Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?


Gone Fishin'
Yeah but Obama taught Constitutional Law foralmost a decade. This isn't the 50's where you can just give the seat to a prominent politician; Obama at least has a background that fits the court even if he hasn't been a judge.
Thats true. But usually SC justices are given to federal judges or (in the past) experienced politicians near (or at) retirement. I just don't believe that the Dems would nominate a rising political star to the Court, especially one who is likely to seek the presidency one day.
New York 2012
New York wins the 2012 Olympic Bid July 7th 2005
How about Michael Jackson ?
Iwanh can save him at 2009
I honestly don't think there really is any way of saving MJ in 2009. He was already in poor health before he died and even at the time I thought "How can this guy do this tour. He looks so unwell" And alot of the reason he was doing the tour was because he was so badly in debt. I think even if he lives past 2009, health problems become worse and by 2012 I don't think he has it in him to do a performance like the Olympics would demand.
Considering the POD is in 98 I think there's a little over a decade for the butterflies to affect Michael, so I dont think its impossible to save him, but Im not sure Iwanh will consider that a plausible outcome
The Great Recession being a smaller recession compared to OTL is what a lot of us are saying and predicting.
If President Edwards handles the initial meltdown well enough then he would be re-elected so he would spend the the first part of his second term fixing the economy with a much more aggressive stimulus and progressive social reforms allowing the economy to actually recover for the masses instead of just the rich and bring the Unemployment rate down to around between 3.0 to 4.0% by 2010 just in time for the 2012 Olympics.
If President Edwards handles the initial meltdown well enough then he would be re-elected so he would spend the the first part of his second term fixing the economy with a much more aggressive stimulus and progressive social reforms allowing the economy to actually recover for the masses instead of just the rich and bring the Unemployment rate down to around between 3.0 to 4.0% by 2010 just in time for the 2012 Olympics.
I imagine he'll do better than Dubya but don't expect another New Deal, especially with a milder recession than OTL. Keep in mind, Edwards won't have the massive congressional majorities of Obama. My best guess is that things will go something like this.

1. Edwards' economic policies are able to delay the crash and make it better than OTL, but won't prevent it entirely. He manages to get tougher regulation of the housing market, which means the bubble deflates rather than completely collapsing.
2. By 2007/08 economic growth begins to slow, but the economy doesn't start shrinking until 2009 or so. Despite the slowing economy Edwards manages to win reelection by a narrow margin, though not as narrow as TTL 2004.
3. As the economy enters recession in 2009, Edwards' approval ratings quickly falls as he struggles to get a stimulus through a closely divided Congress. While the recession isn't as bad as OTL, it's still pretty bad, while the housing bubble deflating instead of popping lessens the financial pain lots of people still lose their savings.
4. The 2010 midterms result in Republicans taking control of both houses of Congress. I talked more about how no Obama and a milder Great Recession could lead to a different American political scene here.
5. While the economy begins to recover, Edwards remains unpopular, struggling with the new Republican Congress (though there's probably less obstruction than OTL) and after eight years voters are ready for a change, leading to the Republicans retaking the White House in 2012.

Again, this is just my speculation, I don't want Iwanh to feel like I'm writing his timeline for him.
I imagine he'll do better than Dubya but don't expect another New Deal, especially with a milder recession than OTL. Keep in mind, Edwards won't have the massive congressional majorities of Obama. My best guess is that things will go something like this.

1. Edwards' economic policies are able to delay the crash and make it better than OTL, but won't prevent it entirely. He manages to get tougher regulation of the housing market, which means the bubble deflates rather than completely collapsing.
2. By 2007/08 economic growth begins to slow, but the economy doesn't start shrinking until 2009 or so. Despite the slowing economy Edwards manages to win reelection by a narrow margin, though not as narrow as TTL 2004.
3. As the economy enters recession in 2009, Edwards' approval ratings quickly falls as he struggles to get a stimulus through a closely divided Congress. While the recession isn't as bad as OTL, it's still pretty bad, while the housing bubble deflating instead of popping lessens the financial pain lots of people still lose their savings.
4. The 2010 midterms result in Republicans taking control of both houses of Congress. I talked more about how no Obama and a milder Great Recession could lead to a different American political scene here.
5. While the economy begins to recover, Edwards remains unpopular, struggling with the new Republican Congress (though there's probably less obstruction than OTL) and after eight years voters are ready for a change, leading to the Republicans retaking the White House in 2012.

Again, this is just my speculation, I don't want Iwanh to feel like I'm writing his timeline for him.
If the Republicans took control of both houses in 2010 and later the presidency 2 years later what would their policy be like since the Tea Party never took power? One thing I do know is that by 2013 signs of the recession is pretty much likely gone by then since ITTL the bubble deflated and stabilized.

For foreign policy it’s probably a continued campaign against Al-Queda under Atef but if he dies in lets say drone strike and significantly weakens Al-Queda that it might not be able function at all. If thats the case then the US would be shifting attention to near peer adversaries by the mid 2010s.