I thought this would never happen, but one of my teachers actually brought up alternate history into the lesson, which is why I am starting this thread. I want to know your opinion on several PODs (how to make them happen, how likely it is for them to happen, what are the consequences) to make an interesting essay.

PODs :


  • Rhodesia joins South Africa in their referendum
  • Botswana is also part of South Africa
  • Let's presume Leo Amery joke proposal of giving the British West Indies + Falkland is taken, passes. What happens then?
  • How we avoid the partition of India? What happens if there is no Pakistan?
  • Let's presume that Imphal and Kohima are a Japanese victory. What next?
  • Charles de Gaulle dies before or during 1940 invasion of France
  • As consequence, France is seen more as a collaborator, looses the colonies after WW2. What could the borders look like with the now free territories? What does happen to French Africa, Caribbean and Indochina?
  • Let's assume also FDR, Churchill plus Anthony Edenn, Stalin, Voroshilov and Molotov are assassinated in Tehran like @Thanosaekk TL. Who are their successors?
  • D-Day fails
  • Hitler is assassinated in Operation Valkyrie
  • Could we have a North (Communist) South (Democratic/other)
  • Who would lead the USSR? Malenkov, Beria or others?
  • Ethiopia gains Italian Somalia along with Eritrea or both are indipendent. What changes radically afterwards?
  • Does Egypt keep Sudan? Does OTL South Sudan gets divided between Uganda and Belgian Congo(Equatoria) ?
  • Could the East African Federation be formed?
  • Could Katanga secede TTL? Would they succeed?
  • Same question but for Biafra
  • Would Portugal retain the colonies if Salazar died before the damage was done?
  • Same as above but for Spain with Franco.
  • What happens to the USSR depending on Stalin successor?
  • The Conspiracy of the Pure IN Cuba actually manages to depose Batista. What happens to the island, Castro and Che Guevara?
  • East African Federation actually forms. What then?

Thanks everyone in advance for partecipating!
Also Beria’s line on a retreat from Stalinism was precipitously a retreat from a line of control over the French and Italian communist movements and therefore over a twenty year investment in nomenklatura controlled “internationalism.” At home it presaged workers uprisings due to capitalist liberalization over workers control socialisation. In the 1953 debate on the Polish and Hungarian economic “tests” nobody advocated for Beria style changes in say Romania.