Could a TV show with realistic astronaut stuff be successful in the 90s?

hard sci fi ideas that could be used for tv drama.

1. kinetic energy weapons.

2. stealth nukes in orbit.

3. solar power satellites .

4. a bean stalk.

5. an orion.

6. terra-forming mars.

7. an oneil colony.

8. military conflict in space.

9. SDI

10 all the above.

my opinion, yeah, a good writing team can make that interesting.

Like The Expanse but with 90s CGI?

It could definately be possible. Game of Thrones wasn't successful because of its genre, it was successful because of the characters and story. Get a good enough writer and people will watch anything if they're invested, no matter the setting. I think something in the vein of the Martian is probably a good guess as far as aesthetic goes, but I don't know what the story could be.
Nominally 'Hard SciFi' the Expanse has the Epstein Drive that is pure Handwavium, far worse than the Protomolecule, if realism is desired
Might as well use Flash Gordon style 'Atomic Furnaces'. to buzz between locations at the Speed of Plot
The Epstein Drive is "only" a fusion rocket that's been pushed to its literal theoretical limits in terms of thrust and ISP without somehow becoming extremely massive or requiring more power than the Sun. By sci-fi standards, that's outright realistic. The protomolecule, meanwhile, is just straight up magic. They're really not comparable.


The protomolecule, meanwhile, is just straight up magic.
Clarke's 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' could apply

While on the Expanse
Miller: Okay. Couple of hundred billion brain cells in your skull. You got more synapses than stars in the universe.

You are a fancy hand terminal.

Holden: Thanks

Miller: With a lot of buttons. Now, I push a few trillion of them buttons in exactly the right way and, ta-da.

You’re talking to Miller. The sound of his voice, the clothes he wore.

Holden: Plus the hat.

Miller: Yeah, I like the hat.

Plus, uh, I’m pushing the buttons.

Holden: So it´s a magic trick.

Miller: So is your whole damn reality, kid. Just different buttons being pushed.

Holden: Maybe I’m the illusion inside your head.

Miller: Whoa- whoa. Whoa. I’m trying to keep things simple here for you, okay?

Pointing to himself: “Calculus.”

Pointing to Holden: “Amoeba.”

Still pointing : “Monkey."

and back: "Mozart.”
I really love the Expanse.
but is not realistic
It has realistic elements, such as the way space combat is handled. But yes, the protomolecule and the Epstein drive are magic.


New Netflix _Away_, first manned Mars Mission.
I don't think this will be as popular as _Witcher_, but seems realistic, it plays up the distance between planets