american civil war

  1. Would the US recognise the South even if they won?

    In discussions about a Confederate victory in the Civil War the question of recognition is dominated by whether or not the UK and/or France would recognise Southern independence, given how crucial that would be for the war. But I think there's an equally important question that is being left...
  2. flamelord

    All the President's Men
    Threadmarks: 1 - The Decision

    So this is a story I've had on my mind for a while now. I figured it was better to post something so it wasn't sitting around on my hard drive, cause at least this way it might inspire someone to write a better thing than me. Credit to Lincoln, by David Herbert Donald for giving me the idea in...
  3. How bad can the ACW get?

    as far as I know, there was a chance for California to secede during the war and Oregon apparently had an independence movement too- how much can the US unravel during the ACW?
  4. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The World the War Made

    RECONSTRUCTION: THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid By: Red_Galiray "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's...
  5. Confederate victory in ACW: Impact on ideology?

    So I know there are various ACW-related threads, but I would like to focus more impact that Confederate victory gives on the ideological aspects. For the question of how CSA won, let's assume "order 191 isn't lost" pod for the sake of scenario. For starters, these are my two cents. 1...
  6. TheDetailer

    Cassius M. Clay as Abe’s Vice President in 1860?

    What if the famous and tough as nails abolitionist Cassius M. Clay was somehow nominated as Abraham Lincoln’s running mate in the 1860 election instead of Hannibal Hamlin? What would happen?
  7. RangrimRumneheim

    The Fox and the Eagle - A Transatlantic Timeline

    18 May 1778 - Walnut Grove Manor, Philadelphia, Colony/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania There are a lot of things on William Howe's mind, most of them to do with the week facing him, his last week in America. Why what will they make of him back home? Why he may have conquered New York and seized...
  8. Democratic Party without Solid South by 40 acres and mule implemented

    What if Radical Republicans got what they wanted and gave 40 acres and mule to former slaves along with capital and equipment to farm. Andrew Johnson never becomes President. Radical Republicans successfully redistribute planter lands among former slaves. This prevents the Solid South from...
  9. What if Abraham Lincoln Survived and Escaped?

    Would Have John Booth Wilks failed kills Abraham Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln Escaped? Would Have Andrew Johnson and Woodrow Wilson Never came president after Lincoln Survived and Escaped? Would Have Abraham Lincoln passing bill Civil Rights Act 1866 black people voting after Lincoln Survived...
  10. Second American Civil War 1930s Discussion Original Title: Foreign Involvement in a Second American Civil War(1930s)

    I have found that my question didn’t have enough context to work with so until me and the boys(the community) figure this out, we are discussing different TLs and possible new TLs. Original text: After all my research I’ve done it seems a bit of a stretch that a war could break out. But let’s...
  11. Oba Cahokia

    How long would the Civil War last if Kentucky joined the Confederacy but New York also seceded under Mayor Fernando Wood?

    The Purple/Blue (Colorblind) is the Union, Red is the Confederacy and the Orange is New York. Apparently New York City or at least the Mayor also thought about leaving the Union to keep economic ties with the Confederacy and this got me thinking. How long would this Civil War last and what be...
  12. CountofDooku

    Emperor Norton of America
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: Two State Solution and Pacific Coast Dissatisfaction

    Chapter One: Two State Solution and Pacific Coast Dissatisfaction With communications and travel restricted between the Pacific West Coast and the Atlantic East Coast with the capital of Washington ideas of a separate West Coast Republic, a Pacific Republic dated back as far as Jefferson. When...
  13. AHC/Plausibility Check: Fire-Eater VP/Ascended President in the 1850's

    The politics in the United States during the 1850's were, to put it mildly, a gigantic trainwreck. They were divisive, polarized, and increasingly violent (as Bleeding Kansas would be able to tell you), and a famous part of it were threats of secession by the South, which, despite a long track...
  14. Oba Cahokia

    Hard Times Come Again No More: A Civil War and Reconstruction TL

  15. In a Northern Secession TL, how would this USA develop?

    First of all, let's say the US ends ups divided like something similar to this: (A map in the immediate aftermath of the Norther Secession Crisis resolution around the 1860's) Let's say war doesn't break out, but the Federal Republic and the United States go their separate ways. So, how would...
  16. Under the Stainless Banner - a Southern Victory TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: The War of Southern Secession, 1861-1862.

    With other projects on hiatus, I was inspired to write my own Southern victory TL detailing a Confederate victory in the American Civil War. I chose the same PoD as Turtledove, the infamous Order 191, but things diverge from there. To make certain I wouldn't inadvertently rip off Turtledove's...
  17. loneranger

    Second Verse Same As The First: Another Civil War Over African Americans

    I’ve been reading David Blight’s biography of Frederick Douglass recently. Many quotes from Douglass seem to attribute the backsliding of civil rights from early Reconciliation to the 1880s being due (in his opinion) to “white conciliation”. Basically a lack of northern will to enforce federal...
  18. WI: Fate of the 13th, 14th & 15th amendments in the wake of an independent Confederacy.

    For those who need a refresher, the so-called Reconstruction amendments are as follows... The 13th amendment forbids slavery except as per punishment for a crime. The 14th amendment  established naturalized citizenship, removed the 3/5th clause, established that being found guilty of...
  19. 'Blood-Stained South' - A Confederate Victory Timeline
    Threadmarks: First Draft of Timeline

    This is the first draft of the timeline and is out of date. An updated version can be found further down...
  20. Gibraltar Dream – What if Fort Fisher held firm?
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Introduction "The next day, it was general knowledge that the Kentuckian had notified Davis of his acceptance. On January 6 [1], 1865, the president sent Breckinridge's nomination to the Senate, and that body did unanimously advise and consent to the appointment, making the general, at...