Swedish-Prussian dynastic union

I have this idea of a dynastic union of Prussia and Sweden at the death of Gustav Adolf in battle in 1632. You'd need a sister of his to marry the duke of Brandenburg for it to start. Then the scenario would proceed with the union becoming an even greater power than historically Sweden was, and a colonial power too, with potentially enormous consequences frpm Scandinavia to North America, from the Gulf of Guinea to New Zealand.

Someone would like to try? I'm very dispersive, am working/reading other things, and have little time to flesh it out.
Considering Christina's character (and the fact that she converted to Catholicism) and the fact that the Prussians (which were at this time primarily Electors of Brandenburg- Prussia was in union by this time but it was only a duchy, and a fief of Poland at that) and the fact that the Great Elector converted to Calvinism after his exile in the Netherlands, and that the Swedes were rather... unpleasant, towards Brandenburg this is challenging.

Now the Great Elector is shrewd and practical enough to accept a union with a former enemy as it would give him Western Pomerania, something he dearly desired, and also a kingdom, but the problem is that Austria and Poland would object very strenuously, and of course there is also the question of Christina and the Swedes and why they would accept this deal. Assuming that they win the inevitable war (allying with Russia and France, is probably the best move here) this would be quite an interesting timeline (this state would not be "Prussia" TTL, as there would be no need for the Hohenzollerns to make Prussia a crown when they already have one).
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