I'm not sure Legalism could sustain itself tbh. Don't have any real reasoning for it. It's just what my gut is telling me.
In and of itself, I'd agree, but using the austere moral framework of Mohism and its jian ai feels strangely natural to Legalism. The law exists to establish justice, essentially.
Very nice. Great work on how Buddhism and the cynic school relate to one another. The writing you do on philosophy is what makes this go from a good TL to a great one. I'm interested in how much autonomy the satraps have. Could we see border satraps get a little adventurous with expanding their own domains?
Really enjoying this story, but I do have to ask if some of the pictures are AI generated? I know it's slightly off topic but several of the pictures in the last chapter gave off that vibe and pulled me out of the story. Sorry.
Very nice. Great work on how Buddhism and the cynic school relate to one another. The writing you do on philosophy is what makes this go from a good TL to a great one. I'm interested in how much autonomy the satraps have. Could we see border satraps get a little adventurous with expanding their own domains?
As central authority continues to erode slowly, it's more likely than not yes
Really enjoying this story, but I do have to ask if some of the pictures are AI generated? I know it's slightly off topic but several of the pictures in the last chapter gave off that vibe and pulled me out of the story. Sorry.
Some of them yes. Pictures that directly relate to what i'm showing instead of something that vaguely resembles it are better imo
I am willing to bet foul play within the royal family is behind the second diadoch war. Wars for succession were pretty common in this time period. Also how is Buddhism's stance on royalty free different from western philosophies?
It is an interesting parallel isn't it? The sage had predicted that Buddha would either become 'the greatest ruler or the greatest teacher'. Where Buddha became a great teacher, Alexander became the Great Ruler. Many Buddhist schools will ponder it, and more often than not, the Samsara or the Wheel will become blamed for it, as it reflects curious reflections back on humanity.
Im now imagining that within this TL there must be a story where they have Buddha and Alexander swap roles(with a butterfly net keeping one from butterflying the other)
Like a "Gautaman Empire" in India expanding all the way accross Eurasia up towards Greece with it's monarch, as prosperous he may be, ultimately dying without experiencing enlightement while - in Greece - a greek prince named Alexander, student of Aristotle and heir to the wisdom of Socrates & Plato, relinquishes his kingdom to become a scholar and spread his new religion that pursues enlightement for himself and others
I feel like you have to pick one or the other cuz the Qin werent big fans of ideological diversity
Though applying legalist methods is something pretty much all dynasties did once in a while
Legalist means but Mohist ends. After all, what is the law for, if not to establish justice for all? Certainly, it seems less hypocritical than the "benevolent hierarchies" of Confucianism.

*in before the totalitarian nightmare born from the Qin establishing a proto-communist dictatorship*
Hold on, I just thought of something.
You know how, in many east-west swap scenario's, China and Rome switch fates? Well, I'm wondering, since Rome will be Buddhist in this timeline, what would the Chinese equivalent to Christianity look like?Maybe some sort of fusion between Mohism and Taoism/Yin-Yang-Chia? Is there anywhere in China that could act as a Jerusalem/Isreal equivalent? Is there something in China comparable to second temple Judaism?
Legalist means but Mohist ends. After all, what is the law for, if not to establish justice for all? Certainly, it seems less hypocritical than the "benevolent hierarchies" of Confucianism.

*in before the totalitarian nightmare born from the Qin establishing a proto-communist dictatorship*
Maybe it's possible to create a fusion of both, (Legalist-Mohism and Confucianism) where they keep each other's excesses in check. Something like Taoism/School of naturalism would probably lay a good philosophical bedrock for such a thing.
Hold on, I just thought of something.
You know how, in many east-west swap scenario's, China and Rome switch fates? Well, I'm wondering, since Rome will be Buddhist in this timeline, what would the Chinese equivalent to Christianity look like?Maybe some sort of fusion between Mohism and Taoism/Yin-Yang-Chia? Is there anywhere in China that could act as a Jerusalem/Isreal equivalent? Is there something in China comparable to second temple Judaism?
Bold of you to assume Rome rises ITTL :p TTL’s West could remain Hellenic-dominated.
Hold on, I just thought of something.
You know how, in many east-west swap scenario's, China and Rome switch fates? Well, I'm wondering, since Rome will be Buddhist in this timeline, what would the Chinese equivalent to Christianity look like?Maybe some sort of fusion between Mohism and Taoism/Yin-Yang-Chia? Is there anywhere in China that could act as a Jerusalem/Isreal equivalent? Is there something in China comparable to second temple Judaism?
Why assume this is an east west swap scenario? Buddhism spreading west doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t spread east.
Hold on, I just thought of something.
You know how, in many east-west swap scenario's, China and Rome switch fates? Well, I'm wondering, since Rome will be Buddhist in this timeline, what would the Chinese equivalent to Christianity look like?Maybe some sort of fusion between Mohism and Taoism/Yin-Yang-Chia? Is there anywhere in China that could act as a Jerusalem/Isreal equivalent? Is there something in China comparable to second temple Judaism?
Why assume this is an east west swap scenario? Buddhism spreading west doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t spread east.
This too. We could end up with Global Buddhism, albeit different regional traditions.

…honestly I like that idea better than a swap.
Why assume this is an east west swap scenario? Buddhism spreading west doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t spread east.
I'm not, I'm just using it as an example.
This too. We could end up with Global Buddhism, albeit different regional traditions.

…honestly I like that idea better than a swap.
The whole reason we're discussing it was because of the comment below. We were discussing ideas for a China without Buddhism.
I kinda don't want to see East Asia adopt Buddhism. Seeing how it might evolve independently is more interesting. Than the world being a Buddhist blob.
Anyway, there's something I'd like to ask that's related to my earlier comment:
If you were to associate Confucianism and Mohism/Legalism with the two halfs of Yin yang, which would it be?
Would you associate Confucianism with Yin and Mohism/Legalism with Yang or vice versa?
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Maybe it's possible to create a fusion of both, (Legalist-Mohism and Confucianism) where they keep each other's excesses in check. Something like Taoism/School of naturalism would probably lay a good philosophical bedrock for such a thing.
Technically, the Han dynasty IOTL is already a synthesis of Legalism and Confucianism, considering that they moderated but didn't abandon the laws of the Qin. It's Mohism, the philosophy of the common folk, that was ultimately shafted.

Mohism and Legalism are the philosophies that can live in synthesis with one another, Legalist means for a Mohist end.
This too. We could end up with Global Buddhism, albeit different regional traditions.

…honestly I like that idea better than a swap.

Also on the note of a "Chinese Christianity"
OTL Christianity wasnt greek or roman at all, it was a jewish religion that intended to convert non-jews too and later got coopted by said non-jews(the europeans)

Any asian equivalent wouldnt be chinese at all, let alone a synthesis of chinese religions, in the same way Christianity isnt some synthesis of Stoicism and...idk, Neoplatonism?

If this was a East-West swap(and Im hoping it isnt) the eastern equivalent would have to be something coming out of China

Some kind of salvationist cult-philosophy derived from a ethnic religion from a foreign people intended to be the final religion of said people but also to be open for everyone(aka - universalist), that then got sinicized and became the national religion of China

And we already got a religion that fills all of the above, it's Buddhism
This too. We could end up with Global Buddhism, albeit different regional traditions.

…honestly I like that idea better than a swap.
Tbf global Buddhism which has a bunch of different sects and with all fighting against each other for influence would be very interesting.

For example something like the Celts with Buddhist interpretations would be fun.
Tbf global Buddhism which has a bunch of different sects and with all fighting against each other for influence would be very interesting.

For example something like the Celts with Buddhist interpretations would be fun.
"It's a Buddhist World, you're just living in it!"