AHC: Greece is Unified as Sparta

Yeah most greeks "like' the ancient macedonian kingdom more than the spartans, not only they did better in warfare but they did better in culture too spreading hellenism and creating cities everywhere in the known world...
Spartans were considered the ultimate warriors and are revered for their sacrifise in the persian wars but nothing more, they were pretty xenophobic, most of modern greeks who revere them above the others now are members of the Neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn, Our history school books definetely have a bias against sparta in comparison to Athens and the ancient macedonian kingdom though....

That Golden Dawn stuff is scary but im curious about the history book thing you mentioned.

Why are they so hostile to the Spartan period?
That Golden Dawn stuff is scary but im curious about the history book thing you mentioned.

Why are they so hostile to the Spartan period?

Well the reason is quite simple, the books try to glorify Athens as the beacon of civilization and the birthplace of democracy, Spartans were the mortal enemies of the Athenians, they were undemocratic,Isolationist and during the pelloponisian war the used persian help to defeat the Athenian navy,so they are the perfect target.....
A charismatic lawgiver comes out and reforms Spartan society to be socially mobile and capable of assimilating other cities. Then, like Rome, it will be capable of translating it's military success into a stable realm.
A charismatic lawgiver comes out and reforms Spartan society to be socially mobile and capable of assimilating other cities. Then, like Rome, it will be capable of translating it's military success into a stable realm.
sure but that needs a pov way before 1600.
Maybe it is possible to adopt spartan ideals, but i can not see a way for the name of the country to be or derived from sparta.

interesting enough, a state in my country is called New Sparta XD Why is it called so? I have no idea.

Edit: I found why is called like that: "Its name comes from the heroism shown by its inhabitants during the Venezuelan War of Independence, deemed similar to that of the Spartan soldiers of Ancient Greece."

With a POD occurring anytime after 1600, have the country that we now know as Greece, be unified de jure under the name Sparta, or some variation of it (Kingdom of Sparta / Empire of Sparta / etc)

The Spartan military tradition, or some contemporary form of it must also be realistically revived and imbeded in this ATL country as well.

The Area around Sparta is granted independence, and becomes the city-state of Sparta. Ottoman Turkey (or Greece) then grants land concessions to it, only for Sparta to capture all of Greece. People soon realize that a modern Sparta is NOT a good thing, since Sparta was Ancient Greece's equivalent of North Korea, and an Anglo-French coalition is sent to overthrow the Spartans and restore freedom to Greece.

BEFORE 1600:
Achaemenid Persia allies with Sparta, seeing it as the rival to Athens, and because Athens burned down the Persian city of Sardis (IOTL, burning down Sardis was the Achaemenid equivalent of 9/11, and the Athenian Government was Persia's equivalent to Bin Laden). Persia asks if Sparta wants to conquer all of Greece, on the one condition that Sparta becomes a military and economic ally of Persia- Sparta says yes. A joint coalition of Spartan and Persian troops, led by Datis, conquers Greece in the name of Sparta. Some time later, the Spartan hegemony over Greece collapses (because Sparta was to Greece what North Korea is to OTL's 21st century), and several city-states, including Thebes, Corinth, and Athens, vie for power. It is ultimately the Kingdom of Macedonia that rises to power, and Alexander's conquests of Greece, Sparta, and Persia put an end to the whole bloody affair.