Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

Q ships is beyond the capacity of your Mafia or other organised crime actors. Those would (if they had the capacity) have been and mostly are too clever to act in a way that would give nations with worthy menofwar to commit them against them.

Criminal action is a very economic activity if done in big scale.

Organised crime can be, and are, involved in piracy. And while a Q-ship may not be beyond the capacity, resource wise, of organised crime, they usually don't commit the acts of piracy themselves. However, they do fence the goods obtained, bankroll the pirates if necessary, provide intel on specific targets and shipping schedules, and launder the money. On the flip side, if someone else is pirating or otherwise impacting their smuggling operations, they won't be happy & will want to identify the culprit in order to minimise their own losses. This may involve direct action themselves or it may involve leaking the information to the relevant authorities.

As for a privateer, while rare these days, this type of operation can be used by those without the necessary means to fund their own warships. A letter of marque provides the crew a degree of protection from the navies of other nations, as long as the privateer limits its commerce raiding activities to designated enemies of the nation-state that has issued said letter. This also provides cover for the authorising party, as they can disavow the privateer if the privateer targets non-designated vessels, as this would mean the privateer has slipped into piracy.

The more likely scenario is that of a Q-ship or armed merchantman/auxiliary, commissioned into a nation-states regular naval force, and on operations as either an anti-piracy/smuggling patrol of its own (possible) or a commerce raiding mission (probable).
In theory, a Q-ship just needs enough firepower to threaten to sink a ship. And given the advent of missiles, a few AShMs or even a old deck mounted gun or two would suffice. So one could see a organized crime syndicate having a Q ship. It'd be expensive and risky as hell though.

And Revy put it best, rockets are a helluva lot quicker then any distress signal.
Part 107, Chapter 1746
Chapter One Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Six

28th August 1966


Meeting Anna was awkward. It wasn’t helped by her feeling of being unwell revealing itself to be cramps arriving slightly earlier than anticipated, something made her even less interested in being sociable than normal. That meant that Kiki was feeling peevish before Anna even entered the picture.

Kiki had always known that Vicky would meet someone eventually, but that was only in the abstract. Having a Sunday lunch with her was completely different. Sure, Kiki had known several women in the Medical Service whose tastes mirrored Vicky’s, the difference was that she was Kiki’s little sister and as far as Kiki knew she had relatively little experience of being in a relationship. That meant that Vicky was vulnerable to being taken advantage of and the risk of exposure meant that she could be painted into a corner with absurd ease.

Was Anna the sort who might do that to Vicky? And if she were, what would Kiki do about it? The problems that Anna represented were astonishingly complex. If things didn’t work out things could get ugly, as in Tante Kat getting called in or having to find shovels and quicklime quickly in the early morning hours in the worst-case scenario. Vicky seemed blissfully unaware of any of that as she introduced Anna, a Research Assistant at the University, mid-twenties with sandy hair and brown eyes, she had the whole waifish academic thing down. Vicky had told Kiki that they were dear friends, but it was clear as day to Kiki that Anna was after far more than that. Was what she wanted a relationship, or just a fling? It made a huge difference and Kiki wasn’t sure how to figure out what Anna’s intentions were with giving offence. Kiki also found it strange to be on the other side of that equation. By the end of the meal, Kiki was inclined to strangle her unless she learned the full truth.

“Victoria said that you were a Doctorial Student” Anna said.

“Actually, I am Interning in Emergency Medicine” Kiki replied, “As a SA in the FSR.”

“FSR?” Anna asked, a bit bewildered.

“Parachute, Search and Rescue” Kiki said flatly, “You know Special Forces, Military, the Medical Service’s Jager Corps.”

“Be nice Kiki” Vicky said, “She isn’t a part of that world.”

“You are in the Medical Service then?” Anna asked.

“Yes” Kiki replied, “And I came up through it, I’ll not have anyone assuming I got where I am through family connections or wealth…”

Then Kiki noticed that Vicky was making a slashing gesture across her throat. The meaning was obvious, cut it out.

“Do you understand who we are?” Kiki asked, “I don’t care about your friendship with Vicky, if you become a threat to us it will end badly for you.”

“KIKI!” Vicky yelled appalled that it had escalated so quickly. Anna didn’t seem too concerned that Kiki had just threatened her.

“I’m not stupid” Anna said, “Speculation about your love life with that fighter pilot is all over the trashy tabloids which can’t be avoided in the market. I know you are trying to protect your sister, but do you even know who she is? Does she even need your protection?”

At least Anna was asking the right questions in response to Kiki. She also didn’t seem too surprised by Kiki’s apparent hostility. It all made Kiki just feel exhausted, what she would give to live in a world where she didn’t have to think about these things. Vicky was free to just be open about these matters and Kiki wouldn’t have to sus out if a woman she was involved with might go running to the same trashy tabloids that Anna herself had mentioned.

Trieste, Austria

It all came to a head when the flotilla returned to port and found the USS Victor Blue tied up to the pier near the SS O’Brian. The Blue was a common sight in the North Sea as she was one of the US Navy’s premiere Sub Hunters, tracking the KM’s Submarine Fleet as they made their way in and out of the Atlantic. The mere presence of the Blue was an escalation and the existence of the Q-Ship suggested that there was a State Actor involved. Louis needed to figure out where the Americans stood before he started a war with a nuclear power by accident.

Taking a launch, Louis gunned the outboard motor as he sped away from the pier where the flotilla was busily resupplying after their last patrol. The Marines were not thrilled with him going alone, but he didn’t have time to get the authorizations from the MND to read any of them in. They could get a call about an armed raider any minute, then the hunt would be on again.

“It’s been a minute Kapitänleutnant” Smith said as Louis entered the same wardroom where they had last spoken years earlier, just after Korea. “Is it von Spree or von Preussen?” There were four men around the table already. Smith himself, a man who was unmistakably a Naval Officer and three men who looked like they came from central casting as Intelligence ghouls. To readily identify them, Louis assigned them the appropriate names for their vocation, Larry, Moe, and Curly.

“That was business” Louis replied, “Admiral Hase needed someone to run his errands who the Shore Patrol wouldn’t molest. I had to pick a name though, for obvious reasons.”

“Odd choice of words” Smith said as he gestured to the empty chair.

“It sounds like the Shore Patrol are the same everywhere” The Naval Officer said amusedly, before getting up to shake Louis’ hand. “Commander Carter by the way, Herr Kaleu.”

It was an informal address, slang really, used for Louis’ Rank throughout the KM. Commander Carter, the Captain of the Blue, taking the time to learn that suggested there was more to him than met the eye. Someone who Louis needed to be careful not to underestimate.
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It either amuses me or vex me to no end when Kiki thinks that her and her siblings are unrecognizable to the public.
There are tabloids that have dedicated pages of print every week about their doings but Kiki is right to be concerned and Nancy should be kept informed just so she deal with any possible unforeseen and unwanted situations that may arise.

It looks like the Americans and Germans are after the same thing but the Americans want to get ahead of it before anyone else does because it may have been an American operation that has gone off the rails and the Americans want to take care of it themselves before there is any blowback.
It either amuses me or vex me to no end when Kiki thinks that her and her siblings are unrecognizable to the public.
It is not that she doesn't think that the public will recognize her, really it is that she doesn't recognize herself in the coverage that gets most things wrong.
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Kiki, this not your job. There are full time professionals whose job it is to keep an eye on this sort of thing. Vicky will complain to Louis, and Louis or Kat will tell her that Anna has already been thoroughly checked and she should butt out. Her only role is to be a sympathetic older sister if the relationship ends. Which it probably will, most relationships do.
That said, it IS a big sister's job to look after her little sister.
First impressions are that Anna will be a good influence on Vicky, even if publicly she will be Vicky's "close friend" and while everyone may know via rumours what the real story is, no one, even the most ardent Republican will say anything lest they damage their own cause. Even if/when* homosexuality in Germany is decriminalised, Vicky will probably need to stay in the closet probably until the 90's, although if gay rights becomes more of a battle ground in say the 70's, don't be shocked if Vicky outs herself to make a point and give the campaigners a huge boost.
If that happens, do not be surprised to see Kiki or Louis Jr stood beside her.
Quick question that understand the German legal system better than me:
Does the Emperor have the legal authority to issue a pardon to someone for an offense committed?
an legal system better than me:
Does the Emperor have the legal authority to issue a pardon to someone for an offense committed?

If he has at least the same powers in TTL as the federal president has OTL then yes, he should have that power.
Kiki has actually done a good thing in an awkward way. Both she & Vicky now know that Anna has the intestinal fortitude to defend herself and Vicky if things get difficult. As for the not so subtle implied threat, it is something that Anna needs to be aware could be a possibility in the future. Remember Kat's little conversations with both Ben & his mother? Or the manner in which Papa Louis 'requested' Ben's presence in order to determine his intentions re: Kiki?

As for the increasingly complicated naval situation in the Adriatic, things are getting curious-er & curious-er. To quote a fictional detective of British origins: "The game's afoot!"
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I have a question about Selisia, do the Polish Nationalists consider that region as part of Poland?
The reason I ask is that I believe that Helene represents that area in the Reichstag and being from a prominent family and a high ranking Cabinet Minister could make her a target of Polish "Freedom Fighters".
Kiki has actually done a good thing in an awkward way. Both she & Vicky now know that Anna has the intestinal fortitude to defend herself and Vicky if things get difficult. As for the not so subtle implied threat, it is something that Anna needs to be could be a possibility in the future. Remember Kat's little conversations with both Ben & his mother? Or the manner in which Papa Louis 'requested' Ben's presence in order to determine his intentions re: Kiki?

As for the increasingly complicated naval situation in the Adriatic, things are getting curious-er & curious-er. To quote a fictional detective of British origins: "The game's afoot!"
I am half disappointed now that there isn't a Moriarty running around to cause troubles for everyone, thus necessitating Kat's intervention.

Marc A
I am half disappointed now that there isn't a Moriarty running around to cause troubles for everyone, thus necessitating Kat's intervention.

Marc A

Senor Arbusto comes closest, although I see him as more of a fluffy cat person. (Unless he has allergies, then he'd be a hairless cat person.) I also get the impression Jorge doesn't waste time with monologues or laser-armed sharks & just has people killed.

Edit: The formerly von Papen was another potential candidate, but he was Katted.
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It all came to a head when the flotilla returned to port and found the USS Victor Blue tied up to the pier near the SS O’Brian. The Blue was a common sight in the North Sea as she was one of the US Navy’s premiere Sub Hunters, tracking the KM’s Submarine Fleet as they made their way in and out of the Atlantic.

IIRC naval doctrine at the time (Vietnam era) our US Navy, unless the unknown actors have both a Q-ship and a submarine(s), more-than-likely wouldn't send in an ASW platform because they aren't the best vessels for the work at hand. Plus, the North Sea ASW role keeping wary eyes on the KLM would be more important for the USS Blue, if she had been refitted for the role, to be there doing when other ships are (hopefully) available.

The USS Blue (Named for Rear Admiral Victor Blue) DD-387, was commissioned in 1937, and if she hadn't been scuttled 23 August 1942 in Ironbottom Sound, by 1966 she'd be a money pit. The Blue would likely have required at least 2 major refits in it's 30 years of active duty - new boilers, bearings, shafts, etc. - since launching, just to keep her as up-to-date as possible. I think that adding in 1960's sonars would be extremely difficult, as the bow would need to be redesigned and fabricated.

For the anti-pirate role I think 2-3 frigates (FF) would do better than one larger ship. Cover a greater amount of area at one time, and being able to come at the Q-ship (when detected) from more than one direction makes the capture or (more likely) the sinking of the Q-ship very likely after only a short period of time.

In this instance, a USN destroyer is a Claidheamh-mor; the FFs would be rapiers. 3 FFs hunting would cover way more territory, and they could better radar sweep then hopefully catch the Q-ship between at least 2 of the FFs.
Could be a new one instead of DD-387. ITTL the US pretty much sat out WWII and shipbuilding schedules would probably be butterflied as a result.

Marc A
IIRC naval doctrine at the time (Vietnam era) our US Navy, unless the unknown actors have both a Q-ship and a submarine(s), more-than-likely wouldn't send in an ASW platform because they aren't the best vessels for the work at hand. Plus, the North Sea ASW role keeping wary eyes on the KLM would be more important for the USS Blue, if she had been refitted for the role, to be there doing when other ships are (hopefully) available.

She could have been en-route to her regular station, after a home port visit stateside for resupply and/or refit, and diverted to the Med due to being the closest available asset. Assuming of course that the US isn't officially involved in the unpleasantness & has lost US flagged shipping in the region. Her presence could be a gesture, officially at least, that the US desires a peaceful resolution to the current crisis and to assist in the capture of the rogue pirate outfit menacing the Adriatic.

The USS Blue (Named for Rear Admiral Victor Blue) DD-387, was commissioned in 1937, and if she hadn't been scuttled 23 August 1942 in Ironbottom Sound, by 1966 she'd be a money pit. The Blue would likely have required at least 2 major refits in it's 30 years of active duty - new boilers, bearings, shafts, etc. - since launching, just to keep her as up-to-date as possible. I think that adding in 1960's sonars would be extremely difficult, as the bow would need to be redesigned and fabricated.
Could be a new one instead of DD-387. ITTL the US pretty much sat out WWII and shipbuilding schedules would probably be butterflied as a result.

Navies do tend to have a habit of naming new builds after their predecessors, especially if they haven't had a really big naval oriented war of the sort that creates a whole new batch of heroes & battles to name ships after.
The Blue is an old ship about to go to the breakers and Carter is moving on, soon to be in a different Command. The reason the Blue is there for use by the ONI is because she is disposable.