Is CP USA Possible Under Teddy Roosevelt?

Is a CP USA possible under Teddy Roosevelt? I'm trying to come up with a timeline. I know he was an Anglophile as most of the elite and politicians of the time were, however Germany was America's second largest trading partner, and there was a lot of Germans living in the U.S. and Roosevelt met the Kaiser in 1910. So let's say the POD is Roosevelt wins in 1912, an American ship trying to run the British blockade is sunk, Americans find out the truth about the Lusitania, Italy joins the CP to rally the Italian-American population, the tensions from the start of this ATL war leads to a more neutral U.S. which leads to the British sending a telegram to Mexico instead of Germany. What do you think?
Is a CP USA possible under Teddy Roosevelt? I'm trying to come up with a timeline. I know he was an Anglophile as most of the elite and politicians of the time were, however Germany was America's second largest trading partner, and there was a lot of Germans living in the U.S. and Roosevelt met the Kaiser in 1910. So let's say the POD is Roosevelt wins in 1912, an American ship trying to run the British blockade is sunk, Americans find out the truth about the Lusitania, Italy joins the CP to rally the Italian-American population, the tensions from the start of this ATL war leads to a more neutral U.S. which leads to the British sending a telegram to Mexico instead of Germany. What do you think?
In a previous thread of yours it was explained that no American ship would have tried to run the blockade and that if they did they likely would not have been sunk. A British Zimmerman Telegram? That's just laughable on so many levels. This whole situation is once again ASB.
If you want a CP USA you need an earlier PoD. Roosevelt being president would not so dramatically switch American politics that they change allies.
ASB. TR was a total member of the Anglophile Eastern Establishment. Perhaps the only potential president in that time line who would have reacted pro-CP in response to British blockade provocations was WJB. Of course he might have called for a reprisal from the Swiss Navy.
Are you asking if the Communists could take over the US under Teddy?
No, OP's asking if the US could have joined the Central Powers under TR, a question that they've asked multiple times now in various threads seemingly expecting a different answer every time.
No, OP's asking if the US could have joined the Central Powers under TR, a question that they've asked multiple times now in various threads seemingly expecting a different answer every time.
But, that doesn't make any se-

...that was explained too, right?


Monthly Donor
Short answer: No

Slightly longer answer. Oh, HELL no!

If anything Teddy would have had the U.S. as a full on member of the Entente by the middle of 1916.

BTW: The answer to this question isn't going to change. So stop asking.
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ASB. TR was a total member of the Anglophile Eastern Establishment. Perhaps the only potential president in that time line who would have reacted pro-CP in response to British blockade provocations was WJB. Of course he might have called for a reprisal from the Swiss Navy.

edit: nvm, I figured it out
ASB. TR was a total member of the Anglophile Eastern Establishment. Perhaps the only potential president in that time line who would have reacted pro-CP in response to British blockade provocations was WJB. Of course he might have called for a reprisal from the Swiss Navy.
Me, you, and @Višeslav need to come up with a Swiss Navy song... it could be included as an insert inside the little decorative box that the Swiss Navy Knife comes in :p
Short answer: No

Slightly longer answer. Oh, HELL no!

If anything Teddy would have had the U.S. as a full on member of the Entente by the middle of 1916.

BTW: The answer to this question isn't going to change. So stop asking.
You didn't look at the other PODs did you?
Is a CP USA possible under Teddy Roosevelt? <snip> So let's say the POD is Roosevelt wins in 1912,

Well, anything is possible in Alternate History, but I think you would need a POD waaay before 1912. Say, the British intervene in the ACW on the Confederate side and its a longer (yet ultimately successful) slog for the Union to win? There's got to be a LOT of bad blood before the US even considers joining the CP.
Theoretically possible if the Mexican Revolution causes Teddy to launch an invasion of Mexico and the UK doesn’t approve, souring relations prior to WW1