America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

Though perhaps the most eagerly-anticipated film would be the long-awaited Ghostbusters II. The original writers with Joel T. Schumacher as the director with the main 4 reuniting. Set around a decade after the events of the first film, the Ghostbusters have risen to national fame though they are unsure of what to do after having busted most ghosts and somewhat retiring. Ebon Spengler notably works as an university professor though mysterious phenomena has the alarm react for the first time and he heads out as he sees it's something different and intense. However, he is not alone; he ends up being followed by some college students who end up becoming the next generation of Ghostbusters: occult goth girl Kylie Griffin (played by Winona Ryder), engineering expert Roland Jackson (played by Jamie Foxx), smart alec hacker Eduardo River (played by Renoly Santiago of Hackers) and tough paraplegic Garret Miller (played by Corey Haim, recommended by Schumacher). The film sees the Ghostbusters reunite and handle a new and more modern world with the themes of passing the torch and going beyond the boundaries. The antagonist is none other than the Order of Gozer, a cult who believe that Gozer will save them and purify their world (a massive jab over at the Christian munafics and domestic terrorists) and the final fight sees both teams weaponize the Statue of Liberty to fight. The film was quite a success and would see the original team be given the Medal of Honor along with talks of creating a government agency while the students become trained as the new generation.
I love this so much!!!
Yup! I combined Ghostbusters II with Extreme Ghostbusters! I figure that they would've seriously considered having Lucy instead of Garret, but I reckon Corey Haim was due to recommendation by Schumacher (he did play a paraplegic character before and Schumacher worked with him) and also as incentive. Kinda the hope that offering Corey the chance to play a Ghostbuster would help him get his life together for the role, someting Corey Feldman I think wold encourage. It would in fact work :)

That said, I would reckon the character of Lucy would appear in the film and later in the TV spinoff joining perhaps.
So just a prediction, Specter and Powell will probably end having two terms. After 16 years with Democrats in charge, even if the Democrats did a good job in those 16 years, I don't see them losing reelection unless they massively screw the pooch.
So just a prediction, Specter and Powell will probably end having two terms. After 16 years with Democrats in charge, even if the Democrats did a good job in those 16 years, I don't see them losing reelection unless they massively screw the pooch.
If Specter serves two terms and is succeeded by Powell for a term of his own the GOP is brought down by Hurricane Katrina and the Great Recession leading to a Democratic landslide victory in '08.
If Specter serves two terms and is succeeded by Powell for a term of his own the GOP is brought down by Hurricane Katrina and the Great Recession leading to a Democratic landslide victory in '08.
Why do you think the Great Recession would still happen when alot of the economic factors that led up to it really aren't present in this timeline?
Culture Reflection: 1994 - 1996
Culture Reflection: 1994 - 1996

For the first half 1990s, there was a rather pleasant and placid time over for the United States, with the hopes that such troubles and anxieties that came from the Cold War would be over. But time does not stop forward and neither does people or culture. Third wave feminism received what many suspected would be its final spike in prominence when the discussion over the illegality of prostitution was challenged, namely over the failure of abolition to address actual problems and moral sentiments versus practical results. While a compromise of sorts would be found, it would serve to show that these ideological battles would still be fought. More concerningly though would be the rise of domestic terrorism over in the US. While such violent incidents still occurred, the Oklahoma City Bombing was a massive wakeup call over on the importance of dealing with these threats, leading to the growing need to crack down on these elements. And as more of these groups were exposed, the more culture was shaped. From their violent stances to their bigoted perspectives such as anti-Semitism, white nationalism and self-proclaimed Christian nationalists, they became a prominent example of what not to be as a person and as an American. Viewed as the last vestiges of a bygone era that they would rather forget, they would also serve as a necessary introspection for people with serious matters such as race relations and representations of the past, especially it would spiral into things like the unsettling revelation of the maintanance of statues of Confederate generals, bringing to questions why people who were traitors to America would have such monuments. Not much of a backlash as expected emerged from the removal of such statues, especially as those making a scene would be those often affiliated with the same sort of sphere as the various domestic terrorist groups.

General Trends
The focus would gradually begin shifting from the Brightbangers to the Freeborn Generation. While the Baby Boomers were considered born between 1946 - 1961 while the Brightbangers were considered born in between 1962-1976, then from 1977 to 1991 would be the Freeborn Generation. Primarily the children of the Baby Boomers, the Freeborn were named as such for being considered Free and reborn from the plights of the Cold War and of the various past troubles. They were born and grew up with Americare and various other welfare and social programs put in place. They were the first American generation that were born with exposure of SATMIN+ folk as being considered the norm and many of the teens and preteens would be finding themselves and begin to come out during the time, especially as they began maturing. Additionally, their first voting expeience would be over with the new American system, compounded with how many would be aware of how things used to be and see the changes happening before them. And following them would be the Millenial Generation, those born starting from 1992 and going onto likely the mid 2000s. Named for being born during the transition of the new millenium, they were being born in quite a fascinating time, especially with the growing prominence of computer and the Internet of the time.

With it being the last years of the Askew Administration, many people couldn't help but look back where it all began... with the election of President Mo Udall over back in 1980 and how much has changed 16 years later. Things like American healthcare, education, welfare, infrastructure and so much more changed and evolved at quite a rate that it would have a profound effect on culture looking back. Even now with the upcoming end of the Askew administration, culture was being changed by the decisions of the past two administrations. Massive infrastructure projects such as the electrification of the massive American rail network was nearly completion, with many of the smaller and more localized networks focused in regions such as New England coming online along with the growing activation of many new nuclear power plants. Indeed, this trend would be continuing with upgrading plants or releasing some Gen III plants, not to mention the further research to push their efficiency to their limit and with a large budget surplus freed up from the military, it would help out there. Cars in terms of usage and purchase would start declining, with the younger folk preferring the fuel efficient Japanese models or some even embracing smaller vehicles such as motor scooters and the like. Honda Cubs became more commonplace and so much so that Harley-Davidson focused on the development of such, namely with the Super Topper, a resurrection of the 1960s Harley-Davidson Topper and made to be something of a competitor for the Super Cub though very clearly a scooter and with more focus over on comfort. This along with their "All-American" branding was enough to help keep Harley-Davidson afloat for a while though they were still the underdog and were looking for other means of staying afloat. Many wondered the long-term effects of this as what happens if young people disinterested in owning a car become a larger and larger group and the effects that would have economically.

This was part of the larger environmentalism trend that was still ongoing. Public transportation was increasing in practicality, implementation and usage more and more over time And as noted above, would be trying to be synched together, such as the focus to grow renewable energy or at least carbon neutral energy to run electrified public transportaton services such as trains or trams. At the same time, this was still met with the new ecological-minded design of homes, neighborhood and urban planning, done to lessen the need for HVAC usage and to maximize usage of space and allowing more people to just walk to where is needed. One such was the increasing call for the implementation of "agrihoods", either by the locals living there or loca politicians noticing the trend and believing it should be implemented on highe levels. "Agrihoods", a term combining agriculture and neighborhood, referring to public gardens found within neighborhoos to grow produce to feed the homes of the area. Such "agrihoods" were being promoted in various urban areas to deal with "food deserts" and an increasing number of suburban neighborhoods were considering it more. Despite the idea's infancy, at least in implementation, it was catching on pretty quickly. With the massive slowdown of the American car industry, the cities were diversifying their economy or at least susbtituting cars for trains, trams and other related components.

Computers and related technology would evolve to have growing prominence in the lives of people. With the release of Windows 95, it would open the doors for people to really use a computer and all the affiliated programs in a manner that was easier to use to. In fact, despite some beliefs that the Internet would become wholly privatized, this would be averted, with the US government maintaining some subsidies in the system, but also the creation of a public ISP along with other ambitions such as the creation of a broadband network across the United States. This was something that was pushed by some of the tech supportive politicians and even various companies, who would see it as a way to incentivize more investment in their products. Meanwhile, more and more states were throwing tax incentives and money ove at the rising tech stars to set up their headquarters over in their parts rather than just Menlo Park. One example was Steve Jobs' major company after Apple, NeXT Software Inc, being set up over in North Carolina, specifically the "Research Triangle", a term given to a metropolitan area in the Piedmont region. They would be betting big over on the expansion of the Internet, especially with the release of the software WebObjects, which could be used to create websites, desktop applications and so on thanks to its myraid of features along with how well it was designed. While somewhat impeded by its price and its release mainly for NEXTSTEP, the company placed alot of its hope there, with plans of expanding it to other operating systems and further refining it. At the same time, they were also realizing that more may be needed for a variety of products. This would especially be the case as rumors of Apple Inc buying NeXT Software would fall flat, mainly with the successful acquisition of Be Inc over by Apple, and thus Apple computers now planning on using BeOS. Another was Akashica Inc, the fast growing online bookstore being centered in Austin, Texas and under Jeff Bezos, began looking for any and all opportunities. One major bit was on Bezos adding comic booksand graphic novels over to the website, seeing it as a good buisness opportunity. After all, they usually aren't sold over in bookstores and could be used to assure deals with buisnesses down the line. This would prove especially useful for smaller or more niche lines of comics that stores may be reluctant to sell or adveterise as much for one reason or another, which he viewed as potential long term growth.

The phenomeon of the rise of newer centers of media creation outside of Hollywood was picking up speed more and more, such as over in Atlanta thanks to Ted Turner and other cities were looking into such opportunities for their own hub of entertainment production. One notable aspect was the gradually increased "normalized" appearances of SATMIN+ folk. "Queersploitation" would enter a new sort of phase in its cycle, this time, being a combining elements of it along with "Blaxploitation". In a sense, having now "queersploitation" films focused over in a cast of people of color. While the combining of sexual and racial minorities definitely allowed for a greater appeal of niche, it would also serve as surprisingly somewhat challenging and provactive material. Minority groups were now having to confront these new levels of bigotry or bias within themselves, such as how African-Americans had regarding with samgen people or the drama of samgen lovers who were also of a different race. While the writing of most of these were fairly bland for the most part and often were low budget films, the widespread coverage gained here meant that there was now a wide following for these and some of them certainly viewed them as "easy money", with one joke in the industry being that there was a lot of "copying of homework" with the advice being "make enough differences to not make it obvious" on it. This also futher fueled the generation gap as while such films were viewed as milestones, the Brightbangers found it increasingly frustrating and limiting regarding the actual topics along with the continued adherence of what was "historically queer", though they were becoming of age to start making their own work.

Plenty of well-done films and big budget blockbusters were still coming out and becoming instant classics over for people to enjoy. From serious and solemn affairs such as Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction, Se7en and Apollo 13 to massive action films such as Mission: Impossible and Goldeneye and even comedies such as The Mask and The Cable Guy, there was certainly alot to choose from and for many people to enjoy. However, the big change here was how more and more, animation would be proving itself just as capable of delivering these sort of dramatic moments and not have it be just for children per say. While Disney would keep hitting it out of the park with classics such as The Lion King, Aida & Radames and Hunchback Of Notre Dame, they would begin being challenged. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm would prove that American animation could defiitely be dramatic, though it was only just a glimpse of what could be done. However, whether or not people would be willing to accept it was a different matter entirely. However, the need to grow, adapt and evolve was becoming more and more clear. Though this innovation meant people were willing to give more experimental films a chance, as seen with the success of James and the Giant Peach, which, while not as successful as Nightmare Before Christmas, would recover enough for at least more film to be made in Skellington Productions, though this was also thanks to Henson pulling some strings after Tim Burton jumped ship from Cabin Boy to Ed Wood and they had to find a new director. One film would change that. A Japanese animated film that Henson and Eisner saw during talks over with Studio Ghibli regarding potential films... and one that left them and the people they showed utterly speechless... Grave of the Fireflies. The subject matter, tone and themes of the film were unlike what they expected, and while they were given a bit of a warning, it still left them stunned. It was not what they expected over in an animated film and the fact that the creator of the semi-autobiographical short story would note how important it was. There was a division obviously on whether or not to theaterically release the film, but would utlimately agree to a limited showing of it while dubbed. It would become very well-known for those in the animaton business. It wasn't advertised much, though it got a shoutout from At the Movies with Siskel and Ebert, though they noted it was a serious film. For the adults and teenagers that underestimated it and went to see it, it was a profound experience and would serve as the final kick for animation to note that they can and perhaps should target serious matters. Meanwhile, the boost in notoriety would convince Takahata to move forward with a follow-up film, Border 1939.

One could say that television was following in film's footsteps, but perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it was the other way around. After all, with how television was structured serially and its own reputation, "queersploitation" arrived first and arguably longer over on the airwaves of television. If one advantage was had, it was that the somewhat low expectations of television of the time did allow for more of these "queersploitation" shows to stand out. While the usage of stereotpes did remain, they were being challenged and fleshed out, but at the same time, they were admirable characters with plenty of sympathy and positive qualities. Some of the more-developed ones would appear on more well-known shows, though going just from minor characters appearing for one or two "special episodes" to becoming supporting characters. Slow at times, but progress was progress. More and more popular and famed show were coming, both in animation and live action. Shows that captured the zeitgeists and more serious in its subject matter along with its storytelling while a new generation of animators began rising up to share their passion and creation over with the world. And not just for children, but also for teenagers and even young adults as well. TV it seemed was going past the view of it being just for the "uncultured" masses. New channels would be made after all, such as the History Channel, the Independent Film Channel and many more.

Ellen would be such show in rising, especially with the coming out of it hostess with the same name. Various dramas like ER and such were coming out, with talk shows and such. Babylon 5's release showed an interest over in science fiction, especially given how the very popular Star Trek the Next Generaton would end and next would come a new show over with Star Trek: Voyager. More fantastic shows such as Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess were released, providing some of the larger and more famed examples of SATMIN+ characters, even if done primarily through being heavily implied. Sitcoms remained around with shows like The Drew Carey Show and very famously, Friends. One of the biggest bits of news would be the end of major television wrestling as we know it. The massive revelation of scandals within the WWF led by Vince McMahon would be a massive avalanche of scandals and troubles, having been on the verge of exploding for years and it all came out in massive tsunami of sludge. The WCW remained standing, albeit having purged much of its own talent early on, though while weakened, not dead until the drowning corpse of the WWF and Vince done for.

New shows being aimed also for the younger folk were gaining larger traction. From the sitcom over in Sister, Sister to the sketch comedy show that would define the decade over with All That, the teen drama in My So-Called Life, and many more. Animation for young adults and teenagers were beginning to grow and thrive here, what with the rise of shows like Duckman. Going from satire more over to drama, one action-filled show would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Having been tried to go for a television for a long while now, bad luck in the late 1980s prevented anything, but things were different as the turtles would be introduced to the mainstream audience by the same team who created SWAT Cats, which had ended in 1995 after 50 episodes. Level-headed leader with sword Leonardo, rough and tumbling Raphael with sais, genius inventor Donatello with staves and cunning trickster with nunchucks Michelangelo, they were raised and trained as ninja by their father, a mutant rat known as Hamato Yoshi now going by Splinter and befriending Afro-Irish American investigative reporter April O'Neil. The setting is a New York City they protect from malignant forces such as the mysterious crime lord in the Shredder or the Triceratons, triceratop dinosaurs that were mutated into sentinence and into the stars.

Additionally, superheroes would see further inclusion in television. The same team that created Batman: The Animated Series would create Superman: The Animated Series while Nickelodeon would release Spider-Man: The Animated Series following up on the popularity of X-Men: The Animated Series back over in 1992. Disney was going its own path with the rising plans with The Gargoyles and plans to seemingly expand the franchise. On the more kid-aimed aspect, would be released of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Based on the Japanese Super Sentai series, it would prove to be popular, with this first iteration being based on "Gosei Sentai Dairanger", the show focused on five teenagers with attitude becoming guardians of their city through the power of their qi. The show would become quite successful of the five rangers of Jason the Red Ranger, Zack the Green Ranger, Billy the Blue Ranger, Kimberly the Yellow Ranger and Trini the Pink Ranger, later joined by a sixth ranger in Tommy the White Ranger, fighting against the Kingdom of Monsters (the Gorma Tribe). The show would start a franchise from its success in 1994 and the idea of new teams coming to pass on the mantle was brought in. While the show had some issues in the background, if mainly with unionizing, the show would still be quite successful and to where a feature film would be made to serve as the transition to the new team in the upcoming Power Rangers Zeo. Beyond costumed crusaders, cartoons would begin exploding in development, as Cartoon Network's release of What A Cartoon would lay the groundwork for many upcoming shows such as Dexter's Laboratory, the misadventures of a child genius with his more reckless and average big sister. Japanese animation meanwhile would also starting coming to television with the creation of the bloc known as Toonami. Focusing on dubbed anime, it would become a massive revelation for young folk and many memorable shows laid down for them, such as Sailor Moon and Dragonball, with more planned as the idea was evolving.

Grunge rock and alternative rock would start to stagnate here in direction, especially with the attempted if failed suicide of Kurt Cobain of Nirvana. However, at the same time new genres would be rising to try and fill the void. Nu-metal would the birth of its prominence in this time period such as with Korn. With intense emotions, nu-metal would begin clashing against some of the other styles born of the time that was being created her, such as nu-riot grrl. Culture would affect mustic as the song took on the forms of beating back against the ideology over of the domestic terrorists. However, the one genre that began thriving here would be hip-hop. Two major events would help the growth of the genre over more and more into the mainstream. One was how its anti-authoritarian leanings meant that it was soulful and powerful when it came to speaking against the hateful ideology, especially given the historical context and the passion behind it. Second was how the East Coast-West Coast conflict would be ended, in part thanks to coming together to deal with this along with the performance from both sides did togther over in raising money over from the rememberance of the Tulsa Massacre. It began leading to a new wave of music stars who began looking into new opportunities with their newfound wealth and given the decentralization of media, found that as a good outlet, with some of the older investors or those in the game figuring out how they could work together. Though with the rivalry over, new venues could be explored, especially in the Deep South and its cornucopia of African-American heritage.

At the same time, besides such matters, there was a strange sense of ease going on. Namely, a continuation of trying to find some good music and music for those to put at ease. After all, there was still plenty to be happy about with progress and music should reflect that. Additionally, more and more musicians were coming out while others wee addressing societal issues with the demand for confrontation and acceptance. Musicians also began taking better care for themselves as Cobain was noted to be headed over to therapy while Micheal Jackson noting his struggles with his skin conditions and the experimental treatments needed for it showed just how human they were. Beyond that, new genres kept coming with dance and the use of electric instruments to remix and recreate.

Comic books would keep evolving and changing. While there was some concern over market saturation, the cultural changes provided plenty of opportunity for new thing to come. One of the bigger influences would be none other than Akaschia Inc. The online bookstore's expansion into comic books would have a surprising impact. It could cater to a growing audience and not be shackled down by the decisions of comic book store owners or traditional book stoes. However, beyond comic books though, this would include graphic novels. While looking into how to sell and market comic books online, Bezos would also note various graphic novels and noted the large untapped potential that they had. As he viewed it, many of these works could bring in amount healthy profits if advertised properly, such as the biographical Holocaust experience known as Maus to the fascinating and whimsical Bone: Out of Boneville among various others such as works of Neil Gaiman. Bezos viewed it as a proper long-term investment; many of these works would be more than capable of grabbing an audience and thus looking for more works. Additionally, with their increased attention and prosperity, more authors and illustrators would be willing to create more of them and would go to Akashica as the first place to sell their commerce, and cue the cycle continuing. From this, graphic novels would go from a semi-obscure concept to being thrust into the mainstream as young people would be drawn to them more than traditional novels and for many new upcoming writers, a new outlet for creativity.

Meanwhile, video games would begin to explode also in popularity and capability. The console wars have begun ramping up over with the release of the Playstation from Sony and its focus more on older players and the audience, with the PS itself born from a deal with Nintendo that never got off the ground for numerous reasons. Despite this, amicabiltiy remains there and Nintendo would return fire over with the Nintendo Ultra 64 and showing their leap into 3D. SEGA meanwhile would dodge a bullet as an executive decision to push the Sega Saturn forward was delayed. This would allow them to maintain production over of the Genesis and give further development over to the Sega Saturn, especially to work on ways to reduce the prices or so. Management would be getting some reprimands due to the disagreements on decisions though the delays would help out the Sega Saturn in the long run on its release around late 1995 in Japan. However, perhaps in response over to the dominance of Japan over in the video game industry, Microsoft would finish its acquistion of Atari, making folks wonder if they will get into the console market. Of course, handhelds remain dominated by the GamePal of Nintendo. 16-bit gaming was in its twilight era, but it was going out with a bang rather than a whimper and with the consoles coming in with 3D graphics and CD-ROM gaming becoming the norm, it was clear that a massive big step was coming over in development and capabilities.
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This was a biggie and there's probably some stuff missed here, but yeah. TMNT getting a later start, but made by the guys who made Swat KATS!

And Toonami being launched~ Also SEGA not screwing up the Saturn launch. Still the Saturn struggling against the Ultra 64 and PS
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So just a prediction, Specter and Powell will probably end having two terms. After 16 years with Democrats in charge, even if the Democrats did a good job in those 16 years, I don't see them losing reelection unless they massively screw the pooch.
Well, we’ll see what happens. I appreciate the interest :)
As a random internet user, I can attest that the author of this timeline can speak English, is not a citizen of What, and is a smart motherfucker.
Yeah, probably subtle changes to reflect the changes of the culture of this different 1990s, but I imagine it’d be mostly the same.
Yeah, probably subtle changes to reflect the changes of the culture of this different 1990s, but I imagine it’d be mostly the same.


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Presidental Reflection: The Askew Administration (1989 - 1997) [Pt. 1]
Presidental Reflection: The Askew Administration (1989 - 1997) [Pt. 1]


President Reubin Askew with Joseph Hatchett, Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit

President: Reuben Askew (1989 - 1997)
Vice President: Shirley Chisholm (1989 - 1997)
Secretary of State: Jimmy Carter (1989 - 1997)
Secretary of Defense: William Perry (1989 - 1997)
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development: Felix Rohatyn (1989 - 1997)
Attorney General: Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1989 - 1997)
Secretary of the Interior: David Sive (1989 - 1997)
Secretary of Transportation: Frederick P. Salvucci (1989 - 1997)
Secretary of Energy: Dixy Lee Ray (1989 - 1997)
Secretary of the Treasury: W. Michael Blumenthal (1989 -1993), Robert Reich (1993-1997)
Secretary of Agriculture: Norman Ernest Borlaug (1989 - 1997)
Secretary of Labor: Lane Kirkland (1989-1997)
Secretary of Commerce: Anne Wexler (1989-1997)
Secretary of Health & Human Services: George McGovern (1989-1997)
Secretary of Education: Donna Shalala (1989-1997)
UN Ambassador: Richard Holbrooke (1989 - 1997)
National Security Advisor: David Aaron (1989-1997)

In many ways, the 1980s was defined by administration of President Mo Udall. His economic policies to reverse the recession along with his welfare reform which would see massive expansion in healthcare, education, infrastructure and much more would lay the groundwork for how a new modern America would look like. As such, many wondered how President Reubin Askew would handle matters. While he is held in high regard like Udall, he did not have the same reformatory zeal as his predecessor, barring in aspects of civil rights and so on. In many ways, some consider him more moderate in his approach, being content to continue and finish the work of Udall in what was left behind. On the other hand, Askew's own reputation for intergrity along with his beliefs in financial transparency for public officials would become lead him down a different path on leaving a legacy.

Influenced by the 1988 election with John B Anderson running as an independent, he would make his focus over on political reform. In a sense, targetting corruption, its sources and its enablers over in the federal and state governments. In the everyday aspects of the administration, smaller and more modest reforms were being added, usually to fix up prior problems or to continue upholding what his predecessor had left behind in the construction of various large-scale projects. In the background though, he began working with plenty of people across the political spectrum over for these political reforms. What would start out as the return of discussions over replacing the Electoral College would grow into several more ideas to be implemented such as term limtis for Congress members and Supreme Court Justices, recall elections for senators and much more for amendments, alongside the general plans for financial transparency and accountability. And he too would change America in a profound if different way than his predecessor.

Askew would leave behind with quite a high approval rating, especially with dealing with tackling the rise of domestic terrorism, the implementation of the 29th and 30th Amendments and the continuation of newer civil rights' movements along with the maintaining of a similar sort of humanitarian approach to global politics as Udall.

The economy would keep humming along, continuing the prosperity of the 1980s over into the 1990s. President Askew would not have to do much in terms of new rules or regulations with the economy. Poverty had been going down by a fair bit and he worked hard to maintain the strong social welfare programs installed in. However, he would also focus more on leaving it up to the states to try and grow their own regional economies, being a bit more lax than Udall. That said, he did do his own things. He would turn post offices into a form of federal banking system, though federal credit union would be more accurate in terminology. ATM machines would be found in post offices along with other places with some of the newer buildings being set up for the purpose of this federal credit union. Askew did this in response to the growing power of private banks, encouraged by Vice President Chisholm and other more progressive politicians, especially as it would aid in financial transparency.

Alot of the aspects put in by the Udall administration such as land reform taxes, dividend and capital gain taxes and other financial reforms would be refined to deal with the new technology. With such a growing confidence over in the economy, it was not surprising that it would be humming along and cycling thanks to consumer confidence. The rise of the computer industry and the internet would also lead in federal investment continuing and potential plans for expansion in the future, something that alot of companies would be hoping for. While the details remain in development, it would likely help in keeping the US economy ahead of many others. In the meanwhile, modest reforms still helped, such as increasing the minimum wage and even matching the minimum wage of tipped jobs to be equal to the norm. Though this raised further questions on minimum wage down the line, including if it would need to keep being raised by new legislature or if something more long-term could be figured out. However, right now, the late 1980s and 1990s so far were a pretty relaxing and prosperous time for the most part. While industry and manufacturing were trying to shift in the status quo changes such as growing support of public transportation sectors, implementing ecoresponsible standards on manufacturing and farming and so on, there were still good jobs to be had and go all over the place.

Much like his predecessor, Askew needed to take the enviromental concerns pretty seriously. After all, with the concerns of increased isks of heatwaves, droughts, storms and so on, it was the responsible thing to do. For him though, it was the simpler matter of maintaining the long-term projects of his predecessor, such as constructing nuclear power plants, finishing electrifying the lines and promoting modern urban infrastructue and planning to minimize the need for car usage along with other passive standards. At the same time, he would begin trying to do financial incentives over for trying to find renewable and or biodegradable alternatives for alot of the stuff. Other simpler matters including helping to create a federal recycling program and look into additional programs for resource acquisition, such as harvesting metals from old electronics to be salvaged and reused. It was alot of the little things and additional fine-tuning that needed to be done for better results. Additionally, programs to prompt states and cities to help out in their own way would be helping alot. From planting trees over in cities to combat heat to the creation of "agrihoods" in urban neighborhoods to combat "food deserts", alot of small-scale and local ideas would be passed down, implemented and spread around, especially with the community benefits that were coming with it.

Near the end of his administration, some of the long-term projects were completing and kicking in more and more, beginning greater societal shifts that would become more solid over by the end of the millenium. But some of the effects were already being seen. Fuel-efficiency and the ecofriendly capabilities of home were becoming very desirable and more and more simple design tricks and clever engineering would be of great help. The legalization of hemp back into manufacturing would see "hempcrete" start becoming more and more prominent for its capabilities and would begin kickstarting a whole new line of thought in handling the environment: that of bioengineering and the considered usage of biotech. While very clearly in its infancy, it would let other scientists begin contributing more and more research into what can be done, with the big contenders being those promoting the properties of algae and others of fungi, which began gathering more and more attention with the theoreticals that could be done with them and thus, more investment by think tanks and companies in the hopes of meeting the standards placed upon them. This included also the areas of renewables as wind power and solar power were picking up speed though the answer of storage remained a question. Other sources, notably geothermal, would be seeing greater installation and hope for it.