AHC: Russia invades Georgia.

For some reason the United States descends into a civil war in the early 20th century (quite certainly requires a PoD in the 19th century) and a multinational coalition à la the Eight-Nation alliance steps in to salvage what is salvageable. Russia is tasked with policing a small area consisting of northern Florida and southern Georgia with the HQ at Savannah.

There, done.
Russia was firmly on the Union's side during the civil war...I wonder what it would take to get them to make a token military contribution. Might be ASB.

I do remember reading that a Confederate commerce raider nearly attacked some Russian ships of the Far East fleet, but even if that happened, it's probably not enough to cause even a few dozen Russian boots to march into Georgia alongside the Union soldiers.
With a post-1900 PoD....

1) Reverse every ill that has befallen Russia in the last century (destructive invasions in both world wars, civil war, the rise of communism, gross economic mismanagement, the break-up of the USSR). Given that despite all these set-backs the country managed to still have a massive population (ahead of the U.S until the fall of the USSR), massive economy and a massive army, a non-russia screw world will see it as the definitive superpower that cannot be challenged by any of its European peers.
(Step is required to give Russia long-range deployment capacity to conduct such an operation on the other side of the world)

2) Screw over America as much as possible (even worse racial tensions that are ignored in an alliance between northern business and southern farmers, a progressive era that is less successful at "defusing" tensions in populations that wanted more liberty, more economic mismanagement and an equivalent to the great depression that is massively increased in magnitude) - leading to an outright break-up of the country that at the very minimum sees the industrialized north be held by a different government than whoever holds georgia.
(Step required because even a weaker "great power" focused on its navy can usually successfully defend itself stronger superpower if it has the same geographic advantages that America has (see UK vs Germany, then consider how much wider the Atlantic & Pacific are than the Channel).)

3) Create a "base" for Russia in North America (preferably continental America near the eastern seaboard). This can be a genuine ally or a client state, but extra points if it is a former part of the USA that is at odds with whoever holds Georgia.
(Even without a powerful hostile navy, an overseas deployment of this size needs nearby bases from which to be launched, can't just put people on a ship in St Petersburg and land them in Georgia a month later).

Alternatively, if you want something in a world closer to OTL....

1) Russian sub gets lost, crashes into something, makes landing in Georgian cost

2) Russian soldiers have lost radio contact with home (equipment maulfunction) and for some paranoid reason believe there is war going on

3) They raid some nearby town for supplies and barricade themselves

4) Siege and/or manhunt follows until they are all dead or captured.

5) The US and Russia say angry things to each other but ultimately do little.
Spetsnaz/KGB unit raids Georgia (staging out of Cuba) to............. :confused: snatch a defector and return him to loving embrace of Mother Russia?
If the balloon went up in the Cold War (or even in todays world) Russia/USSR might have Spetznaz on US soil who happen to be in Georgia, and the Russian/Soviet Air Force might have the capability to mount cruise missile attacks, if this counts.


Gone Fishin'
Well, maybe the other thread where the Soviets invent coca-cola sees a soft-drink invasion, that even penetrates the south. Even though that's hard, because I think Georgia is the home of Pepsi too.

This is really, much, much easier with a pre-1900 POD.

For example, an Anglo-Russian alliance during the American Revolutionary war sees the Russians send or hire out troops to support the British in North America. Some of these join the British for the invasion of Savannah and Charleston.
If we want to get technical, there were some ethnically Russian troops in the Union Army. For instance, General Ivan Vasilyevich Turchaninov.
Would need an 18th century PoD, but maybe Spain holds onto Florida? It becomes an independent Hispanic nation following decolonization, and then a soviet proxy during the Cold War?