Been A “Dirty” Place

    – George Murphy, The Sacramento Union, op-ed, 8/14/1970

    On August 18, 1970, one-and-a-half years after the death of Clarence Sanders, Chaplain of the US Senate Frederick Brown Harris passed away at the age of 87. After 25 nonconsecutive years of loyal service, Sanders wanted him to a well-respected successor. As such, the Colonel offered the position to Billy Graham. Upon Graham’s declination, the office ultimately went to the then-63-year-old Rev. Edward Lee Roy Elson, a Presbyterian minister born in Ohio and educated in Kentucky’s Asbury College and the University of Southern California.

    – Mark Pendergrast’s “For God, Country, and Kentucky Fried Chicken,” Perfect Formula Publishing, 2000

    MARILYN MONROE SHARES HER STORIES: Confirms Hollywood Has A “Perverted Underbelly”

    The Sacramento Union, 8/19/1970 extra (“exclusive interview special”)

    “THE TIME FOR CHANGE IS NOW”: Griffiths Makes Her Case

    …Martha Griffiths is visiting every county in the state to win over voters in her bid to become the first woman to serve as Governor of Michigan. Griffiths, who hails from western Ann Arbor, certainly has the political experience, as she has represented Michigan’s 17th U.S. Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1955, winning election in 1954 and winning re-election in 1956, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, and 1968. Additionally, she served as a delegate for Michigan at the 1956 and 1968 Democratic National Conventions. Before serving in the U.S. Congress, she was the first woman to serve as judge of the “Recorder’s Court” in Detroit, doing so from 1953 to 1954. …Griffiths is a moderate known for her “implacable determination,” for her encyclopedic understanding of procedural niceties and details, and for having a “tongue like a blacksmith's rasp” whenever an opponent tries and fails to attack her. …Only Zolton Ferency, the former chair of the Michigan Democratic Party and unsuccessful candidate for governor in 1966, plus two very minor candidates, challenged her in the Democratic primary held on August 4; Griffiths won that contest with almost 60% of the vote…

    – The Grand Rapids Press, Michigan newspaper, 8/21/1970

    IT’S HAMMOND BY A HAIR: Will Run For Governor On Oil-Based F.A.D. Proposal

    Juneau, AK – With Governor Stepovich retiring, tonight’s open primary saw State Senator Jay Hammond win over Lieutenant Governor Keith Miller, businessman Wally Hickel, and former U.S. Congressman Howard Pollock for the GOP gubernatorial nomination. Concurrently, Gene Guess won over lesser-known candidates Larry Carr and James R. Russell for the Democratic nomination.

    The main debate leading up to the primary was how the Last Frontier should handle the $900 million dollars in state revenue created by the state’s North Slope oil leases, after the massive oil field in Prudhoe Bay was discovered in early 1968. The windfall is seven times the state’s 1968 budget, and expected to increase in size next year. Lieutenant Governor Keith Miller was the first Republican candidate to publicly propose the millions to go into a state dividend. State Senator Hammond concurred, but expanded on it into the primary aspect of his campaign; a believer of fiscal responsibility, Hammond claims a state version of the national FAD would allow Alaskans to “make their own decisions.” Moderate businessman Wally Hickel, however, opposed the dividend, believing the government should hold onto it and use it for statewide development projects: “an individual alone can’t pay for Alaska’s badly-needed infrastructure projects such as paved roads, and built bridges and hospitals.” Pollock offered a compromise solution: 50% of the oil results going to the state’s Treasury department, and the rest into the hands of Alaskans.

    Ultimately, however, Hammond ran an active and efficient campaign, and defeated Miller by a margin of 0.5%...

    Anchorage Daily News, 8/25/1970


    – The Washington Post, 8/27/1970


    Washington, D.C. – Margaret Heckler, a two-term Republican Congresswoman from Massachusetts’s 10th district and one of a handful of females currently serving in the U.S. Representatives, welcomes in those she calls her “potential co-workers.” Over twenty women are carefully arranged among the seats for the photo-op… Several female candidates are on the ballot this November… …Among these candidates one can find passionate activists, such as Democrat Bella Abzug, who is running for New York’s 19th District. However, many more of these candidates have impressive prior experience. Democrat Katherine Peden, who is running for Kentucky’s 3rd District, worked for the Johnson White House before serving as Kentucky’s Commissioner of Commerce from 1963 to 1967. Democrat Ella T. Grasso, who is running for Connecticut’s 6th District, has serves as her state’s Secretary of State since 1959. …Boston School Committee Chair Louise Day Hicks and state assemblywoman Millicent Fenwick seek to bring their experience and ideas to Washington at a time when the role of women in the workplace is a subject seemingly more sensitive than ever before…

    – Tumbleweed Magazine, 8/30/1970 special issue

    The September 4, 1970 Chilean Presidential election pitted 74-year-old independent candidate Jorge Alessandri, a controversial former President, against Salvador Allende of the Socialist Party, and Christian Democratic Party nominee, former Chile Senator and Chilean Ambassador to the US Radomiro Tomic, a progressive politician of Croatian descent.

    Both the KGB and CIA poured money into Chile, making the election a bloodless proxy conflict of the Cold War. The CIA painted Allende as a man who would lead the country into an era of violence of repression. Additionally, under the Colonel’s order, the CIA directly supported Tomic’s candidacy due to his lack of controversy and his open praise of the US in recent years.

    Out of 3.5 million votes cast, Tomic won by a plurality (and thus was confirmed by a Chile Congressional vote) of roughly 22,000 votes, with Allende coming in second place. Another failure for the Soviets.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    Los Angeles (CA) – President Sanders’ birthday is not until Wednesday the 9th, but today he receives the greetings and offering of merry celebrations of reaching the milestone of his 80th birthday. The President is celebrating his birthday two days early to coincide with a political fundraiser attended by nearly 12,000 persons…

    The Los Angeles Times, 9/7/1970


    [pic: ]
    "Sorry I couldn't find the plates and utensils, Mr. President."
    "Aw, that's alright. We'll just use the napkins as flexible plates!"
    "Anyone have something I can clean my hand with?"
    "Use the tablecloth - we'll just use it as an oversized napkin!"

    – President Sanders celebrates his 80th birthday with unidentified interns in a private party held at the White House, 9/9/1970

    11 September 1970: On this day in history, Ford introduces the Pinto, a subcompact car; its three body styles will be manufactured and marketed in North America from 1971 to 1979; over 3million were produced over its nearly-8-year production run, outproducing the combined totals of its two biggest domestic rivals, the Vega (Chevrolet) and the Gremlin (AMC).


    MI6 finally tracked down Manson and his cohorts to a section of land 150 km (150 miles) outside of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Religious leader Jim Jones had established a Peoples’ Temple community there at his ranch, The Oasis, in 1967 and had since then converted roughly 500 locals to live on the ranch and engage in their groups’ practices and customs. Shortly before the attempted assassination of the Beatles, Jones traveled to Brazil. Upon learning of this by visiting a Peoples’ Temple in California, Manson and company followed via plane.

    At the Oasis, Jones oversaw a “rainbow family” where devotion to Jones was more important than skin color. When Manson arrived, he was reportedly “shocked” by the Oasis, racial diversity, but upon seeing how loyal they were to Jones, quickly justified “Jim’s crayon box” to his curious followers by telling them “these are the good ones. The ones who have seen the light and will join us in our fight against those who oppose the rebirth of the world.”

    Manson soon convinced Jones that he and his motley crew had arrived because “the end-times [were] upon [them].” This worried Jones; on September 3, privately called his wife (still in the states due to being eight months pregnant with their latest child) to warn her to hide in their California home’s bomb shelter until she could travel down to Brazil.

    Brazil’s Justice Department complied with international law and issued arrest warrants for Manson and his followers. On the morning of September 11, Brazilian and INTERPOL agents were driving to the Oasis with the intention to bring the suspects in for questioning.

    At 30 feet away from the compound’s border, the motorcade of police cars received a barrage of bullets...

    – Pat Sheffield’s Dreams, Reality, and Music: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole Entire World, Tumbleweed Publications, 2000

    It wasn’t long before their reinforcements arrived. After one of the garbled something in Spanish through a bullhorn, they fired a series of “warning shots,” setting a portion of the south wing’s roof on fire. ...Manson was adamant that we all would be protected by God His Father, and taunted the stuffed uniforms through Jones’ compound speaker, telling then “You’ll never take us alive!” From the main watch tower, both Manson and Jones perused the scene unfolding – more police cars, then trucks, then tanks and helicopters. Jones predicted the unfolding confrontation would end in a decisive Manson-Jones victory on “this glorious site… a war worthy of scripture”; Manson concurred. …Meanwhile, the fire spread to the rest of the south wing of the compound...

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982

    …Reports are coming in that some sort of incident involving police is unfolding in Brazil. Smoke can be seen rising from some sort of compound several miles outside of the city of Belo Horizonte. Local authorities have declined to yet comment…

    – BBC World News, 9/11/1970 report

    Rounds and rounds of bullets propelled through the windows and into the walls. As he contributed to the spectacular but woefully one-sided gunfight, Manson loudly proclaimed, “The Messiah will never surrender!”

    “Indeed!” Jones agreed as he attached another magazine to his weapon.

    Slowly the officers wore the two men and their tower assistants down, the exchange of gunfire going on well into the night. Jones was becoming exhausted from the climate and the vigil depriving him of lack of sleep. As the first streaks of dawn began to break, there were only a few magazines left in the tower.

    As Manson used the binoculars, Jones sat down on the floor and finally looked around the room. The barrage of bullets had ripped so many of his items apart, that he slumped over and began to quietly cry.

    Hearing the tar-shedding, Manson sat down next to him while one of his diehard guards continued monitoring. Manson said “Do not lose faith, brother James.”

    “But Charles, look at what they’ve done to my Oasis. This was my world, my vision for a better tomorrow. My dream! And now the bastards have gone and f@#ked it all… just…torn all up an’…” Jones put his hands to his face.

    “Do not worry, I will lead us to victory over these pigs. I will save your Oasis as I will save humanity!”

    “Wait, what are you talking about?” Jones looked at him inquisitively, “I am the savior of humanity!”

    Manson’s eyes enlarged. “Blasphemer.” He dramatically stood up, “Everyone knows I am the second coming!”

    “No, I am!” ones countered as he too got to his feet.

    I am!” Manson insisted.

    Quickly the shouts morphed into punches and the two men began violently wrestling with each other around the floor. Recognizing our moment to leave a sinking ship, the last of the disillusioned Jones followers and Jones followers hurried out the door, telling the still-loyal guards that they were going to look for more ammunition.

    The last image witnessed by the last man to leave the room alive was Manson wildly swinging an empty AK-47 as an irate Jones charged him.

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982

    A small group of frightened and disillusioned followers dropped their guns, fled from the compound, and ultimately gave themselves up or were arrested in Belo Horizonte. According to the official reports and testimonies, at “around” 5:00 AM, Manson and Jones began arguing, possibly even physically roughhousing with one another; this explains the decrease in gunfire from the compound after 5:02 AM. Police took the lull in fire to charge the compound. The Charlie Team successfully broke through the second side entrance and headed for the main room, the source of the most gunfire and the last confirmed location of Manson and Jones. Several Manson followers still holding out tried and failed to repel the incoming law enforcement.

    After ascending the tower staircase, the Beta Team tossed in a hand grenade before entering the room. Once in the team encountered the bewildered leaders Jones and Manson, having survived the grenade blast, attempting to compose themselves. Quickly, Manson reached for a rifle nearby. Even more quickly, a bullet sliced through his heart. Manson slumped to his knees, clutched his chest, and fell to the floor, the color quickly losing his face as the pierced artery discharged the man’s blood onto the floor. Before death took him, he uttered, “How dare you try to kill your Savior?”

    “For the last time (crunch!) I am Jesus!” the delirious voice came from the other side of the room. While the drama of Manson’s death was keeping the attention of the soldiers, Jones had just enough time to find his cyanide pill, which, with the help of a mid-sentence bite, ended him before the officers could do anything.

    – Pat Sheffield’s Dreams, Reality, and Music: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole Entire World, Tumbleweed Publications, 2000

    …We can now confirm that Charles Manson, the ringleader of the would-be killers of the rock band The Beatles, has been killed in a firefight with law enforcement officials in Brazil. Among the dead is American religious leader Jim Jones…

    – BBC World News, 9/11/1970 report


    [pic: ]

    [pic: ]

    [pic: ]
    – Top to Bottom: Smoke rises from the Oasis Ranch Compound near Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 9/11/1970; a member of the Manson family stumbles out of the building before collapsing from burns and bullet wounds, 9/11/1970; the remains of one of the buildings two days later, 9/13/1970

    23 September 1970: The first women’s-only tennis tournament begins in Houston; known as the Houston Women’s Invitation, at occurring soon after the “Ms. Arkansas Scandal,” it is promoted (both at the time and for years afterward (sometimes even in recent years)) by some as a sign of positive social change and progress.


    …In religious news, Pope Paul VI has named Saint Catherine of Siena as the official Doctor of the Church; she is only the second woman to receive this title…

    – CBS Evening News, 9/29/1970 broadcast


    Washington, DC – Debates over the health of America’s top leaders have pushed congress into action. With the President having just turned 80, Vice President Scranton recovering from a nasty stomach virus he caught over the summer, and US Senate leader Richard Russell in poor health, a step toward answering calls to “assure the continuation of government in any scenario” was achieved today. After talks about such a law began during the 1968 election campaign in the midst of health scares in both major party campaigns, the 26th Amendment was submitted to the states for approval at noon today. If approved by at least 38 states, the amendment will stipulate that a vacancy in the Vice-Presidency is to be filled with an appointee chosen by the President and approved of by a majority of the total Senators in office at the time of the vote. The amendment also clarifies that Acting Secretaries are not in the Presidential line of succession, and that all leadership vacancies in the House and Senate must be filled…

    – The Washington Post, 10/1/1970


    – The Miami Herald, 10/9/1970

    In the general election, Reagan sought to avoid the mistakes of Max Rafferty, whose accusations that liberals “harbor immorality and corruption” had only rallied conservatives and populists while alienating liberals and moderates during the primary season. Nevertheless, Tim Leary called Reagan a “fascist” for opposing labor, shoutnik protests, and federally-regulated healthcare.

    – David Pietrusza’s The Epic Campaigns of the 1970s, Scholastic, 2012

    TOMMY CHONG: [tokes] “[exhales] We’re all prisoners of our own cages, man. You don’t like your job? Quit! Hate your wife? Dump her! We all have the power to make ourselves have great and happy lives if we just stopped to think of how to do so, man. But too many people are just too tired from work or too tired from family s#!t or are just lazy or whatever, and can’t find the time in the day to just sit down and use that power that um, uh, that we have in ourselves to, um, fix s#!t, um, uh, what was I talking about?”

    TIM LEARY: “[exhale] Oh, hey, that was good, Chongo, hey, let me write that down, I-I want to use that in my campaign.”

    TOMMY CHONG: “Sure, man, um, uh, what campaign?”

    – Tape #157 of Yoko Ono’s collection of home movies, marked 10/12/1970

    …Outraged at The Colonel for turning a blind eye to state and federal assaults on his civil liberties of the smoking variety, the leading Democratic and Republican candidates being far too conservative to actually do anything good for the Golden state, and the incumbent Governor’s latest anti-drug moves causing him to frequently visit Mexico to use recreadrugs with fear of being arrested, Leary touted himself as “the only candidate for peace and liberty.” The Original Kleptonian Neo-American Church (OKNeoAC) once again endorsed Leary after convincing the church’s hierarchy that he was not in fact full of “excessive horseshit” by laying out his four-year plan to boost the state’s economy by legalizing the marijuana production and distribution industries...



    Sports Illustrated, 10/15/1970

    Tim Leary’s platform is so overtly progressive that it makes the Democratic nominee even more conservative by comparison – which could actually help Unruh win over some Republican voters hesitant to vote for the conservative Ronald Reagan. Most polls show Leary is chipping into Unruh’s support, but only incrementally. The latest polls show Reagan at 45%, Unruh at 44%, and Leary at 2%, with a worrisome 8% still undecided.

    – The San Diego Union-Tribune, 10/20/1970

    Mr. President:

    We are making inroads near Stung Trang, alongside the Mekong River. The natives around here are much more accommodating than in Vietnam... [snip] The journalists are naïve in the dangers here, but their reports are accurate. I have seen the carnage and I can only describe Pol Pot’s atrocities as that of a tropical holocaust of sorts. This is more obviously a war of liberation than Vietnam and Laos, and that I believe is instrumental to the moral among the men…

    At your service,

    Gen. Abrams

    – Memo from Abrams to Sanders, 10/22/1970


    The U.S. could have been first to put a woman up in space merely by deciding to do so. Way back in February 1960 a girl pilot named Jerrie Cobb successfully underwent the same grueling physical examination that the Mercury Astronauts had taken. By 1961, 12 other women had gone through the same battery of tests. All of them were experienced pilots with qualifications far more impressive than Valentina Tereshkova’s. Until Astronaut Alan Shepard made the first American flight in May of 1961, NASA steadfastly disclaimed any connection with woman-in-space training. Only then was Jerrie Cobb appointed to her job as a never-consulted consultant to NASA director James Webb. Even after her appointment, any training the ladies received was unofficial and due entirely to their own stubborn efforts. [5]

    Cobb has been flying 20 years – since she was 12. She is an aircraft company executive in Oklahoma City, has won many flying awards and established four world’s records… Joining her in the fight to send women American astronauts to space is Trudy Cooper, a candidate for Congress married to retiring asronaut Gordon Cooper, as well as several women currently serving on Capitol Hill…

    – Life Magazine, October 1970 issue

    In the final month prior to the election, Reagan increased his campaign’s focus on distancing himself from Washington D.C., vowing to “restore honor to politics and to California,” [21] referring both to that year’s scandals involving GOP congressmen “making women uncomfortable,” as Reagan called it [22], and the incumbent Governor’s abysmal approval ratings [21]. Meanwhile, Unruh continued to run on his accomplishments while serving on the California state assembly from 1955 to 1969 [23], which included serving as State Assembly Speaker from 1961 to 1969 [24].

    A pivotal moment in the Reagan campaign came in late October, when told off a heckler from the Natural Mind party [better citation needed]. The blunt reply was viewed as indicative of a strong-willed and determined man, and it appealed to anti-establishment voters:

    [ youtube: ikqNvKJ9AKM ]


    The Washington Times, 11/1/1970

    United States Senate election results, 1970

    Date: November 3, 1970
    Seats: 34 of 100
    Seats needed for majority: 51
    Senate majority leader: Mike Mansfield (D-MT)
    Senate minority leader: Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)
    Seats before election: 51 (D), 48 (R), 1 (I) [6]
    Seats after election: 55 (D), 44 (R), 1 (I)
    Seat change: D ^ 4, R v 4

    Full List:
    Arizona: incumbent Barry Goldwater (R) over Renz L. Jennings (D)
    California: incumbent Richard Nixon (R) over Tom Hayden (D) and Robert Scheer (NM)
    Connecticut: incumbent Thomas J. Dodd (D) over Antonina P. Uccello (R)
    Delaware: William Victor Roth Jr. (R) over Jacob Zimmerman (D)
    Florida: Lawton Chiles (D) over G. Harrold Carswell (HIP), Raymond Claiborne Osborne (R) and Claude R. Kirk Jr. (Conservative)
    Hawaii: incumbent Hiram L. Fong (R) over Cecil Heftel (D)
    Illinois (special): Adlai Stevenson III (D) over incumbent appointee Ralph Tyler Smith (R)
    Indiana: incumbent Vance Hartke (D) over Richard L. Roudebush (R)
    Maine: incumbent Edmund S. Muskie (D) over Neil S. Bishop (R)
    Maryland: Rogers Clark Ballard Morton (R) over Carlton R. Sickles (D) and incumbent James Glenn Beall (Independent Republican)
    Massachusetts: incumbent Eunice Kennedy Shriver (D) over John Volpe (R) and Josiah A. Spaulding (Independent)
    Michigan: George W. Romney (R) over incumbent Philip A. Hart (D)
    Minnesota: Hubert Humphrey (D) over Clark MacGregor (R)
    Mississippi: incumbent John C. Stennis (D) over William R. Thompson (I)
    Missouri: incumbent Leonor Sullivan (D) over John Danforth (R) and Gene Chapman (HIP)
    Montana: incumbent Mike Mansfield (D) over Harold E. Wallace (R)
    Nebraska: Ted Sorensen (D) over incumbent Roman L. Hruska (R)
    Nevada: incumbent Paul Laxalt (R) over Howard Cannon (D)
    New Jersey: incumbent Harrison A. Williams Jr. (D) over Nelson G. Gross (R)
    New Mexico: incumbent Joseph Montoya (D) over Anderson Carter (R)
    New York: Paul O’Dwyer (D) over incumbent Kenneth B. Keating (R), James L. Buckley (Conservative) and Allard K. Lowenstein (Liberal/NM)
    North Dakota: Arthur Albert Link (D) over incumbent Thomas S. Kleppe (R)
    Ohio: John Glenn (D) over incumbent Robert A. Taft Jr. (R)
    Pennsylvania: incumbent Hugh Scott (R) over William G. Sesler (D)
    Rhode Island: incumbent John O. Pastore (D) over John McLaughlin (R)
    Tennessee: incumbent Albert Gore Sr. (D) over Bill Brock (R)
    Texas: Lloyd Bentsen (D) over John Connally (R) and Jack Carswell (HIP)
    Utah: incumbent Frank E. Moss (D) over Laurence J. Burton (R) and Clyde B. Freeman (HIP)
    Vermont: incumbent Winston L. Prouty (R) over Fiore L. Bove (D) and William H. Meyer (Liberty Union/Natural Mind)
    Virginia: incumbent Harry F. Byrd (I) over George Rawlings (D) and Ray Garland (R)
    Washington: incumbent Henry M. Jackson (D) over John Ehrlichman (R)
    West Virginia: incumbent Robert C. Byrd (D) over Elmer H. Dodson (R)
    Wisconsin: incumbent William Proxmire (D) over John E. Erickson (R)
    Wyoming: incumbent John S. Wold (R) over Edness Kimball Wilkins (D)


    …With the exception of incumbent Senators Leonor Sullivan and Eunice Kennedy-Shriver, no women won any of the Senate contests, though two Republican nominees, former state house speaker Edness Kimball Wilkins of Wyoming and Hartford Mayor Antonina Uccello of Connecticut, both came within a 1% margin of winning in their respective states...

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS News, 11/3/1970

    United States House of Representatives results, 1970

    Date: November 3, 1970
    Seats: All 437
    Seats needed for majority: 218
    House majority leader: Mo Udall (D-AZ)
    House minority leader: Charles Halleck (R-IN)
    Last election: 212 (D), 225 (R)
    Seats won: 231 (D), 206 (R)
    Seat change: D ^ 19, R v 19


    …We now return to the latest House results. [pause] In South Dakota, Trudy Cooper, the wife of retiring astronaut Gordo Cooper, has been elected over incumbent Congressman E. Y. Berry of the state’s 2nd congressional district. Mr. Berry, a Republican, was running for a tenth term in office. Mrs. Cooper, a Democrat, has been a longtime activist for women’s rights, and she joins several other women winning public office tonight in what may be the electoral culmination of this year’s “women’s wave” of public debate over the rights of women and their roles in the workplace… Politically, the night's election results, while still unfortunate for the Republican Party, were not at all as poor for the GOP as initially expected earlier in the year... Our analysts believe the night's results are mostly due to party fatigue, after six years of a Republican White House...

    – ABC News, 11/3/1970


    …The 72-year-old Hollywood starlet, who nominated five times for an Oscar for a string of applauded performances during the 1930s, Dunne has also spent many years in the world of politics. Dunne served as an alternative US delegate to the UN in 1957 due to her interest in international affairs, and campaigned for Colonel Sanders in 1964 and 1968. A Roman Catholic Republican, she has consistently maintained close involvement in GOP causes after retiring from acting, and in 1965 became the first woman elected to the board of Directors of Technicolor. Dunne claims that the “success” of the Colonel’s Presidential bids inspired her to run for a California congressional seat. …Dunne did not discuss the fallout of the Ms. Arkansas Incident on the campaign trail, instead focusing on local issues and blaming her Democratic opponent of being “too removed from the real concerns of this district.”… Her victory was one of just a few Republican gains in both California and the nation…

    The Los Angeles Times, 11/4/1970

    ONE LAST HURRAY FOR PEACE AND EQUALITY: Jeanette Rankin Readies Her Final Return to Congress

    At 90 years old, Jeannette Rankin was not content with retirement. After serving as a Congresswoman from 1917 to 1919 and again from 1941 to 1943, the ardent pacifist and women’s rights activist was inspired to run for Congress this year in the wake of several high-profile political scandals renewed calls for an Equal Rights Amendment.

    …Fate seems to enjoy testing Rankin’s resolve. Roughly a month after becoming the first-ever female U.S. Representative, she became one of just 50 Representatives to vote against entering World War One. She was singled out for her vote, and it effectively ended her electoral career. Twenty years later, Rankin saw her lobbying endeavors were not enough to curb the calls to intervene militarily in Europe, and so ran for Congress again in 1940. Less than a year back in her old job, she once again faced criticism for her anti-war policy, this time for being the only person in either branch of Congress to vote against declaring war on Japan, declaring “As I woman I can’t go to war and I refuse to send anyone else.” And once again, her career in congress was over after just one two-year term.

    …Now, her decades of activism has led to her winning the hearts of the peacenik community, and to her winning a third term to congress…

    The Montana Standard, 11/4/1970 [7]

    United States Governor election results, 1970

    Date: November 3, 1970
    State governorship elections held: 35
    Seats before: 27 (D), 23 (R)
    Seats after: 32 (D), 18 (R)
    Seat change: D ^ 5, R v 5

    Full List:
    Alabama: George Wallace (D) over Bull Connor (I), Asa Carter (HIP) and Bert Nettles (R)
    Alaska: Jay Hammond (R) over W. Eugene Guess (D) and Ralph M. Anderson (I)
    Arizona: Raul Hector Castro (D) over incumbent Jack Williams (R) and Evan Mecham (HIP)
    Arkansas: incumbent Winthrop Rockefeller (R) over Virginia Johnson (D)
    California: Ronald Reagan (R) over Jesse Unruh (D), Tim Leary (NM) and Max Rafferty (HIP)
    Colorado: incumbent John Arthur Love (R) over Mark Hogan (D) and Albert Gurule (Labor United/La Raza Unida)
    Connecticut: Fiske Holcomb Ventres (R) over Attilio R. Frassinelli (D)
    Florida: Louis Bafalis (R) over incumbent Verle Allyn Pope (D)
    Georgia: Lester Maddox (D) over James Bentley (R) and Udolpho Sikes Underwood (I)
    Hawaii: Thomas Ponce Gill (D) over Samuel Pailthorpe King (R)
    Idaho: incumbent Charles Herndon (D) over Jack M. Murphy (R)
    Iowa: Armour Boot (D) over incumbent Robert D. Ray (R)
    Kansas: incumbent Robert Docking (D) over Kent Frizzell (R)
    Maine: Peter N. Kyros (D) over James S. Erwin (R)
    Maryland: Marvin Mandel (D) incumbent Spiro T. Agnew (R) and Robert Woods Merkle Sr. (HIP)
    Massachusetts: Pierre Salinger (D) over Francis W. Sargent (R)
    Michigan: Martha Griffiths (D) over William Milliken (R)
    Minnesota: incumbent Coya Knutson (D) over Douglas M. Head (R)
    Nebraska: J. James Exon (D) over Albert C. Walsh (R)
    Nevada: Rex Bell Jr. (R) over Mike O’Callaghan (D) and Charles Springer (I)
    New Hampshire: incumbent Harrison Reed Thyng (R) over Meldrim Thomson Jr. (HIP) and Roger J. Crowley (D)
    New Mexico: Bruce King (D) over David F. Cargo (R) and John A. Salazar (Labor United/La Raza Unida)
    New York: incumbent Mario Biaggi (D/C) over Steven Boghos Derounian (R), Arthur J. Goldberg (Liberal) and Norman Mailer (Natural Mind)
    Ohio: Buz Lukens (R) over Robert E. Sweeney (D), Roger Cloud (IR) and Edward T. Lawton (HIP)
    Oklahoma: David Hall (D) over incumbent Dewey F. Bartlett (R) and Reel Little (HIP)
    Oregon: incumbent Tom McCall (R) over Bob Straub (D)
    Pennsylvania: Milton Shapp (D) over Raymond Shafer (R) and Andrew J. Watson (Constitution)
    Rhode Island: J. Joseph Garrahy (D) over John Chafee (R)
    South Carolina: John West (D) over Albert Watson (R)
    South Dakota: George S. McGovern (D) over incumbent Frank Farrar (R)
    Tennessee: Frank G. Clement (D) over Winfield Dunn (R)
    Texas: Waggoner Carr (D) over Roger Martin (R)
    Vermont: incumbent Phil Hoff (D) over John S. Burgess (R)
    Wisconsin: incumbent Patrick Lucey (D) over Jack B. Olson (R) and Georgia Cozzini (NM)
    Wyoming: incumbent Teno Roncalio (D) over William H. Harrison (R)



    Juneau, AK – State Senator Jay Hammond has won the state’s gubernatorial election over Democratic state House speaker W. Eugene Guess. …Taking a page out of the playbook of New Jersey Governor Frank X. McDermott, Hammond, 48, campaigned on an oil-based “Permanent Alaskan Dividend Fund.” …Hammond’s running mate was Hazel Heath, the Mayor of Homer, Alaska, since 1968. …In the wake of the Colonel-King scandals, Heath became more active in state circles, and is poised to become the first woman to serve the number-two spot in the Alaskan state government…

    Anchorage Daily News, 11/3/1970

    REAGAN PULLS OFF VICTORY: Defeats Unruh By 5% Margin; Leary Demands Recount After Winning 6% Despite Polling At 12% Yesterday

    The Sacramento Union, 11/3/1970

    “[Tim] Leary would have won more if his core supporters weren’t always so stoned off of their asses.”

    – Barry Goldwater, c. 11/3/1970, possibly anecdotal


    Atlanta, GA – In a clear and obvious rejection of the Republican Governor Calloway, Georgians tonight voted for a more conservative gubernatorial candidate. Businessman Lester Maddox had run on an ultra-conservative platform in the Democratic primary against former Governor Carl Sanders, which likely has put an end to Sanders’ rumored 1972 Presidential bid… Colonel Sanders is surely unhappy with Maddox winning, and that is making many Georgia Democrats smile with glee…

    [ pic: ]
    Governor-elect Maddox making the "victory" symbol at his victory ceremony held earlier tonight
    – The Augusta Chronicle, Georgia newspaper, 11/3/1970


    The Washington Times, 11/4/1970


    …Katherine Peden, Bella Abzug, Ella T Grasso, Louise Day Hicks, Millicent Fenwick, and Trudy Cooper all won… Kathleen Z. Williams lost he bid for Indiana’s 5th district, as did Phyllis Schlafly in her bid for Illinois’ 23rd district, and Natalie Kimmel for California’s 28th district, but each still gave it their all. Nevertheless, they contributed to a historic moment in American history: these past midterm elections have produced the highest number of women ever elected to Congress at once…

    – Tumbleweed Magazine, 11/3-9/1970 issue

    “What matters now is working with the new batch of freshmen and the new Democratic majority majority in the House. I’m going to work to find common ground and get some more legislation done around here before the end of my term. I’m not going to have a lame chicken – uh, duck, a lame duck Presidency.”

    – Colonel Sanders to reporters, 11/4/1970


    Out of the total 482,145 votes cast, only 121 went to an independent candidate. The rest were split almost exactly even between Democratic nominee John Carl West and Republican nominee Albert Watson. Only .11% of the vote, or roughly 529 votes, separated Watson from victory. Watson, endorsed by the South Carolina chapter of the Heritage and Independence Party, has made clear that he doubts the election results, but has not so far suggested election tampering or fraud, instead stating “a discrepancy” may have occurred.

    – The Post and Courier, South Carolina newspaper, 11/6/1970


    …14 Democrats elected Governor (Raul Hector Castro of Arizona, Thomas Ponce Gill of Hawaii, Armour Boot of Iowa, Peter N. Kyros of Maine, Marvin Mandel of Maryland, Martha Griffiths of Michigan, J. James Exon of Nebraska, Bruce King of New Mexico, David Hall of Oklahoma, Milton Shapp of Pennsylvania, J. Joseph Garrahy of Rhode Island, George McGovern of South Dakota, Frank Goad Clement of Tennessee, and Waggoner Carr of Texas) and three Republicans elected Governor (Fiske Ventres of Connecticut, Rex Bell Jr. of Nevada, and Buz Lukens of Ohio)…

    The Washington Times, 11/11/1970


    As Ronald Reagan readies for the responsibilities of the Governorship of California, he follows the pathways of four fellow Hollywood figures – Governor John Davis Lodge, Congressman Wendell Corey, and former Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas – in his shift from the stage and screen to the seat of a major national office. With Shirley Temple Black serving as an Ambassador, and Irene Dunne being elected to Congress this month, one has to wonder about the hows and whys of this phenomenon of actors turning to politics. One could suggest this to be the start of a trend, a new wave of politics, or simply a unique part of our times as the world of entertainment has shifted from trips out to theaters to less expensive visits to drive-ins to the privacy of our own homes. …One San Francisco-based academic explains that “it is actually very easy for such a phenomenon to occur due to the similarities found in both professions. Both the actors and politicians of the modern age are constantly in the public spotlight. Surrounded by cameras, they must look aesthetically pleasing, be comfortable in large crowds and speaking in front of recording equipment, and remember long speeches to perform for an audience without major incident.” …Another historian from Sacramento, however, suggests that electing “non-politicians” is “a way of the populace to reject a perceived sense of bureaucratic control over an institution meant to work for the common voter.” This notion would be especially applicable to this November’s midterms, which were not too friendly to the incumbent party… It is my opinion that voting for potential leaders based more on their name recognition and charismatic appearance, rather than where they stand on key issues, is a misstep. As such, I urge all voters to think wisely and carefully about whom they vote for whenever the time comes to enter that booth and participate in our democratic process.

    – Opinion article, Associated Press, 11/22/1970

    …On November 25, Thurman Munson was named Rookie of the Year over several contenders including fellow Yankee Don Trump. Trump, in his first major public incident of controversial rabble-rousing, claimed the vote was “crooked,” when the reality of the situation was that Munson had a far more impressive record, and had improved greatly since first signing onto the team...


    …Baseball’s Louisville Colonels, founded in 1969, should not be confused with the basketball team formed in 1967 called the Kentucky Colonels…

    – John Helyar’s Lords of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball, Ballantine Books, 1994

    In late November, Lyndon confided in Bobby Baker that he would not run for President in 1972, and instead focus on re-election to the Senate that year. Despite the vulnerability of Republicans and Lyndon’s legacy improving, the former President was tired. “I thinks he wouldn’t survive the stresses of another run,” Baker would later write to a friend, “and he knows that he is so much more powerful and influential in the Senate than he could be as a President confined to one term.”

    – Robert Caro’s The Years of Lyndon: Book Six: The Post-Presidency Years, A. A. Knopf Inc., 2018

    Pres. Meets With Leaders of Push to Send American Women Into Space

    Washington, D.C. – by John Noble Wilford

    …The Colonel sat down with Jerrie Cobb, 39-year-old aviator from Oklahoma and part of a private non-NASA program held in the early 1960s, where a group of Cobb and 12 other women selected to undergo physiological screening tests concurrent with the original Mercury 7 astronauts’ tests… Afterward, Sanders met with a caucus of Congresswomen that included Representative-elect Trudy Cooper, whom are pushing for NASA Director James Webb to allow for women to become astronauts…

    – The New York Times, 12/1/1970

    EXTENSIVE RECOUNT CONFIRMS WEST WON BY 543 VOTES: Watson Still Refuses to Concede

    – The Greenville News, South Carolina newspaper, 12/3/1970

    “We will begin accepting women candidates for a new program at the start of the new year.”

    – James E. Webb, in an official NASA statement after discussions with President Sanders, 12/9/1970

    Dad met with Elvis in the White House many times; I think Dad was the favorite of the two Colonels in Elvis’ life. After meeting with Alice Cooper, though, the meetings happened more often. Both men seemed uneasy over the changing youth scene, especially Elvis, who was much more critical of the latest bands than Dad.

    During one lunch at the White House that I got to sit in on, I listened to a heated discussion over the best way to make Fool’s Gold Loaf, a three-pound favorite of Elvis consisting of an Italian bread loaf stuffed with bacon, peanut butter, and grape jelly. On another occasion, Dad personally prepared a course of Elvis’ favorite foods – peanut-butter-and-banana sandwiches, barbeque chicken bites, fried dill pickles, and finally, sour cream pound cake; naturally, Elvis found it delicious.

    Of course, they also discussed the more somber elements of the politico-musical scene, such as the near-murder of the Beatles. During that discussion, Elvis noted “It was a real shame what happened to that Paul guy,” to which Dad responded with “I was thinking of inviting them here. You know, show them a better version of American hospitality and all that sort of thing.”

    “Not too bad an idea, Colonel.” Was the King’s reply.


    [pic: ]

    – Margaret Sanders’ The Colonel’s Secret: Eleven Herbs and a Spicy Daughter, StarGroup International, 1997

    The Vietnam War
    (1957-1967), less commonly known as The War in Vietnam, was an armed conflict involving Vietnam, the US, the USSR, and France, along with China, Laos, and others. …Despite the US presence in Vietnam since 1957, the conflict did not become a “major” issue for the US until early 1963, when US President Lyndon B. Johnson sent advisory troops there after talks with his cabinet. An attack on the US embassy led to the US unofficially declaring war on North Vietnam in July 1963, leading to a steady rise in troop deployments to South Vietnam. Casualties quickly began to mount on the US’s side due to their inability to properly understand the Viet Kong’s fighting style. The situation worsened for the US as the year 1964 continued, contributing to President Johnson losing a re-election bid in November 1964. His successor, President Harland “Colonel” Sanders, re-analyzed the situation, culminating in a successful invasion of North Vietnam in early 1967, which capitulated the Communist government in Hanoi…. With the war officially over, “Vietnamization” ended when the last of America’s troops left the now-united nation in December 1970. …Defenders of Lyndon Johnson claim his attention was divided between Vietnam, Cuba, and re-election…. US President Sanders’ military success has created “a very common misunderstanding” that the Colonel was an experienced military person of that rank, when actually, Sanders was an Honorary Colonel.


    The December 1970 talks with President Arias, Vice President Torrijos, US Secretary of State Curtis and the US Ambassador to Panama saw the outline of an agreement be agreed to; the agreement would stipulate that the US would hand over control of the Panama Canal to the Panamanians in 1979 in exchange for U.S. preference in Panamanian markets via trade deal.

    Conservatives in the U.S., already hurt by the drop in representation that follow the 1970 midterms, openly opposed the talks, with Senator Cotton claiming “giving them our canal would be an insult to the Americans who built it.” Governor-elect of California Ronald Reagan added to the opposition by stating “We built it, we own it, it’s ours!”

    – Ashley Carse’s Beyond the Big Ditch: Politics, Ecology, and Infrastructure at the Panama Canal, MIT Press, 2014

    Albert Watson, Self-Described Governor-Elect, Announces Early A Bid For A Congressional Seat

    – The Spartanburg Herald-Journal, South Carolina newspaper, 12/12/1970

    “I’m 79 and tired. I’m retiring.”

    – Chief Justice Warren, 12/13/1970

    THE COLONEL’S SECOND JUSTICE PICK: Who Will Succeed Earl Warren?

    After failing to retire in late 1964 in order to allow Johnson to appoint a temporary liberal successor during the winter recess due to Republican threats of retribution, Warren begrudgingly stayed on the bench... Sanders is expected to announce a nominee for the position of Chief Justice, head judge of the country, in the following weeks, but “after celebrating New Year’s,” according to Press Secretary Charlotte Reid. Warren will remain in office until his successor has been confirmed...

    National Review, special mid-December 1970 issue


    [pic: ]
    – After a long day of festivities, President Sanders falls asleep at the White House, 12/25/1970

    1) The woman at the center of it all. The courage that Ms. [LOADING ERROR], a.k.a. "Ms. Arkansas," displayed when coming forward allowed the Ms. Arkansas Scandal to become a watershed moment.
    2) Republican overreaction. While the Democratic Party of the 1960s remained so calm during their own scandals that they practically swept themselves under the rug, Senators such as Norris Cotton and Richard Nixon were too quick to deny the Colonel-King allegations, with Nixon going so far as to criticize the media for even covering them. This attitude prompted journalists to continue their focus on the scandals and investigate further, and inspired an entire generation of Americans to pursue the truth.
    3) Television. The device that had made the Colonel a household name also lead to his (albeit temporary) fall from grace, as technology allowed for information to spread faster than Congress could respond to it.
    4) Sanders’ own handling of the allegations. By openly admitting to his “past misdeeds,” Americans seeing the President “admit to it” had polarizing opinions - some were proud of their President for his honesty, others saw the same thing as a detriment that made America weak on the geopolitical stage - continuing national discussions on workplace impropriety in a more open manner.
    5) The changing of the times. The scandal ended up eclipsing with the height of the Women’s Liberation Movement. The anti-war counterculture movement of the early 1960s led to women calling for equality and fairness during the mid-to-late 1960s, and this was the platform that elevated Ms. [LOADING ERROR] to the front page of newspapers across the country. Local politicians and congresspersons such as Mo Udall and Jean Kennedy-Smith were aware that the Colonel, ironically, had won the woman’s vote in 1964 and 1968 by wide margins, and the Colonel's reported support of serious investigations into the allegations that succeeded his (possibly in the hopes of winning over female voters ahead of the 1970 and 1972 elections), allowed him to survive the scandal at a time when patriarchal social norms were being stripped away to reveal the bare truth that is the extent of misogyny in America.

    Women's Magazine, 2020 online article

    [1] Italicized part is an edited version of a passage found on page 17 of this pdf:
    [2] Paraphrase from Cosby’s OTL wiki page
    [3] Quotes found here are edited versions of the quotes and information found in a short-but-detailed interview here:
    [4] Paraphrase from snippet found on Cohn’s wiki page.
    [5] Actually, these Italicized pieces are from here:
    [6] The Independent Senator is Harry F. Byrd, Jr. (like IOTL)
    [7] Okay, so this may not actually be that far-fetched because IOTL, she was considering another bid for public office in 1973, when she was 93 years old, at least according to this source:,-Jeannette-(R000055)/
    E.T.A. of the next update: August 15.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 34: January 1971 – August 1971
  • Chapter 34: January 1971 – August 1971

    “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

    – George Carlin

    After comparing these customer survey results with those from last year, it is evident that the company’s non-white customer base has improved… The increase in customer satisfaction and foot traffic in urban locations may be connected to the continuing easing of social-economic issues under President Sanders, particularly due to the President’s active supporting of state and federal education and urban renewal projects and programs...

    – KFC customer demographics report, 1/5/1971

    “YOU COULD BE THE NEXT COLONEL”: The Story Of Ollie’s Trolleys

    By Keith Pandolfi, photos by Helen Rosner

    The harsh rain of a Floridian winter was beating down on John Y. Brown Jr. that day, much like how it is for me revisiting the same famous spot, an iconic belly-filling eatery shaped like a trolley. Having skipped breakfast, I eye the entrance to the establishment, ready the hood of my jacket, and make a run for it through the downpour. Unquestionably, the upcoming meal is worth the splashy sprint.

    Making my order comes so easy to me – one Ollieburger with Olliefries and a Josta – that I have to stop and think about how it was like the first time I ever visited one of Ollie Gleichenhaus’ trolleys. The thought returns my mind’s attention to Brown, who was in the same position one rainy noon in January 1971. The ex-KFC affiliate had not had the best four years of his life since his termination from the company, to say the least. And on the day in question, the 37-year-old businessman just needed to a quick bite to eat after finding Florida to be a refreshing change of scenery, albeit one where he was struggling to find success and prosperity. He may have chosen Ollie’s as the place at which he would satisfy his appetite out of convenience, or maybe he was intrigued by the cutesy, unique façade of the building, or maybe the trolley reminded him of the trolleys that once navigated the streets of his childhood hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.

    I spent my few minutes of waiting leaning over the to the side to view the five employers located in the kitchen performing their duties harmoniously, flipping burgers and oiling up fries and the like. Then I receive my order in a simple grease-strained eco-paper bag, and – given that this location’s seven stools and two booths are completely stuffed with other customers – I dash back out to my car to enjoy it there.

    Eating an Ollieburger is like having a McCormick spice warehouse explode in your mouth. There’s a magic mingling of oregano and garlic, cumin, rosemary, and Old Bay – an Italian pot roast and a Maryland crab boil all in one. There are other flavors in there, too – some I recognize, like onion powder, paprika, and cayenne, and other I don’t. The same seasoning coats both the fries and the burger. And the more I eat, the more my taste buds re-acclimate themselves to those flavors, and the more convinced I am that the Ollieburger is the best burger in America.

    I imagine that the range of emotions that flooded my senses – surprise, delight, intrigue, gluttony, joy, and possibly contentment (in that order) – swam through Brown’s mind as he took his first bite, as a detonation of flavors overwhelmed his taste buds. As the legend goes, Brown had not even finished his first Ollieburger when he bolted back into the location to order three more, and then demanded he speak to the inventor.

    The genius inventor in question was a cigar-chomping, straw-hatted grouch named Ollie Gleichenhaus. With his cantankerousness mirroring that of Colonel Sanders, an unofficial idol to fast food vendors both then and now, Gleichenhaus and his wife had opened what they originally called “Ollie’s Sandwich Shop” in South Beach, Florida in the 1930s. Despite its small size, the place became a big hit among locals, tourists, and even visiting celebrities – Gleichenhaus would later claim Rodney Dangerfield used to write material in my place and that Don Rickles got all his material from him and his caustic demeanor. This is the location at which I now sit, and it is also the same location in which Brown found himself on that fateful day.

    Brown metaphorically picked as his brain his metaphorical eating utensils, requesting how the creation – a third of a pound of lean beef seasoned with a blend of 32 spices – came to be. Gleichenhaus, approaching 60 in 1971, explained how it took him more than three decades to perfect the recipe, adding a new spice here, a different type of cheese there. He’d change up the bun, or grind up a new cut of beef. He used his customers as guinea pigs until he finally felt he’d nailed it. And once he nailed it, he was happy with himself and to simply just continue frying up burgers and basking in the Florida limelight.

    Brown must have smiled widely as he thought of the gold mine he had stumbled across. He must have figured that with his experience in the fast-food industry, Ollie’s unique product, and the two giants of the fast food industry long gone – McDonald’s Ray Kroc now owning a basketball team, and KFC’s Harland Sanders now serving as President – Brown through Ollie could rise to unprecedented heights of fame and glory. Brown decided he would build Ollie’s Trolleys into the competition of KFC’s new Wendyburgers. He just needed to convince Gleichenhaus that his burgers could be the next big thing; “Ollie, you can be the next Ray Kroc. Hell, you could be the next Colonel Sanders!”

    The only problem was that Ollie wasn’t interested. He was content with his business, and his first impression of Brown was that he was a “slick-talking sonofabitch,” and a such told Brown “I’m doing just fine here. If you don’t like, you can get the hell outta my store.”

    Brown only saw the rambunctious personality as the same kind that sent the Colonel to the White House. Like the Colonel, Ollie “swore like a sailor and had quite a routine; if anyone came into his restaurant and asked for ketchup, he’d say ‘Get the fuck out of here!’” Brown would recall many years later.

    But like how the Colonel never gave up trying to sell his chicken in the early years of KFC, Brown kept hounding Ollie, calling him several times each week with the same offer of partnering up with him to expand the humble local business into a nationwide franchise. Then one day, Ollie relinquished his resolve.

    He finally got to me,” Ollie told the Post-Crescent. “With all the talk about the fun I’d have and the traveling, and how my name would be up in lights. Yeah, that fed my ego.”

    Taking a page out of the Colonel’s biography, Brown toured the country for viable locations. He put together television spots featuring Ollie in an Archie Bunker kind of approach. A simple menu of hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, milkshakes and – most importantly – Ollieburgers and Olliefries was finalized. Brown also took a page out of McDonald’s playbook and sought out a way to streamline the production process.

    “We’ll go nationwide within the year,” promised Brown. Whether obvious or not at the time, it is retrospectively clear that Brown had developed and put into motion a plan to make K.F.C. sorry for his dismissal.



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    – [1]


    …Humphrey claims “The current system does not provide enough representation for Democrats in all 50 states,” and that “convention delegates have more power than the would-be voters, which is unjust.” …Humphrey won the primary popular vote in 1968 but lost in delegate count to former Secretary Jack Kennedy, causing the former to lose the nomination to the latter...

    – The Washington Post, 1/18/1971


    – The Savannah Morning News, Georgia newspaper, 1/21/1971

    The Colonel’s first order of business for the new FBI director [William C. Sullivan] was to investigate the White Citizens’ Council, a southern white supremacist group plaguing the south with occasional intimidation tactics such as vandalism and arson to businesses, burning crosses on lawns, and death threats since its formation in 1954. The FBI had largely ignored the group under Hoover despite being responsible for violence during H.I.P. political campaigns in 1964, 1966 and 1968. Though already waning in influence and member size by 1969, FBI infiltration of the group led to the arrest of key leaders in 1971 and 1972, which in turn ultimately led to the council disbanding in 1974.

    – Ronald Kessler’s Clyde Tolson and the Cult of J. Edgar Hoover, Resistance E-Publishing, 2016

    …Colonel Sanders’ modest expansion of Social Security arose amidst fiscal concerns from the GOP and his own personal reservations toward the program. Believing American businessmen would thank him for the move later on down the road, Sanders approved of an increase of general benefit levels to 12 percent in order to better combat the effects of inflation [2] In January 1971.

    – Meg Jacobs’ Pressure at the Polls: The Transformation of American Politics in the 1970s, 2016 net-book edition

    The Colonel ushered in the New Year by beginning a tradition of daily walks around the White House property to promote exercise and to increase public awareness of the 1970 Scranton Report on US health practices.

    – Ted White’s The Making of the President: 1968, Atheneum Publishers, 1969

    The communist insurgents in Cambodia initially welcomed in their Vietnamese counterparts, the lingering radical ex-members of the Viet Cong. But as the fighting continued, cultural, linguistic, and ideological differences between the native Cambodian guerillas and the immigrant Vietnam guerillas impede collaboration against western forces. By the start of 1971, the two group had become bitter nemeses, with the waterways of the Stung Treng region seeing the heaviest of the guerilla-on-guerilla fighting.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    “I want all the war hawks in the White House to know that our military’s activities in Cambodia qualify as an illegal war. I am calling for an official vote on the status of our actions in Indochina, where I urge all of my co-workers on this hill to vote against this destruction of human life.”

    – Rep. Jeanette Rankin (D-MT), 1/23/1971


    Powell Calls For “Peace And Order” As Workers Demand Raise Due To Low Pay And Poor Working Conditions

    The Guardian, 1/27/1971

    Mr. President:

    Update: Get the Champaign ready.

    In your service,

    Gen. Abrams

    – Private memo from Abrams to Sanders concerning the US Army's advancing on Cambodian despot Pol Pot’s location, 1/28/1971


    …the 52-year-old Alabaman District Court Judge was pivotal in the fight against segregation in the 1950s... Other rumored candidates to replaced the retiring Earl Warren had included Harold R. Tyler Jr. and William H. Mulligan of the 2nd Circuit, Paul Roney of the 5th Circuit, and Clement Haynsworth of the 4th Circuit (likely due to his pro-business rulings). Even more outlandish potential picks such as Senator Barry Goldwater, columnist William F. Buckley, and North Carolina state Supreme Court Justice Susie Sharp were rumored candidates, although such names were never confirmed to be considered seriously by the White House...

    – The Washington Post, 2/1/1971 (Monday)


    …Newly into office (again), George Wallace has already stirred up controversy for allegedly imposing liberal policies onto a conservative populace. The policies in question includes his appointing of a record-breaking number of African-Americans to public offices, such as over 100 to the state governing boards, hiring a 52-year-old African-American female to be his press secretary, and appointing two African-American men to his gubernatorial cabinet. …receiving less controversy, at least, from average white Alabamans is, Wallace’s push for anti-poverty legislation to help “the most poor and the helpless members of our state”…

    – The Huntsville Times, Alabama newspaper, 2/2/1971


    …Vandiver strongly favor segregation while serving as Governor from 1959 to 1963…

    – The Savannah Morning News, Georgia newspaper, 2/4/1971

    This report finds the efforts of the Governor’s office and the state legislature to lower crime in the state’s urban areas are working but not at the expected pace. The number of murders recorded in Albany dropped 20% from January 1967 to December 1970, but the number of recorded murders in New York City only dropped from 746 [3] in 1967 to 689 in 1970. Governor Mario Biaggi and Mayor Joey Periconi’s co-operative increase in security guards, plain-clothed police officers, and uniformed Transit Police are the cause of the drop. Furthermore, the state legislature’s tax incentives for producers and sellers to decrease the price of home security systems and locks have lead to a 15% drop in burglaries statewide. Switching transit police radios and above-ground police radios to transmit on the same frequency has significantly diminished the numbers of poor communication incidents in New York City.


    Reflecting advice once offered by Dwight Eisenhower to the city of New York in 1959, Mayor Periconi is calling for the taxing of drivers entering densely populated city limits. This study supports this proposal, as it could provide funds for the state’s crime-reduction programs.

    – Summary of report from the office of the New York State Secretary of State, 2/5/1971


    …Church bells rang out today in celebration of the Holy Union of George Walker Bush and Tricia Nixon…

    – The Houston Chronicle, celebrations section, 2/5/1971

    On February 7, the weeks of transcontinental conversations culminated in Sanders and Kosygin signing the landmark Seabed Treaty banning the emplacement of nuclear weapons on all ocean floors beyond a 15-miles coastal zone. The UK’s Prime Minister Enoch Powell was hesitant to sign onto the multinational/multilateral treaty, despite polls showing that most Britons supported the treaty, as Powell did not approve of the notion of “tying down” the UK, a comment that proven to be controversial until Powell yielded and finally signed the treaty the next Month.

    – David Tal’s US Strategic Arms Policy in the Cold War: Negotiation & Confrontation, Routledge, 2017

    EXTRA! DEADLY EARTHQUAKE ROCKS CALIFORNIA! Over 30 Dead, Over 70 Missing As Bridges, Buildings Collapse!

    – The Chicago Tribune, 2/9/1971


    …yesterday morning’s 6.5 earthquake was particularly damaging to communities in the northern San Fernando Valley, where a dam has partially collapsed. Governor Reagan has ordered the area downhill from the Van Norman Dams to evacuate, in case an aftershock weakens the dams any further…

    The Seattle Times, 2/10/1971

    While the 6.6 Sylmar Earthquake itself killed 37 people – mostly hospital patients buried under rubble and travelers crushed by damaged sections of the freeways – the wave of water that rushed out of the Lower Van Norman Dam broken by the quake’s aftershocks was the true tragedy of the moment. Back in 1964, a state inspection led to the State of California and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power agreeing to maintain the reservoir’s water level at a level 5 feet lower than usual for a dam of its size. The earthquake’s aftershocks broke off the remains of the top 27 feet of the structure, but even at the water level being 5 feet lower, it was still 2 feet too low. [4]

    When the Lower Van Norman Dam partially collapsed, it unleashed a powerful and forceful wall of water out of the reservoir, damaging and taking with it 30% of the rest of the dam. Being just 2 feet below the dam’s new top, the water had enough force to spill out, but not enough to cause the rest of the dam to break. Nevertheless, the water wave more deadly than the earthquake itself.

    The water hastily made its way into the valley below. When Governor Reagan called for the valley housing 80,000 people needed to be evacuated immediately on February 9, mass havoc overwhelmed the valley; the dam’s damage being clearly visible from far away didn’t help. Rumors were spread. Chaos ensued. People scrambled out of their homes and several car collisions happened. Thankfully, by the time the aftershocks weakened the dam enough for the water to breach, most of the downhill inhabitants had fled.

    The breached dam’s results were much worse than the flooding that hit California in the 1963 Baldwin Hills Disaster. Roughly 1,100 people died, a number that, while not as high as the 2,000 people killed in 1963 when Italy’s Vajont Dam failed, was one the deadliest disaster to ever strike California on par with the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that killed roughly over 3,000 people, or the 1928 St. Francis failure that killed 600 people in nearby Santa Clarita. Thousands more found themselves without homes.


    [ ]
    Above: the Van Norman Dam after its partial collapse, prior to the earthquake’s aftershocks finishing what the initial first shake started. Concrete cracked and slumped; the Lower Van Norman Dam’s “sister” dam, the Upper Van Norman Dam, came just one foot away from being breached as well.

    – Meg Jacobs’ Pressure at the Polls: The Transformation of American Politics in the 1970s, 2016 net-book edition

    The media called it a “tragedy,” a “disaster,” and a “horrible loss of life”; Governor Reagan controversially referred to it as a “fiasco” and “engineering snafu,” attempting to downplay the deadly flooding of the valley. When that did not seem to work, Reagan shifted to blaming “poor oversight under Governor Brown” for the predicament; he also blamed it on inspectors instead of the dam operators. However, it was Reagan’s earlier call to “play it safe” before the dam finally partially collapsed that led to him being praised, as the decision undoubtedly saved the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of Californians.

    The tragedy did have one unforeseen benefit, though – it revealed to a shocked public the flaws of California’s concrete building designs, ushering in an era of active public demand for higher standards, better building codes, stronger materials, a statewide review of older buildings, and other protective measures.

    – Michael Stewart Foley’s Front Porch Politics: American Activism in the 1970s and 1980s, 2013 net-book edition

    “Walter, I’m here in Arleta, a California community once like any other, only now it has been ruined by the wrath of a busted dam… But through the disaster, a glimmer of hope is seen in the millions of Americans donating to various charities whatever they can, and the many people travelling to pitch in and help the displaced survivors get back on their feet…”

    – CBS Evening News, 2/14/1971 broadcast

    Reagan designated the valley a disaster area, declared a state of emergency, and imposed a curfew on the San Fernando Valley to “curb nighttime looting.” The curfew instead led to accusations of police brutality against Black and Latino residents, which in turn increased racial tensions in certain parts of the state. As the days of reports on the dead, the newly homeless, and “constabularily abused,” as Dan Rather once called it, President Sanders was reportedly crestfallen over the loss of life and, according to one source, “choked up and cried a little” upon hearing the estimation of how many children had perished. …At one point, the President lamented to an aide, “America needs to hear some good news again.” Soon enough, such news came to remind Americans that good things were still happening.

    – Meg Jacobs’ Pressure at the Polls: The Transformation of American Politics in the 1970s, 2016 net-book edition


    Pol Pot Expected To Be Moved To Capital For Trial Soon; Followers Is Disarray As Capture Makes Leadership Void

    – The New York Times, 2/12/1971


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    – Pol Pot’s “mug shot,” taken 2/12/1971

    Defense experts were certain the threat had been neutralized; communism had failed to take over a nation yet again. The Colonel was relieved that congress’s threats to impede the military’s defense of Cambodia from communist insurgency were now dissolute. “Now justice can be served to Pol Pot. The Cambodian government will now put that man on trial, for all the world to see the evils of his ways. I hope he likes the gravy train of righteousness, and his just desserts, too” the Colonel punned.

    Pol Pot’s trial never came. Less than twenty-four hours after being temporarily placed in a prison in Kompong Cham, a merciless mob of local royalists stormed the jail and dragged him out of his cell. The villagers, many of them survivors of his atrocities farther north, executed him in the grisly manner of being beaten to death with sledgehammers – one of many methods Pol Pot had once commonly used when having others killed.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    I don’t know how she got it, but the fact remains she got it. Maybe Harley or one of our girls gave it to her. Regardless, on one crisp February morning in 1971, I found myself arguing with Josephine, who’d somehow obtained the number for my White House bedroom telephone. She was upset that the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act I had signed into law in ’69 was not helping one of Josephine’s brothers and his new investments in some mining company in West Virginia. Her screeching on the phone frustrated me. It soon led to a headache, causing me to rub the top of my head. Up there, I could still feel the old scars, a small ridge hidden under my snowy locks. I suddenly found myself thinking once again about the time I careened into the ravine near our Camp Nelson home, taking two cars and that poor excuse of a bridge with me all the way down to the bottom of it [5]. I thought about how Josephine helped me put a large loose flap of scalp back where it belonged, doused the wounds in turpentine, and bandaged me up [6]. That thought led to me wondering just how many Americans can’t afford medical treatment for accident like that. I hung up the phone – Jo was still prattling on, and I think I absentmindedly told her “thanks a bundle, gotta go” – so I could call [H.E.W. Secretary Nelson] Rockefeller. I figured it was high time I took a firm stand for all the American men, women and children who wind up hurt in unforeseeable accidents.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    With the recent events in Cambodia boosting his popularity, it appears the Colonel has decided to work, seemingly with the Democrats back in control of the House, to pass “some real meaningful” healthcare legislation. In a short announcement made at a press briefing held earlier today, the President explained, “I have recently made it to the big 8-0 milestone, and I think not enough people make it to this age. I think we should try and do something about that.”

    – The New York Times, 2/17/1971


    – The Washington Post, 2/22/1971

    …The Colonel’s first major disagreement with conservative Republican in 1971 arose in February, when Sanders called for the expansion of Medicare/Medicaid benefits. The move angered many politicians on the hill, even Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ), who had a relationship with the President that was at times shaky but more often friendly in nature. Despite clarifying his belief that “not all of it should be controlled solely by the Federal government. Statewide and local differences should be involved as well to ensure what works best for those communities is respected and used when appropriate,” the Colonel continued to face backlash. Conservative Representatives, for instance, voiced opposition to Sanders’ newest medicine proposals by claiming they would inhibit the livelihoods of doctors. Governor Ronald Reagan of California opposed the move even further by actively working to reverse the medical laws established under his predecessor...

    – Mark Pendergrast’s “For God, Country, and Kentucky Fried Chicken,” Perfect Formula Publishing, 2000


    …the First Lady was attending an exhibit on 19th-century European luxury living when she announced the donation to the museum… [7]

    – The Baltimore Sun, 3/2/1971


    The Sacramento Union, 3/3/1971

    During the final two years of his Presidency, Colonel Sanders sided with Democrats over Republicans several times. For instance, in March 1971, arguments between Sanders and conservative Republicans (and some of the conservative Democrats) helped the Senate pass a bill that provided financial and medical aid for low-income aged and low-income disabled individuals. Spending on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid all increased slightly by the end of the Sanders administration as well. This careful overseeing of America’s socioeconomic situation contributed to the US poverty rate dropping from 16.7% in 1964 to 9.9% in 1973 [8].

    – Meg Jacobs’ Pressure at the Polls: The Transformation of American Politics in the 1970s, 2016 net-book edition

    “The President seems to be out for revenge for the G.O.P. rejecting his Reverend friend’s Federal Assistance Dividend proposal.”

    – Former HEW Secretary Oveta Culp Hobby, National Review, early March issue


    – The Chicago Tribune, 3/4/1971

    POSTAL STRIKE ENDS: Management, Workers Agree to 10% Pay Rise As Economy Climbs

    – The Guardian, 3/8/1971

    …earlier today, popular 4-star US Army General Creighton Abrams was awarded another medal for leading operation that toppled Cambodia’s dictatorial Pol Pot regime. Abrams was then promoted again, this time to Chief of Staff of the Army, the most senior uniformed officer in the Department of the Army. Abrams is celebrated for his leadership skills in military operations in the nations of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia…

    – The Overmyer Network Evening News, 3/9/1971


    …“We need clearer codes of conduct that are neither repressive nor ineffective,” argues Bernhard Willard Goetz Sr, a bookbinding businessman from upstate New York, “I and the men who work for me need to know what exactly the legal distinction is between honest flirtation and inhibiting a fellow employee’s workplace performance before we can feel comfortable hiring a woman.”…

    – The Los Angeles Times, 3/10/1971


    – The Washington Post, 3/12/1971

    We have just confirmed reports that FBI agents have shot and killed a pro-socialist college professor resisting arrest in New York City. Lyndon LaRouche, a lecturer on Marxism at the city’s “Free School” establishment, was approached by FBI agents with a warrant for his arrest. While the charges have not been made formal, valid sources state he was being charged with espionage and treason. LaRouche had openly and publicly made several anti-government sentiments in recent years concerning America’s military activities overseas. Last month, for example, LaRouche called President Sanders “a tyrant who needs to be stopped.” After LaRouche began resisting arrest, a loyal cabal of LaRouche students attempted to physically stop the FBI officers from entering the building, but the students were overpowered. Details are currently sketchy, but for whatever reason, agents shot and killed LaRouche inside the building in question. This is a developing story…

    – NBC News, 3/15/1971 broadcast


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    – Colonel Sanders body doubles discuss strategy during the President’s political trip to a heavily Democrat part of Boston, Massachusetts, 3/17/1971


    …Chief Justice Johnson Led the unanimous court decision just two weeks into the job… In the case of Griggs v Duke Power Co., the court determined that the public utility company Duke Power was discriminating against African-American employees via job application tests that disparately impacted ethnic groups, thus violating Title VII of the 1962 Civil Rights Act…

    – The Washington Post, 3/18/1971

    An unexpected side effect of the ruling was that it led to companies switching from administrating IQ tests to requiring workers to have college degrees. In his later years, as he became aware of the policy shift in more and more companies, Colonel Sanders denounced it as “discriminatory – no piece of paper or IQ test can prove if someone can’t do a job. Letting them try the job will do it!” and suggested the companies should promote or rely more often on trial periods in connection to their hiring processes.

    – Paul Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012



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    …In recent months, Cesar Chavez, US Senator Joseph Montoya (D-NM), and three US Congressmen have voiced support for the idea of Puerto Rican statehood. The call stems from the crucial military role that Puerto Rico played during the Cuban War, which has in turn led to a rise in tourism and a healthier better economy in recent years. Backers also point to historical precedence – Hawaii and Alaska joined the union after playing key roles in World War II’s Pacific Theater…

    The biggest hurdle for such a movement, however, would be the language barrier. While an overwhelming majority of Alaskan and Hawaiian natives spoke English at the time when our 49th and 50th states were admitted, less than 10% speak of Puerto Rican residents actually speak English fluently; over 90% of residents primarily speak Spanish as a primary language instead [9]. “A country needs its citizens to be able to understand one another – let English naturally develop more on the island before granting it statehood,” advices phonetics expert Professor... [10]

    The Miami Herald, 3/19/1971

    38TH STATE APPROVES 26TH AMENDEMENT: “VP Vacancy” Amendment To Become Official

    The Washington Post, 3/21/1971

    But the people of Corbin were more patient than the Colonel. And, despite past trends, were forgiving. They voted for my stepdad in a landslide, and continued his air-based proposal without him. And finally, after passing the feasibility study, the land approval and the hirings, and the endless piles of charts, cash flows, and construction, the Colonel Sanders Corbin Airfield opened on March 27. The product has since then proved to have been a good idea, as it did end up producing revenue for the town. And that led to it almost doubling in since from 1971 to 1979, quickly growing from a relatively famous small town to a bustling mini-metropolis of sorts...

    – John F. Ruggles, WMOR 1330 AM radio, 1/8/1981 program broadcast

    PM Holt Feels Heat In Australia’s Own Ms. Arkansas Scandal

    …Seven female interns of five prominent national politicians, all belonging to the Liberal alliance, under which Holt governs the nation, are seeking legal action for workplace pestering. An eighth woman, a parliamentary secretary has accused her boss of attempted rape… Holt’s office has still commented on this developing story

    – Mary McCarthy, reporting for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 3/28/1971

    Since entering office in March 19, 1965, Romania’s head of State, General Secretary Gheorghe Apostol had only continued his predecessor’s focus on left-leaning western nations such as France, and agitation toward the U.S.S.R.’s politburo. Under these conditions, Romania’s quality of life improved, while Apostol fell out of favor with even moderate Soviet leaders such as Kosygin.

    Lying in wait for the chance to take Apostol’s job was Prime Minister Ion Gheorghe Maurer, who found an apparent ally in the form of Elena Ceausescu (cow-shez-coo), whom was often referred to as simply “Elena.” After the murder of her husband, most likely under the orders of Apostol’s predecessor, in 1965, Elena charmed her way into the Communist party and immersed herself into how the organization ran. In July 1967, she was elected a member of the Central Commission on Socio-Economic Forecasting, and in July 1968 became a full member of the Romanian Communist Party Central Committee. After convincing Emil Bodnaras to nominate her, she was elected to the party’s Executive Committee in July 1969. In March 1970, she was elected to Romania’s national legislature, the Great National Assembly, holding the seat for Arges County, in Romania’s important industrial region. In January 1971, Elena rose from once being a mere secretary working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to being the Minister of Foreign Affairs, where she made up for her lack for qualifications for the job and sometimes-poor understanding of geopolitics by charming the leaders of other Warsaw Pact nations with lavish dinner parties and trips.

    On March 29, 1971, Maurer orchestrated a coup d’état while Apostol was visiting Austria that resulted in Maurer declaring himself the new General Secretary and Apostol seeking political asylum in East Germany. With her close ally now in power, Elena was again promoted, this time to serving as Maurer’s second-in-command. The next several weeks saw debate over how Maurer should rule internally as he repaired relations with the Soviet Union. Such talks ceased on July 12, when Maurer was shot by a sniper during a visit to a factory near Brazov. The killer successfully fled the scene.

    As his successor, Elena Ceausescu became the nation’s first female General Secretary. The pro-USSR Elena being in power was acceptable to Kosygin, who was mostly preoccupied trying to improve the Soviet economy. Furthermore, members of both the Soviet and Romanian political systems saw her as the Warsaw Pact’s answer to the Ms. Arkansas Wave seemingly destabilizing western capitalist countries at the time. The logic was that the Warsaw Pact could avoid such destabilization by promoting feminism and the communist ideal of equality, and what better way then by the Soviets having a satellite nation that had a female head of state? Additionally, Elena was (at least initially) fairly popular. Her humble origins – born into peasantry in Wallachia in 1916 and failing to finish grade school – was relatable to many Romanians, whom Elena inspired by telling them that communism was “a means by which the working poor could have a larger,” or the only, “say in how the country was run.” [11]

    The truth, however, was that Elena was as cunning as she crude, devious, and vindictive behind closed doors. As she was not well-educated, she instead had blackmailed and bribed her way into several government positions. Wanting to present herself as someone whose intelligence could not be questioned, Elena had used Maurer’s connections to get a PhD in chemistry 1969 despite handing in assignments clearly written by other people.

    As General Secretary, an intense personality cult formed around the alleged “Mother of the Nation.” Romanian Television was quickly given strict orders to take great care portraying her on screen. For instance, she was never supposed to be shown in profile because of her large nose. [12]

    The most consequential action Elena undertook, however, was the reversing of the liberalization/westernization efforts undertaken throughout the 1960s. Immediately after becoming General Secretary, Elena used the (suspicious) circumstances of her predecessor’s death to justify declaring marshal law and leading the Great National Assembly in passing several new rules that restricted travel and increased security. Under this veil of ensuring the nation’s safety, Elena sought to rule Romania with a totally totalitarian iron fist.


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    Above: Elena, surrounded by five bodyguards, during an official visit to Moscow, c. August 1971

    – Vladimir Tismaneanu’s Stalinism For All Seasons: A Political History of Romanian Communism, University of California Press, Third Edition, 2023

    HOST: What we’re talking about today was the Colonel’s apparent confusion during a meeting with, um, Juan, uh, Grullon, the president of the Dominican Republic, where the President kept referring to Bosch as the President of “Dominica.” Even worse, he seemed to forget the names of other attendees, and walked off the wrong side of the podium stage toward the end of the evening. Now, the White House has so far not commented on the incident, but I have seen the reports and believe the President’s age is catching up to him.

    CO-HOST: I disagree, fella. The President just seemed to be tired. If I had to lead the free world, I wouldn’t have that many long night, you know? And in the President’s defense, there is a country named Dominica.

    HOST: But the fact remains that as President he has the responsibility to be aware which is which.

    CO-HOST: – and to get at least eight hours of sleep, I’ll give you that one –

    HOST: – but I for one fear that it this incident could be the signal something much worse than mere drowsiness. After all, the President is eighty years old; the odds of him developing the early stages of, say, losing some of his faculties, are pretty high now.

    CO-HOST: Uh! Being groggy and old doesn’t mean you’re not all there!

    –Transcript of exchange between the Host and Co-Host of WHCV-AM, news/talk radio, 4/7/1971 broadcast

    17 April 1971: On this day in history, MP Jeremy Thorpe stepped down from leading the Liberal party over revelations concerning his relationship with one Norman Scott, in a scandal often considered to be one of the many that came about during the “Ark Wave” of 1970


    Murphy managed to kick his gambling addiction thanks to veteran rehabilitation and addiction-combating programs set up during the third term of California Governor Pat Brown, followed by Governor Ronald Reagan’s April 1971 outlawing of all slot machines in California (a favor to the Religious Right that elected him to office), which bothered Murphy, as he disliked having to travel out of state to gamble. These factors helped Murphy to instead focus on getting out of debt, staring by appearing in numerous TV shows and, to a lesser extent, films, which also increased his fame…


    On April 29 [1971] another N1 rocket launch ended in failure, the third failure in a row. He engineer Vladimir Chelomey called it a “trial and error,” but I did not believe that we could afford any more such failures. Already, Americans were exploring moon, and while many appreciated Kosygin’s increase in some safety procedure requirements, the men were still being run ragged. Many were even being sleep deprived, causing them to be clumsy on the job.

    “We must keep to the schedule,” Chelomey and his superiors would often say.

    “An axman who does not stop to sharpen his blade will never finish his chores first,” I once told him.

    “What the hell does that mean?” was his reply.

    Finally, I said, “Vladimir, if we really have to keep to this schedule, let’s at least bring in some more workers.”

    “How many more?”

    “Five percent, maybe.”

    He thought it over, thinking about the possibility that alleviating the work of each person could make them go faster “2-and-a-half percent”


    In December [1971], I was ebullient to report to Kosygin that the rate of progress had increased. I told him I was certain we could send a man to the moon in just two years. The working for said manned mission program was “Chelovechestvo,” [“Humanity” in Russian], which I found to give a positive message even if it was a bit wordy.

    Among the Stars: The Autobiography of Yuri Gagarin, 1995

    …Specifically, Father invited the Beatles in to the East Room, the main reception room and largest room in the White House. John Lennon’s wife Cynthia Powell joined Father, Maggie, Claudia and I, along with Linda McCartney, Maureen Starr, and Pattie Harrison.

    During the informal shindig, John spent much of the talking politics with Father and sharing witty jokes and comebacks. George stuck out as the quietest of the four, not exactly an introvert but still the least talkative of the three. During the few moments when he did talk, it was cynical in nature. He sharply contrasted Ringo, the proverbial life of the party, who reportedly kept the group’s spirits high after the attempt on their lives. Maggie, a fan of the band, practically through herself at Paul.

    The four seemed relieved to not have to talk about their music and instead just take a breather from the industry in which they worked. Toward the end of the evening, George summed up their occupation as “arduous and sometimes unrewarding.” Ringo added, “We all spend countless hours perfecting our songs, but nobody ever cares about that side of the scene, you know?” Father retorted with the notion, “Friends, family, laughter, love – those are the things that really make life rich and worth living. It’s the same stuff that is supposed to make the hard work you do in life worth doing. I work for the love of my friends, family, and country. When you work, you should work for those kind of things – that’ll make all the hard work worth it.”

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr.’s In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991

    An example of unsung heroism featuring the women being trained began in April 1971, when astronaut Scott Carpenter (b. 1925) was injured in a fire during a testing of Apollo 17’s exhaust system. Carpenter was ultimately cleared for service and landed on moon with Roger Chaffee and Alan Bean in mid-May 1971, but in 1987, Carpenter revealed what was once well-known within the walls of NASA – that trainee Janet Dietrich’s quick thinking during the fire saved his life. Her bravery and action impressed NASA’s higher-ups...

    Time Magazine, 1991 commemorative issue


    Olympia, WA – A small explosion shook both the state capitol and its political world earlier today. A bomb detonated in the office of Lieutenant Governor Arthur Fletcher, killing Fletcher’s bodyguard and chauffer, a one Theodore Robert Bundy. Fletcher, who is an African-American Republican, was the likely intended target, according to police officials. Racist individuals and groups have been sending Fletcher death threats ever since his 1968 campaign and subsequent victory in a year favoring Republicans. None of those threats, however, were this severe. The bomb detonated at a time when Bundy was retrieving papers for Fletcher to review at the Lieutenant Governor’s home. Nobody else was injured or killed in the bombing.

    The Olympian, Washington State newspaper, 4/14/1971

    …In the case of Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Ed, the US Supreme Court has ruled 6-to-3 that busing students to promote integration is constitutional but cannot be enforced onto parents who refuse to partake in it. Chief Justice Johnson led the majority with Associate Justices Sarah T. Hughes, William O. Douglas, William Brennan, Hugo Black, and Tom C. Clark, while John M. Harlan led the dissident with Edward H. Levi and Potter Stewart...

    – NBC News, 4/20/1971


    The Guardian, 29/4/1971


    …“artistic power couple” Tommy Chong and Yoko Ono has adopted an infant girl from the war-torn Kingdom of Laos…

    – The Hollywood Reporter, side article, 5/1/1971


    [pic: ]

    – US President Harland “Colonel” Sanders walking on the south lawn of the White House, approaching a podium to announce the end of active US military activities in Cambodia, 5/2/1971; the subsequent gradual withdrawal of American troop would last six months


    …the three restaurants are located in Belfast, Bangor and Newcastle, and are expected to help the local economy… KFC opened others restaurants earlier this year in the Republic of Ireland: one at coastal Dundalk, near the border dividing the Emerald Isle, and the other in the city of Waterford…

    The Boston Globe, 5/2/1971

    In February 1971, Senator Gravel sent a letter to the US Atomic Energy Commission hearings held in Anchorage. In it, Gravel proclaimed their planned testing of nuclear material to be not worth the risk of potential consequences to the environment in the earthquake prone region of Amchitka Island, which was being prepped for said tests (which were scheduled for May). The commission replied that such testing had already been scaled back significantly since 1969, but Gravel was joined in the call for the cancellation of the test by Senators Ernest Gruening (D-AK), Wayne Morse (D-OR), and Ted Sorensen (D-NE), and Representatives John E. Moss (D-CA3) and Trudy Cooper (D-SD2). Believing that “The Colonel needs to go even farther if he truly wants there to be no nuclear wars,” Gravel personally met with the Colonel, but, according to some historians, Gravel failed to explain when and where the test should occur, if not on the remote Amchitka Island.

    Gravel next took the case to the US Supreme Court, which declined to issue an injunction against the testing; the test occurred three months later, as planned. Later in the year, however, Gravel sponsored a bill to impose a moratorium on all nuclear power plant construction and to make power utilities liable for any nuclear accidents. The bill came at a time when many American people and politicians considered nuclear energy to be a cleaner energy source and a better use of nuclear/atomic energy. Gravel’s activism eventually culminated in the December 1971 Atomic Liability Act, stipulating nuclear power companies would be held responsible for fatal nuclear accidents, but the act included no moratoriums. Nevertheless, Gravel proudly touted the bill as a success.


    Colonel Parker sought to capitalize off the success of Elvis’ tour of Europe, for which Parker opted to stay in the states and monitor the situation through constant phone calls to Vernon and Priscilla… Inspired by President Sanders’s historic visit to China in 1968 [13], Parker began preparing for a “worldwide celebration of Elvis.” Finally the day came on May 8, 1971; the long-awaited “Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite” live Elvis performance broadcast was an even bigger success than the Elvis in Europe tour…

    – Ernst Jorgensen’s Elvis and the Two Colonels: Day by Day, Ballantine Books, 1999


    …Governor Wallace’s most recent attempt to alter our state, this new “Equal Tenant Treatment” law, is an attack on landlords and homeowners who wish to not lower their property values…

    Birmingham News, opinion piece, 5/11/1971

    …earlier today, President Sanders gave a speech calling for businesses and congress to support employee mandates that offer better private health insurance to more employees. The President also called for more funding for programs to help single mothers with minor children such as day care funding, pointing to the long-term success of federal school programs passed in his first term…

    – The Overmyer Network Evening News, 5/12/1971

    …And in tonight’s Republican primary for Governor, good ol’ Robison won over former nominee Louis Nunn. Robison was strongly endorsed by President Colonel Sanders, but the fact that Nunn won roughly 35% of the primary vote makes this reporter think that support for the Colonel is dropping – that the Colonel’s endorsement is no longer strong enough to bury political opponents, uh, metaphorically-speaking…

    – WSFC (1240 AM), 5/25/1971 broadcast

    …So, for y’all that may not have already heard, former governor Happy Chandler has won Democratic primary for Governor. Here’s a breakdown of what happened. First off, Happy face divided opposition. He was running against another former Governor, uh, Bert Combs, state Senator Wendell Ford, and several others who all together won about 4 or 5 percent of the total vote tonight. Second, Chandler has finally embraced the campaign features of the modern era, getting himself on TV and so on. Thirdly, while the other fellas in the run were eloquent and longwinded, Chandler was the only one who seemed to actually answer any of the questions asked on the campaign trail. He’s certainly learned from his previous unsuccessful bids. We’ll now just have to wait and see if he can beat incumbent Governor Robsion in, uh, November…

    – WVLK (AM), 5/25/1971 broadcast


    – The New Hampshire Gazette, 5/12/1971

    30 March 1971: House of Commons member Lord Lambton is accused of attempting to recruit two underage women he apparently mistook for call girls

    26 April 1971: an aide to Powell’s Home Secretary resigns over allegations of sexual pestering.

    13 May 1971: Lord Lambton resigns from government after his arrest for soliciting minors; he is ultimately acquitted.

    14 May 1971: the Earl Jellicoe of the House of Lords admits to having had “some casual affairs” with call girls in the wake of an accidental confusion with Lord Lambton’s prostitution scandal. The name Jellicoe emerged as a result of a connection between Lambton and Lambton visiting a Somers Town tenement house called Jellicoe Hall, named after the Earl Jellicoe’s distant cousin Basil Jellicoe (1899-1935). Nevertheless, the admission led to him resigning from his position in the government.

    8 July 1971: an aide to the Mayor of London is arrested for attempted rape of a female co-worker; he is ultimately acquitted.



    – The Connecticut Post, 5/24/1971

    Governors Wallace, Castro, And Sawyer Join Democratic Senators Calling For Expansion Of Party Presidential Primaries

    – The Sacramento Union, 5/27/1971


    – The Sydney Morning Herald, 28/5/1971

    I had big shoes to fill after the [1963] death my father and the founder of Wal-Mart. I was young and not too experienced and almost ran this company into the ground. By May 1971, when I was 26, it felt like the banks were closing in on me. I was ready to throw in the towel. But with the help of family, friends, the good people of Arkansas, and the Colonel Sanders deregulation and tax incentive policies, we managed to expand Wal-Mart from a small chain of discount stores in Arkansas into an impressive franchise – stores were founded in, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma by 1972, and we expanded into eastern Texas and Missouri by 1973. And now look at us, our store, Father’s dream – an enterprise of over 2,100 stores strewn across 34 states. And our net total revenue this year, fellow Wal-Marters? (pause) $1.2 billion – our best year in nearly a decade! I couldn’t be prouder of all of you!”

    – S. Robson “Rob” Walton (net worth: $2billion) at a private business-dinner function, 2/5/2013


    – The Connecticut Post, 6/1/1971


    [pic: ]

    – Governor Ronald Reagan (R-CA) eating KFC at a political function, 6/3/1971

    On June 4, 1971, the vote composition ended up being 6-to-3: Chief Justice Frank Minis Johnson, John M. Harlan, and Potter Stewart sided with Kuhn, while Edward H. Levi, Sarah T. Hughes, Hugo Black, William O. Douglas, Tom C. Clark, and William Brennan sided with Curt Flood. Under the Sherman Antitrust Act, baseball qualified as an interstate commerce, and the reserve clause violated the act. And with the dismantling of barring players from negotiating signing onto other terms for the first year after leaving a team, the court case effectively opened the door for Free Agency in major league baseball.

    – John Helyar’s Lords of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball, Ballantine Books, 1994

    “I’d also like to take this moment to thank Senator Mondale for supporting this bill. Fritz has been in my corner since my mayoral run in 1947. He’s co-sponsored Medicare with me, and actively supported the Civil Rights Act with me. It’s nice to know that I can trust the Senator that I always sit next to in the chamber.”

    – Hubert Humphrey at Democratic Party fundraiser in D.C., 6/5/1971


    [pic: ]

    – US Senators Walter Mondale and Hubert Humphrey, prior to either one publicly announcing their Presidential aspirations, c. May 1971

    …Governor Phil Hoff (D-VT) signs into law today the Free Health Care Act, establishing a “universal healthcare system” for the state of Vermont… The legislation is reportedly based on and inspired by the legislation passed in Canada in August 1969 during their previous Paul Hellyer government…

    – The Boston Globe, 6/7/1971

    Détente’s continuation into 1971 is evident by the signing of the Strategic Planetary International Care Elucidation (S.P.I.C.E.) Treaty in June of that year. Meant to clarify the parts of the 1968 Strategic Universal Geopolitical Arms Reduction (S.U.G.A.R.) Treaty concerning the disposing of hazardous nuclear material in regards to transportation over international borders, the treaty was minor in scope. However, because the meeting in Geneva between Sanders and Kosygin developed an almost friendly atmosphere, with the two leaders smiling and telling jokes after the official ceremony, gave to many high hopes for the future.

    – David Tal’s US Strategic Arms Policy in the Cold War: Negotiation & Confrontation, Routledge, 2017


    Minneapolis Star, 6/15/1971

    Mondale: A Better Direction For the 1970s

    – Mondale ’72 Slogan


    Quebec’s Bill 203 [14], which would have made French the only official language in the province of Quebec, was struck down by the Canadian judicial system today on the grounds that English-speaking Natives would be at a disadvantage. …A major concern was that English-speaking motorists driving through the province could be endangered by French-only road signs. …A possible resolution may be to make English the province’s official “secondary language,” which would require it to be used on all road signs and public information signs, but would not make it a require it to teach it in schools in Quebec...

    – The Kimberley Daily Bulletin, Canadian newspaper, 6/18/1971

    As was the case in 1967, Humphrey decides against an active campaign for President. This time, however, it was over concerns for his wife, the introverted Muriel. In June of 1971, Humphrey spoke with freshman Senator John Glenn, whose wife Anne suffered at the time from a speech impediment. Glenn reportedly told the former Vice President “publicity is doing a number on her, and she’s a brave trooper.” Humphrey mulled back, “yes, and we just had a Senate race. But a Presidential race… More cameras, more prying eyes than anyone would, could, or should ever want.” Glenn would later write, “Politics can, have and will break up families. From what I have seen, I can say one definitive thing – when running for public office, your family has to be all-in on it. Not reluctantly, but willingly. All in.” Humphrey heeded Glenn’s advice, and determined that his positioning for the nomination was even more secure than it was four years ago, when Johnson’s Folley (i.e., Cuba) still lingered in the air and Kennedy managed to secure a large portion of the opposing vote. But in 1971, anti-Humphrey opposition seemed fractured. Humphrey ergo treated the race as a stroll instead of a marathon.

    – Carl Solberg’s H.H.H.: A Biography, Borealis Books, 1984 (2001 edition)


    Hundreds have women have traveled to training centers in Texas and Florida with the hopes of enduring a rigorous months-long training process. While over two dozen women have been hired for their ground testing programs, NASA hired the best five of the women for special training to actually go into space:

    Jerrie Cobb: the unofficial leader of the “Lunar Ladies” movement, Cobb is now closer to achieving her goal of going to space than ever before.

    Janet & Marion Dietrich: with these 44-year-old identical twin sisters, NASA may be able to study how spending time in space physically affects the human body.

    Jane Briggs Hart: at 49, Hart is the oldest woman to be selected by the program. Her marriage to a now-former Senator was the source of much contention over her presence in the training program, and received flak from both media outlets and her fellow would-be “woman-nauts” for supposed political influence.

    Irene H. Leverton: this 43-year-old aspiring moonwalker is a pilot and flight instructor who partook in the original 1961 trainings.

    Emily H. Warner: at 32, this longtime-flying Coloradan is the youngest of the women hired to go into space.

    – The Miami Herald, 6/22/1971

    While I never experienced it, I do remember how many of the women who quit later claimed they dropped out because of the men at NASA created a hostile environment. Some even claimed some of the guys violating their privacy at whatnot. While I do remember one trainee who dropped out finding her locker broken into and filled with dildos, I think that really says more about the guys than us. I mean, where did the guys even get them? But like I said, I never experienced anything that wasn’t professional or friendly kidding around. We were there to get a job done, not to goof off and then some. Or, possibly, maybe the male astronauts were just too nervous to hit on us, what with the Ms. Arkansas Wave still going strong at the time and the heads NASA heavily monitoring our interactions with the guys, and visa-versa.

    – Emily Warner, 2019 interview


    – The Washington Post, 6/27/1971

    As the year progressed, Vice President Scranton’s increasing visibility in the administration led to whispers suggesting that the Man from PA was the one truly in charge, and not the octogenarian-in-chief. In reality, the Colonel had taken a liking to his younger understudy, and wanted to help him “become a household name” ahead of the 1972 Presidential election, according to Harley Sanders.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014

    The drink was a family devil that not even Ted could defeat. We thought it wasn’t too serious until the incident. On July 7, 1971, Ted drove his Bentley off part of the highway to Reno and slide down a hillside until its rocky surface turned the car to the driver’s side before tipping it onto its top before the car stopped at the hill’s bottom. Ted received a broken arm and nobody else was injured, but Ted was arrest for driving drunk. Knowing the future of his newspaper – and more importantly, the future of our marriage – was at stake, Ted did the right thing, which coincidently was exactly what I told him to do. Ted held a press briefing on the 28th, wherein he admitted, “I am not proud of the fact that I am an alcoholic, but rest assured that I will be taking a leave of absence from the Union to begin counseling.” Years later, Ted would claim that the incident opened his eyes to the dangers of the drink, and the experience made him a stronger person. The experience also was what sparked his famous passion for healthcare and Alcoholics Anonymous...

    – Joan Bennett Kennedy’s There Are Always Two Tomorrows: My Life in an American Dynasty, Centurion Publishers, 1999


    …The decision is a reversal of his initial refusal to “abandon to the wolves” the staffers in question. …Sources state Powell had grown concerned in recent days over increasingly poor approval polling, and aides have been “repeatedly” reminding him of the political ramifications of the Ms. Arkansas Wave in the United States midterms of November 1970. “Powell has the next general election to think about, and maintaining the confidence of his own party, which has been waning as of late, is pivotal if he wants to stay in power.”

    – The Guardian, 7/7/1971

    MONDALE IS AN OPPORTUNIST: After Twelve Uneventful Years in the US Senate, Minnesotans Should Not Support His The Presidential Bid.

    – Rep. Al Quie (R-MN), The Star Tribune, 7/9/1971 op-ed

    Mondale is a friend and ally of unions. Never forget it was the unions that got child labor outlawed, brought us the 8-hour workday, worked in favor of healthcare plans such as maternity leave and sick leave, got us weekends and vacation time, and promote social security and Medicare and Medicaid. And Fritz Mondale supports all of those things, and consistently has ever since I appointed him to the Senate in 1961.

    – Former Governor Orville Freeman, 7/10/1971 radio interview

    In July 1971, under the advice of then-Congressman Ben Reifel, President Sanders recommended self-determination for Indian tribes to be a goal for the federal government to achieve before the end of his term. A year later, Sanders signed into law the 1972 Indian Self-Determination and Development Assistance Act, which allowed for federal government agencies to enter into contracts with federally recognized tribes – contracts which would assure tribes would have more control over funds used for their needs.

    Braid of Feathers: American Indian Law and Contemporary Tribal Life, University of California Press, 1997


    – The Wall Street Journal, 7/16/1971

    Burger Chef was founded in 1957, three years after brothers Frank Thomas Jr. and Donald Thomas, operators of the General Equipment Corporation of Indianapolis, Indiana, patented a flame broiler and soon opened a restaurant in Indianapolis.

    The Thomas brothers knew McDonald’s CEO Ray Kroc back when they sold competing soft ice-cream machines in the early 1950s. The Thomas brothers, with their brother-in-law Robert Wildman, decided to enter the burger business after manufacturing a hamburger broiler for Burger King co-founder David Edgerton. Deciding to mimic McDonald’s company system but needing a unique angle for development, Burger Chef followed a strategy of opening franchises in small towns; by the time General Foods acquired Burger Chef in 1968, the restaurant had over 800 locations. Under new management, Burger Chef locations quickly spread out to over 1,000 nationwide by 1971, making it a burger giant on par with McDonald’s, and surpassing the availability of Burger King and KFC’s Wendyburger Menu.

    At the start of the 1970s, however, the burger market began becoming saturated, and Burger Chef’s expansion strategy was beginning to fail as underperforming sales, especially ones in franchises in poor locations, caused the company’s yearly earnings to actually drop for 1970. General Foods went back to basics and sought out better locations. They also slowed growth to focus on quality and customer satisfaction.

    This led to the 1971 introduction of “the Works Bar,” where customers added their own toppings from a wide variety of choices; the move set Burger Chef apart from the rest; following this was their 1973 “FunMeal” toy line for children, which was “the inspiration” behind McDonald’s “McHappy Meal” toy line of the 1980s.

    Rival company’s responded to Burger Chef’s rise in different ways. The KFC Company, under the leadership of CEO Mildred Sanders, believed in Dave Thomas’s Wendyburger, and did not address the competition directly. McDonald’s CEO June Martino, however, decided to not take any chances, and began a second “burger war” to trounce the company’s latest competition. “Whenever a Burger Chef opened in a small town, McDonald’s was quick to open one of their own restaurants somewhere nearby, whether it was in the city next door, or right down the block,” states Martino’s former secretary...


    [pic: ]
    Above: Burger Chef’s logo in the early 1970s

    – R. J. Anderson’s Burger Chef: A History, Arcadia Publishing, republished 2019

    ...In political news, the state of Mississippi is reeling from an ethics scandal. The Jackson grand jury has indicted, or formally charged, the Chief of Staff of the state’s Governor, Republican Rubel Phillips, for accepting bribes in exchange for supporting state contracts in his role as an advisor to Phillips...

    – NBC News, 7/26/1971 broadcast

    ANCHOR: Earlier today, senior rights advocate Maggie Kuhn sat down with President Sanders at the White House.

    KUHN (in footage): “Old people and women constitute America’s biggest untapped and undervalued human energy source.” [15]

    ANCHOR: Kuhn is an active promoter of “elder rights” activities such as nursing home reform, mental health studies, and anti-ageism organizations. Last year, upon being forced to retire from her job for the Presbyterian Church at the age of 65, Kuhn founded the Gray Americans Organization to promote the aforementioned causes, as well as to promote peace and truth-in-advertising legislation. [snip] …The G.A.O. has found support among young women, with Kuhn stating, quote, “adolescents should be taken seriously and given more responsibilities by society. With their wit and energy, they too are a valuable human resource to squander.” Kuhn has also claimed that retirement homes are “glorified playpens” that isolate elderly people from the rest of society, quote, “shunning them for living for so long.” At her meeting with the President, the two reportedly discussed how to address concerns of age-based prejudice in the American workplace and workforce…

    – ABC News, 7/29/1971 broadcast


    …the Marine Corps League a Congressionally-chartered organization, while the Retired Enlisted Association is a non-profit organization working to better the quality of life for enlisted soldiers and their families...

    Stars And Stripes, 7/30/1971

    PRIMARY REFORM DEVELOPMENT: More State Governors Agree At NGA Meeting To Host Presidential Primaries Next Year

    – The Washington Post, 8/1/1971


    …While currently unclear of how audiences will respond to it, critics are already deriding the currently-untitled film’s premise. The studio’s press release describes the synopsis as follows: “When abused housewife Francesca (Marilyn Monroe) finds $7,000 dollars in a suitcase, she decides to seek out a better life – one without depending on her abusive husband Joe (Robert Wagner) for financial support – by using the money to secretly take night courses. Soon Francesca befriends a librarian named Lyra (Jane Fonda) who, after years of being sexual pestered by him, seeks to murder her boss (Peter Sellers). All while a mysterious duo track down the lost suitcase.” The script was written late last year…

    – The Hollywood Reporter, 8/3/1971

    “Well, it was an average day in Constantinople. It was peaceful – people were concerned over making a living than stirring up trouble. See, we usually got along with neighbors of different religions due to co-dependency – people other faiths contributed to the community through their trade or their skills or their wares, and so were cherished and loved. There was no need to fight until others convinced others to think otherwise. Idle hands are the devil’s playground, and apparently, the Bulgarians had very idle hands. I remember hearing the clamor, people running past my store window, and sirens going off. A went out and saw smoke rising. One of the Christian houses of worship – one of the important ones – was burning. You don’t need to be Christian to feel bad, to feel sorry for such a horrible sight as a House of God on fire. God doesn’t do harm to good people – but bad people do. A fortunately, for the sake of everyone, the bad people responsible were caught almost immediately!”

    – Witness in 2001 interview for documentary of Greco-Turkish relations


    The Guardian, UK newspaper, 5/8/1971


    – The New York Post, 8/6/1971

    “Alright, what on earth’s going on in Turkey this time?”

    – President Harland “Colonel” Sanders to his foreign policy personnel, 8/5/1971 (multiple sources)

    At the start of the 1970s decade, the Seventh Department of the First Main Directorate of the Bulgarian DS, or “State Security” (essentially, Bulgaria’s K.G.B.) developed “Operation Cross,” a plan to start a confrontation between the nations of Greece and Turkey, which the developers believed would compel the United States into “choosing a side.” The confrontation would arise from the destruction-by-fire of The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in Turkey, which is a highly valued part of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Churches. The goal of the operation was to, eventually, pull the side “abandoned” by the U.S. into the Warsaw Pact via stoking anti-western sentiment, or, at the very least, destabilize N.A.T.O.’s east Mediterranean front. The Deputy Head of the Directorate, believing their destabilizing of the region would impress the Soviet Union, approved the plan in early 1970.

    The “Bulgarian Plot,” as the operation was later called outside of Bulgaria, called for three Bulgarian agents (two being secret Turkish collaborators recruited by January 31) to study the location in question by November 30, 1970; determine places that would be best for the placement of incendiary devices by March 15; and the sending of two more agents, both professional arsonists, to the location by April 30. [17]


    Operation Cross was finalized in May, ahead of schedule. However, while Bulgaria’s defense personnel, led by Defense Minister Dobri Dzhurov, approved of the plan, the nation’s leader, Bulgaria’s leader, Todor Zhivkov, was generally cautious and was unwilling to risk squandering the past decade of warming Greek-Bulgaria relations (much to the irritation of the USSR) for such a risky and blood-spilling ploy. According to the testimony of their former aides, Dzhurov and Zhivkov argued over the plan for weeks, with Dzhurov accusing Zhivkov of being either “a puppet of the Soviets” or “a spineless puppet of the Soviets” at some point in July. Furthermore, while Yuri Andropov of the Soviet Union’s KGB supported the plan, Soviet Premier Kosygin did not. In early August 1971, the Seventh Department of the First Main Directorate executed the plan, though on whose orders remains uncertain. Analysts are certain Bulgaria’s Zhivkov would not have executed the plan without Soviet approval first.

    Thus, the question the Colonel, the US Defense department, the CIA, and the Greek and Turkish governments wished to answer was who had given the order.

    “It’s luck that they were caught red-handed,” the Colonel noted.

    “Actually, sir, it’s incredibly unfortunate,” Bonesteel explained. The Secretary of Defense and his aides explained how the intelligence and security apparatuses of both Greece and Turkey had greatly improved since the 1969 Turkish Missile Crisis. Both Turkish and Greek agents picked up on Bulgarian agent activity in the area, and noted how similar their actions were to the instigators of a bombing of a museum in Thessaloniki, during a hostile period between Turkey and Greece reached a peak in September 1955. The fact that the Greek and Turkish agents failed to stop the Bulgarian agents before they could set fire to the church was a failure in the eyes of Greek and Turkish officials.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    The spiritual leader of 125 million Eastern Christians, died in Istanbul while hospitalized for a broken hip sustained in a fall last Thursday, when an arson attack on the city’s religiously important Ecumenical Patriarchate created chaotic panic and disarray in the city. The Greek-born, white-bearded, 6-foot 4-inch prelate became Ecumenical Patriarch in 1948 after seventeen years in New York as Greek Orthodox Archbishop of North and South America.

    Newsweek, 8/8/1971

    With the ecumenical see empty, the church looked for a successor, and found one in Makarios III. Having served simultaneously as the Archbishop of Cyprus and Primate of the autocephalous Church of Cyprus since 1950 and as the President of Cyprus since 1960, Makarios was a controversial figure amidst the move the absorb Cyprus into the nation of Greece. Greeks in Greece and Cyprus approved of the choice as a means of allowing Makarios to relinquish the Presidency for a “promotion,” while Turks in Turkey and Cyprus approved of removing a man seen as a nuisance whom was difficult to work with.

    Ironically, the burning of the church actually eased tensions between Greece and Turkey by removing a controversial figure from the equation and giving the two nations a shared enemy – animosity toward Bulgaria lingered on in both nations for decades. The “Bulgaria Plot” had backfired by strengthening the region.

    On August 12, Alexei Kosygin, having already disavowed all knowledge of the Bulgaria Plot, accused Bulgaria of “acting alone” in a phone call to President Sanders.

    “I want to believe him,” said the Colonel, “because we’ve gotten along well before. But he’s the leader of the enemy, and he’s got to back up his words with some evidence.” The CIA concurred.

    On August 15, agents working for Kosygin discovered flight logs showing that KGB head Yuri Andropov had flown to Bulgaria on July 28. Rather than firing Andropov for “going over his head,” Kosygin instead “tightened Andropov’s leash.” On August 17, Kosygin ordered Zhivkov to fire Dzhurov for insubordination; Zhivkov but as he was told. Dzhurov, failing to gather enough support to lead a planned coup in early 1973, moved to East Germany in the summer of 1972 “for health concerns.”

    The whole situation left a feeling of awkwardness between Sanders and Kosygin that would last for months.

    – Rick Perlstein’s Colonel’s Country: The Trials and Crises of the Chicken King Presidency, Simon & Schuster, 2014


    …the governor is following through on his 1970 pledge to double the number of black voter registrars in Alabama’s 67 counties: a report last month shows an increase of 67%.

    – The Birmingham News, 8/15/1971

    COLONEL SANDERS BACKS PEPPER IDEA: Florida Rep.’s Push For Senior Rights Act Gaining Strength

    …Claude Pepper, head of the newly-created House Select Committee on Aging, is making his way around Capitol Hill, gathering support for a proposed “Senior Rights Act,” also referred to as an “Elderly Rights Act,” which would outlaw ageist discrimination policies in all 50 states. Pepper is also getting his fellow lawmakers on the committee to head investigations and hearings into activist Maggie Kuhn’s claims of abuse occurring in retirement homes nationwide…

    – The Miami Herald, 8/30/1971

    Geopolitical trends

    Tensions between the Cold War era’s superpowers were “cool” at the start of the decade, as the proxy confrontations of the 1950s and 1960s gave way to a period of détente, arguably led by USSR leader Alex Kosygin, who sought to stabilize his country’s internal political chaos following the Shelepin and Inauri periods. The US’s President Sanders cooled tensions with China to impede their support of communist organizations in southern Asia and to prevent war from breaking out on the Korean peninsula, significantly altering Cold War dynamics and opening Red China to the west.


    Musicians that either dominated, or rose to fame in, the 1960s, such as Bob Dylan and Tommy Chong, faded in popularity as newcomers such as Ambient Rock morphed into Razor Rock, its vanguards being groups such as Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, and other performers that adhered to a younger coming-of-age audience of listeners. Women’s bands/singers such as Dolly Parton and Linda Ronstadt rose to prominence in the 1970s as well. These female performers reflected in their music the increasingly flexible and expanding variety of gender roles for women in the workforce of western countries, though an overwhelming majority of men remained the sole or primary breadwinners of households worldwide.


    The 1968 opening of the US and China’s economies to each other led to the introduction of Bruce Lee to American and western audiences.



    …The UK’s Dixon of Dock Green had a “bold” episode concerning rape that was controversial, but was nevertheless an early highlight of British television’s move to “realism” in its programming, as also seen in Doctor Who, Z-Cars, and Z-Cars’ spinoff series (“Softly, Softly”) [18]. …Many members of baby boomer generation came of age during the 1970s, and they demanded “barrier-free” programs. Expanding beyond the typical sitcom tropes and styles of the 1960s, '70s saw an increase in program diversity. These changing demands were the result of the “Ms. Arkansas Wave,” popularized by the British as “The Ark Wave,” “The Ms. Arkie Wave” or “The Arkie Wave.” Programs such as All My Children and All in the Family addressed “the boon of the Women’s Liberation movement” while still focusing more on the lives of housewives. The Carol Burnett Show adapted to the changing times too. Concurrently, the big four (NBC, CBS, ABC, and TON) produced numerous shows for the purpose of capitalizing off the Ark Wave, such as Police Women, Wonder Woman, Maude, and spinoffs such as The Bionic Woman. The Overmyer Network was quick to set themselves apart from the older three major networks with more programs appeasing to younger and more progressive audiences.

    At the same time, the subject of war began to be presented in movies and television in less glamorous ways, with shows such as M*A*S*H covering not only the physical destruction brought about by warfare, but the psychological damage it created as well...

    …Audiences were treated to a growing range of shows starring African-American actors can could be enjoyed by all races; the decade’s first major hit of such kind was Redd Foxx’s Sanford and Son, but more programs arose as the decade progressed…



    [pic: ]

    – A painting of Colonel Sanders, c. 1971; The Colonel was a prominent figure in pop culture during and long after his Presidency, both in the US and abroad

    [1] All italicized portions are pulled from this informative article:
    [2] Source:…
    [3] Statistic found here:, which also states that IOTL, the number of murders in NY actually rose, from 746 in 1967 to 1,117 in 1970.
    [4] Idea for the dam to fail courtesy of @Unknown. Here, the war in Cuba going on led to less time, energy, resources, and attention being allocated to the dam’s needs, leading to the dam’s water level not being lowered enough to prevent disaster like it did IOTL. As for the death toll, I looked at the records of other collapsed dams on Wikipedia for comparison, and considered the people evacuating ahead of the aftershock. If 1,100 seems too low, please say so.
    [5] Found here: (page 10): the car accident in November 1926 occurred when the Sanders’ were living in Camp Nelson, KY, and Sanders was working for the Michelin Tire Company; he owned two cars, a fancy Maxwell car and an old Model T Ford.
    [6] Edited version of a quote found here: (page 12): “Josephine helped her husband put a large loose flap of scalp back where it belonged, doused the wounds in turpentine, and bandaged him up.”
    [7] According to the reviews on her 1980 biography found here:, Claudia’s personality was “mundane,” and she cared very much about the “styles of European and Asian” living.
    [8] Based on this chart: (however, the Cuba War caused the rate to be lower than IOTL until 1963, when the Salad Oil Recession propelled it to higher than IOTL)
    [9] See here:
    [10] This entry is based on @Jackson_Lennock’s interesting thread/thought found here:
    [11] Quote is from here:
    [12] Italicized segment pulled from her Wikipedia article.
    [13] The OTL Hawaii broadcast was “inspired by [the 1972] visit made by U.S. President Richard Nixon to China,” according to this source: Guralnick, Peter; Jorgensen, Ernst (1999). Elvis: Day by Day. Ballantine Books. ISBN978-0-345-42089-3.
    [14] Basically an early version of this: brought about due to the alternate Quebec controversies of TTL’s 1960s under the Hellyer and extended Diefenbacker premierships.
    [15] OTL quote.
    [16] Idea taken from here:
    [17] Specifics covered here:
    [18] Before anyone asks, I know absolutely nothing about Doctor Who (apart from the fact that the franchise is too large for me to become invested in it at this point in my life), so please forgive me for the lack of any details here.

    Also, here: I made a poll for the 1972 Democratic primaries!:

    And here’s a breakdown of the candidates, both declared and undeclared, found on the poll:

    Governor Mario Biaggi of New York (b. 1917, age 55) – proudly declaring himself the quintessential law-and-order candidate; Biaggi was the race’s early frontrunner, but now is facing criticism for his handling of the Attica prison riot-turned-massacre; still, the moderate is confident that he can bring together enough white-ethnic and suburban voters to form a “New Deal-like” coalition that can win him the nomination.

    Former Governor Edmund Gerald “Pat” Brown of California (b. 1905, age 67) – after presiding over 12 years of economic growth, Brown is running on his moderate-to-liberal record (despite the controversies sprinkled throughout it) as governor of The Golden State and on his ability to be a unifying candidate in past elections.

    Former Governor Robert Patrick “Bob” Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania (b. 1932, age 40) – the moderate “boy governor” has blue-collar appeal and could win over the youth vote, but some are concerned that his Catholic faith will doom him in the general election, as some have suggested that this was a contributing factor to the defeat the Democratic party’s last Catholic nominee, Jack Kennedy, who was nominated just four years ago.

    Representative Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm of New York (b. 1924, age 48) – this African-American woman is mounting a serious campaign focused on bringing together a coalition of working-class voters from all ethnic groups; a progressive supporter of civil rights and women’s rights, her candidacy will at the very least provide a fresh perspective for multiple issues, or at the very most make for a historic and unprecedented campaign.

    Retired Admiral John Geraerdt Crommelin Jr. of Alabama (b. 1902, age 70) – having spent 30 years in the US Navy, this perennial candidate brings military experience to the table and wants to greatly expand the US’s military capabilities and have the US take a firmer stand against Communism on the world stage; however, as a staunch defender of racial segregation and white supremacist talking points, who has run for public office several times since 1950 as a Democratic, Independent, or third-party candidate, he will have trouble winning over voters in a party that is quickly evolving away from such political positions; as if to emphasize how out-of-step he is with the national Democratic party, he has refused to debate Chisholm face-to-face.

    Senator Maurice Robert “Mike” Gravel of Alaska (b. 1930, age 42) – calling for expanding social programs and environmental protection, Alaska’s energetic young lawmaker and political maverick is focusing more on domestic issues and foreign policy matters during what is his second run for the Presidency; he passionately supports expanding America’s healthcare system, denuclearization, environmental protection, grassroots political involvement, and détente.

    Governor Philip Henderson “Phil” Hoff of Vermont (b. 1924, age 48) – a progressive and pragmatic pioneer of environmental, development, and social welfare programs concerned about racial justice and women’s rights, the Green Mountain state’s best-known Democrat was a potential pick for the Democratic nomination for Vice President in 1968 if Hubert Humphrey or Mike Gravel had won the Presidential nomination that year; as Hoff is transparent about being a former alcoholic, he has been endorsed by the moderate Harold Hughes of Iowa, who praises Hoff’s “open honesty” in discussing such “taboo” health-related topics during his bids for public office; his signature policy is converting the US healthcare system to a new system modeled off of Canada's.

    Senator Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr. of Minnesota (b. 1911, age 61) – former VP is running once more after coming so close to receiving the nomination in 1968; he may face a tough challenge from fellow Minnesotan Walter Mondale, who is running as a moderate with liberal appeal and as a younger and less “establishment-friendly” alternative to Hubert “The Happy Warrior” Humphrey.

    Senator Henry Martin “Scoop” Jackson of Washington (b. 1912, age 60) – a career politician accused of being a “corporatist” for his deep ties to the aviation industry, Jackson believes he can break out from the crowded field by focusing on his impressive and lengthy record, especially his early support of civil rights (but not the bits about him supporting the Japanese internment camps during the 1940s).

    Senator Eunice Mary Kennedy-Shriver of Massachusetts (b. 1921, age 51) – if she runs, this deep-pocketed advocate of healthcare expansion could capitalize on the “wave” of feminism brought about by the ripple effect of the Ms. Arkansas Scandal, though some are concerned that it may be too soon to nominate the sister of the man who lost the last Presidential election just four years prior.

    Governor Cornelia Genevive Gjesdal “Coya” Knutson of Minnesota (b. 1912, age 60) – with an inspiring backstory and an impressive governing record, this moderate feminist icon has the experience for the job, and if she runs (and the campaigns of Mondale and Humphrey collapse), she just might be able to win over enough female voters, rural and suburban voters, and middle-class voters to clinch the nomination.

    Governor Lester Garfield Maddox Sr. of Georgia (b. 1915, age 57) – as running as merely a controversial businessman in 1968, Maddox’s second presidential bid has more clout to it, as he won public office in the interim; a conservative who swears his opposition to racial integration was not racist, he may be able to win over social conservatives in the party.

    Representative Patsy Matsu Takemoto Mink of Hawaii (b. 1927, age 45) – a champion of civil rights and woman’s rights, Mink is running on a campaign focused on early childhood education, environmental protection, and “direct democracy” reform; in office since 1965, she believes she has the experience and progressive record to win in the primaries or at the convention, and then in the general election.

    Senator Walter Frederick “Fritz” Mondale of Minnesota (b. 1928, age 45) – coming from the liberal side of the party, Mondale is poised to oppose Humphrey in the primaries, as he is positioning himself as a younger alternative to the former Vice President who could appeal to more primary and general-election voters.

    Senator Wayne Lyman Morse of Oregon (b. 1900, age 72) – this liberal Republican-turned-progressive Democrat is known for supporting D.C. home rule, opposing American alliances with dictatorial regimes, strongly opposing both the Cuba War and the Indochina Wars, and for pledging to “reverse the big money and big business domination of government.”

    Former Senator Maurine Brown Neuberger of Oregon (b. 1907, age 65) – though she has not declared her candidacy, this progressive lawmaker may run if Morse bows out early; she is ideologically similar to Morse and Hoff, but could also win over women voters, or become a “compromise” candidate in the event of a deadlocked convention.

    Former Representative John Richard Rarick of Louisiana (b. 1924, age 48) – deeply conservative with a reputation for using racially-tinged rhetoric while speaking on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Rarick is running because he believes he is more experienced and “likeable” than Maddox.

    Representative Joseph Yale Resnick of New York (b. 1924, age 48) – the moderate-leaning congressperson is retiring from his seat to attempt an “underdog” campaign for the White House; best known as the inventor of a TV antenna in the 1950s that was inexpensive, easy to assemble, and install without the expertise of a specially trained technician, Resnick, in office since 1965, has backed civil rights legislation, the Indochina Wars, and animal protection laws, empowering the USDA’s ability to regulate animal use in research facilities; a heart attack survivor, he also supports expanding America’s healthcare system.

    Former Governor J. Terry Sanford of North Carolina (b. 1917, age 55) – this moderate has been out of office for eight years, but is still popular and relevant in his home state for his impressive time as governor; currently serving as the President of Duke University, this undeclared candidate is favored by several southern politicians who are hoping to find someone (other than the populist George Wallace) to be the face of the “New” (post-segregation) South.

    Former Governor F. Grant Sawyer of Nevada (b. 1918, age 54) – touting his successes during his three terms as Governor and hoping to receive the endorsement of John F. Kennedy should his sister Eunice Kennedy not run, the 1968 Democratic nominee for Vice President has streaks of libertarianism in his record that could appeal to some in both major parties, along with his record on promoting civil rights and social programs to help low-income families.

    Governor George Corley Wallace Jr. of Alabama (b. 1919, age 53) – more populist than moderate this time around, Wallace will be a major candidate when he finally enters the race; he plans on running on a “forward-thinking” platform focused on early education and creating more jobs for blue-collar workers.

    Please vote!
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    Chapter 35: September 1971 – January 1972
  • Chapter 35: September 1971 – January 1972

    “Try listening. You’ve got one mouth and two ears; there’s a reason for that.”

    – Red Green, The Red Green Show, Episode 298 (11:49 mark), 2005

    “The Colonel’s promotion of higher education greatly benefited the prep school [Lakeside School in Haller Laker, Seattle, WA], at least in the departments I was interested in. But I didn’t stick around to see the long-term benefits. Instead, after forming Traf-O-Data with Paul Allen in 1971, I took the summer of 1972 – the summer before my final year there – to serve as a congressional page. An old friend of my parents, Brock Adams, was now a Democratic member of the House of Representatives, and Adams thought the experience would do me so good – especially since experience as a page is a big boost for college graduates trying to be accepted into law school, and at the time, I did not know what I wanted to do for a career [1] As a House Page, I learned a lot, it was a formative experience [2].”

    – Bill Gates, KNN interview with Bill Gates and Kent Allen, 9/1/1995


    The Washington Post, 9/4/1971

    …On September 5, 1971, Henry Kissinger left the State Department over disagreeing with Father on several ideas for foreign policy strategy one time too many. It was an amicable departure, with neither man really missing the other. I recall Kissinger even telling Secretary Rockefeller, “Truth be told, I get along much better with Senator Nixon.” Indeed, Kissinger had worked closely with the former Vice President from 1965 to 1967. Kissinger began serving as an Assistant Secretary of State starting in 1967, and served as a link of sorts between Nixon and the White House. However, Kissinger never rose to prominence or to a truly influential position inside the White House, instead always being on the outermost edges of Father’s inner circle of advisors.


    [pic: ]

    Above: Father shaking hands with Henry Kissinger in 1967

    Kissinger’s departure led to speculation that he was preparing a run for a US Congressional seat, but Kissinger was not interested in being involved in politics in that particular way. Advising candidates was more his style. Instead, Kissinger returned to his career in academia, but also continued to work with Senator Nixon by branching out into the DC lobbying scene.

    I mention him because he did leave behind one lasting idea – a term coined by 19th century writer Ludwif von Rochau to refer to the utilizing of pragmatism and practicality in the face of political and diplomatic challenges – a little concept known as “realpolitik,” which was adopted and used much more frequently by Father’s successors than by Father himself…

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991


    Breaking from his administration’s normally fiscally conservative practices, Sanders today approved of expanding the use of below market interest loans for rehabilitating housing in designated urban renewal zones. H.E.W. Secretary Rockefeller will oversee the implementation of further programs under his department.

    A “below-market loan” means that interest is payable on the loan at a rate less than the applicable Federal rate. According to a spokesperson for the H.E.W. Department, the move is currently affordable due to the currently healthy market interest rate, which is a rate of interest paid on deposits, which are determined by the interaction of the supply of and demand for funds in the money market [3]

    This action means that more rents will be set at market rate after rehabilitation is completed. The move will focus on the rehabilitation of existing dwellings in urban renewal. Homes in competitive housing market areas are applicable for a loan to pay for existing home. The move may also assure more funds for insuring loans for multifamily projects in designated urban renewal areas.

    – The Associated Press, 9/7/1971

    George Jackson
    (9/23/1941-8/21/1971) began his life in prison (initially for armed robbery) in 1961, and became a Maoist-Marxist revolutionary writer during the Cuba War. [snip] He subsequently openly opposed America’s presence in Indochina. In 1970, while being held in San Quentin Penitentiary in California, he was accused of murdering a prison guard to avenge the killing of two Black prisoners during a prison riot days earlier. On August 21, 1971, days prior to the start of the murder trial, Jackson and several conspirators smuggled a gun into the prison, to be used in a prison escape attempt. Upon killing five hostages and travelling to the prison yard, Jackson was shot from the observation tower and his accomplices surrendered. Jackson's death would be a catalyst for events that unfolded less than a month later...

    – (note: stub article)

    At approximately 4;20 a.m. on Thursday, September 9, 1971, 5 Company lined up for roll-call. Hearing rumors that one of their companions was to remain in his cell after being isolated for an incident involving an assault on prison officer Tom Boyle after he was hit in the face with a full soup can by inmate William Ortiz, a small group of 5 Company inmates protested that they too would be locked up and began walking back toward their cells The remainder of 5 Company continued towards breakfast. As the protesting group walked past the isolated inmate Ortiz, they freed him from his cell. They then rejoined the rest of 5 Company and proceeded on their way to breakfast. A short time later, when the command staff discovered what had occurred, they changed the usual scheduling of the prisoners, but did not tell prison officer Gordon Kelsey, the correctional officer in charge of leading 5 Company to the yard. Instead of going to the yard after breakfast as they usually did, the prisoners were led there to find a locked door, puzzling them and the correctional officer Kelsey. Complaints led to anger when more correctional officers led by Lt. Robert T. Curtiss arrived to lead the prisoners back to their cells. Officer Kelsey was assaulted and the riot began.” [4]



    [pic: ]
    The New York Daily News, 9/9/1971

    The rioting prisoners took control of the D-yard and the central control room, which the inmates called “Times Square.” They took 42 officer and civilians hostage, and produced a list of grievances demanding their conditions be met before their surrender. [4] The prisoners agreed to negotiate with Correctional Services Commissioner Russell G. Oswald. They made their demands clear in a hastily-assembly treatise entitled “The Attica Liberation Manifesto,” which called for better medical treatment, fair visitation rights, an end to physical brutality, better sanitation, and improved food quality.



    [pic: ]
    – Governor Biaggi at his desk, 9/10/1971

    Expecting a reply of force, several prisoners began fortifying Attica. They dug trenches, electrified the metal gate, carved table ends into weapons, and poured gasoline on certain places “just in case”. The prison’s command center was fortified the most.

    Biaggi saw the event as an opportunity to demonstrate the might of his mantra “law and order.” When we advised him to meet with the prisoners, he outright refused the notion. “We’re taking about criminals – not one-minor-misdemeanor type, we’re taking about cutthroat killers,” is what he said, “When you commit a crime that heinous, you don’t deserve the Governor visiting you.” Biaggi instead demanded the releasing of hostages under the threat, or “stressed warning,” as he called it, of using deadly force against them.

    Even a telephone call from the President, Colonel Sanders, couldn’t change his mind. Biaggi respected the Colonel and the two men agreed on several things, but Biaggi did not take the Colonel’s advice of reaching out to the rioters; he believed the Colonel just didn’t know enough about the situation.

    After three days of Oswald failing to negotiate the rioters into submission, Biaggi ordered the prison be retaken immediately. Oswald pleaded, practically begged for Biaggi to visit the prison, but to no avail. Biaggi was disappointed in the negotiations failing and demanded force to, in his words, “set an example of zero-tolerance of the dangerous criminal mind.”

    – Former employee of the NY Governor’s office, 1981 KNN interview

    So many of us died on the 12th. We were expecting them to try to take back the school, we were prepared for it, but they still got the drop on us. The bastards threw tear gas over the walls. Helicopters flew overhead to drop a s#!t-ton of tear gas into the courtyard. Then they breached the doors. Then they opened fire. They slaughtered us. We became sitting ducks as the pigs on the side and in the whirly-birds fired into the smoke. They didn’t give a s#!t if we were part of the rioters resisting them or not, if we were black or white, it didn’t matter because they didn’t care.

    A hurricane of metal mosquitos from the guns from above and from the side.

    I slammed myself down, right onto the ground, and I covered my head. After over three minutes it all went quiet, then I heard them barking. I heard them approach and the helicopters leave, and I just stayed there, scared s#!tless on the ground as the pigs checked out their victims.

    – Attica Prison Riot Survivor “Eye-Dog McGrath,” 1981 KNN interview


    [pic: ]
    – A police helicopter circles overhead moments before the start of the siege, 9/12/1971

    MASSACRE IN ATTICA!: Prison Standoff Ends With State Police Killing “At Least” 60

    – The Times-Union, 9/12/1971

    “Mario’s response to the hostage crisis is an outrageous and irresponsible abuse of his gubernatorial powers.”

    – Former Governor Nelson Rockefeller, 9/12/1971


    Breakouts of Violence Hit Chicago, NYC, Boston; Accusations of Racist Prison System Fly

    The Houston Chronicle, 9/13/1971

    One of the victims was 21-year-old Elliott James “E.J.” Barkley, an ardent orator whom played a key role during the pre-massacre negotiations. The riot began just days away from his scheduled release date. A “Justice for E. J.” campaign formed in his home town… [snip]

    Despite forming a special committee to investigate the actions of Attica’s warden leading up to the riot and subsequent hostage crisis, beatniks, peaceniks and shoutniks continued to protest outside Biaggi’s office and home. His September 14 utterance of “good riddance to bad rubbish” continued to offend a public horrified by the newspapers’ photographs of the dead inmate. He repeatedly tried to spin the events, but all people could see were the blood the the bodies.

    Still wanting to run for President, though, Biaggi tried to find someone else to, as he put it, “credit to” the events. At one point, he blamed California’s Governor, uh, Ronald Reagan, by claiming the riot was the result of a prison hostage crisis that had happened in San Quentin just about, uh, I want to say, about a month or so earlier. Reagan claimed the prison conditions were still in effect from the previous Pat Brown administration, and pointed out how, as Biaggi had been governor since 1967, “Mario really should take credit for the results of his own policies.”

    – Former employee of the NY Governor’s office, 1981 KNN interview

    The Attica Prison Massacre, also known as the Attica Prison Riot, Attica Prison Uprising, and Attica Prison Crisis, occurred at the Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, New York, in 1971. The incident, stemming from prisoner demands for better accommodations, remains the most prominent deadly prison riot in US history. Occurring two weeks after the killing of George Jackson at California’s San Quentin State Prison, roughly half of the prison’s 2200 inmates rioted and took control of the prison, take over 40 staff members hostage [5]

    The Governor of New York at the time, Mario Biaggi, refused to visit the prisoners, controversially saying “you waiver your rights when you deprive someone else of theirs” about the prison’s murderer inmates. On September 12, after 3 days of negotiations between the prisoners and the warden, an impasse had formed. After US President Colonel Sanders refused to send in the National Guard, Governor Mario Biaggi ordered state police to retake the prison. By the end of the “retaking,” 94 people laid dead: 75 prisoners, 2 state troopers, 7 correctional officers, and 10 civilian employee hostages.


    By the end of the year, the New York State Attica Prison Riot Special Commission called the police assault, “with the exception of Indian massacres in the late 19th century, …the bloodiest one-day encounter between Americans since the Civil War.” Investigations also determined the prison had been violating state regulations, as the jail held over 2,200 prisoners despite the structure being designed to hold no more than 1,200 prisoners.


    Prison officers retaliated against surviving prisoners with actions of the physical abuse variety, such as beating them, and forcing them to crawl through mud naked, among other acts. Doctors inspecting prisoners just one month later noted how brutality in the prison had increased since the riot. The Special Commission subsequently subpoenaed several officers. The prison warden promised to reform the jail at a December 2, 1971 court hearing.


    An unseen benefit of the Attica Massacre was that the devastating event led to a much-greater push for communication between all parties involved.


    Charges of violations were made against the state’s prison system. Racial prejudice was reportedly rampant in the prison; a majority of the prisoners were Black, but most of the correctional officers were white. [snip] Within four years, over 50 inmates involved in the rioting, hostage-taking, and priosn-fortifying were charged in indictments totaling over 900 separate counts, while only two state troopers were indicted for reckless endangerment. The families of inmates killed sued the State of New York for many more years.



    – The Burlington Free Press, Vermont newspaper, 9/15/1971


    – The Rutland Herald, Vermont newspaper, 9/16/1971


    – The Arizona Republic, 9/17/1971

    …In international news, the Dominican Republic’s government has officially been reformed into a tri-cameral legislature. The Caribbean nation now has not only a President and a Supreme Court, both also three chambers of congress – an Enarooclia (First Senate), a Deorooclia (Second Senate), and a Triarooclia (Third Senate)…

    – CBS Evening News, 9/18/1971 broadcast


    …Black had been struggling with poor health for “several weeks” or “several months,” pending on the source...

    – The New York Times, 9/19/1971


    …According to one of Harlan’s aides, the death of Justice Black prompted Justice Harlan to plan on vacating his seat on the Supreme Court “as soon as a successor has been confirmed.” Harlan reportedly does not wanted his “poor health” to “impede his judgement on the bench.”

    – The Washington Post, 9/22/1971


    …with President Sanders’ backing, the bill, if it becomes law, would mirror the Civil Rights Act of 1962 in prohibiting age-based discrimination during housing, public utilities, and employment actions. The bill would also provide states with federal funding for adequate housing and medical care meant for retirees and people requiring assisted living essentials, with exact qualifications for people to obtain such funds to be determined at the state level…

    – The Washington Post, 9/23/1971


    …the situation appears to be polarizing New Yorkers on political and racial lines, as a clear majority of white residents in rural New York and New York City surveyed by Gallup this week approved of the Governor’s “tough-on-crime” response to the Attica hostage crisis, while most non-white residents in both regions surveyed in the same poll disapproved of said response by wide margins…

    The New York Post, 9/30/1971


    …the new Revenue Act includes a new sales tax and a new income tax, both of which will replace the state property tax and several other taxes. Furthermore, the massive omnibus narrowly approval by the unicameral legislature will create a new department of economic development along with a state personnel office… “The way is now open for a surge in Nebraskan jobs for Nebraskan workers,” says the Governor, “we are going to construct more highways and better sewage treatment plants. We are going to improve our state’s healthcare facilities and enhance our fair housing practices.” The bill package also includes the state’s first-ever minimum wage law…

    The Grand Island Independent, Nebraska newspaper, 10/1/1971


    ...we aim to make the Presidential selection process more open and inclusive to all registered Democratic voters...

    The Washington Post, 10/8/1971



    [pic: ]

    Life Magazine, 10/15/1971 issue

    …George was not by any means a perfect man, but, even still…I miss him. I remember, the last thing I ever said to George was “I love you, George. And be careful.” He replied back, “Relax, honey – Weather forecasts are just horoscopes with numbers! I’ve got to go now. I love you,” then he hung up the phone. Their plane was ready to take off. Dangerous conditions like poor visibility never intimidated George. They should have, but they didn’t.

    – Lurleen Wallace (1926-1996), 1989 interview


    – The New York Times, 10/5/1971

    …Wallace had proven to be instrumental in the implementation of racial integration in Alabama, one of the most conservative and pro-segregation states in the Union when the practice was abolished in 1962... The Governor of Alabama was travelling with the native-Alabaman Civil Rights leader Ralph Abernathy in a private aircraft. They and two interns, a pilot, and a co-pilot, were flying from Atlanta, where Wallace had met with political donors, possibly ahead of a planned Presidential campaign. They were heading to a charity fundraiser being held in Pittsburgh. While travelling over Beckley, West Virginia, it seems that their plane either ran into some sort of engine problem or weather problem, and the pilot attempted an emergency landing. Instead, the plane crashed into a patch of forestry… There were no survivors… The state’s Lieutenant Governor, a notably more conservative Democrat named Samuel Martin Engelhardt Jr. [6], will officially succeed Wallace into the governorship upon being sworn in “as soon as possible,” according to an official at the capital. Now, as this is a developing story, the information available to us at the moment is limited. Stay tuned as the details of terrible tragedy continue to come in…

    – CBS Evening News, 10/5/1971 broadcast


    [pic: ]


    RALPH ABERNATHY LAID TO REST: Rev. King Gives Eulogy

    – The Chicago Defender, 10/9/1971


    – The Guardian, 10/10/1971

    Of course, the changes the industry felt in the early 1970s were not all positive. The exposure of its filthy underside during the decade truly began with Jimmy Savile. While accusations of child abuse were made against the 45-year-old radio personality and TV programme host as early as 1963, it was the social climate of the early 1970s made the 1971 allegations of assaulting young children become widely publicized feed for a public hungry for “celebrity dirt.” Being a regular visitor of the Duncroft Approved School for Girls in Surrey, Savile came under fire for lewd conduct on the premises in October 1971. At a time when prominent public figures were falling from grace left and right, reporters, keen on getting the latest addition to the “hottest” trend of the era, descended upon Savile’s hidden private activities. His career was damaged, but not dead. In 1972, Saville fought the charges in court, and, due to insufficient evidence, was acquitted – save for one related charge of endangering a minor, which led to him serving two years in jail, from 1972 to 1974. Naturally, the court ruling outraged the alleged victims and their supporters. In 1975, Saville re-entered the music industry, only for a new sexual pestering claim to arise – this one with physical evidence of attempted rape. In 1977, Saville began serving a 15-year prison sentence. In December 1980, Saville was murdered in prison at the age of 54.

    – Donald S. Passman’s Sing-and-Dance Backwash: The Struggle for Transparency In The Entertainment Industry, 1945-onward, Borders Books, 2006

    With Justice Black dead and Justice Harlan retiring, President Sanders had two seats to fill at the same time. The Colonel understood that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any President, both long-term and short-term. Immediately, the candidates for the vacancies could salvage Sanders’ waning popularity (nationally due to his connection to the Ms. Arkansas wave and within the party due to the disappointing 1970 midterms and perceived shift to the left over medical care, the SCRA, and the ERA) and could strengthen the chances of Republican victory in November 1972. The long-term result would be that the new justices would determine the composition of the Supreme Court for the next several years. And with Sanders already having appointed Edward H. Levi and Frank M. Johnson Jr. to the court, two more appointments would make four of nine Justices be Sanders appointees – an impressive legacy.

    On October 12, after weeks of speculations, the Sanders White House finally released a list of twelve potential candidates for the two vacant seats. Time Magazine hailed half of the list as forward thinking and the other half as uninspired:

    Sylvia Bacon (age 40), a South Dakota native, was young but had an impressive resume: judicial law clerk 1956-1957, US Department of Justice employee in various capacities 1956-1969, Associate Attorney General of the US 1965-1969, and Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia since 1969. She was seen as a liberal choice.

    Alexander M. Bickel (age 47), a Romania-born, Connecticut-based law professor who was also influential writer on constitutional law and a celebrated expert on the US Constitution; he would appeal to hardline conservatives in the US Senate, but would possible be challenged by the chamber's most liberal members.

    Harry Blackmun (age 63), a Minnesota-based Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit since 1959, was viewed one of the most conservative names on the list.

    Samuel Conti (age 49), a Judge of the US District Court for the Northern District of California since 1965, who was a strong Sanders supporter with a centrist voting record; he could potentially serve as a compromise candidate that liberals and conservatives could tolerate confirming.

    Edward Thaxter Gignoux (age 55), a Judge of the US District Court for the District of Maine since 1957, and a fairly safe and experienced moderate-conservative choice.

    William H. Hastie Jr. (age 67), the former Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, a Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit since 1949, and the Senior Judge of said circuit since 1970. The oldest choice offered, Hastie was African-American and had a moderate-to-conservative record.

    Margaret Heckler (age 40), a Boston College Law School graduate admitted to the bar in Massachusetts, Heckler had been serving in the US House of Representatives from the Bay State’s 10th District since 1967 and was seen as a moderate-to-conservative choice.

    A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. (age 43), a judge of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania since 1964. Higginbotham was a liberal who, if selected, would be the first African-American US Supreme Court Justice.

    Thomas Russell Jones Jr. (age 58), a New York State Assemblyman from 1963 to 1964, and an Associate Justice of the New York Supreme Court since 1967. Jones, an African-American, was viewed as the most progressive of the 12 offered.

    Mildred Lillie (age 55), a little-known judge serving on California’s intermediate state appellate court, the Second District Court of Appeal, since 1958. Added to the list under advisement from Senator Richard Nixon, Lillie came under scrutiny for her lack of qualifications for the job and was ultimately rejected by the American Bar Association.

    Wade H. McCree (age 51), an African-American Judge of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan from 1961 to 1966, and a Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit since 1966. McCree had a moderate/centrist voting record.

    Lawrence Edward Walsh (age 59), born in Canada to Canadian parents, was a lawyer, a Judge of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York from 1954 to 1957, the US Deputy Attorney General from 1957 to 1961, and the US Attorney General from 1965 until his retirement in 1970.

    Liberal Senators were wary of Blackmun, Conti, Gignoux, and Heckler, while Conservative Senators directed most of their criticism toward Jones, Higginbotham, McCree and Walsh. This left Bacon, Bickel and Hastie. While Bacon’s age and voting history were scrutinized, her resume and knowledge of constitutional law were impressive; the same could be said for Hastie. Bickel was overwhelmed by the Senate vetting process and withdrew his name from consideration.

    After meeting with the President, Bickel and Walsh agreed to serve as a designated “first back-up” nominees “in case Plan A failed.” Sanders agrees to the “balanced double-offering” of the left-leaning Bacon and the right-leaning Hastie, with the former appealing to liberal Senators and the latter appealing to conservative Senators.

    – Linda Greenhouse and Morton J. Horwitz’s The Johnson Court and the Pursuit of Justice (Second Edition), Sunrise Publishing, 2018


    …according to the Texas Christian University football assistant coach, Pittman several a heart attack while the team he coaches, TCU’s Horned Frogs, were leading 5-to-1 in a SW Conference games against longtime rival Baylor. …Pittman’s alleged heart attack come one day after Detroit Lions wide received Chuck Hughes also suffered a heart attack in the middle of a game, with the Lions playing the Chicago Bears on their home turf. “Both Chuck and Jim are going to be alright,” says the President of TCU. “They are strong and resilient, and I have been told that both of them are receiving the best medical attention that money can buy”…

    The Houston Chronicle, 10/25/1971



    [pic: ]

    – The New York Post, 10/26/1971

    BILL HASTIE NOMINATED FOR HARLAN SEAT; Would Be Fist Black Justice If Confirmed

    – The Houston Chronicle, 10/27/1971


    By Lucinda Franks

    ...after weeks of investigations into the claims of former recruits that they experienced “sexual pestering” and a generally “hostile environment” at N.A.S.A., Director Webb has yielded to a US Senate Committee’s orders and has agreed to “revise” the agency’s H.R. regulations and code of conduct rules.

    The New York Times, 10/28/1971 (note: this article was part of a series)


    – The Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi newspaper, 10/29/1971


    – The New York Post, 10/31/1971


    – The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 11/1/1971

    Kentucky General Election Results, 11/2/1971:

    For Governor:
    John M. Robsion Jr. (Republican) – 459,807 (49.84%)
    Happy Chandler (Democratic) – 454,917 (49.31%)
    William Smith (Heritage and Independence) – 7,924 (0.85%)
    Total votes cast: 922,566
    Turnout: 28.89% Total Population

    For Lieutenant Governor:
    Mary Louise Foust (Republican) – 460,179 (50.96%)
    Julian M. Carroll (Democratic) – 438,776 (48.59%)
    Jesse N. R. Cecil (Heritage and Independence) – 4,063 (0.45%)
    Total votes cast: 903,018
    Turnout: 26.77% Total Population


    …we have received confirmation that Walter Nixon has won tonight’s election for Governor of Mississippi. A Democrat, Nixon won over Republican nominee Gil Carmichael, and independent candidate Charles Evers. Nixon has served as the state’s Attorney General since 1967 and is a moderate in a conservative state. His GOP challenger is a businessman and an active member of the state’s Republican party, while Charles Ever is an African-American who worked for the NAACP before being elected mayor of Fayette, Mississippi in 1969…

    – CBS Evening News, 11/2/1971 broadcast


    [pic: ]
    – Senator-turned-President-turned-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson walks and talks with Senator-turned-VP-turned-Senator Richard Nixon on Capital Hill, possibly discussing the then-ongoing Senate hearings for President Sanders’ Supreme Court nominees; 11/5/1971

    U.S. SENATE APPROVES BACON FOR SUPREME COURT, 61-38: US’s Second Female Justice To Start Term “Within The Month”

    The New York Times, Wednesday, 11/10/1971

    Hastie’s confirmation was even more difficult than Bacon’s. Nevertheless, the Senate approved of Hastie with a 54-44-2 vote count. As part of a backroom bargain made between Southern Senators who cared more about Hastie’s skin color than his somewhat conservative views, Bacon was sworn into her seat first, given her seniority, albeit by a few days, over Hastie.

    – Linda Greenhouse and Morton J. Horwitz’s The Johnson Court and the Pursuit of Justice (Second Edition), Sunrise Publishing, 2018

    12 November 1971: Arches National Park is established in eastern Utah, US; adjacent to the Colorado River and located 4 miles (6 km) north of Moab, Utah, the park covers over 77,000 acres and over 2,000 natural sandstone arches, including the iconic “Delicate Arch” along with other unique geological features, formations and resources, making up the most dense natural collection of natural arches in the world



    Washington, DC – Governor Callahan has appointed William Lloyd Scott, who has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1967, to the U.S. Senate Seat left vacant by the death of Senator A. W. Robertson. With this appointment, Scott becomes the first Republican to represent Virginia in the U.S. Senate in 84 years…

    The Roanoke Times, Virginia newspaper, 11/15/1971

    I remember part of a speech Kosygin gave in November 1971 at Star City, directed to Vladimir Chelomey and the other lead scientists there: “Over the past decade we have seen failure after failure in our venture to send one of our men to the moon. But we will have failure no longer! We will work together, unifying our efforts and ideas and putting aside our selfish desires. All for the prosperity and glory of Mother Russia seeing one of its children take steps on the moon.” Indeed, competitiveness among the scientists and chief designers was still threatening to doom the program; all of us would most assuredly be blamed and reprimanded for such selfishness under Kosygin – he would have to in order to placate the conservative wing of the national party. The leader then continued with a shocking announcement, “We will have this, but not only this! We will take one step further than the Americans. Due to our increasingly healthy economy, I have decided to fund a program to design and construct our own permanent lunar base. This will supply the Soviet people with employment and prosperity for years to come. As soon as we reach the moon, we will begin the process necessary to establish this base, for by building this base will firmly and concretely establish in the minds of capitalist suppressors everywhere whom it is that truly controls the Earth’s natural satellite. …And this base will be up and running, fully functional and working, by the end of this century. …Long live the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!”

    Among the Stars: The Autobiography of Yuri Gagarin, 1995

    “And after lunch, I’ve got to go – .”

    “Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yeah.”

    “Heh. You seem distracted, Millie.”

    “Huh? Oh. Sorry, Margaret. I’m just concerned about the rise of these Ollie Trolleys. Just look at these numbers! They’re sprouting up everywhere, and the fact that the brains behind the operation is a bitter ex-employee is, well, troubling.”

    “Aw, you’re always frettin’ about something.”

    “It’s different this time! You know June Martino, the CEO of McDonald’s? I heard through the grapevine and even she’s concerned!”


    “Word is they’re already filming attack ads. Not outright do-not-eat-over-there types, but still, their readying their armaments.”

    “Huh. Well, at least KFC is still dominating the fired chicken industry.”

    “For now, but – ”

    “ – And it makes sense, when you think about it, Millie. Those Burger Chef places have also been poppin’ up all over the place recently. The market saturation’s gotta be jumpin’ June!”

    “Yes, but the new competition could jeopardize our Wendyburger. That’s jumpin’ me!”

    “Ooh, yeah, that’s right. Dang, I forget about that.”

    “Yeah. But, uh, anyway, you were talkin’ about – ”

    “ – And have you ever tried an Ollieburger?”

    “Huh! Of course, you’ve got to inspect the competition!”

    “And…? What’d you think of it?”

    “Honestly, Maggie, I don’t get the appeal. Too rich for my taste, I suppose.”

    “Well I’ve tried them, and I for one have always loved bold, exciting and exotic dishes.”

    “You don’t think the Ollieburger’s too overwhelming? I mean, right now hope that, at the most, it becomes, like, a niche-market kind of burger. I don’t think such complex flavors can have wide-reaching appeal, at least not in the U.S.”

    “You know what, Mill, I bet people said the exact same thing about chicken less than fifty years ago, back when it was considered a delicacy because of how expensive it was.”

    “Oh, damn, you’re right!”

    “Big sisters always are, Millie.”

    “I mean, health food stores weren’t really a thing until the beatniks came around, right?”


    “Yes…then it wouldn’t help to, well at the least consider trying to, uh, beat them at their own game.”

    “Meanin’ what?”

    “Meanin’ maybe KFC should make, like, a richer, fancier version of the Wendyburger. Make it a limited offer-for-a-limited-time type of thing.”

    “It wouldn’t hurt to – ”

    “ – Yes, yes that could work!”

    – Audio transcript of Security Camera footage, KFC Inc. headquarters, Florence, KY, 11/20/1971


    Washington, DC – President Sanders signed the Nation Cancer Act into law today. The new federal law, which amends the Public Health Service Act of 1944 by strengthening the National Cancer Institute, aims to increase cancer research funding in order to “improve humanity’s understanding of cancer and the treatment of cancer patients,” said Sanders at the ceremony. This law means that scientists conducting drug trials and preventative/early detection research now have access to further funding. [snip] Health activist Mary Lasker, who has championed the increase in research funding for health problems sicne 1943, played an instrumental role convincing Congress to pass the law earlier this year…

    – The Washington Post, 11/23/1971


    [pic: ]

    – Coya’72 logo, c. late November 1971

    …In other news, The Leyland Motor Corporation, a prominent British firm, has today announced the sales of over 2,000 buses to the Cuban transportation company Straight Arrow Transportation, in a landmark business deal for the post-war island nation of Cuba that aims to create hundreds of jobs for both countries. Also in Cuba, the Mayor of Havana is the target of a smear campaign by political opponents who allege he is maintaining business ties to KFC-Cuba due to his recent approval of three more outlets being built in the nation’s capital city…

    – BBC World News, 30/11/1971 broadcast


    As Canada marks the 1-year anniversary of Prime Minister Stanfield entering office, let us take a look back on the highlights of his administration so far: …Keeping true to his campaign promise, Stanfield immediately introduced wage and price controls to help end inflation encroaching Canada’s economy, based on the fair success of President Sanders’ 1968-1969 wage freeze. …In January, the federal government announced plans to convert the nation to the metric system. …In February, the use of phosphates (and other dangerous chemicals and substances) in laundry detergent is banned nationwide. …In June, the federal voting age was lowered from 21 to 18. …In July, Stanfield, being a promoter of free trade, met with Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai in Beijing in order to establish formal relations with the People’s Republic of China, a move opposed by Paul Hellyer during the last year of his tenure in office… In August, Stanfield was hailed for his swift response to the destructive Sudbury, Ontonario Tornado Event of 1971, which killed 4 people, injured 230, and caused $16 million dollars in property damage... Stanfield at first seemed to united the post-Diefenbaker P.C. party, and Stanfield’s blunt and laconic speaking style allows him to translate complex political concepts into related layman’s term. Most recently, though, he is upsetting conservatives over his (arguably tepid) support for official bilingualism. Nevertheless, his gentlemanly and civil manner amid situations and vital diplomatic moments have helped to keep his approval ratings hover at around 63%.

    – The Kimberley Daily Bulletin, Canadian newspaper, 12/17/1971

    A United Nations Secretary-General selection process occurred December 17-21, 1971 to find a successor to U Thant, who had opted to step down after serving for two full terms. The winner selected would begin him term on January 1.


    In January 1971, U Thant announced that he would not serve for a third term, having held the office since 1961. Despite there being strong support for U Thant to serve for a third term due to his opposition to Apartheid and colonialism (even the US delegation was not opposed to a third term for U Thant despite his opposition to past American activities in Southeast Asia), U Thant was adamant in his decision.


    Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan – the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (a citizen of France, Iran, and Switzerland, but nominated by the U.S.)

    Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe – the Permanent Representative of Ceylon to the UN

    Max Jakobson – the Permanent Representative of Finland to the UN

    Endelkachew Makonnen – the Minister of Communication of Ethiopia and the former Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the UN

    Kurt Waldheim – the Chair of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and unsuccessful candidate for President of Austria in April 1971


    Max Jakobson ran for the position on a strongly anti-colonial stance, and eventually obtained support from the US and the UK, while Arab countries believed he would be subject to Zionist pressure due to his Jewish ancestry. Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan touted his coordinating of the response to the refugee crisis that had begun in March 1971. [7] Waldheim gathered support from France and the USSR. While the US and USSR had played kingmaker in past selections, the warming of relations between the US and China complicated matters, as it remained unclear who China would support. Soon Jakobson presented himself as the only candidate who could be acceptable to Mao’s China.


    The Security Council voted via secret ballot while in a closed session; a candidate required 9-vote majority to win. On the first ballot, the UK and US opposed Waldheim, while the USSR opposed Jakobson; additionally, China remained on the fence. The Second ballot yielded basically the same results. After the first round of voting failed to produce a winner, US Ambassador to the UN John More Allison visited the Chinese delegation. [8] Gaining their confidence led to China deciding not to veto Jakobson on the second ballot, allowing him to win over Waldheim and Prince Sadruddin on the third ballot. Jakobson was sworn into office on January 1, 1972.


    Months after the election, an investigation into Waldheim’s contradictory statements concerning his actions during the 1940s led to the revelation that archived and stored files from a post-WWII UN War Crimes Commission had labeled Waldheim a suspected war criminal due to his involvement with the Nazi German army. The scandal damaged, but did not finish, Waldheim’s public career.



    – The Sacramento Union, 12/5/1971

    SPOKESPERSON FOR LEARY CLAIMS CHARGES ARE “TRUMPED UP”: Legal Team Believes They Are “Part Of A Vendetta Against Freedom And Personal Liberties”

    – The San Diego Union-Tribune, 12/6/1971

    As the 1972 primary season neared, I felt conflicted. For roughly two years, I had worked to lead the G.O.P. to the right as Senate minority leader. Butting heads with non-conservatives in the party, and tackling the issues near and dear to me was fulfilling. The President being on my side more often than not also made my day.

    But then there was Scranton. Personally, I had no qualms with the Vice President, but politically, he was a generic moderate who kowtowed to New England Republicanism without contributing anything original to the political conversation. He had the skills needed to lead, but not to inspire; the man brought no new ideas to the political fray. The more apparent it became that he was eyeing the nomination for President – traveling abroad to beef up his foreign policy bona fides and increasing his visibility at home via one talk show guest spot after another – the more convinced I was that he was too bland, unenthusiastic, and uninspiring to win in 1972. I knew from the ’64 season that running for the Presidency was something like trying to stand up in a hammock [9], and Scranton was too much of a greenback to stand up in November. Plus, at 64, I thought that this election was possibly my last chance to take charge of a federal government still out of line, to weaken the power of the reigning bureaucrats, to reduce the spending, to abolish nonproductive programs, and to emphasize the harm overregulation was inflicting on our country. [9]

    – Barry Goldwater’s autobiography No Apologies: My Personal and Political Memoirs, Morrow Publishers, 1979

    “I agree with the President. I have faith in the wisdom and the ability of the President. I cannot in good conscience say the same about the Vice-President. His policies and ideology are too dangerously liberal for the party and the nation. …If the Republican Party offered me the nomination next year, I would unapologetically accept it.”

    – Barry Goldwater to an Associated Press reporter, 12/12/1971

    I figured, at the very least, that I could influence the party platform better, or cause Scranton to shift to the right. However, openly opposing the presumptive nominee would likely offend the other party leaders; as senate minority leader, I could not afford to burn those political bridges. Instead, I reminded my fellow conservatives that I was still interested in becoming the party’s nominee someday. Soon enough, William F. Buckley was calling for me to run; a “Draft Barry” movement slowly but surely gathered momentum.


    [pic: ]
    Above: a picture of me, ready to take on the woes of the country I love

    – Barry Goldwater’s autobiography No Apologies: My Personal and Political Memoirs, Morrow Publishers, 1979

    …The President signed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act into law earlier today, creating the largest land claims settlement in American history. …After being supported by Alaska’s Senators, Mike Gravel and Ernest Groening, and Alaska Governor Hammond, in the early stages of development, the bill found a strong ally in US Senator and potential dark-horse Presidential candidate Scoop Jackson. The law aims to both settle land claims in the state and promote economic development through the union’s largest state. …The size, scope and generosity of the law can be compared to similar laws passed in the last year of the Lyndon Johnson administration...

    The Overmyer Network, 12/17/1971 broadcast


    …the second of three rounds of voting in the race for governor of Louisiana has resulted in a clear winner of the Democratic nomination. In tonight’s runoff, former Governor Jimmie Davis (who previously served from 1944 to 1948 and again from 1960 to 1964) defeated former Governor Gillis W. Long (who served from 1964 to 1968) by a margin of roughly 4%. Incumbent Governor John J. McKeithen, a Democrat, declined to endorse either candidate ahead of the contest, finding both men – who advanced from a crowded Democratic primary on November 6 – to be “insufficiently supportive” of defending civil rights legislation. …As the state is heavily pro-Democratic, tonight’s election results all but guarantee Davis the governor’s seat early next year… Republican nominee Robert Max Ross claims he can pull off an upset, but according to all polls taken since the November 6 primaries, the Democrats are heavily favored to win in the general election, which is set to be held on February 1st…

    The Times-Picayune, Louisiana newspaper, 12/18/1971

    Roy O. Disney, Instrumental Aide to Cartoonist Brother, Dies at 78

    …Mr. Disney’s sudden and fatal stroke struck only roughly two months after the grand opening of Walt Disney World in October of this year. Roy had finally retired from the company after the opening ceremonies, announcing he accomplished all that he "ever possibly could" for the landmark production company...

    The New York Times, 12/21/1971


    Jackson, MS – Phillips has announced his intention to run for the GOP nomination for US President, claiming Vice President William Scranton and US Senator Barry Goldwater are “not conservative enough for America.” Phillips disagrees with Goldwater’s support of President Sanders’ more liberal political stances, and, and plans to run to the right of Goldwater, a Senator who is already considered to be to the right of the Republican party.

    In his announcement speech, Phillips touted his reform of the state education system, his 1969 reinstating of compulsory attendance laws that were repealed in 1958, and his deregulating of the state government. …One GOP committeewoman states that due to Phillips and other republicans such as Alabama’s US Senator John Martin (who, like Phillips, is a racial-moderate), the GOP has “throw off the tag of being a racist, segregationist party in the south.” This claim, however, contrasts with several prominent Republicans whom are racial-conservatives, most notably US
    Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina…

    …Phillips concluded his speech by explaining he would win over delegates due to the lack of Republican primaries being held in any Deep Southern states next year: “The party of the people will not let the people down.”…

    US News and World Report, 1/2/1972, p. 25

    “If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be a woman would you vote for that person?”

    1955: 4% Yes, 44% No, 52% No Opinion
    1959: 4% Yes, 39% No, 57% No Opinion
    1963: 4% Yes, 41% No, 55% No Opinion
    1967: 5% Yes, 38% No, 57% No Opinion
    1969: 7% Yes, 40% No, 53% No Opinion
    1970: 11% Yes, 35% No, 54% No Opinion
    1971: 15% Yes, 29% No, 56% No Opinion

    – Gallup [10]

    EUNICE KENNEDY-SHRIVER DECLINES PRESIDENTIAL RUN: Claims A Woman “Could” Win the Nomination This Year, But Not “Another Kennedy”

    – The Boston Globe, 1/3/1972

    In the weeks leading up to the incident, Humphrey’s doctors would repeatedly call and admonish him for missing and rescheduling appointments for checkups in order to spend more time campaigning for President. The Minnesotan believed time was fleeting, telling his wife, “for all I know, this could be my very last chance at this.” At the start of the new year, Humphrey looked as if he had no health concerns. Then on January 7, the Presidential candidate collapses at a political fundraiser. No photographs of the incident are known to exist, but news quickly spread of what the Minnesota Star labeled a “simple stumble.”

    Humphrey the politician was underperforming in polls taken in early primaries; pundits blamed the lack of enthusiasm on his apparent failure to overcome his connections to the Lyndon Johnson administration, despite Johnson himself salvaging his legacy in the Senate in recent years.

    Similarly, Humphrey the man’s bladder illness was not improving as well as hoped. Doctors demanded he undergo treatment with radiation and intravesical thiotepa, - treatment that would plague him via the pain from the treatments, all while continuing to serve in the Senate and run for President, albeit making much less appearances of the Trail of ’72 than Humphrey had initially anticipated. [11] The seemingly sporadically active campaign would hurt Humphrey in the early primaries…

    – Carl Solberg’s H.H.H.: A Biography, Borealis Books, 1984 (2001 edition)

    Gravel’s 1968 had primarily focused on foreign policy at a time when American forces were embroiled in conflict in three Southeast Asian nations. Four years later, the political situation was much less hectic – the Indochinese Wars had been won, the threat of Soviet bombardment was being cautiously cooled in the face of bilateral treaties, and China was slowly and tepidly reaching out to foreign markets. Thus, when Gravel announced his 1972 Presidential bid, he focused more on domestic issues. His new campaign highlighted his calls to eliminate the “corrupt” federal income tax in exchange for a national sales tax, abolish the IRS, expand on the Negative Income Tax Rebate, expand guest worker programs for immigrants, ease the naturalization process, and oppose the death penalty. Gravel also called for “saving our inner cities.” He did, though, on occasion, touch on his support of cutting military spending by “at least” 10 percent, arguing that “treaties even stronger than the ones passed under the Colonel” would make such an action “feasible.”

    – David Frum’s How We Got Here: The ’70s, Basic Books NY, 2000, p. 298


    “I do not represent Black power or woman power; I represent the power of all the people”

    – Associated Press, 1/25/1972

    NBC TO HOST DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY DEBATE ON FEBRUARY 16 AT 9:00 PM; Debate Schedule Rules And Timetable Finalized

    The Chicago Tribune, side article, 1/26/1972

    A WOMAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE?: A Look At Three Women Running For President


    [pic: ]
    Above: US Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-NY), Governor Coy Knutson (D-MN), and US Rep. Patsy Mink (D-HI)

    …A committee to draft the reluctant Knutson into the field led to Knutson announcing her candidacy for President “as a compromise candidate” in the event of a deadlocked/contested convention. She also will run as a “favorite son” candidate in her home state of Minnesota, which will hold a caucus in March… Mink and Chisholm, on the other hand, are actively running for the nomination. According to an anonymous member of her campaign, Mink is targeting her home state’s caucus and the winner-take-all California primary as the contests she can most likely win.

    …All three women acknowledge the odds they face in the race, with Knutson calling it a “rock-wall of an uphill climb.” This awareness makes one wonder why they are even running. The answer to that may lie in their campaigns. Mink is calling for better treatment of “lesser-discussed” ethnic groups such as Asian-Americans and Hispanics. Chisholm, on the other hand, is campaign on the more reconciliatory message “a leader for ALL of us,” promoting peace and communication between white and non-white, and male and female Americans. The “Draft Knutson” campaign, meanwhile, touted her gubernatorial accomplishments prior to her tepidly throwing her hat into the ring. …While none of them may become President, it is possible that if they can still prove to be significant players in the upcoming primaries, Coya, Patsy and Shirley may wind up in higher office, cabinet positions, or even as the running mate of the 1972 Democratic nominee. We shall find out how it all unfolds as the year progresses.

    Time Magazine, late January issue

    (dates are on map)


    [pic: ]

    Dark blue = primary

    Light blue = caucus


    “When I leave this here office in less than a year, I’m not going to run off to no library with my name on it, hang up my hat, and call it a life. I don’t believe in retirement, not a bit in the world. There’s a time and place for resting, and it’s called the afterlife. When the Good Lord put old father Adam here, he never told him to quit at 65, now did he? No, no he didn’t. Adam kept going, and he kept working, and he didn't stop until he died at the age of 930. And I’m only 73 – that’s nothing compared to 930, and you don’t need a college degree to figure out the arithmetic on that.”

    – Colonel Sanders to a reporter, 1/27/1972

    28 January 1972: On this day in history, Disney’s “Chanticleer” is released in theaters in the United States; based very loosely on the rooster character Chanticleer that appears in the 12th century fables of “Reynard the Fox” (another prominent character in the film) and also appearing as a character in “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” told in Geoffrey Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales,” the film follows a series of interconnected misadventures centered around Chanticleer and Reynard, and their animal friends and enemies; the film had been in “development hell” for several years and had experienced a “rushed” production, with a budget that was much lower than those of previous Disney films; as a result, the film, while still yielding a profit for the company, was considered a box office disappointment by Disney executives and “underwhelming” by contemporary film reviewers such as Variety…


    “Kids don’t have a little brother working in the coal mine, they don’t have a little sister cougher her lungs out in the looms of the big mill towns of the Northeast. Why? Because we organized; we broke the back of the sweatshops in this country; we have child labor laws. Those were not benevolent gifts from enlightened management. They were fought for, they were bled for, they were died for by working people, by people like us. Kids ought to know that. That’s why I sing these songs. That’s why I tell these stories, dammit. No root, no fruit!”

    – singer-songwriter and labor rights activist Utah Phillips [12], 1/30/1972

    [1] Italicized parts of this run-on sentence are pulled from page 34 of Michael A. Schuman’s “Bill Gates” Computer Mogul and Philanthropist,” Enslow Publishers, Inc. (2008):
    [2] Italicized parts are from page 196 of Marcie Sims’ “Capitol Hill Pages: Young Witnesses to 200 Years of History,” McFarland (2018):
    [3] Definition taken from here:
    [4] All from the Attica Prison Riot Wikipedia page, so basically, the crisis starts out the same as it did IOTL
    [5] Slightly rewritten version of the start of the Attica Prison Riot wiki page
    [6] Who? This guy!:
    [7] Oh yeah, that whole thing happened; it’s basically the same here as in OTL.
    [8] IOTL, US Ambassador G. H. W. Bush feared that talking to the Chinese delegation would “only arouse suspicion” and instead asked other ambassadors about how China would vote; with a different, less fearful ambassador, things go differently!
    [9] Italicized part is a Goldwater quote from OTL found here:
    [10] Pre-1970 Data found here!:
    [11] Edited version of sentence pulled from here:
    [12] OTL quote, but I can't find a source saying when he actually said it; if any of y'all know, then please do say so!

    EDIT: fixed Bickel sentence. Good eye and thanks, dude!

    Charming update as usual!

    I wish to ask, if possible, to any expert in matter, why the two parties made limited voting primaries for a certain period of time, I mean organize elections just in few states, until allowing all the states to be part of the process? It was always like this in even older periods, what was the social and political reason to do this from those parties?

    I'm not sure; I think it had to do with a combination of factors like the complicated impracticality of hosting contests in so many states, and the belief that party leaders determining the ticket at a national convention was the superior method.

    You know that's true, we'll have a new challenger for each, why not make a predecition?

    GOP. Scranton is VP and while Nixon made the leap to the top spot in '60, I don't think Scranton can make the leap to the top spot. Humphrey did OTL but otherwise it took till '84 when Mondale tried, and I just don't think Scranton has quite enough backing. Whereas Goldwater doesn't have OTL's blowout going against him - though he is getting old. He might be a collage of Nixon's comeback and the '80 reagan OTL, though, and there's enough GOP backlash against Sanders' more liberal policies on things like health care - plus he was someone who was "only" a one-term governor that I don't think they intend to repeat.

    So, in the end, I suspect Goldwater has the popularity of someone who has been in the Senate for a long while, and his age doesn't matter as much after we had a President who was in his 80s. Attica and other things will make people wantg more law and order, and REagan may be an optgion but as I said, I don't think they want just a governor - Reagan will seem too much like a risk of "Sanders II" since he wasn't in offfice before that. So, Goldwater gets the nod, with a slim chance of Nixon.

    For the Democrats, I don't know about Humphrey's health,I think he'd have a shot, but will he also be connected too much to LBJ? Johnson is probably getting rehabilitated some, he did win theCuba War, but I'm thinking they might pick Robert Kennedy if he wants to run, I think John's Addison's Disease might still be slowing him down too much even if it's been slowed by his not having the pressure, and he'd gladly campaign for Bobby. John might also back awaay because of the Ms. Arkansas thing; I think Bobby's less of a womanizer.

    (Just checked - it's been a crazy 2 months, I forgot he ran in '68, but Nixon came back and it was possile he'd have tried, too.)

    We really Havoline seen a lot about the Democrats, though - it's a much more open field. America isn't going to want an extreme peacenik, no McCarfthy or McGovern, but I don't think they'll want someone extrmely hawkish, either.

    I also predict a somewhat narrow Democratic win, maybe with 300-350 electoral votes, 16 GOP years out of 20 has meant there's probably enough desire for a change, and Sanders is getting up in years enough that I doubt you'd see him actually campaigning for the GOP candidate actively. He's more likely even without the age bit to say he's done his part for the country and now he just wants to relax.

    House leader Halleck would likely back Scranton, especially if he campaigns on his record as VP, such as helping to cool down those race riots in 1967, and his recent diplomatic trips abroad. But yes, the conservative faction of the party may rally behind Goldwater - if he keeps gaffes to a minimum and Rube Phillips doesn't act as a spoiler. Both are possibilities.

    Robert F. Kennedy served as Undersecretary of State from 1961 to 1965, then worked on Jack's 1968 campaign; he now heads a successfully law firm and a political think tank in D.C. while raising his (still!)- growing family in McLean, VA. He and newspaper magnate Ted could play a role in the primaries if Jack decides to play a larger role, too, and endorses someone (also: Jack's currently heading a think tank while concurrently serving as the head of the Kennedy family (after Joe Sr. died in '68)). It is yet to be determined which way the American voter will sway come November 1972.

    Great analysis, dude! Thanks!

    What's up with Haddon Salt? (Almost Famous: The King of Fish and Chips by Ben Proudfoot / NYT) It seems utterly perfect for this timeline :)

    Great idea! I'll be sure to mention him (somewhere...)

    Another great chapter @gap80

    1) I cannot see Governor Mario Biaggi surviving next election cycle, if he makes it that far!

    2) RIP Wallace- racist you may have been, but you where turning it around towards the end.

    3) Goodbye Saville- no one will miss you. I wonder of Rolf Harris avoids his own entanglements given the Saville scandal. I bet the 'permissive/no one talks about it' culture of the 70's UK entertainment industry had been shaken up. Far less affairs, and sex rings. More press scrutiny. Does this cut the amount of booze/drug/sex parties I wonder?

    4) FBI hiring women? Surprised that didn't happen already for an intelligence gathering service!

    5) KFC limited time Wendyburger offers? Might work.

    6) Sink Waldheim sink!

    7) I wonder if the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act encourages other Native Americans to examine their deals with the governments of the USA and Canada?

    8) Three Women running for President in the same year? Some sort of record?

    1) I dunno, IOTL Governor Rockefeller became VP just three years after Attica (which was less bloody IOTL, but still). I think the question is whether Biaggi can downplay the incident and lessen sympathy for the victims, since most of the victims were convicts.

    2) Indeed. He'll definitely be remembered better here, and his hypothetical survival may even be the premise of many "what if" threads on TTL's version of Alternate History Forum!

    3) Well, when a light's turned on, the rats don't stick around, they crawl into the darker parts of the basements. The wave of apprehended perverts could encourage others to be more cautious and clandestine in their activities. On the other hand, it could increase/enhance steps taken to apprehend more of them. We'll see how it plays out...

    4) I was surprised by that, too!

    5) Yes, indeed!

    6) Unoriginal Joke: "Hey, you know how to save a Nazi from drowning?" "No." "Good!"

    7) They could, especially when one considers the pro-NA actions taken toward the end of the LBJ Presidency.

    8) I believe it is!

    Goodbye, Mr. Savile. 1) One thing's for sure: Jim cant fix this!!!XD

    2) RIP, George; at least you were better ITTL with regards to Civil Rights...

    3) Governor Mario Biaggi, when Ronald Reagan is calling you out on the Attica riots and your handling of them...yeah, you'll be very lucky to survive to the 1974 governor's race. A parallel can be drawn between Biaggi ITTL and James Rhodes, the governor of Ohio, and his handling of the Kent State Shootings; while Rhodes did serve two more terms as governor, it destroyed his national hopes...

    4) Three women running for president in 1971--that's impressive!!!

    5) Welcome to the late 20th century, FBI...

    6) Can't wait to see how the 1972 Democratic and Republican primaries turn out...

    1) Indeed!

    2) Yep.

    3) I suppose a parallel can be drawn there!

    4) Indeed

    5) Yeah-huh!

    6) The E.T.A. of the next update is September 5 (because I've got a job interview next week)!
    Last edited:
    Chapter 36: February 1972 – August 1972
  • Chapter 36: February 1972 – August 1972

    “I read in the papers that the Los Angeles police are hunting for a Chicago gangster. But why do they want one from Chicago? Can’t they be satisfied with a hometown boy?”

    – Gracie Allen

    The Declaration of Independence says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with uncertain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” There’s two things in there I want to point out. The first is that it says “endowed by their Creator,” not “the Creator” or any specific creator; it supports the old saying of “to each, his own,” while confirming at the same time that America is in fact a nation with religion – a nation with religious people, a nation with religious roots. A nation of people who share the same basic set of values: Love thy neighbor. Do onto others, uh that, um, that you’d want them to do unto you – y’all know what I mean. And lend a helping hand to those who need it – or at the very least, don’t be a jerk to them. The second thing about that passage is that it says “among these” rights. That means that people have other rights as well – rights to safety, security, education, the list goes on and on. Thomas Jefferson wrote those words. He was a very smart man. And I should know – I use to sit next to him when we were in the fourth grade together! Always raising his hand, he was.

    – President Sanders at the National Prayer Breakfast, Thursday, 2/3/1972

    VOICE-OVER (as footage rolls): “…In Irvington, the family at this house had an argument with their daughter. With the creation of the NJ Negative Income Rebate, the oldest daughter of five child, Susanna [1], plans to move out of her family home when she turns 18 in two years, in order to, in her words, ‘have some breathing room.’
    “Just down the street from her, the oldest son of an African-American family gave his first N.J.N.I.R. check to his father, to help him pay for car repairs, and to pay for a new refrigerator for his mother.
    “In this dilapidated home in Toms River, police arrested a man after threatening his wife at gunpoint, allegedly attempting to take money from her cashed-in N.J.N.I.R. check to gamble at the horse track.
    “And in this apartment in Tenefly, a high school senior has begun saving for Princeton without worrying too much about the cost.”

    STUDENT: “I know that if I fall, the rebate will keep me from landing on hard times.”

    VOICE-OVER (as footage rolls): “This is the new world in which many of New Jersey’s over seven million residents finds themselves.”

    REPORTER (in footage): The NJ Negative Income Rebate Law, which oversees the issuance of an income supplementation dividend, was passed in early 1970, in the Garden State’s first legislative session under Governor McDermott. McDermott came under scrutiny last year as after workplace production and employment dropped after the rebate law took effect, but in the most recent quarters, productivity has risen. College applications have increased, and applications for higher-up jobs have, too. The biggest benefit the rebate may be having on the state, though, is in consumer consumption. People in New Jersey are now buying more in light of a new confidence in their financial security. The risen demand is leading to a rise in production.
    “Additionally, the number of people moving into New Jersey has increased. From 1960 to 1970, the state grew roughly 18% in size, averaging at 3.6% every 2 years. In the past two years, though, the population has risen roughly 4% in size, with many of the new residents hailing from New York City…”

    – ABC Special Report, Friday 2/4/1972 broadcast

    By the start of the primary, the candidates had found their corners:

    Walter Mondale, running an energetic and fairly youthful campaign on a platform appealing to working class voters and the generic slogan “The Change We Need,” found support among establishment politicians despite also being heavily backed by many unions, including most Hispanic farm workers and their unions.

    Hubert Humphrey, swiping at Mondale’s candidacy with the slogan “Some Talk of Great Change – Others Create It,” also found support among members of the party establishment, including Chicago Mayor Daley and Jack Kennedy; he also found support among urban laborers and white ethnic groups.

    Mike Gravel was a passionate progressive grassroots campaign highlighting his accomplishments; with the slogan “Putting People First,” Gravel won over young people, Hollywood celebrities, and college-educated individuals. Gravel was also best known for his 1968 campaign’s heavy focus on dovish foreign policy prior to announcing his candidacy. While that rhetoric was beneficial at a time, when American forces were fighting in Cambodia and Laos, the US was at peace at the start of ’72; as such, Gravel switched to focusing more on domestic policy, with a heavy focus on regulating businesses.

    Mario Biaggi, the conservative New York Governor and former primary frontrunner, sought to recover from the Attica Massacre scandal and return to frontrunner status by doubling down on what had brought him victory in 1966 and 1970: “Peace and Prosperity Through Law and Order;” the most conservative Democrat in the race, accusations of racism threatened to hurt his campaign in northern states. Biaggi was also the least critical of the President, even after their openly contrasting views on Attica.

    Shirley Chisholm’s historic run immediately pulled in many progressives, feminists, Black activists, and shoutniks, but the Congresswoman continuously emphasized her ability to appeal to a wider range of voters, including white suburban voters.

    Scoop Jackson, seemingly the second most conservative Democrat in the field, ran on the message “Great at Home, Great Abroad,” and focused on his long resume and legislative experience, betting it would propel him to the front of the pack.

    Wayne Morse, and his slogan “Wayne All the Way,” was the focus of other progressive voters, too; peaceniks and people nostalgic of his prior runs gathered around the septuagenarian to support his fourth consecutive bid for President.

    Bob Casey, at age 39 the youngest of the candidates, ran on the message “Never Too Early to Lead;” Casey, a favorite among Catholics, it seemed, sought to appeal to the party as a moderate.

    Grant Sawyer, capitalizing on his 1968 stint as Jack Kennedy’s running mate, promoted his 12 years as governor of an example of him being a pragmatic “Western progressive”/left-leaning centrist candidate.

    – David Frum’s political textbook How We Got Here: The ’70s, Basic Books NY, 2000, p. 298

    Humphrey: “I’m happy to have a debate. Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent, and debate.” [2]


    Mondale: “This is a campaign for all working Americans, from the immigrant farmers of New Mexico to the factory workers of New England. I have the experience needed for leading effectively from the White House. I’ve been a Senator since 1961, and before then was the Minnesota Attorney General.”


    Gravel: “We need to provide more funding for these social programs. So I would transfer money from the military budget to cover these expansions.”

    Jackson: “Uh, if I may make a rebuttal? Thank you. Mike, what you propose is dangerous and frightening. When you say we must take risks for peace by cutting the meat from our military muscle, I say you are unwittingly risking war. [3]

    Morse: “He’s not saying make America vulnerable – he’s saying he’d rather spend the money meant for missiles on medicine and meals instead.”


    Humphrey: “Despite Senator Jackson’s claims, compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism. [2] [snip] As President, I will fight, as I always have, for minorities of all races and religions, for all who deserve to share in the fullness of American life.[2]

    – Snippets from the transcript of the 2/16/1972 Democratic Primary debate between Humphrey, Mondale, Gravel, Jackson and Morse

    The lack of any wars, the kind which had helped the candidacy of many an anti-war candidate in 1968, took the wind out of those same sort of sails in ’72. Morse and Gravel had to instead focus on the Colonel’ opposition to regulation and his censoring policies, largely ignored by most major media outlets and a minor issue in political world until their campaigns promoted them to the front page of newspapers nationwide. [snip] In the first Democratic primary debate, Morse looked old, worn out and tired, while Gravel looked too radical to be able to win in November, his flair for flamboyance coming off as wiry to many. Nevertheless, Gravel’s passion stole away Morse’s thunder. Making his fourth consecutive bid for the nomination, the aging Senator Morse had developed a “used goods” vibe – while Gravel was picking up the mantle of being the bold “new face” of the Democratic far-left.

    – Theodore H. White’s The Making of the President: 1972, Atheneum Publishers, 1973

    …The troubled nation’s February 20, 1972 Presidential election saw Salvadorans nationwide, after years of military dictatorships and corruption, take what could have been the nation’s last attempt at reform through peace.

    President Gen. Fidel Sanchez Hernandez’s plans for electoral fraud – PCN Presidential candidate Col. Arturo A. Molina – were blatant and poorly disguised. A native political coalition called the United National Opposition soon formed thanks to organizational efforts by leftist parties, trade unions, and activist Roman Catholic clergy. The coalition was not taken seriously by conservative sectors [4]. Nevertheless, the incumbent administration commenced making political activities the targets of National Conciliation Party (PCN)’s harassment and assault tactics; creating increasingly restrictive voting qualification rules also occurred. By January, the coalition had finally rallied around one candidate – Jose Napoleon Duarte of the Christian Democratic Party. Understanding the need for him and the broad-based reform movement united behind him to win the Presidency, all other candidates other anti-Molina dropped out by the end of January.

    As the election date neared, Max Jakobson stepped in. The new Secretary-General of the UN, in light of his narrow selection for the post, and continuing criticism from Middle-Eastern nations, felt compelled to prove his ability to be a pragmatic leader on the world stage. Jakobson lead the international pressure that urged Fidel Sanchez Hernandez to host “free and fair” elections. Taking the Monroe Doctrine to heart, the US President Harland “Colonel” Sanders took the situation “one step further” by threatening to send in a U.S.-led deployment of UN peacekeeping troops to the country if “open and honest” election were not held.

    On election night, the Central Election Board in San Salvador announced Duarte had won by over 26,000 votes, after 900,000 votes were cast (a high number which many observers alleged was the result of ballot stuffing). On February 22, President Sanchez Hernandez claimed the results were inconclusive. Jakobson and Sanders subsequently increased the international pressure over the following weeks, threatening the President’s regime with economic boycotts and other leverage, until the incumbent relented. On June 23, just days the July 1 1972 inauguration, Sanchez Hernandez announced that Duarte had won. He subsequently fled to Venezuela upon leaving office, while Molina supporters shocked by the “betrayal” of Sanchez Hernandez failed to launch a paramilitary coup against Duarte and his allies that same week.

    While the nation itself continued to dapple with warring anti-reform factions for a few more years, the election itself became a powerful symbol of how through the democratic process – and a little international pressure – reform can come without bloodshed.

    – Ashley Carse’s The Sins of The Savior: Politics and People in El Salvador, MIT Press, 2019


    Baton Rouge, LA – In tonight’s gubernatorial election, 72-year-old former Governor Jimmie Davis won a third nonconsecutive term. …Davis, a Democrat, bested a Republican nominee – the 39-year-old activist-turned-former state party chairman Robert Max Ross – by a 7% margin. The narrowness promotes the notions of psephologists of late who believe the South is becoming more open to the ideals and philosophies of the Republican party, in part due to the popularity of President Sanders, and the seemingly rightward shift in the party’s principles in the Senate under Senate minority leader Barry Goldwater (R-AZ). …Davis, who ran on a left-leaning moderate platform that appealed to lower-class voters, previously served as Governor from 1944 to 1948 and again from 1960 to 1964…

    – The Times-Picayune, 2/1/1972

    Jones’ wife, Marceline, was put on trial. As there was no evidence of her knowing of the motives of her husband or Manson, she was acquitted in February 1972 and soon she returned to the Peoples Temple church as its new leader. Seeing the need to repair their image, she renamed church “The Temple of the Followers of Christ’s Love,” and began advocating policies such as “Active Humanitarianism” and “Unilateral Forgiveness.”

    The Fire Oasis: Our Recollections of The Mad Men of Brazil, collaborative work (multiple authors), Deodendro Publishers, 1982

    THE XI WINTER OLYMPICS IN JAPAN: Feats Surmounted & Records Broken

    [pic: ]
    Sports Illustrated, 2/13/1972 special issue

    …Earlier tonight, Ms. Coya Knutson, the Governor of the North Star State, won the Democratic Minnesota caucus with 33% of the vote, with Senators Mondale and Humphrey coming in second and third place, respectively, and several other candidates making up the bottom 10% of votes cast. In this reporter’s analysis, the mudslinging that occurred between the Humphrey and Mondale camps is mutually destructive for the candidates, as the negativity is uninviting to decent, well-to-do, undecided Minnesotans voters. The results may be the boon the campaign of Coya Knutson needs…

    – The Overmyer Network, 2/22/1972 broadcast


    …Running on the big-tent Unified Socialist Party label, the incumbent President of France bested Georges Pompidou of the UNR in tonight’s second and final round of voting. Two weeks ago, Mitterrand and Pompidou were the top two finishers of the first round, which they won over Alain Poher (Popular Republican Movement (MRP)), Jacques Duclos (French Communist Party (PCF)), Gaston Defferre (French Section of the Workers’ International (SFIO), Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour (Miscellaneous far right (DVED)), and Gaston Monnerville (Reform). …The Reform (“L’ Réforme”) Party, the nation’s newest party, favors an electoral college to France’s current Presidential selection process…

    …Mitterrand’s team of advisors, which included Marxist academics Etienne Balibar, Jacques Ranciére, Pierre Macherey, and Henri Lefebvre, proved to be controversial surrogates on the campaign trail; this may account for Mitterrand achieving a margin of victory of only 4%.

    The Guardian, UK newspaper, 27/2/1972


    …In the speech, the Congresswoman accused the Senator of racism for being “both an enthusiastic defender of the evacuation” of Japanese-Americans from their homes and communities, an opponent of Japanese-Americans serving in combat, and a “staunch proponent of the campaign to keep the Japanese-Americans from returning to the Pacific Coast after the war.” [5] Mink ended the speech by saying to the cameras, “Senator Jackson, when you look at me, what do you see? A color, or a fellow American?” …Despite Jackson’s stronger record on civil rights, the remarks are valid… Mink is also critical of Jackson’s opposition to détente...

    – The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 2/28/1972

    …In tonight’s Democratic caucus held in the state of Washington, Senator Scoop Jackson of Washington won the contest, but real winner of the night was Congresswoman Patsy Mink, who scored an impressive 20% of the vote against Jackson. Only two other candidates, Senators Mike Gravel and Wayne Morse, appeared on the ballot…

    – NBC News, 2/29/1972 broadcast

    “The response to Attica was necessary. Those prisoners were not exactly in there for swiping candy. These hooligans were murderers, horrible lying thieving monstrous individuals who refused to play by society’s rules. These were truly dangerous, dangerous men. That is why they were in prison!”

    – Governor Mario Biaggi (D-NY), 3/1/1972 stump speech

    BIAGGI DESCRIPTION OF ATTICA VICTIMS COMES UNDER FIRE: Relatives Call Some “Exaggerated,” Others “Outright Wrong”

    – The Concord Monitor, New Hampshire newspaper, 3/3/1972


    …Humphrey came in second by a 5% margin, while in the Republican race, Senator Goldwater raked in roughly 32%... Knutson underperformed... Goldwater tonight performed better than expected by many pollsters…

    – The Daily Hampshire Gazette, 3/7/1972

    Earlier today, congress passed the Title IX Amendment of the Higher Education Act. Introduced by Philleo Nash in the Senate in October and by Presidential candidate Patsy Mink in the House in November, the amendment prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all federally funded education programs and activities. President Sanders is expected to sign the legislation into law fairly soon…

    – ABC News, 3/11/1972 report

    TULIPS AND FINGER LICKS: K.F.C. Opens First Outlet In Belgium

    – The Los Angeles Times, 3/12/1972


    …The controversial Governor of New York won over conservatives in the Sunshine state. Biaggi received little support from Black voters, whom have been rallying behind Gravel and Humphrey in recent weeks… In regards to the female candidates, Chisholm surprised pundits with a strong showing while Knutson and Mink again underperformed...

    The Los Angeles Times, 3/14/1972

    The political establishment’s preferred candidate won the Illinois primary once more in 1972. Humphrey won 40% of the popular vote, but 75% of the state’s convention delegates. The March 21 contest was essentially a breeze for Ol’ Hubie thanks to the perennial string-pulling of Chicago’s Mayor Richard J. “Big Dick” Daley. Fortunately for America, Daley’s stranglehold on the democratic process was lingering. The efforts of Nevada Governor Grant Sawyer to expand the number of primaries weakened Daley’s influence in the nomination selection process…

    – Roger Stone’s The Liberal Elite: How They Strive to Regulate Us All, Vol. I, Stone Stallion E-Publishing, 2007

    Walt Disney first began contemplating the idea of an animated adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” even before Snow White premiered, but the story and titular character appeared to be not relatable enough to the audiences of the 20th century. This was proven to be true by the 1952 live-action MGM version of the fairy tale starring Danny Kaye and directed Charles Vidor, entitled “Hans Christian Andersen,” which failed to “properly” present the story and character. The concept was shelved indefinitely.

    Fast-forward two decades. Walt Disney and Roy Disney are dead, and the Walt Disney Company, under Card Walker, is searching for a way to retain the years of glory and success experienced under their founder. By 1972, the company was suffering on numerous fronts. Films were seemingly decreasing in quality and popularity (especially live-action films, such as “The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit,” “The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band,” “Never a Dull Moment,” “The Boatniks,” “Million Dollar Duck,” and “The Biscuit Eater” [6], and older members of the company were retiring or itching to do so (if not quit over rumored layoffs to save costs). Several department heads – and, especially, Board of Directors member Roy E. Disney – soon can to believe that “some diamonds” could be found among Walt Disney’s earlier shelved works. “I feared creatively the company was starting to go nowhere interesting,” Roy E. Disney later recalled. Turning to the proposals that Walt had never lived to see become reality, Disney animators suggested an attempt to bring the Snow Queen to the big screen.

    According to Charles Solomon’s The Making of: Disney’s “The Snow Queen” (Disney Chronicles Books, 2005), the inspiration behind the notion was surprisingly not artistic possibility, but geopolitics. At the time of the studio’s “grand search,” the policy of détente was warming tensions between both sides of the Cold War. Due to the efforts of political leaders such as Colonel Sanders and Alex Kosygin, the company opted to look for a concept that both Russian and American audiences could enjoy, and found it in a story set in snowy Scandinavia.

    As Production on The Snow Queen began, production on Robin Hood stalled. But before anything more could happen, the company had to overcome one major problem – the story. Andersen’s original fairy tale consists of seven long “stories” with complicated plots and over a dozen characters. To condense it down to a standard 80-to-90-minute feature, the writers decided to “skim away” as much as possible… [snip] The story’s tone was also changed from dark and grim to more hopeful and light-hearted. The redesigning of the main character to be more of an anti-hero than a sympathetic villain was a pivotal move that “made the whole thing come together,” according to Solomon.

    Finally came the second step: determining the animation style. In early 1972, Disney sent several artists on a tour of Alaska to draw inspiration from the snow-capped state, while others researched similarities between American and Russian customs.

    This is where a young Fairbanks-based painter taking the Alaskan art world by storm came into the Disney picture…

    – James B. Stewart’s Disney War, Simon & Schuster, 2005

    …Earlier tonight, the United States Senate finally voted to send the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the states for ratification…

    – CBS Evening News, 3/22/1972 broadcast


    Washington, DC – Ray Kroc, the former CEO of McDonald who now owns the San Diego Padres, donated $255,000 to Senator Goldwater’s Presidential bid last week… [7] Senator Philleo Nash (D-WI) now claims that the contribution is an attempt to persuade the Senator’s political positions for financial gain. According to Nash, who serves on several Senate committees connected to election finance law, Kroc hoped the donation would encourage Goldwater to oppose talk of a nationwide minimum wage raise proposal going around congress in recent months. The proposal would directly affect teen-aged employers, who make up “the very center” of McDonald’s work force, according to the Senator. Kroc has furiously denied the allegation, claiming he “wants the best man to be President – a man who, like me, understands the importance of self-reliance and opposes government handouts.” When asked if the donation was then a jab against the President, with whom he was once a business rival, Kroc replied, “We buried the hatchet some time ago.” Nash is nonetheless considering calling for an investigation into the matter.

    The San Diego Union-Tribune, 3/26/1972

    HUBERT WINS WISCONSIN BY A HAIR: Scranton Beats Goldwater By “Fair” Margin in State's Presidential Primaries

    – The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/4/1972


    – The Pittsburgh Courier, an African-American newspaper, endorsing Congresswoman Chisholm for President, 4/5/1972

    For years, the media had discussed, either jokingly or seriously, the idea of Father cooking his famous Kentucky Fried Chicken on live TV at the White House Correspondence Dinner. Father was personally against the notion over fears of political opponents claiming it to be a conflict of interest. Months ahead of the final W.H.C.D. of the Sanders administration, however, after discussions with the appropriate judges and law experts, the Attorney General convinced the Colonel that such an activity, if done dramatically enough, would be considered an act of showmanship and not a promotion of KFC products. After eight years, the Colonel finally relented.


    On the stage, Father joked that he had been so busy over the last seven years that he could not remember how to make it, only to expertly dance through the steps of the KFC-making process, culminating in the President pounding his hands onto the pressure cooker’s lid to make sure it closed. After just seven minutes, the Colonel passed the pieces over to the tables closest to the stage.

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., In the Thick of It: The Story of The Colonel and His Son, Sunrise Publishing, 1991


    [pic: ]
    – Senators Mondale and Humphrey feign smiles for the cameras while at a charity dinner in their native Minnesota, 4/17/1972

    Conservative Governor Engelhardt May Run For H.I.P. Presidential Nomination This Year

    Birmingham, AL – In an official press conference, Governor Sam Engelhardt of Alabama changed his party registration from "Democratic" to "Heritage and Independence." Engelhardt explained that he disapproves of all of the Democrat candidates running for President this year, and believes the party has shifted “too far to the left for them to be viable in future elections. The Hippies,” an awkwardly-assembled moniker for members of the conservative Heritage and Independence Party, “have a far better understanding of the issues facing Americans.” When pressed about a potential Presidential bid, Engelhardt remarked, “We’ll see. Well, you will.”
    Samuel Martin Engelhardt Jr., 59, started out as a planter and ginner in Shorter, Alabama. He began his political career in the state House of Representative from 1950 to 1954. From 1954 to 1958, he served as a pro-segregation state senator. Nevertheless, his legislative accomplishments included authorship of the Alabama Placement Act of 1956, and the Tuskegee Gerrymandering Act of 1957. Engelhardt ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor in 1958 and for Governor in 1962. Until last year, he was associated with the White Citizens Council. From 1959 to 1963, Engelhardt served as the state highway director under Governor Patterson and as the chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee. Under Engelhardt's directorship, the Highway Department built, maintained, repaired many roads and bridges throughout the state. However, his tenure was marred by an investigation and charges related to a highway striping contract. Engelhardt was also investigated by the U.S. Civil Service Commission for allegedly violating ethics laws via serving as both the highway director and chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee. After being cleared of all charges in 1968, he unsuccessfully ran for Congress on the H.I.P. party label. He successful ran for Lieutenant Governor in 1970. As Lieutenant Governor, he often sparred with the late George Wallace.

    – The New York Times, 4/18/1972

    …Governor Phil Hoff won tonight’s Democratic Presidential caucus in his home state of Vermont. Hoff, an active Presidential candidate whose campaign is heavily focused on healthcare concerns, has fared poorly in all previous primary contests… …As of tonight, the tally for the delegates allotted to the Democratic candidates so far are as follows: Hubert Humphrey holds the lead with 135 delegates, while Fritz Mondale is in second with 81 delegates. Senator Gravel holds 40, Senator Jackson holds 35, Governor Biaggi holds 34, and the rest hold less than 10 each…

    The Overmyer Network, 4/20/1972

    Gravel Campaign Expecting “Big Boost” In Support Now

    The Washington Times, 4/25/1972

    I think my favorite trip abroad as First Lady, I’ve got to say, was the time when Harland and I met with Francois [Mitterrand] and [his wife] Danielle in Paris for the third and final time. It was in April 1972, and because there was only nine months or so left for our time in the White House, neither of us worried too much about making any faux pas in front of the now-familiar and recently re-elected President. The political pressure was off our backs and the four of us could really relax more than before. It was still a political meeting, an official state visit, of course, but it was the most comfortable one we had. Naturally, we dined on chicken – fine-roasted Chicken Provencal with chestnut stuffing. Oh, and the pastries were to die for!

    – Claudia Price Sanders, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1979

    GOLDWATER: Peace Through Strength; Lower Taxes; Morality In Government

    – Pamphlet circulated in Nevada, c. mid-to-late April 1972

    Gravel: “The state of Alaska has produced great riches for the entire United States. The gold rush era I think has to be done today, uh, as this wealth is being taken from the ground and taken from our seas, that the efforts have to be made to see that this wealth is used to benefit people. [8] And Alaska is going to be relying on its oil deposits and other resources to cover its Permanent Alaskan Dividend Fund now, so I wouldn’t oppose drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge [9], but as President I would implement the precautions needed to protect and preserve the local ecosystems during such use.”


    Mondale: “Workers need work. They need job security, to be able to trust their employees to not be exploited. We need to close up loopholes, and ensure that unions remain key players in the workforce.”


    Gravel: “We need to raise the standard of living in rural places, create opportunities for decent living – job, housing, education for children. The people who say it can’t be done either haven’t the will or are running for the wrong office.”


    Moderator: “Governor Biaggi, critics persist that you demonstrated poor leadership skills in last September’s Attica Incident. Could you clarify the reason behind this and what I says about your leadership style?”

    Biaggi: “I’ve said this many times before – the prison needed to be retaken to return law and order to it. The rioters inside were threatening the lives of the hostages, and I had to respond. Leadership requires action, and action yields results, and the results were that the prison as reclaimed and the rioters were brought to justice. My leadership style is pragmatic and effective, and it’s the kind of style that America needs in the White House in the 1970s.”

    Gravel: “May I have this rebuttal?”

    Moderator: “Senator, you have one minute.”

    Gravel: “Thank you. Gentlemen, Biaggi won’t say it so I will. What happened in upstate New York last September was not a riot gone awry or an incident or a kerfuffle. It was a massacre. The killing of civilians whom the courts had ruled would live and serve time in that prison for their crimes, not for them to be treated like they were less than animals and to be shot down like they were nothing. If we were describing another country, we’d be discussing human rights abuses and sanctions at the UN right now.”

    Biaggi: “Mike, you exaggerate, like many other politicians who are soft on crime because they don’t understand it. They fail to understand the necessity of the rule of law, the thin blue line that separates order and chaos. Those prisoners were threatening the lives of dozens of hostages, and with them the foundations of our criminal justice system. If they didn’t like prison, they shouldn’t have committed crime in the first place. .”

    – Snippets from the transcript of the 4/22/1972 Democratic Primary debate between Gravel, Mondale, and Biaggi (Humphrey declined an invitation to participate due to a “family emergency,” later revealed to be a medical emergency concerning cancer treatment)


    …The three-term Governor of Nevada appeared elated at his home state’s participation in the nomination selection process. However, the smiles, confetti and balloons littering “Sawyer For The Seventies” headquarters could not hide the unaddressed elephant in room – that the odds of winning the nomination are highly unlikely for the former running mate of 1968 nominee Jack Kennedy. Political analyst David Brinkley theorizes the Nevada primary was “more about the democratic process than the victory itself.” Local ardent backers of Sawyer, though, truly believe the former Governor will gather momentum now. “His record as governor will translate into votes for him, I’m sure of it,” argues one Sawyer supporter…

    – The Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/25/1972

    THE PENDULUM EFFECT: What Past Presidential Trends Can Tell Us Now

    …Will the Democratic party nominate a friend of the labor unions to try and succeed the man many Democrats and liberal shoutniks see as “a businessman President,” or will they nominate a peace dove who wants to never fight another war overseas to try and succeed the president who has overseen three wars and has won all of them?

    Tumbleweed Magazine, 4/28/1972

    “I opposed opening relations to China four years ago because I believe it was bad form to abandon Taiwan. But the past is past. The best thing we can do now is ensure the exposure of China to the world will affect China more so than the world.” [snip] “While I am a great believer in the free competitive enterprise system and all that it entails, I am an even stronger believer in the right of our people to live in a clean and pollution-free environment. To this end, it is my belief that when pollution is found, it should be halted at the source, even if this requires stringent government action against important segments of our national economy.[10]

    – Barry Goldwater at a campaign stop in Morgantown, WV, 4/30/1972

    “Now I’ll admit I had some reservations on signing this here Consumer Product Safety Bill. I was concerned it would inhibit business-led innovation, but I trust Ralph Nader’s judgement, and I know even of the folks on the hill to know who wants what. I think this bill will inform consumers without trampling on the rights of business owners.”

    – President Colonel Sanders signing the Consumer Product Safety Act into law, 5/1/1972

    The Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 established a new independent agency of the US government called the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, or CPSC, which seeks to promote the safety of consumer products by researching and addressing “unreasonable risks” of injury, and developing safety standards (though none established under President Sanders were mandatory). Passed by the 92nd Congress and signed into law by President Colonel Sanders, the act, which became effective on June 1, 1972, placed a Chairman as head of the CPSC and headquartered it in Bethesda, Maryland.


    Lead-based paint was widely used due to its durability. However, cases from as early as the start of the 20th century cited lead poisoning from such paint. After years activism based on studies conducted by doctor Philip J. Landrigan, the government began to response to lead-based health concerns during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Congress banned the use of lead-based paint in residential structures in 1969, and founded the CPSC in 1972.


    Tonight was a busy night in the world of politics: three states each held two presidential primaries. On the Republican side, Vice President Scranton won all three contests held in Ohio, Indiana, and Washington DC. On the Democratic side, though, things were more complicated. Um, huh. In fact, we’ve only just now learned which Democrat won Ohio. Um, ah. The bulletin states that Hubert Humphrey achieved a plurality in the Buckeye state, and may receive 58 of Ohio’s 140 party delegates, if not more. Earlier in the night, Mondale edges out Humphrey and Gravel to win Indiana, also by a plurality. Washington, DC, however, was a historic outcome. With over 55% of the vote, Representative Shirley Chisholm became the first African-American to win a party primary. She will likely be allotted all, if not most, of the District of Columbia’s 15 convention delegates. Undoubtedly a boon for her campaign, Chisholm likely won the primary thanks to both the capital district’s large African-American voter population, and her outreach to low-income voters of all races…

    – NBC News, 5/2/1972 broadcast

    …In tonight’s Democratic primary election for US Senator from Alabama, the incumbent Senator Sparkman has lost re-nomination in a major upset to underdog opponent John LeFlore. Sparkman has held the seat since 1946, and was the pro-segregation nominee for Vice President in 1952. LeFlore is a 67-year-old African-American political and civil rights activist whom was elected to the Alabama state senate in 1970. A third primary candidate was Allen Cavett Thompson, the 66-year-old former Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi. Prior to tonight’s runoff, Thompson accused Sparkman of “betraying the South,” and falsely claimed Sparkman “sat out the calls to defend segregation.” This likely damaged Sparkman’s candidacy ahead of the runoff. LeFlore will run against Republican nominee Winston “Red” Blount Jr. in the general election and – hold on, mm-hmm, we have an update: Senator Sparkman has just announced his intention to run in the general election as an independent. And from reporter’s perspective, the move could benefit Blount. This could split the Democratic vote in November and ascend Blount to the Senate on a plurality, much like how Alabama’s other Senator, the Republican, uh, John Martin, was first elected in 1962. Such a result would make one of the biggest pro-Democrat states in the South have both of its Senators be Republican…

    The Overmyer Network, 5/2/1972 broadcast

    HOST: “Hello and welcome back to our discussion on tonight’s Presidential primary results. Goldwater won tonight’s GOP Tennessee primary, while Biaggi won the Democrat version. Both men are conservatives and the state is fairly conservative, but the two men differed greatly on the extent of the federal government and have suffered numerous controversies this primary season.”

    HUNTLEY: “Yes, between Goldwater’s gaffes and animosity shared between Biaggi and more progressive Democrats, it seemed both of their campaigns were floundering. I deduce the unexpected victories are the result of vote-splitting, at least in Biaggi’s case.”

    HOST: “Goldwater received roughly 52% of the vote over Vice President Scranton’s 43%, with the remaining 5% or so going to Mississippi Governor Rubel Phillips. Biaggi, meanwhile, won 40% against Humphrey, Mondale, Gravel and Chisholm, with the only other conservative Democrat on the ballot, uh, Scoop Jackson, receiving under 5%. What do these numbers mean?”

    HUNTLEY: “That conservatives in both parties have found their respective standard-bearers, and are rallying behind Goldwater and Biaggi.”

    – Exchange on Meet the Press, 5/2/1972 broadcast

    GOLDWATER GAINS GROUND: Wins Nebraska Primary In Landslide; Scranton Scrapes By In W.V.

    DEMOCRATS STILL SPLIT: Mondale Wins NE, Biaggi Takes WV Despite HHH’s Best Efforts

    The Washington Post, 5/9/1972 main articles


    Associated Press, 5/16/1972

    SCOOP JACKSON DROPS PRESIDENTIAL BID: Cites Poor Primary Results, Low Funds

    – The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/17/1972

    I was in a bind. Two men that I admired were asking for my endorsement. It was the 1956 Senate race between Wetherby and Cooper all over again! [White House Counsel] Cliff White was urging me to choose Goldwater – a passionate man of honesty and ideals, who understood that small businesses cannot thrive if government limits or even monitors every action they take. [Chief Domestic Policy Advisor] Whitney Young, meanwhile, wanted me to endorse Scranton – a loyal apprentice who had proven his ability to lead on many occasions, most notably housing and employment reform, the 1966 Milwaukee Race Riots, the 1969 busing probe, and 1970 health committee report. In the end, I decided to repeat what I had done in 1956. I refused to take a side, arguing that the primary voters should decide who the party’s standard-bearer should be in November instead.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    …Bipartisan praise is ringing through the halls of congress for “Nader the Crusader,” who has served as the Administrator of the National Roadways Safety Administration since 1966…

    – The Washington Post, 5/19/1972


    …Senator Gravel came in second place, losing the contest by roughly a mere 1,200 votes. Gravel was gracious in his concession speech, telling the crowd “Morse is a worthy opponent whose care for his constituents and the well-being of this nation are genuine. If I was destined to lose this race to someone, I’m glad it was him.” However, the second place finish may boost the Senator’s campaign, as Humphrey and Mondale underperformed…

    The Oregonian, Oregon newspaper, 5/23/1972


    Oregon Puts VP Numbers Over Threshold

    – The Washington Post, 5/28/1972

    I was angry at the Colonel for not supporting my bid. We finally had a confrontation about it in May, where I hollered “I’ve added a thousand times more input to this administration than that little Scranton s#!t has.”

    The Colonel bellowed “Watch the language, darn it!”

    “Argh!” was my immediate reply.

    Sanders then became more conciliatory, suggesting Scranton and I come up with a compromise like what the two of us had agreed on back in ’64.

    “Barry Goldwater doesn’t compromise,” I said. “And it’s not like I can afford to wait until the 1976 or 1980 primaries come along. I’m already 64!”

    “And I was 74 when I started this job. I waited and good fortune came to me for it,” the Colonel noted.

    “The American people can’t wait – we need a pragmatic President.”

    “Then work with Scranton like how you worked with me. Lead him down a path of pragmatism.”

    I sighed, “At this point, I guess that’s the only option.” However, in order to ensure that Scranton did not ignore the party conservatives and their ideals, I had to increase my influence ahead of the RNC, and that meant winning as many of the remaining contests and delegates as I could.

    – Barry Goldwater’s autobiography No Apologies: My Personal and Political Memoirs, Morrow Publishers, 1979

    Post-Khanh Vietnam established a unicameral government consisting of a Preisdent and Council of Representatives, with the latter having more strength and influence over the President than does the US Congress. This situation accommodated Vietnam’s composition of culturally, religiously and linguistically diverse citizens which required multiple viewpoints to be heard.


    Vietnam’s first Presidential election was held in May 1972. After a blanket primary was held on Tuesday the 16th, the final runoff was held on Tuesday the 30th. The runoff saw incumbent President, Harvard-trained banker-turned-politician Nguyen Xuan Oanh (of the Peaceful Today and Tomorrow Party), lose to the popular Mayor of Saigon Nguyen Hop Doan (of the Heal and Rebuild Together Party).

    – Ellen Joy Hammer’s Settling The Dust: Vietnam After Khanh, E. P. Dutton, 1975

    For the third and final Democratic primary debate, Mondale, Gravel, Humphrey and Chisholm converged in Sacramento, in the vitally important winner-take-all California primary…

    Mondale called for further influence of labor unions in business activities directly effecting workers, as “an implemental and instrumental force for worker protection from the bureaucratic oversights of their bosses in the collective bargaining agreement.”


    Gravel: “I would be fine with raising the age for eligibility for the US military to 21.”


    Mondale: “Hubert, in 1963, you called American involvement in Cuba to be, and I quote, ‘our greatest adventure and a wonderful one it is.’ [11] Do you still think that way after seeing the number of veterans from that war still suffering permanent loss of intact bodies and minds, not just here in California but across all 50 states?”


    Humphrey: “Senator Gravel’s defense proposals would greatly diminish the influence America has around the world. We can’t risk the US falling into the category of ‘second-rate nation.’”


    Humphrey: “We need an electable politician for America, and Senator Gravel, you are too radical to win.”

    Gravel: “And you are too moderate to lead!”

    Humphrey called for the closing of $16 billion in tax loopholes, while Chisholm instead called for raising inheritance taxes.


    Humphrey: “My economic plan is to spend $11.5 billion on welfare programs, including Social Security benefits and, pending circumstances, the Negative Income Tax Rebate.”

    Chisholm: “Sir, that will boost consumer spending but you must also address the continuing discrepancies between employment and education levels among racial lines. We need to promote welfare programs that will both lift the people’s spirits and get results, that will inspire and encourage all to seek out their full potential and reach out for the American dream. That starts with Social Security, and goes on to more spending on programs for domestic workers, vocational schooling, reducing mortgage interest rates, and the removal of racial and gender-based bias from national, states and local governments.”

    CBS’s Face the Nation describes Chisholm as the most radical of the four candidates…

    – historian Jeff Greenfield’s How Everything Changed: The Effects of 1972, Centurion Publishers, 2021

    …hello and welcome back to tonight’s coverage of the final round of Presidential primaries for the Democratic and Republican parties. Already, Scranton has won all of the G.O.P. contests save for California, which is still too close to call. Democrats are also waiting on results from the Golden State, where one of the race’s underdogs, Senator Mike Gravel, was polling surprisingly well in the last few weeks. California seems to be experiencing a three-way race between Humphrey, Mondale and Gravel, and it is not surprising why – the state is allotted a whopping 271 delegates – and this is a winner-take-all primary...


    …hold on, we have an update, yes, and the Democratic Presidential primary in California has been called for Mike Gravel. This is a game changer for the election, and puts Gravels delegate count ahead of that of Biaggi, Chisholm and many other candidates…


    …Mondale’s best performance of the night was in New Mexico due to his support among Hispanic voters. Representative Chisholm, on the other hand, won the New Jersey primary due to other candidates not competing for it. However, she did outperform polling in New York, where she obtained roughly 19% of the vote. Compare this to New York Governor Mario Biaggi winning roughly 15% of the vote, who was plagued by the Attica Massacre for his entire campaign. To recap, Mondale won New York by a plurality, Humphrey won South Dakota in a landslide due to his roots there, and Gravel exceeded expectations…

    – CBS Evening News, 6/6-7/1972 broadcast

    The Goldwater campaign shifted from seeking the nomination to influencing the party platform. With Governor Reagan by his side, the Arizonan canvassed California. On June 6, Goldwater won the state and its hefty share of convention delegates. Scranton still maintained a majority, but it was one much smaller than what he thought it would be six months prior. The strength of the Goldwater campaign would now certainly influence both the party platform, and who Scranton would pick to be his running mate.

    – Stephen E. Ambrose, Unforeseen Victories: When Politicians Triumph Over Politics: 1953-1973, NY Simon and Shuster, 1989


    [pic: ]
    Popular Vote Count:
    Scranton: 3,293,214 (55.2%)
    Goldwater: 2,392,359 (40.1%)
    Phillips: 280,398 (4.7%)
    Total Votes Cast: 5,965,971



    [pic: ]
    Delegate Count on 6/6/1972:
    Mondale: 462
    Humphrey: 455
    Gravel: 385
    Chisholm: 124
    Casey: 117
    Biaggi: 82
    Jackson: 24
    Morse: 20
    Sawyer: 12
    All others candidates: 3
    Total delegates: 1,684
    Delegates Needed to Win: 843


    A lack of strong winds, soil saturated from light rain that fell just a few days earlier, and overlapping cloud formations pushed in from Canada and Colorado created the perfect conditions for the creation of consistent rainfall in the areas around Rapid City, South Dakota. The intense rain that began on the afternoon of June 9 would not cease on until after midnight on June 10.

    Immediately, the flash flood made the area’s creeks overflow, carrying rubble along Rapid Creek to western South Dakota’s Canyon Lake Dam, creating a barrier in front of its spillway. Not wanting a dam-related disaster like what had occurred in California just last year, Governor McGovern ordered the debris to be cleared as soon as he learned of the clogging. This action helped keep the depth of the water behind the dam down to just 4 feet, as opposed to the estimated 10-to-15 feet it would have risen to otherwise, which would have only contributed further to the floodwaters.

    The flood’s waters (estimated to have been “1 billion metric tons of water”) uprooted trees, trailers, automobiles and even entire houses. Thousands of homes and businesses were ruined in some capacity across the Back Hills of South Dakota. The destruction in Rapid City tallied up to $46 million, and almost $1mill in Keystone (in 1972 dollars); the entire flooding cost the state a total of $165million. 82 people died, and over 4,000 were injured.


    After the flood, more warning systems were placed across the regions. Additionally, while houses and motels were not barred from being built in the flood zones, Governor McGovern did order all that were there to be raised and/or moved to avoid the chance of people drowning while sleeping the next time a flood so intense occurred.



    [pic: ]
    – Two local residents walk past the effects of flooding in Keystone, SD, 6/11/1972


    …Credit also goes to the National Weather Service in Rapid City, whose personnel who used their training, tools and skills to issue effective forecasts and warnings with the information and technology at their disposal. However, it should be noted that they had such tools and training due to Governor McGovern increasing the service’s budget size last year...

    – The Capital Journal, South Dakota daily newspaper, 6/11/1972

    STAND UP: The Beatles’ “Stand Up,” the band’s first album since the attempt on their lives at L.A.’s The Forum, is a celebration of life peppered with both positive accolades and darker imagery. A diverse collection of songs, the tracks almost have a pattern to them, as light melodies – focused mostly on the importance of family, friendship, love and the best of mankind and the potential of humanity – are followed by gloomy and very intense records about pain, suffering, anguish, loss, the worst of mankind, and the inevitability of death.

    – review, Tumbleweed Magazine, 6/15/1972

    …With the conclusion of the Presidential primaries two weeks ago, Vice President Scranton is on his way to becoming the nominee at the Republican National Convention in August, where the party platform will be finalized and a running mate will be selected. The Democrats, meanwhile, will have a much more daunting atmosphere entering what could be a brokered convention, after an expanded primary season yielded more candidates, only for none of them to secure enough delegates for them to win the nomination on the first ballot. While Senators Mondale and Humphrey are in the lead, it is currently uncertain who will win the nomination and who will be their running mate…

    The Overmyer Network, 6/19/1972 broadcast

    In 1972, Disney artists and writers travelled to Alaska seeking inspiration for the then-planned animated adaptation of “The Snow Queen.” During their stop in Fairbanks, locals told them to the most famous artist in town: our Bob. Word soon spread of the animators’ presence, and Bob’s family convinced him to approach them with a humble proposal. Bob found 30-minute pocket of time at the animators’ hotel, where Bob was permitted to demonstrate to some of the artists his quick-rendering skills. Most present were impressed at his style. Shortly afterwards, Bob was asked to visit the company’s studios in Los Angeles to repeat the rendering technique. In the Golden State, Bob wowed other members of the Disney family with the pace of his ability to quickly create backdrops – particularly the wintry backdrops. After some hesitance over his lack of professional art schooling, the Disney men agreed with Bill Alexander and offered Bob a job working for the animation studio.

    Bob was initially hesitant, wondering if they would trick him into signing a contract prohibiting him from painting outside of Disney projects. To protect himself, Bob contacted the best lawyer that he could find – and after two weeks, Bob contacted Disney with the best lawyer that he could actually afford. A contract was agreed to and signed, and the army granted Bob a six-month leave of absence.

    Bob worked with Disney artists (officially, as an "advisor") and taught them how to work with fast-drying paint, from the brush-beating to the pairing of trees. He would return six months later for some additional weeks when assistance and suggestions on additional background scenes were needed.

    [pic: ]
    Above: an early test image from The Snow Queen

    – Kristin G. Congdon, Doug Blandy, and Danny Coeyman’s Happy Clouds, Happy Trees: The Bob Ross Phenomenon, University Press of Mississippi, 2014

    “I remember this one time in, I want to say, mid-summer, 1972, when SBA Administrator Marshall Parker, went ahead and showed off to Father his new electronic digital wristwatch. He boasted that it cost him $2,100, like it was a real sign of his success. The joke was on him, though, as by the end of the decade, those kind of watches were being sold for just 10 bucks a pop! Seriously, go look it up!”

    – Harland David “Harley” Sanders Jr., 1999 interview

    Hogan’s Heroes Star Swears He Told Lover He Would Film Their “Intimate Time”

    The Hollywood Reporter, 7/7/1972

    By the start of July, Lennon was enthusiastic to go on a global tour calling for World Peace. As Paul was one who was shot, he supported John’s vision on the grounds of raising awareness on the issue of gun violence. The tour could also promote their new album, and assure their loyal fans that the band was still as powerful as it was prior to The Forum Incident. Apart from “Stand Up,” it would be their first major event without the guidance of [their slain manager] Brian Epstein.

    – Pat Sheffield’s Dreams, Reality, and Music: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole Entire World, Tumbleweed Publications, 2000

    The 1972 General elections were held in Cuba on 10 July of that year to determine who would serve as President for the next six years, and to determine who would serve in the Cuba Chamber of Representatives. After the collapse of the Nationalist Party, the elections were largely dominated by three major parties. The major presidential candidates, in alphabetical order, were the following:

    Aureliano Sanchez Arango (1907-1976), the nominee of the heavily pro-American hard-right Conservative Party, a former Minister of Education under President Carlos Socarras who originally sided with Castro during the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista, but changed sides after Castro declared himself a communist. Sanchez developed a positive reputation in the late 1960s by serving as Lopez-Fresquet’s Secretary of Commerce from 1966 to 1971.

    Manuel Francisco Artime Buesa (1932-1977), the nominee of the left-leaning centrist Stability Party, who had served in Cuba’s Chamber of Representatives since 1966. Like Sanchez, Artime had fought for Castro before switching sides. His call for complete amnesty for all former Communists helped him win a seat in congress in 1966, but the idea was largely unpopular at the national level, resulting in him coming in third place.

    Erneido Andres Oliva Gonzalez (b. 1932), the nominee of the “third position” New Authority Party and the youngest candidate in the race (turning 40 just days before the election), who had served as the outgoing President’s Foreign Policy Advisor from 1966 to 1970 and as Minister of Defense since 1970. He supported strengthening ties to the US.


    Presidential election results:


    [pic: ]

    Under Cuba’s 1965 constitution, the President can serve for more than just one 6-year term, but cannot succeed himself into office.


    The course of action for the serious candidates ahead of the July 24-27 convention was to try and convince former candidates to relinquish their delegates to them. In an attempt to shore up support from former Morse supporters, Gravel made an unprecedented and unconventional announcement at a press conference on July 12: “When I receive the nomination for President, Congressman John E. Moss will be my running mate!” Moss soon joined him at the podium where he, somewhat controversially, remarked “This campaign is a fight to restore openness and truthfulness to DC. The Colonel’s anti-obscenity laws are too oppressive for them to be tolerated. A government cannot regulate morality or the freedom of expression!”

    – Ted White’s The Making of the President: 1972, Atheneum Publishers, 1973

    Mondale studied his options. He could go for the nomination at the convention, and do whatever it took to appeal to as many state delegates as possible. But this would take too long for the two weeks we were working with. He could promise concessions and appointments to the various “favorite son” candidates, like Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, which would also consume up our time. Then he studied a sort of Hail Mary pass – appeal to the one sole candidate beside Humphrey who could provide him with enough delegates to put them over the edge.

    I arranged and then sat in on the meeting between Mondale and Gravel. Mike Gravel would appeal to the left, yes, but the main benefit of him being in No 1 Observatory Circle was his removal from congress. Since entering the chamber in January 1970, Gravel had repeatedly had difficulty collaborating with his fellow Senators, relying more on showboating tactics to draw attention to issues rather than play by the Senate’s rules. Mondale knew this, that the Senate would be glad to see him be promoted if the ticket won, and so did Gravel.

    To sweeten the pot, Mondale agreed to add a stronger peace plank to the party platform.

    “And what about Moss?” Gravel asked about the Congressman who had been his running for only a week.

    “A cabinet position, or head of some commission or organization or some other cabinet-level job.”

    After a long pause, Gravel answered, “This better be worth it.”

    “Well then,” Mondale smiled, “several Senators are going to be ebullient when they hear about this.”

    – political strategist Mark Shields’ memoir The Pundit Next Door, Borders Books, 1993

    …breaking news! Mondale and Gravel have just held a press conference, in which they revealed that Gravel has dropped his presidential bid to serve as Mondale’s running mate. This move will certainly lead to Gravel throwing his delegates to Mondale, and that could lead to other candidates, such as Senator Morse and Representative Chisholm, following suit, which would push him comfortably over the threshold of 843 delegates on the first ballot, which is needed to win the nomination without creating a brokered convention…

    – CBS Evening News special report, Thursday, 7/20/1972

    “I’m outraged that after expanding the primaries to more than half of the states, our ticket may be again chosen not by the people but by another backroom deal!”

    – Former Governor Grant Sawyer (D-NV), 7/20/1972

    The election had once again not run in his favor, even after promising to make Bob Casey his running mate won him most of Pennsylvania delegates. “After all this time,” he complained, donors were “still wary of betting on another member of” the Johnson administration. Humphrey regretted his “Stroll” through the early primaries as they cost him momentum and allowed Mondale to seal his thunder. Thirdly, the election proved to be more exhaustive than he initially envisioned it would be. “Th[is] presidential election took something out of me [but] I heal rapidly,” he confided in [his wife] Muriel.


    On the final day of the 1972 DNC, Humphrey’s bladder ailment had again flared up, and the doctors swore that he needed to spend at least "a couple of weeks" convalescing after surgery to correct an infection. …Humphrey would later describe the recovery process as “An agonizing period, both in worry and discomfort” [12]. Despite this and the loss of the nomination, he seemingly optimistic about his future, telling is wife “I may not get to be President, but I’m still on Capitol Hill, and I’m going to make the most out of my time there!”

    – Carl Solberg’s H.H.H.: A Biography, Borealis Books, 1984 (2001 edition)

    1972 Democratic National Convention
    Date(s): July 24-27, 1972
    City: Miami Beach, Florida
    Venue: Miami Beach Convention Center
    Keynote Speaker: Senator Harold Hughes of Iowa

    Presidential nominee: Walter Mondale of Minnesota
    Vice Presidential nominee: Mike Gravel of Alaska
    Other Candidates: Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota

    Results (by popular vote):
    Walter Mondale – 26.1% (and 935 delegates on the first ballot)
    Hubert Humphrey – 25.7% (and 574 delegates on the first ballot)
    Mike Gravel – 19.3% (and 15 delegates on the first ballot)
    Mario Biaggi – 7.2% (and 82 delegates on the first ballot)
    Shirley Chisholm – 6.5% (and 25 delegates on the first ballot)
    Scoop Jackson – 4.9% (and 24 delegates on the first ballot)
    Bob Casey – 3.2% (and 12 delegates on the first ballot)
    Wayne Morse – 1.8% (and 5 delegates on the first ballot)
    Grant Sawyer – 0.7% (and 12 delegates on the first ballot)
    Terry Sanford – 2.4% (and 0 delegates on the first ballot)
    Phil Hoff – 1.1% (and 0 delegates on the first ballot)
    Coya Knutson – 0.9% (and 0 delegates on the first ballot)
    Patsy Mink – 0.3% (and 0 delegates on the first ballot)
    Lester Maddox – 0.1% (and 0 delegates on the first ballot)
    Others – 0.1% (and 0 delegates on the first ballot)

    Total delegates: 1,684
    Delegates Needed to Win: 843



    [pic: ]

    – Governor Lester Maddox (D-GA), formally dropping his bid for the White House after failing to win the nomination for President at the Democratic National Convention, 7/27/1972; in his concession speech, which received little media attention, Maddox criticized the national party ticket and refused to endorse it, instead saying "I hope everyone votes for the best ticket they find on their ballot, regardless of the party label next to it"

    Fritz & Mike: Real Governing For a Change

    – Mondale/Gravel’72 bumper sticker, c. late July 1972

    …breaking news out of Little Rock, Arkansas, where the state’s governor, Winthrop Rockefeller, has announced that he has suspended his re-election bid and that in two days he will resign from the office of the governorship in order to better combat a recent diagnosis of pancreatic cancer [13]. Rockefeller was the first Republican Governor of Arkansas since the Reconstruction era of the 1870s and has served as the state’s governor since 1965. Upon his resignation, Rockefeller will be succeeded by lieutenant governor Maurice Lee “Footsie” Britt, a Medal of Honor recipient who once played professional football for the Detroit Lions…

    – NBC News, 8/5/1972 broadcast

    William Scranton’s running mate had to appeal to his own base of supporters and to the more conservative Republicans to avoid the latter staying at home. Stuart Spencer swears “Scranton believed that a lack of party unity had doomed Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 re-election bid, and sought to not repeat LBJ’s mistakes.” Ahead of the convention, the Vice President met with conservatives leaders, including southern conservatives and their leader, Strom Thurmond. A longtime former Democrat, Thurmond had quickly developed a following in the G.O.P. hierarchy despite only being a Republican since 1962. Nevertheless, Scranton needed the conservative faction’s blessing in regards to his choice of running mate, and so presented several options before them:

    Senator Rogers C. B. Morton of Maryland was an experience legislator, but he also was too geographically close to Scranton.

    Senator Paul Laxalt of Nevada was a fiery conservative who, to Scranton, was too reminiscent of Goldwater’s negative campaign.

    Governor Bo Callaway of Georgia was also a conservative, who could have appealed to both sides of the Democratic party.

    Governor Charles Percy declined interest to instead continue running for a US Senate seat

    Governor Paul Robsion of Kentucky seemed like a possible compromise choice until he, after much hesitance, declined to be considered in order to better focus on his economic development plans. Nevertheless, his positive activities as Governor placed Robsion on Scranton’s list of possible cabinet members.

    Scranton initially was eyeing Senator Jacob Javits of New York to serve as running mate, but even his aides considered this to be “more than just” unwise.

    Senator James D. Martin of Alabama, similar to Laxalt and Callaway, was pushed by southern conservatives; however, Scranton did not believe he could help him win votes outside the south.

    Governor Mitchell Melich of Utah was a tempting choice to pick due to his successful two terms, but was not well known outside of his state and was instead placed on the list of potential cabinet members.

    By process of elimination, Scranton and the representatives of the party’s growing conservative faction chose a soft-c conservative political dark horse: Mike Stepovich. The Governor of Alaska Territory from 1957 to 1958 and Governor of Alaska from 1963 to 1971, Stepovich was born to a Montenegrin Serb father and a Montenegrin Croat mother in Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1919. Scranton believed Stepovich could win over (white) ethnic communities in northern cities, bolster the party among libertarian-minded voters in the west, and cut into Walter Mondale’s home-state advantages in the Midwest, a place of many Americans of Eastern European descent. Ideologically, it was the “soft” part of “soft-c conservative” that Scranton hoped would appeal to both the waning liberal and waxing conservative sides of the party while also appealing to independents.

    – Theodore H. White’s The Making of the President: 1972, Atheneum Publishers, 1973



    [pic: ]
    – The Washington Post, 8/15/1972


    – The New York Times, 8/21/1972

    MARY SCRANTON’S SPEECH DEEMED THE BEST ONE GIVEN AT THIS YEAR’S R.N.C.: Goldwater’s Speech Endorsing Ticket Seen As Lackluster

    The Los Angeles Times, 8/23/1972 side article


    – Scranton/Stepovich ’72 logo, c. late August 1972


    “I think it’s time for the hippies to make a comeback” was the misguided battle cry bellowed out by the rambunctious Samuel “Uncle Sam” Engelhardt, America’s sole “H.I.P.” Governor, on August 27, 1972. It was the final line of his speech on the first day of the Heritage and Independence Party National Convention, a gathering of conservatives, populists, and warhawks registered with the party founded by former Governor C. Farris Bryant in 1964. In light of the Democratic and Republican parties nominating tickets the “hippies” perceived to be unacceptably liberal, attendance was higher than the 1968 HIPNC. The atmosphere seemed to suggest that 1972 would be the year the hippies would finally return to national prominence.

    Engelhardt was alone in vying for the party’s nomination – other candidates included Lieutenant General Edwin Walker, who oversaw operations during the Cuba War before launching three unsuccessful bids for Governor of Texas; Bruce Alger, a former US Congressman from Texas’s fifth district for 10 years; and the former US Congressman John Rarick of Louisiana, who, after failing to win a single delegate in his run in the 1972 Democratic Presidential primaries, had bitterly rejoined the hippies.

    As the nominating process proceeded, it became increasingly evident that the party was splitting over how to move forward. Former HIP member Sam Nunn noted in 1976, “The question was ‘should we focus on fiscal conservatism, social conservatism, or double down on both?’ The answer we got from the convention goers was ‘D: all of the above.’”

    The competition turned negative, with each candidate slinging mud onto at least two others. Upon making a back-room deal with Rarick, Engelhardt finally wrestled away the nomination from Walker and Ager on the fifth ballot. The party then saw two factions walk out on the convention to form tickets of their own. Thus how 1972 had three HIP tickets: Sam Engelhardt (AL)/John Rarick (LA) (of the Heritage and Independence Party) represented a greater focus on social conservatism than fiscal conservatism; Ed Walker (TX)/Robert J. Morris (NJ) (of the aptly-named Defense Party) focused heavily of fiscal conservatism, isolationism, and higher military spending in the name of “national protection”; and Bruce Alger (TX)/Iris Faircloth Blitch (GA) (of the Country Party) ran on the theme of small government, reinstating segregation “in willing areas” and “reinforcing traditional social roles,” which was ironic given how the Vice-Presidential candidate was a woman who served in the US House of Representatives for eight years.




    [pic: / CchLDBD ]

    – A quote by Colonel Sanders, said shortly after the 1972 RNC during a speech in support of the Scranton/Stepovich ticket, c. 8/29/1972

    [1] My mom.
    [2] Italicized part is an OTL quote!
    [3] OTL quote, according to his Wikiquote page.
    [4] As covered in the 1970 chapter, Salvador Allende lost the 1970 Chilean election; as a result of this, and the repulsion of communism from Cuba, fears of communism encroaching central America are not at all as high here as they were IOTL!
    [5] Source 24 on Scoop Jackson’s wiki (toward the end of the long blogspot)
    [6] All real movies, by the way. Yeah – even “The Boatniks”!
    [7] In OTL, Kroc in 1972 donated $255,000 to Richard Nixon’s re-election campaign:
    [8] Gravel’s first words in his OTL 1968 campaign video:
    [9] According to his wiki page, he did not oppose such activities while a Senator.
    [10] OTL quote!, according to Source 81 on his wiki page.
    [11] OTL quote, according to’s article on the Third Democratic debate of 1972.
    [12] Page 416 of Carl Solberg’s Hubert Humphrey: A Biography, as seen and found on Google Books.
    [13] Because he’s still in office ITTL, the cancer is detected a month earlier, possibly due to the stress of another term worsening his health.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 37: September 1972 – January 1973
  • Chapter 37: September 1972 – January 1973

    “Get busy living or get busy dying”

    – Stephen King (OTL)

    Two weeks before the start of 1972 R.N.C., [then-boyfriend] George [Stanley Clinton] and I struck a deal: he would be more supportive of my political interests in exchange for me learning to play at least one musical instrument. I chose the violin, as that is a great counterpart to George’s piano.

    When we went to that year’s convention, George was not impressed by the affair. On the trip back home he complained “I get that it’s all important, but does it have to be so boring? So sterile?”

    “What do you mean? Goldwater and Mary Scranton were very passionate speakers,” I said in my defense.

    “Apart from them and the Colonel, all these politicians just seem to phone it in,” he somewhat grumbled.

    I replied, “Well, change starts somewhere, so why not with us?”

    “You mean with you, honeybun.”

    After a moment of hesitation, I decided to finally break the news to him. “Funny you should say that – I’ve signed on to Scranton’s campaign. I’ll be coordinating with teams of canvassers who will be registering voters across Tennessee and North Carolina.”

    Clinton looked at me before asking, “We’ll still see each other every day, right?”

    “Of course!”

    “Then you can run around bothering people all day long if you want to, honey.”

    “Thanks for understanding, George.”

    “Ol’ Bill Scranton’s lucky to have a gal like you in his corner.”

    “Hmm, Bill,” I thought, “I really like that name.” Years later, I would honor our son with that name.

    – Hillary Rodham-Clinton (R-TN), in her autobiography The Decisions I Have Made, 2016

    The two Democrats serving as Alaska’s US Senators at the time were very inspirational to me. Ernest Gruening had led the state throughout World War Two, and was a fierce opponent of America’s military actions in Cuba during the LBJ years. Gravel was more inspirational to me, and not just because of the anti-war rhetoric. Here was a man who just took off to America’s own little great white north without any connections to the state and without that much money, and just 15 or so years later, at age 42, was the Democratic nominee for Vice President. It convinced me that Alaska was a land of possibilities.

    That spring, I had campaigned for Mondale in the Midwest. In the summer, I requested being assigned to work on the Mondale/Gravel ticket’s Alaska division. I figured that if a guy like him can make it big by going up there, maybe there’s something waiting for me up there too.

    I worked closely with Gravel and his inner circle to try to win the state away from Stepovich. Early polls showed the Republicans had a ten-point lead. I liked a challenge. In those eight weeks I rubbed elbows with Alaskans of all kinds – from Mayors and state Senators to housewives, drillers, fisherman, and Native Inuit hunters – in all corners of the state. I was exposed to the majesty of the land and the political opinions of the people, many of which I agreed with…

    – Bill Clinton’s Putting People First, University of Alaska Press, 1986


    [pic: ]
    – Scranton for President advertisement, c. September 1972


    …for both debates, candidates will discuss foreign policy in the first half-hour and domestic policy in the second half-hour, with an additional ten minutes of time allotted to any other concerns. The nominee of the Heritage and Independence Party, Governor Sam Engelhardt, has not been invited to attend…

    – The Washington Post, 9/3/1972

    …we are getting reports of some kind of shooting occurring at the Munich Olympics… it appears that armed men attempted to scale a chain-link fence on the border of the Olympic Village. The men in question had with them duffel bags from which they produced pistols, and then assault rifles, upon security spotting them. We’ll have more information for you as further details come to light… For those just tuning in, it seems that would-be terrorists tonight attempted to sneak into the Olympic Games in Munich, but were spotted by security officers. When they were discovered, one of the trespassers shot the officer, drawing the attention of other personnel. A gunfight ensued in which the terrorists attempted to use their weapons to march into the Olympic village, but were repelled by security. While our correspondents in Munich believe but cannot confirm that the trespassers had more firepower than security, they can confirm that many of the security personnel who arrived on the scene were shot, but no deaths have been announced. All of the trespassers, meanwhile, were shot by security after officers fired upon the trespassers from the roof of a nearby building. Of the unconfirmed number of five trespassers, only one received non-fatal injuries, and the yet-to-be-identified man is currently in police custody… Our correspondents in Munich tell us that security personnel at the Olympics, publicly known for being relaxed to present a “carefree” atmosphere, report that security measures were heightened last week after Prime Minister Enoch Powell and several secretaries of his premiership quietly threatened to boycott the games if their safety was not assured…

    – BBC News, 9/5/1972

    THE MUNICH SUMMER OLYMPICS CONCLUDE TODAY: “The Cheerful Games” Lived Up To Nickname, Despite Shooting Incident

    The Guardian, 9/11/1972

    Australia’s last major “Arkie-wave” scandal of 1972 concerned the misconduct of Rolf Harris, a 42-year-old singer-songwriter. Accused of sexual pestering, Harris went from being called an entertainer to being called a “pest,” a word quickly taking on a whole new meaning in a “post-Ark” world. In mid-September, sufficient evidence was brought against Harris concerning charges of alleged assault against females aged seven-to-eight in 1968-to-1969 [1]. Harris vehemently denied the charges, but the evidence was clear. In 1973, Harris was sentenced to 20 years in prison, which he served from 1974 to 1994. In 1997, though, Harris was arrested for violating parole and for sexual pestering 13-year-old schoolgirl. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 1998, and was released early in 2012. Since then, Harris, now approaching the age of 88, has maintained a low profile, and currently resides near his hometown of Bassendean, a suburb of Perth, Western Australia.

    Political activists observing the 1972 fall from grace demanded the passing of the Protection of Women and Children bill being worked on in Canberra at the time, and pushed the issue of “women’s rights” to the forefront of Australia politics just days ahead of that year’s Liberal coalition leadership election…

    – Donald S. Passman’s Sing-and-Dance Backwash: The Struggle for Transparency In The Entertainment Industry, 1945-Onward, Borders Books, Second Edition, 2018

    Prime Minister Harold Holt, after six years in office, had lost party confidence, and on September 1 announced he would resign over the internal unpopularity. John McEwen, officially of the “Country” political party, expanded his base of support (grazers, farmers, rural residents) via garnering the support of women’s rights organizations by being the first national politician to publicly condemn Harris “and all who actively seek to pester women,” siphoning support from more liberal candidates without alienating his base of supporters. McEwen subsequently won the Liberal coalition leadership election over Holt favorite Malcolm Fraser and several others, making McEwen the 18th Prime Minister of Australia on September 24, 1972.

    – Rodney Smith and Ariadne Vromen’s Politics in Australia: An Overview of Histories, Theories, Practices and Issues, Cambridge University Press, 2012


    [ pic: ]
    – still from a campaign film on the Mondale family, first aired 9/20/1972


    Harmon Archibald Dobson stepped off his private airplane beaming with pride. 22 years prior, Dobson founded Whataburger as a “wooden box” stand in Corpus Christi, Texas; now, after expanding in several more states over the years, the franchise was celebrating the grand opening of its 100th location, and its first one in the Golden State [2]. Dobson stood in front of the distinct A-frame building and its Flying W logo, meant to be reminiscent of a plane’s wings, and faced the crowd of attendees to cut the ribbon officiating the restaurant’s opening. While “other burgers on the market are meant for quick convenience,” Dobson says, “I wanted to make a burger that took two hands to hold and tasted so good that when you took a bite you would say ‘What a burger!’[3]. Even so, the Whataburger will certainly face competition from local franchises, not to mention nationwide giants such as McDonald’s, Burger Chef, KFC’s Wendyburgers, and the newest fast-food major player, Ollie’s Trolleys.

    – The Sacramento Union, 9/23/1972

    Mondale: “the Santa Barbara oil spill is just one of many examples that demonstrate why businesses need to be regulated to ensure they protect workers and the environment from harm.”


    Scranton: “young and old Americans have much to thank Colonel Sanders for. Medicare and Medicaid costs dropped under this administration. Housing costs are down, and several studies have proven that the Colonel’s promotion of vocational programs has increased college enrollment and allowed college tuition rates to drop. I think we should keep the good times rolling. …Lincoln would be proud to know his party still contains the energy and moral compass it possessed over one hundred years ago. …Colonel Sanders achieved bipartisan support in order to maintain the safety, sanity and security of this nation, and I will continue this on during my time as President.”


    Scranton: “My opponent would raise taxes.”

    Moderator: “Senator, your rebuttal?”

    Mondale: “Yes, I would raise taxes, but I would raise taxes on the rich, not on the lower classes.”

    – Snippets from the transcript of the first Presidential debate between Mondale and Scranton, Tuesday 9/26/1972

    Mondale shined when asked economic questions, but did poorly on foreign policy in the first of two debates. Scranton, for his part, again played up his activities in the Governor’s office and his actions as Vice President, but executed his talking points in a manner many pundits called “dry” and “uninspiring.” Most observers considered the debate to be a stalemate, with Scranton having a slight edge over Mondale.

    – Michael Stewart Foley’s Front Porch Politics: American Activism in the 1970s and 1980s, 2013 net-book edition

    Scranton: 45%
    Mondale: 40%
    Other: 5%
    Undecided: 10%
    – Gallup poll, 10/1/1972

    Despite the 10-months-long freeze on prices and wages in that was implemented in late 1968, inflation is still on the rise. The economy has suffered no major downturns since 1963, making for a record period of growth at eight years and ten months, but the threat of rising prices and drop in value could end this expansion.

    – report, The Wall Street Journal, 10/1/1972

    Labor leaders such as Walter Reuther and George Meany stumped for Mondale after the White House began floating the idea of announcing a second price freeze in order to keep the economy afloat and stabilized.

    – Meg Jacobs’ Pressure at the Polls: The Transformation of American Politics in the 1970s, 2016 net-book edition

    HOST: So why do you think your campaign tanked when it had the potential to go all the way?

    JACKSON: I should have won and I could have won, but I lacked the name recognition of the bigger candidates more familiar to voters thanks to their 1968 runs. I think my brand of international involvement would have resonated really well with primary voters if that had been the sole thing discussed about me.

    HOST: You’re alluding to Patsy Mink, correct? Do you think she was the main factor in your campaign failing?

    JACKSON: Ah, I don’t think so. It had more to due with a lack of name recognition in my opinion.

    HOST: Well, you’ve recently publicly endorsed Mondale despite his anti-intervention running mate. Did you back Mondale out of party loyalty?

    JACKSON: No, I’m backing him because Mondale is the better man for the job out of the men we have to choose from. I don’t think Gravel can really do any damage to anything as the Vice President.

    – Scoop Jackson interview, KAFE 104.1 FM radio broadcast, 10/2/1972

    ADVISOR 1: “Mary, we want to cut down your time spent on the campaign trail.”

    MARY: “The crowds don’t seem to mind.”

    ADVISOR 2: “That’s the thing – they like you more than your husband. If anything, your energy is making voters more aware of how, well, boring your husband is.”

    ADVISOR 1: “Opinion polls show it, he has a charm deficit that your charm is only amplifying.”

    MARY: “Well wouldn’t people notice me suddenly being off the trail?”

    ADVISOR 2: “We think you should take a few days off to recover from an illness.”

    MARY: “How about instead, you gals show that when people vote for Bill, they’re not just voting in a new President – they’re voting in a new Frist Lady.”

    ADVISOR 2: “...uh, I guess that might work.”

    ADVISOR 1: “Hmm… alright, we’ll try it your way.”

    MARY: “And I’ll try to get Bill to show more of his personality on the trail. I’ll work on it with him and his PR people.”

    ADVISOR 1: “Deal.”

    – Second Lady Mary Scranton and two campaign advisors, A/V security camera footage from a hotel lounge in Kansas City, MO, 10/3/1972 (footage discovered in 2011)


    [pic: ]
    – Scranton at a campaign rally near Jefferson City, MO, 10/6/1972

    HOST: The biggest question I have is this: Why Stepovich? He is not that well-known nationally and he comes from an electorally-small state.

    SCRANTON: Well, yes, the state of Alaska does not have a lot of people but it does have a very diverse people from the state’s rich history. As Governor, Mike presided over a period of economic growth due to a responsible handling of Alaskan resources, which shows he has the leadership skills for the job. Alaska is also a western state, or I consider it a western state, at least, so with him the ticket represents both sides of the Mississippi. And most importantly for this race, is he is a representative of conservatives in the party of Lincoln.

    HOST: But some conservatives such as Senator Goldwater have complained that Stepovich is not conservative enough to appeal to that base of voters.

    SCRANTON: I disagree. And, well, I think Mike’s record as Governor speaks for itself.

    – Scranton and host on Meet the Press, 10/8/1972


    – The New York Times, 10/9/1972

    Mondale: “Some of the biggest tasks for the next administration will be economical and geopolitical. America as a duty to protect allies and to maintain both immediate and long-term prosperity. ...America needs the E.R.A. …I believe we can finally lead the globe in education innovation by 1982.”


    Scranton: “Too many people fear finances – they vote for high taxes for high services so they have less responsibilities. I believe the American citizen can stand on his or her own two feet when given the opportunity.”


    Scranton: “We need criminal justice reform. We cannot have another massacre like the one that happened under Democratic Governor Biaggi.”

    Mondale: “I agree, but I would take things a step further and promote transparency in government, so we know exactly what our government is doing for us, how our taxpayer money is being spent, and how laws truly affect things.”

    – Snippets from the transcript of the second Presidential debate between Mondale and Scranton, Tuesday 10/12/1972

    Mondale was seen as the winner of the debate. Scranton again gave a milquetoast performance, while Mondale presented himself as well-informed and energetic without appearing unprofessional. Additionally, in wake of his response to the administration’s 1972 price freeze initiative, Mondale gained a slight lead to most post-debate polls.

    – Michael Stewart Foley’s Front Porch Politics: American Activism in the 1970s and 1980s, 2013 net-book edition

    So now we have to pick between two puffy-eyed vampires. They look and sound like robots or clones; one’s an evil twin to business, the other’s an evil twin to unions. Because of their aesthetic boredom, I actually find the irrelevant running mates more interesting! A Polack chameleon, changing his policies to match whatever’s popular, versus a bleeding-heart Quebecois peacenik, both from the politically unimportant state of Alaska. But the voters were deprived of a debate between those two. Instead we got stuck watching tweedle-dope and tweedle-dumbass drone on and on for nearly an hour – twice! This may have been fascinating to watch for stuffy politicos, but for average Joes with lives of their own, this is just going to keep them even farther away from the potentially-fascinating world of political discussion.

    – Hunter S. Thompson, Tumbleweed Magazine article, 10/12/1972

    “Bill [Scranton]’s a good man, but I think he really could have done better in those debates. He’s got the right ideas, he’s just got to work on his showmanship to actually sell them.”

    – President Sander to a reporter in a moment later considered to be a gaffe similar to one made by President Eisenhower made in 1960, 10/13/1972

    A CONSERVATIVE CRUSADE: Goldwater Takes His Message To The People

    …the passionate Senator is stumping for conservative candidates such as Senate nominees Hank Hibbard (R-MT) and Governor Harrison Thyng (R-NH), and the results are already evident in the latest polls…

    National Review, 10/15/1972 issue

    Mondale: 48%
    Scranton: 45%
    Other: 6%
    Undecided: 7%
    – Gallup poll, 10/1/1972


    Dick Allen Wins Triple Crown In Kansas City, Vida Blue Talks Pitching Record

    The New York Post, 10/22/1972

    …Meanwhile, the owner of the Louisville Colonels of the American League, and other managers, congratulated George Steinbrenner on finally purchasing the Cleveland Indians…

    – John Helyar’s Lords of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball, Ballantine Books, 1994


    [pic: ]
    – Mondale campaigning in Gary, IN, 10/23/1972


    …Economic fears, heightened by the ongoing price and wages freeze, seem to have overshadowed this administration’s past foreign policy successes. Hoping to capitalize on this, democratic candidates are now focusing more on the economy, while more conservative and Republican candidates see foreign policy as the higher priority in this race…

    – The Washington Post, 10/28/1972


    “Archie gets upset when Mike donates money he recently inherited towards Walter Mondale’s presidential campaign instead of contributing towards his room and board, and Gloria is appalled that Archie is considering voting for one of the conservative “hippy” candidates.”



    Archie: “Nobody living under my roof for free is voting for some droopy-eyed pinko.”

    Mike: “Arch, Mondale’s nowhere close to being a socialist.”

    Archie: “Eh, all them Democrats are pinkos. Especially that Gravel guy.”

    Gloria: “What do you mean especially, Dad?”

    Edith: “Oh, that Mike Gravel is so handsome, just like a movie star.”

    Archie: “Edith, will you stifle yourself, please?”

    Mike: “Go on, Archie, I’d like to hear this.”

    Archie: “It’s very simple. He’s from Alaska, right? Right. And who’s Alaska’s neighbor? Russia!”

    Gloria: “So?”

    Archie: “So if he don’t like pinkos, why’s he living next to them?!”

    Gloria: “Well at least that means you’re voting for Scranton.”

    Archie: “The guy with the Russian running mate? You’re crazy!”

    Mike: “Oh, what now?!”

    Archie: “Hello? Stepovich! His name is ‘Stepovich.’ The Russians aren’t even trying to hide their spies anymore!”

    Mike: “What? Stepovich isn’t even Russian; it’s Polish!”

    Archie: “(dramatic) Oh-ho-ho! So, one of your kind, eh? That explains so much! Also – Russkie, Polack, same difference, both kinds are pinkos!” [4]


    – Transcript from All in the Family, Season 3, Episode 8, “Mike Comes Into Money,” first aired 11/4/1972 [5]

    “It is now time for another great American to hold high the torch of liberty.”

    “Apollo 10 and the Hydrogen Bomb are both testaments to mankind’s potential, as they are examples of our constructive and destructive nature and our constructive and destructive potential. We must understand that we must always look to the constructive ways, with diligent consideration and contemplation, and in the years ahead I believe that, if elected, my good friend William Scranton will do just that.”

    – Excerpts of Colonel Sanders’s 11/3/1972 national address


    [pic: ] [6]
    Popular Vote
    Mondale/Gravel: 39,383,725 (48.2%)
    Scranton/Stepovich: 35,870,241 (43.9%)
    Engelhardt/Rarick (H.I.P.): 2,859,812 (3.5%)
    Walker/Morris (Defense): 2,287,851 (2.8%)
    Alger/Bitch (Country): 1,062,216 (1.3%)
    Jenness/DeBerry (N.M./Socialist Workers): 163,418 (0.2%)
    All other candidates: 81,709 (0.1%)
    Total votes cast: 81,708,972

    Close States
    Ohio, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida and Nevada were the closest states in that order. Early polls suggested Scranton would win all four, only for him to win Arizona, Florida and Nevada in the end.[49] Scranton won Alaska by a margin of 3.7%, possibly due to media scrutiny of his running mate made more Alaskans aware of Stepovich than Gravel.[50-better_citation_needed] Scranton also came within 5% of winning California, which would have given him the election via its hefty 45 electoral votes[49].

    Many contemporary pundits agreed “Scranton lost an election he should have won quite easily,”[51] but failed to “bring new ideas to the table,”[17] “appeal to enough party conservatives to unity the party before election day;”[52] others criticized his “flat”[53] and “uninspiring”[18] personality for the loss. Mondale, meanwhile, was considered “energetic”[33] and subjectively “charismatic,”[34] and pundits commended him for his “work-heavy” coalition of blue-collar voters “ranging from Latino farmhands in New Mexico to construction workers in Chicago to the white ethnic groups of New York City to hard-working and assiduous-but-unsung housewives nationwide” and young progressive college-educated voters.[54]

    Records Broken
    The election made Mondale the first Norwegian-American US President, the second youngest President in American history (elected at the age of 44, but turning 45 fifteen days before the inauguration), and the first person under the age of 50 to be elected President in 68 years, since Theodore Roosevelt won a full term in 1904 at the age of 46. The Electoral College, conservative former US Representative I. M. Blitch became the first woman to receive an electoral vote in a US Presidential election, via a faithless elector. ...On Inauguration day, the oldest American to serve as President was succeeded by the youngest American elected President.



    [pic: ]
    – Mondale holds up the arm of his running mate in front of a cheering crowd shortly after receiving over 270 electoral votes, 1:57 A.M., 11/8/1972

    United States Senate election results, 1972

    Date: November 7, 1972
    Seats: 35 of 100
    Seats needed for majority: 51
    Senate majority leader: Mike Mansfield (D-MT)
    Senate minority leader: Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)
    Seats before election: 54 (D), 45 (R), 1 (I)
    Seats after election: 56 (D), 43 (R), 1 (I)
    Seat change: D ^ 2, R v 2, 0 - I

    Full List:
    Alabama: John L. LeFlore (D) over Winston “Red” Blount Jr. (R), incumbent John Sparkman (Independent Democrat), and Herbert W. Stone (Conservative)
    Alaska: Eben Hopson (D) over Howard Wallace Pollock (R)
    Arkansas: incumbent John L. McClellan (D) over Wayne H. Babbitt (R)
    Colorado: incumbent Gordon L. Allott (R) over Floyd K. Haskell (D) and Secundion Salazar (La Raza Unida)
    Connecticut (special): incumbent appointee Antonina P. Uccello (R) over Gloria Schafer (D)
    Delaware: incumbent J. Caleb Boggs (R) over Joseph Biden (D)
    Georgia: Jimmy Carter (D) over Fletcher Thompson (R) and J.B. Stoner (HIP); incumbent appointee Ernest Vandiver (D) lost nomination
    Idaho: Richard H. Stallings (D) over incumbent Len Jordan (R)
    Illinois: Charles Percy (R) over Roman Pucinski (D); incumbent Paul Douglas (D) retired
    Iowa: Dick Clark (D) over incumbent Jack Miller (R) and William A. Rocap Jr. (HIP)
    Kansas: incumbent James B. Pearson (R) over Arch Tetzlaff (D) and Gene Miller (Conservative)
    Kentucky: Lawrence W. Wetherby (D) over Jesse Nicholas Ryan Cecil (R), Louie Nunn (I) and Helen Breeden (HIP); incumbent John Sherman Cooper (R)
    Louisiana: incumbent appointee Jack P. F. Gremillion Sr. (D) over B. C. Toledano (R) and Hall M. Lyons (HIP)
    Maine: William Hathaway (D) over incumbent Margaret Chase Smith (R)
    Massachusetts: incumbent Ed Brooke (R) over John J. Droney (D)
    Michigan: incumbent Robert Griffin (R) over Frank J. Kelley (D), Jerome P. Cavanagh (Independent), Patrick Dillinger (HIP) and Barbara Halpert (Human Rights)
    Minnesota: incumbent Walter Mondale (D) over Phil Hansen (R)
    Mississippi: incumbent James Eastland (D) over James H. Meredith (R) and Prentiss Walker (I)
    Montana: Henry S. “Hank” Hibbard (R) over incumbent Lee Metcalf (D)
    Nebraska: Orrin Hatch (R) [7] over Philip C. Sorensen (D) and Terry Carpenter (I); incumbent appointee Dwight W. Burney (R) retired
    New Hampshire: Harrison Reed Thyng (R) over incumbent Thomas J. McIntyre (D)
    New Jersey: incumbent Clifford P. Case (R) over Balfour Bowen Thorn Lord (D)
    New Mexico: Roberto Mondragon (D) over Pete Domenici (R) and Jack Daniels (Independent Democratic); incumbent Clinton Presba Anderson (D) retired
    North Carolina: Terry Sanford (D) elected over Jesse Helms (R); incumbent B. Everett Jordan (D) retired
    Oklahoma: incumbent Bud Wilkinson (R) over Ed Edmondson (D) and William G. Roach (HIP)
    Oregon: incumbent Mark Hatfield (R) over Edith Green (D)
    Rhode Island: incumbent Claiborne Pell (D) over John Chafee (R) and John Quattrocchi Jr. (Independent)
    South Carolina: incumbent Strom Thurmond (R) over Eugene N. Zeigler (D)
    South Dakota: James Abourezk (D) won over Robert W. Hirsch (R); incumbent Karl Earl Mundt (R) retired
    Tennessee: incumbent Howard Baker (R) over Ray Blanton (D)
    Texas: incumbent Lyndon B. Johnson (D) over Bruce Alger (R)
    Vermont (special): Robert Theodore Stafford (R) over incumbent appointee Thomas P. Salmon (D)
    Virginia: John Otho Marsh Jr. (D) over incumbent appointee William Lloyd Scott (R) and Horace E. Henderson (Independent)
    West Virginia: incumbent Jennings Randolph (D) over Louis Leonard (R)
    Wyoming: incumbent Gale W. McGee (D) over Keith Thomson (R)


    …Tonight’s map favors the Democrats. Of the 35 seats, Democrats hold 15 and Republicans hold 20. …Four incumbent US Senators died last year, and that tipped the Senate composition in favor of the GOP by a net of 1 seat. One seat made vacant by the death of Democratic US Senator Thomas J. Dodd, but was then filled in by the Republican Antonina Uccello. Governor Callahan of Virginia, meanwhile, appointed a Republican to Democratic Senator Robertson’s seat, and Governor Hoff appointed a Democrat to the seat of the late Republican Senator from Vermont… The seat of the late Senator Richard Russell stayed in Democratic hands. …All in all, tonight’s senate elections saw the election of 14 new Senators. …Overall, the night’s US Senate results were a mixed bag of sorts. The most likely explanation for the Republican losses, in this reporter’s opinion, is plain old voter fatigue...

    – CBS Evening News, 11/7/1972 election coverage broadcast

    While city councilman Joe Biden initially trailed Boggs by almost 30 percentage points, the young neophyte narrowed the gap to a loss of just 2% due to his running of an energetic campaign. Boggs, suspecting the year to be a bad one for Republicans, increased the time he spent on the campaign trail starting in early October, and outspent Biden 2-to-1 by Election Day. The narrowness, however, greatly impressed Delaware Democrats, who decided to keep his name in mind for the 1974 midterms and the 1976 governor’s race.


    United States House of Representatives results, 1972

    Date: November 7, 1972
    Seats: All 437
    Seats needed for majority: 218
    House majority leader: Mo Udall (D-AZ)
    House minority leader: Charles Halleck (R-IN)
    Last election: 231 (D), 206 (R)
    Seats won: 228 (D), 209 (R)
    Seat change: D v 3, R ^ 3


    Most leaders and prominent members of the G.O.P. blamed Goldwater for the election loss, but Barry fought back the accusations. “They brought this upon themselves by not listening to the voices of the millions of conservatives that supported my campaign. They wanted their voices heard, and Scranton failed to hear!” he told a reporter on November 10. As the weeks passed, the passion seemed to subside as analysts realized how well Republicans had performed. Republicans only lost 2 out of 20 seats, but due to earlier reports suggesting further losses, the slight increase in conservatives entering the House, the gaining of 2 new conservative Republicans in the Senate, and Goldwater’s opponents failing to unite behind a single challenger, it seemed Goldwater would be narrowly re-elected Senate minority leader. However, just days before the January leadership election, half of the anti-Goldwater candidates withdrew their names from consideration and threw their support behind US Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee, the son-in-law of former Senate leader Everett Dirksen. The election was narrow, but Goldwater in the end found himself out of the position. His brand of conservatism was the leading Republican voice in the Senate no longer, but conservatism in the GOP remained on the rise.

    – Michael Stewart Foley’s Front Porch Politics: American Activism in the 1970s and 1980s, 2013 net-book edition

    United States Governor election results, 1972

    Date: November 7, 1972
    State governorship elections held: 19
    Seats before: 32 (D), 18 (R)
    Seats after: 37 (D), 13 (R)
    Seat change: D ^ 5, R v 5

    Full List:
    Arkansas: Dale L. Bumpers (D) over incumbent Maurice Lee “Footsie” Britt (R)
    Delaware: incumbent Russell W. Peterson (R) over Sherman W. Tribbitt (D) and Virginia M. Lyndall (HIP)
    Illinois: Paul Simon (D) over Richard B. Ogilvie (R); incumbent Charles Percy (R) retired
    Indiana: Robert L. Rock (D) over Otis Bowen (R), Berryman S. Hurley (HIP) and Finley N. Campbell (NM); incumbent J. Irwin Miller (R) was term-limited
    Iowa: incumbent Armour Boot (D) over Fred Schwengel (R)
    Kansas: Morris Kay (R) over incumbent Robert Docking (D)
    Missouri: James W. Symington (D) over Christopher S. “Kit” Bond (R); incumbent Ethan A. H. Shepley (R) was term-limited
    Montana: Thomas Lee Judge (D) over Ed Smith (R); incumbent Tim Babcock (R) retired
    New Hampshire: Malcolm McLane (D) over Chester Earl Merrow (R); incumbent Harrison Reed Thyng (R) retired
    North Carolina: Walter B. Jones Sr. (D) over James Holshouser (R), Hargrove “Skipper” Bowles (Independent Democrat) and Arlis F. Pettyjohn (HIP); incumbent James C. Gardner (R) was term-limited
    North Dakota: Aloha Pearl Taylor Brown Eagles (R) over Arthur A. Link (D); incumbent William L. Guy (D) retired
    Rhode Island: incumbent J. Joseph Garrahy (D) over Herbert F. DeSimone (R) and Philip W. Noel (Independent)
    South Dakota: incumbent George McGovern (D) over Carveth Thompson (R)
    Texas: incumbent Waggoner Carr (D) over Henry Grover (R) and Ramsey Muniz (La Raza Unida)
    Utah: K. Gunn McKay (D) over Nicholas L. Strike (R); incumbent Mitchell Melich (R) retired
    Vermont: Consuelo Bailey (R) over Randolph T. Major (D) and Pete Diamondstone (Liberty Union); incumbent Phil Hoff (D) retired
    Washington: incumbent Daniel J. Evans (R) over Albert Rosellini (D) and Vick Gould (Taxpayers)
    West Virginia: incumbent Arch A. Moore Jr. (R) over Jay Rockefeller (D)


    …James Callaghan, then the leader of the UK’s Labour Party, congratulated Mondale by phone call, as did President of France Francois Mitterrand. …Canada’s Prime Minister Stanfield announced he looked forward to “developing a strong relationship” with Mondale; in Quebec, though, more excitement was made over the election of Vice-President-Elect Mike Gravel, who is the son of Quebec immigrants. Similarly, Norway’s Prime Minister Lars Korvald gave a speech celebrating Mondale’s victory, adding “the win is one for us as well because of Mr. Mondale’s roots here; his paternal grandparents were from here.”…


    …The night’s gubernatorial results also confirmed the election of two female governors. The people of Vermont and North Dakota voted for their respective Republican nominees, Consuelo Bailey and Aloha Eagles [8].

    …Bailey is a 73-year-old former Lieutenant Governor who was successfully drafted to run for the nomination earlier in the year. Having first won election to public office, winning a seat in the Vermont state senate, in 1930, Bailey was over 40 years of experience, which also includes time spent as the first female speaker of the Vermont house of representatives…

    …In North Dakota, Bismarck Tribune’s front page read “Gal Succeeds Guy,” a play on the name of outgoing Governor William L. Guy. His successor is state representative Aloha Eagles, her full name being Aloha Pearl Taylor Eagles (nee Browne). Eagles, 56, was an underdog in the state primary, having only served in the state house since 1967 (she was elected in 1966, 1968 and 1970), but defeated more established candidates by touting her experience as a homemaker to relate to women voters, who gave her a plurality victory in the primary. Eagles is fiscally conservative but socially progressive, which has often put her at odds with other Republicans in the past. In 1969, before the Ms. Arkansas Wave, she promoted women’s rights by authoring a bill to legalize abortion in North Dakota, leading to her receiving death threats; while the bill failed, she nevertheless showed fear in the face of violent opposition, which only contributed to her rising fame in her home state…

    Woman’s Day Magazine, special “election ’72” edition, 11/9/1972

    “Well, on one hand, too many politicians fudgel [9] around the place, and others are real snollygosters [10], so when it comes to them, I’m glad to be leaving their world. But on the other hand, even more politicians are sincere, or at least try to be. There are politicians who do, or at least try to do their best to do good, or who may not look it but will do what’s right when push comes to shove. Those are the folks going to miss working with.”

    – Outgoing President Sanders to a reporter, 11/11/1972


    – The San Francisco Chronicle, 11/11/1972

    …We never found who tried to take me out, and while I got plenty of sympathy from it, I got the cold shoulder from Mondale. I privately met with him before he became President, and I talked to him about legalizing pot. Mondale outright opposed it, both nationally and even on the state level. I wasn’t going to get backed up by him and his administration over the next four years, I knew that much. So moved up here, to Canada [11]. Decided the best course of action was to continue to fight for my rights, and the rights of all Californians, in political exile.

    Timothy Leary, 1989 KNN interview


    – The Columbus Dispatch, 12/1/1972


    William Alexander Morgan had a colorful and controversial life that did not at all seem like the kind that would be maintained by a successful Congressional candidate. For many years, Morgan was a man unpopular with the US military. In 1948, he went AWOL, was captured, and spent two years in a military prison. Perhaps spurred by this experience, Morgan initially supported the overthrowing of pro-American Batista, the dictator of Cuba until 1959. Morgan even contributed to Fidel Castro seizing power on the island, over for the American to turn on Fidel in 1961. Morgan then redeemed himself in the eyes of America’s fighting forces by becoming a gunrunner during the Cuban War, and was instrumental in several early battles. After the end of the war in 1965, Morgan returned to his native Ohio a hero. In a move reminiscent of Jean Valjean’s journey of redemption, Morgan’s best-selling 1967 autobiography propelled him into making a successful bid for state senate in 1968. There, he promoted veteran affairs and social programs, and co-authored an unsuccessful “Assured Income” bill. Less than a month ago, he and his wife Ellen, a former snake charmer, and their three children (Anne, b. 1955; William Jr., b. 1957; Carl, b. 1966) were celebrating his election to the US House as a Democrat from one of Ohio’s most liberal congressional districts. Now, a bitter veteran and former member of the Communist Cuban front has slain William Morgan, taking from us one of America’s most compelling characters. He will be greatly missed.

    – The Washington Post, obituary column, 12/2/1972

    Almost ten years had passed and my Communist Cuban brethren still held contempt for Americans. From Morgan’s assassination, I knew I would still not be forgiven, and that my life would remain in danger as long as I stayed here. I had to leave America after only just having come back a few days prior. I managed to meet with my brother for moment before leading back to the port. I made Robert [E. Lee Oswald Jr.] promise me he would not tell Mama I had been back but had not managed to see her again.

    When I asked him how Marina was doing, he told me about how she had he declared legally dead in 1965, had remarried two years ago, and now had a third child, a son named Harland.

    I felt so betrayed.

    – Lee Harvey Oswald’s autobiography “Call Me By My Real Name: Confessions From a Fallen Hero,” published posthumously


    …The programs are certainly popular among an overwhelming majority of Americans… From January 1961 to January 1965, federal aid for the poor rose from $9.9million to $24.1million despite the heavy amount of the 1963 and 1964 budgets going to the military. From 1965 to 1973, that number only rose to $31.2million due to Sanders’ focus on balancing the federal budget and more libertarian policies. Also during the Johnson administration, almost half-a-million citizens received vocational training from previously inexistent programs. Because Sanders retained most of Johnson’s Great Society legislation, that number of citizens increased to 3 million citizens between January 1965 and January 1972 [12]… Mondale’s calls for expanding programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the N.I.T.R. played well in the November election, but his middle-of-the-road record in the US Senate makes many progressives pause. Congressman Don Edwards, a supporter of Vice-President-Elect Mike Gravel during this year’s Democratic primaries, says “we [the growing progressive wing of the Democratic party] will work to ensure the President upholds the promises he made during the campaign.”…

    – The Los Angeles Times, 12/10/1972

    The end-of-the-year report for 1972 was pretty pessimistic – sales were dropping in both foreign and domestic markets. Dave [Thomas]’s Wendyburgers were doing particularly poorly as the market became saturated with more and more competitors. The fancy limited-time-only Wendyburger Supreme, or “Super Wendy,” our response to the surprising successful Ollieburger, was the only silver lining of the year, as it showed there was an audience for more artisanal foods. However, it didn’t seem to be enough. We need a new approach, and that sparked the idea of expanding KFC’s menu.

    At the end-of-the-year staff meeting, Pete [Harmon] objected to changing what Pops had left behind, announcing, “I say we stay the course and use the surveys to improve customer experience to stay better than the rising competitors.”

    Millie seemed to disagree, instead suggesting that KFC launch a negative ad campaign against the competition, or even implement cost-cutting measures or employee layoffs to cover losses. Harmon, Thomas and I shot down those ideas due to historical backlash to such moves. KFC has always been a positive-minded company, and I wasn’t going to see it resort to attack ads. I instead countered with, “Playing it safe won’t be enough. We need to expand into new territory. The Super Wendy’s proof-positive we can add more offers to the menu without having to remove or change any old classics.”

    Millie looked over the numbers and replied, “Even if we bring back the Super Wendy, it won’t be enough to combat the drop in sales. We need something else to renew interest in our brand. Something familiar to remind our customers why KFC became so popular and successful in the first place.”

    I knew what she meant.

    – Margaret Sanders’ The Colonel’s Secret: Eleven Herbs and a Spicy Daughter, StarGroup International, 1997

    In December, Margaret dropped by the White House to ask for what she called “a little favor.”

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    – The Star Tribune, Minnesota newspaper, 12/26/1972


    Secretary of State: Carl Curtis (R-NE)
    Secretary of the Treasury: Eugene Siler (R-KY)
    Secretary of Defense: Charles H. Bonesteel III (I-VA)
    Attorney General: Lawrence Edward Walsh (D-NY) (1965-1969), Wayne M. Collins (I-CA) (1969-1973)
    Postmaster General: Leif Erickson (D-MT)
    Secretary of the Interior: George Dewey Clyde (R-UT)
    Secretary of Agriculture: Bourke Hickenlooper (R-IA) (1965-1971), Walter Judd (R-MN) (1971-1973)
    Secretary of Commerce: Milton Friedman (R-IL)
    Secretary of Labor: Arthur Larson (R-SD) (1965-1969), Herbert Hoover Jr. (R-CA) (1969), Charlotte Reid (R-IL) (1970-1973)
    Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY)
    Secretary of Transportation: John C. Coolidge III (R-MA)

    Cabinet-Level Positions:
    Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Allen W. Dulles (R-NY) (1965-1969), Joseph H. Ball (R-MN) (1969-1973)
    Director of the Federal Bureau of Information: J. Edgar Hoover (I-DC) (1965-1969), William C. Sullivan (D-MA) (1969-1973)
    US Trade Representative: Florence Dwyer (R-NJ)

    Other Notable Members:
    Surgeon General: Luther Leonidas Terry (I-AL)
    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: William B. Franke (I-NY) (1965-1969), Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (I-DC) (1969-1973)
    Federal Reserve Chairman: William McChesney Martin (D-MO) (1965-1972), George Wilder Mitchell (D-WI) (1972-1973) [13]
    NASA Director: James Edwin Webb (I-NC) (1965-1972), Harold Brown (D-NY) (1972-1973)



    Washington, DC – Upholding his pledge to maintain a transparent administration, President-Elect Mondale today allowed his transition team to release the names of several politicians currently being vetted for positions in the upcoming Mondale White House. The list features many “outsider” considerations alongside well-known names. …US Senator Philleo Nash (D-WI) may be chosen for Interior or even State… US Congressman and former state senator Fred R. Harris (D-OK) may be selected for an advisory position… Former Treasury Undersecretary Robert Roosa in being vetted for Treasury… Prominent lawyer Warren Christopher may be tapped for Attorney General…

    In regards to the Mondale White House’ inner circle, Sam W. Brown Jr., who worked on the Mondale campaign from the beginning, will likely become the White House Communications Director. …Former Undersecretary of State Robert Kennedy, famous for campaigning with labor activist Cesar Chavez and the late Ralph Abernathy, may be nominated for Secretary of Labor, H.E.W., or for a diplomatic position…

    The Washington Post, 12/29/1972


    [pic: ]
    – Mondale meets with Ralph Nader to discuss the possibility of the latter being nominated for Secretary of Transportation; Mondale’s Senate office, 12/29/1972

    ANNOUNCER (as newsreel footage plays): …”The Great Roberto, the roaming and batting Roberto Clemente, arrived in Nicaragua yesterday to deliver aid to earthquake victims. Clemente’s activism lead to him organizing emergency relief flights after the nation’s capital city of Managua suffered a massive earthquake on the 23rd, only for the relief equipment of the first three flights to land in the hands of corrupt government officials in the troubled South American country. The baseball right fielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates has opted to personally oversee the transfer of the goods, sparing no expense as he climbed into a brand-new airplane in Miami for the long trip over. [footage of Clemente boarding plane] Clemente spends much of the off-season doing charity work, and to him, Nicaragua is no exception. [footage of plane at capital] Hundreds of locals wave and cheer as Clemente hands out towels and sandwiches. [footage of Clemente distributing aid] When asked, Clemente says he is not discouraged by the corruption.”

    CLEMENTE (in footage): “You have to help out those who can’t help themselves no matter who may want to stop you because they want to worsen the situation. You have to do your best and be the best you can be, because you never know what can happen tomorrow. You could wind up in their shoes someday.” [14]

    ANNOUNCER (as footage plays): [footage of plane landing] “As the Grand Roberto received a warm welcome home today, his mind seemed to linger on the prospects of the people of Managua. It may just be that his humanitarian work has only just begun.”

    – BBC World News report, 1/4/1973


    ...Sanders leaves behind a mixed legacy in the eyes of fiscal conservatives. “On the one hand, he and his treasury were generous when it came to promoting free enterprise via subsidies for industry. On the other hand, his use of federal funds for social aid and development programs bordered on socialism,” [L. Brent guy] laments. Other conservatives remain critical of the N.I.T.R., a landmark bill, but most conservatives and business owners seem proud of the Colonel’s effective calls for industry self-regulation, albeit “self-regulation within reason,” as the Colonel once put it, establishing guidelines instead of mandatory regulations.

    …Farmers supported Sanders due to his paradoxical support of both anti-centralized-government policies and the expansion of the government’s role in assisting in crop price support, disaster relief, flood control, national weather warning systems, trade details, farm loans, highway development, rivers being dammed, food and drug safety, and medical in rural areas.

    …What’s next for the Colonel? At 82, he would be forgiven if he retired from public service, but most of the people close to him disagree. “Even now, he’s still a man who likes to keep himself busy. He’ll find something to do, some problem to fix, some idea to build upon, and when he does he’ll roll up his sleeves once more,” promises First Lady Claudia…

    The New Yorker, 1/6/1973 issue

    The Five Best and Five Worst Aspects of the Colonel Sanders Presidency

    The Best Aspects

    1 Negative Income Tax Rebate Act of 1971 – A moderate alternative to the Federal Assistance Dividend proposal, the NITR changed the composition of poverty in the United States.
    2 The Cold War Thaw – while roughly the first half of the Sanders Administration handled an icy relationship with the USSR’s Premier’s Shelepin and Inauri, Sanders and Kosygin managed a friendly détente; furthermore, in order to prevent war from breaking out on the Korean peninsula in 1967, Sanders achieved success in the game-changing task of opening up trade to the People’s Republic of China.
    3 The Ms. Arkansas Scandal – While it sullied the reputation of the man America had grown to almost idolize (albeit temporarily), the scandal turned out to be a watershed moment for feminism that left a positive impact on the world in the long-term.
    4 Winning the Indochina Wars – Overseeing a strategy of utilizing the land of Southeast Asia to American advantage led to the unification of Vietnam in 1967, the defeat of the Pathet Lao in 1968, and the capturing of Cambodia’s Pol Pot in 1972.
    5 Promoting Healthy Practices – The Scranton Report impacted the tobacco industry and promoted exercise and healthy food consumption practices

    The Worst Aspects
    1 Deregulating Business – While it initially boosted the economy in the aftermath of the Salad Oil scandal, the Colonel’s moderate pro-management laws were partly if not mostly to blame for the economic effects that occurred after he left office.
    2 Alleged Conflicts of Interest with KFC
    3 Strengthened Censorship Regulations
    4 Alleged Religious Bias
    5 Temper – until his fifth year in office, the Colonel was infamous among his inner circle for having a temper; though no public incidents of cane whacking ever happened while he was in office, later reports, most notably an incident concerning FBI Director Hoover, have confirmed his aggressive personality trait.

    Overall: The Colonel is general considered to have been an above-average President, often ranking in the second-highest tier of Presidential rankings, most often between numbers 5 and 10. Americans remember his administration as one of prosperity for the nation, with the Colonel’s negative aspects often being either overlooked or, given his positive aspects, forgiven.

    – The President Colonel Sanders Historical Society website, c. 2019

    In my last month in office, I took things both slow and fast. I knew that if I ever wanted to see the White house again, it would have to be through invitation or via the tour, so I made the most of it without stressing myself out. I made some Presidential Pardons. I watched the Super Bowl with friends and family; it was a good game. I helped Claudia and the staff with the packing. I passed some executive orders, too. Most were small things, but one included an increase in funding for welfare programs.

    I also spent a great number of hours conversing with Mondale over what was in store for him once he went and sat behind the President’s desk. On the first day, the tenth of January 1973, I met with the President-elect to help Mondale learn the ropes, which I hope starts a tradition of the outgoing President participating in the transition process. I think it would help ease the switch. Anyway, I called him to the White House to discuss how to implement exercise into what I call the “American routine.” Typically, that’s sitting down at all three square meals of the day, sitting while traveling to work, sitting while traveling from work, and sitting after work to relax. A part of me thinks that if the average American works hard enough, sweating and cracking their backs to make a living, they’re already keeping themselves fit. But in this modern work of unhealthy food and typewriter desks and more people riding subway trains than tractors, working hard isn’t always body-working. Those kind of folk need to be encouraged to move around so they can keep themselves well fit. Promoting exercise regimen recommendations and programs was the best I could do on my way out the door, and I hoped my successor would continue it.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    The former fast-food giant promoting healthy living was ironic and even a bit funny to me, I will admit, but it was not the only baton he passed to me. In his last meeting with me before I started the job, the Colonel brought me over to the Resolute Desk. He pulled out a manila folder from the bottom drawer and handed it to me. Inside was a very blunt letter of resignation, dated June 1966.

    “What’s this?” I asked him.

    “Fritz, after the first try at stormin’ into northern Vietnam failed, I was feeling so low over the deaths overseas. I felt this unbearable guilt hit me like a slow-moving train. I figured I alone was to blame for forever taking those boys away from their loved ones. In those moments of shock, I felt so unworthy of the Presidency, I thought I didn’t deserve to stay on any longer.”

    “What made you stay on?” I inquired.

    “I had to right the wrong. To leave would have been cowardly, which is not my style. I soon figured that if it was my responsibility, then it was my duty to make sure they did not dies in vain. It was my mess, and I had to clean it up.”

    “Why are you telling me this?” was my final thought.

    “Because I want you to remember two things above all, Fritz. Number one: never, and I mean, never, back down from what you know is the right thing to do. And number two: always own up to your mistakes. The buck has to stop here, because that’s an unwritten part of the job description.”

    “I knew this was a tough job went I applied for it, Colonel,” I assured him.

    “Well, remember those two things just the same. Because you’d be surprised by how much running a country is not at all like running a chicken franchise. Instead of grease-fires and exploding pressure-fryers, you got fire-bombings and the threat of nuclear explosions. Instead of annoying customers, you got annoying legislators,” he sighed, and, breaking off into a tangent, ranted, “And there’s rarely a moment where, instead of ordering the cook to do it, you can actually go and sneak on down to the kitchen to make some of your own chicken for yourself!”

    The Colonel came off as a very deep and passionate man.

    – Walter Mondale’s The Good Fight: An Autobiography, D. McKay Company, 1995; second edition (note: passage not found in first edition from 1981)


    – The New York Post, 1/14/1973

    “My fellow Americans, in just two days I will return to being a citizen. Serving in this position has been a most tremendous honor. …Now, we look for a moment into the very future of America, a future that has been opened up to us by the hard work done during this administration and assisted by the advancements of the previous administrations, and smile with optimism at what the next administration promises to bring. In short – so long, D.C.! It’s been a heck of a ride!”

    – Colonel Sanders, live from the Oval Office, multi-channel TV/radio broadcast, 1/18/1973

    The Colonel finally stood to give one last speech. “Gentlemen,” he began, “There’s nothing more for us to do on these grounds but to grab as many office supplies as we can. Then, we’ll watch over the long-term effects of all the good work that has been accomplished during these last eight years. Some of you have been here since the beginning, others for much less. But I must say that it was equally wonderful working with y’all. It was a real honor. I couldn’t be more proud of what we have done together.” And picking up his glass of ginger ale, he toasted the room. “To us, and to America!”

    – Former WH Press Secretary Lee Edwards, recounting the final meeting held at the WH house during the Sanders administration, 2010 KNN interview


    [pic: ]
    – The Colonel, on his last walk around the White House grounds as the incumbent President, early 1/20/1973

    “The world is constantly changing and we must change with it, or fall behind and be left in the dirt and dust that lies behind the path of progress and prosperity.”

    “And as your President, I pledge to secure your safety at home and abroad, to support your right to speak as loud and as passionate as you can, to protect your prosperity, and to defend the American way from all forms of harm!”

    – Quotes from Walter Mondale’s inaugural address, 1/20/1973


    [pic: ]
    Walter Frederick “Fritz” Mondale, the 37th President of the United States of America

    [1] OTL:
    [2] So here, Dobson: doesn’t die in a plane crash on April 11, 1967. Like Walmart founder Sam Walton, Dobson was a pilot (Huh. I guess the fates of Dobson and Sam Walton ended up reversed for this TL. Hm, wasn’t planning on that, but, you know what? I like it, I think it works.)
    [3] Quote found on Whataburger’s wiki page.
    [4] My apologies for the insensitive language, but this really is how that character would talk.
    [5] OTL episode:
    [6] Florida received one less electoral vote than IOTL due to its slower rate of increase in population here. IOTL, Florida’s Cuban population increased dramatically in the aftermath of Castro’s consolidation of power on the island; between 1959 and 1974, “about 500,000 Cubans…arrived in Miami,” according to Here, communism was defeated in Cuba, and so the Cubans who migrated post-1965 in OTL never did so here; some may have even moved back to Cuba (this also means that Miami has a bit less of a Cuban influence, but is still becoming the preferred tourist destination of the state). Wisconsin gets the additional vote due to its OTL rise in population, based on the chart in the demographics section of Wisconsin’s wiki article.
    [7] IOTL, Hatch moved from his native Pennsylvania to Utah in 1969 to practice law. Here, butterflies make him end up in Nebraska instead.
    [8] Real person!:
    [9] It means “to pretend to work while actually doing nothing.”
    [10] It means “shrews and unprincipled persons.”
    [11] He wouldn’t stay and fight his legal battle because he fled from them in OTL!
    [12] All statistics based on the data found on Wikipedia’s Great Society article, but here the 1965-1969 trends have been adjusted to demonstrate how they likely would have played out in 1961-965 instead, and under President Sanders.
    [13] Secretary Friedman declined the Colonel’s offer to give him the job due to a lack of interest, the F.R.C.’s early opposition to some of Friedman’s views, and preferring to return to academia.
    [14] Italicized part is OTL quote (Source 68 on his wiki page).

    Bob Ross and Disney sounds like a match made in heaven.

    Well, considering this is the proper thread to talk about, I wonder what you would think of this latest OTL KFC PR idea... Don't blame me for posting this.

    I wonder what would or could happen TTL... Ideas, opinions on the matter?

    o_0 Um, uh, I don't, um, what in the - I mean, the Colonel would certainly never - would he? No! Argh... [insert "there is no emoticon for what I am feeling" gif here] (I don't blame you, but IMHO, that is no way to honor a legendary American. Then again, neither is "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter," yet most folks in my high school were not offended by the disrespect and historical inaccuracy.)

    Pop culture does what it does. If it's what (a portion of) the people want, who am I to oppose it?

    Good eye, @Sciox , fixed it! (It was originally one speech and it seems there was some overlap when I split it into two small speeches) Thanks!

    1) Vida Blue may well have played all year without a signed contract. I'd expect Oakalnd (if that where's the Athletics are) to still win the World Series, their first since 1930 back in Philadelphia (and first pennant since 1931), but questions will swirl if Blue becomes a free agent. OTOH, Steinbrenner didn't yet have the Yankees, he bought them in early 1973, so who he goes to will be a good question.

    2) TTL the A's might be known as the Berded Bunch. OTL Charlie Finley told all his players to grow mustaches for publicity and also becasue that was such a stand against the system. TTL, however, President Sanders has a mustache and even a small beard. (Would that be considered a goatee?) Facial hair is therefore not a onerous as it was OTL. OTOH, some of the more conservative franchises will still forbid faciaal hair, I'm sure.

    3) 1972 in Decemberis whenRoberto Clemente died in a plane crash - he could survive here.

    4) I presume that the Braves still moved to Atlanta? Hank Aaron might get a couple extra home runs and set the record on one of the last days of 1973 - hopefully against the Dodgers still, as Vin Scully's call is a thing of beauty

    5) The more I thinkabout it, it's possible the financial straigts of the Pilts inSeattle are known early and Louisville is an Ameircan League team. Knsas City was going to get an expansion team becasue of the A's move, so that means the White Sox could move to MIlwaukee and announce it in 1972 - Dick Allen nearly won the Triple Crown for them (and could TTL) but that might not even be enough.

    Or, they could have moved in 1972, and Allen's Triple Crown comes for the new Milwaukee White Sox.

    If they move, they are actually sold to Bud Selig.

    6) I guess you *could* throw us a curveball, though - Finley almost moved his A's to Louisville in 1965 or so but league owners rejected it. You haven't told us who the Louisville team is. What if Finley is fought for a couple years and that Louisville Colonels franchse is really the Athletics - and it's Louisville with its garish green and gold winning the 1972 World Series?

    7) Oh, boy, I can see it now - Finley would have promoted that name by inviting every colonel, both real and fictional, to the ballpark at one time or another. He could give away monocles like Colonel Klink with the team emblem, oh what a face3!

    But, more likely, he stays. Expansion was set for 1971, but they moved it up 2 years because of Finley's antics. You have the Colonels forming for the 1970 season or maybe 1971, so it's just as likely there are expansion teams in Montreal and San Diego in the N.L and theAl.L. has Milwaukee andLouisville, with Finley forced to stay in Kansas City. Maybe he sells to Ewing Kauffman early and becomes the Colonels' owner anyway - the Athletics still win in 1972 but Finley's team comes close to a division title

    8) Another thought - Ray Kroc could own the Padres but in the American League. Gene Autry wanted a 2nd west coast team in the A.L.. If the A.L. gets the Padres, because Finley stays in Kansas City (and the commissioner might have forced him and then brokered that agreement for him to sell and get an expansion club), then you have your pick of which other club goes into the A.L., the Brewers or Colonels. With the other joining the Expos in the N.L..

    So, to summarize:

    1. Athletics win first World Series since 1930, maybe in Kansas City.

    2. Vida Blue doesn't have his contract tiff if they are in Kansas City becasue Finley probably sells the team and gets an expansion one.

    3. Dick Allen might win the Triple Crown, leading the league in battling average, home runs, and RBIs.

    4. Roberto Clemente could survive his plane crash TTL.

    5. Hank Aaron will come closer and likely break Babe Ruth's home run record at the end of next year, especially if the Padres are in the A.L. - having to play in San Diego, a horrible park for hitters, 9 games a year for 5 years definitely took at least 2 home runs from Aaron between 1969-1973.

    Alright then!...

    1) Interesting. Apart from Steinbrenner (do you really think he'd end up somewheres else? ITTL, Donald Trump's playing for the Yankees (I mentioned it in the later 1968 chapter), maybe that changes something?), I'd say all this stays the same.

    2) What a fun detail about how the Colonel's facial hair (I think it is a goatee) affects the MLB!

    3) Already working on it (as a news(paper?) report covering his humanitarian actions set either in January 1973 or much farther into the future).

    4) Consider it canon!

    5) But would their financial situation be the same as IOTL if the economy is doing better at this point ITTL than it was in OTL?

    6) I'm not an expert on professional baseball (not even close); I'm not even sure what you mean when you ask "who" is the Louisville Colonel's baseball team? But I suppose Finley could join them, sure! The Louisville Colonels' colors are red and white (and gold, too, if I'm remembering my own TL correctly).

    7) Whoo, that'd be fun!

    8) Could the Padres face off against the Colonels in the American League (and when?)? That means it's still Oakland v Cincinnati in the 1972 World Series (instead of the Colonels vs someone else)?

    A lot of interesting ideas here!

    Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

    1. Steinbrenner could buy the Cleveland Indians - he bid on them OTL but was in trouble for campaign donations to Nixon that likely don't come OTL.

    5. According to this, the stadium was a dump and there were protests that prevented the building of it where the voters originally approved it. The team might end up moving to Milwaukee anyway; a California bank caalled in a $4 million loan they took out to get the team in the first place. However, this brings up my answer to #6.

    6.By who the Colonels are, I mean were they an expansion club and if so in which league? Or a team that moved.

    Expansion only came in 1969 because of Finley's move. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened till 1971. Since you have a new commissioner (who could well block his move, unlike OTL, Finley had driven American League owners crazy threatening to move everyplace under the sun almost since the day he bought the club) they could be awarded an expansion team when you say, in the summer of 1969, and then prepare for the 71 expansion which was planned. This lets Finley be the maverick owner of the Colonels and have those wild promotions. The Athletics are thus in Kansas City, and win the World Series (Blue wasn't a big factor in 1972, due to the contract and also arm fatigue), the Padres are an American League team, and so are the Colonels, who are a substitute for the Pilots of OTL.

    This means the Colonels and Padres are both American League clubs, and face each other in 12 or 18 games a year, spending on whether the Colonels are in the East or West.

    Option B: The Expos almost didn't form in 1969. Butterflies preventing the N.L. President from going to a game at a 3,000 seat facility and being impressed by it, could have caused the deal to fall through, as could not being able to meet with Charles Bronfman after every other member of the group that had put money in on the team dropped out.

    NOw, I don't think the Colonels would be a National League club - they would only be about 100 miles from Cincinnati, and thus more likely to be an A.L. city. Mikwaudde and Chicago are about the same distance, though, and if it's an emergency situation then American League history can play out like it did OTL, and the Colonels placed there on an interim basis before everyone realizes, "Hey, the Reds and Colonels are *both* drawing really well, this isn't a problem like we thought." Thus shelving plans to try and move the Colonels somewhere else long term.

    The Expos could have even formed in 1969 but then the blurb about the Colonels could mean that they are the ones who failed to make it after a year, too. In this case, the Braves would move to the East and the Colonels would become rivals to the Reds in the West. AAnd, the Colonels and Padres have 18 games against each other in the National League.

    Which is more likely? Finley original asked the A.L. to let him move his club to Louisville OTL - he even had a 2-year stadium lease. (WHich of course meant he could move if he wasn't happy.) A more effective Commissioner, like you have TTL, might well say, "Look, FInley is a creep, let's give him an expansion club and make hi sink some investment into it (though he ran everything on a shoestring)." Ewing Kauffman got the expansion club OTL, he could buy the Athletics and then Finley be given the expansion club. No club in Oakland for now, but they could get one later with the new Coliseum, and in fact the Giants might move there instead! (Yes, Candlestick was an awful place to play, its placement at Candlestick Point meant it was 10-15 degrees chillier than the rest of the area and very windy)

    And, Finley could even trade for Blue. If his club is playing starting in 1970 (a compromise between the 1969 of OTL and the planned 1971), Blue is just a young minor leaguer who had a few games in 1969.Yes, Finley might have to give up a fair number of players, but as noted, the Athetics can still win the Series in 1972 in Kansas City, while Blue - a CY Young winner and MVP in 1971 who got his club to 2nd place almost singlehandedly - plays without a contract and then blots Louisville as a free agent.

    The White Sox are probably going to move to Milwaukee, maybe for the 1973 season, maybe they already did in 1972. Or, Bud Selig might just join forces with Seattle and push for expansion by the mid-'70s. Because a delay of a year means those protests in 1969 keep a domed stadium from being started ont he site which had been promised, which dooms the Seattle bid, but Seattle would still want a major league club.

    I hope this helps, and that it hasn't made it more confusing for you. This was really an interesting time in the major leagues.

    1) Very plausible that he ends up with the Cleveland Indians

    I guess Finley owning the Colonels and them being in the American League is more plausible, especially if TTL's Commissioner decides to keep his eye on things.

    I'd go with option A, and keep the team in the city long-term. I think there would be enough local businesspeople to buy the club when Charlie Finley sold it.

    If you keep the idea of the Louisville Metropolitan Statistical Area growing to 2 million in the coming years, it could easily support a Major League Baseball team as well as an NBA team. Which leads me to the basketball Colonels.

    IOTL, the Colonels didn't make it into the merger because the Chicago Bulls coveted one of the Colonels' star players -- Artis Gilmore -- and would have nixed the ABA/NBA merger unless the Colonels agreed not to go along. The owner, John Y. Brown -- later governor of Kentucky -- sold out, brought the Buffalo Braves of the NBA, then sold off that team's best assets until swapping ownership of the Braves for Irv Levin's ownership of the Celtics. Brown then sold his majority share in the Celtics after making a series of bad deals, basketball-wise.

    So when the baseball Colonels get sold, you do NOT want John Y. Brown involved.

    I concur, option A is a less chaotic/complicated scenario. Well here, J.Y.B. is busy trying to make Ollie's Trolleys the next big thing, so he wouldn't be the owner. I don't know who would be, but for the sake of simplicity, let's assume it's someone competent and reasonable. I thought I already covered the inclusion of the Colonels into the merger (I'll check). Anyhoo, if the Colonels had to trade Gilmore for inclusion in the merger, and if that's the most sensible thing to do, then I guess they'd do that.

    I honestly didn't know there was this much complexity and activity in professional baseball, with there being different leagues, levels, trades, moves, negotiations, interactions, complications, etc.

    Personally, I just prefer simply hitting (okay, trying to hit) the ball and then running along the diamond. That's sports to me - playing around in the fresh air with good friends in a healthy bit of competition and camaraderie. Good air, good friends, good food, good times, good game.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 38: January 1973 – January 1974
  • Chapter 38: January 1973 – January 1974

    “I’ve never met a Kentuckian who wasn’t either thinking about going home or actually going home”

    – Happy Chandler [1]


    [pic: ]
    – Mike Gravel retaking the oath of office for the Vice Presidency in a private ceremony, after tripping over the words at the public ceremony [2], as his wife and children look on, 1/20/1973


    Secretary of State: US Senator Philleo Nash of Wisconsin
    Secretary of the Treasury: former Undersecretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs Robert Vincent Roosa of New York
    Secretary of Defense: outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and retired US Air Force General Benjamin O. Davis Jr. of Washington, D.C
    Attorney General: attorney and former Deputy Attorney General Ramsey Clark of Texas
    Postmaster General: former US Senator Maurine Neuberger of Oregon
    Secretary of the Interior: former state senator Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma
    Secretary of Agriculture: former Governor Ryan DeGreffenried Sr. of Alabama
    Secretary of Commerce: US Congressman John Emerson Moss of California
    Secretary of Labor: former Undersecretary of State Robert F. Kennedy Sr. of Virginia
    Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: former Governor Albert Rossellini of Washington state
    Secretary of Transportation: outgoing Administrator of the National Roadways Safety Administration Ralph Nader of Connecticut

    Cabinet-Level Positions:
    Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: banker and former US Congressman Joseph Walker Barr of Indiana
    Director of the Federal Bureau of Information: incumbent William C. Sullivan of Massachusetts
    US Trade Representative: President of the United Automobile Workers Walter Reuther of Michigan

    The President’s Executive Office:
    White House Chief of Staff: Chief of Staff to Senator Mondale Richard Moe of Minnesota
    White House Deputy Chief of Staff: African-American attorney Joseph W. Hatchett of Florida
    White House Counsel: outgoing White House Appointments Secretary Liddy Hanford of Washington, D.C.
    Counselor to the President: lawyer Warren Christopher of California
    Chief Domestic Policy Advisor: US Congresswoman Julia Butler Hansen of Washington state
    Chief Economic Policy Advisor: former President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States Harold F. Linder of New York
    Chief Foreign Policy Advisor: businessman and former US Army combat technician Robert Dale Maxwell of Colorado
    Chief National Security Advisor: Columbia University political science professor Samuel P. Huntington of New York
    Director of the Office of Management and Budget: former First Lady of Florida Mary Call Darby Collins of Washington, D.C.
    White House Communications Director: political activist and campaign organizer Sam W. Brown Jr. of California
    White House Press Secretary: former Assistant White House Press Secretary Malcolm MacGregor “Mac” Kilduff Jr. of New York
    White House Appointments Secretary: political activist and former campaign press secretary Rudy Boschwitz of Minnesota
    Administrator of the Small Business Administration: businessman Alexander Buell “Sandy” Trowbridge III of New Jersey

    Other Notable Members:
    Solicitor General (representative of the Federal Government before the US Supreme Court): state Supreme Court Associate Justice William Wayne Justice of Texas
    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: African-American US Navy Commander Wesley A. Brown of Maryland
    Federal Reserve Chairman: incumbent George Wilder Mitchell of Wisconsin
    NASA Director: incumbent Harold Brown of New York

    Notable US Ambassadors (in alphabetical order):
    To Brazil: former Governor Carl Sanders of South Carolina
    To Canada: outgoing Governor Phil Hoff of Vermont
    To China: US Congressman Lester Wolff of New York
    To France: former Governor John J. McKeithen of Louisiana
    To Ireland: actor and political activist Gregory Peck of California
    To Japan: businessman, former coast guard commander and former Governor of Guam Carlton Skinner of California
    To Lebanon: journalist, peace activist and President of Earlham College Landrum Bolling of Indiana
    To Panama: Ambassador to Costa Rica and former Ambassador to El Salvador John Gordon Mein of Washington, D.C.
    To Saudi Arabia: outgoing Governor William L. Guy of North Dakota
    To Sudan: former US Congressman Alec Gehard Olson of Minnesota
    To the U.K.: former First Lady of the United States Ladybird Johnson of Texas
    To the U.N.: retired US Army Lieutenant General Keith Lincoln Ware of Colorado
    To the U.S.S.R.: US Congressman Joseph Karth of Minnesota
    To West Germany: Mayor of Detroit Jerome Cavanagh of Michigan

    – [3]

    My first destination out of the White House was a familiar one: Kentucky – known for horseracing, moonshine and bourbon distilleries, coal mining, car manufacturing, tobacco, bluegrass music, college basketball, and my kind of chicken. I had missed the leisurely pace of a good Kentucky morning, the sights, the sounds, even the smells. It felt great to be back in the state I call home, but as I’ve said many times before, I don’t like to rest for too long. My time on Earth wasn’t up, so my work on Earth wasn’t done either!

    For months, people had been telling me to write a book. This book. Now that I was out of office, I finally decided to try and write it. But I was too antsy sitting in front of a typewriter all day, and it didn’t feel right to use a Dictaphone, so I wrote this whenever I could while also keeping myself busy doing other things. One of the biggest things that I have done while writing this book by far was me returning to KFC as Official Spokesperson and Chief Senior Advisor. Mildred believed my presence in the company would alleviate its recent decline in profits.

    But I don’t want to spend the last chapters of this book telling you about how I wrote this book last year. I’ll tell you what I’ve actually done in this past year instead.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    “Now I’ve worked with the French, and while they are good people, when it comes to food I don’t care what anyone says – Kentucky cuisine is the best cuisine! We have more than fried chicken to offer. We’ve got fried catfish and hushpuppies, country fried steak, fresh green beans, pinto beans with cornbread, fried green tomatoes, corn pudding with cheese grits, fried okra and barbecued mutton, burgoo, chili, pecan pie, blackberry pie, bread pudding, and hot browns. We even have derby pie, though that wasn’t around until the late ’50s, so it’s kind of a new thing, but I digress. The point is, folks, I’ve tried the food of every state, from Alaskan king crab to Louisiana gumbo to New England’s clam chowder and lobster rolls to Chicago deep-dish pizza and Michigan’s coney dogs. All that food is wonderful, and I still prefer the good ol’ home cookin’ of good ol’ Kentucky. And I want everyone to know what that’s like. KFC is a slice of Americana experienced outside of Kentucky, across the country and around the world, and as the years go on I want to bring the experience and joy of KFC to even more places on the globe. Because Kentucky Fried Chicken is too good a thing to miss out on!”

    – Colonel Sanders’ comments at a “return-to-KFC” ceremony held at KFC headquarters in Florence, KY, 1/31/1973

    …The Colonel had many ideas on how to boost KFC sales, and the most popular one was him appearing in new commercials…


    The biggest change made to the franchise that Sanders ultimately came to accept was replacing the hydrogenated vegetable oil used in his chicken for animal fat. HV oil was cheaper, which was why it had replaced lard in the chicken-making process in the early 1960s, but in 1972, HV oil’s trans fats were linked to artery blockages. Ironically, the revelation came about due to the Scranton-led health-promoting investigations that the Colonel himself had called for while he was President.

    Upon his return to working for the company he had founded, The Colonel immediately went to work tweaking the recipe just right, so customers could not taste the change. The Colonel spent days in the kitchen until finally the perfect mixture was found. Cooking is an awful lot like chemistry – you need to understand which elements will create what results under what conditions; this makes me find it funny that the Colonel had quit school all those many years ago over algebra when the man was quite the chemist.

    I was not alone in being surprised by his acceptance to change even this central aspect of the company. It seemed we all thought for sure that he would throw a fit. Well, he did, but it was not the tirade we were all expecting; it was much mellower, more serene. Maybe he was slowing down in the temper area as he grew older. Maybe it was his born-again Christian attitude of accepting positive change. Or maybe he had dealt with so much while he was President that something like animal fat replacing hydrogenated vegetable oil was not a top priority to him anymore.

    – Dave Thomas’ Under the Colonel’s Wing, Mosaic Publishing, 1982

    On February 3, President Mondale proclaimed “A coordinated national government is critical to political stability and economic growth by assuring businessmen do the right thing for their country and do right by their hard-working employees.” Keeping true to his campaign promises, one of the new leader’s first actions in office was the push for further business regulations at both the federal and statewide levels of government. Labor Secretary Kennedy would explain during an appearance on Meet the Press that “many corporations are much older than the agencies that oversee their actions, but many of the laws are outdated or too ineffective.” Kennedy also defended Mondale’s call for workers to have “a better, fairer seat” during C.B.A. negotiations by explaining, “Right now, we are a largely industrialized nation, but we fall far behind the people of Western Europe in regards to unionization.”

    – Michael Stewart Foley’s Front Porch Politics: American Activism in the 1970s and 1980s, 2013 net-book edition


    …the Justice’s son, former Assistant Attorney General, Ramsey Clark is Mondale’s official nominee for Attorney General…

    – The Washington Post, 2/4/1973

    “I’ve travelled all over North America as a restaurateur, and I think I can safely say that Toronto has taken prodigious strides in establishing many fine restaurants. Tourists are now aware of this feature of Toronto, and so is KFC,” I told the room of investors. It was my first trip abroad post-Presidency, and I wanted to improve the company’s situation in Canada. For our Francophone customers, I “even attempted to speak French for regional commercials, but the results were mangled[4]. …The best part of the trip, as it was with many trips, was when the youngsters would see me and recognize who I was. One Ontario-based KFC manager, Ted Gogoff told the local paper the Star... “They’d flock around all the time when he was here. And he was delighted to see them. He loved kids. To them, he was like a year-round Santa Claus.” Ted’s words, not mine. [4]

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    Washington, DC – Mondale spoke before the U.S. House of Representative today to make the case for another Civil Rights Act… The new Civil Rights bill, introduced by Emanuel Celler on September 2 of last year, will add to and protect the laws put into effect under the Civil Rights Act of 1962, and expand on the section of that law concerning fair housing and employment practices for African-Americans…

    – The Washington Post, 2/19/1973

    …Okay, we can now confirm reports coming in from down in Oglala Lakota County, that the, uh, chairman of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Richard A. “Dick” Wilson, has just been assassinated. On the ninth of this month, impeachment charges were brought before Wilson for corruption. The prosecution, apparently, did not fully prepare for the case despite months of calls for the chairman to resign over quote, “irresponsibly corrupt actions,” end-quote. And, um, upon being escorted out of the city council meeting where the attempt to impeach the chairman had proved unproductive, a reportedly young and angry young man fired several bullets into Chairman Wilson. He died shortly after arriving at a hospital... Um, oh and the assassin, whose name is currently being withheld by police for the time being, was immediately captured at the scene. This development follows months of accusing Wilson of abuse of power such as nepotism, and corruption…

    – KBHB (810 AM) South Dakota radio, 2/23/1973 broadcast


    Washington, DC – Billy Mondale celebrates his 11th birthday by blowing out the candles on his cake like any other 11-year-old. But not all kids his age get to have a live elephant at their birthday party. The elephant is on loan from Labor Secretary Robert Kennedy’s home in McLean, Virginia. William H. “Billy” Mondale, the youngest son of President Mondale, is joined in the festivities by his older siblings: Theodore A. “Teddy” Mondale, age 15, and Eleanor Mondale, age 13.

    The White House south lawn today hosts a plethora of child-friendly activities: slip-and-slides, clowns, animals, food, and games galore. The festivities culminate in the presentation of a multi-tier chocolate and vanilla cake. The kids dig in mercilessly and soon return for seconds despite the weather beginning to become a bit nippy out.

    “It’ll just keep the cake from melting away,” one energetic 11-year-old guest observes.

    The Star Tribune, 2/27/1973

    LORD OF THE LAND?: Mondale Nominates Miles W. Lord For Supreme Court Seat

    ...Miles Welton Lord has served as a Judge of the US District Court for the District of Minnesota since 1961… Damon Keith, an African-American judge from Michigan, was rumored to be a potential nominee. Most pundits, however, predicted the nomination would go to William Joseph Nealon Jr., a Judge of the US District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania since 1962…

    – The New York Post, 2/28/1973

    “Another liberal judge on the court will lead to another Lochner Era, a time when the Supreme Court enforced their own laws on the land in complete violation of and in complete disregard for States’ Rights!”

    – Conservative US Senator Henry S. “Hank” Hibbard (R-MT), 3/1/1973

    “Harland was not the kind to chit-chat small-talk. He disliked the slow pace of Washington, and would later confess to me that he may have made more executive orders than he should have at the start of his administration. But neither the cabinet nor the boardroom could break Harland’s passionate spirit. [snip] …Harland would strive to be present at the grand opening of every KFC outlet in the United States. Often he would go into the kitchen to meet the new employees and oversee how they did the work. And if he ever saw one of the workers cooking the chicken incorrectly or making the gravy or biscuits the wrong way, he’d fume and stir up a storm, keeping himself from using adult language, but still making his outrage known, swinging his cane and sometimes even throwing the ruined food onto the workers. More than once in his lifetime Harland poured gravy onto someone’s head, or slapped someone in the face with a pipin’ hot piece of bird.”

    – Claudia Price Sanders, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1995


    …With a turnout of 58%, it is clear that a majority of the people of the province have voted to remain a part of the UK…

    The Daily Telegraph, UK newspaper, 9/3/1973

    WINNER BY A FOOT!: MP Dingle Foot Elected New Labour Leader As Party Eyes This Year’s Upcoming General Election

    Sir Dingle Mackintosh Foot has served in Parliament since 1957 and has, in the years since the Stonehouse Scandal, become a leading critic of PM Enoch Powell. Foot calls for a moderate, “peaceful approach” to the Northern Irish debacle. At age 67, he is the oldest person to become Prime Minister since Winston Churchill...

    The Guardian, 13/3/1973

    The controversial Conservative leadership of Enoch Powell saw record unemployment as deindustrialization in turn saw the end of much of the country’s manufacturing industries. Paradoxically, though, Powell also oversaw a time of economic growth as stock markets as state-owned industries became privatized. Additionally, inflation dropped; however, so did the power of trade unions. Overall, the Powell years seemed plagued with both fortune and misfortune. Workers kept going on strike, Powell’s own conservative MPs voted against reinstating capital punishment in a vote held in the British House of Commons in 1972, and let’s not even start on the Cod Wars (until the next chapter).

    By 1973, Powell’s task of running to maintain office in the upcoming general election seemed to be increasingly difficult. Leaders in Northern Ireland backed the Labour party’s “peaceful pathway” campaign, while Powell’s more aggressive handling of Northern Ireland had been proven to be both ineffective and unpopular. Powell thus sought to capitalize of the fiscal successes of his time in office. Public sector unions had risen consistently due to the tax system remaining robustly progressive and top marginal federal income tax rate was 70%. [5]

    However, organized workers heavily backed Labour. When government workers began to organize in large numbers in the 1960s, state school teachers helped lead the way. During the 1960s, the N.U.T. and the N.A.S./U.W.T. grew at a furious pace; in the 1970s, teachers were the most militant government workers, willing to strike even when it was illegal in order to press their demands. Through this period teachers elevated their pay and benefits and won significant reforms, especially reductions in class sizes and increases in education funding. [5] Privately, Powell feared he could not overcome the increasingly powerful political influence of these organizing groups.

    – Andrew Marr’s Modern Britain: A History, Pan Macmillan Publishers, 2002 edition

    Objectively, the Black September Organization did not have a good record. Since its inception in 1970, the most notable successful act of terrorism they had committed was the assassination of Jordanian Prime Minister Wasfi al-Tal in November 1971. From then on, it was attempted assassinations, botched bombings, and half-baked hijackings. After the failed attack on the Israeli team at the 1972 Olympic Games, Yasser Arafat approved of a plan he called their “last chance.”

    On March 1, 1973, eight Black September terrorists assaulted the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, taking 13 people hostage and demanding the release numerous Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. Among the hostages was our Ambassador to Sudan and two American assistants. Mondale demonstrated strength throughout the crisis, outright refusing to negotiate with the terrorists. Instead, the Sudanese government collaborated with us at the CIA to apply pressure to the terrorists holed up and surrounded. On March 3, CIA snipers removed four of the terrorists before the local military stormed the embassy, killing the remaining hostages in the basement, presumably moments before they could murder all the hostages. In the skirmish, two hostages were injured by friendly fire, but made full recoveries.

    With this failure in mind, Arafat approved of the PLO shutting down the organization that April, believing “these acts of violence [are] not proving to be beneficial to [their] cause.”

    – Joseph Walker Barr’s The Mulling Minnesotan: Mondale’s Military Moments, Borders Books, 1994

    The Way Home
    is 1973 drama film directed by Hal Ashby from a screenplay written by Waldo Salt from a story by Cuban War veteran John Gilbert. The film stars Jane Fonda and Jon Voight in the lead roles, and stars Bruce Dern, Penelope Milford, and Peter Graves in supporting roles. The film’s narrative follows a young woman, her US Marine husband, and a paralyzed Cuban War veteran she meets while her husband is stationed in post-war Havana.

    The film was released theatrically on March 16, 1973. Upon release, the film was a critical and commercial success with critics and audiences; the film grossed $32 million against a budget of $5 million, becoming one of the highest-grossing films of 1973. The film also received seven Academy Award nominations, and won three Academy Awards (one each in the categories of Best Actress, Best Actor, and Best Original Screenplay).



    …financed by taxes and with no cost sharing, the concept has received tepid support from President Mondale in recent weeks, while newspaper mogul Ted Kennedy is an enthusiastic backer of the proposed legislation...

    – The Boston Globe, 3/25/1973

    Last year, coincidently around the same time Senator Shriver was introducing health reform, I felt ill and decided to check into a hospital. It was discovered I had a polyp on my colon. The doctors were afraid the polyp was an indication of cancer. So after calling my minister, the great Reverend Waymon Rodgers of Louisville, Kentucky, he came by to visit me and I prayed with him about my case. I promised to God I would spend whatever days I had left doing right by my fellow man if I made it through the cancer. Pastor Waymon came in and prayed for me. And God healed me. The next day, the tests showed that the polyp had disappeared. The doctor said, “Colonel when I opened you up there wasn’t any polyp.” The doctors pronounced me “cured”! Call it a coincidence all you want to, but I believe that the power of faith saved me that day. And I am determined to stick to my promise to God. [6]

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    Washington, DC – After a lengthy search to replace the seat of retiring Justice Tom Clark, Judge Lord of Mondale’s home state of Minnesota official began his time on the bench this afternoon…

    – The Washington Post, 4/2/1973


    [pic: ]
    – The Colonel, discussing business concerns with his son Harley and other KFC executives, while also inspecting a KFC kitchen work station, c. April 1973

    …in other news, Ray Kroc, the owner of the San Diego Padres basketball team and the former head of McDonald’s, was cleared of any wrongdoing in a senate committee investigation of his campaign contribution to the Barry Goldwater presidential campaign last year...

    – NBC News, 4/10/1973

    On Monday, April 16, weeks of deliberations and debates culminated in the House passing a wide-reaching Tax Reform Bill. Then came for the Senate to debate the merit of restructuring tax margins to alleviate the burden felt by the lower and middle classes. Freshman Senator Hank Hibbard, R-MT, was the most vocal opponent of the bill, claiming “this goes too far to the very edge of socialism.” Senator Eastland, Long, and Dole soon followed suit to lead a bipartisan wall of opposition.

    New Ideas For Old Problems: The Walter Mondale Presidency, Borderless Books Publishing, 2004

    King Zahir Shah was facing a crisis. He had been the ruler of Afghanistan since he was 19, following his assassinated father into office in 1933. 40 years later, his nation was failing to combat the effects of the severe drought of 1971-1972. In April 1973, the King traveled to Washington, D.C. to strike an agreement with President Mondale. The King secured grain and other supplies from the United States in order to repel famine in exchange for more open trade relations. The relief appeased the discontented masses.

    Meanwhile, the former Prime Minister of Afghanistan and the King’s cousin/brother-in-law, Mohammad Sardar Daoud Khan, had been planning to overthrow the King over allegations of corruption made against the longtime ruler. The grain deal, however, made his supporters fear the coup would now fail in the wake of the people’s renewed faith in the monarchy. Ultimately, the CIA uncovered the plot, and Mohammad Sardar Daoud Khan was exiled.

    In gratitude for saving his country from a possible coup-based civil carnage, King Zahir Shah developed even closer ties to the US. This development angered members of the Soviet Union’s politburo such as Yuri Andropov and Leonid Brezhnev, whom wanted the USSR to have stronger influence over the region and quietly disagreed with Premier Kosygin’s backing of “razryadka” (détente) with the West. Their view of the situation subsequently led to Andropov and Brezhnev assuring increased financial support of the pro-Soviet Khalq and Parham Communist parties in Afghanistan’s bicameral legislature.

    – Tamim Ansary’s Games Without Rules: The Often-Interrupted History of Afghanistan, Hachette Book Group, 2012

    Billy Graham’s relationship with Mondale was considerably less personal than the one he experienced with Lyndon Johnson and the Colonel. For instance, Graham reported feeling “snubbed” by the new President during the White House Easter Egg Roll of April 22, 1973. The President’s less-than-warm reception of the reverend, though, may have had to do with another, considerably more liberal religious figure – Mondale’s older half-brother, the Unitarian minister and Humanist Rev. Lester Mondale.

    – Mark Pendergrast’s “For God, Country, and Kentucky Fried Chicken,” Perfect Formula Publishing, 2000

    [vid: ]
    – The 1st KFC commercial to feature the Colonel since 1964, in which he discusses his faith in a bright future for the next generation, first aired 4/29/1973

    TAX REFORM BILL NARROWLY PASSES SENATE! Mondale Will Most Likely Sign It Into Law Next Week

    …The Tax Reform Act of 1973 repeals the investment tax credit, increases the minimum standard deduction from $300 plus $100/capita (a total maximum of $1,000) to simply $1,000, and taxes high-income earners who had previously avoided incurring such tax liabilities due to various exemptions and deductions implemented from 1965 to 1972…

    The Washington Post, 5/3/1973

    Attention: K.F.C.’s first system-wide approved line of desserts, to be entitled “The Colonel’s Little Bucket Desserts,” which officially will be sold as individual portions of approximately 3 ½ ozs. for approximately 40 cents each on May 21. As always, please contact the home office for any additional information. [7]

    – KFC memo from HQ to all outlets in the US and Canada, dated 5/7/1973


    …The Labour party, led by Sir Dingle Mackintosh Foot, needed only 318 seats of all 635 seats of the House of Commons to obtain a majority; tonight saw the party’s number of seats swing from 205 to 368. The Conservative Party, led by Enoch Powell, saw their number of seats swing all the way down to 225, in a clear rejection of five turbulent years of Powell’s “Enochonomics” policies... Meanwhile, the Liberal party, led by Eric Lubbock [8], lost five seats, leaving them with a total of 19 seats. Additionally, the Scottish National Party received a total of 15 seats, and the Ulster Unionist Party received a total of four seats, while Plaid Cymru won just two seats.

    The Guardian, 15/5/1973


    Washington, DC – The newly-confirmed US Attorney General Ramsey Clark is launching a crusade against Governors and statewide governing bodies across the southern states with the intention of enforcing the 1962 Civil Rights Act. At a press meeting held earlier today, Clark claims “numerous organizations” are “still dragging their feet” in regards to the removal segregated and racially biased policies from establishments and institutions. This query on local practices officially began with investigations into colleges and major multi-state businesses in South Carolina and Georgia this week…

    The Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi newspaper, 5/18/1973


    …Rankin was elected to three nonconsecutive two-year terms in the US House from Montana. She was elected to Congress in 1916, 1940, and 1970. She was the first Women elected to Congress, and was the sole member of Congress to vote against US entry into World Wars I and II. Rankin was a lifelong activist for peace and women’s rights who declined to run for re-election last year due to poor health.

    The New York Times, 5/20/1973

    In light of the US-Afghan grain deal, the USSR’s Secretary of Agriculture, intellectual reformist and Kosygin ally Alex Yakovlev, landed in Washington DC to discuss the possibility of a much larger grain deal between the US and USSR. Yakovlev was aware of the US’s decline in steel production continuing on since the late 1950s while maintaining “a breadbasket in the middle of the country,” while the situation was reversed in the USSR – Kosygin’s industrialization practices kept his comrades busy, but not well-fed. While Yakovlev did not meet with Mondale, he did meet with the more eager Vice President Gravel, who believed the idea could “become a key step in finally ending the Cold War.” The next step, then, was to pass the ideas on to their respective bosses…

    New Ideas For Old Problems: The Walter Mondale Presidency, Borderless Books Publishing, 2004


    The Wall Street Journal, 5/27/1973

    That June I travelled the world with Claudia to check on the KFC restaurants established across the globe since 1964. I relished in the freedom to work at a pace much quicker than that found in Washington. No more three-day weekends, long vacations for every holiday, and political fundraiser dinners for me. However, I would often remember to enjoy my time with Claudia while staying active with work – before Claudia would often make sure I didn’t forget it. Anyway, the first destination was Australia. While not my first time visiting the Land Down Under, it was my first time ever visiting the outback, a sparsely populated desert that in many ways reminded me of the American West. I enjoyed the whole experience immensely, even with the strong winds getting my suit absolutely covered in sand! When one of our guide saw this and look concerned, I told him, “relax, I have more than one set” of my iconic clothes. Claudia, on the other hand, did not appreciate any of the dust, wind, or sand.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974

    At Mondale’s request, Congress established the US Department of Education with the Department of Education Organization Act of 1973. The act, approved 31-19 by the Senate in June, effectively split the responsibilities of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare into two newly formed Cabinet Departments: The Department of Health and Welfare, and the Department of Education. HEW Secretary Rossellini opted to become the new HW Secretary, which kept control of the Center for Disease Control in the bill, while former Governor Grant Sawyer of Nevada was sworn in as the inaugural Secretary of Education by the end of the year.

    New Ideas For Old Problems: The Walter Mondale Presidency, Borderless Books Publishing, 2004


    – The Courier-Journal, 6/4/1973

    In retrospect, the Shawwal War, also known as the Eid al-Fitr War, was inevitable. The 1967 Sukkot War had left the Arabic nations in the region bitter of their defeat, and subsequent negotiations for a peaceful return of territory had gone nowhere. Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat had built up his country’s supply of aircraft, artillery and tanks, and had replaced political military generals with competent military generals.

    One element working on the side of peace, though, was Kosygin’s use of détente, which would be jeopardized by instability in the Middle East. However, due to Sadat being supported by Andropov (but, curiously, not Brezhnev, as later reporting revealed), Kosygin all but confessed to having little power of Egypt’s actions in the region in a phone call to Mondale on June 7 [9].


    The Israel Defense Forces, overconfident in their abilities since the 1967 war, were caught completely off-guard as they truly did not expect an attack during Shawwal. Initially, the war heavily favored the allied nations of Egypt and Syria, and much land was reconquered as Israelis retreated in disarray. However, the Israelis began to bounce back by the fourth day of fighting, recovering from the surprise attack to launch a well-organized counterassault that dug deep into the Sinai. While Kosygin only offered moral support, the United States came to the side of Israel. This very much angered the Saudis.

    – Joseph Walker Barr’s The Mulling Minnesotan: Mondale’s Military Moments, Borders Books, 1994

    …In a shocking development that will surely reverberate around the world, the multinational group called the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, has proclaimed and imposed an oil embargo on all nations financially and militarily aiding Israel in the current war raging between them and Egypt. This embargo thus impacts us here in the United States, as the US government is allied with Israel…

    – Walter Cronkite, CBS Evening News, 6/24/1973 broadcast


    – The Houston Chronicle, 6/25/1973

    WHITE HOUSE IN PANIC MODE AS US LOSES KEY OIL ACCESS: Press Secretary Answers “We’re Working On It” 15 Times During Briefing

    – The Washington Post, 6/26/1973

    The US’s wavering support of the Saudis in exchange for their oil all started with a handshake agreement made in ’45 between FDR & King Abdul Aziz. I would be a hypocrite if I had opposed such a deal when I was in office. The Saudis have always been good to United States and I saw no reason in stirring up trouble over there when I was president. Now, though, now they’ve broken their end of the deal by joining their other friends in this embargo nonsense. And welching on a deal, that’s, well, it’s very disheartening.”

    – Former President Harland “Colonel” Sanders to a reporter, 6/25/1973

    CONSERVATIVES STAY ON!: Stanfield Secures Thin Majority Of Seats

    …Robert Stanfield led his part to victory over Paul Martin Sr. of the Liberal party, Ed Broadbent of the Progressive Tomorrow party, and Réal Caouette of the Ralliement Créditiste party…

    The Globe And Mail, Canadian newspaper, 7/12/1973


    The New York Post, 7/14/1973

    The Oil Crisis was hurting the economy and Fritz’s approval ratings. Hundreds and hundreds of soldiers were being killed on both sides. Damascus was being shelled by Israeli forces stretching themselves thin across two battle fronts. Everyone was exhausted.

    We needed the war to end. With Egypt being overwhelmed at the back-and-forth of territory on the Sinai Peninsula, Mondale’s prayers were answered when both sides agreed to a ceasefire, the second one that was proposed and to be brokered by the UN. Then the administration learned of OPEC’s announcement – that even though the war was over, the OPEC embargo would stay indefinitely. Naturally, Mondale was downright ticked off, but we soon decided to try and figure out how to get the embargo to be lifted.

    – Joseph Walker Barr’s The Mulling Minnesotan: Mondale’s Military Moments, Borders Books, 1994

    HARMAN: Well, we decided to invest in the three-year-old Huntsman Container Corporation because it was a struggling business looking to produce superior egg cartons, replacing flimsy paper and cardboard models with a sturdy-yet-lightweight plastic variety. A contract lead to them producing the clamshell carton for KFC products that has become a classic staple of the KFC experience. Containers, plates and bowls were also produced for KFC as the years continued on; these superior plastic containers ensured the food’s flavor did not leak into the packaging, see? Especially the gravy, that was what sealed the deal for us. And that deal saved the Huntsman Corporation from cash flow issues plaguing them since it was founded, and has greatly advanced the career of its CEO…

    INTERVIEWER: So do you believe KFC is responsible for Huntsman’s success?

    HARMAN: I don’t like to boast, but it does seem like the company played a major role in it.


    HARMAN: The Colonel thought one way for KFC to stand out above the other fast-food chains was to open an outlet where no other American fast-food chains existed, but a place that he’d been to once before…

    – Pete Harman, 60 Minutes interview, early 1992

    “We are pleased to announce the beginning of negotiations for establishing and opening the People’s Republic of China very first Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise outlet!”

    – KFC CEO Mildred Sanders at a press conference in Florence, KY, 7/28/1973


    [pic: ]

    – Colonel Sanders, dropping in at a social event in Bangor, ME, gives autographs to some fans while secret serviceman stand guard in the background, 7/30/1973

    …The Northern Ireland Assembly elections held on June 28 yielded an unprecedented result, as the government’s white paper revealed… The elections led to an agreed state of power-sharing between Unionists and Nationalists for the first time ever. In the first sitting of the Northern Ireland Assembly today, respective party leaders shook hands in front of the assembly to promote the message of, in the words of UUP party leader Brian Faulkner, “peace over harm and words over stones”…

    – BBC World News, 7/31/1973 broadcast [10]

    In subsequent cabinet meetings, Transportation Secretary Ralph Nader believed the 1973 Oil Crisis could work as an opportunity to move the country away from foreign oil. Vice President Gravel enthusiastically supported the nation, but Mondale was more concerned for the short-term detriments than the long-term benefits of such a shift in nationwide policy. Mondale believed that he would be a one-term President if Americans were denied a decent price for oil for much longer, and was generally dismissive of Nader’s thoughts on long-term energy investments.

    On August 1, Mondale travelled to Saudi Arabia to visit the King of Saudi Arabia, Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to try to convince him to end the embargo. The King held persuasion over OPE – if anyone could force its hand, it was he. President Mondale offered the expansion of Saudi rights and benefits in and to the American oil industry, to be made official in via treaty. Ultimately, the King agreed to end the embargo in exchange for setting prices on oil at 30%, which the President bartered down to 18%.

    The situation was an embarrassment for the White House, as many saw it as the first real time in recent memory that the US had been at the mercy of another nation – or in this case, a multinational organization. It made the country seem weak. Average Americans’ confidence in their nation’s military, political, and diplomatic leaders noticeably dropped…

    – Meg Jacobs’ Pressure at the Polls: The Transformation of American Politics in the 1970s, 2016 net-book edition

    …While have unconfirmed reports coming in that Elvis Presley has been taken via ambulance from this hotel room here in Chicago to a local hospital, we can confirm that his South Side concert planned for tomorrow has been “postponed indefinitely,”…

    – The Overmyer Network, 8/7/1973 broadcast

    One good thing that came about from the Colonel’s Waddlin’ Incident – uh, y’know the whole Ark Wave phenomenon – is that it made me eventually start to think about what I myself was shoving into my mouth. I mean, I’m The King, not The Slob. I loved KFC and all, and I would eat at that place all the time too, but after my mini-heart attack back in 1973, I knew I had to cut back on the rich and fatty food. I was 38 and dying, and I went from figurin,’ “with my music, I’m immortal,” to “Holy crap, death is f@#kin’ terrifying!” Heh. Of course, putting down fried chicken and hearty burgers was a struggle – not as bad and slow and as painful as putting down the drugs, but that’s another story, um – but, uh, you know, in the end, it was worth all of it…

    – Elvis Presley, KNN interview, 1993

    MONDALE SIGNS EMPLOYEE PROTECTION BILL INTO LAW: Bill Meant To Close Loopholes, Protect Union Benefits, And More

    – The Chicago Tribune, 8/10/1973

    FROM POVERTY TO PROFITS: Local Businessman Tells His Story

    For most of his life, local man Sam Byck struggled to make a living; now he owns his own store. Samuel Byck, 43, dropped out of the ninth grade to work odd jobs to support his destitute family, only to repeat the routine upon having a family of his own after two years of service in the US Army. By the end of the 1960s, his wife and four children were often without food despite Byck’s best efforts to make ends meet. Then the economy improve, and the Negative Income Tax Rebate was introduced. “The rebate really helped us stay afloat,” Sam Byck, whom also credits the Small Business Association granting him a loan in 1970 for his newfound success. Given “the chance to prove [him]self,” and with the help of his “family, friends, and consumer confidence,” Byck went from selling tires out of an old school bus to opening his own autoshop here in South Philly…

    – The Philadelphia Inquirer, minor “fluff piece” article, 8/11/1973

    The UN brokered, US-sponsored ceasefire was signed between Egypt and Israel on August 15, roughly two months after the war had begun, and with it, the oil embargo was lifted.

    – Doris Helen Kearns Goodwin’s Leadership In Turbulent Times, Simon & Schuster, 2018

    CORRESPONDENT: …while some registered Democrats we spoke to praised Mondale for ending the Oil Crisis, polls show he still has an under 50% approval rating average.

    MAN 2: “He dug us out of a hole he put all of us in to begin with.”

    WOMAN 3: “He’s the President, he should’ve known backing Israel would make the price of gas shoot up.”

    – Overmyer Network special report, 8/29/1973 broadcast

    Everybody works as a team and they think nothing of working 12 to 14 hours a day. I guess that’s my influence. I set that example. My telephone is open 24 hours a day. I’m on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every week of the month. Before I was President, I once worked three years without taking a single day off. We here in the KFC family had a picnic once on the Fourth of July but I even worked during that. I don’t believe in vacations. My theory was if I could do without them two weeks out of the year, I probably didn’t need them the rest of the time. [11]
    – Colonel Sanders, discussing his new advisory role at KFC, Overmyer Network interview, 8/30/1973


    [pic: ]
    – The Colonel celebrates his 83rd birthday at KFC headquarters in Florence, KY, 9/9/1973


    “We need to help veterans suffering from drug addiction… The worries of our veterans do not go away as soon as the war ends or as soon as the cameras stop rolling. The wars in Cuba and Vietnam are over, and the constant news coverage of them is gone, but many of their scars, especially their mental scars, have yet to heal.”

    – The Washington Post, 9/12/1973

    The Colonel approached the PRC government with the idea of opening a single KFC outlet in Beijing “where Mao could keep an eye on it” in the midst of sweeping economic reforms within the country. In the months leading up to the historic opening, many doubted that a distinct and visible American enterprise like KFC could make a profit in the Chinese market or that a western company could survive in such a climate… Mao era China was far behind the world economically, but the 1968 Mao-Sanders Summit had nevertheless opened up the country to trading with capitalist nations. The Colonel hoped to bring the positive aspects of capitalist business to China for the benefit of his enterprise and the Chinese people, and to strengthen the bond between the two lands. Mao was quietly shying away from the chaotic mixed results of the revolutionary idealism of the Cultural Revolution and inching closer to elevating his country’s economic development in order to build a modern, market-oriented nation. In doing so, Mao was altering the Chinese economy and restructuring Chinese society and culture. Under these conditions, KFC landed what many dubbed “the deal of the century.” [12]

    Deng gave me a second chance by allowing me to join him in welcoming the Colonel at the airport to discuss negotiations for opening outlet there. Deng said to Sanders, “I again must apologize for our great Chairman being unable to visit,” as Mao and Vice Chairman Zhou were under the weather.

    “Ah, don’t sweat it none, I know how busy running a country can be!” was the Colonel’s reply.

    As we walked to the motorcade, Deng watched as the Colonel’s Secret Servicemen perused the area.

    “I see you still have a flock of black suits following you,” he observed.

    “As a former President, they were part of my farewell package. I’ve tried getting’ rid of ’em, but they just keep followin’ me around like a pack of bloodhounds!”

    In the meeting, the Colonel covered every detail that would go into the deal, from the quality of the restaurant’s façade (“I’m okay with fancy stuff, but I want there to be a focus on family and high-quality food”) to the quality of Beijing’s closest chicken farms (“Back in the states, a lot of our chicken comes from local places. A lot more, though, come from Arkansas, specifically the town of Springdale, Arkansas. There’s so many chickens there, you wouldn’t believe it! But still, I want to make sure the customers of the PRC’s KFC outlet are getting the finest locally-raised chicken available”).

    – Bo Yibo’s The Dragon and The Eagle: Chinese and American Dances, Daggers and Dinners, English translation, 1998


    …In a radio Q & A interview, Secretary of Transportation Ralph Nader was asked for his opinion on the concepts of flying cars and self-driving cars, popular elements in science-fiction short stories and comic books since the 1940s. While he described the first idea as “fantastical but not impossible,” he replied to the second concept with “That is a genuinely interesting notion. It’s actually not that outlandish, we’ve been trying out the idea since at least December 1926 [13], by my recollection. We just need to improve the technology for such a thing. It’s my opinion that some sort of computer-based guidance system could curb road accidents.” The Secretary elaborated with “The driver has dozens of variables to judge. Speed, signs, other drivers, pedestrians, disruptive passengers, engine trouble. That’s a lot of stimuli. Some kind of semi-autonomous device for the car could help drivers do some, if not do all, of the driving, at the least for the sake of safety.”…

    – The Hollywood Reporter, 9/21/1974


    …church bells rang out today in celebration of the Holy Union of Hillary Diane Rodham and George Stanley Clinton…

    The Nashville Tennessee, celebrations section, 9/25/1974

    In September [1973], KFC started regulating what frying oils were being used for their non-chicken products, as uh, what was used differed in some regions – sunflower oil was in parts of California, soybean, canola, or palm oil was used in other parts. And of course the chicken itself was inspected, too – corn-fed chickens taste different from wheat-fed, see? Don’t ask how the Colonel could tell, because it’s very subtle, but he had the taste buds for it, he could always pick out which was which ….The Colonel found my burgers at Wendy’s to be delicious, and when he inspected how the kitchens were kept, he happily approved of my handling of the franchise.

    – Dave Thomas, KNN interview, 1993

    Another perk to not being President anymore was finally being able to drive again. I no longer had secret servicemen demanding that I always have a driver to the fun part of riding in a car. Having let my old one expired, I finally found the time away from everything to get my license re-issued shortly after turning 83. The same day, I hopped into a trusty old Ford pickup and toured the old roads that I'd driven down so many years ago. I noticed that while I’d grown older, they had grown younger, trading in their gravel and dust for smooth new pavement.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974


    [pic: ]
    – The Colonel’s driver’s license, reissued, late September 1973

    So I spent the next few years advocating for better working conditions for Mexican Americans. Convinced Zappa and the gang to play at a few benefit gigs in ’72 before we went our separate ways in ’73. After that, I started working on the Mexican Rights movement almost full-time, writing music and joining in on protests and sit-ins. The rest of the country may have been movin’ on, but it was still like the early ’60s for some of us. I got together with some protestors sometimes and we’d drive from injustice spot to injustice spot, crusading against high rent, low pay, unsafe working conditions, and so much f@#kin’ discrimination against the same people who pick the crops that feed you and your family. And of course, we did drugs at the end of the day. After seeing all the misery we were trying to undo, we kind of had to do drugs to remember there was still joy and wonder in the world. And, well, I guess I got careless with how I, uh, stowed away the stash one time too many.

    – Richard “Cheech” Marin, KNN interview, 2012


    …Roberto Clemente was still celebrated for bringing the Pirates to victory over the Mets in the National League East division…

    Sports Illustrated, 10/21/1973 issue

    SCHLAFLY: The ERA will eliminate gender-segregated bathrooms and remove the concept of maternity leave, as that would not be equal to male workers. They can’t get pregnant, so by the law’s own logic, maternity leave is a biased practice!

    KENNEDY-SHRIVER: That is not at all what the amendment will do! It ends discrimination, it doesn’t remove benefits that level the playing field. Women too frequently get the short end of the stick when it comes to divorce, employment, wages, and sexual protection laws –

    SCHLAFLY: But men and women are not equal at the biological level. The amendment works against women by acting like they are. The ERA will remove dependent-wife benefits from Social Security. It would eliminate the judicial tendency for divorced mothers to receive custody of their children, as it would replace consideration for a mother’s love for the concept of equality based on financial capabilities, and thus judges will always rule in favor of the breadwinners.

    KENNEDY-SHRIVER: What? That contradicts the whole point of the ERA. More widows will be eligible for Social Security benefits. The Era addresses this, and how few divorcees receive the alimony the courts call for. Housewives will be given the fair and equal opportunity to develop skills they need to enter the labor force if or when necessary. They no longer have to sit at home tending to an empty nest. They can go out into the world and pursue their interests if given the same opportunities experienced by their male counterparts!

    SCHLAFLY: Equalizing the law will benefit men by removing protective aspects upheld by the differences in the law!

    KENNEDY-SHRIVER: Ugh, what? A – Have you even read this Amendment, Phyllis? You’re saying nothing but lies and, you know what, I think you know it!

    SCHLAFLY: You have to read between the lines, Eunice; everyone knows that.

    – US Senator Eunice Kennedy-Shriver (D-MA) and political organizer Phyllis Schlafly (R-IL) on Meet the Press, Saturday 10/6/1973 transcript

    …Governor of Massachusetts Pierre Salinger signed the commonwealth’s Free Healthcare Bill into law today… the law establishes a, quote, “universal,” unquote, type of healthcare system for the commonwealth’s residents that will feature options regarding patient’s doctors, hospitals, and insurance; the law is also meant to work with the federal healthcare laws such as Medicare and Medicaid… critics of the bill claim it will only compound and contribute to the state’s rising debt crisis. …Salinger credited former Governor Phil Hoff of Vermont for the concept of the bill gaining support in Massachusetts, as Hoff had campaigned on the subject when running for President early last year. Hoff’s own legislation was inspired by the health care system established in Canada under Prime Minister Hellyer in 1969…

    – NBC News, Tuesday, 10/16/1973 broadcast

    In October 1973, Mondale, the Joint Chiefs, and the President’s top aides and military experts convened at Camp David to review both the US military budget and US’s strengths and weaknesses in nations around the globe. The biggest good news was that no major socialist or pro-socialism movements were threatening American allies or neutral countries at the moment, but the biggest bad news was that the energy crisis had lowered Americans’ approval of defending US and NATO allies. Mondale decided to deflect the negativity by increasing his focus on domestic concerns.

    Immediately after the meeting, Mondale traveled to New York City, where economists were concerned that the metropolis’ debt would trigger a recession, end the past nine years of growth.

    New Ideas For Old Problems: The Walter Mondale Presidency, Borderless Books Publishing, 2004


    New York City Hall, NYC – After meeting with US Congressmen, US Senators Javits and O’Dwyer, Governor Biaggi and Mayor Periconi, Preisdent Mondale today announced that the federal government would “bail out” the city of New York. “We still worry about a domino effect oversees, but we have to focus on the more immediate potential for a domino effect at home. If NYC falls, so will the rest of the nation’s economy,” Mondale proclaimed at the announcement in New York City today… The agreement to alleviate the city’s financial woes could benefit Periconi’s approval ratings, especially so close to the next mayoral election. As of the time of this publication, the Republican-Liberal Periconi led the Democratic-Conservative nominee by only roughly 7%...

    The New York Post, 10/27/1973

    Amtrak Improvement Bill Signed Into Law

    The Washington Post, 11/3/1973

    …In tonight’s gubernatorial elections, Francis X. McDermott was re-elected Governor of New Jersey in a landslide over state assemblywoman Ann Klein…

    – CBS Evening News, 11/6/1973 broadcast

    DEMOCRATS WIN BACK GOVERNORSHIP: Elmo Zumwalt Beats Mills Godwin By 5%

    …Zumwalt, 53, one of the few Democrats elected in tonight’s elections, ran a conservative campaign… As a retired Navy Admiral, Zumwalt was highly critical of President Mondale’s leadership during this summer’s Oil Crisis...

    – The Daily News-Record, Virginia newspaper, 11/6/1973

    …And in the city of New York, Mayor Joey Periconi has won a third term, defeating his Democratic challenger, 37-year-old state senator Harrison Jay Goldin, by a wide margin…

    The Overmyer Network, 11/6/1973 news broadcast


    – The Lexington Herald-Leader, Kentucky newspaper, 11/6/1973

    THE COLONEL RETURNS TO CHINA: Will It Pay Off For K.F.C. And The P.R.C.?

    …As of now, Kentucky Fried Chicken has over 6,000 locations in over 50 nations and is bringing in over $2 billion in revenue annually according to its January 1973 public disclosure forms. …If negotiations are successful, the franchise will become the first Western Chain to open in China [14] …For the first time ever, Chinese citizens will be able to experience not only the flagship pressure-fried chicken of 11 herbs and spices, but also the chain’s classic gravy, fluffy potatoes, and hot rolls with honey, jellied salads, cheese tray and delicacies fore and aft [4].

    The New Yorker, 11/14/1973

    Their moment seemed to be approaching. Both Mao and Zhou Enlai were in increasingly poor health. The insolence of Mao’s warming of relations to the US was too dangerous for their taste, believing it was a corruption of communist ideals. Even Mao’s wife agreed he was taking things too far. They hoped “the return of the Chicken King” would be the final straw for other leading members of the Communist Party.

    In mid-November, Generals Huang Yongsheng and Li Zuopeng, and hard-right ideologue Chen Boda met with Lin Biao and his son Lin Liguo in the basement of a cannery factory four miles outside of Guangzhou, in southern China, where local politicians disliked the idea of capitalism “infesting” the northern region around the capital of Beijing. They needed to be discreet but productive. Via Yongsheng’s connections in Xianning, the Group of Six began to spread the word of their plans, though only through ears and mouths they could trust, starting with official military officials who were promised greater freedom and funding once China “returned to fulfilling the goals of the Cultural Revolution”…

    – Jung Chang’s Mao: The Untold Story, Knopf Books, 2005

    Heh. Man, I was so pissed off when I got arrested in Fresno [California] for possession of marijuana. It was just a little bit, only 10 kilos, but they threw me in jail and tried to throw away the key. But the great thing about being a political activist is that when you end up behind bars, you become a martyr for your cause, and a political prisoner, kind of. Or at the very least, you’ll have friends working for ya on the outside. Well at least I did. But, uh, honestly, I didn’t expect the “Free Cheech” Movement to become such a huge thing when my friends started it, you know? And I was really surprised when it grew into this whole phenomenon. Doroles Huerta, Cesar Chavez, Zappa, and so many big names made me into thing rallying call for fairer treatment of Hispanics, for prison reform, even for legalizing Mary Jane, something Tim Leary used to be the face of. It was crazy! But it was also kind of awesome! I just wish it hadn’t taken so long for it all to get me out of there.

    – Richard “Cheech” Marin, KNN interview, 2012

    The Rodina-1 mission was riddled with issues from the start, pushing it back from its initial launch date in June. Both big and small details needed to be returned to: the safety locks, the decompression methods, the landing specifics, they all had to be redesigned as tests suggested they would break off or burn up during the travel, or it would kill the cosmonauts inside. We did not want a repeat of the 1971 Soyuz 7K-T tragedy. The rocket itself also needed to be redesigned and readjusted to match the landing pod after an initially rushed job.


    On December 3, I joined Vladimir Komarov and Vladimir Chelomey at Star City to witness the culmination of years of work – the launching of the Rodina-1 to the moon!

    The landing location was essential, as we needed a surface smooth enough to cover any human errors we may have overlooked. Americans have a great term we, after so many failures due to oversights, were starting to use ourselves: “better safe than sorry.” As John Glenn would later tell me, the Rodina-1’s landing in the Taurus-Littrow Valley had NASA nervous, as the cosmonauts could conceivably visit the site of a previous Apollo landing, which they estimated would take 90 minutes to walk to, and 40 minutes for the unmanned Lunakhod 2 lunar rover to reach. I laughed at the thought, because the mission was to conduct research of our own, not the salvage another nation’s vessels like some sort of lunar vultures.

    The real focus never really was on the location, anyhow. Instead, viewers in America, the Soviet Union, and the world over paid attention to the crew: 40-year-old Oleg Makarov and 36-year-old Irina Solovyova. Solobyova was world champion parachutist before being recruited into the USSR’s Female Group cosmonaut training program in the 1960s, who joined Makarov in the landing pod while 38-year-old Georgy Shonin remained in orbit. On December 7, after a successful touchdown, Makarov became the first Soviet to step foot on the moon, and Solovyova became the second Soviet and very first female to step foot on the Earth lunar satellite.

    Of course, America’s press could not uphold their First Amendment if they stayed silent on another nation making it to the moon, so the Big Four – ABC, NBC, CBS, and Overmyer – covered the event and it was published in their newspapers. But they ensured people remembered that they had gotten there first, and had return thrice since.

    Of course, some newspapers downplayed it with headlines like “Soviets Get to Moon Four Years Too Late,” or printed small articles that were not put on the front page. NASA really downplayed it, and some broadcasts tried to trivialize the milestone. It was understandable. They had done the same thing with Sputnik and I, and the Pravda did the same thing with Apollo 10.

    But the fact remained that the Soviet Unions had proven to the world that they were still a major player in space. This got to many in Washington, D.C. to worry that the space race was still far from being over.

    Among the Stars: The Autobiography of Yuri Gagarin, 1995


    Bryn Mawr, PA – In a shocking announcement, musician Jim Croce has announced that he is retiring from the music industry [15]. The announcement comes just weeks after completing his extensive “Life and Times” tour while also creating new songs for an album, which is still set to be released next year. The revelation that this will be Croce’s last album comes as a surprise to many fans and supporters of a young musician many see as being at the height of his popularity.

    Croce, 30, stated the reason for his departure from music to be of a personal nature. “I want to raise a family. My son is two years old now and I want to be there for him while he’s growing up. You can’t raise a kid on a tour, and to try to do so would be asking too much of Ingrid,” referring to his wife, Ingrid Jacobson, a musician who performed and recorded music as a duo with her husband from 1964 until her own retirement two years ago.

    Croce elaborated, “I’m going to stick to writing short stories and movie scripts, but my main focus for the next several years is going to be on raising a family with love and devotion.”

    Hope springs eternal for followers of the popular singer-songwriter, though, as Croce did not rule out a permanent departure from the music scene. “In time, I might make it my profession again. I guess time and my wallet will tell.”

    The Hollywood Reporter, 12/12/1973

    Kosygin would prove to be a very competent administrator, with the Soviet standard of living rising considerably due to his moderately reformist policy. …Kosygin attempted to revitalize the ailing economic system by decentralizing management… Historians Evan Mawdsley and Stephen White claim that conservative members of the Politburo such as Dmitri Ustinov, Leonid Brezhnev, and even Kosygin’s biggest critic, Yuri Andropov were unable to remove Kosygin because his removal would mean the loss of their capable administrator. [16] …The moon landing further cemented Kosygin’s position in the party and his popularity among the Soviet people, who for the first time since Sputnik were genuinely proud of their country’s endeavors in outer space.

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    “Colonel Sanders will tell you today that there is a big, big difference between being a church member and being saved. He speaks from personal experience. And no one loves the Church, regardless of denomination, better than Colonel Sanders. Those who know him best know that it is his first love, beyond even the preparation of original food. He tells his associates today, ‘There is an inner experience, a new birth that brings peace. Morality and good works cannot accomplish it. It is the work of the Holy Spirit.’

    Colonel Sanders' testimony today is this. ‘You can join the church. You can serve on committees. You can be baptized and receive communion. You can become the superintendent of the Sunday school—and not be saved.
    ’ You need to know something deeper within your soul. And for that you need more than songs, and prayers, and church suppers. You need a personal experience with Jesus Christ." [17]

    – Pastor Waymon Rodgers of the Evangel Tabernacle of Louisville, KY, Christmas service 1973


    [pic: ]
    – A 1973 KFC greeting card featuring Colonel Sanders and Harley Sanders, found at a yard sale in 2002


    The Washington Post, 12/28/1973


    My ideas are way out of line with current trends, and I see no particular point in staying around and being obnoxious.” [18]

    – The New York Times, 1/5/1974

    We found that the new commercials featuring the Colonel were increasing sales 70%. The advertisement were noticeably differently from the ones filmed prior to the Colonel’s stay in the White House. Sanders was now more serious and dramatic, more sincere. Due to his age, he had trouble enunciating clearly and loudly at times, and so would have much on-screen time in the post-Presidency commercial. Still, the ads demonstrated that the octogenarian icon still had physical strength, agility and stamina that was impressive for a man of his age. With market studies showing positive results, production on the commercials continued on and on!

    – Pete Harman, KNN interview, 2003

    [vid: ]
    – A popular KFC commercial, first aired 1/12/1974

    …Also, tonight, the people of Finland took to the polls to determine who should serve as their President for the next six years. The incumbent President, Urho Kakkonen of the Centre Party, was elected to a fourth six-year term over Raino Westerholm of the Christian League Party. Kakkonen’s time in office has seen the continuation of his predecessor’s “active neutrality,” the establishing of the Nordic Nuclear-Free Zone, and the continuation of fair relations and trade practices with both NATO countries and Warsaw Pact countries… [19]

    – BBC World News, 1/16/1974 broadcast


    – The Washington Post, 1/27/1974

    [1] OTL quote!
    [2] This happened to Obama in 2009:
    [3] Some cabinet pick explanations: Gregory Peck would have been nominated for that post if LBJ had won re-election in 1968 IOTL!: IOTL, Nixon considered making Ladybird Johnson an ambassador, according to source 33 on her wiki page: John Moss ends up in charge of Commerce as he chaired two subcommittees relating to Commerce IOTL, and commerce concerns the buying and selling of things such as colorful adult comics, meaning he can use the position to oversee the deregulation of censorship and improve consumer protection, which he also advocated for IOTL:
    [4] Italicized parts from here:
    [5] Parts in italics are pulled from Wikipedia’s articles on the history of the modern UK.
    [6] True story; this passage is a paraphrase of one found here:
    [7] Introduced two years earlier than in OTL:
    [8] Jeremy Thorpe stepped down from party leadership in 1971 over a sex scandal brought about in the Ark Wave (which I may or may not have forgotten to include in one of that year’s chapters (to quote Rick Perry, “oops…”).
    [9] Also, another slipup I may have made was misreading Shawwal as starting in June, either on the fifth or the seventh or so, so maybe it changes each year like Easter... If the date is inaccurate, please let me know so I can change the name of the war to the correct [holiday] (an easy fix) or change the date (a quick edit job).
    [10] For the record, I’m not at all an expert of Northern Ireland politics, just the generic/basic gist of the OTL Troubles conflict, so if something’s inaccurate here, please let me know. Also, a reminder that Ian Paisley was killed in 1968 ITTL.
    [11] OTL quote from Sanders’ 1966 Autobiography!
    [12] All italicized part found in this intriguing and detailed source here:
    [13] Really!:,3766749
    [14] Info found here:
    [15] According to and according to sources 3, 19 and 20 on his wiki page, Jim Croce (prior to his fatal OTL plane crash which is butterflied away here) really did plan on retiring from music and withdrawing from public life to focus on family, and writing stories and movie scripts!
    [16] Italicized parts pulled from his Wikipedia article
    [17] Passage pulled from here:
    [18] OTL quote found on William O. Douglas’ wiki page.
    [19] IOTL, according to Wikipedia, “on 18 January 1973, the enacting of an emergency law saw Kekkonen's presidency extended by four years;” here, the country’s in better shape, at least well enough for this to not happen, or at least fail to happen. Just some minor butterflies, that’s all…

    E.T.A. of the next chapter: October 3rd!

    I have a question on the 1972 Senate results. It lists "Minnesota: incumbent Walter Mondale (D) over Phil Hansen (R)". Did Mr. Mondale run for 2 positions with the expectation if he won the Presidency that the Governor of MN (Coya Knutson - D who won in 1970 per prior post) would appoint his replacement? Or did the MN Dems run another candidate for Senate?

    In OTL/TTL, LBJ had TX state law amended so he could run for President and the Senate at the same time in 1960. In 1969, before Humphrey had even announced his candidacy for the 1970 Senate election, Mondale's allies in the Minnesota state legislator pushed through a law clarifying that one can run for both a Senatd seat in the state and for the Presidency concurrently. NJ recently did something similar IOTL for Booker 2020:
    Knutson is mentioned appointing her Lt Gov to be Fritz's successor in the Senate.

    1) Nice update there!

    2) Bye Rolf- UK art TV in the 70/80’s won’t quite be the same without you, but I think we will manage.

    3) No 1972 Munich Olympics disaster- what effect on Israeli politics?

    4) Bill Clinton moves to Alaska?

    5) Mondale should be wary of open topped cars- esp now he is President. Even more so if he pushes his tax rises on the rich through. I hope Pres Fritz really tries to fix the tax holes the rich and corps exploit.

    6) What’s Mondale’s stance on alternative energy and such given the Wind Tribune and solar panel are viable tech in the early 70’s?

    7) I noticed a lot of .co.usa domains - is there no .com and the USA uses a local domain like Maybe the UK keeps .gb in this timeline.

    8) President Colonel Sanders sounds like a great President overall.

    1) Thanks!

    2) Indeed!

    3) I guess we'll see what happens; would Black September become more desperate or would its membership drop in light of their failure?

    4) I got the idea from a post in the alternate presidents thread. I can't find the post now, but within it, the person who posted the list accidently wrote "(D-AS)" instead of "(D-AR)" after Bill Clinton's name, and someone commented jokingly something along the lines of "ah, yes, I forgot Bill Clinton was Governor of Alaska." And that got me thinking, "Hey, why not? Moving there seemed to work out well for Mike Gravel, so why not Ol' Slick Willy, too?!" :)

    5) We'll see!

    6) As this very long article points out: , solar energy was a popular notion in the 1970s. Mondale campaigned on jobs and protecting workers, so he could see him supporting it if it is beneficial to the workforce, but his dismissal of solar energy in the article suggests he would not make it a passion project. Either way, he would most likely want the industry to be regulated.

    7) I usually add ".uk" to the UK websites; as ".com" is short for "commercial," here they just shortened it by one more letter.

    8) Thanks!

    Bye, bye Rolf; no one will miss you, just like Savile...

    I concur.

    I'd describe him as what Compassionate Conservatism ought to be: a belief in traditional values, tempered with empathy and respect toward change.

    Great analysis!

    Much as my luck may be, I come in to an amazing timeline at the brunt end of the focus of the Colonel's Presidency. I do hope you plan to continue on with this timeline (especially noting on the fate of KFC as a Sanders family-owned public company and even the long-term effects of his Presidency and the political sphere).

    If anything, I have no doubt my late maternal grandmother (whom had a hatred for LBJ like no other, even when living out on base with my late grandfather) would have voted for the Colonel happily.

    We'll see how things go in regards to continuing the TL. I do want to cover how the Sanders Presidency affects things in the long-term, so, yeah, we'll see how things go...

    And The Colonel would have greatly appreciated her vote!

    Happy for Mondale Win. Hope TL continues. High expectation for greater regulations.

    Thank you!

    Glad you're happy that Fritz won.

    You're very welcome! :)
    Last edited:
    Chapter 39: February 1974 – December 1974
  • Chapter 39: February 1974 – December 1974

    “[Perfection is a man-made idea]. Nothing in nature is that even; man is the inventor of straight edges.”

    – Stephen King (OTL)


    The New York Times, 2/9/1974

    KFC’s entry into China was unprecedented, as was the company’s eventual success. The first KFC in China, a short walking distance from Tiananmen Square, the political heart of traditional and Communist China “opened to the warmest embrace imaginable by the citizens of Beijing.” Unlike any other business in China, Beijing’s first KFC was also unlike any KFC found in the US: “occupying three stories and 12,000 square feet, [the restaurant] had a seating capacity of 500, and a staff of more than 150.” This enterprise was American business with Chinese characteristics. For the Chinese, KFC was novelty and social curiosity, a permanent exhibition on capitalism served with a side of fries. The Western-style food, however, was only one among a myriad of temptations: customers came from miles around to enjoy a new, American way of eating, heralded by a smiling bearded mascot, speedy counter employees, and spotless bathrooms. This new business model was a complete about-face from the Mao’s China of ten years prior, merging foreign innovation and a new prosperity. For China, KFC was the definition of modern.
    In its early days, KFC in China was not simply “fast food,” but rather an “exciting, unique, and brand-new experience never before encountered…like taking a tour of American, with all its connotations: political, cultural, time, and space – real or imaginary.” The “idea of KFC” was so distinctive, that many customers at the Beijing flagship restaurant “spent hours talking to each other and gazing out the huge glass window that overlooks a busy commercial street—thereby demonstrating their sophistication to the people who passed by.” One important aspect of this perception of KFC in China is the meaning of fast food. The emergence of KFC by no means marked the beginnings of fast food in China. To the Chinese, fast food or “kuaican,” is synonymous with “hefan,” cheap meals found along every street in major Chinese cities, served out of Styrofoam containers and plastic bags. Judged by this standard, KFC is hardly considered fast food
    as far as the people of China are concerned. [1]


    [pic: (note: please view the ".com" in the corner as a typo)]
    – Bo Yibo’s The Dragon and The Eagle: Chinese and American Dances, Daggers and Dinners, English translation, 1998


    The Colonel’s decision to break bread with Chairman Mao may have actually been bigger than just a move to make the company stand out in the saturated fast-food market of the 1970s.

    According to a new book by historian Joseph Hildebrand, “Our Grand Old Flag: The People Who Love It (And The People Who Hate It),” a possible reason for the Colonel deciding to bring KFC to China was his belief that the sharing of popular culture, namely foods, would tie the people of China and America together, lowering the chances a war occurring between the two nations long after he had died. Hildebrand explains “The ‘capitalist peace theory,’ or the ‘commercial peace theory,’ which in 1996 New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman simply called it ‘the Fast Food thesis,’ simply states the following: ‘No two countries that both have at least one KFC have ever fought a war against each other,’ which has been true ever since KFC exploded into the international food scene in the early 1960s.”

    Rebecca Weisser, a researcher at the Centre for Independent Studies, points to prior historical incidents of such consumer-based diplomacy as proof that the Colonel’s idea had merit. “The relative peace globally between 1815 and 1914 is attributed to the dramatic rise of international trade, investment and migration whereas the downward spiral in international trade in the 1930s contributed to the hostilities that led to WWII.” [2]

    Tumbleweed Magazine article, e-publication, 11/8/2014

    By the start of 1974 there were almost 100 Ollie’s Trolleys nationwide, most of them east of the Mississippi River. But despite its rapid growth, the place had yet to find its footing among enough customers to surpass KFC on the fast-food market. Many Americans, whose collective idea of an ideal burger was focused more on ketchup and mustard than thyme and oregano, found Ollieburgers a challenge to their taste buds. It seemed that, while Americans were quick to embrace spicy fried chicken, spicy hamburgers were something else entirely.

    Already deeply invested in Ollie’s brainchild, [John Y.] Brown convinced the founder that they needed to modernize, and they soon began installing drive-thrus to numerous locations, like what several competitors were doing. [3]


    The Venceremos Front
    was an American organization that focused on militant urban guerilla warfare as a means of enforce left-wing ideas. The organization was formed in 1969 and gained a foothold in the post-Arkwave shoutnik scene of the early 1970s before slowly losing membership and ultimately dissolving in 1977.


    The “front” was based in Berkley, California, and was one of many left-wing pro-Prison Reform organizations to either form or gain prominence and membership in the aftermath of the Attica Prison Massacre. The organization’s members mostly conducted acts of vandalism, but occasionally also committed acts of armed robbery.

    Army veteran teacher and linguist at the University of California Berkeley Colston Westbrook gave the Venceremos Front credibility via his involvement in their ideology, but this did little to help it expand in popularity. By the start of 1974, it seemed that support for Prison Reform on the national level was waning in the face of other issues such as the rise in gas prices and the Equal Rights Amendment. The organization became more militant during this time under the leadership of William Lawton Wolfe and Patricia Soltysik. [4]


    In early 1974, Wolfe, Soltysik, and a former ex-convict who went by the name Rathbone X, decided to travel to New York to kidnap Mario Biaggi in order to pressure the government into releasing wrongfully incarcerated individuals in several prisons located in New York and California. Biaggi was the Governor of New York who was controversial for his role in the events leading up to the Attica Prison Massacre.



    Continuing with our bid to boost Wendyburger sales, the KFC parent company, KFC Inc, also established some KFC-Wendy’s “Combo” Locations, where both buildings were used, and both menus were given. For older customers, it was a throwback to the early years of KFC, when the chicken was sold in other people’s establishments alongside said place’s menus instead of there being places actual run entirely by KFC. For others, it was a convenient merger of their two favorite joints. For customers eating in groups, it was convenient because you could order a KFC bucket and a Wendyburger at the same ordering station. It was introduced in early 1974, but discontinued in 1980...

    – Dave Thomas’ Under the Colonel’s Wing, Mosaic Publishing, 1982


    The Portland Tribune, 3/5/1974

    …After months of deliberations, President Mondale has nominated state Judge Constance Motley of New York for a seat on the US Supreme Court being vacated by the retiring Justice Douglas…

    – CBS News, 3/6/1974 broadcast

    INTERVIEWER: Can you tell us what the 1974 kidnapping experience was like for you?

    BIAGGI: Oh, yeah, that thing. Man, what ridiculous failure that was, let me tell ya! Now they did study the layout of the Governor’s mansion, because they drove around to the back, er, side entrance. It was also impressive that they got past security by setting fire to a nearby dumpster as a distraction, but it was obviously their first rodeo. Once inside, they didn’t know how to keep quiet, and they didn’t know the layout of the actual interior of the place. And they didn’t know how to whisper softly enough, nor know where my office or my bedroom was. At least they knew I was home, they knew that much, and fortunately, my wife was out with a friend. They found me in my inner office, which was on the first floor, near this study-library room on the side. That’s the room they came in through. They gave me and my secretary a startle bursting into the room, wearing those ski masks, and started hollering something at her and I. But I thought it was some joke, see, so I said, “What kind of gag is this?” So the one guy tried to show they were serious by firing the gun into the air, only for the gun click. The idiots still had their safeties on.

    “Dammit, you said this was how you worked it, X,” one of them said.

    “Shut up, just nab the f@#ker,” said the first one. That’s how I knew they weren’t kidding around. I’ve been around enough guns to know when one was real, and those were legit. Plus, if they were joking, they would have known better than to call me “f@#ker.” My secretary trembling at the sight of them was another tipoff.

    So I took the moment to get us out of there. Now my desk didn’t have a nameplate – or is it a name plaque? – You know, the Toblerone thing at the front of desks? I didn’t have one of those in the Governor’s mansion, but I did have a bust of FDR on the desk. I grabbed it, and pow! I whacked the one trying to grab me right in the face! I grabbed my secretary by the hand, and as the other two struggled to put the safeties on their guns, we dashed to the study and locked the door behind us. Then they started firing into the door, so while my secretary called security, I grabbed the commemorative rifle we had in the room. It wasn’t loaded, but I shouted out to our assailants the claim that it was. I threatened to blow them away if they kept it up. I heard them talking to each other over whether or not I was bluffing, but we didn’t get to hear the conversation’s conclusion. Law enforcement arrived in the office with their guns drawn before they could even disperse from the area.

    Afterward, security was doubled, and I started keeping a gun right in the desk drawer of my inner office and also in my study, instead of just in the master’s bedroom, guest rooms, front-door closet, back-door closest, butler’s pantry, hallway closets, basement, attic, outer office, main bathroom, main washroom, linen closets and drawing rooms. Kind of an oversight on my part, really. After twenty years of being a cop, eight years of being a governor had led to me putting my guard down. So, yeah, that was sort of embarrassing, but that’s not how the newspapers reported it, let me tell ya!

    The experience was frightening, I’ll admit, but in retrospect, those would-be kidnappers did so many things wrong, it was ridiculous.

    – Mario Biaggi, ABC interview, 1998


    Personally Holds Back Assailants, Saving Secretary’s Life

    The New York Post, 3/16/1974



    [pic: ]

    The Louisville Times, Kentucky newspaper, 3/19/1974


    …the man who robbed a bank before fleeing the scene, being cornered by police officers, and then firing upon them until he was killed has been identified as local ex-soldier Michael Corbett. Corbett reportedly suffered from violent outbursts in public, and had recently been evicted from his apartment in Walsenburg, Colorado for "unruly behavior" and "threatening to kill" a fellow tenant, according to his former landlord...

    – The Fort Collins Coloradoan, Colorado newspaper, 3/21/1974


    – The Washington Post, 3/22/1974


    …the Senators in question disapprove of a massive multimillion-dollar spending omnibus package – four bills focused on urban utilities development and urban renewal; research and development of domestic oil and gas reserves; farm aid; and water sanitation – for being too “invasive and wasteful,” according to Senator Hank Hibbard (R-MT).

    Secretary Ralph Nader joins others in strongly backing the package, stating “It should be noted that a majority of these Congressmen hail from white-collar districts, and polling shows upper-middle classes are upset at the president for ignoring their needs. But these needs, the needs of the lower classes, they can’t wait.”


    [pic: ]
    Above: Secretary Nader looking over his prepared notes ahead of speaking to the press

    The Senate plans to review the package next week…

    The Washington Post, 3/23/1974

    “Can I get anything salty?”

    “For the hundredth time, no!” I stressed.

    Jack and I were walking out of a meeting with Ted about his involvement with Jack’s think tank in DC, and we were discussing what to have later for dinner. The Addison’s-induced salt cravings only worsened the disease’s other side effect, dehydration. I recall, on that day, Jack was being more stubborn than usual, and was refusing to use his crutches.

    As we were approaching the building’s main staircase, I asked him if he would reconsider using leg braces, similar to what Franklin Delano Roosevelt used.

    Jack didn’t appreciate the comment, “Jackie, I am not a cripple,” he huffed and quickly moved past me down the stairs, “I just have weak legs, that’s – ”

    Jack either mistook a step or he slipped. I yelped as Jack fell down the stairs, his body doing a sort of somersault as he tumbled down to the landing in the middle of the staircase. Witnesses immediately rushed over, and soon Ted and I were helping him into a car around back.

    At the hospital, I remember asking him, “How much longer is this going to go on for, Jack, before you admit you need the damn braces?” Maybe I was being a bit dramatic, but I didn’t want to lose him, and he his stubbornness kept him from resting to address his affliction head-on. Instead, he was ignoring it by running off the think tanks and Democratic fundraisers, sailing on yachts and partaking in cigars everyday it seemed. In my mind, I began to think that it was not a question of “if,” but “when.” When would his disease take him from me?

    – Jackie Kennedy’s autobiography, With My Own Eyes, Simon & Schuster, 1993

    Patient received moderate injuries during incident. The carpeting of the staircase softened the blow the body received, but injuries were still substantial. Patient received a lightly sprained neck, pulled and sprained muscles on his back, a compound fracture in his left hand, and contusions to his neck and both legs and right arm.

    The most serious injury, however was received by the patient’s scapula, the area around the right shoulder blade. Patient’s scapula received a pull muscle and some light internal bleeding, which may cause significant local inflammation and pain. Due to Patient suffering from Addison’s disease, his immune system is weak, and prone to infection. As a result, it is imperative that the area of the internal bleeding is heavily and routinely observed to ensure it heals properly.

    It is of this director’s professional opinion that Patient must cut back on strenuous activities in order to build up his mental and physical strength and stamina. The body’s system cannot fight the disease if the body itself and the person himself are not helping the system along in its fight.

    – George Washington University Hospital, internal memo, 3/29/1974


    – The Boston Globe, 3/30/1974


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    – An F5 tornado, one of seven to reach the F5 rating to touch down during the 1974 Super Outbreak, ravages southwestern Ohio, 4/3/1974

    Over 100 tornadoes touched down in 13 states and one Canadian province, killing 295 people and injuring over 5,000 in roughly 18 hours. Seven F5s were observed—one each in Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, three in Alabama and the final one which crossed through parts of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. 31 were killed in Brandenburg, Kentucky, and 28 died in Guin, Alabama. The tornado the struck Windsor, Ontario, Canada, killed nine and injuring 30 others there, all of them at the former Windsor Curling Club. During the peak of the outbreak, a staggering sixteen tornadoes were on the ground simultaneously. At one point forecasters in Indiana, frustrated because they could not keep up with all of the simultaneous tornado activity, put the entire state of Indiana under a blanket tornado warning. This was the first and only time in U.S. history that an entire state was under a tornado warning. [5]



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    The New York Times, 4/8/1974

    …with the local economy increasing due to nationwide recovery efforts and the city’s population increasing as well, the Mayor of Colorado Springs has announced a 25% increase of the city’s police fund…

    – KOAA-TV, Colorado TV station, NBC, 4/9/1974 broadcast


    …the 52-year-old African-American female had an impressive resume. Motley had previously served in the New York state senate, as the Borough President of Manhattan, and has served as a Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York since President Sanders appointed her to that seat in August 1966 (in exchange for Sanders appointing a deeply conservative judge to a different seat). However, conservatives in the US Senate strongly opposed her progressive ruling history…

    – The Washington Times, 4/10/1974

    …Another issue that I’d like to discuss tonight is President Mondale’s Secretary of Labor, Robert Kennedy, who is allowing unions to increase the power and influence they have over honest businessmen. The Secretary’s attempts to make a Mondale-esque espirit de corps among white and non-white workers is admittedly working to keep them from blaming each other for job losses, but his policies in office nevertheless border on the edge of socialism, or at the least on the edge of violating several federal overreach laws. Most recently, Mr. Kennedy has begun to push for increasing communication between the federal government and private enterprises to reduce employment and employee treatment concerns whenever businesses fail to surrender to the demands of unions. Americans everywhere should be outraged at this, but for some reason are not, most likely because they are not adequately informed as to what is really going on here. I would like to start to change that with tonight’s discussion…

    – William F. Buckley Jr. (host), Firing Line, WOR-TV, Tuesday 4/16/1974 broadcast

    In April 1974, during an excellent season for his team, pitcher Douglas James “Dougie” Rau of the L.A. Dodgers tore the ulnar collateral ligament in his pitching arm. Months later, Rau underwent a surgical graft procedure where the odds of success were at 1 in 100. While the surgery put Rau out of commission for the rest of the season and all of the 1975 season, his arm reacted positively to the surgery, and he returned for the 1976 season good as new. His recovery was deemed “miraculous,” and it increased public awareness of the surgery to such a height, that by the time Rau retired from MLB in 1991, the procedure was better known by its nickname: a “Dougie Rau” surgery.

    – John Helyar’s Lords of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball, Ballantine Books, 1994


    The Sacramento Union, 4/20/1974


    Lisbon, PORTUGAL – Army rebels are in control of Portugal tonight after an almost bloodless dawn coup ended nearly 50 years of dictatorship... [6] Locals are beginning to call the peaceful overthrow the Carnation Revolution as the leaders of the rebels have proclaimed their goal of restoring democracy to the people Portugal. …It remains unclear what this development means for the overseas territories of Portugal…

    The Guardian, UK newspaper, 25/4/1974


    Pittsburgh, PA – Former Second Lady of the United States Mary Scranton is the brainchild behind “Keystone Opportunities,” a non-profit organization based in this state that intends to collaborate with local governments to implement community development programs in poverty- and crime- striken areas…

    The Philadelphia Inquirer, PA newspaper, 5/2/1974


    The Washington Post, Tuesday, 5/7/1974


    The Miami Tribune, 5/12/1974


    After floating the names of judges June Lazenby Green, Damon Keith, and surprise early favorite A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. as possible candidates, President Mondale has formally nominated William Joseph Nealon Jr. for Justice William O. Douglas’ Supreme Court seat. Nealon, a Judge of the US District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania since 1962, has already won the support of the retiring Douglas and several Senatorial leaders…

    The Washington Times, 5/16/1974

    On May 18, 1974, a new player entered the nuclear arena. India became a nuclear power – the first nation outside of the UN’s permanent Security Council to do so – with the success of their “Smiling Buddha” test in the Pokhran Test Range of Rajasthan, northern India. Declaring it a “peaceful nuclear explosion” – a term to describe non-military purposes for nuclear testing, the most common use being excavation – the test revived Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s waning popularity.

    This development changed the dynamics of international relations with India. The most negative reaction to the test, however, came from their western neighbor. Pakistan went on the offensive, claiming the test was not “peaceful,” and the nation’s Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto promising to fight back against the perceived threat of “Indian hegemony or domination over the subcontinent.” Furthermore, the Prime Minister saw the test as justification for his late 1974 decision that Pakistan would develop and test a nuclear bomb of its own. However, Pakistan’s progress on fulfilling this promise was slow from the very beginning…

    – David Tal’s US Strategic Arms Policy in the Cold War: Negotiation & Confrontation, Routledge, 2017

    …and his wife Christine Chubbuck are ecstatic to announce the successful birth of their first child, a daughter weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces [7].

    – The Sarasota Herald-Tribune, celebrations section, 5/23/1974

    KFC’s growth as the ’70s continued allowed for KFC franchisees to take the risk and try out new expanded menu selections. In some places, customers could find offerings such as the Colonel’s personally created versions of ham and bean scallop, sausage shortcake, orange coconut custard, cheese meatloaf, and of course, in the UK, one of the nation’s most popular dishes of the ’70s – Chicken Kiev. More versions of chicken-based foods were tried out with every piece of the bird – breasts, thighs, wings, organs, and feet. Even fried chicken heads were available in select locations in Mississippi and Louisiana. KFC’s expansion of its regional menus may have also been in response to regional competitors...

    – Paul Ozersky’s Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, University of Texas Press, 2012


    Orson Welles’ long-anticipated work “The Deep” has finally premiered, after infamously being worked on for well over a decade. Based on the 1963 Charles Williams novel “Dead Calm,” the film is a dramatic suspense thriller that follows two honeymooners in the middle of the ocean who discover a mysterious young man in a lifeboat. The film is posthumously dedicated to its lead star, Laurence Harvey, who passed away late last year. Production on the film stalled until 1968, when the state economy allowed Welles to find funding for remaining scenes to be completed and edit over the next five-to-six years...

    Variety magazine, 6/7/1974 film review

    SENATE APPROVES NEALON FOR SUPREME COURT SEAT; Will Begin Time On The Bench “Within The Month”

    The Washington Post, 6/12/1974

    Under President Mondale, the federal government agency entitled The National Science Foundation began compiling a comprehensive study that when published in June 1974, claimed that years of data agreed with a 1956 abstract [8] that suggested Earth is experiencing “anthropogenic global disruption,” the idea that the actions of decades of burning feul was increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, affecting the world’s climate. The linking of global temperature levels to human activity was a landmark declaration. However, it was met with scrutiny by manufacturers who claimed the report was inaccurate and, “if taken seriously,” would create “unnecessary panic,” according to commentator William F. Buckley. For President Mondale, the report conflicted with his goal of ensuring manufacturing jobs for American workers, and while he did not openly comment on the report at the time, he did not inhibit the NSF’s calls for increasing “responsibility and awareness” among industries emitting “too much” carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As the report came at a time of increased environmentalist activism, arguably beginning with the Santa Barbara Oil Spill of 1969, it found support in the Global Weather Protection movement, founded the same time as other groups favoring a massive change in “industrial nature treatment” worldwide…

    – Robert Wilder’s Listening to the Land and Sea: The Politics of Environmental Protection in California, University of Sacramento Press, 1999


    …It seems outspoken women are causing headaches for the Chicken King once more, as seen in new photos capturing what primary sources confirm was a heated argument between the former President and a concerned citizen. Speaking her mind, the unidentified woman was heard calling Colonel Sanders a “warmongering pervert” as she waved her hands in his face. The former leader of the free world proceeded to scold her “like she was a schoolgirl,” says a second witness, who explains the Colonel eventually walked away “like a cowardly schoolgirl” to regroup with Secret Service agents waiting for him at the store’s entrance, “like a clique of schoolgirls,” says the same witness…

    National Enquirer, tabloid newspaper, 6/16/1974


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    – Photograph of The Supermarket Incident, captured by an onlooker, 6/14/1974

    Oh. That thing. That was just an unfortunate run-in with a very ill-informed woman. Called my husband a bunch of names, so Harland told her off. It was embarrassing, but on the plus side, Secret Service started keeping a tighter leash on him to keep such things from happening again. I don’t want to talk about it any further. Next question, please.

    – Claudia Price Sanders, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1979

    Derided as “Worzel Gummidge’s other brother” for him and Michael’s “rumbled” appearances, Dingle was not as left-wing as his brother had been while Prime Minister, but nevertheless, Dingle was willing to make concessions to the most left-leaning members of Labour in order to preserve party unity.


    Dingle was a masterful diplomat who improved the monarchy’s reputation abroad. [snip] Relations between France and the UK improved that month [June 1974] when Dingle Foot met with Francois Mitterrand in Paris. [snip] Due to his past career as a solicitor or practitioner for nations such as Ghana, Northern Rhodesia, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, and Nyasaland during the late 1940s, 1950s, and early 1960s, Dingle Foot was successful in strengthening relations between the UK and many countries in Africa. Dingle’s support of nuclear disarmament, however, put him at odds with India, where he also had once worked as a Senior Advocate for the Indian Supreme Court, once the subcontinental nation became a nuclear power.

    – Kenneth O. Morgan’s Putting Our Foots Down: The Days of Michael And The Years of Dingle, Guardian publications, 2011


    …The law is meant to cut down on “unreasonable” qualification measures in regards to worker visas to allow “the best and the brightest in the world and America’s best and brightest to join together in the American workplace,” Mondale explained at a press conference early today... …It is the President’s attempt to find a balance between appealing to white native-born workers and to the immigrant labor force that began his Presidential candidate three years ago…

    The Washington Post, 6/27/1974


    …set for release in November, the former President will briefly show up as “a customer in a general goods store,” says the anonymous source close to the casting process for the independent film. It is currently unclear if The Colonel will have spoken dialogue in the scene, or will simply appear in the background, a la Alfred Hitchcock…

    The Hollywood Reporter, 7/1/1974

    …On July 12, police discovered the serial killer had struck again when five men were discovered to have been killed in a San Francisco bathhouse. While publicly calling on officials to “do your duty,” Governor Reagan amended the declaration to “do your duty despite the immoral activities of the victims’ personal lives” for a private fundraiser held two weeks later….

    – Brandon Teena’s The Rise of BLUTAG Rights: The Story of the Bi-Lesbian-Undefined-Trans-Asexual-Gay Movement, Scholastic, 2019

    Morse Loses Last of Many Battles


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    By Henny Willis – The Tiger is dead. Wayne Lyman Morse, the old “Tiger of the Senate,” died at 8:10 a.m. today of kidney failure at Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland. He was 73. One of the most dynamic and controversial figures in Oregon’s political history, Morse died in the midst of a re-election campaign for the US Senate he held for over 29 years, from 1945 until his death. Morse was in Portland organizing his campaign when he was stricken Wednesday with a severe urinary tract infection. He was hospitalized and physicians said he was responding to antibiotic treatment, but he slipped into a coma at 5:50 a.m. today and never regained consciousness. Funeral services were incomplete as of noon today…

    – The Eugene Register-Guard, 7/22/1974 [9]

    …as the Senator passed away only a few weeks after obtaining the Democratic nomination for that November’s senatorial election, the party had enough time to replace Morse’s name on the ballot” with state politician Betty Roberts…


    …In other news, any customers travelling from Virginia to Texas will no longer be confused by the existence of the What-A-Burger franchise of Virginia and the Whataburger franchise of Texas. The two separate and independently created companies have settled out of court in order to end a federal trademark infringement lawsuit concerning the similarity of their names. Upon learning of each other in 1970, the Texas Whataburger publicly vowed to not expand into Virginia. However, the larger Texas Whataburger broke this promise in 1972, during a period of great expansion for the company, and this is what sparking the lawsuit. With this new development, though, the Virginia-based company has announced that, in order to avoid confusion, they will change their name from “What-A-Burger” to “Bestburger,” allowing both companies to compete for customers regardless of the other’s presence in the area…

    The Overmyer Network, 7/27/1974 broadcast

    “Kentucky Fried Chicken had owned H. Salt Esquire Fish & Chips since 1969, but after just a few years was experiencing a decline sales, adding to the parent company’s woes. So the Colonel – busy guy that he was – decided to help us out. Helped us revamp our menu, increase the quality, uh, you know, how we kept the interior all cleaned up and everything. He even recorded a commercial for us! That’s how much the Colonel cared for every single member of the large and diverse KFC family – that he’d go out of his way to have himself a spot in an ad for a restaurant chain that mostly sold the British fish and chips dish across what back then was only a few US states.”

    – Former H. Salt Esq. Fish & Chips employee, interview for ABC report on KFC, recorded 2002


    The Washington Post, 8/5/1974

    Oh, well, Harland had been thinking about the Arab-Israeli conflict long before deciding to actively get involved. At first, I thought he was only joking, but the wars in Israel in 1967 and 1973, they had an effect on him. I’d say, shortly before the publication of his autobiography was when he really started thinking about how he could help. I remember how he spent several months discussing what he called his “duty as a Christian” with his pastor, and how he’d run around to, uh, run the idea by his friends and business associates. He even reached out to his former diplomats who were happy to advise him on the feasibility and the extent to which he could work to bring peace to the middle east.

    – Claudia Price Sanders, TNB (Trinity National Broadcasting) interview, 1979

    …the House of Commons has approved on Prime Minister Foot’s tax plan to combat the country’s rising inflation crisis…

    – BBC News, 8/19/1974

    A lot of things have changed over the years – business strategies and complicated economic theories – but they haven’t been able to change the Golden Rule. That one still works and my story is the proof.

    – Colonel Sanders’ Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger-Lickin’ Good, Creation House publishing, 1974 [10]

    The businessman-turned-President-turned-businessman’s memoirs, “Life As I Have Known It Has Been Finger Lickin’ Good,” is a reflection on his many careers over the decades, wherein he expresses his many views and touts his many accomplishments. While other politicians may shy away from, or attempt to justify, the most negative aspects of their administration, Sanders attempts to address the biggest blunders of his years in office, most notably the aborted 1966 attempt to invade northern Vietnam, and the sexual pestering accusation that started a multinational phenomenon. However, he does spend little time covering his restricting of “underground” comics. Nonetheless, the detailed book is a must-read for anyone who likes colorful and Horatio Alger-type characters and stories with twists, turns, and politics…

    The New York Times, book review, 8/29/1974


    – The Chicago Tribune, 9/1/1974

    “BLUTAG BUTCHERER” SUSPECT CAPTURED IN OAKLAND: Accused of Killing 19 Men Since January

    …“we have reason to believe the suspect in custody is tied to cases going back nine months concerning 19 murdered homosexual men across the state of California,” reads the official statement… Neighbors describe the suspect as a quiet middle-aged man who was often seen driving in and out of his garage but seems to have had visitors to his home. “We just though he was a very private man,” notes one concerned neighbor… The string of killings has raised sympathy for and awareness of the BLUTAG community in California and the United States, albeit in the worst and most tragic of ways...

    The Los Angeles Times, 9/5/1974


    Biaggi Claims New Law Will Do Little To Inhibit “Dangerous Young Punks”

    The New York Times, 9/7/1974



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    The Washington Times, side article, 9/9/1974

    It was clear that, after 45 years in power, Haile Selassie would soon be out of a job. The Wollo Famine, the inflation and economic recession brought about by the rippling effects of the 1973 oil crisis, and the rising riotous resentment felt towards the King among a majority of the people all created the conditions necessary for the Derg to come to power. The Derg, a Soviet-backed communist military junta, overthrew the 7,004-year-old monarchy, prompting the 83-year-old King to flee to Oman, an adamantly neutral country during the Cold War.

    In the United States, public reaction to the military junta led to criticism of their President’s handling of foreign affairs. After the Cuban and Indochina Wars that successfully propelled communist elements from four nations, polls showed many expected the hubristic U.S. to send troops to Ethiopia. When their leader, President Mondale, only admonished the junta for their violent rise to power, his approval ratings dropped among both “dove” and “hawk” Americans. The former group wanted the President to treat the junta as a humanitarian crisis, while the latter group supported military intervention; thus, both groups considered his ignoring of the event to be weak.

    – Saheed A. Adejumobi’s The History of Ethiopia, Greenwood Press, 2007


    The Houston Chronicle, 9/22/1974

    …Mondale welcomed West Germany’s Chancellor Helmut Schmidt to D.C. in September to boost strengthen relations with that country. This meeting was also met with criticism, as reporters observed the lack of any discussion on the Berlin Wall (their conversation instead mainly focused on trade and commerce), which only reinforced the notion that Mondale was ignoring some troubled parts of the world such as Berlin, while unnecessarily interfering in other parts such as Israel and Egypt…

    – Joseph Walker Barr’s The Mulling Minnesotan: Mondale’s Military Moments, Borders Books, 1994

    …A new Gallup polls shows that most Americans do not approve of the President’s handling of foreign affairs. 57% of Americans polled ranked the President’s foreign policy as “poor,” 30% as ranked his handling as “well,” and 13% ranked it as “unsure”…

    – The Overmyer Network, 10/3/1974

    KILDUFF: The United States is maintaining fair relations with the nations of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. In fact, the President is currently meeting with the Ambassador from Chad.

    DAVID BRODER (Washington Post): Speaking of which, is it true the US is establishing warmer relations with Chad over the uranium deposits found in the Aouzou strip area that Chad and Libya are at war over?

    KILDUFF: No, we have offered to establish relations with Libya’s leader, uh, Muammar Ghaddafi, and he has been less responsive than Chad, that’s all.

    DAN RATHER (CBS News): What about the civil war developing in Ethiopia?

    KILDUFF: That is a regional issue, Dan.

    – Transcript of dialogue from WH press briefing between WH Press Secretary Malcolm MacGregor “Mac” Kilduff Jr. and the WH Press Corp, 10/5/1974


    …his fiscal policies are dangerous and his social policies are oppressive…

    The Sacramento Union, op-ed by Ted Kennedy, 10/9/1974

    The rise in Wyoming’s population starting in the 1970s can be accredited to the actions of Governors Teno Roncalio and Thyra Thomson.

    Roncalio was a tax-and-spent Democrat, but was otherwise a middle-of-the-road moderate. His investments of taxpayer money into roads, hospitals and affordable housing made the state alluring to urban Americans yearning for the romanticized life of the country. Roncalio significantly reorganized the state government and passed of new environmental laws regulating higher air and water quality standards, and higher surface mining standards. Roncalio improved the state’s economy by increasing the quality of state parks, and actively promoted tourism on the belief that more people would move to Wyoming if they were exposed to it. This led to the start of Wyoming’s rise in population.

    After twelve years as the state’s Secretary of State, Thomson ran for Governor in 1974. Facing off against Edgar Herschler in the general election, Thomson called for the regulating of sales of new issues of securities in order for Wyoming investors to have “a fair balance between risk and reward” in mid-October 1974. This issue appealed to Wyoming business owners, and lured wealthy, out-of-state political backers to her campaign in the weeks leading up to election day. These backers of her forward-thinking campaign helped Thomson be elected the state’s second female Governor in a landslide.

    Governor Thomson worked to improve Wyoming’s economy through international relationships. In 1975, she person traveled to Taiwan to promote Wyoming products at the non-federal USA-ROC Trade Forum and in doing so was instrumental in Taiwan's purchasing of one-fifth of the State's entire wheat crop in 1976. Seeking further foreign trade agreements for the benefit of her state, Thomson courted businesses in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt, and secured summer scholarships for Wyoming High school seniors to Jordan, Tunisia, and Egypt in 1977.

    Domestically, in 1975, Thomson enacted the state’s first mineral severance tax; during the energy boom experienced across the rural western states during the late 1970s, provided the funds for constructing highways, schools, and other public infrastructure projects that continued to make Wyoming an appeal place to move to. Additionally, in 1976, Thomson established a Permanent Mineral Fund very much akin to Alaska’s own oil-based Permanent Dividend Fund, in that it imposed a 1% tax on the extraction of minerals in the state and the proceeds being distributed evenly to all registered Wyoming residents regardless of their wealth. This made Wyoming only the second US state to establish an across-the-board income assistance dividend system.

    The policies of Roncalio, Thomson and (some of) their successors allowed Wyoming to see its population increase 41.0% between 1970 and 1980 [11], and to continue on well past the 1980s…

    – Welcome to the Big River Flat: The History of Wyoming, Victory Publications, 2019

    SENATE PASSES CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 75-11-4; Mondale To Sign It Into Law “Soon”

    …while the 1962 Civil Rights Act of 1962 prohibits discrimination “based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin by federal and state governments,” this new act will prohibit discrimination “in sale, rental, and financing of housing, transportation vehicles and secondary education necessities based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.” Senator Norris Cotton, alongside Senator Strom Thurmond, Peter Dominick, and Joseph Bottum, lead the “nay” vote in the Senate on the grounds that the act is too detrimental to businesspersons. “This will outright remove the right of businesspersons to refuse service at all, creating an imbalance in the buyer-seller relationship where people will have no power their own stores,” Dominick said in defense of his “nay” vote earlier today. Curiously, Senator Barry Goldwater, who uncharacteristically took a back seat of sorts during the debating segment of the law-making process, joined three other Senators in abstaining from voting on the bill…

    The Chicago Tribune, 10/17/1974

    On October 23, 1974, the International Olympic Committee held their 75th meeting in Vienna, Austria. To allow both American and Soviet athletes to compete in both the Winter and Summer games of 1980, a deal is made: the US’s Lake Placid is selected to host the Winter Olympics, while the USSR’s Moscow is selected to host the Summer Olympics. South Africa was once again banned from the Olympics due to their continuation of Apartheid.


    Only Four More States Need To Ratify!
    When you vote on November 5, vote in a state legislature that understands the need for fair and equal treatment for women!

    – brochure distributed in several states by the National Organization for Women, c. late October 1974

    “Who you look out for depends on who you are. Not everyone has a congregation, or debt holders, or employees, or stockholders to look out for. But we are all Americans, and it is the patriotic duty of all of us to look out for each other. To look out for our country, fellow citizens, our impact on the world and our allies overseas, and of course, the people we love, family and friends. What makes us South Carolinans so great is our conviction to our patriotic duty to look out for one another. And on Tuesday the Fifth, I hope y’all look out for my name on your ballot.”

    – Former Ambassador to Laos William Westmoreland at a campaign rally, 10/29/1974

    United States Senate election results, 1974
    Date: November 5, 1974
    Seats: 34 of 100
    Seats needed for majority: 51
    Senate majority leader: Mike Mansfield (D-MT)
    Senate minority leader: Howard Baker (R-TN)
    Seats before election: 54 (D), 45 (R), 1 (I)
    Seats after election: 52 (D), 47 (R), 1 (I)
    Seat change: D v 2, R ^ 2, 0 - I

    Full List:
    Alabama: incumbent James D. Martin (R) over Clair Chisler (D) and Sam Engelhardt (HIP)
    Alaska: Clark Gruening (D) over incumbent appointee Ted Stevens (R)
    Arizona: incumbent Paul Fannin (R) over Jonathan Marshall (D)
    Arkansas: Dale Bumpers (D) over John Harris Jones (R); incumbent J. William Fulbright (D) retired
    California: incumbent Thomas H. Kuchel (R) over Kenneth Frederick Hahn (D) and Gayle Justice (NM)
    Colorado: George L. Brown (D) over incumbent Peter H. Dominick (R) and Henry John Olshaw (HIP)
    Connecticut: incumbent Abraham A. Ribicoff (D) over James H. Brannen III (R) and Arthur F. Capozzi Jr. (Country)
    Florida: incumbent William Cato “Bill” Cramer Sr. (R) over LeRoy Collins Sr. (D) and Thomas Burton Adams Jr. (HIP)
    Georgia: incumbent John William Davis (D) over Jerry Johnson (R)
    Hawaii: incumbent Daniel K. Inouye (D) over James D. Kimmel (R)
    Idaho: incumbent Frank Church (D) over Robert L. Smith (R)
    Illinois: incumbent Adlai Stevenson (D) over George M. Burditt (R)
    Indiana: Richard Lugar (R) over incumbent Birch Bayh (D)
    Iowa: incumbent Harold Hughes (D) over David M. Stanley (R)
    Kansas: incumbent Bob Dole (R) over Bill Roy (D)
    Kentucky: incumbent Thruston B. Morton (R) over Wendell Ford (D)
    Louisiana: incumbent Russell B. Long (D) unopposed
    Maryland: incumbent Charles Mathias Jr. (R) over Barbara Mikulski (D)
    Missouri: Thomas B. Curtis (R) over incumbent Edward V. Long (D)
    Nevada: Barbara Vucanovich (R) over Mike O’Callaghan (D) and Jack C. Doyle (HIP); incumbent Alan Bible (D) retired
    New Hampshire: incumbent Norris Cotton (R) over John A. Durkin (D) and Carmen C. Chimento (HIP)
    New York: incumbent Jacob K. Javits (R) over Lee Alexander (D) and Barbara A. Keating (Conservative)
    North Carolina: Nick Galifianikis (D) over Wood Hall Young (R) and William Stevens (Country); incumbent Sam Ervin (D) retired
    North Dakota: incumbent Milton R. Young (R) over James R. Jungroth (D) and Kenneth C. Gardiner (Country)
    Ohio: incumbent William B. Saxbe (R) over Howard Metzenbaum (D)
    Oklahoma: incumbent Henry Bellmon (R) over Ed Edmondson (D)
    Oregon: Tom McCall (R) over Betty Roberts (D); incumbent appointee Earl T. Newbry (R) retired
    Pennsylvania: Bob Casey (D) over incumbent Herman T. Schneebeli (R)
    South Carolina: incumbent Ernest Hollings (D) over Gwenyfred Bush (R)
    South Dakota: George McGovern (D) over incumbent Joseph H. Bottum (R)
    Utah: Jake Garn (R) over Wayne Owens (D), Utah Phillips (I) and Kenneth Rex Larsen (HIP); incumbent Wallace F. Bennett (R) retired
    Vermont: incumbent George D. Aiken (R) over Nathaniel Frothingham (D)
    Washington: Daniel J. Evans (R) over incumbent Warren G. Magnuson (D)
    Wisconsin: Roman Blenski (R) over incumbent appointee Gaylord Nelson (D)



    …George L. Brown (D-CO) will become the second African-American Democrat to serve in the Senate, and the fifth African-American to serve in the US Senate overall. Additionally, for the first time ever, three African-American men will be serving in the US Senate at the same time come January 3, 1975 (Brown, Brooke, and John LeFlore of Alabama)…

    The Washington Post, 11/5/1974

    …The President has led the nation through a troublesome couple of years, and tonight the voters have clearly shown that a majority of them believe that his performance could have been better...

    – CBS Evening News, 11/5/1974 broadcast

    United States House of Representatives results, 1974
    Date: November 5, 1974
    Seats: All 437
    Seats needed for majority: 218
    House majority leader: Charles Halleck (R-IN) (retiring)
    House minority leader: Mo Udall (D-AZ)
    Last election: 209 (R), 228 (D)
    Seats won: 225 (R), 212 (D)
    Seat change: R ^ 16, D v 16


    United States Governor election results, 1974
    Date: November 5, 1974
    State governorship elections held: 35
    Seats before: 37 (D), 13 (R), 1 (HIP)
    Seats after: 32 (D), 18 (R), 0 (HIP)
    Seat change: D v 5, R ^ 5, v 1

    Full List:
    Alabama: Jeremiah Denton (R) over Richmond Flowers Sr. (D); incumbent Sam Engelhardt (HIP) was term-limited
    Alaska: incumbent Jay Hammond (R) over Chancey Croft (D) and Joe Vogler (I)
    Arizona: Sam Steiger (R) over incumbent Raul Hector Castro (D) and Jack Ross (I)
    Arkansas: David Pryor (D) over Frank D. White (R); incumbent Dale Bumpers (D) retired
    California: incumbent Ronald Reagan (R) over Robert Moretti (D) and Elizabeth Keathley (NM)
    Colorado: Rick Lamm (D) over John David Vanderhoof (R) and Earl Dodge (Prohibition); incumbent John Arthur Love (R) retired
    Connecticut: Ella T. Grasso (D) over incumbent Fiske Ventres (R)
    Florida: incumbent Louis A. Bafalis (R) over Wayne Mixson (D)
    Georgia: Bert Lance (D) over Ronny Thompson (R); incumbent Lester Maddox (D) was term-limited
    Hawaii: incumbent Thomas Ponce Gill (D) over Randolph Crossley (R)
    Idaho: Jay S. Amyx (R) over Vernon Ravenscroft (D); incumbent Charles Herndon (D) retired
    Iowa: incumbent Armour Boot (D) over Arthur Alan Neu (R)
    Kansas: Robert Frederick Bennett (R) over Vern Miller (D) and Marshall Uncapher (Prohibition); incumbent Robert B. Docking (D) retired
    Maine: incumbent Peter N. Kyros (D) over James B. Longley (I) and James Erwin (R)
    Maryland: incumbent Marvin Mandel (D) over Louise Gore (R)
    Massachusetts: incumbent Pierre Salinger (D) over John Frederick Collins (R)
    Michigan: incumbent Martha Griffiths (D) over Marvin Leonel Esch (R)
    Minnesota: Odin Langen (R) over Edward J. Gearty (DFL); incumbent Coya Knutson (DFL) retired
    Nebraska: incumbent J. James Exon (D) over Richard D. Marvel (R) and Ernie Chambers (I)
    Nevada: incumbent Rex Bell Jr. (R) over Henry W. “Hank” Thornley (D)
    New Hampshire: incumbent Malcolm McLane (D) over David L. Nixon (R)
    New Mexico: Jerry Apodaca (D) over Pete Domenici (R) and Gene Gonzales (LRU); incumbent Bruce King (D) was term-limited
    New York: incumbent Mario Biaggi (D/Conservative) over Peter A. Peyser (R/Liberal)
    Ohio: incumbent Buz Lukens (R) over Robert E. Sweeney (D)
    Oklahoma: incumbent David Hall (D) over Jim Inhofe (R)
    Oregon: Edith Green (D) over Wendell Wyatt (R); incumbent Tom McCall (R) was term-limited
    Pennsylvania: Martin P. Mullen (D) over Drew Lewis (R); incumbent Milton Shapp (D) was term-limited
    Rhode Island: incumbent J. Joseph Garrahy (D) over James Nugent (R)
    South Carolina: William Westmoreland (R) over William Jennings Bryan Dorn (D); incumbent John West (D) was term-limited
    South Dakota: Benjamin “Ben” (Lone Feather) Reifel (R) over Richard F. Kneip (D) and John E. Olson (Country); incumbent George McGovern (D) retired
    Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (R) over Ray Blanton (D); incumbent Frank G. Clement (D) was term-limited
    Texas: incumbent Frances Farenthold (D) over Jim Granberry (R) and Ramsey Muniz (LRU)
    Vermont: Harry H. Cooley (D) over Walter L. Kennedy (R); incumbent Consuelo Bailey (R) retired
    Wisconsin: Bronson LaFollette (D) over Bill Dyke (R); incumbent Pat Lucey (D) was term-limited
    Wyoming: Thyra Thomson (R) over Edgar Herschler (D); incumbent Teno Roncalio (D) retired


    Reagan was only elected to a second term by a margin of 4.2%. While initially popular, he was increasingly scrutinized for the annual budget, his handling of the economy, his tax plans, his seemingly abandonment of environmental protection, and the worsening of Latino-American working and living conditions under his watch. Reagan was especially criticized for his response to the "BLUTAG Butcherer" serial killings of 1974. A 1975 investigative report revealed that in the immediate aftermath of the murders, the Governor was more concerned with how the murders would affect his “law-and-order” image. However, Reagan's Democratic opponent in the race, Robert Moretti, may have scared away some undecided voters by appearing “too supportive of that group of people,” most notably by meeting with local political activist Harvey Milk, an outspoken BLUTAGer, in the aftermath of the killer being captured. …The Golden Era of the Natural Mind party seemed to be nearing its end that year, as its gubernatorial nominee Elizabeth Keathley won only 3.1% of the vote, a noticeable drop in support from the 6.4% Tim Leary had won in 1970...

    – Anne Meagher Northup’s Chicken and Politickin’: the Rise of Colonel Sanders and Rational Conservatism in the Republican Party, 2015

    “THE COMEBACK COP!”: Biaggi Wins Re-Election In Upset

    …After barely winning the Democratic and Conservative party nominations, the embattled Governor faced off against US Representative Peter A. Peyser of both the Republican Party and the Liberal Party. A serious challenger in August – when he was outpolling Biaggi at an average of ten percent – Peyser failed to combat Biaggi’s active campaign in which he visited every county in the state and repeatedly met with prominent Black politicians to curb allegations of racism tied to the Attica Prison Massacre… Distancing himself from President Mondale, who is currently averaging at 48-percent in approval ratings, may have helped Biaggi’s campaign pull off last night’s three-percent margin of victory.

    The New York Times, 11/5/1974


    [pic: / HlsQKNd ]

    – Colonel Sanders with a young fan, near Tallahassee, FL, c. mid-November 1974

    …a Colorado Springs resident identified as a one Freddie Lee Glenn has been killed in a shoot-out with police officers after police witnessed him attempting to kidnap a local resident working at Four Seasons hotel just as a police cruiser was driving by; the man who was nearly kidnapped was injured, but survived, while Glenn was chased down a nearby street and became cornered behind a dumpster...

    – KOAA-TV, Colorado TV station, NBC, 11/21/1974 broadcast


    …Emissions trading is a new market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for companies to achieve reductions in the pollutants they emit…

    The Wall Street Journal, 12/2/1974

    The Soviet Moon landing had put a strain on the nation’s economy as the program had siphoned off too much money, manpower, and resources from state-directed agricultural projects. As a serious consequence of this mismanagement, the wintry months of early and late 1974 and early 1975 saw hundreds starve. Kosygin soon agreed with Agriculture Secretary Alex Yakovlev and looked to the breadbasket of the west…

    – Alexander Korzhakov’s autobiography From Dawn to Dusk: A Cutthroat Career, St. Petersburg Press, 1997

    …After the 1974 report found minimal change in American smoking habits, Mondale met with safety and health advisors and professionals, and came to conclude that long-term benefits outweighed short-term controversy. The narrowly-passed December 1974 Comprehensive Public Health Smoking Act outright banned TV and Radio advertisements of cigars and cigarettes, and mandated larger print ratios for advertisements in nationwide and/or daily newspapers. Conservative pundits vehemently opposed the law over claims that prohibiting private companies from promoting harmful products was “unveiled socialism,” as Senator Hank Hibbard (R-MT) called it. The most controversial detail of the law was its banning of smoking on the premises of all federally-funded public schools, by which some teachers felt “betrayed” according to a 1975 study conducted by the federal Department of Education. As later DoE studies proved, the act led to less students and teacher smoking on school grounds, but also led to more students (and even some teachers) smoking off-grounds via playing hooky or waiting until after school to smoke. While the school detail did little to combat smoking, the elimination of advertising was highly effective in the long-term.

    – C. Everett Koop and Lisa Bero’s The Cigarette Papers, University of California Press, 1996


    …the iconic studio has released an instant classic, with dynamic and fun characters, and stunning visual effects… The plot impressively condenses Hans Christian Anderson’s lengthy epic into an 80-minute journey that never lags nor feels rushed… The hand-drawn Anna, the Snow Queen (portrayed marvelously by the award-winning singer Dottie West), and the rest of the characters interact impressively with beautifully painted backgrounds that capture the majesty of Scandinavian winter…

    Variety magazine, 12/20/1974


    [pic: ]
    – Teaser poster for Disney’s The Snow Queen [12]

    Anna: Dana Laurita (note: Anna was named “Gerda” in the original story from 1844)
    Kristoff: Billy Whitaker (note: Kristoff was named “Kai” in the original story from 1844)
    The Snow Queen: Dottie West
    Hans the Head Troll: Fernando Rey
    Mugren the Troll: Candy Candido (note: this “villain’s sidekick” character did not exist in the original story from 1844)
    Anna’s Grandma: Shirley Booth
    Gamelkone the Good Witch: Agnes Moorehead (note: the film was released six months after Moorehead’s death)
    Sven the Robber Baron: John Amos
    The Crows: Alan Young, J. Pat O’Malley and Paul Fiedler
    The Prince and Princess: Frederic Fenimore Forrest Jr. and Lynn Anderson
    Bae the Reindeer: Frank Welker (note: Bae is often called Anna’s “animal sidekick”)
    Finn and Lapp: Faye Dunaway and Ford Rainey
    Additional Voices: see list



    The Wall Street Journal, Monday 12/28/1974

    [1] Italicized parts all from this informative source here:
    [2] Parts in italics are quotes from this article:
    [3] Italicized portions are pulled from here:
    [4] Donald DeFreeze is not a member of the this group because in this timeline, he failed to escape prison in March 1973 (since he’s only in his first term here, Reagan decides to enforce his law-and-order image by increasing funding for state prisons, leading to a guard being present during DeFreeze’s activities during the day of his OTL escape), and so never formed the Symbionese Liberation Army with members of the Venceremos Organization.
    [5] Passage directly taken from Wikipedia:
    [6] Lines pulled from here:
    [7] In OTL, she was in a serious relationship when she was a teenager with a man in his 20s who died in a car accident; here, he doesn’t die, they marry, and she has two children before needing to have her ovaries removed like IOTL. Of course, she still suffers from some bouts of depression because depression is a lot more complicated than “no longer being lonely,” but at least she’s not suicidal here; instead, she gets treated for a bipolar disorder in the early 1980s, but that’s for a later chapter...
    [8] Really!:
    [9] Text in italics taken verbatim from OTL obituary:
    [10] The last lines of his OTL 1966 autobiographical book.
    [11] Wyoming’s population apparently jumped 41.3% between 1970 and 1980 IOTL:; the state’s governors during those years were Stan Hathaway and Edgar Herschler. According to Wikipedia, Hathaway created the state’s “Department of Recreation to oversee and improve care of state parks and to provide support for Wyoming's tourism industry, and a Department of Economic Planning and Development to promote economic growth in the state. Wyoming's economy had been in the doldrums when Hathaway was elected governor, but he set in motion a number of initiatives which turned the economy around and saw it booming by the time he left office.” Wikipedia also states that Herschler was in office “during the 1970s energy boom which nearly doubled the Wyoming population in a decade. Coal mining began in earnest…during Herschler's first term [1975-1979], and severance tax revenue from this development provided funding for construction of modern highways, schools and other public infrastructure.”

    [12] Here is a “dark” version of this poster, in case anyone was interested:

    (pic: )

    Thanks for all the comments!:
    So KFC was the answer to world peace? If only KFC existed in Sarajevo, then Gavrillo Princip might've gone there instead of the sandwich shop he went to.
    Should the Colonel invest time and money into hiring a team of scientists who'll invent the time machine for him, just so he can sell KFC in 1914 Sarajevo? :)
    that monarchy has been around for a while
    At least it reached the 7,000-years milestone...
    @gap80 unless I missed something, which I could have, Minnesota does not have term limits on governors, they usually stand down after two full terms.
    Ooh, you're quite right; I've amended that to "retired"
    I'm guessing Mr. Chicken is going to have one hell of a post-Presidency.
    Oh yes indeed!
    Big fan, hoping for an Australian nod at one point. We are after all the home of Red Rooster, Chicken Treat, Oporto and Chooks Fresh and Tasty.
    Well since Red Rooster began franchising in 1979 (maybe earlier here due to inspiration from the success of KFC franchising?), Chicken Treat not being founded until 1976, Oporto not opening until 1986, and Chooks not existing until 1991, I'll cover the first two in the late '70s (1977 or so).
    Interesting to see a Mondale Presidency - and a kid in a White House, which is always nice. Fun to see the "New Ideas" bit since that was something he chided his opponent about having no meat to in the '84 primaries.

    Good to see Robert Kennedy and Lady Bird active in different roles.

    Looks like the Colonel is staying really active.

    So, Elvis doesn't seem to have his drug problem, or maybe this causes him to get off of them. It'll be interesting to see him as an older rocker.
    Yep, yep, yep, and yep.
    Did Elvis still marry Priscilla TTL? Or has he found someone else?
    No, he still ended up with her.
    Good to see another update!

    What's been decided regarding baseball expansion ITTL?
    You mean the 1969 expansion? Basically the same as IOTL, albeit with the Colonels being an increasingly prominent team, free agency being a bigger thing, etc....

    1) Another interesting update.

    2) Did Powell go all Thatcher during his time in office? Deindustrialization and privitization would be very risky given that Britain still had a decent industrial base at the time. No wonder he is unpopular. Did he keep the NHS though or ditch it?

    3) Dingle: Only just becoming Leader and already PM?

    4) Northern Ireland: During the 1960s, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association - these do not sound like British Unions.

    5) Black September: "CIA snipers removed four of the terrorists before the local military stormed the embassy, killing the remaining hostages in the basement, presumably moments before they could murder all the hostages. In the skirmish, two hostages were injured by friendly fire, but made full recoveries." - presumably they killed all the kidnappers in the basement?

    6) Good news regarding Afghanistan. Long term effects there.

    7) Interesting variant on the Middle Eastern oil wars there. Saudi will play hardball with the West. What did Iraq and Iran do?

    8) KFC in China? Well why not. Is there one in Hong Kong already?

    9) Elvis alive in 93 due to the Colonel? Awesome.

    10) Heh... Hillary still ends up a Clinton

    11) Is Mondale going to stop NYC turning into the Hellhole it was in the 80's?

    12) Amtrak Improvement Bill - High speed rail?

    13) Soviets on the Moon = fantastic, that should galvanise NASA. Perhaps the President fixes NASA's budget? 1-2% of GDP should give them enough for a Mars shot.

    1) Thanks!

    2) Yeah he tried to deregulate, decentralize, and privatise several industries, and it proved to be unpopular with unions and the masses. His attempts to replace the National Health Service with an inferior alternate failed in the face of public outrage.

    3) The party kind of was in disarray after Prime Minister Stonehouse, and Foot quickly rose to prominence amid the chaos.

    4) Whoops - I think I got my notes mixed up for this. Will go back and fix - thank you for bringing this to my attention!

    5) Yes.

    6) Yep!

    7) Iraq stayed out of it after the result of them getting involved in the 1967 Sukkot War. I'll cover Iran and Iraq in 1975, as they signed some interesting treaty IOTL then.

    8) Ooh, good question! Not yet, they'll see how well things go in Beijing, first.

    9) Thanks!

    10) Glad you liked that!

    11) He can't predict the future, but his current actions may just do that, perhaps...

    12) Maybe!

    13) Yep!

    Public schools have a very different meaning in the UK, they were almost stamped out when labour were at their zenith, perhaps ITTL they were?
    NUT and NAS/UWT were the two main teacher's unions, the former being a little more militant at the time.
    Labour still holding on as best they can in the face of Powell trying to stamp them out.
    It seems I somehow messed up that entry, so thank you for this info! Will fix!

    Thanks again for all the comments, everyone! And stayed tuned for the next update (it should be posted in no less than 14 days)!
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