Alternate Supreme Courts

This is intended as a sort of companion thread to the ones for Presidents/PMs and Cabinets.

To kick this off, here's one from Sundown in America as of December 15, 1987:

  • Chief Justice William Brennan (appointed as an Associate Justice by Eisenhower in 1956 to replace Sherman Minton, and elevated by Unruh in 1981 to replace Abe Fortas)
  • Associate Justice Byron "Whizzer" White (appointed by Kennedy in 1962 to replace Charles Whittaker)
  • Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall (appointed by Johnson in 1967 to replace Tom Clark)
  • Associate Justice Homer Thornberry (appointed by Johnson in 1968 to replace Abe Fortas)
  • Associate Justice Arlen Specter (appointed by Knowles in 1971 to replace Hugo Black)
  • Associate Justice Caspar Weinberger (appointed by Knowles in 1971 to replace John Marshall Harlan II)
  • Associate Justice Cornelia Kennedy (appointed by Knowles in 1972 to replace William O. Douglas)
  • Associate Justice Ramsey Clark (appointed by Unruh in 1981 to replace William Brennan)
  • Associate Justice Jose Cabranes (appointed by Chiles in 1985 to replace Wade H. McCree)
Could this also be used as a general discussion for who else might have been nominated to the court had different men been president? (eg if a Democrat won 1968, if Ford won 1976, if 2000 went differently, etc)
From The Ruins of an American Party System by @Emperor Julian as of 1940:

Chief Justice Nathan L. Miller, appointed by Edwin Morrow in 1930
Justice Harlan F. Stone, appointed by Nathan Miller in 1925
Justice Owen Roberts, appointed by Edwin Morrow in 1930
Justice Robert F. Wagner, appointed by Floyd Olson in 1936
Justice Albert C. Cohn, appointed by Fierello La Guardia in 1937
Justice Harry S. Truman, appointed by Fierello La Guardia in 1938
Justice Stanley F. Reed, appointed by Fierello La Guardia in 1939
Justice William O. Douglass, appointed by Fierello La Guardia in 1939
Justice Robert H. Jackson, appointed by Fierello La Guardia in 1940