AHC: A White Nationalist neopagan country.

Probably only as a consequence of a more violent Soviet breakup, either as one of the Baltic states or a Russian/Ukrainian warlord regime.
Like @TuberAlloy said, the only way I can see a neopagan white nationalist country come into being is in the event of a post-apocalypse scenario. Perhaps a large number of white nationalists end up settling in Montana/Idaho, and then when the bombs drop they end up getting off relatively lightly, allowing them to secure a new state in the region.
Perhaps a disability utopia, the Baldar Council, could be created in the North west
White Nationalism isn't even that popular, but when you add neopaganism on top, the chances become really slim. Neopagans are but a very slim minority, and even were they not such a small group, they'd tend to think of terms of their own paganism, not a greater pre-Christian cult that has never really existed.
It actually is somewhat. Often the default assumption when thinking of a white male nerd is either aloof or fascist, and that's for a reason.
I feel like calling them a civilization is giving them way too much credit.
China is a civilization and they dealt greater amounts of death, just to their own populace.
The Maps & Graphics TL A Perfect Democracy: The World That Huey Made has Nazi Germany winning but collapsing into a civil war between the Wehrmacht and SS after Hitler's death. The Wehrmacht wins and restores the German monarchy, while the SS and its loyalists flee to Namibia, which Germany reacquired from the British after WW2. This Nazi exile state follows a Neopagan religion.
I've considered this before as detail to a timeline.

For such a state to exist with a recent POD you require the following:

A population that is already all white to avoid the horrors of ethnic cleansing.
A population that is small so that the dissenters are few.
A population with knowledge of and reverence to their pre-Christian history.
A population living mostly in isolation from the rest of the world.

I concluded that the Faroe Islands are the easiest, if not the only, place where this could happen.
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I feel like there is some possibility of this in Russia or Eastern Europe, since Rodnovery (Slavic Neopaganism that almost always has some esoteric nazi elements) is seemingly more popular there than most other forms of neopaganism in the rest of the "West", and I do believe that they have even formed many communities and villages dedicated to creating exclusively Rodnover settlements.
China is a civilization and they dealt greater amounts of death, just to their own populace.

The atrocities are not even the reason - it's more because on the level of ideas, there's nothing about it that wasn't running around in the rest of the western world in some form before it came into the scene. The worst aspects of Western civilization taken to their most extreme formulations do not make for a civilization in itself.

And moreover, it only lasted 12 years. I'm sure the Nazis themselves would have liked to think they were building a new civilization, but if your "civilization" doesn't last even one generation, then it's no civilization at all - just a political program with delusions of grandeur.
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I mean the real stumbling block is that neopagans are a very small group. Can't build an entire nation out of a tiny fringe, doubly so when it cuts across the entire grain of society.
A nation is a step too far.

But.... what about a log established autonomous area? Especially one with a small population and..... especially part of a country no longer firmly in the 'religious camp- so less "cutting across traditional grains"?

Maybe.... Greenland:

- Cultural or religious Pagan revert ideas, whether deep, shallow, or only during winter boredom, might already be relatively (key word) common. Meanwhile, secularization has reduced the weight of the Christian "not gonna happen" opposition. Secularization has also reduced the level of societal rejection.

- Into this back ground steps ...... Rolf "the reverter" Rognaldson. Rolf is "loud 'n proud" pagan, multigenerational Greenlandic, intelligent and charismatic.

Rolf starts to promote the idea of Greenland as a bastion of the "true Nordic religion and culture". Likeminded Danes, Norweigens and Swedes are invited to move to Greenland. Rolf's movement also takes anybody willing to give Norse paganism and simple living a try. This brings in a number of Americans, British, Germans and.... even some Slavic pagan Russians (Putin's Russia is really sinking and Rolf is multicultural- so long as the "other" is euro Paganistic).

Some pagan reverts rapidly revert back to their respective mainlands. But... enough stay to give longevity to the movement. Those that stay tend to be big family types and firmly committed. Rolf is also flexible and dials down any white supremacy into separatism. Good (well, as good as possible) relations are kept with the indigenous Inuit as fellow "Sons of the North"- but with different gods. Today, Norse paganism with varying degrees of depth, is the largest single religion on Greenland.....
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