Ooh sounds like Isabella is making the best of a less than ideal situation..
About her girls? Without doubt. About her remarriage? Isabella need to remember who Christian was far from being an ideal husband and give an opportunity to the Elector (who also was pressed by Charles in accepting the match with Isabella). Plus the Elector is in a good position for helping Hans to reclaim his crown (and in an excellent one for persuading also Isabella’s brothers to support Hans) and she know that. I think who before her departure Aunt Margaret will take her aside and told her to stop to play the sacrificial victim and remember to a be an Habsburg
Worries - Isabel
Isabel, Holy Roman Empress was so full of joy in taking in her arms her newborn son who she had almost forgotten the pains of childbirth… She was grateful for Catalina’s support and encouragements during that ordeal as that had given her strength and taken away all her worries about childbirth. She smiled to her aunt who was there, still fussing over her, for making sure who Isabel would be at her best for Charles‘ arrival as the Emperor was impatiently waiting outside the room to be allowed to enter.
Then Charles arrived and Isabel, who was really tired and barely able to keep her eyes open felt a little despair as perceiving her husband‘s nervousness, specially when he barely looked at the son who Catalina was putting in his arm, more interested in having an answer to some barely spoken question. She was feeling too numb for talking and too upset for the apparent disinterest of Charles for their son for being able to feel anything, specially seeing the baby again in Catalina’s arms. Isabel closed her eyes, then reopened them few moments later hearing her husband’s worried voice who was asking how she was while taking her hands in his own… she was barely able to say who she was tired but Charles visibly relaxed and kissed her forehead while Catalina told him to not worry as she would be again fine in short time before giving her the newborn baby as Isabel had extended her arms toward Catalina as soon Charles had let go her hands. This time Charles looked at the baby boy with interest, kissing first him and then her, thanking her for having give to him and Spain a so precious and perfect heir, prompting a small laugh from her as she relaxed, finally understanding who Charles had been simply over worried for her health when the Emperor told her to sleep and fully recover her strength quickly as he needed her at his side as soon was possible as he had feared to lose her while he would take their little Philip with him outside the room before leaving him to the care of his wet nurse. While her husband left the room with their son, followed by their aunt, Isabel closed her eyes, telling herself who she had been really stupid to think who Charles do not cared for their child… Catalina had told her more than once who her doubts were unfounded and who Charles looked much happier now than he had been when they had first meet in England but Isabel had not listened to her, still feeling far too insecure about Charles‘ love, specially when they had meet the viceroy and vicereine of Valencia as she knew far too well who Germaine of Foix, Dowager Queen of Aragon had been Charles’ lover and their forbidden relationship had been one of the reason for which the Emperor had refuted to marry her in the past, choosing instead to marry his sister Eleanor to the widowed King Manuel, Isabel’s father, for keeping Portugal’s friendship, with all the terrible consequences of that choice. Rationally Isabel knew who Charles at the time had wanted a French match for himself and who he was already engaged to the infant daughter of Francis I, but that had not prevented her to be extremely jealous of Germaine, who had since remarried twice, on Charles’ order, but before that had also given to him his firstborn child, and she knew who Charles loved dearly their daughter Isabella, who he had sent in his native Burgundy, under the custody of the aunt who had raised him first and then in the household of his sister Isabella, once the exiled Queen of Denmark had sought refuge in the Netherlands (and now the little girl was to go to live in Italy, under Eleanor’s custody, as Charles planned to marry her to some ruler there). And if that was not enough Isabel‘s suspicions had apparently been confirmed by Charles’ irate reaction when he had been informed by Germaine’s current pregnancy (thinking rationally Isabel could understand who Charles had been angry as Germaine’s actual husband was the former heir of the Kingdom of Naples and the fact who Germaine had not given any child to her second husband had led him to think who he was not risking anything in marrying the already 38 years old Germaine to Ferdinand of Calabria and instead she had fallen pregnant few months after the wedding) and her own pregnancy had not helped all to keep under control that kind of thoughts.
Well she now needed to stop to worry and relax and remember who she was far from being in the same situation of her poor sister-in-law Catarina, as her brother’s inability to let go his fixation with their former stepmother was ruining his wedding and the life of his wife. She had written to Joao more than once, trying to push her brother to do the right thing to his wife but she had received confirmation who the gossip who she had heard about her brother calling his wife with the name of her elder sister were unluckily true and Catarina had been felt extremely humiliated by that accident, who had not happened only once.
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Awww it's great that Catalina is there for her niece and nephew..
Yes, sure. As I said in one of the chapter of Charles, Catalina and Isabel had quickly forged a strong relationship and sometimes people found difficult remember who they are not mother and daughter but only aunt and niece. Still Isabel’s pregnancy made her quite nervous and insecure and she gave far too space to her fears without any reason (and when she can think rationally about it she can understand that). Now who she has an healthy little boy and has seen how Charles was scared by the possibility of lose her she is almost ready to let go that nonsense…
Sorry, this is not a new update (but I hope to have it soon) but for now I have some little extra for you, as I am really loving making portraits for my TLs
I also want thank @Xenophonte and @Nuraghe for having nominated this TL for the Turtledoves as that was really unexpected and I am glad you like so much my TL
Portraits - Queen Anne of Bohemia and Hungary
Portraits - Catalina of Aragon and Louise of Savoy
Happiness - Eleonora
Eleanor, Duchess of Milan was overjoyed, looking her darling daughter, the six years old Maria, who was giving kisses to her newborn half-brother, little Ludovico Sforza, born just few days earlier. She had no need to worry about Maria’s interaction with the baby as her husband Francesco also was there and he had lifted Maria for let her see better the baby and encouraged her to welcome her brother with kisses. Little Ludovico was named for his paternal grandfather, and Eleanor truly hoped who her son would inherit the best traits of both branches of his family and would become a loved and strong ruler as his namesake grandfather had been before his fall. Well, only God knew what would become of a baby so small, but Eleanor really hoped to see him growing up as she doubted who her heart would survive to the loss of another son, after the death of her little Carlos, her firstborn, who had died at fourteen months, less than two months before Maria’s birth. Eleanor had been lost in her thoughts and so had missed the fact who Francesco had put Maria back on the floor and was startled for a moment when her daughter reached her, before taking the girl in her arms and helping her to settle on the bed, smiling to her husband who was coming to them with Ludovico and making space also for them. Few minutes later Francesco leaved, called back to his duties, leaving Eleanor with their Ludovico, who was close to fall asleep, on her chest, and Maria who continued to look fascinated at her brother, now curled on the bed with her head on her mother‘s lap. As soon the baby was asleep Eleanor gave him back to his wet nurse, passing her hands, now free, in the hairs of Maria, before closing her arms around her daughter‘s body and kissing her little girl. Eleanor knew who she was really lucky as she had quickly established a good relationship with Francesco and her husband had also established a good relationship with Maria; she truly hoped who her sister Isabella would have the same luck with her new husband as she do not wanted be the only one among her sisters to be happy and Mary was heartbroken by the death of an husband who she had loved with all herself, while she had lost any hope who Catarina could be happy with Joao as she had fervently hoped: her youngest sister was currently pregnant with her first child but Joao’s attitude toward his wife had not changed at all. She could do little for her youngest sister, but in the letter of congratulations to Catarina and Joao she had still expressed her fervent wish to see the baby named after the late Manuel… hopefully Joao would get the meaning and not call his firstborn Eleanor, if Catarina had the misfortune to birth a girl, as she suspected who her former stepson would be deeply unhappy with such outcome.
Maria, now who she had her mother‘s full attention had started to ask about the upcoming arrival of her cousins as she was anxiously awaiting them, specially Christina, as she hoped who they would be better playmates than the young Medici heiress who felt to be too old for indulge in Maria’s favorites pastimes .
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The polls for the Turtledoves are up since some days and will end Saturday so if you want vote this TL (or also my other one or both) in the Early modern category I will be really happy.
I have also made a whole album of portraits only for this Eleanor and you can find it here https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBf2rq
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Determination - Ferdinand
Ferdinand of Austria, King of Bohemia and Hungary could not stop to ask himself when he would lose his luck and what would be the price to pay for it: neither Anna, pregnant with their second child, who would be born in the middle of the summer, nor Mary, still heartbroken for the loss of her husband, had been happy to see him depart from Vienna, a month earlier, and he was secure who both women had barely stopped themselves from pray him to not go in war a moment before starting to talk and he was grateful for that: his duty was to be at the head of the big army who was raised for repel the Ottoman invasion and retake from them all the lands who was possible snatch from their control as he was both the Imperial Vicar and the new King of the occupied Hungary. Luckily Charles had been able to sent him a big army with many competent commanders and all the German princes had at least sent their men at the established date without delay so he had the means for trying to reach his objectives, but that do not prevented him from feeling guilty as he would have not received the Crown of Hungary and the full recognition from its nobility if not for two deaths: true who he had been unable to do anything for helping Louis II, his brother-in-law, as Charles’ army had been tied in Italy for the conflict against France (and the late King Francis I had truly allied with the Ottomans in his mad quest for destroying Charles‘ power who had left Europe vulnerable to the Ottomans, and that was an unforgivable sin for Ferdinand, who was raised by his maternal grandparents, who had freed Spain from the Moors of Granada) while the German Princes had refuted any call of the Imperial army as the teaching of the heretic monk Luther had mede them believe who allying with France for destroying the power of the Emperor was a better cause than fight the Ottomans invaders. A pity who they had needed the death of the unlucky Louis for recovering reason as Mohacs could have been different if the Imperial army had joined the few men who he had been able to send from Austria and the ones sent from Poland by Louis’ uncle. And Janos Zapolya, the Voivode of Transylvania, had choose to sought the Crown for himself instead of allying with Ferdinand and would not have been unwilling to get a deal with the Ottomans for consolidate his crown, if whispers were to believe, and Ferdinand had no reason for discard them when both Anna and Mary, who knew the late Zapolya better than him, reputed them credible. That left him wondering what had caused the death of Zapolya as he was doubtlessly killed by the Ottomans, with which he was willing to deal: something had gone wrong in the negotiations or the Ottomans had been unaware of the presence of Zapolya there and had attached Bathory, believing who Zapolya’s deputy was his namesake the Palatine? Well Ferdinand doubted who he would ever find an answer to that question and was not truly interested in knowing what had gone wrong that day: the Voivode was dead, and like his late King he was fallen fighting the Ottomans in defense of his Kingdom, and had fought with courage and valor against the invaders and for that he deserved a place among the heroes and Ferdinand would his best for avenging both him and Louis and the other commanders fallen against the Ottomans
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