The Aquitanian Lioness and her three cubs – A Collaborative Timeline

Birth of the Twins of Eleanor of Aquitaine
July/August 1150

Eleanor of Aquitaine would give birth to twins named Alix of France and Philip of France which were conceived as a result of Pope Eugene III making Eleanor of Aquitaine and Louis VII consummate their relationship, Eleanor and Louis would decide to separate ways months after the birth of the twins with their children remaining in the custody of Louis after Eleanor of Aquitaine left to Aquitaine in 1152 to administer her own Duchy as the two have been estranged since their crusade.



-No killing of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Louis VII, Marie of France, Alix of France until their OTL deaths or after.

-No killing of Philip of France.

-No Contradicting of previous posts, you can reference a butterfly as long as it does not contradict any previous post.

-Non-Linear, you can post any event even if it occurs before the previous post only if it is after the POD which is in 1149 after Eleanor slept with Louis in Rome as long as it does not contradict any of the previous post.

-Claim before Posting.


-Please refrain from making another post until someone else has contributed following your last submission.
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Henry I of Champagne and Beatrice of Burgundy
December 1150

The Blois-Champagne would plan their expansion in Burgundy to reclaim their Kingdom, Henry I of Champagne would be betrothed to Beatrice of Burgundy, the heiress of Burgundy who would be raised in Champagne to claim their rightful claims to the Kingdom of Arles.

Beatrice of Burgundy and Henry I of Champagne would have a good relationship and would genuinely like each other, Louis VII would support their marriage as he believed that the marriage would expand the influence of the French Kingdom to Burgundy and the fact that he did not have a son that is the right age to marry Beatrice of Burgundy.
Death of Henry of Anjou
September 1150

In 1150, Geoffrey made Henry the Duke of Normandy and Louis responded by putting forward King Stephen's son Eustace as the rightful heir to the duchy and launching a military campaign to remove Henry from the province. Henry died in battle, leaving his younger brother Geoffrey of Nantes to pick up his mantle.
September 1150

In 1150, Geoffrey made Henry the Duke of Normandy and Louis responded by putting forward King Stephen's son Eustace as the rightful heir to the duchy and launching a military campaign to remove Henry from the province. Henry died in battle, leaving his younger brother Geoffrey of Nantes to pick up his mantle.
Next time, claim before adding an update, thanks.
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Eleanor of Aquitaine’s scandal
October 1150

On After the death of Henry, Duke of Normandy, Eleanor of Aquitaine who had just given birth to Philip of France and Alix of France, Eleanor of Aquitaine would mourn the death of Henry of Normandy who he saw Eleanor had some affection within the court and the fact that Louis VII did not consummate his marriage with Eleanor of Aquitaine since they were ordered to sleep in the same bed in Rome by Pope Eugene III which would cause doubts and rumors about the paternity of Alix and Philip and would further contribute to the alienation of Eleanor of Aquitaine in the French court and her leaving the French court to Aquitaine in 1152.
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