So I just watched "The Great Martian War"

So I just got done watching The Great Martian War. This is important to me because it was very hard for me to find it. It's not on DVD and it only played on TV once as far as I know, so finally getting to watch it was quite an achievement for me! Anyways, I thought it was good, even if the CGI was a bit weird at times. There were alot of great twists and turns that kept the Documentary interesting, such as why the Martians are here in the first place, alot of fun historical references, and a scary reveal at the end. I will reveal it if I am asked.

So, thoughts?
So I just got done watching The Great Martian War. This is important to me because it was very hard for me to find it. It's not on DVD and it only played on TV once as far as I know, so finally getting to watch it was quite an achievement for me! Anyways, I thought it was good, even if the CGI was a bit weird at times. There were alot of great twists and turns that kept the Documentary interesting, such as why the Martians are here in the first place, alot of fun historical references, and a scary reveal at the end. I will reveal it if I am asked.

So, thoughts?
Where did you watch it?
Your welcome Brother! I Have been waiting for so long as well! I just wish it would come out on DVD so I could watch it on TV.
It was very War of the Worlds-y. But I did like the inclusion of Victorium or whatever it was called as a parasite who needs invasions to expand
It was very War of the Worlds-y. But I did like the inclusion of Victorium or whatever it was called as a parasite who needs invasions to expand
Victicite? Yeah, I liked that twist, and it really makes me reconsider my thoughts on the aliens from the other adaptations of War of the Worlds.
I greatly enjoyed the mockumentary and found it very intriguing. Although, I wish they explained how the war changed the world. Other than using Victicite to jump ahead technologically. they never talked about how the war altered the world as the people of the early 20th Century knew it.

However, I intensely dislike how similar they tried to make the Martian War to the First World War, especially the stuff with America remaining neutral. Why would a technologically advanced race invade just one continent? I find it hard to believe that the American people would treat a ALIEN INVASION OF EUROPE just like any other war. if I heard that aliens had invaded Europe, I would be praying to God that they won't invade my country. This mockumentary plays it too safe. It was afraid to be more creative than it wanted to be.

I can accept the Martians maybe invading Europe first, (chalk it up to limited resources, their own doctrine or whatever you can write around that). But yeah, I agree, the thing that broke my suspension of disbelief with the show was the neutral America thing. The notion that America would remain neutral after confirming an inter-stellar invasion is really lazy story-telling. I can accept maybe they might think initial reports are some elaborate hoax, but after it becomes really clear that Martians are marching up the Thames, the US government would react. I would have accepted the US maybe debates whether to abandon Europe and hoard resources for themselves to fight the Martians, but having the government worrying about "political entanglements" with the Entente or Central Powers (both of which are on the verge of ceasing to exist).... Well it makes Woodrow Wilson and the American government look like a bunch of inflexible dumbasses and represents a missed opportunity to do something interesting with American politics. Hell even if it was just "paralyzed with indecision" it'd make more sense in the narrative but having Wilson actively trying to "maintain neutrality" is schlock.
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Another thing that bothered me was how similar the post world Britain was. Sure it was the biggest focus but why no mention of a Terran counter offensive on Mars, or at least an attempt?