1485: The Red Rose withers, the White Rose reborn.

King John II of England and his wife Queen Elizabeth Plantagenet.
August-November 1485: After the defeat of King Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth the Lancastrian pretender, Henry Tudor assumed power in England declaring himself King Henry VII by right of Conquest, his reign however would be incredibly brief, the arrival of troops Henry VII also brought with him a terrible disease known as "The Sweating Sickness", an epidemic soon ensued in England, although Henry VII mostly ignored the disease by worrying about more pressing things like his coronation which took place on October 30th and his engagement to Elizabeth Plantagenet, the eldest daughter of King Edward IV, unfortunately for him the Disease hit London hard in November 1485, and despite all the care Henry VII contracted the terrible disease, although it resisted well at first the king ended up succumbing to the disease and died on November 30 [1], with that Henry VII would go down in history as "The Hundred Days King", marking the end of the Lancaster lineage and leaving a void power in England.

December 1 to 12, 1485: The death of King Henry VII leaves a vacuum of power to be filled, the once ambitious Margaret Beuafort enters into a deep melancholy with the death of her only son and starts to isolate herself from politics, the only Lancastrian leader still present is Jasper Tudor, the uncle of Henry VII who has no right to the throne, an emergency regency council is proclaimed to decide who will be the new king, Edward Plantagenet, 17th Earl of Warwick as eldest male member of the Plantagent line is the leading candidate, although some support John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln who was supposedly declared as Richard III's heir before his death at Bosworth.

December 13, 1485: Edward Plantagenet, 1st Earl of Warwick is found dead at the foot of a staircase in the Tower of London, the ten-year-old possibly broke his neck tripping on the stairs and rolling down several steps.

December 20, 1485: John De La Pole, Earl of Lincoln is acclaimed as King John II of England, the first king of the De la Pole Dynasty, to secure his throne he promises to marry his cousin, Elizabeth Plantagenet, his coronation and wedding are set for the early following year, after 30 years the War of the Roses comes to an end with an unexpected Yorkist victory, it seems that England will finally have some peace.

[1] The PoD

So this is my first Timeline here, sorry for any mistakes
1. Each post should not span more than one year, although you can go into detail about events that occurred in said year.
2. No contradicting previous posts.
3. The PoD occurs on November 30, 1485, you can reference a butterfly that occurred in a previous year, as long as nothing prior to this day should be changed (For example, you can reference a butterfly that happened in 1490 , even your posting happened in 1500)
3. You don't have to cover what's happening in every country in a year, just write about what you want or know about.
6. You must wait until at least one person posts after you before posting again.
7. Preferably add images, it is not mandatory however.
8. Posts can be formatted however you like, for example they can be from a character's point of view, just make sure they don't cover more than a year or contradict a previous post in any way.
9. You can't kill a character out of thin air unless it contributes to the story.
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1486: The coronation, the marriage and the heir
January 20 1486
John II is crowned in Westminster and marry Elisabeth of York.

October 14 1486
William de la Pole, Duke of Cornwall is Born.
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January 20 1486
John II is crowned in Westminster and marry Elisabeth of York.

August 20 1486
William de la Pole, Prince of Wales and Duke of Cromwall is Born.
If John II and Elizabeth were married on the 20th of January then the baby would have to have been born in late October/early November, if the boy is born a little premature however, you can have him born on October 14, 1486, the 420th Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings
Also, he still wouldn't be called the Prince of Wales, just the Duke of Cornwall.
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Grey Wolf

If John II and Elizabeth were married on the 20th of January then the baby would have to have been born in late October/early November, if the boy is born a little premature however, you can have him born on October 14, 1486, the 420th Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings
Also, he still wouldn't be called the Prince of Wales, just the Duke of Cornwall.

1) They could have got together BEFORE their marriage


2) He is born c 6 weeks premature but survives, this can happen even in medieaval times
1487: Prince's Engagement
November 1487
The Duke of Cornwall is betrothed to the youngest daughter of the Catholic Monarchs, Catalina of Aragon. Margaret Beaufort, heartbroken over the loss of her only son, dies quietly and her lands revert to the crown.
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Edward will be the Duke of York. William is John's Grandfather, and there is the day of his birth to keep in mind too.
Naming his son after his very hated paternal grandfather, who is NOT well remembered at all, would be an idiocy. If you do not want use Edward for the eldest son then use Richard or Edmund
1488: The Victory of James III
January 1488: Queen Elizabeth Plantagenta gives birth to a baby girl, she is named Elizabeth De la Pole.

June 1488: King James III defeats rebellious nobles at the Battle of Sauchieburn, he captures his son James, Duke of Rothesay and places him under house arrest in Edinburgh Castle, most of the nobles are executed and their lands taken by the crown, this strengthens the power of the king to the detriment of the power of the nobles

November 1488: Queen Elizabeth Plantagent announces her third pregnancy, the child is due in late April

December 1488: Christian, Crown Prince of Denmark dies at the age of 7, probably from Pneumonia, with no heirs King John of Denmark tries to have more children with his wife.
1489: The Royal Spare
April 28 1489
Edward de la Pole Duke of York is born to the Royal couple. The boy is healthy but the royal couple is adviced to wait for more children.

October 14 1489
Willam, Duke of Cornwall becomes Prince of Wales.