Sea Lion Press: Phase Seven

It's that time again - 9 new books are available!


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These books introduce new authors to the Sea Lion Press stable, including favourites David Flin, Ed Costello, Utgard96 and spkaca. I'm really excited to publish not only great narrative thrillers like Six East End Boys and The Only Winning Move, but also our first essay collections in the shape of Tim Venning's two contributions.

We want to ramp up our activities in 2018, starting with a new raft of paperback books coming very soon indeed. If you'd like to support us in other ways, check out our Patreon.
@Meadow As a recently self-published author, I've been following some of your releases on Amazon over the past couple of months and I have a couple of questions.

What kind of marketing are you providing to your authors (or that they may be doing on their own)?
From looking at the rankings of most of your books, it looks to me like the average book is selling a few copies a week, with the most successful selling a few copies daily.
The reason I'm curious about this, is that my own research has led me to the opinion that the AH market, especially on Amazon, is underserved with good AH books. It seems to me that some of your releases should be performing higher on Amazon's charts, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are about this.

Also, all of the e-books that I looked at (at least at first glance) appeared to be offered exclusively on Amazon. If that's the case, have you considered letting your authors opt into Kindle Select (AKA Kindle Unlimited)?
