A possibility: after the collapse of Illuminism, the graduates of the Fundamentalist-to-Illuminist pipeline might conclude that Europan Catholicism was the best balance of reason and faith all along. The uber-Prots might succeed in reversing the Reformation
This assumes Illuminisim falls in the first place
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Persia just chilling in the corner as the rest of the world either goes totally mad or gets involved in a nuclear religious schism.
Our boy Chuck may be a genocidal monster, but he's a good parent.
I'm still deadset on my headcanon that he has (and ignores) a daughter who ends up usurping her brother and, with the rise of Caesara (Caesarin?) Napoleona, turns the build-up to apocalyptic war into the largest catfight in human history 😂

Our boy Chuck may be a genocidal monster, but he's a good parent.
Maybe he'll actually let Immanuel live a quiet life and become a pastor out in Nowheresville, so that he doesn't end up like Marcus Steele-- running up against a more Fluidated guy and dying for it. Or like Chuck himself, running into a "better" man and having to kill him. At the bottom of his heart, beneath all his coping, Oswald does wish things could have been different for him.

Or maybe Chuck will accept that Manny doesn't have the Presidential grindset, but try to push him into being Rev-Col instead, so now the kid has to figure out how to actually inherit Graham's madness
Well, that was quite the Christmas update. Lovely chapter.

Probably among the best black comedy in the TL so far.

We have also taken the first steps in what some people call, 'BrExit,' the exit of the Britannic Union from the League of Nations, and the withdrawal of all of our boys fighting and dying for Yankee glory in South America.
For a second I thought you were trying to make some ham-fisted unsubtle attack on people that supported OTL Brexit or something like that, and that you were dragging in recent real life politics into your TL. I was unironically going to call you out for it.

But then I remembered the whole context behind it, and I realized that it is just so utterly alien to OTL's issues, and there's so many layers of irony, satire and black comedy going on here, that the only thing I could call you out for was giving it a name suspiciously similar to an otherwise unrelated real life political event people might still have strong opinions on.

This has the consistency of the Joker home movies from the Dark Knight
Someone should try to read the MAD Show transcript with Joker's soundtrack from the Dark Knight:

And this chapter was almost as lovely as the last.

mutual thirsts for Britannic troops to send to your Enduring Orgasm, or whatever you Yanks call that war (yes, I said the 'W'-word) in
Damn, Williams is going hard, isn't it?

What the fuck are they supposed to do when your beep-bop-boop goes beep-bop-bang and wipes out the Mainland?
Ah, yes, high literature from our President and Atheling.

Do you realize what he's done?!"

"Not really. I'm seven, Papa. Just don't say bad words to him. It isn't nice,"
Boy is seven and has more self-awareness than a lot of people.

At long last, my country has leverage. We have endured nearly a century and a half of disgrace and humiliation.
Reminds me of the chinese Century of Humiliation.

You know, Williams can sound really convincing when he wants to. Like, pardon the meme drag in, a calm and reasonable person. There's this weird thing going on when even if I probably should side with Chuck, Williams dialogue is so well-spoken, sophisticated and sharp in contrast to Oswald's rabid ranting that I was quickly siding with him as I was reading. Doesn't help he makes some acute points along the way.

Too bad Aethelred didn't do it that well in the MAD Show.

"Maddie... Maddie... well, he can't be turned off, you see. Even if I agreed, old chum--even if I agreed to let some Cokies and Norwegians come in here and watch me turn the thing off-- well, it... doesn't turn off. If anyone tries to shut the thing down, an immediate signal is sent to blow the whole thing up to Baby Jesus and all the angels.

"Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point"
I hope Aethelred recorded the call and has it broadcasting on loop in Britain, this makes him look way better than everything that's been said about MAD so far
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I am once again going to say that there is a WMIT discord server linked on page one of this thread, under useful links. Among other things, we now have an Oswald emoji pack, with transparent backgrounds, such as Arouswald above. Yes, I really named it that.

Also, Classic Logo Oswald:


Which I think is pretty neat.
Ah fuck, the future of England in this TL will make Fallout's America look like Heaven.

Also at this point, I am pretty sure there won't be an England anymore, just a giant Quarantine Zone
Welp, time for yet another massive refugee crisis !

Actually, my mind went places and then thought about South America. Does Petroliana quickly becomes a state not only because it was Immolated early on but because of the boost of English refugees who are told to settle there after the f-up ?


Gone Fishin'
There has to be a bottom limit for how stupid even dictatorships can behave, even if that limit is shown through a regional nuclear war or MADdie detonating