An Ordinary Day in Dallas : 22nd November 1963

In a thread on the JFK assassination in Dallas, a contributor mentioned the attempt of General Walker by Oswald in March 1963.

Beyond that, Oswald does have a history of political violence in the US, in his attempted killing of General Walker by sniper gunshot just a few months earlier. In that case, Oswald was a good shot too, Walker's life only saved by the chance construction of the window. Kennedy was not so lucky.

What if Oswald was arrested by the police in this case?
There'd probably be someone else out for Kennedy's blood. Man had a lot of enemies, and if he wasn't in Dallas, someone else might've got the lucky shot. But if Oswald's arrest were to somehow scare off anybody going for an attempt, JFK probably would've been undisturbed during his term until like, maybe '65 or '67. Then shit gets heated, and all of a sudden he's back at risk. Don't know where to go from here. It's the 60s, man, anything can happen at any time.