Several competing African Empires

In OTL, Africa has been dealt with a rather bad card, from geography, to deceased to Invaders, what if in another reality, several African civilisation survival all of their hardship and prosper, and enter rivalry.

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is with below conditions, create at least three African Empire that is competing for Africa Supremacy, they can be colonial empire, Trade empire or land empire.

1: It cannot be Egypt (Kemet)
2: It cannot be Arabic colonial empire, it must be rule by African natives.
3: No altering existing geography of Africa.
4: the Empires must be rival like between the British, Spanish and French.

Sorry if the grammar is kinda weird, English is not my first language.
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In fact, aren't Egyptians African, even if the color is different, so having competing African empires without Egypt(Kemet) isn't really enthusiastic?
Yes, but there already was an Egyptian empire, so an Egyptwank is kinda low-hanging fruit. I guess that's what OP means.
The reality is when I find any timetable in which Egypt is a truly great power, only one, which is what if the old Egypt remains until day and Horus the Victor
There was Mali Empire or Songhai Empire, or Ashanti or Dahomey, or the Kongo or Ndongo, or the Zulu, Swahili Kilwa Sultnate or Ethiopian Empire
in ocassion like this were you so wanna give ideas but you are gonna be spoiling eh its not like anyone reads my timeline any way but yeah pretty much the Sahel and the sucessors of the great Berber empire would be competing a lot
North Africa and the East Coast of Africa would be my best guest, perhaps West Africa too, the rest of Africa would've been severely technologically hampered by geography (heat, distance, proximity to Eurasian knowledge and technology). I'd also argue that you'd need connections with Europe/Asia to get Eurasian scientific and philosophical knowledge necessary to create such an empire. You'd need to find a region in Africa where it can sustain two or more great empires bordering or neighboring each other in order to make this work. The great empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai didn't have sufficient competition in West Africa to allow them to technologically progress like in Europe or Asia. Songhai failed to survive against Morocco (Early Modern Morocco was a very culturally,[1] and perhaps militarily, advanced North African civilization, it even defended itself successfully against a number of Portuguese invasions, one of which killed the Portuguese king at the time and sparked a Portuguese succession crisis that would see Portugal under Spain's personal union in the 16th century), perhaps if it did, then we would've seen a more technologically advanced Songhai.

[1]: The Met. Building the Moroccan Court. Youtube.
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Hmmm I did one with Ethiopia or Al-Habesha as it was an Islamic Ethiopia essentially becoming the Fourth Gunpowder Empire in the Islamic World. Essentially beating the Portuguese out of the Indian Ocean side of Africa.
There was Mali Empire or Songhai Empire, or Ashanti or Dahomey, or the Kongo or Ndongo, or the Zulu, Swahili Kilwa Sultnate or Ethiopian Empire
Plus the Mali and Songhai also battled directly, as did the Mali and Ghana Empires in ancient times. The Adal Sultanate also competed directly with the Ethiopian Empire, and the Sokoto Caliphate competed with the Bornu Empire
I like Ndongo and Matamba (Queen Njinga is a way underrecognized figure) the Rovzi (in Zimbabwe/Zambia/Mozambique, I think) and the Kilwa along the east coast.