british raj

  1. AltoRegnant

    WI: Multipolar India?

    India was a diverse, multipolar subcontinent full of empires that rose and fell. But after the 7 years war, that started coming to an end after Britain began to consolidate its rule, and now after decolonization it is fairly consolidated into 5 or 6 countries (idk if burma counts as part of the...
  2. WI: Indian revolution in a CP victory?

    The Germans win WW1 and are given back their colonies. India, having fought for the British empire, demand for Home Rule which London refuses. In response, Indian nationalists commit acts of sabotage and civil disobedience. This unrest snowballs into the Amritsar massacre when General Dyer opens...
  3. AltoRegnant

    DBAHC: Britain Owning Most Of India

    Before we begin, this is a Double Blind, where we ask an alt. history question from the perspective of someone in an alternate history- so if we ask 'WI the CP won WW1,' those people ask 'WI the Entente won WW1' OTL, India was carved up into several spheres of influence like Africa and the rest...
  4. Best plausible British Raj?

    Some time back, I thought the British Raj (aka British Indian Empire) was a good thing. After all, if India was united, brought into peace, and ruled by people with as much sympathy for their subjects as Kipling who enacted laws as enlightened as Napier's ban on suttee... Well, it turned out...
  5. WI The Caliphate Survives After WW1

    After WW1 and the Turkish war of independence, Mustafa Kemal abolished the Ottoman caliphate. The last caliph, Abdulmejid II, was sent into exile. However, there was a pan-Islamic movement among Muslims in British India at the time called the Khilafat Movement, which sought restore the...
  6. Avrorrange

    WI:Britain didn’t rule India as a single colony?Would India end up far more balkanized?

    Suppose that the British actually divided India up into several colonies,with a viceroy and a separate administration in each one,would India actually become far more divided than OTL?
  7. GauchoBadger

    WI: Afghan victory at Kandahar (1880)

    Another scenario focusing on Indo-Afghan relations... IOTL, the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878-80) was an armed conflict fought in Afghanistan that pitted the British, who intended to estabilish an embassy in Kabul, secure their border, and perhaps also appoint a puppet Emir, against the Barakzai...
  8. Gandhi dies in prison in 1944. What will be the effects?

    February 1944. Gandhi's wife Kasturba, dies as per OTL from failing health. Gandhi in prison at that time, goes on fast for 21 days in protest. OTL he caught malaria in May, here however i propose that he gets malaria in March and dies from poor health at the age of 74. BTW he dies in March...
  9. Sam Biswas

    What if the Russian Empire successfully conquered Afghanistan? Speaking of The Great Game, i recommend to watch this awesome documentary: , Assuming if the Russians were aware of...
  10. PC: No Pan-India movement for independence, all different ethnic independence movements in the Raj

    This is something I have thought about for some time. What would had happen that instead of an Indian Independence Movement or a Pakistani Independence Movement in the British Raj, they had been Sindhi, Baloch, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Rajput, Bengali etc. independence movements in the Indian...
  11. WI: No European colonization of India?

    The British colonization and occupation of India is taken as a given in many TLs. Many other timelines show India divided by European nations. But in truth, India had many powerful, rich nations with cultural roots stretching thousands of years. It was a snowballing series of events that...
  12. UK manages to annex Afghanistan, impact on Indian independence movement?

    Does the Pakistan movement still become a big thing, or would there be separate Afghanistan and Pakistan independence movements (implying that the Pakistan movement still becomes a thing)?
  13. Industrialized British Raj

    In the British Raj, Britian forced farmers grow and extract cotton and other natural resources to support their industries back in Britain. So let’s say that British companies decide to offshore their steel and textile mills to India and use Indian labour to manufacture products and export them...
  14. AHC/WI: No British Raj; Britain only has its settler colonies (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.)

    What if the British failed to take most of India, or alternatively lost India in the Sepoy Rebellion; furthermore the British expand minimally in Africa, only having South Africa, Sierra Leone, and loose influence over Egypt. They might sell their smaller ports in Africa to other powers...
  15. Whiteshore

    Foreign and Colonial Policy of a Fascist Britain

    In a scenario where Britain somehow goes Fascist in the 1930s (how Britain goes Fascist is irrelevant towards this discussion), what would it's foreign and colonial policy be? Would said British Fascist regime align itself with the Fascists of Europe (as part of an alignment against the...
  16. The Merovingian

    WI; British Raj continued under independent Emporer?

    Does anybody here think or have an opinion on wether or not India could have become a hereditary monarchy under one of queen-empress Victoria's son's or grandchildren? I wonder if there would have been widespread opposition on the subcontinent or at home? When would this have been most likely...
  17. Crying

    AHC: Great Power Burma?

    Okay, I'm not technically asking for Burma as a Great Power, though that would be kind of cool to see. What I want is actually something more along the lines of Burma managing to resist colonization by the British and industrializing - I imagine that this would rather naturally lead to Burma...